* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IBM AFP Workbench for Windows Viewer * * Version 1.62 * * for * * IBM Infoprint Manager for AIX * * Version 4.1.0 * * Read Me * * * * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 2002 * * * * All Rights Reserved * * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * * * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This version of the AFP* Workbench for Windows** Viewer is provided for viewing of TIFF, ASCII and MO:DCA (or AFP "ripped") files from the Infoprint Submit Windows workstations. This README.TXT file contains additional information for using the Viewer. Included are the following sections: - Installation Notes - Troubleshooting - More Fonts Available for Viewing Please see the online help for usage information. ************************************************************************ Installation Notes ------------------ 1. The installation is launched by starting the Windows program: D:\SUBMIT\WIN\WRKBENCH\setup.exe, where D denotes the drive letter of your CD-ROM. 2. If you want to remove the AFP Workbench, you can have the install program delete all the files. To do this, restart the install program from the original Infoprint Submit install procedure and select "Delete the product and reinstall." When the program has been deleted, select Cancel when the install program asks you to begin reinstalling. 3. If you did not accept the default directory (C:\Program Files\AFP Workbench 32), change the AFP Viewer directory location in the Infoprint Submit Setup from the Options pulldown. 4. This version of the AFP Workbench Viewer does not supply Adobe*** Type Manager (ATM) and will display text using TrueType fonts. You can install ATM to utilize Type 1 fonts. 5. If you need to view Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese or Korean fonts within an AFP document, copy additional font definition files from the IBM Infoprint Manager CD in the \win\wrkbench\font\* directories (where * is JPN for Japanese, KOR for Korean, CHS for Simplified Chinese and CHT for Traditional Chinese). Copy *.JPN or *.CHT or *.KOR *.CHS files to your AFP Viewer font directory (C:\Program Files\AFP Workbench 32 is the default). Copy the *.cp files to your AFP Viewer font maps directory (C:\Program Files\AFP Workbench 32\font\maps is the default). NOTE: Before installing any corrective service, you should back up any Viewer files that you have modified, such as font definition or code page map files, as the install may overwrite them. You may want to keep track of changes you make as you go along. The install program will make a backup copy of all files for you if you check the "Save backup version" checkbox. ************************************************************************ Troubleshooting --------------- 1. ADOBE TYPE MANAGER If you have ATM installed, the ATM Read Me file (README.TXT) is available (usually in your Windows directory). You can view it with the Viewer, or Notepad or any system editor to see more information about ATM. 2. INVALID AFP DATA STREAM AFP structured fields in which the Length parameter does not match the actual length of the data, cause problems. In some cases, the record length may have been ignored by PSF. In other cases, padding may have been added or truncated with no error reported by PSF. These problems can often be traced to the program that produced the AFP data stream, opening the file with a S/370 editor that truncated padding, or specifying the wrong parameters when the AFP file was downloaded. A symptom of host editor data corruption is a missing resource message reported by the Viewer where the resource name has an '!' as the last character of the name. For example, if the Viewer reported that overlay O1ABC! could not be found, this would indicate that bytes have been lost and that less AFP data was present than the AFP structured fields defined. 3. PRINTING - When you select the Current page for printing on a Windows printer, the current view will be printed with the width of the window scaled to fit the width of the printer's printable area. When the same page is printed on a PSF/2 or PSF/6000 driven printer, the page will print as it was created--with the exact AFP placement instructions. - When printing from the Viewer to either PSF/2 or PSF/6000, you must have redirected your port (LPT1, LPT2 or LPT3) to the appropriate queue being driven by that PSF. To define your printer, use the documentation provided with Windows and PSF/2 or PSF/6000. 4. TEXT FIDELITY - If the document you are viewing uses a font character set or code page not defined to the Viewer, the Viewer will use a default. If the default is not a good match for the undefined character set or code page, you will see a different size and style of characters or missing or changed characters. As a result, text may not be placed correctly. - Sometimes lines (or rules) are placed relative to a text string. If the text is misplaced because of the use of a default or substitute font, the rules will also be misplaced. An example is that an underscore may be longer than the word being underscored. Changing the Text Fidelity setting may help alignment in some cases. - If the Viewer is not substituting fonts (your document was created with Core fonts) and your text alignment still seems a bit off, especially in "Character" text fidelity mode, it may be because your document was created with 300-pel metrics rather than 240-pel metrics. Documents created with the IBM AFP Printer Driver can use 300-pel (or RIMA) metrics. Overlays from OGL use 240-pel metrics. You can tell the Viewer which metrics to use in its text placement algorithm by changing a flag in the [Settings] section of the FTDPORT2.INI file. By setting 240Fidelity=FALSE, you tell the Viewer to use 300-pel(RIMA) metrics. The default is 240Fidelity=TRUE. 5. USING FIND AND FIND NEXT In AFP documents, the actual text you see can be stored in multiple AFP data stream structured fields. That is, when the text "2190 Lancaster Road NE" appears on the page, it is possible that the text in the file is stored in four fields: "2190," "Lancaster," "Road," "NE." The Find and Find Next functions will not find "2190 Lancaster" if "2190" and "Lancaster" are stored in separate fields. When text is broken into fields, the blanks between fields are frequently not in the file at all and so cannot be located by the Find function. 6. IBM AFP PRINTER DRIVER The IBM AFP Printer Driver is available in the \win\infoprt\wrkbench directory on the CD-ROM. See the README.PDD in the same directory for more information. If your output is not what you expected when you print to a file using the IBM AFP printer driver, consider the following: - When printing with the IBM AFP driver, set the size of the output page in the "Paper size" combo box of the IBM AFP driver's Setup dialog. The default is 8.5 x 11 inches. The Paper Size setting remains in effect for that session unless you change it. - The amount of data to be printed is affected by - The "Print Whole Page" radio button or the "Print Current View" radio button checked in the Print dialog box - Your current view (for example, whether you've selected an area, whether Autosize is on or off, and the current Zoom factor - Your Paper Size (for example, a legal size page will not fit in the output file if 8.5 x 11 paper size is selected and will be truncated) The data to be printed is also affected by the Print Text radio button selected in the IBM AFP Setup Options dialog box. 7. COPYING TEXT TO THE CLIPBOARD If the file being viewed contains rotated text or small fonts, unexpected results may occur if the "Copy (Text)" item of the Edit menu is selected. The data copied to the Clipboard may be different than the area selected. Using "Copy (Bitmap)" is recommended in these cases. 8. COLORS DISAPPEARING ON A COLOR BACKGROUND Some colors in your document will not show up on a colored background if you have a Cache Size set to greater than zero in the Preferences dialog box. In this case, set your Cache size to zero (which turns caching off). Another option is to view your data at a zoom factor greater than 150%. Above that factor, caching is not used. 9. INLINE MEDIUM MAPS Inline medium maps that exist outside an inline form definition are not currently supported by AFP Workbench. Trademarks ---------- (*) AFP and IBM are trademarks of IBM Corp. (**) Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. (***) Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. ***************************** End of File ******************************