PAKR Archive file list Original File Name Archive Member Name VEND789.MY.CLIST(AFRREBLK) M0000001 VEND789.MY.CLIST(AFRREMSG) M0000002 VEND789.SPF.DATA(AFRREBLK) M0000003 VEND789.SPF.SCRIPT(AFRREBLK) M0000004 To use the contents of this file on MVS: 1. upload the file binary as fixed-length 80 bytes. using FTP, issue the subcommands BINARY SITE LRECL=80 BLKSIZE=6160 RECFM=FB PUT AFRREBLK.PAK using SEND, code the command as SEND AFRREBLK.PAK LRECL(80) BLKSIZE(6160) RECFM(F) 2. on MVS, execute the receive command from option 6, the TSO READY prompt, or option 3.4: RECEIVE INDSNAME(AFRREBLK.PAK) and reply to the message with RESTORE DSN(UNPAK.PDS) This will create a PDS of packed files, one per member. You may unpack the individual members by issuing the RECEIVE command against the member: RECEIVE INDSNAME(UNPAK.PDS(member)), and replying to the prompt with RESTORE. The member list and associated file names are in the file AFRREBLK.PAK.PAKLIST If the exec UNPAKRX was included with the packed files, you may use it to accomplish the above. Upload UNPAKRX.CMD to MVS in ASCII format and place it in a SYSPROC library or rename it UNPAKRX.CLIST and use the command EXEC UNPAKRX 'AFRREBLK.PAK' All of the files will be unpacked.