*********************** * SUBSET OS2 * *********************** THIS SUBSET CONTAINS INSTALLATION INFORMATION FOR AFPTOOLBOX VERSION 1, RELEASE 1, MODIFICATION 0 AND VERSION 1, RELEASE 1, MODIFICATION 1. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. YY/MM/DD INSTALLATION INFORMATION NO ENTRIES 2. YY/MM/DD DOCUMENTATION CHANGES NO ENTRIES 3. 96/03/20 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. YY/MM/DD SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS NO ENTRIES 5. YY/MM/DD CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES NO ENTRIES SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 1. YY/MM/DD XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXX ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT'S PROGRAM DIRECTORY. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION OUTLINES MAJOR ERRORS IN THE PRODUCT'S PUBLISHED DOCUMENTATION. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS GENERAL INFORMATION, I.E. SYSGEN HINTS/TIPS. 2. 96/03/20 Please refer to info apar II09240 (attached). 1. 96/01/12 Troubleshooting The most common problems in using the AFP Toolbox are installation related and can be avoided completely by following the instructions contained in this file. However, if you are unable to install or compile and run the sample programs, here are a few troubleshooting tips to try before calling for service: You get a message that says "cannot find the file AFRFMDB2". Ensure that the C++ FONTMSTR (or directory you specified for the FontMeister files) has been included at the end of your LIBPATH and you have rebooted your machine for these changes to take effect. I's not enough to move the AFRFMDB2.DLL file, the AFRFMDC2.DLL file, or both to a different directory already in your LIBPATH as there are additional configuration files that depend on the location of the FontMeister DLL. You get a linker error message in Borland C++ about an unresolved external for TMDoubleListIteratorImp, TVoidPointer, TStandardAllocator>::.restart(). This is caused by an incorrect linker options setting in the Borland C++ project or make file. You must perform a case sensitive link. Ensure that both the case-sensitive link and case-sensitive exporst boxes are checked on the Project/or View Settings or Linker or Linker options page or that you are using the /c option on TLINK. You get a protection exception in my C++ program whenever I call a function that takes an enumerated value (defined constants such as LEFT/ALIGN, or MEDIUM/WT. The interface to AFP Toolbox and FontMeister require that you treat enumerations as interger values that are what numberic valuse they represent. You must use the -b option when compiling with the Borland C++ compiler (or check the appropriate box in the Settings or Compiler or Code Gen page( or the /+ option when compiling with the IBM C++ compiler. You aren't getting any of the fonts you set in your document. If you are getting a default Courier 10 point font in your output documents and this is not what you have selected, make sure that your application is checking the return codes from your DefineFontByAttributes() or DefineFontByName() calls. If the return codes are good, ensure that the two files: afrcore.fin and afpri.map are in the same directory as the FontMeister.DLL (either AFRFMDB2.DLL or AFRFMDC2.DLL) ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 1. YY/MM/DD PROBLEM: USERS AFFECTED: RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS DEPENDENT UPON ANOTHER PRODUCT OTHER THAN THIS SUBSET ID. 1. YY/MM/DD INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: PROBLEM: USERS AFFECTED: RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ --PTF INCLUDE LIST-- --PTF EXCLUDE LIST-- --PE APAR LIST-- II09240