**** START OF SPECIFICATIONS ***************************************** * * **** MODULE NAME = APSGMAC2 * * * * COMP(APS) PROD(PSF) : RELEASE 3.2.0 * * * **** DESCRIPTIVE NAME = PSF FOR OS/390 MESSAGES AND CODES UPDATES * * * **** STATUS = VERSION 3, RELEASE 2, LEVEL 0 * * * **** FUNCTION = * * * * THIS MODULE CONTAINS ALL OF THE UPDATES TO THE PSF FOR * * OS/390 MESSAGES AND CODES SINCE THE LAST PUBLISHED VERSION OF * * THE MANUAL. * * * * THE UPDATES ARE PUT IN THE SAME FORMAT AS THEY WERE BEING * * PUT IN THE DOC ++HOLDS. * * * * EACH TIME A NEW APAR HAS UPDATES THE CHANGE ACTIVITY WILL * * BE UPDATED AND A NEW SECTION WILL BE ADDED TO THE END OF * * THIS MODULE PRECEDED BY A LINE THAT DENOTES THE APAR NUMBER. * * * * DO NOT GO PAST COLUMN 64 WITH YOUR DOC CHANGES. THE END OF * * THE DASHED LINES WITH YOUR APAR NUMBER IN THE TEXT INDICATE * * COLUMN 64. * * * **** RESTRICTIONS * * * * DO NOT EDIT OR UPDATE THIS FILE ON SAMPLIB AS THE * * NEXT APAR THAT CHANGES THIS MODULE WILL DO A TOTAL REPLACE * * OF IT THUS OVERLAYING YOUR CHANGES. IF YOU WISH TO MAKE * * CHANGES TO THIS MODULE THEN DO IT IN YOUR OWN COPY OF THIS * * MODULE. * * * * *** CHANGE ACTIVITY = * * $00=LAPS0008, HPRF320,000823,BDKURLD: Initial Version * * $01=OW46732, HPRF320,001019,BDKURLD: Call BPX1SDD only if C * * exit exists * * $02=OW44827, HPRF320,001019,BDKUPG: ABEND024 RC01FA or RC0D18 * * $03=OW44362, HPRF320,001207,BDKLMM: Infoprint Color 130 Plus * * $04=OW44363, HPRF320,001206,BDKURLD: Add line mode migration * * $05=OW47659, HPRF320,010104,BDKUMLC: Reship only - no updates. * * $06=OW46911, HPRF320,000515,BLDCWJ : Media Fidelity support * * $07=OW49029, HPRF320,010420,BLDDDA : Add DL equiv of 331, 332 * * $08=OW49645, HPRF320,010626,BDKUEAS: Terminate and hold for * * APS280I * * $09=OW50901, HPRF320,010821,BDKURLD: Retry some INITAPI failures * 03561990 * $10=OW50905, HPRF320,010910,BDKUDDA: APS946I and APS997I actions * 03561990 * $11=OW50390, HPRF320,010723,BDKUEAS: 2d barcode support * * $12=OW50960, HPRF320,011009,BDKULMM: Abend024 RC0C02 due to zero * * msg id 029001..01 * * $13=OW47709, HPRF320,011125,BDKULMM: Add support for punch NACK * * $14=OW52112, HPRF320,011204,BDKUEAS: Side sensitivity support * * $15=OW53830, HPRF320,020403,BDKUMLC: No NPRO with DISCINTV * 04429980 * $16=OW54627, HPRF330,020508,BDKURLD: Add ERRNO to APS6501I * 00400000 * $17=OW54412, HPRF320,020430,BDKUBMM: CCM Roll down from 3.3.0 * * * **** END OF SPECIFICATIONS ******************************************* All of the following changes are for the PSF for OS/390 Messages and Codes (G544-5627-02). -----------CHANGES FOR OW46732---------------------------------- 1. On page 278 change the System Action for APS955I to read as follows. System Action: PSF will attempt to load the exits again when the printer is started. Because the exits could not be found, PSF uses the following assumptions. o Assumes that the exits run in 31-bit addressing mode (AMODE 31) and obtains the exit data areas above the 16MB line. o Assumes that there are no C exits and does not call BPX1SDD to have all subtasks dubbed as new processes. Processing continues without the installation exits that are written in C. -----------CHANGES FOR OW44827---------------------------------- Add abend code 0980 Explanation: This abend is issued by module APSLOPEN - Not enough storage was available for a work area. System Action: PSF processing terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: The REGION size should be increased. If the print request is processing in direct-printing mode, this REGION size is for the job or step containing the request. If the print request is processing in deferred-printing mode, increase the REGION parameter used in the PSF startup procedure. -----------CHANGES FOR OW44362---------------------------------- In Chapter 1 under PSF Messages make the following changes: APS046I Replace the explanation with the following: EXPLANATION: The indicated values in the PARM field on the EXEC statement are not correct. The optional PARM information specifies: 1) external trace ddname, 2) trace option, or 3) operator interface options. Valid values for the second PARM value are FULL, SYNC, INTR, LIMIT, or IPDS. Valid values for the third PARM value are PROMPT or NOPROMT. The appropriate number of commas preceding must be present: //stepname EXEC PGM=..., PARM = (ddname,type,prompt,pagecount,tcpipname). APS244I Replace the explanation and System Action with the following: EXPLANATION: The structured field name contains more repeating groups than are allowed. The structured field in which the error appears can be in a resource environment group, a composed text page, an overlay, or a page definition. SYSTEM ACTION: If this error occurred in a resource, PSF stops processing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource environment group, PSF stops processing the resource environment group and continues processing the data set. If this error occurred in a composed text page, PSF stops processing the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the current page, PSF stops printing the data set. PSF issues additional messages identifying the processing environment in which the error was found. Replace the text and explanation for existing message APS264I. APS264I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A RESOURCE MAPPED BY AN structured field STRUCTURED FIELD IN AN OBJECT ENVIRONMENT GROUP IS NOT NAMED IN THE ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT GROUP OF THE PAGE OR RESOURCE. EXPLANATION: A (structured field) structured field in an object environment group names a resource, but that resource is not defined in the (structured field) structured field in the active environment group of the page or resource containing the object environment group. Replace the text and explanation for existing message APS278I. APS278I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE MAPPING OPTION SPECIFIED IN THE structured field name STRUCTURED FIELD IS INCORRECT OR UNSUPPORTED. EXPLANATION: The structured field in error contained an incorrect Mapping Option value, or the printer does not support the Mapping Option value. The structured field could be contained in a bar code object, graphics object, image object, or object container object, or it could be an IOB structured field with a bad mapping option triplet. Replace the following sections for existing message APS369I. APS369I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD IS NOT VALID: AN structured field STRUCTURED FIELD IS ATTEMPTING TO INCLUDE A NON-PRESENTATION OBJECT CONTAINER. EXPLANATION: The Object Classification (X'10') triplet on an (structured field) structured field is requesting a non-presentation object as the object class. Only presentation objects are allowed to be included by this structured field. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the page, PSF stops printing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource, PSF stops processing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource environment group, PSF stops processing the resource environment group and continues processing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured field, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference and Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the structured field. If you used a program to create the structured field, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. Replace the following sections for existing message APS380I. APS380I THE REGISTRATION ID (object-type OID) OF AN OBJECT CONTAINER RESOURCE, NAME resource name OR OBJECT OID oid, DOES NOT MATCH THE CORRESPONDING REGISTRATION ID FOR THE INVOKING JCL KEYWORD OR STRUCTURED FIELD. EXPLANATION: An object container resource was requested through a JCL keyword or an IOB or MDR structured field, but the object classification triplet in the Begin Object Container structured field did match the corresponding registration ID. For a list of registration IDs and their assumed functions, refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. A value of *** means that the name or object OID was not specified. SYSTEM ACTION: If the object container was called out by JCL, PSF stops processing the current data set and issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. If the object container was included by an IOB or MDR structured field, PSF terminates the page or overlay. PSF attempts to locate the end of the current page and resume processing on the next page. If the end of the current page cannot be located, PSF stops printing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the object container resource, ensure that the registration ID corresponds to the keyword used to invoke the resource or to the registration ID specified in the object classification triplet specified on the IOB or MDR structured field. APS400I text for message stays the same. Update the explanation as follows: Split the explanation into two paragraphs. Make the sentence that starts "The IPD structured field ..." the beginning of the second paragraph. Add the following to the end of the new first paragraph of the explanation: The hex code for the self-defining field is provided in the formatted sense message (APS830I). IOCA self-defining fields include: 0 - no self-defining field ID provided 70 - Begin Segment 71 - End Segment 8C - Begin Tile Parameter 8D - End Tile Parameter 8E - Begin Transparency Mask Parameter 8F - End Transparency Mask Parameter 91 - Begin Image Content 93 - End Image Content 94 - Image Size Parameter 95 - Image Encoding Parameter 96 - Image Data Element Size Parameter 97 - Image Look Up Table ID Parameter 98 - Band Image Parameter 9B - Image Data Element Structure Parameter 9F - External Algorithm Specification Parameter B5 - Tile Position Parameter B6 - Tile Size Parameter B7 - Tile Set Color Parameter F6 - Set Bilevel Image Color F8 - Set Presentation Space Size FE92 - Image Data FE9C - Band Image Data FEB8 - Include Tile Parameter FEBB - Tile TOC Parameter FECE - Image Subsampling Parameter FEDE - Color Palette Parameter nnnn - unrecognized self-defining field APS401I text for message stays the same. Update the explanation as follows: Split the explanation into two paragraphs. Make the sentence that starts "The IPD structured field ..." the beginning of the second paragraph. Add the following to the end of the new first paragraph of the explanation: The hex code for the self-defining field is provided in the formatted sense message (APS830I). IOCA self-defining fields include: 0 - self-defining field ID not provided 70 - Begin Segment 71 - End Segment 8C - Begin Tile Parameter 8D - End Tile Parameter 8E - Begin Transparency Mask Parameter 8F - End Transparency Mask Parameter 91 - Begin Image Content 93 - End Image Content 94 - Image Size Parameter 95 - Image Encoding Parameter 96 - Image Data Element Size Parameter 97 - Image Look Up Table ID Parameter 98 - Band Image Parameter 9B - Image Data Element Structure Parameter 9F - External Algorithm Specification Parameter B5 - Tile Position Parameter B6 - Tile Size Parameter B7 - Tile Set Color Parameter F6 - Set Bilevel Image Color F8 - Set Presentation Space Size FE92 - Image Data FE9C - Band Image Data FEB8 - Include Tile Parameter FEBB - Tile TOC Parameter FECE - Image Subsampling Parameter FEDE - Color Palette Parameter nnnn - unrecognized self-defining field APS404I Update the explanation to read: EXPLANATION: A Begin Image Content field is missing, is encountered out of sequence, or (for a printer that does not support multiple image contents) appeared more than once. A Begin Image Content field is contained in an Image Picture Data (IPD) structured field. The IPD structured field is contained in an image object. The image object may be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, an object container, or a page segment; or it may be embedded in a data set containing line data. APS405I Update the explanation to read: EXPLANATION: An End Image Content field is missing, was encountered out of sequence in an Image Picture Data (IPD) structured field or (for a printer that does not support multiple image contents) appeared more than once. An End Image Content must follow an Image Data self-defining field, a Band Image Data self-defining field, or an End Tile self-defining field. The IPD structured field is contained in an image object. The image object may be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, an object container, or a page segment; or it may be embedded in a data set containing line data. APS473I Update the second sentence of the explanation to read: The OBP structured field is in the Object Environment Group of a bar code, graphics or image object, or an object container. Add a new sentence to the end of the explanation: The object container may be contained in a MO:DCA document, or an overlay, or it may be embedded in a data set containing line data. Replace the text and explanation for existing message APS474I. APS474I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE UNITS PER UNIT BASE SPECIFIED FOR THE OBJECT ARE INCORRECT. EXPLANATION: The unit value in one of the following structured fields is incorrect: o For a bar code object, the L-Units per Unit Base parameter in a Bar Code Data Descriptor (BDD) structured field or object area descriptor (OBD) or in the IOB that included the object o For a graphics object, the L-Units per Unit Base field in the Window Specification self-identifying parameter in a Graphics Data Descriptor (GDD) structured field or object area descriptor (OBD) or in the IOB that included the object o For an image object, the Image Points per Unit Base parameter in an Image Data Descriptor (IDD) structured field or object area descriptor (OBD) or in the IOB that included the object o For a data object, the Xoa and Yoa units per unit base fields in an Object Area Descriptor (OBD) structured field or the IOB that included the object If the IM1 image resolution within the IID structured field does not match the printer resolution, PSF attempts to convert the IM1 image to IOCA, if the printer supports IOCA. During this conversion process, IM1 structured fields are converted to IOCA IPDS commands. Because IM1 structured fields do not contain L-Units per Unit Base parameters, the L-Units are determined from the PGD used for the page. The bar code, graphics or image object may be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it may be embedded in a data set containing line data. The data object might be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, or an object container, or it might be embedded in a data set containing line data. APS475I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE X OR Y EXTENT SPECIFIED FOR THE OBJECT IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: The X or Y extent value in one of the following structured fields is incorrect: o For a bar code object, the X and Y extent fields in a Bar Code Data Descriptor (BDD) structured field or object area descriptor (OBD) or in the IOB that included the object o For a graphics object, the Window Coordinates field in the Window Specification self-identifying parameter in a Graphics Data Descriptor (GDD) structured field or object area descriptor (OBD) or in the IOB that included the object o For an image object, the Image Size parameter in an Image Data Descriptor (IDD) structured field or object area descriptor (OBD) or in the IOB that included the object o For a data object, the Xoa and Yoa extent fields in an Object Area Descriptor (OBD) structured field or the IOB that included the object The bar code, graphics or image object may be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it may be embedded in a data set containing line data. The data object might be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, or an object container, or it might be embedded in a data set containing line data. APS770I In the explanation, update the first sentence after the bulleted list to read: ... the OBD is contained in an Object Environment Group (OEG) for a graphics, image or bar code object, or an object container. APS806I In the explanation, update the first sentence after the bulleted list to read: ... the OBD is contained in an Object Environment Group (OEG) for a graphics, image or bar code object, or an object container. APS814I In the explanation, update the first sentence after the bulleted list to read: ... the OBD is contained in an Object Environment Group (OEG) for a graphics, image or bar code object, or an object container. APS830I msg text stays the same Replace the element identifier section of the explanation with the following: Element identifier is the identifier of an element within the object type reported in object identifier. This information was formatted from bytes 16 and 17 of the sense data and contains information that is specific to the error sense (See Note) that was reported, as follows: For sense X'0821..00' and X'0829..00', bytes 16 - 17 contain the code point that caused the error. For double byte fonts, byte 16 contains the section ID and byte 17 contains the code point. For single-byte fonts, byte 17 contains the code point. For sense X'0500..01 and X'0500..03, bytes 16 - 17 contain the IO-image self-defining field code that caused the error. For one-byte codes, byte 16 contains X'00' and byte 17 contains the code. For sense X'020D..01' and X'020D..05', bytes 16 - 17 contain an object-specific error code. Refer to the primary message explanation for a list of object specific error codes. For sense X'0237..04', bytes 16-17 contain the inconsistent media destination ID. Note: The error sense is written as Byte 0 Byte1 .. Byte 19. APS838I In the explanation, update the first sentence after the bulleted list to read: ... the OBD is contained in an Object Environment Group (OEG) for a graphics, image or bar code object, or an object container. Replace all sections for existing message APS896I. APS896I THE DATA IN AN OBJECT CONTAINER RESOURCE WAS CONSIDERED INCORRECT BY THE PRINTER. CODE = ( code and brief description ). EXPLANATION: The data in an object container resource was not considered valid by the printer, although the printer supports the resource type as identified by the Object Classification Triplet on the Begin Object Container structured field. For Microfilm Setup, Color Mapping Table, and Color Profile objects no error codes are provided. For data object resources which include PostScript, PDF and EPS objects the possible error codes are: 0 - Error code not provided 30 - PostScript Object Error: Setpagedevice or setdevparams request cannot be satisfied 31 - PostScript Object Error: Dictionary has no more room in it to store entry 32 - PostScript Object Error: Too many 'begin' operators detected 33 - PostScript Object Error: Too many 'end' operators detected 34 - PostScript Object Error: Executive stack nesting too deep 35 - PostScript Object Error: External interrupt request detected 36 - PostScript Object Error: Attempt to violate access attribute 37 - PostScript Object Error: Operator 'exit' was not found in loop context 38 - PostScript Object Error: Unacceptable access string 39 - PostScript Object Error: Invalid font resource name or font or CIDFont dictionary 40 - PostScript Object Error: Improper 'restore' has been detected 41 - PostScript Object Error: Input/output error has been detected 42 - PostScript Object Error: Implementation limit has been exceeded 43 - PostScript Object Error: The current point undefined 44 - PostScript Object Error: An operator's operand is out of bounds 45 - PostScript Object Error: An operand stack overflow has been detected 46 - PostScript Object Error: An operand stack underflow has been detected 47 - PostScript Object Error: A PostScript language syntax error has been detected 48 - PostScript Object Error: Object processing time limit has been exceeded 49 - PostScript Object Error: An operator's operand has been detected as the wrong type 50 - PostScript Object Error: A name used in object is not known to the interpreter 51 - PostScript Object Error: Filename used in object was not found by the interpreter 52 - PostScript Object Error: Resource used in object was not found by the interpreter 53 - PostScript Object Error: An overflow, underflow, or meaningless result occurred 54 - PostScript Object Error: Interpreter expected a mark on the stack; none was found 55 - PostScript Object Error: Internal error occurred within the interpreter 56 - PostScript Object Error: The interpreter's virtual memory has been exhausted 57 - PostScript Object Error: No output generated from EPS/PDF - check input data 80 - PDF Object Error: Failure to open a secure PDF document 81 - PDF Object Error: General failure to convert PDF to PostScript code 82 - PDF Object Error: Failure to enumerate fonts contained in PDF document 83 - PDF Object Error: Failure to open PDF document Unrecognized error code SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current data set and issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. USER RESPONSE: If you created the data in the structured fields of the object container resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to the appropriate documentation for the data stream being carried in the object container resource. If you used a program to create the structured fields and the data, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. Add the following new message: APS1009I SYSTEM ACTION TAKEN: THE ERRORS LISTED PREVENTED THE PRINTING OF THE DATA SET. THE DATA SET WILL BE TERMINATED. EXPLANATION: This message indicates the recovery that PSF performs when the printer reports an I/O error to PSF. This message accompanies a message that describes the I/O error and a message that displays the sense bytes reported from the printer. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using may attempt to print the page containing the error, or may print only part of the page. If the page containing the error contains any positioning errors, print-error markers may be included on the printed page. PSF stops processing and printing the data set that contains this error. USER RESPONSE: To determine an appropriate response, see the specific error conditions described in the accompanying messages. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: To determine an appropriate response, see the specific error conditions described in the accompanying messages. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. Replace the text and explanation for the existing message APS2000I. APS2000I THE REGISTERED OBJECT TYPE ID ('registration id') OF AN OBJECT CONTAINER RESOURCE, NAME resource name or OBJECT OID oid, IS NOT VALID OR IS NOT SUPPORTED BY PSF OR THE PRINTER. EXPLANATION: The registration ID specified for an object container is not supported by the printer. The registration ID is specified in the object classification triplet on an IOB, BOC, or BR structured field. A value of *** for the name or object OID means that it was not specified. Add the following new messages: APS2020I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE OBJECT OID LENGTH SPECIFIED IN A FULLY QUALIFIED NAME TRIPLET ON AN structured field STRUCTURED FIELD IS GREATER THAN 129 BYTES. EXPLANATION: An object OID specified in a Fully Qualified Name triplet is longer than 129 bytes. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and to resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the page, PSF stops printing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource, PSF stops processing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource environment group, PSF stops processing the resource environment group and continues processing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the print data set or resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the correct format of the referenced structured field. If the structured field is correct, the error might be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the print data set or resource, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 3, 13, 15c, 17, 19. APS2021I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE structured field STRUCTURED FIELD CONTAINS UNPAIRED FQN X'BE' & FQN X'DE' TRIPLETS. EXPLANATION: If this is an Include Object (IOB) structured field, the Fully Qualified Name (FQN) triplet with a FQNType of Data Object Internal Resource Reference (X'BE') must immediately follow a FQN triplet with a FQNType of Data Object External Resource Reference (X'DE'). If this is a Map Data Resource (MDR) structured field, a repeating group with an FQN triplet type X'BE' must also include an FQN triplet type X'DE'. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and to resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the page, PSF stops printing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource, PSF stops processing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the form definition, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the form definition, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the form definition with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 13, 15c, 17, 19. APS2022I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A RESOURCE NAMED AS A SECONDARY RESOURCE ON AN IOB STRUCTURED FIELD IS NOT NAMED IN THE ACTIVE ENVIRONMENT GROUP OF THE PAGE OR OVERLAY. EXPLANATION: An Include Object (IOB) structured field calls for a secondary resource. This resource must be named in an Map Data Resource (MDR) in the active environment group of the page or overlay containing the IOB structured field. SYSTEM ACTION: If the object is in a page, PSF terminates the page and continues processing the data set. If the object is in a resource, PSF stops processing and printing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the print data set or the resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 17. APS2023I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE FORMAT SPECIFIED IN A FULLY QUALIFIED NAME TRIPLET ON AN structured field STRUCTURED FIELD IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: The FQNFmt specified in a Fully Qualified Name triplet on a (structured field) structured field is not valid. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and to resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the page, PSF stops printing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource, PSF stops processing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource environment group, PSF stops processing the resource environment group and continues processing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the print data set or resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the correct format of the referenced structured field. If the structured field is correct, the error might be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the print data set or resource, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 3, 13, 15c, 17, 19. APS2024I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A FULLY QUALIFIED NAME TRIPLET WITH A TYPE OF X'84' OR X'CE' WAS SPECIFIED ON AN MDR STRUCTURED FIELD IN AN OBJECT ENVIRONMENT GROUP. EXPLANATION: A Fully Qualified Name triplet with a FQNType of Begin Resource Object Reference (X'84') or Other Object Data Reference (X'CE') is not allowed on a Map Data Resource structured field in an Object Environment Group. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and to resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the page, PSF stops printing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource, PSF stops processing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the print data set or resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the correct format of the referenced structured field. If the structured field is correct, the error might be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the print data set or resource, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 3, 13, 15c, 17, 19. APS2025I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: MORE THAN ONE FULLY QUALIFIED NAME TRIPLET WAS SPECIFIED IN A REPEATING GROUP ON AN MDR STRUCTURED FIELD. EXPLANATION: Only one Fully Qualified Name triplet with a FQNType of Begin Resource Object Reference (X'84'), Other Object Data Reference (X'CE') or Data Object External Resource Reference (X'DE') can be specified in a repeating group. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and to resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the page, PSF stops printing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource, PSF stops processing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource environment group, PSF stops processing the resource environment group and continues processing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the print data set or resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the correct format of the referenced structured field. If the structured field is correct, the error might be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the print data set or resource, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 3, 13, 15c, 17, 19. APS2026I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE OBJECT CLASS SPECIFIED IN AN OBJECT CLASSIFICATION TRIPLET ON AN MDR STRUCTURED FIELD IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: The ObjClass specified in an Object Classification triplet on a Map Data Resource (MDR) structured field must be a x'40' if the Fully Qualified Name triplet type in the repeating group is a Data Object External Resource Reference (X'DE'). The ObjClass specified must be a x'01' if the Fully Qualified Name triplet type in the repeating group is an Other Object Data Reference (X'CE'). SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and to resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the page, PSF stops printing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource, PSF stops processing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource environment group, PSF stops processing the resource environment group and continues processing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the print data set or resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the correct format of the referenced structured field. If the structured field is correct, the error might be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the print data set or resource, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 3, 13, 15c, 17, 19. APS2027I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: AN MDR STRUCTURED FIELD SPECIFIES THE SAME RESOURCE REFERENCE MORE THAN ONCE IN AN ENVIRONMENT GROUP. EXPLANATION: The same resource reference cannot be made multiple times in a Map Data Resource (MDR) structured field in an environment group. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and to resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the page, PSF stops printing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource, PSF stops processing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource environment group, PSF stops processing the resource environment group and continues processing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the print data set or resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the correct format of the referenced structured field. If the structured field is correct, the error might be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the print data set or resource, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 3, 13, 15c, 17, 19. APS2028I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE RESOURCE BEGINNING WITH THE structured field STRUCTURED FIELD CANNOT BE SENT TO THE PRINTER AS A HARD RESOURCE. EXPLANATION: Either the printer or your PSF does not support sending this resource to the printer prior to the page and treating it as a hard resource managed by PSF. A hard resource is sent to the printer once. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF ignores this resource in the MDR and continues processing. It will be treated as a soft resource by PSF each time it is included in a page or resource. A soft resource is sent to the printer each time it is included. USER RESPONSE: If the performance of the job is acceptable, do nothing. If the performance of the job is not acceptable, inform your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: This message indicates that the print data set was created with a certain level of resource management function expected. Either PSF or the printer does not have this level of resource management. Confirm the resource management capability of PSF and the printer to decide which one is deficient of the management function for this resource. If it is PSF, determine if an APAR or new release is available which provides the function and install it. If it is the printer, determine if the job could be run to a different printer which has the function or if an EC is available to upgrade the microcode on this printer. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Item 23. APS2029I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: OBJECT OID object oid1 DOES NOT MATCH THE OBJECT OID object oid2 SPECIFIED ON THE structured field STRUCTURED FIELD. EXPLANATION: The object OID specified on a (structured field) structured field must match the object OID specified on the Map Data Resource (MDR) or Include Object (IOB) structured field that referenced it. A value of *** indicates an OID was not specified. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and to resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the page, PSF stops printing the data set. If this error occurred in a resource, PSF stops processing the data set. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the print data set or resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the correct format of the referenced structured field. If the structured field is correct, the error might be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the print data set or resource, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 3, 13, 15c, 17, 19. APS2030I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A SECONDARY RESOURCE IS SPECIFIED ON AN IOB STRUCTURED FIELD THAT INCLUDES A BAR CODE OR GRAPHICS OBJECT. EXPLANATION: A Fully Qualified Name triplet of type Data Object External Resource Reference (X'DE') is specified on an Include Object (IOB) structured field that is including a Bar Code or Graphics object. Secondary resources are not allowed for these objects. SYSTEM ACTION: The secondary resource reference is ignored and processing continues. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the print data set or resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the correct format of the referenced structured field. If the structured field is correct, the error might be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the print data set or resource, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the print data set or the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 3, 13, 15c, 17, 19. APS2032I DATA IN PAGEDEF RESOURCE pagedef name IS NOT VALID: THE RESOURCE BEGINNING WITH THE structured field STRUCTURED FIELD CANNOT BE SENT TO THE PRINTER AS A HARD RESOURCE. EXPLANATION: Either the printer or your PSF does not support sending this resource to the printer prior to the page and treating it as a hard resource managed by PSF. A hard resource is sent to the printer once. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF ignores this resource in the MDR and continues processing. It will be treated as a soft resource by PSF each time it is included in a page or resource. A soft resource is sent to the printer each time it is included. USER RESPONSE: If the performance of the job is acceptable, do nothing. If the performance of the job is not acceptable, inform your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: This message indicates that the print data set was created with a certain level of resource management function expected. Either PSF or the printer does not have this level of resource management. Confirm the resource management capability of PSF and the printer to decide which one is deficient of the management function for this resource. If it is PSF, determine if an APAR or new release is available which provides the function and install it. If it is the printer, determine if the job could be run to a different printer which has the function or if an EC is available to upgrade the microcode on this printer. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Item 23. APS2035I TONER SAVER CONTROL WAS REQUESTED BUT TONER SAVER CONTROL IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS PRINTER. PROCESSING OF THE DATA SET CONTINUES. Explanation: Toner saver control was requested but printer does not support Toner saver control. System Action: Data set is processed without toner saver. User Response: If you want toner fidelity, send data to printer that supports Toner Saver Control. System Programmer Response: None Operator Response: None Problem Determination: None APS2551I THE DATA IN A PRESENTATION OBJECT CONTAINER RESOURCE WAS CONSIDERED INCORRECT BY THE PRINTER. CODE = ( code and brief description ). EXPLANATION: The data in an object container resource was not considered valid by the printer, although the printer supports the resource type as identified by the Object Classification Triplet on the Begin Object Container structured field. For data object resources which include PostScript, PDF and EPS objects the possible error codes are: 0 - Error code not provided 30 - PostScript Object Error: Setpagedevice or setdevparams request cannot be satisfied 31 - PostScript Object Error: Dictionary has no more room in it to store entry 32 - PostScript Object Error: Too many 'begin' operators detected 33 - PostScript Object Error: Too many 'end' operators detected 34 - PostScript Object Error: Executive stack nesting too deep 35 - PostScript Object Error: External interrupt request detected 36 - PostScript Object Error: Attempt to violate access attribute 37 - PostScript Object Error: Operator 'exit' was not found in loop context 38 - PostScript Object Error: Unacceptable access string 39 - PostScript Object Error: Invalid font resource name or font or CIDFont dictionary 40 - PostScript Object Error: Improper 'restore' has been detected 41 - PostScript Object Error: Input/output error has been detected 42 - PostScript Object Error: Implementation limit has been exceeded 43 - PostScript Object Error: The current point undefined 44 - PostScript Object Error: An operator's operand is out of bounds 45 - PostScript Object Error: An operand stack overflow has been detected 46 - PostScript Object Error: An operand stack underflow has been detected 47 - PostScript Object Error: A PostScript language syntax error has been detected 48 - PostScript Object Error: Object processing time limit has been exceeded 49 - PostScript Object Error: An operator's operand has been detected as the wrong type 50 - PostScript Object Error: A name used in object is not known to the interpreter 51 - PostScript Object Error: Filename used in object was not found by the interpreter 52 - PostScript Object Error: Resource used in object was not found by the interpreter 53 - PostScript Object Error: An overflow, underflow, or meaningless result occurred 54 - PostScript Object Error: Interpreter expected a mark on the stack; none was found 55 - PostScript Object Error: Internal error occurred within the interpreter 56 - PostScript Object Error: The interpreter's virtual memory has been exhausted 57 - PostScript Object Error: No output generated from EPS/PDF - check input data 80 - PDF Object Error: Failure to open a secure PDF document 81 - PDF Object Error: General failure to convert PDF to PostScript code 82 - PDF Object Error: Failure to enumerate fonts contained in PDF document 83 - PDF Object Error: Failure to open PDF document Unrecognized error code SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using may attempt to print the page in error. The entire page may not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers may be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the data object resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference or Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS2552I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: AN INCLUDE TILE PARAMETER IS SPECIFIED WITHIN AN IOCA TILE RESOURCE. EXPLANATION: An Include Tile Parameter was specified within an IOCA tile resource. Nested references are not allowed. The Include Tile Parameter is contained in an Image Picture Data (IPD) structured field. The IPD structured field is contained in an IOCA image object. The IOCA image data object might be included in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or an object container, or it might be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using may attempt to print the page in error. The entire page may not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers may be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the data object resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference or Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS2553I THE DATA IN AN OBJECT CONTAINER RESOURCE WAS CONSIDERED INCORRECT BY THE PRINTER. CODE = ( code and brief description ). EXPLANATION: The data in an object container resource was not considered valid by the printer, although the printer supports the resource type as identified by the Object Classification Triplet on the Begin Object Container structured field. For Microfilm Setup, Color Mapping Table, and Color profile error codes are provided. For data object resources which include Postscript, PDF and EPS objects the possible error codes are: 0 - Error code not provided 30 - PostScript Object Error: Setpagedevice or setdevparams request cannot be satisfied 31 - PostScript Object Error: Dictionary has no more room in it to store entry 32 - PostScript Object Error: Too many 'begin' operators detected 33 - PostScript Object Error: Too many 'end' operators detected 34 - PostScript Object Error: Executive stack nesting too deep 35 - PostScript Object Error: External interrupt request detected 36 - PostScript Object Error: Attempt to violate access attribute 37 - PostScript Object Error: Operator 'exit' was not found in loop context 38 - PostScript Object Error: Unacceptable access string 39 - PostScript Object Error: Invalid font resource name or font or CIDFont dictionary 40 - PostScript Object Error: Improper 'restore' has been detected 41 - PostScript Object Error: Input/output error has been detected 42 - PostScript Object Error: Implementation limit has been exceeded 43 - PostScript Object Error: The current point undefined 44 - PostScript Object Error: An operator's operand is out of bounds 45 - PostScript Object Error: An operand stack overflow has been detected 46 - PostScript Object Error: An operand stack underflow has been detected 47 - PostScript Object Error: A PostScript language syntax error has been detected 48 - PostScript Object Error: Object processing time limit has been exceeded 49 - PostScript Object Error: An operator's operand has been detected as the wrong type 50 - PostScript Object Error: A name used in object is not known to the interpreter 51 - PostScript Object Error: Filename used in object was not found by the interpreter 52 - PostScript Object Error: Resource used in object was not found by the interpreter 53 - PostScript Object Error: An overflow, underflow, or meaningless result occurred 54 - PostScript Object Error: Interpreter expected a mark on the stack; none was found 55 - PostScript Object Error: Internal error occurred within the interpreter 56 - PostScript Object Error: The interpreter's virtual memory has been exhausted 57 - PostScript Object Error: No output generated from EPS/PDF - check input data 80 - PDF Object Error: Failure to open a secure PDF document 81 - PDF Object Error: General failure to convert PDF to PostScript code 82 - PDF Object Error: Failure to enumerate fonts contained in PDF document 83 - PDF Object Error: Failure to open PDF document Unrecognized error code SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using may attempt to print the page in error. The entire page may not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers may be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the data in the structured fields of the object container resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to the appropriate documentation for the data stream being carried in the object container resource. If you used a program to create the structured fields and the data, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS2554I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A SECONDARY DATA OBJECT RESOURCE WAS NOT FOUND. EXPLANATION: One of the following conditions occurred with a secondary resource while printing a data object: o A presentation data object referenced a data object resource by an internal name, but there was no X'DE', X'BE' pair on the Include Object (IOB) to identify the secondary resource's external name. o A presentation data object referenced a data object resource by an internal name. This internal name was mapped to an external name by a X'DE', X'BE' pair on the Include Object (IOB) but the resource identified by the external name was not mapped in the Active Environment Group (AEG) for the page. o A presentation data object referenced a data object resource by an external name, but this external name was not mapped in the Active Environment Group (AEG) for the page. The data object might be included in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, or an object container or it may be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using may attempt to print the page in error. The entire page may not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers may be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the data object resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference or Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS2555I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: AN INCLUDE TILE PARAMETER IS OUT OF SEQUENCE. EXPLANATION: An Include Tile Parameter was encountered out of sequence or appeared more than once. An Include Tile Parameter must appear immediately after a Tile Position Parameter. The Include Tile Parameter is contained in an Image Picture Data (IPD) structured field. The IPD structured field is contained in an IOCA image object. The IOCA image object might be included in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or an object container or it may be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using may attempt to print the page in error. The entire page may not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers may be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the data object resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference or Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS2556I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: INAPPROPRIATE SECONDARY RESOURCE INVOKED FOR A DATA OBJECT. EXPLANATION: A data object resource was invoked for a presentation data object, but it is not a valid object type for that data object. The data object might be included in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, or an object container, or it might be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using may attempt to print the page in error. The entire page may not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers may be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the data object resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference or Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS2557I THE PRINTER HAS DETECTED A DATA-RELATED DECOMPRESSION ERROR. EXPLANATION: The printer has detected a data-related decompression error on a page. Incorrectly compressed JPEG image data within a data object or an IOCA image can cause this error. The image object might be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, or a page segment; or it might be embedded in a data set containing line data. The data object might be included in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, or an object container, or it might be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current data set and issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. USER RESPONSE: If you created the data in the structured fields of the object container or image object resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to the appropriate documentation for the data stream being carried in the object container or image object resource. If you used a program to create the structured fields and the data, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: Refer to the operator's guide for the printer that reported this error and clear any paper that has not been stacked. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS2558I THE PRINTER HAS DETECTED A DATA-RELATED DECOMPRESSION ERROR. EXPLANATION: The printer has detected a data-related decompression error on a page. Incorrectly compressed JPEG image data within a data object or an IOCA image can cause this error. The image object might be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, or a page segment; or it might be embedded in a data set containing line data. The data object might be included in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, or an object container, or it might be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current data set and issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. USER RESPONSE: If you created the data in the structured fields of the object container resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to the appropriate documentation for the data stream being carried in the object container resource. If you used a program to create the structured fields and the data, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS2559I THE DATA IN A PRESENTATION OBJECT CONTAINER RESOURCE WAS CONSIDERED INCORRECT BY THE PRINTER. CODE = ( code and brief description ). EXPLANATION: The data in an object container resource was not considered valid by the printer, although the printer supports the resource type as identified by the Object Classification Triplet on the Begin Object Container structured field. For data object resources which include Postscript, PDF and EPS objects the possible error codes are: 0 - Error code not provided 30 - PostScript Object Error: Setpagedevice or setdevparams request cannot be satisfied 31 - PostScript Object Error: Dictionary has no more room in it to store entry 32 - PostScript Object Error: Too many 'begin' operators detected 33 - PostScript Object Error: Too many 'end' operators detected 34 - PostScript Object Error: Executive stack nesting too deep 35 - PostScript Object Error: External interrupt request detected 36 - PostScript Object Error: Attempt to violate access attribute 37 - PostScript Object Error: Operator 'exit' was not found in loop context 38 - PostScript Object Error: Unacceptable access string 39 - PostScript Object Error: Invalid font resource name or font or CIDFont dictionary 40 - PostScript Object Error: Improper 'restore' has been detected 41 - PostScript Object Error: Input/output error has been detected 42 - PostScript Object Error: Implementation limit has been exceeded 43 - PostScript Object Error: The current point undefined 44 - PostScript Object Error: An operator's operand is out of bounds 45 - PostScript Object Error: An operand stack overflow has been detected 46 - PostScript Object Error: An operand stack underflow has been detected 47 - PostScript Object Error: A PostScript language syntax error has been detected 48 - PostScript Object Error: Object processing time limit has been exceeded 49 - PostScript Object Error: An operator's operand has been detected as the wrong type 50 - PostScript Object Error: A name used in object is not known to the interpreter 51 - PostScript Object Error: Filename used in object was not found by the interpreter 52 - PostScript Object Error: Resource used in object was not found by the interpreter 53 - PostScript Object Error: An overflow, underflow, or meaningless result occurred 54 - PostScript Object Error: Interpreter expected a mark on the stack; none was found 55 - PostScript Object Error: Internal error occurred within the interpreter 56 - PostScript Object Error: The interpreter's virtual memory has been exhausted 57 - PostScript Object Error: No output generated from EPS/PDF - check input data 80 - PDF Object Error: Failure to open a secure PDF document 81 - PDF Object Error: General failure to convert PDF to PostScript code 82 - PDF Object Error: Failure to enumerate fonts contained in PDF document 83 - PDF Object Error: Failure to open PDF document Unrecognized error code SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current data set and issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the data object resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference or Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS2560I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE OBJECT-AREA-ORIGIN-OFFSET VALUE SPECIFIED FOR A DATA OBJECT IS UNSUPPORTED. EXPLANATION: The X or Y object-area-origin-offset value specified in the Object Area Position (OBP) of the data object resource or in the IOB that included the object is unsupported. The data object might be included in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, or an object container, or it might be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using may attempt to print the page in error. The entire page may not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers may be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the data object resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference or Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS2564I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A SET PRESENTATION SIZE SELF-DEFINING FIELD WAS SPECIFIED INCORRECTLY. EXPLANATION: One or more of the following occurred in the Set Presentation Space self-defining field: o The Xsize or Ysize field within a Set Presentation Space Size self-defining field is incorrect. o Both Xsize and Ysize can be specified using 2 bytes. The values were not specified in IDD bytes 11-14 or the Set Presentation Space Size self-defining field wast not specified. o One or both of the size parameters in a Set Presentation Space Size self-defining field are greater than X'7FFF', but the corresponding value or values specified in the Image Data Description (IDD) bytes 11 - 14 has not been set to X'7FFF'. A Set Presentation Space Size self-defining field is contained in an IDD structured field. The IDD structured field is contained in an IOCA image object. The IOCA image object might be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, an object container, a data set containing line data, or a page segment, or might be included by an Include Object (IOB) structured field. A page segment is included using an Include Page Segment (IPS) structured field or an IOB structured field. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using may attempt to print the page in error. The entire page may not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers may be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the data object resource, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference or Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS3501I DATA OBJECT RESOURCE TYPE (type string), NAME (member) OR OBJECT ID (object oid), HAS AN UNSUPPORTED REGISTRATION ID (object-type oid). Explanation: The registration id (object-type OID) for the specified Data Object Resource is not supported by the printer, by PSF, or is supported by neither. The registration id is specified in the object classification triplet on an IOB, BOC, BR, or MDR structured field. If the Data Object Resource type string in this message is '(***)' then PSF does not support the registration id, otherwise the printer does not support the registration id. Any message inserts (enclosed in parenthesis) in this message that are not available or that do not apply to this instance of this message are specified as '(***)'. System Action: If this error was encountered when processing a Resource Environment Group (REG), PSF will skip over this particular data object resource and try to process any other resources specified in the REG. If this error was encountered while processing a page or overlay object, PSF terminates the page or overlay object. PSF attempts to locate the end of the current page and resume processing on the next page. If the end of the current page cannot be located, PSF stops printing the data set. PSF issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. User Response: If you created the structured fields for the Data Object Resource, ensure that the registration ID is correct. If the registration ID is correct, submit the print job to a printer that supports this object type. For more information about what object types are supports by your printer, refer to your printer documentation. System Programmer Response: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields, verify that the input to that program was valid and the correct printer is being used. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for the user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS3502I DATA OBJECT RESOURCE TYPE (type string), NAME (member) OR OBJECT ID (object oid), COULD NOT BE PROCESSED. THIS OBJECT IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS PRINTER AND IS SKIPPED. Explanation: The registration id (object-type OID) for the specified Data Object Resource is not supported by the printer. The registration id is specified in the object classification triplet on an IOB ,BOC, BR, or MDR structured field. The printer does not support the registration id, however, this object is not required for printing this document. PSF records this condition and continues. It is likely that the print file was formatted for a color printer that supports color profiles but is being printed on a printer that does not support these color profile objects. Any message inserts (enclosed in parenthesis) in this message that are not available or that do not apply to this instance of this message are specified as '(***)'. System Action: PSF records this condition and then continues processing. User Response: If the printed output is not acceptable, choose a printer that supports the color profiles that are specified in this print file or reformat this print file for the printer on which this print file is being printed. System Programmer Response: Verify that the formatting options at the time the print file is produced are compatible with the printer on which this print file is printing. Correct any mismatches. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource causing the condition is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for the user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS3503I DATA OBJECT RESOURCE TYPE (type string), NAME (member) OR OBJECT ID (object oid), WAS REPLACED BY DATA OBJECT RESOURCE NAME (member) OR OBJECT ID (object oid), (optional user text). Explanation: The resource exit requested substitution of this data object resource. The specific type of data object resource is identified in this message. This message also contains the original data object resource name or object ID and the new data object resource name or object ID. Optional text, supplied by the resource exit, might also be in this message. Any message inserts (enclosed in parenthesis) in this message that are not available or that do not apply to this instance of this message are specified as '(***)'. System Action: PSF replaces the original data object resource references (name or object ID) with the new data object resource references (name or object ID) specified by the resource exit. PSF then generates this informational message unless directed otherwise by the resource exit. User Response: If the printed output is not acceptable, consult your system programmer. System Programmer Response: You can use the optional user text field of this message to provide further explanation for the user that explains why this data object resource was replaced. For more information about how to provide optional user text in this message, refer to PSF for OS/390: Customization. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource causing the condition is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for the user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 2, 8, 19. APS3504I THIS RESOURCE SUBSTITUTION REQUEST IS NOT ALLOWED. NAME (member) OR OBJECT ID (object OID) WAS NOT REPLACED BY NAME (member) OR OBJECT ID (object OID). Explanation: The resource exit requested substitution of this data object resource. This substitution was denied because the identification of the new data object resource (name or object ID) was not of the same identification type (name or object ID) as the original data object resource. The specific type of data object resource is identified in this message. This message also contains are the original Data Object Resource name or object ID and the new Data Object Resource name or object ID. Any message inserts (enclosed in parenthesis) in this message that are not available or that do not apply to this instance of this message are specified as '(***)'. System Action: PSF ignores the new data object resource name or object ID and uses the original data object resource name or object ID. PSF then generates this warning message and continues processing. User Response: If the printed output is not acceptable, consult your system programmer. System Programmer Response: To specify a new data object resource as a substitute for the original data object resource, the resource identification type must be identical. For example, if the original data object resource was identified with a name, then the new data object resource must also be identified with a name and the object ID specifications must remain unchanged. For more information about resource substitution, refer to PSF for OS/390: Customization. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource causing the condition is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for the user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 2, 8, 19. APS3505I DATA OBJECT RESOURCE TYPE (type string), OBJECT ID (object id), IS SPECIFIED IN AN IOB STRUCTURED FIELD WITH THE ASN.1 OID FORMAT. PSF DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS OID FORMAT FOR SOFT DATA OBJECT RESOURCES. Explanation: The data object resource referenced by the IOB is soft, meaning that it was not sent to the printer prior to the page and treated as a hard resource managed by PSF. PSF does not support IOB references with the ASN.1 OID format for soft data object resources. System Action: The printer you were using may attempt to print the page in error. The entire page may not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers may be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. User Response: If you created the structured fields for the IOB, change the IOB to reference the Data Object Resource by name. Refer to the Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the IOB structured field. System Programmer Response: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields, verify that the input to that program was valid and the correct printer is being used. If the input was valid, change the IOB to reference the Data Object Resource by name. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for the user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 2, 8, 19. APS3506I DATA OBJECT RESOURCE TYPE (type string), OBJECT ID (object oid), COULD NOT BE ACTIVATED IN THE PRINTER. Explanation: The registration id (object-type OID) for the specified data object resource is not supported by the printer, by PSF, or is not supported by either. The registration id is specified in the object classification triplet on an IOB, BOC, BR, or MDR structured field. If the data object resource type string in this message is '(***)' then PSF does not support the registration id, otherwise the printer does not support the registration id. Any message inserts (enclosed in parenthesis) in this message that are not available or that do not apply to this instance of this message are specified as '(***)'. System Action: If this error is encountered when processing a Resource Environment Group (REG), PSF skips over this particular data object resource and tries to process any other resources specified in the REG. If this error is encountered while processing a page or overlay object, PSF terminates the page or overlay object. PSF attempts to locate the end of the current page and resume processing on the next page. If the end of the current page cannot be located, PSF stops printing the data set. PSF issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. User Response: If you created the structured fields for the data object resource, ensure that the registration ID is correct. If the registration ID is correct, submit the print job to a printer that supports this object type. For more information about what object types are supports by your printer, refer to your printer documentation. System Programmer Response: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields, verify that the input to that program was valid and the correct printer is being used. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for the user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS3507I DATA OBJECT RESOURCE TYPE (type string), OBJECT ID (object oid), COULD NOT BE ACTIVATED IN THE PRINTER. THIS OBJECT IS NOT REQUIRED FOR PRINTING AND IS SKIPPED. Explanation: The data object resource with object ID (object oid) could not be activated by the printer. The printer does not know of this data object resource, however, this object is not required for printing this document. PSF records this condition and continues. It is likely that the print file was formatted for a color printer that supports color profiles but is being printed on a printer that does not support these color profile objects. It is also possible that the object ID (object OID) was specified incorrectly. Any message inserts (enclosed in parenthesis) in this message that are not available or that do not apply to this instance of this message are specified as '(***)'. System Action: PSF records this condition and then continues processing. User Response: If the printed output is not acceptable, choose a printer that knows the object oids that are specified in this print file, correct the object oid, or reformat this print file for the printer on which this print file is being printed. System Programmer Response: Verify that the formatting options at the time the print file is produced are compatible with the printer on which this print file is printing. Correct any mismatches. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource causing this condition is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for the user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS3508I RESOURCE TYPE (type string), NAME (member) OR OBJECT ID (object oid), SHOULD NOT BE SPECIFIED AS AN OBJECT CONTAINER RESOURCE. Explanation: PSF encountered an object in an object container construct that should not be an object container. One example of this is an IOCA object that has been placed in object container structured fields. The object in error was identified by name (member) or object ID (object oid). Any message inserts (enclosed in parenthesis) in this message that are not available or that do not apply to this instance of this message are specified as '(***)'. System Action: If this error was encountered when processing a Resource Environment Group (REG), PSF will skip over this particular data object resource and try to process any other resources specified in the REG. If this error was encountered while processing a page or overlay object, PSF terminates the page or overlay object. PSF attempts to locate the end of the current page and resume processing on the next page. If the end of the current page cannot be located, PSF stops printing the data set. PSF issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. User Response: If you created the structured fields for the data object resource, ensure that the object type is appropriate for use as an object container or use this object type as intended. For more information about the proper usage of this object type, refer to Data Stream and Object Architectures document for MO:DCA. System Programmer Response: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields, verify that the input to that program was valid and the correct printer is being used. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for the user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. APS3509I THE ABOVE CONDITION WAS ENCOUNTERED WHILE PROCESSING OBJECTS SPECIFIED IN RESOURCE ENVIRONMENT GROUP (token name). PROCESSING OF THE RESOURCE ENVIRONMENT GROUP CONTINUES. Explanation: The previous condition or error was found while processing a Resource Environment Group (REG) for this document. Errors or conditions identified during REG processing are recorded and then processing continues. This message is produced to help find the noted condition. The message insert (token name), identifies the Resource Environment group being processed` when the condition was encountered. If the Resource Environment Group does not have a token name, the message insert will appear as '(***)'. System Action: PSF records the environment at the time the primary condition was encountered and continues processing. User Response: See the User Response for the primary message in this message set. System Programmer Response: See the System Programmer Response for the primary message in this message set. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for the user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 4, 9, 17, 19. APS3510I THE ABOVE CONDITION OCCURRED IN THE RESOURCE ENVIRONMENT GROUP JUST PRIOR TO PAGE (page number) OF TRANSMISSION (transmission number). Explanation: The previous condition or error was found while processing a Resource Environment Group (REG) for this document. Errors or conditions identified during REG processing are recorded and then processing continues. This message is produced to help find the noted condition. The condition occurred just prior to processing the page and transmission identified in this message. System Action: PSF records the environment at the time the primary condition was encountered and continues processing. User Response: See the User Response for the primary message in this message set. System Programmer Response: See the System Programmer Response for the primary message in this message set. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for the user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 4, 9, 17, 19. In Chapter 2 under PSF ABEND Reason Codes add the following ABEND codes: 04F6 Explanation: This ABEND is issued by module APSDLOAD--APSDLOAD cannot get storage for CCM OC Interface parameter block. System Action: PSF processing terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: This PSF ABEND indicates that the REGION size should be increased. If the print request is processing in direct-printing mode, this REGION size is for the job or step containing the request. If the print request is processing in deferred-printing mode, increase the REGION parameter in the PSF startup procedure. 04F7 Explanation: This abend is issued by module APSDLOAD--APSDLOAD cannot get storage for CCM IO Image Interface parameter block. System Action: PSF processing terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: This PSF abend indicates that the REGION size should be increased. If the print request is processing in direct-printing mode, this REGION size is for the job or step containing the request. If the print request is processing in deferred-printing mode, increase the REGION parameter in the PSF startup procedure. 0702 Explanation: This abend is issued by module APSRINIT--APSRINIT cannot get storage for the REGD list. System Action: PSF processing terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: This PSF abend indicates that the REGION size should be increased. If the print request is processing in direct-printing mode, this REGION size is for the job or step containing the request. If the print request is processing in deferred-printing mode, increase the REGION parameter in the PSF startup procedure. 07C0 Explanation: This abend is issued by module APSRMDOR--APSRMDOR cannot get storage for an RCB. System Action: PSF processing terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: This PSF abend indicates that the REGION size should be increased. If the print request is processing in direct-printing mode, this REGION size is for the job or step containing the request. If the print request is processing in deferred-printing mode, increase the REGION parameter in the PSF startup procedure. 07C1 Explanation: This abend is issued by module APSRMDOR--APSRMDOR cannot get storage for an RLST entry. System Action: PSF processing terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: This PSF abend indicates that the REGION size should be increased. If the print request is processing in direct-printing mode, this REGION size is for the job or step containing the request. If the print request is processing in deferred-printing mode, increase the REGION parameter in the PSF startup procedure. In Chapter 2 under PSF ABEND Reason Codes remove the following ABEND codes: 0661 0662 0641 0784 -----------CHANGES FOR OW44363---------------------------------- 1. On page 281, under APS970I, change the explanation to read: The data set being processed was identified as requiring 3800 Line-Mode Conversion or Line Mode Migration processing. However, no FCB parameter was found in the JCL for the data set; therefore, the processing could not take place. 2. On page 281, under APS970I, add the following paragraph after the first paragraph in the User Response section: If the data set requires Line Mode Migration processing, specify the correct FCB parameter in the JCL for the data set. If the data set JCL cannot be changed, request that the job be printed on a JES-controlled 4245 printer. If the data set does not require Line Mode Migration processing, consult your system programmer, or change the JCL to specify a page definition that should be used to print this data set. Specifying a page definition will override the request to perform the migration function on the data set. 3. On page 281, under APS970I, change the first sentence of the System Programmer Response to read: If the 3800 Line-Mode Conversion function is being used, PSF Exit 4 or 14 requested that the Line-Mode Conversion function be performed for this data set. 4. On page 281, under APS970I, add the following paragraph after the second paragraph in the System Programmer Response Section: If the Line Mode Migration function is being used, PSF Exit 8 requested that Line Mode Migration be performed on this data set. If the migration function is to be performed, PSF cannot determine the page format because no FCB is specified on the data set JCL. Either specify an FCB on the JCL, define an installation default FCB or request that the job be printed on a JES-controlled 4245 printer. If you do not want Line Mode Migration processing for this data set, change exit 8 to not request the migration function for this data set. 5. On page 281, under APS971I, change the first sentence of the Explanation Section to read: The data set being processed was identified as requiring 3800 Line-Mode Conversion or the Line Mode Migration function. 6. On page 281, under APS971I, change the first sentence of the User Response Section to read: If you want 3800 Line-Mode Conversion or Line Mode Migration processing for this data set, an FCB matching the FCB name in the user JCL must exist in SYS1.IMAGELIB. 7. On page 281, under APS971I, change the last sentence of the User Response Section to read: If you do not want 3800 Line-Mode Conversion or Line Mode Migration processing for this data set, or you are using the FCB specified in the JCL as a page definition name to be accessed in a PSF resource library, consult your system programmer. 8. On page 281, under APS971I, add the following after the first paragraph in the System Programmer Response Section to read: If the data set should not be migrated from 4245 line mode to PSF line mode, change the PSF exit 8 so migration processing is not performed on this data set. 9. On page 282, under APS972I, change the first sentence of the Explanation section to read: The data set being processed was identified as requiring 3800 Line-Mode Conversion or Line Mode Migration processing. 10.On page 283, under APS976I, change the first sentence of the Explanation section to read: The data set being processed was identified as requiring 3800 Line-Mode Conversion or Line Mode Migration processing. 11.On page 283, under APS977I, change the first sentence of the Explanation section to read: The data set being processed was identified as requiring 3800 Line-Mode Conversion or Line Mode Migration processing. 12.On page 284, under APS980I, change the first sentence of the Explanation section to read: The data set being processed was identified as requiring 3800 Line-Mode Conversion or Line Mode Migration processing. 13.On page 325 add the following message. APS7002I ACTIVATING BOTH 3800 LINE MODE CONVERSION AND LINE MODE MIGRATION IS NOT ALLOWED. Explanation: Both 3800 Line-Mode Conversion and Line Mode Migration were activated for the same data set. This combination is not allowed. System Action: PSF processing terminates abnormally with an abend 024 and abend reason code A5F. User Response: No response is necessary. System Programmer Response: Either disable 3800 Line-Mode Conversion or Line Mode Migration for this data set. Operator Response: Inform your system programmer that this error occurred. Problem Determination: 1, 19. 14.On page 394 add the following abend reason code. 0A5F Explanation: This abend is issued by module APSUEXIT -- APSUEXIT determined that both 3800 Line-Mode Conversion and Line Mode Migration were activated for the same dataset. For further information, see message APS7002I issued before this abend. System Action: PSF processing terminates abnormally. No system dump is generated. System Programmer Response: This PSF abend indicates an installation exit error. Change your exits so both 3800 Line-Mode Conversion and Line Mode Migration are not active for the same data set. -----------CHANGES FOR OW46911---------------------------------- 00860000 00870000 Add following messages: 1. APS361I THE INPUT BIN WITH COMPONENT ID component ID, MEDIA NAME media name, BIN NUMBER bin number IS NOT SUPPORTED OR NOT ENABLED ON THE PRINTER. MEDIA FIDELITY REQUESTED THE JOB TO BE TERMINATED WITH NO ALTERNATE BIN SUBSTITUTION. Explanation: The Medium Modification Control (MMC) structured field specified a media selection that does not exist on the selected printer or is not enabled. A value of *** for any of the three values means that piece of information was not provided by the MMC structured field. The input bin is selected by a media-source selector keyword with or without media-type local ID keywords in the MMC structured field. The media-type local ID keywords specify the ID of a Map Media Type (MMT) structured field that contains an Object Identifier (OID) with or without a Media Name. The MMC and MMT structured fields are in the form definition. System Action: Processing of the current data set is ended. User Response: Submit the print request to a printer that supports the specified media selection. If you want to use the original printer, and if you created the structured fields for the form definition, specify a supported bin in the MMC structured field. For more information about the MMC structured field, refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. If the structured field contains the component ID, media name, or number of a supported bin, the error may be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the form definition, ensure that the input to that program specified a supported bin. If it did, consult your system programmer. System Programmer Response: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the form definition with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: Items 1, 2, 13, 17, 19 2. APS865I THE ACTUAL MEDIA LOADED DOES NOT MATCH THE FORM THAT WAS SELECTED AT THE PRINTER CONSOLE. EXPLANATION: The media currently loaded in the printer does not match the form that was selected at the printer console. The printer detected and reported an asynchronous intervention-required error with an action code of X'0A' (sense byte 2). Bytes 0,1 and 19 of the error are 4035..00. For more information about this error, refer to the printer publications for the printer that reported the error. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF retransmits pages to the printer, starting from the Jam Recovery Printer Counter plus one. PSF may print this message on a separate sheet in the data set to mark the position at which the recovery from this error was started. If repositioning is not supported in the current environment, the data set is ended. USER RESPONSE: The printed output may be acceptable. If the error condition persists, consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If the error condition persists, follow the procedures described in PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis before contacting the IBM Support Center. OPERATOR RESPONSE: Clear the paper up to the Jam Recovery Printer Counter. Perform the following tasks in order to continue printing: o Verify that the correct form for the job is selected at the printer console. If the correct form for the job is not selected, change it to the correct one. o Load the paper that matches the selected form at the printer console. For a continuous forms printer be sure to NPRO the correct paper up to the Jam Recovery Printer Counter. o If the correct paper for the job is not available, do one of these: - Cancel the job at the printer console. The job will need to be resubmitted when the correct paper is available. - Disable the verifier and continue printing with the paper that is available. PSF assumes that pages between the Jam Recovery Printer Counter and the Stacked Printer Counter are not damaged and do not need to be reprinted. If any pages between these two printer counters do need to be reprinted, use the Job Entry Subsystem (JES) BACKSPACE command. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 8, 18. -----------CHANGES FOR OW49029---------------------------------- 00860000 In Chapter 2 under PSF ABEND Reason Codes add the following new ABEND Reason codes: 0EA8 Explanation: This abend is issued by module APSKDVP-- An error was reported by APSIPUT in freeing the message data set buffers. System Action: Download for OS/390 processing terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: This PSF abend reason code indicates a possible logic error. Contact your service representative in the IBM Support Center or use your electronic link with IBM service for assistance regarding this error code. 0EA9 Explanation: This abend is issued by module APSKDVP-- An error was reported by APSIDEQ in dequeuing and freeing the message data set record resource block (RRB). System Action: Download for OS/390 processing terminates abnormally. System Programmer Response: This PSF abend reason code indicates a possible logic error. Contact your service representative in the IBM Support Center or use your electronic link with IBM service for assistance regarding this error code. -----------CHANGES FOR OW49645---------------------------------- 00860000 On page 71, under message APS280I, change the first paragraph of the "System Action" paragraph to read : PSF cannot print the current page. PSF attempts to find the end of the current page and resume printing on the next page. If unable to find the end of the page, or printing an interrupt message page or message data set, PSF stops printing the data set. If printing an interrupt message page or message data set, PSF releases the current data set back to JES and requests that it be held by the system. -----------CHANGES FOR OW50901---------------------------------- 00860000 1. On page 325 add the following message. APS6505I INITAPI CALL FOR TCP/IP ADDRESS SPACE NAME OF (tcpip_name) WITH A RETURN CODE OF (nnnn) AND AN ERRNO OF (errno) IS BEING RETRIED. Explanation: The INITAPI call to TCP/IP failed. The nnnn has the return code from the call, and errno has the TCP/IP error number. The tcpip_name has the TCP/IP address space name, either the default name, TCPIP, or the name specified as a parameter on the EXEC statement. The INITAPI call failed for a condition that can be retried. PSF is retrying the INITAPI call and will continue retrying the call for the duration of the connect interval timer (CONNINTV). ERRNO indicates the TCP/IP error. To interpret the ERRNO, refer to TCP/IP for MVS: Application Programming Interface Reference (TCP/IP 3.2) or OS/390 SecureWay Communications Server: IP Application Programming Interface Guide (TCP/IP 3.4 or above). ERRNOs associated with this message are: 1036 TCP/IP is not installed or not active. 10218 Application programming interface (API) cannot locate the specified TCP/IP. In either case ensure that TCP/IP is active. System Action: The INITAPI call has been retried and will continue to be retried until the call completes successfully or the connect interval timer expires. If FAILURE=WCONNECT on the PRINTDEV statement in the PSF startup procedure or Failure action = Wait for connect in the Printer Inventory, PSF attempts to retry the INITAPI call continuously, issuing the APS6505I message only when the ERRNO changes between attempts. User Response: No response is necessary. System Programmer Response: The problem was caused by TCP/IP not being active. Start TCP/IP or ensure that TCP/IP is started before starting the printer. Operator Response: The problem was caused by TCP/IP not being active. Start TCP/IP or ensure that TCP/IP is started before starting the printer. Problem Determination: Items 1,19 -----------CHANGES FOR OW50905---------------------------------- 00860000 1. On page 276, under message APS946I, change the "System Programmer Response" to read: System Programmer Response: If a dotted decimal address was provided, correct the error. If an installation exit written in the C language is being used, then each FSA runs as a new "Process". Verify that the SYS1.PARMLIB member BPXPRMxx values for MAXPROCSYS and MAXPROCUSER are large enough for each PSF FSA and the FSS to have a PROC. The operator command "D OMVS,O" displays the current values for these configuration parameters. Also verify that the LE runtime options are appropriate and that a valid RACF OMVS segment is defined for PSF. If a valid host name was provided, contact your TCP/IP administrator. PSF for OS/390 uses the same name resolver as the TSO LPR command. 2. On page 287, under message APS997I, change the "System Programmer Response" to read: System Programmer Response: If a dotted decimal address was provided, correct the IPADDR parameter in the routing-control data set. To use the modified routing control data set, stop the Download for OS/390 FSS and restart the FSAs. If an installation exit written in the C language is being used, then each FSA runs as a new "Process". Verify that the SYS1.PARMLIB member BPXPRMxx values for MAXPROCSYS and MAXPROCUSER are large enough for each PSF FSA and the FSS to have a PROC. The operator command "D OMVS,O" displays the current values for these configuration parameters. Also verify that the LE runtime options are appropriate and that a valid RACF OMVS segment is defined for Download. If a valid host name was provided, contact your TCP/IP administrator. Download for OS/390 uses the same name resolver as the TSO LPR command. -----------CHANGES FOR OW50390---------------------------------- Add the following new messages: APS2038I THE BAR CODE DATA OR THE BAR CODE DATA PLUS THE ADDITIONAL 2D BAR CODE PARAMETERS EXCEED THE OUTPUT COMMAND BUFFER. EXPLANATION: Either the bar code data itself or the bar code data plus the macro control block data specified for a 2D bar code exceeds the size of the output command buffer. The macro control block data is specified in your page definition as part of the BCXPARMS (additional bar code parameters). SYSTEM ACTION: PSF issues this message and continues processing. USER RESPONSE: Change the amount of data specified for your bar code or reduce the amount of data in the macro control block. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: No response is necessary. OPERATOR RESPONSE: No response is necessary. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: None. APS2567I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE MATRIX ROW SIZE VALUE OR THE NUMBER OF ROWS VALUE IS UNSUPPORTED. EXPLANATION: Either the matrix row size value or the number of rows value is unsupported. These values are specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2568I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE STRUCTURED APPEND SEQUENCE INDICATOR IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: A structured append sequence indicator is not valid. This value is specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition. For a Data Matrix symbol, the sequence indicator must be from 1 to 16, inclusive. For a MaxiCode symbol, the sequence indicator must be from 1 to 8, inclusive. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2569I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE STRUCTURED APPEND SEQUENCE INDICATOR IS TOO LARGE. EXPLANATION: A structured append sequence indicator is larger than the total number of structured append symbols. This value is specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2570I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: MISMATCHED STRUCTURED APPEND INFORMATION IS SPECIFIED IN A BAR CODE. EXPLANATION: Mismatched structured append information is specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field. or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition. One of the sequence-indicator and total-number-of-symbols parameters is X'00', but the other is not X'00'. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2571I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: THE NUMBER OF STRUCTURED APPEND SYMBOLS SPECIFIED IN A BAR CODE IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: The number of structured append symbols specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition is not valid. For a Data Matrix symbol, the total number of symbols must be from 2 to 16, inclusive. For a MaxiCode symbol, the total number of symbols must be from 2 to 8, inclusive. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2572I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: AN INCOMPATIBLE COMBINATION OF DATA MATRIX PARAMETERS IS SPECIFIED IN A BAR CODE. EXPLANATION: An incompatible combination of Data Matrix parameters is specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition. One or more of these conditions occurred: o A structured append is specified, but either the reader programming flag is set to B'1' or a header and trailer macro is specified. o The UCC/EAN FNC1 flag is set to B'1', but either the industry FNC1 flag is set to B'1', the reader programming flag is set to B'1', or a header and trailer macro is specified. o The industry FNC1 flag is set to B'1', but either the UCC/EAN FNC1 flag is set to B'1', the reader programming flag is set to B'1', or a header and trailer macro is specified. o The reader programming flag is set to B'1', but either a structured append is specified, one of the FNC1 flags is set to B'1', or a header and trailer macro is specified. o A header and trailer macro is specified, but either a structured append is specified, one of the FNC1 flags is set to B'1', or the reader programming flag is set to B'1'. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2573I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A SPECIFIED STRUCTURED APPEND FILE IDENTIFICATION VALUE IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: A structured append file identification value specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition is not valid. Each byte of the 2-byte file identification value must be in the range X'01'-X'FE'. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2574I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A SPECIFIED SYMBOL MODE VALUE IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: A symbol mode value specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition is not valid. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2575I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A SPECIFIED DATA SYMBOL CHARACTERS PER ROW VALUE FOR A PDF417 SYMBOL IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: The number of data symbol characters per row value specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition is not valid. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2576I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A DESIRED NUMBER OF ROWS VALUE IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: For a PDF417 symbol, one of these conditions occurred: o A specified desired number of rows value is not valid. o The number of rows times the number of data symbol characters is greater than 928. A desired number of rows value is specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2577I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: TOO MUCH DATA WAS SPECIFIED FOR A PDF417 SYMBOL. EXPLANATION: For a PDF417 symbol, too much data was specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2578I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A SPECIFIED SECURITY LEVEL VALUE FOR A PDF417 SYMBOL IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: For a PDF417 symbol, a security level value specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition is not valid. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2579I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: A SPECIFIED LENGTH VALUE FOR A MACRO PDF417 CONTROL BLOCK IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: For a PDF417 symbol, one or more of these occurred: o A Macro PDF417 Control Block length value specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition is not valid. o The length of a Macro PDF417 Control Block is too large. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. APS2580I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: DATA SPECIFIED FOR A MACRO PDF417 CONTROL BLOCK IS NOT VALID. EXPLANATION: For a PDF417 symbol, an error occurred within the data for a Macro PDF417 Control Block specified in the Bar Code Symbol Data (BSA) data structure in a Bar Code Data (BDA) structured field or in the additional Bar Code Parameters triplet (X'7B') in a page definition. The BDA structured field is contained in a bar code object. The bar code object can be contained in a MO:DCA document, an overlay, a page segment, or it can be embedded in a data set containing line data. SYSTEM ACTION: The printer you were using might attempt to print the page in error. The entire page might not be printed. If the page in error contains any positioning errors, then print-error markers might be included on the printed page. PSF continues processing the current data set with the page following the page in error, unless the printer reported another error that required a more severe PSF recovery action. USER RESPONSE: If you created the structured fields for the bar code object, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information about the BDA structured field. Refer to Advance Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the X'7B' triplet. If the structured field has no error, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the bar code object, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the structured fields for the bar code object with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 2, 3, 8, 13, 17. -----------CHANGES FOR OW50960---------------------------------- On page 322 add the following new message: APS2582I THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF OVERLAYS THE PRINTER WILL ACCEPT MIGHT HAVE BEEN EXCEEDED BY A SIMPLEX PAGE OR BY THE FRONT AND BACK OF A DUPLEX SHEET. EXPLANATION: While loading overlays in the printer, the printer detected and reported that an overlay number was out of the valid range. This error might be caused by a simplex page or by the front and back of a duplex sheet that contains more overlays than the printer can accept. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF recovers from the error by deleting any overlays that are not needed for the current sheet at the Received Page Counter, and then repositioning and resending the page. If repositioning is not supported in the current environment, the data set is terminated instead. If respositioning was supported and PSF receives a second occurrence of this error, PSF issues this message and terminates. USER RESPONSE: If data stream errors stopped the processing of the page preceding the page for which APS2582I was issued, correct the data stream errors first, and resubmit the print request. The condition that caused message APS2582I to be issued might be resolved after the other errors have been corrected. If the error is not due to data stream errors, delete some of the overlays on the simplex page or duplex sheet for which APS2582I was issued. If the simplex page or duplex sheet for which APS2582I was issued does not exceed the number of overlays that the printer can accept, a PSF or printer logic error might have occurred. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. -----------CHANGES FOR OW47709---------------------------------- On page 270 add the following new condition to the list of conditions for APS923I: o PUNCH WASTE BIN FULL Add the following new messages: APS2549I A DATA-VALIDATION DEVICE CONNECTED TO THE PRINTER HAS DETECTED UNREADABLE OR INCORRECTLY PRINTED DATA. PARTIAL OR DUPLICATE PAGES MIGHT BE PRINTED. EXPLANATION: A data-validation device connected to the printer has detected unreadable or incorrectly printed data. This caused the printer to discard its buffered pages. The printer reports an action code X'1A' to instruct PSF to redrive buffered pages. For more information about this condition, refer to the printer publications for the printer that reported this error. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF retransmits pages to the printer, starting from the Committed Page Counter plus 1. Pages might be duplicated during the recovery. If repositioning is not supported in the current environment, the data set is terminated. USER RESPONSE: The printed output might be acceptable. If any pages were duplicated, you might want to resubmit the print request. If the error persists consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If a function was not selected at the printer and the error condition persists, follow the procedures described in PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis before contacting the IBM Support Center. OPERATOR RESPONSE: Inform your system programmer that this error occurred. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 18. APS2550I THE PUNCH WASTE BIN ON A PRINTER THAT SUPPORTS THE PUNCH OPERATION HAS BECOME FULL. PARTIAL OR DUPLICATE PAGES MIGHT BE PRINTED. EXPLANATION: The punch waste bin on a printer that supports the punch operation has become full. This caused the printer to discard its buffered pages. The printer reports an action code X'1A' to instruct PSF to redrive buffered pages. For more information about this condition, refer to the printer publications for the printer that reported this error. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF retransmits pages to the printer, starting from the Committed Page Counter plus 1. Pages might be duplicated during the recovery. If repositioning is not supported in the current environment, the data set is terminated. USER RESPONSE: The printed output might be acceptable. If any pages were duplicated, you might want to resubmit the print request. If the error persists consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If a function was not selected at the printer and the error condition persists, follow the procedures described in PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis before contacting the IBM Support Center. OPERATOR RESPONSE: Inform your system programmer that this error occurred. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 18. APS2561I A PROBLEM WITH THE PRINTER RIBBON HAS OCCURRED THAT REQUIRES OPERATOR INTERVENTION. EXPLANATION: A problem with the printer ribbon occurred. This caused the printer to discard its buffered pages. The printer reports an action code X'1A' to instruct PSF to redrive buffered pages. For more information about this condition, refer to the printer publications for the printer that reported this error. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF retransmits pages to the printer, starting from the Committed Page Counter plus 1. Pages might be duplicated during the recovery. If repositioning is not supported in the current environment, the data set is terminated. USER RESPONSE: The printed output might be acceptable. If any pages were duplicated, you might want to resubmit the print request. If the error persists consult your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If a function was not selected at the printer and the error condition persists, follow the procedures described in PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis before contacting the IBM Support Center. OPERATOR RESPONSE: Inform your system programmer that this error occurred. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 18. APS2562I THE PRINTER HAS REPORTED A CONDITION IN A POSTPROCESSOR THAT PSF DOES NOT RECOGNIZE. THE DATA SET WILL BE TERMINATED. EXPLANATION: The printer reported an action code X'0A' I/O error that PSF does not recognize. This message is accompanied by a message that presents the printer sense bytes. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing and printing the data set. USER RESPONSE: Inform your system programmer that this error occurred. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If the error condition persists, follow the procedures described in PSF for OS/390: Diagnosis before contacting the IBM Support Center. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: Items 1, 2, 17, 27. -----------CHANGES FOR OW52112---------------------------------- Add the following four new messages. APS1500I A bin_type BIN NUMBER HAS NOT BEEN SPECIFIED FOR INPUT BIN NUMBER bin_number IN INSTALLATION EXIT 7. EXPLANATION: An Installation Exit 7 requested side and edge sensitive paper handling for the input bin, but did not specify a bin_type bin number. bin_type can be simplex or duplex. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF ignores the request for bin substitution for input bin number bin_number, but performs all other bin substitutions requested in this Installation Exit 7. USER RESPONSE: If the printed output is not acceptable, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: Correct the Installation Exit 7 to specify both a simplex and a duplex bin for each input bin that requires substitution. OPERATOR RESPONSE: Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: None. APS1501I THE SIDE AND EDGE SENSITIVE PAPER HANDLING FUNCTION HAS BEEN DEACTIVATED BECAUSE NO BINS WERE SPECIFIED FOR SUBSTITUTION. EXPLANATION: An Installation Exit 7 requested side and edge sensitive paper handling, but did not specify a bin number that requires substitution. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF ignores the request for side and edge sensitive paper handling and does not perform bin substitution. PSF then generates this informational message and continues processing. USER RESPONSE: If the printed output is not acceptable, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: Correct the Installation Exit 7. Either turn off the XTP7SENS flag, which indicates that bins are to be substituted for side and edge sensitivity processing, or correctly specify bins that require substitution. OPERATOR RESPONSE: Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: None. APS2058I YOU HAVE REQUESTED PSF'S SIDE AND EDGE SENSITIVE PAPER HANDLING BUT THE PRINTER OR INPUT BIN NUMBER bin_number, WHICH WAS SPECIFIED FOR DUPLEX PRINTING, CANNOT HANDLE DUPLEX. EXPLANATION: Duplexing was requested but is not supported by the printer or the input bin that was specified. The support for duplex might not be installed on this printer or it might be disabled. Since side and edge sensitive paper handling has been specified, PSF does not try to do any bin substitution. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current data set and issues a message identifying the position of the error in the input data stream. PSF issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. It then releases the current data set back to JES and requests that it be held by the system. USER RESPONSE: If the printed output is not acceptable, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If the bin number specified in Installation Exit 7 for printing duplex is correct, submit this print request to a printer that can duplex from the requested bin. If the bin number specified in Installation Exit 7 for printing duplex does not exist or is incorrect for the printer you are using, change Installation Exit 7 to specify the correct bin. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If you are running under JES, use the JES data set release commands to release the data set to a printer that supports this function. To find a JES command to release the data set for printing, refer to the JES publication for the level of JES you are using. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: None. APS2059I YOU HAVE REQUESTED PSF'S SIDE AND EDGE SENSITIVE PAPER HANDLING BUT INPUT BIN NUMBER bin_number, WHICH WAS SPECIFIED FOR SIMPLEX OR DUPLEX PRINTING, CANNOT BE FOUND OR IS DISABLED. EXPLANATION: PSF was directed to use bin number bin_number instead of the one specified in the form definition or JCL, but PSF cannot find that bin on this printer or it is disabled. Since side and edge sensitive paper handling has been specified, PSF does not try to do any bin substitution. SYSTEM ACTION: PSF stops processing the current data set and issues a message identifying the position of the error in the input data stream. PSF issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. It then releases the current data set back to JES and requests that it be held by the system. USER RESPONSE: If the printed output is not acceptable, contact your system programmer. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If the bin number specified in Installation Exit 7 for printing simplex or duplex is correct, submit this print request to a printer that has this bin enabled or enable this bin on the printer being used. If the bin number specified in Installation Exit 7 for printing simplex or duplex does not exist or is incorrect for the printer you are using, change Installation Exit 7 to specify the correct bin. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If you are running under JES, use the JES data set release commands to release the data set to a printer that supports this function. To find a JES command to release the data set for printing, refer to the JES commands publication for the level of JES you are using. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: None. -----------CHANGES FOR OW53830---------------------------------- On page 271, msg APS929I, add the following section: Operator Response: If this message is displayed frequently for a TCP/IP-attached printer that is not shared by multiple host systems, notify your system programmer. -----------CHANGES FOR OW54627---------------------------------- 00470000 00480000 1. Add the following to ERRNO 61 under APS934I. It also could happen when the port number (PORTNO) at the host and printer do not match. 2. Add the following as one of the reasons for SOCKET CONNECT FAILED under APS934I. - The port number (PORTNO) at the host and printer do not match. 3. Add the following to ERRNO 61 under APS935I. It also could happen when the port number (PORTNO) at the host and printer do not match. 4. Add the following as one of the reasons for SOCKET CONNECT FAILED under APS935I. - The port number (PORTNO) at the host and printer do not match. 5. Change APS6501I to read as follows. APS6501I AN UNEXPECTED COMMUNICATION FAILURE OCCURRED. PRINTING WILL BE RESTARTED AT A PREVIOUS CHECKPOINT, AND PAGES MIGHT BE DUPLICATED. ERRNO = errno. 6. Change the EXPLANATION for APS6501I to read as follows. Explanation: PSF detected a communication failure with the printer; for example, the session was lost during page processing. Printing is restarted at the most recent checkpoint or the beginning of the dataset; therefore, some pages might be reprinted. PSF could issue this message when TCP/IP is recycled. This message appears on the operator console. ERRNO = errno indicates the TCP/IP error. To interpret the ERRNO, refer to OS/390 SecureWay Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes (SC31-8571) (TCP/IP 3.2) or PSF for OS/390 & z/OS: Security Guide (TCP/IP 3.4 and above). Common ERRNOs associated with this message are: 0 This indicates that the partner has closed its end of the socket connection. Determine why the remote partner has closed the connection. This may involve a microcode trace at the printer. 7. Add APS6510I. APS6510I AN UNEXPECTED COMMUNICATION FAILURE OCCURRED. PRINTING WILL BE RESTARTED AT A PREVIOUS CHECKPOINT, AND PAGES MIGHT BE DUPLICATED. Expalanation: PSF detected a communication failure with the printer; for example, the session was lost during page processing. Printing is restarted at the most recent checkpoint or the beginning of the dataset; therefore, some pages might be reprinted. This message appears on the operator console. System Action: The data set being printed at the time of the error is restarted from the most recent checkpoint before the interrupt. If no checkpoints have been reached, the data set is reprinted from the beginning. User Response: Examine your output for duplicate pages. System Programmer Response: No response is necessary. Operator Response: To determine an appropriate response, see the specific error conditions described in any accompanying console messages. Problem Determination: Items 1, 25, 26, 27. -----------CHANGES FOR OW54412---------------------------------- - On pages 94 and 95, remove message APS356I - Make the following changes to APS283I APS283I MEDIUM MAP medium map name IN A FORMDEF RESOURCE REQUESTED N_UP n, BUT IT IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS PRINTER. THE OUTPUT IS PRINTED N_UP n. EXPLANATION: The Medium Modification Control (MMC) structured field requested N_UP n, but the device does not support N_UP printing or it does not support this many pages on a sheet side. USER RESPONSE: If the output is not acceptable, submit the print request to a printer that supports N_UP printing with the number of pages per sheet side you requested. If you created the structured fields for the form definition, correct the MMC structured field and resubmit the print request. For more information about the structured field, refer to Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference and Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. If the MMC structured field has no errors, the error may be a PSF logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the form definition, consult your system programmer. - Add the following 3 messages. APS2041I DATA IN AN INPUT RECORD OR PAGEDEF RESOURCE IS NOT VALID: INPUT DATA BEING USED FOR A VARIABLE RESOURCE NAME IN LND OR RCD STRUCTURED FIELD structured field number IS DOUBLE BYTE DATA. Explanation: A Resource Object Include triplet or an Extended Resource Local ID triplet on a Line Descriptor (LND) or Record Descriptor (RCD) structured field requests that input data is used as the name of the resource to be included. This input data cannot be double-byte data. System Action: PSF stops processing the current data set and issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. User Response: If you created the structured fields for the print data set or page definition, correct the error and resubmit the print request. Refer to Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference and Advanced Function Presentation: Programming Guide and Line Data Reference for more information about the structured field. If the structured field is correct, the error might be a PSF or printer logic error. If you used a program to create the structured fields for the print data set or page definition, consult your system programmer. System Programmer Response: If an IBM licensed program was used to create the resource with the error, verify that the input to that program was valid. If the input was valid, refer to PSF for OS/390 & z/OS: Diagnosis for assistance in determining the source of the problem. If the error involves separator pages or the message data set, use the information provided in the User Response section to correct the error. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates either that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page or the message data set in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: None. APS2060I THE FORM DEFINITION OR AN INTERNAL MEDIUM MAP REQUESTED MEDIUM COLLECTION FINISHING. HOWEVER, THIS RELEASE OF PSF DOES NOT SUPPORT THAT FUNCTION. EXPLANATION: This release of PSF does not support the medium collection finishing function. SYSTEM ACTION: The Medium Finishing Control (MFC) structured field is ignored and processing continues. PSF issues additional messages identifying the processing environment in which the error occurred. USER RESPONSE: To use the medium collection finishing function, submit this job to a version of PSF that supports medium collection finishing. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER RESPONSE: If the form definition is for a separator page, the message data set, or it is the default form definition for the user print data sets defined in the PSF startup procedure, remove this form definiton and select one that does not use the medium collection finishing function. OPERATOR RESPONSE: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. PROBLEM DETERMINATION: APS2046I XML DATA FORMATTING WAS REQUESTED BY THE PAGE DEFINITION BUT THAT FUNCTION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS RELEASE OF PSF. Explanation: The XML Data formatting function is not supported by this release of PSF. System Action: PSF stops processing the current data set and issues additional messages that identify the processing environment when the error was found. User Response: To use the XML Data formatting function, submit this job to a version of PSF that supports XML Data formatting. System Programmer Response: If the page definition is for a separator page or the message data set, is the JES default page definition for the user print data set, or is the default page definition defined in the PSF startup procedure for the user print data set, remove this page definition and select one that does not use the record formatting function. Operator Response: If this message displays on the operator's console, it indicates that the resource containing the error is defined for a separator page, for the message data set, or as the default resource for user print data sets in the PSF startup procedure. Inform your system programmer. Problem Determination: None.