The following are some tips on recovering from PSF/2 database problems: If DPF comes up, but the receiver is getting an error such as AIN0396E then try setting up a new spool and receiver as follows: 1.Click on Receiver, then Setup then write down the Logical Unit alias name (ie DPFSPL1) and note whether it is in upper or lower case. Now change the name to xxxxxxx because as we can setup a new one with the same name. Note what boxes are checked. In the Class Setup area, click on each class and note which Disposition is set for each one (Print, Retain or Print and Retain). Cancel out of here., 2.Click on Spool then Setup and then note what the Device Classes and Forms settings are and what boxes are checked. Cancel out of here. 3.Click on Spool then New and enter a new spool name (ie DPFSPL2). Click ok on this and on set directories. On Set Up Queue enter the values as set in the old spool entry. Press Ok then for the Reciever enter the values from the old receiver. Make the logical unit alias as the old one in correct case. Click ok and then try to start the session from the host. You may need to reboot. 4.If this one works then you can continue to use this and delete the old one once you have printed any remaining jobs on it. You can't transfer retained jobs over to the new one, so they will have to be resubmitted from the host. If DPF dosen't come up or the above procedure dosen't work then we need to try and fix the or restore the database as follows: 1.To see if you have a database backup go into the DB2 folder on the OS/2 Desktop and click on Administration Tools>Control Centre then click down the tree structure until you see AINDPF then right click on it and then click on Restore and see if there is a backup and try a restore. 2.If you have no database backup then try the attached DPF cleanup procedure. NOTE: ALL JOBS, SETTINGS AND RESOURCES WILL BE LOST. YOU SHOULD MAKE NOTE OF ALL SETTINGS IN THE CONTROL PANEL, DPF SPOOL MANAGER SPOOLS AND RECEIVERS. 3.If the cleanup dosen't work then download the DB2RINST program on the web at and execute to rebuild the databases. 4.If DB2RINST doesn't work then you will have to reinstall PSF/2 if you don't have a backup or archive. If one of the above worked then backup your databases AINLIB and AINDPF as follows: 1.Go into the DB2 folder on the OS/2 Desktop and click on Administration Tools> Control Centre then click down the tree structure until you see AINDPF and AINLIB then right click on them and then click on Backup. . APAR Identifier ...... II07543 Last Changed ........ 97/03/05 PSF/2 DPF RESOURCE CLEANUP PROCEDURE Symptom ...... MS MESSAGE Status ........... CLOSED CAN Severity ................... 4 Date Closed ......... 94/04/15 Component .......... INFOPCLIB Duplicate of ........ Reported Release ......... 001 Fixed Release ............ Component Name PC LIB INFO ITE Special Notice Current Target Date .. Flags SCP ................... Platform ............ Status Detail: Not Available PE PTF List: PTF List: Parent APAR: Child APAR list: ERROR DESCRIPTION: THESE PROCEDURES ARE FOR DB2/2 2.1 AND LOWER RELEASES Info APAR to document PSF/2 DPF Resource Cleanup Procedure. Cleaning up a Corrupted DPF Resource Database This section describes how to clean up a DPF database after file errors have been introduced by sudden loss of power to the PC, or Shutting down OS/2 without stopping the DPF Host Receiver or letting job complete deletion. * DISCONNECT ALL DPF HOST RECEIVERS * Start the DPF Spool Manager ICON (EUI) * Highlight the Spool whose Host Receiver you wish to Disconnect * Select 'Receiver' from the menu bar * Select 'Stop' from the menu list * The DPF Host Receiver is stopped when the Status shows 'Disconnected' * Make all PSF/2 Printers INACTIVE * Start the PSF/2 Control Panel ICON EUI * Highlight the Printer you wish to make INACTIVE * Select 'Options' from the menu bar * Select 'Shutdown from the menu list * Delete ALL DPF jobs on ALL DPF Spools * OPEN the DPF Spool Manager ICON EUI * Double click with the left mouse button on the Spool that you wish to delete jobs from. This will create the Jobs Window for that Spool. Stay in the DPF Spool Manager Window * Select 'Spool' from the menu bar * Select 'Hold Queue' from the menu list * Make the Jobs Window created in the previous step the current window * Select 'View' from the menu bar * Select 'All Jobs' from the menu list. If 'All Jobs' is greyed out, then it has already been selected * Make sure there are no jobs in 'Submitted' status, or in 'Printing' status. If there are, then you must wait until they have completed. * Select 'Job' from the menu bar * Select 'Select all jobs' from the menu list * Select 'Job' from the menu bar * Select 'Cancel' from the menu list * Wait until the hard disk light stops flashing. Deletions can continue up to one hour. * Delete ALL Public Resources from RESOURCE LIBRARIAN * OPEN the PSF Resource Librarian ICON EUI * Select 'List' from the menu bar * Select 'DPF Resources...' from the menu list * Put a '*' in the Name field * Select the 'All Types' button * Press the 'OK' button * Highlight each resource, and press the 'Delete' key on your keyboard. Make sure 'Caps Lock' is NOT active when you do this. Do this for ALL resources displayed on the screen. If a resource will not delete, just leave it. It will get taken care of later on in this procedure. * EXIT AND RESTART DPF SPOOL MANAGER * If the Spool Manager ICON is active, then you must exit Spool Manager 1.Make the Spool Manager EUI the currently active window 2.Select 'Spool' from the menu bar 3.Select 'Exit' from the menu list * Start the Spool Manager ICON EUI * Wait until the hard disk light stops flashing. Resources deleted in Resource Librarian are being cleaned up. Deletions can continue up to one hour. * LOCATE THE SYSTEM DIRECTORY, JOB DIRECTORY, and RESOURCE DIRECTORY for each DPF Spool: * OPEN the DPF Spool Manager ICON EUI * Highlight the Spool whose directories you wish to find by hitting the left mouse button once * Select 'Spool' from the menu bar * Select 'Set Directories' from the menu list * Write down the 'System Directory' value * Write down the 'Job Directory' value * Write down the 'Resource Directory' value * Select the 'Cancel' button to close * Delete ALL JOB and RESOURCE files still left on ALL DPF Spools by going to the JOB and RESOURCE directories for each DPF Spool and issuing the 'ERASE.\*.* command from the OS/2 Command Line * DELETE from the SYSTEM DIRECTORY for each DPF SPOOL the files deleted by issuing the 'ERASE .\JOBNAME.*' command, and issuing the 'ERASE .\ALLRAIDS.*' command (a total of four files) * Delete from the '\PSF2\' Subdirectory the files deleted by issuing the 'ERASE.\ALLHAIDS.*' command (a total of two files) * OPEN DB2/2 ICON and look for COMMAND LINE PROCESSOR ICON a.Start the DB/2 COMMAND LINE PROCESSOR ICON Depending on your release of DB2/2 you may leave off the DBM that proceeds each command. Otherwise, include it. b. At the prompt, enter ' DBM CONNECT TO AINLIB ' without the quote marks. c. Hit d. Wait for successful completion e. Enter ' DBM DELETE FROM IPDS_RESOURCE ' without the quote marks. f. Hit g. Wait for successful completion, or message saying there was nothing to delete h. Enter ' DBM CONNECT RESET ' then HIT i. Wait for successful completion j. Enter ' DBM CONNECT TO AINDPF ' Hit k. Wait for completion l. Enter ' DBM DELETE FROM JOB ' Hit m. Wait for completion or message saying there is nothing to delete n. Enter ' DBM DELETE FROM DELETED_JOBS ' HIT o. Wait for completion p. Enter ' DBM CONNECT RESET ' HIT q. Wait for completion YOUR DONE... Send a job to test.... LOCAL FIX: PROBLEM SUMMARY: PROBLEM CONCLUSION: TEMPORARY FIX: COMMENTS: 560129801 MODULES/MACROS: SRLS: RTN CODES: CIRCUMVENTION: MESSAGE TO SUBMITTER: