*********************** * SUBSET HPGP100/9517 * *********************** THIS SUBSET CONTAINS INSTALLATION INFORMATION FOR PAGE PRINTER FORMATTING AID VERSION 1, RELEASE 1, MODIFICATION 0. ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. 97/06/03 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 2. YY/MM/DD DOCUMENTATION CHANGES NO ENTRIES 3. 97/08/19 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. 00/03/21 SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS 5. YY/MM/DD CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES NO ENTRIES SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 1. 00/03/21 PQ35874 UQ40838 0003 AE OW34058 FIX COMPLETION ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT'S PROGRAM DIRECTORY. 1. 97/07/03 When installing PPFA/370 using the DFSMS binder, message IEW2609W and RC 4 may be received during APPLY processing for many modules: IEW2609W 5104 SECTION AKQxxxxx USABILITY ATTRIBUTE OF REENTRANT CONFLICTS WITH REQUESTED USABILITY OF REFRESHABLE. As a result, SMP/E message GIM23903W will be issued for every module that received MSGIEW2609W. This is not an error condition, and can be safely ignored. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION OUTLINES MAJOR ERRORS IN THE PRODUCT'S PUBLISHED DOCUMENTATION. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS GENERAL INFORMATION, I.E. SYSGEN HINTS/TIPS. 2. 97/08/19 If you want to use PPFA barcode function, be sure you have all current maintenance applied. If HRI is requested, the HRI will be rendered using the printer default font, not the font specified on the FIELD FONT subcommand. Please read your printer hardware documentation before using barcodes. The documentation will tell you which barcode types, modifiers, modwidth, element heights and ratio values are valid for that printer. 1. 96/09/26 Please note, as described in apar PN87259 (attached) that an ABEND0C4 in AKQLBIO at X'626' or X'62C' at code level PN83229/UN91996 can occur if both the FORMLIB and PAGELIB DD statements are not specified in your user JCL. To circumvent specify both the FORMLIB and PAGELIB DD statements in your user JCL. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 1. 00/03/21 PROBLEM: (PQ35874) AE OW34058 FIX COMPLETION USERS AFFECTED: All users needing to build very large PAGEDEFs or FORMDEFs. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UQ40838 ON VOLID 0003 (HPGP100) ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS DEPENDENT UPON ANOTHER PRODUCT OTHER THAN THIS SUBSET ID. 1. YY/MM/DD INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: PROBLEM: USERS AFFECTED: RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * * APAR= PQ35874 SER= NF NEW FUNCTION AE OW34058 FIX COMPLETION * ************************************************************************ * USERS AFFECTED: All users needing to build very large * PAGEDEFs or FORMDEFs. *************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Allow very large FORMDEFs and PAGEDEFs. *************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: Apply the applicable PTF. *************************************************************** Allow the PPFA/370 user to create larger page and form definitions by using above the 16 Megabyte line storage for internal PPFA control blocks. If a PPFA/370 job issues the message AKQ402T this indicates that there is not enough storage available to create the PAGEDEF or FORMDEF. One possibility is that the region size is not large enough. Another is that the service level of PPFA does not support acquiring storage above the 16 Meg line. If the region size has been sufficiently increased and this APAR is not applied, application of this APAR may fix the problem. --PTF INCLUDE LIST-- --PTF EXCLUDE LIST-- --PE APAR LIST-- PN87259