*********************** * SUBSET HVRL100 * *********************** THIS SUBSET CONTAINS INSTALLATION INFORMATION FOR OVERLAY GENERATION LANGUAGE (OGL)/370 BASE, VERSION 1, RELEASE 1, MODICATION 0 FOR MVS ************************************************************************ * C H A N G E S U M M A R Y * ************************************************************************ DATE LAST CHANGED SECTION 1. 92/10/15 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 2. YY/MM/DD DOCUMENTATION CHANGES NO ENTRIES 3. 98/02/24 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. YY/MM/DD SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS NO ENTRIES 5. 91/03/11 CROSS PRODUCT DEPENDENCIES SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY DATE APAR PTF VOLID COMMENTS 1. YY/MM/DD XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX X ************************************************************************ * SECTION 1. I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT'S PROGRAM DIRECTORY. 3. 92/10/15 The last two paragraphs of section 6.4.2 of the Program Directory have incorrect information. The next to last paragraph reads: "For each of the coded fonts which has a name ending in TR (for instance X1BRTR, if the coded font name is XnyyTR, then the required character set will be call CnD0yyTR (for instance C1D0BRTR)." Where is says "CnD0yyTR" and C1D0BRTR" it should say "CnS0yyTR" and "C1S0BRTR". The last paragraph reads: "All the other required coded fonts have a name of the form XnGTzz (for instance X0GT10) and the required character set will be called CnS0GTzz (for instance C0S0GT10)." Where is says "CnS0GTzz" and C0S0GT10" it should say "CnD0GTzz" and "C0D0GT10". 2. 92/01/16 SECTION: 6.2 IT SHOULD BE NOTED, FOR STEP 5 'TRANSFER OWNERSHIP OF DFP MACRO SGDZI4OG TO OGL/370', THAT THIS MACRO IS NO LONGER SHIPPED AT HDP3300 OR HIGHER. CONSEQUENTLY, THE UCLIN IN 6.2.5 DOES NOT NEED TO BE RUN 1. 91/01/11 OGL PACKAGING PROBLEM. THERE ARE TWO EXTRA MEBMERS (S1PALM2 AND S1SIGNAT) ON FILE 4 OF OGL/370'S PRODUCT TAPE. THESE ARE PAGE SEGMENTS THAT WERE SHIPPED WITH THE PSF PRODUCT TAPE AND SHOULD ALREADY BE IN THE CUSTOMERS PAGE SEGMENT LIBRARY. THIS CAUSES NO ERRORS OR PROBLEMS DURING INSTALL. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 2. D O C U M E N T A T I O N C H A N G E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION OUTLINES MAJOR ERRORS IN THE PRODUCT'S PUBLISHED DOCUMENTATION. 1. YY/MM/DD NO ENTRIES ************************************************************************ * SECTION 3. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS GENERAL INFORMATION, I.E. SYSGEN HINTS/TIPS. 11. 97/10/23 PQ07878 ADDS INCLUDE OBJECT SUPPORT AND PUTS FONT resolution information into the output file. The font resolution information is specifically for PSF/MVS APAR OW27622. Your AFP presentation system will ignore this information if it cannot process it. AFP Workbench supports include object but requires CSD level 2.13A if you want to view .TIF files. VSE customers: please be sure to apply the PTF for the language feature(s) you have installed: APAR LANGUAGE PTF PQ07942 English UQ09392 PQ07943 German UQ09393 PQ07944 Japanese UQ09426 MVS customers: PLEASE APPLY BASE PTF & PTFS FOR YOUR LANGUAGE FEATURES: MVS BASE-UQ09326 MVS ENGLISH-UQ09327 MVS GERMAN-UQ09328 MVS JAPANESE-UQ09329 10. 97/09/15 ITEM DELETED 98/02/24 9. 97/07/08 PQ03978 adds support for the color spaces documented in the MODCA Reference. The Reference containing the color definitions is due to be published Summer, 1997. For color and shading for the rectangular area inside a DRAWBOX box with square corners, the color is requested via the 4E triplet on the OBD record in an empty IOCA object. For colored text and solid rules, a Set Extended Text Color text control is put in the PTX record. For dashed and dotted rules generated by DRAWBOX, DRAWBOX, DRAWMASK and the pattern generated by DEFINE/PLACE PATTERN requesting OCA color, the OCA color value is put into the IID record in the IM1 image which is generated to render the dashed/dotted rules or pattern. If the requested color is not an OCA color, a message is issued and the color request is ignored. 8. 97/04/15 The DZISAMP4 source file shipped with OGL sets the overlay size to 7.75 inches by 10.75 inches with .5 inch offsets in both directions. OGL adds the offset to the user-specified overlay size and puts the resultant values in the PGD (Page Descriptor) record. For DZISAMP4, the PGD page size x value is 8.25 inches and the y value is 11.25 inches. This presents a problem for the 3800-3 printer if the printer is set up for an 8.5 inch by 11 inch page size using 8.5 by 12 inch paper because of the .5 inch unprintable area on either side of the perf--there are really only 11 inches available vertically but the PGD vertical page size is 11.25 inches. The printer detects the PGD size exceeds the paper size loaded and issues a sense code that results in the APS743I message from PSF/MVS. This is not a problem for the cut sheet or newer fanfold printers because they do not complain unless you try to actually print outside the bounds of the logical page. If you have a problem printing the DZISAMP4 sample output to a 3800-3, either load bigger paper to handle the OGL 8.25x11.25 inch page size or modify the DZISAMP4 source file to remove the .5 inch offsets on the OVERLAY statement before you run the DZISAMP4 job. 7. 97/04/15 OGL does not support ASCII codepages. 6. 96/07/29 PN86535 is the OGL YR2000 support. After you apply the PTF for your base product, please be sure to apply the appropriate language PTFs. MVS: Base UN93026 English UN93027 German UN93028 Japanese UN93029 VM: Base UN93030 English UN93031 German UN93032 Japanese UN93033 VSE: Base PN86535 UN93034 English PN86623 UN93115 German PN86624 UN93116 Japanese PN86625 UN93117 5. 95/11/29 Msg "IEW2609W 5104 Section DZILPSFC Usability Attribute of Non-reusable Conflicts With Requested Usability of Refreshable" and RC04 is normal and expected when linkediting OGL with the Program Management Binder. With the old IEWL linkeditor however, you should not receive IEW warning messages and the link step should end with RC00. 4. 95/07/10 The following information concerns apar PN71601 which adds AFP outline and 300 pel font support: 1. when AFP outline or 300 pel technology fonts are mixed in the same overlay with a FONT38PP or DBCS raster font, OGL produces the 8E triplet in the MCF/2 repeating group for the FONT38PP and DBCS fonts. The 8E triplet requires PSF/MVS 2.2.0. PTFs for OGL outline/300 pel font support apar PN71601: UN78383 MVS Base UN78384 MVS English UN78385 MVS German UN78386 MVS Japanese UN78387 VM Base UN78388 VM English UN78389 VM German UN78390 VM Japanese UN78393 VSE Base Apar PN72640 is VSE English PTF UN78841 Apar PN72641 is VSE German PTF UN79148 Apar PN72642 is VSE Japanese PTF UN79149 3. 95/03/24 Apar PN69377 changes dashed 1 and 2 pel thick DRAWRULES. The image produced was indistinguishable as a dashed rule. With PN69377 each dash is a little longer and there is additional whitespace between each dash. DRAWRULES defined with the LIGHT subparm are 2 pel thick rules. 2. 92/07/16 SEE INFORMATIONAL APAR II06186 (ATTACHED) - OGL SHADING problem. 1. 91/10/02 WHEN RUNNING A SAMPLE OGL/370 JOB WITHOUT SPECIFYING LRECL AND BLOCKSIZE, MESSAGE DZI0320I IS RECEIVED ALONG WITH RC8. THE MESSAGE INDICATES AN LRECL AND BLOCKSIZE WERE NOT SPECIFIED, AND DEFAULT VALUES OF 8205 AND 8209 WILL BE USED. THE RETURN CODE OF RC8 IS ONLY A WARNING. THE RETURN CODES FOR OGL ARE DIFFERENT THAN SYSTEM RETURN CODES AND MAY BE CONFUSING TO THE USER. SEE APAR PL77971 (ATTACHED) FOR INFORMATION ON OGL/370 RETURN CODES. ************************************************************************ * SECTION 4. S E R V I C E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S * ************************************************************************ 1. YY/MM/DD PROBLEM: USERS AFFECTED: RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL XXXXXXX ON VOLID XXXX ************************************************************************ * SECTION 5. C R O S S P R O D U C T D E P E N D E N C I E S * ************************************************************************ THIS SECTION CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS DEPENDENT UPON ANOTHER PRODUCT OTHER THAN THIS SUBSET ID. 1. 91/03/11 INTERDEPENDENT PRODUCT: SMP/E PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: (IR91665) GIM38401 APPLY PROCESSING FAILED FOR HGL1200 AND HVRL100. HGL1200 DELETES OTHER SYSMODS BUT IS SUPERCEDED BY HVRL100. USERS AFFECTED: THOSE APPLYING HVRL100 WITH SMPE 5.0 OR SMPE 5.1. RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL UR33827 ON VOLID 9103 (R500) INSTALL UR33828 ON VOLID 9103 (R502) ************************************************************************ * I N F O R M A T I O N A L / D O C U M E N T A T I O N * * APARS FOLLOW (IF ANY) * ************************************************************************ --PTF INCLUDE LIST-- --PTF EXCLUDE LIST-- --PE APAR LIST-- II06186