When using the EANSRP subroutine in the LE/VSE environment it is necessary to recompile the source code provided with the product on the customer's system. From "IBM Language Environment for VSE/ESA", GC26-8061 "LE/VSE does not provide object module or executable phase compatibility for applications generated with the DOS PL/I compiler. PL/I applications must be recompiled with the PL/I VSE compiler and link-edited with LE/VSE. LE/VSE provides the run-time library required by applications generated using the PL/I VSE compiler." The bar code subroutine, EANSRP, as provided in 5688-021 was compiled with a DOS PL/I compiler. A new module, EANSRP.OBJ is offered here for customers who do not have a PL/I compiler with which to do the necessary recompile. EANSRP.OBJ was compiled on a VSE/ESA 3.2 system using the current LE/VSE (LE/370) runtime libraries.