Is there an MVS equivalent for OPTVALs?
In an MVS environment you can define SYSVARs to work in much the same way as the option values. The coding could look like: .if &E'&SYSVARO eq 0 .th .mg /I/No Operating System ...VM is Default/ .th .se SYSVARO = VM .th .go vminfo .if &SYSVARO eq VM .go vminfo .if &SYSVARO eq MVS .go mvsinfo .if &SYSVARO eq DOS1 .go dos1info .if &SYSVARO eq DOS2 .go dos2info Your SCRIPT command would need to specify one of the following SYSVARs: SYSVARO(VM) or SYSVARO(MVS) or SYSVARO(DOS1) or SYSVARO(DOS2)
Last updated: 93/08/04 14:08:06