How do I not get imbed trace printed on last pg?


How do I turn off the imbed trace I find at the back of my GML document?


  SYSVARX controls the imbed trace processing.  To eliminate the trace, add
  SYSVAR(X NO) to your SCRIPT command or .SE SYSVARX = no to your profile.

  Note:  Don't specify the profile both on the SCRIPT command and by doing a
  .IM, or you will get the cross reference printed on page 1!

  Also, BookMaster and the starter set both intercept the .IM control word
  and issue a message. You can disable or change macro EDFIM or DSMIM if you
  don't want this done.

  If you're not familar with SYSVARs, read about them in the GML manuals and
  Text Programmer's Guide.

Last updated: 93/08/24 16:30:19

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