OnDemand for AIX Demo Intall Prep Instructions: 1. Transfer all the following files in binary ARSDEMO.AFP ARSDEMO1.DSK ARSDEMO2.DSK ARSDEMO3.DSK ARSDEMO4.DSK LOADDF.ZIP 2. Unzip LOADDF.ZIP to get the LOADDSKF.EXE for creating diskettes. 3. Enter LOADDSKF ARSDEMOx.DSK a: to copy each image to a diskette 4. Use the AFP/Workbench to view or PSF to print the ARSDEMO.AFP file for install instructions. If printing on a 370 host then you will need to upload the ARSDEMO.AFP file and reblock it using AFRREBLK. which is available from ftp:/ftp.software.ibm.com/printers/tools.