The Programs listed below are licensed under the following terms and conditions in addition to those of the International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs Z125-5589-05.

Program Name: WebSphere Application Server support for the Apache Maven build system
Program Number: Liberty

Developer Limitation

If the Program is designated as for "Developers", the Program can only be deployed as part of Licensee's internal development and unit testing on a developer machine. A developer machine is a physical or virtual desktop environment, running a primary operating system and the Program, both of which are accessible and used by no more than one specified developer. Licensee is not authorized to use the Program for processing production workloads, simulating production workloads or testing scalability of any code, application or system. Licensee is not authorized to use any part of the Program for any other purposes without acquiring the appropriate production entitlements.

Components Not Used for Establishing Required Entitlements

When determining the number of entitlements required for Licensee's installation or use of the Program, the installation or use of the following Program components are not taken into consideration. In other words, Licensee may install and use the following Program components, under the license terms, but these components are not used to determine the number of entitlements required for the Program.

Administrative Console
Administrative Scripting
IBM Resource Adapter for JMS with WebSphere Application Server
IBM Thin Admin Client for WebSphere Application Server
IBM Thin Client for EJB with WebSphere Application Server
IBM Thin Client for JMS with WebSphere Application Server
IBM Thin Client for JAX RPC with WebSphere Application Server
IBM Thin Client for JAX WS with WebSphere Application Server
IBM Thin Client for JPA with WebSphere Application Server
IBM Thin Client for XML with WebSphere Application Server
Performance and Analysis Tools: Dynamic Cache Monitor, Tivoli Performance Viewer, Performance Servlet
Pluggable Application Client
WebSphere Application Client
Web Server Plugins


Licensee may disclose the results of any benchmark test of the Program or its subcomponents to any third party provided that Licensee (A) publicly discloses the complete methodology used in the benchmark test (for example, hardware and software setup, installation procedure and configuration files), (B) performs Licensee's benchmark testing running the Program in its Specified Operating Environment using the latest applicable updates, patches and fixes available for the Program from IBM or third parties that provide IBM products ("Third Parties"), and (C) follows any and all performance tuning and "best practices" guidance available in the Program's documentation and on IBM's support web sites for the Program. If Licensee publishes the results of any benchmark tests for the Program, then notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any agreement between Licensee and IBM or Third Parties, IBM and Third Parties will have the right to publish the results of benchmark tests with respect to Licensee's products provided IBM or Third Parties complies with the requirements of (A), (B) and (C) above in its testing of Licensee's products.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, under no circumstances may Licensee publish the results of benchmark tests run on Oracle Outside In Technology without prior written permission.

The above benchmarking terms apply to the following Programs or subcomponents:
All Programs identified in this License Information document under "Program Name" above.

Source Components and Sample Materials

The Program may include some components in source code form ("Source Components") and other materials identified as Sample Materials. Licensee may copy and modify Source Components and Sample Materials for internal use only provided such use is within the limits of the license rights under this Agreement, provided however that Licensee may not alter or delete any copyright information or notices contained in the Source Components or Sample Materials. IBM provides the Source Components and Sample Materials without obligation of support and "AS IS", WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR NON-INTERFERENCE AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.