The Programs listed below are licensed under the following License Information terms and conditions in addition to the Program license terms previously agreed to by Client and IBM. If Client does not have previously agreed to license terms in effect for the Program, the IBM International License Agreement for Non- Warranted Programs (Z125-5589-05) applies.

Program Name: Code Rally v1.4
Program Number: Tool

Supporting Programs

The Program is licensed as a multi-product package and includes the Supporting Programs identified below. Licensee is authorized to install and use such Supporting Programs only to support Licensee's use of the Principal Program under this Agreement and within the limits of the Proofs of Entitlement for the Program (unless broader rights are provided elsewhere in this License Information document). The phrase "to support Licensee's use" would include only those uses that are necessary or otherwise directly related to a licensed use of the Principal Program or another Supporting Program. The Supporting Programs may not be used for any other purpose. Licensee is not authorized to transfer or remarket the Supporting Programs separate from the Principal Program. A Supporting Program may be accompanied by license terms, and those terms, if any, apply to Licensee's use of that Supporting Program. In the event of conflict, the terms in this License Information document supersede the Supporting Program's terms. When Licensee's right to use the Program expires or terminates, Licensee must discontinue use, destroy or promptly return all copies of the Supporting Programs to the party from whom Licensee acquired the Program. If Licensee downloaded the Supporting Programs, Licensee should contact the party from whom Licensee acquired the Program. If Licensee wishes to license the Supporting Programs for any use beyond the limits set forth above, please contact an IBM Sales Representative or the party from whom Licensee acquired the Program to obtain the appropriate license.

The following are Supporting Programs licensed with the Program:
WebSphere Developer Tools Eclipse v8.5.5.6
WebSphere Application Server Liberty Beta v9.0
IBM Installation Manager and Packaging Utility for the Rational Software Development Platform v1.6

Prohibited Uses

Licensee may not use or authorize others to use the Program or any part of the Program, alone or in combination with other products, in support of any of the following High Risk Activities: design, construction, control, or maintenance of nuclear facilities, mass transit systems, air traffic control systems, weapons systems, or aircraft navigation or communications, or any other activity where program failure could give rise to a material threat of death or serious personal injury.

Program-unique Terms

This Program includes the following software which may not be used for Evil purposes.