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linux-64   linux-ppc64le   noarch   
Package Latest Version Doc Dev License linux-64noarch Summary
_py-xgboost-mutex 2.0 Apache-2.0 X A metapackage for selecting a XGBoost variant.
_pytorch_select 2.0 X Meta-package to install GPU-enabled PyTorch variant
_tflow_select 2.2.0 X A metapackage selector for selecting a TensorFlow variant metapackage.
apex 0.1.0_1.8.0.a0 BSD X PyTorch Extensions written by NVIDIA
arrow-cpp 0.15.1 Apache C++ libraries for Apache Arrow
astunparse 1.6.3 doc dev BSD X An AST unparser for Python.
bazel 3.0.0 doc dev Apache X build system originally authored by Google
caffe 1.0_1.7.1.a0 X Meta-package to install GPU-enabled Caffe variant
caffe-base 1.0_1.7.1.a0 doc BSD X A deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind.
caffe-cpu 1.0_1.7.1.a0 X Meta-package to install CPU-only Caffe variant
cudatoolkit 10.2.89 X NVIDIA CUDA runtime libraries. CUDA is a parallel computing platform...
cudatoolkit-compat 10.2.89 X NVIDIA CUDA forward compatibility libraries.
cudatoolkit-dev 10.2.89 X NVIDIA CUDA developer tools. CUDA is a parallel computing platform and...
cudf 0.13.0 Apache-2.0 cuDF GPU DataFrame core library
cudnn 7.6.5_10.2 X The NVIDIA CUDA Deep Neural Network library. A GPU-accelerated library...
cuml 0.13.0 Apache-2.0 cuML library
cupy 7.5.0 MIT CuPy is an implementation of a NumPy-compatible multi-dimensional array on CUDA.
cxxfilt 0.2.0 doc dev BSD X Python interface to c++filt / abi::__cxa_demangle
dali 0.20 doc dev Apache-2.0 X A library containing both highly optimized building blocks and an...
dask-cuda 0.13.0 Apache-2.0 dask-cuda library
dask-cudf 0.13.0 Apache dask-cudf library
dask-xgboost 0.1.9 BSD-3-Clause Launch, train, and test with XGBoost from Dask
ddl 1.5.1 X Distributed Deep Learning library optimized for deep learning training
dlpack 0.2 dev Apache DLPack - Open In Memory Tensor Structure
double-conversion 3.1.5 doc dev BSD-3-Clause Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary conversion routines for...
fastavro 0.23.1 dev MIT Fast read/write of AVRO files
gflags 2.2.2 BSD X A C++ library that implements commandline flags processing.
glog 0.3.5 BSD X C++ implementation of the Google logging module.
google-pasta 0.1.8 doc dev Apache X Library to refactor python code through AST manipulation.
graphsurgeon 0.4.1 doc NVIDIA X graphsurgeon allows you to transform TensorFlow graphs.
grpc-cpp 1.28.1 doc Apache gRPC - A high-performance, open-source universal RPC framework
horovod 0.19.0 X Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
jpeg-turbo 2.0.4 IJG, X IJG JPEG compliant runtime library with SIMD and other optimizations
keras 2.3.1 doc dev MIT X Deep Learning Library for Theano and TensorFlow
keras-base 2.3.1 doc dev MIT X Deep Learning Library for Theano and TensorFlow
keras-gpu 2.3.1 doc dev MIT X Deep Learning Library for Theano and TensorFlow
libcudf 0.13.0 Apache-2.0 libcudf library
libcuml 0.13.0 Apache-2.0 libcuml library
libcumlprims 0.14.0a libcuMLPrims library
libevent 2.1.11 doc dev BSD An event notification library.
libflac 1.3.1 doc BSD-3-Clause X Flac audio format
libnvstrings 0.13.0 Apache-2.0 libnvstrings library
libopencv 3.4.10 BSD X Computer vision and machine learning software library.
libprotobuf 3.8.0 doc BSD-3-Clause X Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. C++ Libraries
librmm 0.13.0 Apache-2.0 librmm library
libsndfile 1.0.28 dev LGPL-2.1 X libsndfile - a C library for reading and writing files containing...
libxgboost-base 0.90 Apache-2.0 X XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed...
magma 2.5.3 BSD X Dense linear algebra library similar to LAPACK but for...
nccl 2.6.4 X NVIDIA Collective Communications Library. Implements multi-GPU and...
numactl 2.0.12 GPL-2.0 X Control NUMA policy for processes or shared memory
nvstrings 0.13.0 Apache-2.0 nvstrings Library
onnx 1.6.0 MIT X Open Neural Network Exchange library
opencv 3.4.10 BSD X Computer vision and machine learning software library.
openmpi 3.1.3 doc dev BSD X An open source Message Passing Interface implementation.
parquet-cpp 1.5.1 Apache C++ libraries for the Apache Parquet file format
pciutils 3.6.2 GPL-2.0 X Contains programs for managing PCI devices
powerai 1.7.1.a0 X Meta Package to install WML CE conda package for particular release
powerai-cpu 1.7.1.a0 X Meta Package to install all cpu packages
powerai-license 1.8.0.a0 IPLA X WML CE License
powerai-rapids 1.7.1.a0 Meta Package to install WML-CE RAPIDS conda package for particular release.
powerai-release 1.8.0.a0 X Meta Package to get WML CE release info
powerai-tools 1.8.0.a0 X Common scripts and resources used by other Watson Machine Learning...
protobuf 3.8.0 doc BSD X Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.
py-opencv 3.4.10 BSD X Computer vision and machine learning software library.
py-xgboost-base 0.90 Apache-2.0 X XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed...
py-xgboost-cpu 0.90 X Metapackage for selecting a py-xgboost variant.
py-xgboost-gpu 0.90 X Metapackage for selecting a py-xgboost variant.
pyarrow 0.15.1 Apache Python libraries for Apache Arrow
pynvml 8.0.4 BSD Python Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library
pytorch 1.5.0 X Meta-package to install GPU-enabled PyTorch variant
pytorch-base 1.5.0 BSD X PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs.
pytorch-cpu 1.5.0 X Meta-package to install CPU-only PyTorch variant
re2 2020.05.01 dev BSD RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking...
rmm 0.13.0 Apache-2.0 rmm library
sentencepiece 0.1.85 doc dev Apache X An unsupervised text tokenizer and detokenizer mainly for Neural...
simsearch 1.6.0 X Similarity Search related metrics
snapml 1.7.0 BSD-3-Clause X A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining
snapml-spark 1.6.0 X This provides python API for easy to use for training of Generalized...
spectrum-mpi 10.03 BSD-3-Clause Message Passing Interface implementation
tensorboard 2.2.2 dev Apache-2.0 XX TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit.
tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.6.0 doc dev Apache X What-If Tool TensorBoard plugin.
tensorflow 2.2.0 doc dev Apache-2.0 X An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone. A metapackage...
tensorflow-base 2.2.0 doc dev Apache X TensorFlow is a machine learning library, base GPU package, tensorflow only.
tensorflow-eigen 2.2.0 X Metapackage for selecting a TensorFlow variant.
tensorflow-estimator 2.2.0 dev Apache X TensorFlow Estimator
tensorflow-gpu 2.2.0 X Metapackage for selecting a TensorFlow variant.
tensorflow-probability 0.10.0 doc dev Apache-2.0 X TensorFlow Probability is a library for probabilistic reasoning and...
tensorflow-serving 2.2.0 doc dev Apache X TensorFlow Serving is an open-source library for serving machine learning models
tensorflow-serving-api 2.2.0 doc dev Apache X TensorFlow Serving is an open-source library for serving machine learning models
tensorrt doc dev NVIDIA X TensorRT is a C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs...
tensorrt-samples doc dev NVIDIA X TensorRT is a C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs...
thrift-cpp 0.13.0 Apache Compiler and C++ libraries and headers for the Apache Thrift RPC system
torchtext 0.6.0 BSD X Text utilities and datasets for PyTorch
torchvision 0.6.0 X Meta-package to install GPU-enabled torchvision variant
torchvision-base 0.6.0 doc dev BSD X Image and video datasets and models for torch deep learning
torchvision-cpu 0.6.0 X Meta-package to install CPU-only torchvision variant
uff 0.6.5 doc NVIDIA X The uff package contains a set of utilites to convert trained models...
uriparser 0.9.3 doc dev BSD-3-Clause RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and handling library written in C89
Updated: 2020-06-19 05:03:26 +0000 - Files: 98