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The What's New topics in the CICS Explorer help documentation describes the new and changed items in more detail. To display the topics, click
.For more information about installing CICS Explorer by using Installation Manager, see Installing the CICS Explorer in the CICS TS information center.
Before you upgrade to CICS Explorer Version 5.1.1, it is advisable to take a backup of your CICS Explorer workspace so that you can use it to restore the workspace to a previous version. When you upgrade to CICS Explorer Version 5.1.1, the data that is stored in your existing workspaces is automatically migrated to the new data format when those workspaces are used with CICS Explorer Version 5.1.1. The workspaces will no longer work with CICS Explorer Version 5.1.0. Therefore, if you need to work with CICS Explorer Version 5.1.0, you must back up your existing workspace before you upgrade. For more information about taking a backup of the CICS Explorer workspace, see Installing the CICS Explorer in the CICS TS information center.
The CICS Explorer system requirements are listed on the CICS Explorer system requirements web page.
Before you upgrade to CICS Explorer Version 5.1.1, it is advisable to take a backup of your CICS Explorer workspace so that you can use it to restore the workspace to a previous version. When you upgrade to CICS Explorer Version 5.1.1, the data that is stored in your existing workspaces is automatically migrated to the new data format when those workspaces are used with CICS Explorer Version 5.1.1. The workspaces will no longer work with CICS Explorer Version 5.1.0. Therefore, if you need to work with CICS Explorer Version 5.1.0, you must back up your existing workspace before you upgrade. For more information about taking a backup of the CICS Explorer workspace, see Installing the CICS Explorer in the CICS TS information center.
Similarly, if you are using a Liberty JVM server, then you must ensure that you have APAR PM80214 installed on your CICS system.
You can now use IBM Installation Manager to install CICS Explorer. For more information about installing CICS Explorer by using Installation Manager, see Installing the CICS Explorer in the CICS TS information center.
To develop a third-party application to run as a plug-in in CICS Explorer, you must download the CICS Explorer SDK and install it into an existing Eclipse environment. For details, see Downloading the CICS Explorer SDK.
C:\Program Files\Explorer
example directory on Linux is
as follows:~/Explorer
The CICS Explorer SDK must be installed into an existing Eclipse environment.
To launch CICS Explorer, double-click the file cicsexplorer.exe (cicsexplorer on Linux), located in a subdirectory called CICS_Explorer. The first time CICS Explorer starts, the welcome screen is displayed.
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
can use one of the following methods to resolve the issue: -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true