Release notes for CICS PA plug-in Version 3.2.1


What's new in this release?

CICS® PA plug-in version 3.2.1 is a refresh for compatibility with CICS Explorer® version 1.1.1

Version 3.2.1 adds further enhancements to the CICS PA plug-in:
  • Layout configurations can be saved as a template.
  • Improvements to refining data selection.
  • Sort function works on server for improved performance and greater flexibility for data selection.
  • Date control moved to toolbar.
  • Suspend time displayed in charts.

The What's New topic in the CICS PA plug-in help documentation describes the new and changed items in more detail. To display the topic, click Help > Help Contents > CICS PA Plug-in User Guide > What's new in the CICS PA plug-in V3.2.1

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System requirements and prerequisites

The CICS PA plug-in version 3.2.1 must be installed in the CICS Explorer version 1.1.1.

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Downloading and installing the CICS PA plug-in

To download the CICS PA plug-in from the download website:
  1. Click the CICS PA plug-in download link.
  2. Save the compressed file in a temporary directory. Do NOT extract the file. The CICS Explorer extracts the contents automatically.
To install the CICS PA plug-in in the CICS Explorer:
  1. Launch the CICS Explorer.
  2. Click Help on the CICS Explorer menu bar and click Install New Software in the drop-down menu. The Available Software window is displayed.
  3. Click the Add button. The Add Repository archive dialog box is displayed.
  4. Click the Archive button. The Repository archive dialog box is displayed.
  5. Locate and select the CICS PA plug-in compressed file you downloaded previously, and click Open.
  6. Click OK in the Add Repository dialog box. The dialog box closes and the tool is displayed in the Software Updates and Add-ons dialog box.
  7. Click the Select All button and click Next.
  8. In the Install dialog box, confirm the installation by clicking Next.
  9. Review the license and click the relevant radio button. Click Finish to complete the installation, or Cancel if you do not accept the license.
  10. If you accepted the license, the CICS PA plug-in is installed into the CICS Explorer. You are prompted to restart the CICS Explorer to ensure that the plug-in starts in a clean environment.

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Getting started

If you are not familiar with the CICS PA plug-in you can read the Getting Started information in the help documentation. Click Help > Help Contents > CICS PA Plug-in Users Guide > Basic Tutorial to display the basic tutorial for the CICS PA plug-in.

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