Author: Bill Schoen Title: List users or processes using files or file systems List files or file systems in use by users or processes PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 2007, 2012 zlsof ===== Syntax: zlsof [-p pids] [-u users] [-c] [-t] [-d] [-i] [-h] [-v] [-f] [-n maxtime] [pathname|pipe|socket] -p pid filter: list of process ids separated by , ex: -p 1,22,123 -u user filter: list of user ids separated by , ex: -u wjs,bill -c omit current directory and current root -d only show deleted files that are still open this option also sets -i -s -su -t show tally of file types open by process (-i and -s ignored) -i show inode numbers instead of file names (runs faster) -su set effective uid to 0 if not already 0 you must have uid=0 or be permitted to BPX.SUPERUSER -s show file size in blocks used by regular files -h prints help information and exits -v prints running status and information -f output raw table format -m no longer show file names after maxtime seconds. CALL SAY Default 60 If a pathname is given the output is filtered based on that name. If a mountpoint is named, all files within that file system may be listed. If a specific file is named, only usage of that file is listed. You can also enter socket or pipe for the pathname. This will filter the output to show only pipes or sockets. Install Information =================== Place zlsof in a directory where you keep executable programs and/or in a PDS where you can run REXX programs. This can run under TSO, the shell, or sysrexx. If in a directory, make sure the permission bits are set to 0555. If you obtain this program via FTP, the program is a REXX program in source form. Transfer it in text mode. .