Author: Bill Schoen Title: wjssh PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 2008,2012 ************************************************************************ Purpose ======= This is a simple to use tool that lets you run a shell command from an operator console. It must be run through SYSREXX from an operator logged onto the console with a userid that is properly setup to access z/OS UNIX services. If the operator is not setup or logged on, this program will issue a reminder message about this requirement and end. To use from SYSREXX, this program must be copied to either SYS1.SAXREXEC or another library that has been added to the SYSREXX libraries using the REXXLIB parmlib statement in your AXRxx parmlib. When entering shell commands be sure to enclose the string in quotes so that the modify command does not uppercase your command. For example, assume you configure the SYSREXX CPF for / The ls command might be entered as /wjssh 'ls -l /etc/' Things to be aware of when using sysrexx: There is a 30 second time limit which you can and should override on the command line. To disable the timer, enter the above example as: /wjssh,t=0 'ls -l /etc/' If single quotes need to be entered on the shell command, read the SYSREXX documentation for quote rules very carefully. As an example, the command cp "//'wjs.rexx(file)'" /tmp/file can be entered as /wjssh,t=0 'cp "//''wjs.rexx(file)''"' '/tmp/file' This tool can also be used from TSO and ISPF and run as you would any REXX exec. This program should be copied to a library in your SYSEXEC or SYSPROC concatenation. Syntax: ======= wjssh Download wjssh.txt in text format.