PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1996,2008 tsocmd Usage Information ------------------------ See the OpenEdition Command Reference for usage information on the tso shell command. This command has the following differences: 1. Authorized TSO commands can be run 2. No command line options are supported (-t and -o). A TSO TMP is run for each command. Any output is written to stdout when the command completes. 3. Environment variable TSOPREFIX is not used and is not needed. 4. Environment variable TSOPROFILE is not currently supported. Your TSO profile is a default profile. 5. tsocmd completion codes are unreliable. This command runs the TSO TMP (IKJEFT01). The completion code is the return code from the TMP if it is in the range 0-254 otherwise it is 255. The TMP will return the return code from the command you run assuming everything goes well. If not, it usually returns a 12. There also appear to be cases where it returns 0 without running the command (e.g. syntax error). Install Information ------------------- The tsocmd shell command is a single load module that must be installed in an APF authorized library. If the name conflicts with something else in your installation, feel free to name the command anything you want. Note: This command is APF authorized which means anything it loads must come from an authorized library. This command is written in C and will require your C runtime to reside in an authorized library. There are several other facilities that already require this, so your C RTL may already be setup this way. The load module is packaged in an unloaded load library. Use the TSO RECEIVE command with option INDA() to restore it. The name of this file on this server is tsocmd.unload and must be transfered in binary format and restored to an MVS system as an FB 80 data set. This data set has 18640 bytes which is 233 80 byte records. Once on an MVS system, use tso receive inda(tsocmd.unload) to restore the data set. Unless you direct it elsewhere, it will restore in data set prefix.TSOCMD.LOADLIB. Use ISPF 3.3 to copy member TSOCMD to an APF authorized load library in the LINKLIST, such as SYS1.LINKLIB. A file must be created in the HFS with the sticky bit on to run this program as shell command. To put this in /bin: from the shell run commands: touch /bin/tsocmd chmod 1555 /bin/tsocmd The file /bin/tsocmd can remain empty. For questions,suggestions, or comments, feel free to contact me: Bill Schoen Bill Schoen 8/20/96