Property of IBM Copyright IBM Corp. 1977 All Rights Reserved Title: startd Purpose: The startd utility starts daemons This package contains startd.c program source startd.1 man page makefile the make file README.startd This file The tar file is compressed, and the files in the tar file are encoded in ASCII. You can use the pax command under the OS/390 shell to unwind the tar file and convert everything to EBCDIC. See below for examples of how to unwind the tar file. Installation: Unwind the tar file. It will create a directory called startd under the current directory. To unwind it under OS/390 with correct character conversions between ASCII and EBCDIC issue $ pax -rzvo from=iso8859-1,to=ibm-1047 -f startd.tar.Z To unwind the tar file on aix, try $ zcat startd.tar.Z | tar -xvf - Issue make all to make the startd binary. Move startd into a directory in the PATH. Move startd.1 into a directory named ./man/C/cat1, and append $PWD/man/%L/cat1 to MANPATH. (You could alternatively just copy startd.1 to /usr/man/C/cat1/startd.1 Bug Reports: Please send bug reports, enhancements, etc to Author: Marc J. Warden (