Author: Bill Schoen WSCHOEN at KGNVMC, Title: REXX function to run shell commands PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1996 shcmd() ======= Syntax: (note: both the function and subroutine forms may be used) shcmd(command--------------------------------------------------) | | | | | | | | | -,- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -stdin- | | | | | | | | | | | | | -,- | | | | | | | | | | | -stdout- | | | | | | | | | -,- | | | | | | | -stderr- | | | | | -,- | | | -env- or, command followed by up to four positional arguments any of which can be null, e.g., call shcmd command,,,,env. command The shell command you want to run. The shell is run as /bin/sh -c followed by the string you specify as the command. stdin An optional argument which is the name of a compound variable (stem) that contains input for the command or the string "STACK" if the input is on the stack. Stdin.0 must contain a number that is the number of lines that are to be redirected to the command. Stdin.1, stdin.2, ... contain the lines. If this argument is not specified, your current stdin file is passed to the shell for stdin. stdout An optional argument which is the name of a compound variable (stem) which on return, will contain the normal output from the command. Stdout.0 is a number that is the number of lines output by the command. Stdout.1, stdout.2, ... contain the output lines. Stdout can also be specified as the string "STACK" if the output is to be returned on the stack. If this argument is not specified, your current stdout file is passed to the shell for stdout. stderr An optional argument which is the name of a compound variable (stem) which on return, will contain the error output from the command. Stderr.0 is a number that is the number of lines output by the command. Stderr.1, stderr.2, ... contain the output lines. Stderr can also be specified as the string "STACK" if the output is to be returned on the stack. If this argument is not specified, your current stderr file is passed to the shell for stderr. env An optional argument which is the name of a compound variable (stem) that contains environment variables for the command. Env.0 must contain a number that is t he number of environment variables to be passed to the command. Env.1, env.2, ... contain the variables in the form variable_name=variable_value. If this argument is not specified, your current environment is passed to the shell for stdin. Note: each of these arguments are positional. Examples ======== trap output from the ls command and display it: call shcmd 'ls -l',,out. do i=1 to out.0 say out.i end Send output from above to word count and print byte count: call shcmd 'wc',out.,bc. parse var bc.1 . . count say 'byte count is' count Trap output on stack and feed it back to word count: if shcmd('ls -l',,stack)=0 then call shcmd 'wc',stack Return Information ================== If the stdout or stderr stems are specified, they will be filled as appropriate. If the return value of the function is in the range 0-255, it is the exit status of the command. Negative return values indicate failure. This is generally a signal number. Numbers less than -1000 indicate a stop code. Install Information =================== The shcmd() function is a single load module that must be installed in a library where the normal MVS search will find load modules. This would most likely be in a library in your system linklist or your steplib. The load module is packaged in an unloaded load library. Use the TSO RECEIVE command with option INDA() to restore it. The name of this file on this server is shcmd.unload and must be transfered in binary format and restored to an MVS system as an FB 80 data set. This data set has 27680 bytes which is 346 80 byte records. Once on an MVS system, use tso receive inda(shcmd.unload) to restore the data set. Unless you direct it elsewhere, it will restore in data set prefix.SHCMD.LOADLIB. You can use this data set as-is or use ISPF 3.3 to copy member SHCMD into a load library of your choice. Comments ======== For questions,suggestions, or comments, feel free to contact me: Bill Schoen SCHOEN at KGNVMC If you pick up this function and decide to use it, you might also drop me a note to let me know. I will notify you if there are any updates to the utility. Bill Schoen 12/10/96