Title: REXX Function Package for REXX in OpenEdition PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1997,2000 This function package contains the seven REXX I/O functions and several other useful functions. Among the functions is an ENVIRONMENT() function that allows you to query environment variables, retrieve their values, change their values, and add new variables. This package also extends OpenEdition REXX to support immediate commands when a REXX program is interrupted with the interrupt signal, usually control-c. Immediate commands let you turn tracing or typing on and off or issue the halt command. The REXX function package is located in an unloaded PDS called REXXFUNC.UNLOAD. Download this in BINARY into an FB 80 data set. Download this in BINARY into an FB 80 data set. Download this in BINARY into an FB 80 data set. It is restored using the TSO/E receive inda() command. Complete install and usage information can be found at the URL: http://www.s390.ibm.com/ftp/os390/oe/toys/rexx/rexxfunc.html Bill Schoen (wjs@us.ibm.com)