Title: rexxc - Invoke the REXX Compiler Author: Bill Schoen (wjs@us.ibm.com) PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1994,2000 rexxc invokes the REXX compiler to compile a REXX exec into CEXEC format. The REXX compiler and run-time products are required. Syntax: ------- rexxc [-cgV -o output_file] input_file -V produces a listing on STDOUT -c is compile for syntax only, no output file is created -g adds the SLINE and TRACE options. This is needed for execs that use sourceline() or any other function that needs the REXX source. -o names the output file. Default is .cexec appended to input_file The permissions are preserved for an existing output file or set from the permissions of the original for a new file. input_file is the name of the REXX program to be compiled. Only one file can be specified. Install: -------- rexxc must be installed in the HFS. Download rexxc.txt in text mode and copy it to an HFS directory where programs can be run. Permissions should be at least read+execute, 755 is recommended.