Author: Bill Schoen WSCHOEN at KGNVMC, Title: Print text for error numbers and reason codes (errno/errno2) PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1995, 1997 perr ==== This command takes any number of arguments. Each argument is either an errno or an 8 digit reason code. All values are assumed to be hex. Arguments less than characters are assumed to be errnos otherwise it is treated as a reason code. Each value will be looked up and the results displayed. By default this command will use 'SYS1.SBPXMENU' to obtain message text. If your ISPF messages for OE are somewhere else, set the environment variable ERRNODSN to the full name of the data set. The default acts as though you did: export ERRNODSN=sys1.sbpxmenu The data set name may be entered in mixed case. Install: ======= perr should be retrieved via ftp in text format. perr should be copied as text to an HFS directory and must be given read and execute permission. perr can also be copied to a PDS where other REXX execs reside. This program can be run as you run any other REXX exec under TSO. In that environment, OE access is not required.