Author: Bill Schoen wjs at ibmusm10, Title: Show file descriptor usage -- REQUIRES AT LEAST OS390R2 PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1999 fduse ===== Syntax: fduse ... This lists for all processes or the specified processes the number of file descriptors that are in use. This utility requires superuser authority. Example: ======== fduse this will list all processes and the number of descriptors each has in use. Install Information =================== Place fduse in a directory where you keep executable programs. Make sure the permission bits are set to 0555 (or at least 0500) so that a superuser can execute it. If you would like it to be useable by anyone, set the permissions to 04555 to make it a setuid program. The file owner must be uid 0. This program can also be placed in a PDS where REXX execs can be run and used like other REXX execs in a TSO environment. If you obtain this program via FTP, the program is a REXX program in source form. Transfer it in text mode. As a reminder, the filename is fduse.txt. .