Author: Bill Schoen WSCHOEN at KGNVMC, Title: List colony address space names -- REQUIRES AT LEAST OS390R2 PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1998 colonies ======== Syntax: colonies This lists the name of any colony address spaces. This utility can be useful to determine the names of colony address spaces if you need to terminate them. Install Information =================== Place colonies in a directory where you keep executable programs. Make sure the permission bits are set to 0555 (or at least 0500) so that a superuser can execute it. If you would like it to be useable by anyone, set the permissions to 04555 to make it a setuid program. The file owner must be uid 0. If you obtain this program via FTP, the program is a REXX program in source form. Transfer it in text mode. As a reminder, the filename is colonies.txt. .