Jinsight README =============== 0. Contents =========== 1. Overview 2. Files 3. Supported Platforms and JVMs 4. Modes of Operation 5. Client/Server and Headless 6. Client Installation 6.1 JAVA2_HOME 6.2 JINSIGHT_HOME 6.3 JINSIGHT_HEAP 7. Server Installation and Invocation Overview 7.1 Java 1.4.2 and 1.5 (JVMPI) 7.2 Java 1.6 (JVMTI) 7.3 Installation 7.3.1 IBM z/OS 7.3.2 Linux on System z 7.3.3 IBM AIX 7.3.4 x86 Linux 7.3.5 Microsoft Windows 8. Profiling 8.1 Overview 8.2 Command line Java (Generic Instructions) 8.2.1 Headless/Local mode 8.2.2 Client Server mode 9. A Typical WebSphere Profiling Session 9.1 Arrange exclusive access to a WebSphere Application server 9.2 Select the transactions that you wish to be profiled 9.3 Understand how to drive the transactions manually 9.4 Install the Jinsight server agents and the remote client 9.5 Setup WebSphere using the Admin Console 9.6 If WebSphere does not start 9.7 When WebSphere restarts 9.8 Run the selected transactions once to "warm-up" the JVM 9.9 Start Profiling 9.10 Re-run the selected transactions 9.11 Stop Profiling 9.12 Review status and Repeat 9.14 Stop WebSphere and remove Jinsight 10. CPU Measurement 10.1 Overview 10.2 Invoking CPU Mode 10.3 Config File Format 10.4 Obtaining Class and Method Names 10.5 Example 10.6 Sample Output 10.7 Identities 11. Jinsight Agent Options 11.1 Profiling Mode: (default) 11.2 CPU Measurement Mode (disables profiling) 11.3 Generic Options 11.4 Profiling Config File 12. Dealing with Large Trace Files 12.1 TraceSplitter 13. Programatically Controling Profiling 1. Overview =========== Jinsight is a Java profiling tool, it is unique in its visual nature. It allows the operator to consume enormous amounts of data easily and naturally, and leads to a faster and deeper understanding of a modern Java program. It is the pinnacle of application profiling. Jinsight comprises a Java GUI client for profile collection and analysis as well as the platform specific .dll's (.so's) that plug-into the JVM to be profiled. As with all other Java profiling tools it uses the JVMPI and now JVMTI interfaces, these C APIs allow tool vendors to create "agents" that follow the execution of Java code. JVMPI was the traditional profiling interface to the JVM (arguably driven by Jinsight's needs in 1996/7). It calls the registered agents on a significant event such as method entry or exit, Object allocate/collect, thread start/stop. The agent receives these callbacks and does with the data what it will, most record to disk or transport over the network to a client. For numerous reasons it was decided to transition and combine the JVMPI (Profiling), JVMDI (Debug) and other interfaces to a single JVMTI (Tool) interface. The transition was planned to be from 1.4.2 to Java6, with Java5 being the fulcrum. So Java 1.4.2 supports (JVM)PI, Java 5 supports both PI and (JVM)TI and Java6 and beyond support only TI. The significance of this is that PI required the JVM to call the agent on every event such as very frequent and basic operations like Object.hashcode() entry/exit. TI however requires the agent to manipulate the Java Bytecodes of classes as they are loaded and insert java instructions to callback the agent for whatever reason and at whatever point the agent requires. Jinsight uses visualisation to draw patterns from the execution data collected via JVMPI/TI. These patterns can both deliver the methods level detail one gets from other Java profiling tools but in addition allows for rapid understanding of large code bases in context of the use case/transaction, specifically 3rd party code which is prevalent in modern Java. The significance of all of this is that regular profiling tools render entry/exit events in text lists/ tree widgets, conversely Jinsight exploits human visual pattern recognition, our most powerful tool. Where a textual display can render 70 lines of text/method calls Jinsight can render 40 million. 2. Files ======== JinsightClient.zip The Jinsight client JinsightAIX.tar.gz Server agents for AIX JinsightWin.zip Server agent for Microsoft Windows JinsightxLinux.tar.bz2 Server agent for x86 Linux JinsightzLinux.tar.bz2 Server agents for Linux on System z JinsightzOS.tar.Z Server agents for IBM z/OS 3. Supported Platforms and JVMs =============================== Jinsight currently the following JVMs: IBM 1.4.2 service release 9 and above (not 64 bit) IBM 1.5.0 service release 2 and above IBM 1.6.0 service release 3 and above On the following platforms: IBM z/OS (31/64 bit) Linux on System z (31/64bit) IBM AIX (32/64 bit) x86 Linux (32/64 bit) Microsoft Windows (32 bit) 4. Modes of Operation ===================== Jinsight has two modes of operation a) profiling, b) CPU measurement. Profiling is the primary and default mode in which every Java method entry and exit, Object creation and collection, thread start and end and other events are collected on the "server" and visualised for analysis in the Jinsight client. The overhead incurred in profiling mode is high and therefore is not suitable for production environments. The second mode, CPU measurement, allows a small number of nominated methods derived by analysis of the profile to be measured at full speed with little or no overhead. This accurate CPU information in concert with the full profile enables highly efficient code analysis and tuning. 5. Client/Server and Headless ============================= Although referred to as the "server" in this README the the JVM being profiled/measured could be on the same physical machine as the client. The CPU measurement mode does not involve the Jinsight client, the methods to be measured are supplied to the agent in a config file on the server and data is logged to stderr or a named log file also on the server. Two profiling methods are supported, client/server and headless. Client/server involves enabling the server agent on the JVM to be profiled to listen on network port, launching the client and connecting from client to server. Profiling can then be started and stopped from the client and profile data is sent to the client to be saved to disk and/or visualised. Headless profiling does not require the Jinsight client, the server agent is told to save profile data to a local file and a small executable (jinctl*) is used on the server to start and stop profiling. The file produced is then downloaded to a client for visualisation. This techique can be useful if the network bandwidth between the client and server is low. When in Client/Server mode the operator has the option of: a) Just saving profile data to disk for later analysys b) Saving to disk and loading into memory for immediate visualisation c) Not saving to disk but just loading for visualisation As the size of the profile data may well be unknown and seeing that the Client will have finite memory it is recommended to use techique a) and just save to disk for later analysis. If technique b) is used then the Client may run out of memory putting into jeopardy the collection session. Technique c) is rare as profiling data will be lost when the client is closed. * jinctl is not available for Microsoft Windows, Client/server must be used 6. Client Installation ====================== The Jinsight client is itself a Java application. Unzip JinsightClient.zip, this will produce a directory "JinsightLive" on disk containing 3 files: jinsightlive.bat A Microsoft Window batch file to start the client jinsightlive.sh A Unix shell script to start the client jinsightLive.jar A Java jar file containing the client code If installing on Windows edit jinsightlive.bat, or for Unix edit jinsightlive.sh and change the following three environment variable in the file: 6.1 JAVA2_HOME =============== This needs to be set to the location of a Java JVM (SDK/JRE). /bin/java will be appended to this location to execute the Java JVM therefore the variable needs to be set to a location that precedes /bin/java. For example: if the full path to the java executable is C:\Program Files\IBM\Java\jre\bin\java then the variable would be set to C:\Program Files\IBM\Java\jre On Microsoft windows it is advisable to wrap the variable in quotes in case it has embedded spaces, i.e. "JAVA2_HOME=c:\Program Files\IBM\Java5\jre" 6.2 JINSIGHT_HOME ================= This variable need to be set to the full path to the directory that was created when extracting the client zip file, e.g. "JINSIGHT_HOME=C:\tools\JinsightLive" - On Windows or JINSIGHT_HOME=/opt/JinsightLive - On Linux/Unix 6.3 JINSIGHT_HEAP ================= When visualising a profile the client can consume a large amount of physical RAM. To limit the potential issues with completely consuming the Java heap available the client will monitor it's own memory usage and stop loading new data when it reaches a threshold of 90%. This variable is used to set the maximum heap used buy the client JVM and is also passed to the client as a command line option so it is aware of how much it has available. This option is limited to values in raw bytes, Kilobytes with the K suffix Megabytes with the M suffix or Gigabytes with the G suffix, e.g. JINSIGHT_HEAP=1280M Clearly it should be set lower to a value lower that the physical RAM on the client machine, one also has to consider that a 32bit client JVM may not be able to address over 2GB even if physically available depending operating system. Save and close the .bat/.sh and execute it, a small Java window should appear in the top left of the screen. If not check the environment variables and the error message returned when executing the script. 7. Server Installation and Invocation Overview ============================================== The Jinsight "server" agent .dll/.so uses either the JVM Profiling Interface (JVMPI) or JVM Tool Interface (JVMTI) to communicate with the JVM and collect profiling information. Profiling mode used JVMPI on Java 1.4.2 and 1.5 and JVMTI on Java 1.6, CPU measurement mode uses JVMPI on 1.4.2 and JVMTI on 1.5 and 1.6. The agent is a shared library written in C that implements functions that are called by the JVM on start-up and subsequently calls JVM functions when profiling/measuring. 7.1 Java 1.4.2 and 1.5 (JVMPI) ============================== The JVM has to be told to load and call the agent initialisation functions, this is done by adding command line options to the JVM. For Java 1.4.2 and 1.5 (JVMPI) the form is -XrunXXXXX:options where XXXXX is the name of the .dll/.so file with the 'lib' prefix if it exists and the '.dll' or '.so' suffix removed, e.g. the file libjinsight-zOS-31.so is loaded using the command line java -Xrunjinsight-zOS-31 ...otherJVMoptions or the file jinsight-win-32.dll is loaded using the command line java -Xrunjinsight-win-32 ...otherJVMoptions To specify Options that the agent can read a colon is appended to the agent name followed by the option string, options are comma separated and cannot contain spaces: java -Xrunjinsight-AIX-64:option1,option2=value ...otherJVMoptions JVMPI does not have the ability to specify the full path name of the agent shared library on the Java command line, therefore the agent .dll/.so has to be locatable by appending the directory it is in to the LIBPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH environment variables depending on platform, i.e. Microsoft Windows: set PATH=%PATH%;C:\jinsight Linux: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/jinsight AIX, z/OS: export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:/opt/jinsight 7.2 Java 1.6 (JVMTI) ==================== Java 1.6 (JVMTI) uses a different command line format and additionally can optionally specify the full path to the agent therefore removing the requirement to set environment variables. The form is -agentlib:XXXXX=options or -agentpath:XXXXX=options. It is important to notice that JVMTI uses '=' to separate agent name and options whereas JVMPI uses ':' agentlib is used if the location of the agent .dll/.so has been set using the LIBPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH environment variables and therefore is locatable by the dynamic linker or -agentpath if not. When using -agentlib the name of the agent is the file name adjusted as above, removing lib prefix and .dll/.so suffix. When using -agentpath the fully qualified name is used. export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:/opt/jinsightLive java -agentlib:jinsight-AIX-32=options ...otherJVMoptions or java -agentpath:/opt/jinsight/libjinsight-AIX-32=options ...otherJVMOpts 7.3 Installation ================ 7.3.1 IBM z/OS ============= Make a directory on the server to contain the jinsight agent binaries, for example /opt/jinsight Upload as binary JinsightzOS.tar.Z and extract into the new directory using: cd /opt/jinsight tar -xzXvf /path/to/JinsightzOS.tar.Z The X option on the tar command will attempt to restore the a and p extended attribute flags so that the agents can be used to profile within an authorised address space such as the WebSphere control region. This may not be possible given your users authority, the flags can be re-applied at a later date with proper authority using with: cd /opt/jinsight extattr +ap libjinsight-zOS-31.so extattr +ap libjinsight-zOS-64.so Confirm that the permissions on the files are correctly set to rwxr-xr-x (755): cd /opt/jinsight ls -l -rwxr-xr-x libjinsight-zOS-31.so -rwxr-xr-x libjinsight-zOS-64.so -rwxr-xr-x jinctl-31 -rwxr-xr-x jinctl-64 Verify the installation by testing Jinsight as described in section 7.4 7.3.2 Linux on System z ======================= Make a directory on the server to contain the jinsight agent binaries, for example /opt/jinsight Upload as binary JinsightzLinux.tar.bz2 and extract into the new directory using: cd /opt/jinsight tar -xjvf /path/to/JinsightzLinux.tar.bz2 Confirm that the permissions on the files are correctly set to rwxr-xr-x (755): cd /opt/jinsight ls -l -rwxr-xr-x libjinsight-zLinux-31.so -rwxr-xr-x libjinsight-zLinux-64.so -rwxr-xr-x jinctl-31 -rwxr-xr-x jinctl-64 Verify the installation by testing Jinsight as described in section 7.4 7.3.3 IBM AIX ============= Make a directory on the server to contain the jinsight agent binaries, for example /opt/jinsight Upload as binary JinsightAIX.tar.gz and extract into the new directory using: gunzip /path/to/JinsightAIX.tar.gz cd /opt/jinsight tar -xvf /path/to/JinsightAIX.tar Confirm that the permissions on the files are correctly set to rwxr-xr-x (755): cd /opt/jinsight ls -l -rwxr-xr-x libjinsight-AIX-32.so -rwxr-xr-x libjinsight-AIX-64.so -rwxr-xr-x jinctl-32 -rwxr-xr-x jinctl-64 Verify the installation by testing Jinsight as described in section 7.4 7.3.4 x86 Linux =============== Make a directory on the server to contain the jinsight agent binaries, for example /opt/jinsight Upload as binary JinsightxLinux.tar.bz2 and extract into the new directory using: cd /opt/jinsight tar -xjvf /path/to/JinsightxLinux.tar.bz2 Confirm that the permissions on the files are correctly set to rwxr-xr-x (755): cd /opt/jinsight ls -l -rwxr-xr-x libjinsight-xLinux-32.so -rwxr-xr-x libjinsight-xLinux-64.so -rwxr-xr-x jinctl-32 -rwxr-xr-x jinctl-64 Verify the installation by testing Jinsight described in section 7.4 7.3.5 Microsoft Windows ======================= Make a directory on the server to contain the jinsight agent binaries, for example C:\jinsight Upload as binary JinsightWin.zip and extract into the new directory using an unzip tool. Verify the installation by testing Jinsight as described in section 7.4 7.4 Verifying Installation ========================== To confirm that the binary agents have been installed successfully one can execute java at the command line supplying the jinsight command line options. Firstly determine the version of Java by executing: java -version If no executable java is found you will have to specify a path fully or add a JVM to your PATH. The version returned will be similar to the following: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pxi3260sr6-20090925_01(SR6)) IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 Linux x86-32 jvmxi3260sr6-20090923_42924 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled) J9VM - 20090923_042924 JIT - r9_20090902_1330ifx1 GC - 20090817_AA) JCL - 20090924_01 or java version "1.5.0" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, (build pwi32dev-20070201 (SR4)) IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 Windows XP x86-32 j9vmwi3223-20070201 (JIT enabled) J9VM - 20070131_11312_lHdSMR JIT - 20070109_1805ifx1_r8 GC - 200701_09) JCL - 20070131 or java version "1.4.2" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2) Classic VM (build 1.4.2, J2RE 1.4.2 IBM z/OS Persistent Reusable VM build cm142-20070708 (SR9) (JIT enabled: jitc)) The version info should indicate and IBM 1.4.2, 1.5 or 1.6 JVM at a Service Release (SR?) on or above the levels described in Section 3. Also note the "bittage" (31, 32 or 64) from the version info. Next set the path to the jinsight agents Microsoft Windows: set PATH=%PATH%;C:\jinsight Linux: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/jinsight AIX, z/OS: export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:/opt/jinsight Depending on the version of JVM next execute java again enabling the jinsight agent and setting minimal local tracing options for Java 1.4.2 and 1.5: (choose the line for your platform and bittage) java -Xrunjinsight-zOS-31:localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -Xrunjinsight-zOS-64:localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -Xrunjinsight-zLinux-31:localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -Xrunjinsight-zLinux-64:localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -Xrunjinsight-AIX-32:localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -Xrunjinsight-AIX-64:localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -Xrunjinsight-xLinux-32:localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -Xrunjinsight-xLinux-64:localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -Xrunjinsight-win-32:localFileName=.\trace.trc,profileImmediately for Java 1.6: (choose the line for your platform and bittage) java -agentlib:jinsight-zOS-31=localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -agentlib:jinsight-zOS-64=localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -agentlib:jinsight-zLinux-31=localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -agentlib:jinsight-zLinux-64=localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -agentlib:jinsight-AIX-32=localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -agentlib:jinsight-AIX-64=localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -agentlib:jinsight-xLinux-32=localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -agentlib:jinsight-xLinux-64=localFileName=trace.trc,profileImmediately java -agentlib:jinsight-win-32=localFileName=.\trace.trc,profileImmediately This should produce something similar to the following: Combined Jinsight profiling agent. Copyright International Business Machines 1997-2009. Version ????. Using the JVM?I Interface. Started at ??? ??? ?? ??:??:?? ???? Local trace file (trace.trc) opened ..... (followed by standard java usage text) If it does not, check the command line and then confirm the installation steps paying attention to permissions If successful a small trace file (trace.trc) will be produced in the current directory 8. Profiling ============= 8.1 Overview ============ 8.2 Command line Java (Generic Instructions) ============================================ As described there are two ways to profile, headless and client server. Headless mode is useful for small, short running command line java applications, where the bandwidth between the client and server is low or the profiling data produced will be very large (Gigabytes). Client server is a more convenient method for long running applications such as application servers when the client is on the same LAN (or machine) as the server. 8.2.1 Headless/Local mode ========================= The jinsight option localFileName switches the agent into local or headless mode, in this mode there are two options for initiating profiling. firstly the profileImmediately option starts data collection as soon as the JVM is initialised, this is ideal for very short running Java programs, once profile data collection has started it cannot be stopped. java -agentlib:jinsight-win-32=localFileName=my.trc,profileImmediately MyClass The other way to initiate collection in local mode is to use the jinctl executable. By setting the option localID the agent will listen over shared memory for jinctl to start or stop profiling. java -agentlib:jinsight-zOS-31=localFileName=my.trc,localID=1 MyClass then ./jinctl-31 start 1 then ./jinctl-31 stop 1 With local profiling driven by jinctl it is possible to stop data collection and start it again when required therefore building a trace file containing slices of execution profile data. At the moment the trace file cannot be closed and a new one opened within a running JVM. Therefore, considering the visualisation client memory requirements it is recommended not to create a trace file above 2GB. When the JVM terminates the trace file will be properly closed, if the JVM (or jinsight) fails during execution then the file will not be correctly terminated however what ever already collected should still be valid and readable by the client. Once the trace file is complete it can be transferred to a client and loaded and visualised, it is possible to copy/transfer the trace file whilst it is still open and the JVM is still running, it should sill be readable by the visualiser. 8.2.2 Client Server mode ======================== Client/Server mode is the regular way of profiling with Jinsight. The agent is plugged into the servers JVMPI/TI interface ans opens a server TCP/IP socket for client connections. The client issues the commands to start and stop collecting profile data and sends this data to the client for storage to disk and analysis. To start a JVM in client/server mode you need to pass the port number that the agent will listen on on the java command line: for Java 1.4.2 and 1.5 -Xrunjinsight-AAA-BB:port=NNNNN for Java 1.6 -agentlib:jinsight-AAA-BB=port=NNNNN Where AAA is the operating system identifier, BB is the platform bittage and NNNNN is a unique port number for this JVM to listen on example: -Xrunjinsight-win-32:port=12345 -agentlib:jinsight-AIX-64=port=6000 *note: If there is a firewall between the server and client you will have to open a port or use an already open slot. *note: On z/OS it is possible that the opening of server ports requires special authorisation *note: When no options at all are supplied to the Jinsight agent, or alternatively if the specified port is unavailable, Jinsight will allow the operating system to select a port, this will be reported in the Jinsight log, which defaults to stderr, or the log file specified with the logFile option. Launch the Jinsight Client installed in Section 6. Select File->Connect to a Java VM Enter the IP address or hostname of the server ( or localhost) if the profiled JVM is on the same machine as the client. Assuming you are using profiling technique a) described in Section 5: Enter the port specified in above or alternatively the port that the operating system selected for Jinsight. Enter the name of a file on the client machine to save the profiling data to Importantly select "Only save to file, don't process events" Click OK. You should now be connected to the server JVM, if not it may take up to 30 seconds for the attempt to fail. If the connection fails then confirm that Jinsight has not been forced to let the operating system select a port and that there are no firewall or security issues. Warm-up the JVM by allowing it to execute work/transactions at least once then click "Start One Burst" on the Jinsight client. Allow the JVM to perform the work/transactions you wish to profile and notice the number of "events read" increase in the Jinsight client window. Click "Stop This Burst" At this point the Jinsight client can be close, the JVM stopped and a new Jinsight client opened to load and analyse the collected data Alternatively the client can remain connected and "Start One Burst" clicked at a later time to collect more profile information. In this case the profile file will contain two or more "bursts" of data. 9. A Typical WebSphere Profiling Session ========================================= 9.1 Arrange exclusive access to a WebSphere Application server ============================================================== i) Due to the intrusiveness of profiling exclusive access is required to a server that is non-critical, such as development/test for up to 2 hours ii) It can take between 15 minutes and 2 hours to profile under normal circumstances, issues that can extend this time generally centre around restrictive authorisation and access to those who authorise 9.2 Select the transactions that you wish to be profiled ======================================================== i) Normally in an application the majority of transactions share a common form, therefore even if there are 300 discrete transactions there may be as few as 4 distinct forms and 95% of the paths are repeated. ii) The effort in profiling 300 transactions is significant and the volume of data produced troublesome. A selection of 5 to 10 of the transactions that are believed to be frequent or cause concern are the best to start with. 9.3) Understand how to drive the transactions manually ====================================================== i) there can be as many as 20 million "events" per transaction each event when recorded is 48 bytes and the JVM slows by as much as 100x when Jinsight is actively profiling. As we only nee to see one invocation of a transaction to understand the path of all other invocation then this and the data volume preclude "load" testing. Sometimes applications are only tested at load with tools such as load-runner and manual driving is not a familiar task, it needs to be an available option. 9.4 Install the Jinsight server agents and the remote client ============================================================ See Sections 6. and 7.3. 9.5 Setup WebSphere using the Admin Console =========================================== i) Go to the admin console and select: for z/OS: Servers->Server Types->WebSphere Application Servers->Your Server->Servant for other platforms Servers->Server Types->WebSphere Application Servers->Your Server-> ii) Half way down the right of the screen you will see a section called "Java and Process Management", expand this and select "Process Definition" iii) On the right select "Environment Entries", add a new entry, or add to an existing entry with the name: for z/OS, AIX: LIBPATH for Linux: LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Microsoft Windows PATH Set the value for this new entry to the directory containing the Jinsight agent binaries. Click save, going back to "Process Definition" iv) On the right select "Java Virtual Machine" v) Scroll down the page and look for "Generic JVM Arguments" vi) This box may already contain some entries, the entries that will clash with jinsight begin with "-Xrun", "-agentpath" or "-agentlib", remove these entries*. *note: If Wiley Introscope or ITCAM are being used for this server consider removing any classpath entries at the top of this JVM settings page *note: The agent for Microsoft Windows does not support local mode at the moment vii) Add to "Generic JVM Arguments" the following: a) for Local (jinctl) profiling: for Java 1.4.2 (WebSphere 6.0) -Xrunjinsight-AAA-BB:localFileName=/path/to/trace.trc,localID=MM for Java 1.5 (WebSphere 6.1) -Xrunjinsight-AAA-BB:localFileName=/path/to/trace.trc,localID=MM for Java 1.6 (WebSphere 7) -agentlib:jinsight-AAA-BB=localFileName=/path/to/trace.trc,localID=MM Where AAA is the operating system identifier, BB is the platform bittage and MM is a unique ID for this JVM, for example: -Xrunjinsight-zLinux-32:localFileName=/jinsight/trace.trc,localID=1 -agentlib:jinsight-zOS-64=localFileName=/tmp/trace.trc,localID=10 b) for Client/Server (network) profiling: for Java 1.4.2 (WebSphere 6.0) -Xrunjinsight-AAA-BB:port=NNNNN for Java 1.5 (WebSphere 6.1) -Xrunjinsight-AAA-BB:port=NNNNN for Java 1.6 (WebSphere 7) -agentlib:jinsight-AAA-BB=port=NNNNN Where AAA is the operating system identifier, BB is the platform bittage and NNNNN is a unique port number for this JVM to listen on example: -Xrunjinsight-win-32:port=12345 -agentlib:jinsight-AIX-64=port=6000 *note: If there is a firewall between the server and client you will have to open a port or use an already open slot. *note: On z/OS it is possible that the opening of server ports requires special authorisation *note: When no options at all are supplied to the Jinsight agent, or alternatively if the specified port is unavailable, Jinsight will allow the operating system to select a port, this will be reported in the Jinsight log, which defaults to stderr, or the log file specified with the logFile option. viii) Make sure that if this server is in a cluster that all other cluster members are stopped. Additionally on z/OS go back to "Java and Process Management", expand it again and select "Server Instance". Deselect "Multiple Server Instances" and to make sure to drop the minimum and maximum both to 1 ix) Save all changes and restart WebSphere 9.6 If WebSphere does not start =============================== If WebSphere does not start it is probably due to not being able to find or load the .dll/.so agent binary. If this is a stand-alone WebSphere server instance you may have to locate and edit the server.xml under the WebSphere directory to correct any mistakes. If this is WebSphere ND then go back to the admin console and check all settings. Additionally check and verify installation by re-visiting Sections 7.3 and 7.4. 9.7 When WebSphere restarts =========================== If in local mode Jinsight will write to the trace file a 45 byte header, confirm that you see this and locate and prepare jinctl for execution. If in client/server mode launch the Jinsight client and select: File->Connect to a Java VM Enter the IP address or hostname of the server ( or localhost) if the profiled JVM is on the same machine as the client. Assuming you are using profiling technique c) described in Section 5: Enter the port specified in section 9.5 or alternatively the port that the operating system selected for Jinsight. Enter the name of a file on the client machine to save the profiling data to Importantly select "Only save to file, don't process events" Click OK. You should now be connected to the server JVM, if not it may take up to 30 seconds for the attempt to fail. If the connection fails then confirm that Jinsight has not been forced to let the operating system select a port and that there are no firewall or security issues. 9.8 Run the selected transactions once to "warm-up" the JVM =========================================================== As the application code has not yet been run in this fresh JVM if we were to start profiling and then run the transactions for the first time the profile would be full of Class loading and application initialisation that would not be part of production transactions. Therefore it is important to run the transactions once to "warm-up" the JVM. Ideally the transactions should be driven manually from a browser to increase the control one has over the volume of profile data collected in a single file. However you can if you wish run the transactions from a load test script but there is no need for load with Jinsight, just one script iteration from a single user/thread is enough. 9.9 Start Profiling =================== If in local mode: Go to the directory that contains the jinctl executable and execute in the following way to start profiling: ./jinctl-BB start MM where BB is the bittage of the operating system and MM is the unique localID set in the Generic JVM Arguments in Section 9.5. for example ./jinctl-31 start 10 If in client/server mode: Go to the connected jinsight client window and click "Start One Burst" 9.10 Re-run the selected transactions ===================================== As before load is NOT needed. Re-run the same transaction as in Section 9.8 either manually from a browser of a single iteration with a single user/thread from the load test script. The execution speed of the JVM whilst profiling will be reduced significantly, this may affect browser time-outs, increase time-out values if required. In local mode you should see the specified trace file increasing in size, if in client/server mode you will see the number of "events read" in the Jinsight client window increase. 9.11 Stop Profiling =================== When the transactions have completed their execution you stop profiling. If in local mode: Go to the directory that contains the jinctl executable and execute in the following way to start profiling: ./jinctl-BB stop MM where BB is the bittage of the operating system and MM is the unique localID set in the Generic JVM Arguments in Section 9.5. for example ./jinctl-64 stop 10 If in client/server mode: Go to the connected jinsight client window and click "Stop This Burst" 9.12 Review status and Repeat ============================= The trace file, either on the client or server, should now contain a substantial amount of data ranging from a few MB to over 10GB. As the client has limits on the size of trace file it can visualise you may consider opening a new trace file before continuing with more transactions: If in local mode: Stop WebSphere copy the trace file to a different location. Restart WebSphere, this will open a new trace file, return to section 9.8. If in Client/Server mode: Close the Jinsight client, and restart it. Re-connect as in Section 9.7 but select a different trace file name, return to Section 9.8. 9.14 Stop WebSphere and remove Jinsight ======================================= When the profiling session is over WebSphere should be stopped. If this is a stand-alone server you may with to reverse the actions made in the Admin Console in Section 9.5 before stopping. If in local mode make sure that the local trace file is copied off to another location/name as if WebSphere were to restart it would over-write the data. 10. CPU Measurement =================== 10.1 Overview ============ Jinsight profiling gives a unique and detailed view of the execution of Java code and can itself lead to the insight required to improve performance. However the overhead introduced my any Java profiler can skew the reported times in the profile enough to render them unhelpful. Jinsight has a second mode of operation in which, guided by the profile, methods of interest can be declared in a config file and this file used to instruct the jinsight agent to instrument and measure just those methods for CPU and elapsed times. This means that with only a handful of methods instrumented that the application can run at near production speed, the true costs of the methods measured and "overlaid" on the profile to inform and direct tuning efforts. If a method looks inefficient when a profile is visualised it can be added the a config file and the application run again with jinsight in cpuMode. The costs of the method are printed out as XML with little or no overhead. 10.2 Invoking CPU Mode ====================== To switch the Jinsight agent into CPU mode pass the option cpuMode on the java command line and supply a config file with the configFile option. Optionally you can log the XML output to a file using the logFile option. for Java 1.4.2 java -Xrunjinsight-AAA-BB=cpuMode,configFile=my.cfg,logFile=cpu.xml for Java 1.5 and Java 1.6 java -agentlib:jinsight-AAA-BB=cpuMode,configFile=my.cfg,logFile=cpu.xml 10.3 Config File Format ======================= Each line in the CPU config file is made up of 5 components in the following form: role class method signature identity role: The type measurement, transaction, fragment or identity class: The name of the class to instrument method: The name of the method to instrument signature: The signature of the method to instrument identity: The unique name for this declaration The elements of the line are space/tab separated. Pay attention to the line terminator, if created or edited on Microsoft Windows then the lines will be terminated with CR and LF, the agent is expecting a Unix style line terminator of just LF, many Windows editors can support this convention. Method signatures are in the JVM format described in Section 4.3.3 of the VM Spec "Method Descriptors" 10.4 Obtaining Class and Method Names ===================================== The signatures (or descriptors) used in the config file are in JVM format and can be non-intuitive. To ease the creation of the config file the application can be run with the Jinsight agent passing the dumpClasses and logFile options. This will log every class and method as they load and the method signature in the correct format for the config file. for Java 1.4.2 java -Xrunjinsight-AAA-BB=dumpClasses,logFile=classes.dump for Java 1.5 and Java 1.6 java -agentlib:jinsight-AAA-BB=dumpClasses,logFile=classes.dump Make sure that you actually run the application code that you wish to measure so that it's classes are loaded and dumped. The config file can then be created and the JVM restarted with the cpuMode option as described in Section 10.2 An alternative method for obtaining correct signatures is to open a profile of the application in the Jinsight client, locate a method and over over it with the mouse, hit Ctrl-C and this will copy the method details into the clipboard which can them be pasted into an editor and the config file created. 10.5 Example ============ #Example config file # transaction HelloWorld main ([Ljava/lang/String;)V helloWorldMain fragment java/io/PrintStream println (Ljava/lang/String;)V printHello HelloWorld.java: public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } Invocation: for Java 1.4.2 java -Xrunjinsight-AAA-BB=cpuMode,configFile=example.cfg HelloWorld for Java 1.5 and Java 1.6 java -agentlib:jinsight-AAA-BB=cpuMode,configFile=example.cfg HelloWorld 10.6 Sample Output ================== *note: The first line is wrapped in this README file. Explanation: The first XML Element is which measures the cost of the main methods and any calls that it makes. It has 6 attributes; identity, which is the name given in the config file, cpuMicros the CPU cost of this method and everything it called, elapsedMicros which is the wallclock elapsed time of the transaction, thread is the name of the thread is was called on, seq is a unique incrementing ID number for this element, and startTime is the time the call was started. Within the transaction a method declared in the config file as being a fragment was called, it's costs were measured independently and a element written as a child of the element. The element has the same attributes as transaction. It's costs are a component of the owning transaction costs. So in this case the transaction took 603us of CPU of which 219us were the printHello fragment. It is possible to have fragment elements has children of other fragment elements in a deep hierarchy depending of the config file and path of the code. 10.7 Identities =============== In an Application Server such as WebSphere one may declare as a transaction method in the config file a container method that is called early in the processing of the request and therefore report not only application code CPU but also Application Server CPU. However, this would mean that all transactions would have the generic name given to this transaction owning method in the config file even though they may be performing different tasks. An "identity" declaration in the config file defines a method that when executed within a transaction renames the transaction instance to something that more accurately represents the function that this particular call is performing. For example: #Application Server Config # transaction app/server/Container processRequest ()V HTTPRequest identity my/app/Business balance ()I BalanceInquiry identity my/app/Business deposit ()I DepositFunds fragment my/app/DB getData ()Ljava/lang/String; GetFromDB Example output: (details removed) 11. Jinsight Agent Options ========================== The Jinsight agent takes various options on the Java command line, some are single options and some are name=value pairs, all are comma separated, spaces are not allowed. 11.1 Profiling Mode: (default) ============================== port=n Defines the port for jinsight to listen on, local mode is disabled. localFilename=/path/name Defines a local trace file, network is disabled, local control is enabled. localID=n Sets the local Id for this JVM if multiple JVM on the same machine are in local control mode, mutually exclusive with profileImmediately. profileImmediately When tracing to a local file, profile straight away, do not wait to be told to start, mutually exclusive with localID. configFile=/path/name Location of a file containing classes and method to skip when applying bytecode instrumentation when using JVMTI (Java 1.6). See section 10.4 maxBuffers=n Sets the maximum outstanding trace buffers to n, default 16. Jinsight writes profiling events to native memory buffers before writing to disk or the network. If the write speed is low then the defined buffers will fill as the Java program executes until no buffer space is left at which point is will suspend execution of the profiled application until buffers are freed by writing. The size, number buffers and usage of the native buffers can put pressure of limited native memory this option in conjunction with the bufferLength option allows the native memory usage to be tuned. The default number of buffers, 16, multiplied by their default size of 4M means that without setting these options the agent could consume 64MB of native memory under certain circumstances. In addition to these write buffers Jinsight uses a local buffer per thread currently fixed to 128K. These thread buffers are only initialised if the thread is/was active during profiling, thread buffers are not deallocated unless the thread ends. Therefore during a long profiling session in which every thread has been active at one point during profile data collection then jinsight will consume an additional 128K * number of threads. With some applications having over 1000 threads this can also put pressure on native memory. bufferLength=n [M|m][K|k] Set the length of each trace buffer to n bytes, kilobytes megabytes, default 4M. See above for explanation. 11.2 CPU Measurement Mode (disables profiling) ============================================== cpuMode Enables CPU measurement mode, see Section 9. dumpClasses Dump the methods and signatures of all classes loaded to help create the config File, no CPU information is collection even if configFile is specified. This is a one off action to generate a file containing the signatures. configFile=/path/name Location of a file containing methods to measure. See Section 9. logBufferLength=n [M|m][K|k] Increase if the output XML is truncated, default 64K. For performance the XML element containing the information for a transaction and it's fragments is first rendered to a buffer before being written to the log. This buffer is statically allocated and defaults to 64K. If the transaction has hundreds of fragments then the XML logged may be truncated as the buffer was not large enough to render all of the fragments to. In this case as much of the XML element is logged followed by the string TRUNCATED... Increasing the size of this buffer allows all of the fragment data for the transaction to be logged. 11.3 Generic Options ==================== logFile=/path/name Write all jinsight logging to the named file. appendLogFile Do not overwrite log file, but rather append to it. help Prints an overview of Jinsight options and usage and then exits. 11.4 Profiling Config File ========================== When using JVMTI (Java 1.6) The agent must manipulate the bytecodes of methods when loaded, this can very occasionally fail on certain Classes and methods. To overcome this a config file and be written and supplied to the agent instructing it no to instrument the failing classes and methods. The format of each line in the file is: instruction class method signature Where instruction can be "skipclass" or "skipmethod", skipclass only requires the class name after it, skipmethod requires class method and signature. Example: #Profiling Config File # skipclass org/nasty/NastyClass skipmethod org/evil/Evil badMethod (II)J 12. Dealing with Large Trace Files ================================== 12.1 TraceSplitter ================== It is possible to create profile trace files that are too large to be visualised given finite client memory. I these cases the trace file can be split into multiple parts that can be loaded by the client individually. Within the JinsightLive jar file there is a utility to split trace files whith the class name jinsight.util.TraceSplitter. To invoke TraceSplitter use the following command line java -cp JinsightLive.jar jinsight.util.TraceSplitter inputFileName numberOfParts Where input file name is the name of the file to be split and numberOfParts is the number of files you wish to split into. e.g. java -cp JinsightLive.jar jinsight.util.TraceSplitter trace.trc 10 The defines number of partial traces files are written with the name inputFileName.N where N is a number from 1 to numberOfParts. e.g. java -cp JinsightLive.jar jinsight.util.TraceSplitter mytrace.trc 5 will create the following files mytrace.trc.1 mytrace.trc.2 mytrace.trc.3 mytrace.trc.4 mytrace.trc.5 13. Programatically Controling Profiling ======================================== Often a known problematic method may need to be profiled by itself without the additional data from the rest of the application. It is possible to programatically turn tracing on and off with calls to the static native methods JinsightTraceControl.startProfiling() and Jinsight TraceControl.stopProfiling(). These calls only work in local mode (i.e. locaFileName= is set). To compile against the JinsightTraceControl class it be found in the Clients jinsightLive.jar or alternatively one could create and compile the minimal class from the source below. public class JinsightTraceControl { public static native void startProfiling(); public static native void stopProfiling(); } These is no need to deploy this class or include jinsightLive.jar on the applicatyions classpath as the binary jinsight agent automatically dfines the class when it starts-up. Calling the functions would look like this: public void myMethod() { .... some code JinsightTraceControl.startProfiling(); .... the code you wish to profileImmediately JinsightTraceControl.stopProfiling(); ... more code }