Author: Bill Schoen Title: delinuse PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 2006 ************************************************************************ Purpose ======= It is fairly common practice for a program to open a temporary file, delete the file, and continue to use it as a temporary file. By doing so, other programs will not be able to open and read or corrupt the data this program is using. However, since no name appears in a directory, it becomes difficult to determine space being used by these types of files. For example, a file system can become full yet looking at the files that appear to be in the file system, it may appear that the file system should have considerable space available. This tool will find files in a file system that have been deleted yet are still in use and consuming space. It will show the process and user using the file, the space in use, and a portion of the name used to open the file. Syntax: ======= delinuse Usage: ====== This must be run by a superuser. This program can run from a TSO or shell environment. Install information: =================== Download delinuse.txt in text format. Copy this in text format to a PDS where REXX execs can be run . and/or to a pathname where programs can be run. If copied to a path be sure to set permissions so the file can be read and executed.