Author: Bill Schoen WSCHOEN at KGNVMC, Title: Use FTP to manage files on a remote host PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1996 qftp ==== syntax: qftp cp copy to host qftp cp copy from host qftp cat list file on stdout qftp ls {} run ls -l on host qftp mkdir create host directory qftp rmdir remove host directory qftp rm remove host file qftp mv rename host file ::= host_name:pathname host_name may be omitted if exported in FTPHOST environment variables: FTPHOST name the remote host (or firewall). ex: export FTPHOST=aix2012 FTPUSER specify the userid and optionally the password for accessing the remote host. Format: user/password ex: export FTPUSER=myuserid/mypasswd FTPSITE specify the site the host is to connect to for the file transfer. This is needed if your host is just a firewall. ex: export FTPLOGIN specify the userid and optionally the password for accessing the remote site. Format: user/password ex: export FTPLOGIN=myuserid/mypasswd Additionally, this command uses the tso shell command with the -t option. Therefore, some tso environment variables may apply. You will be prompted for userid and password unless these are exported in FTPUSER. If password is omitted from FTPUSER then you will be prompted. Responses to prompts are not blanked. If FTPHOST is set, a simple pathname can be used for all services except cp which needs it to distinguish local and host pathnames. Note: cp currently only handles text files. ex: qftp cp hello.c aix2012:hello.c FTPHOST=aix2012 qftp cp hello.c :hello.c Install Information =================== Place qftp in a directory where you keep executable programs. Make sure the permission bits are set to 0755 so that it is both readable and executable by everyone. If you obtain this program via FTP, the program is a REXX program in source form. Transfer it in text mode. As a reminder, the filename is qftp.txt. .