Title: Replicate a tree PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1999,2001 copytree replicates the source tree under the source directory within a file system to a target directory or attempts to verify the integrity of a source tree without copying it. Every attribute that can be set should be copied if you have sufficient authorization. Other features include: + should tolerate errors when setting target attributes with messages + should tolerate errors in the source tree, skipping those files. + copies sparse files as sparse files. + preserves file links + handles both symlinks and external links + does not cross mountpoints + runs under TSO or the shell Known restrictions: - will not handle files >1GB in TSO and requires the REXX function package for >1GB files when run under the shell Syntax: ------- copy [-aos] [] is the pathname for the source directory where the copy begins is the pathname for the target directory. This directory must exist and must be empty. If the is not specified, copytree runs in a mode to check the source file tree. Option flags: (any combination, no spaces between flags) a do not issue 30,000 node limit warning o do not preserve file ownership s attempt to set effective uid to 0 before starting Install: -------- copytree can be installed in the HFS or in a PDS to run under TSO. Download the copytree REXX program in text mode and copy it to a PDS where REXX execs can be run and/or to an HFS directory where programs can be run. Permissions should be at least read+execute, 755 is recommended.