# README This tool generates an approximation of an equivalent httpd configuration file for IHS for z/OS powered by Apache. There is no guaranteed mapping of the old z/OS HTTP Server configuration file to an Apache-based server. You should modify this file as necessary before using it. After the conversion, you need to follow the steps mentioned in the section "Changes Required in the Output File" and after that the generated file can be used as an httpd.conf file for IHS for z/OS powered by Apache. ############################################## #### #### #### Pre-Requisites #### #### #### ############################################## This is a Java based tool and uses Java 1.4 for the conversion process. Ensure that Java is present on the system where the tool is to be used. Environment variable $JAVA_HOME should be set to Java installation directory. ############################################## #### #### #### Usage: #### #### #### ############################################## Tool.sh and ihscmt.jar should be placed in the same directory where the configuration file for IHS powered by Domino (input file) is placed. The output file will be generated in the same folder. To run the program execute the shell script Tool.sh and provide input and output file name. Eg. $ ./Tool.sh ### Configuration Migration Tool ### Usage: ./Tool.sh $ ./Tool.sh smpe.conf.certif httpd.conf Java Home is set Configuration file conversion successful. $ ############################################## #### #### #### Changes Required in the Output File #### #### #### ############################################## # Instructions : Steps to do before using this generated file as Apache configuration file (httpd.conf) 1.Replace all occurences of "DocumentRoot_here" by the path of webserver root directory. (Eg:"/home/IBMIHS/htdocs") 2.Replace all occurences of "ServerRoot_Here" by the path of IHSwas installation directory. Eg: "/home/IBMIHS" 3.Ensure logfile locations of ErrorLog/AccessLog/AgentLog/RefererLog/ProxyAccessLog (Converted to Customlog directive) are valid locations and the IHSwas has write permissions at these locations. 4.PidFile location is set to "logs/httpd.pid" in IHSwas installation directory. 5.SSL directives are converted into virtualhost container, Uncomment "SSLServerCert" directive and ensure that it points to a valid certificate name. And KeyFile and SSLStashFile point to valid file locations. 6.In Protection, Mask directives are converted into Require user/saf-user/ldap-user and Require group/saf-group/ldap-group directives. We need to specify usernames and groupnames manually in Require user/group directives respectively. 7.If you are using PasswordFiles in protection directives in IHSzOS, then you need to recreate similar file using IHSwas utility htpasswd. Similarly groupfiles need to be created as per IHSwas standards. The following directives use above mentioned files in IHSzOS: PasswdFile GroupFile The corresponding IHSwas directives are: AuthUserFile AuthGroupFile ############################################## #### #### #### Limitations #### #### #### ############################################## The conversion of Mask directive may not be proper in some cases where the Mask input consists of groupnames and usernames. For eg. Mask user1, group1 converts to Require user user1 Require user group1 Users needs to manually change them to: Require user user1 Require group group1 Similar is the case in SAF conversion where it must be converted to Require saf-user USER1 Require saf-group GROUP1 And in the case of LDAP conversion where it must be converted to Require ldap-user USER1 Require ldap-group GROUP1 Protection cases where the protection is done using SSL_ClientAuth directive may not give expected results as SSL_ClientAuth is commented in the output file. If IP masking is mentioned in a groupfile then the CMT will convert it into AuthGroupFile and the resulting conversion may not work as expected. In such cases user needs to manually convert the protection mentioned in groupfile into Order,Allow,Deny directives. In particular, the directives which require manual changes are commented in the output file. Also some directives identified in IHS powered by Domino do not have an equivalent directive in IHS powered by Apache. Such directives are commented in the output file. In general user should go through all such comments before using the output file in IHS powered by Apache environment.