Author: Bill Schoen Title: Shutdown process and unmount file systems for OMVS, prior to an IPL PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1997,2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install information: -------------------- Download bpxstop.proc.txt and place it into your PROCLIB as BPXSTOP. Since the BPXSTOP command needs superuser authority, the proc must be added to the RACF STARTED class or to the ICHRIN03 job. If your STARTED class is not already defined, issue the following RACF commands to define the class and add the BPXSTOP profile (note: this assumes OMVSKERN userid is what you use for the OMVS kernel): SETROPTS GENERIC(STARTED) RDEFINE STARTED BPXSTOP.* STDATA(USER(OMVSKERN)) SETROPTS CLASSACT(STARTED) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) If you are already using the STARTED class with generic profiles you need to do define BPXSTOP profile and refresh raclist: RDEFINE STARTED BPXSTOP.* STDATA(USER(OMVSKERN)) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH Download bpxstop.rexx.txt and place it into SYS2.BPXSTOP as BPXSTOP. This PDS must be created to contain the REXX exec the BPXSTOP proc runs. By default the proc will find the REXX exec it runs in the cataloged data set 'SYS2.BPXSTOP'. The proc could be run with the parameter DSN= and other allocation parameters to specify a different data set if you wish to download it into another PDS. For example: use a different data set: s bpxstop,dsn=schoen.bpxstop use uncataloged data set sys2.bpxstop or s bpxstop,vol=ser=bpxlk1,unit=3390 Important Usage Note: ===================== Not all servers and applications respond well to terminating signals. You should make every attempt to shut down all OE work you can, including and especially TCP/IP and NFS client and server, prior to using this function.