Author: Bill Schoen WSCHOEN at KGNVMC, Title: List audit ids for a path or locate a file given an audit id PROPERTY OF IBM COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1998 auditid ======= Syntax: auditid or auditid <32 character audit id (FID)> The first form of this command lists each name in the path along with its audit id. The second form searches the file system for a file with the specified audit id. This command can be useful to find the file or directory which is causing an access failure due to permission bit settings. The second form of the command will only work for HFS file systems. Example: ======== auditid 01D6D4E5E2F0F10020040002DF230000 this will find the file that has this audit id. Install Information =================== Place auditid in a directory where you keep executable programs. Make sure the permission bits are set to 0555. If you obtain this program via FTP, the program is a REXX program in source form. Transfer it in text mode. As a reminder, the filename is auditid.txt. .