User Attributes
Attribute NameDescriptionModifiableSegmentBoolean AttributeMulti-Value Attribute
BASE_ADSPAll permanent tape and DASD data sets created by user are automatically RACF-protected by discrete profiles.YesNoYesNo
BASE_AUDITORIndicates user has full responsibility for auditing the use of system resources, and is able to control the logging of detected accesses to any RACF-protected resources during RACF authorization checking and accesses to the RACF database.YesNoYesNo
BASE_CATEGORYName(s) of installation-defined security categories, which must be defined as members of the CATEGORY profile in the SECDATA class.YesNoNoYes
BASE_CLAUTHClasses in which user is allowed to define profiles to RACF for protection. Classes can be USER, and any resource classes defined in the class descriptor table.YesNoNoYes
BASE_CREATEDThe date this user was defined to RACF.NoNoNoNo
BASE_DATAUp to 255 characters of installation-defined data.YesNoNoNo
BASE_DAYSDays of week user is allowed access system from a terminal - Allowed values: ANYDAY, WEEKDAYS, SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY.YesNoNoYes
BASE_DFLTGRPName of RACF group which is the default group for user.YesNoNoNo
BASE_GRPACCIndicates that any group data sets protected by DATASET profiles defined by this user are automatically accessible to other users in the group.YesNoYesNo
BASE_LAST-ACCESSThe date and time the user last entered the system.NoNoNoNo
BASE_MODELName of discrete data set profile used as model when new data set profiles are created that have this userid as the high-level qualifier.YesNoNoNo
BASE_NAMEUser's name - a name associated with userid - maximum of 20 characters.YesNoNoNo
BASE_OWNERRACF userid or groupname of owner of this userid.YesNoNoNo
BASE_PASS-INTERVALThe password change interval (in number of days).NoNoNoNo
BASE_PASSDATEThe date the user's password was last updated.NoNoNoNo
BASE_PASSWORDWhen setting, value is new password. When getting, simply indicates if user has password or is restricted userid (no password).YesNoNoNo
BASE_PASSWORD_ENVUser's password, encrypted in PKCS#7 envelope. Only returned if password enveloping has been set up and userid that authenticated in RACF_SecAdmin constructor has digital certificate on IRR.PWENV.KEYRING keyring.NoNoNoNo
BASE_PHRASEThe user's pass phrase. A text string of 14-100 characters.YesNoNoNo
BASE_PHRASE_CHANGE_DATEDate user's pass phrase was last changed.NoNoNoNo
BASE_RESTRICTEDIndicates global access checking is bypassed when resource access checking is performed for this user, and neither ID(*) on the access list nor the UACC will allow access.YesNoYesNo
BASE_RESUMEDate when RACF will resume allowing the user access to the system. Date in format mm/dd/yy.YesNoNoNo
BASE_REVOKEDate when RACF will stop allowing the user access to the system. Date in format mm/dd/yy.YesNoNoNo
BASE_REVOKEDUser's access to the system is currently revoked.NoNoYesNo
BASE_SECLABELInstallation-defined security label which is user's default security label.YesNoNoNo
BASE_SECLEVELUser's security level, where seclevel-name is an installation-defined name that must be a member of the SECLEVEL profile in the SECDATA class.YesNoNoNo
BASE_SPECIALIndicates user is allowed to issue all RACF commands with all operands except operands that require AUDITOR attribute.YesNoYesNo
BASE_TIMETime of day user is allowed access system from a terminal. Format is start-time:end-time and each time's format is hhmm, where hh is the hour (00-23) and mm is the minutes (00-59). But 0000 is not a valid time value. If start-time is greater than end-time, interval spans midnight.YesNoNoNo
BASE_UAUDITIndicates RACF is to log all RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH and RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH services eligible for logging, and all RACROUTE REQUEST=DEFINE services issued for the user, and all RACF commands (except SEARCH, LISTDSD, LISTGRP, LISTUSER, and RLIST) issued by user.YesNoYesNo
CICSUser has CICS segment.YesYesYesNo
CICS_OPCLASSNumbers 1-24, representing classes assigned to this operator to which BMS (basic mapping support) messages are to be routed.YesNoNoYes
CICS_OPIDENTA 1-3 character identification of the operator for use by BMS.YesNoNoNo
CICS_OPPRTYNumber from 0-255 that represents the priority of the operator.YesNoNoNo
CICS_RSLKEYSpecifies the resource security level (RSL) keys assigned to the user. Numbers from 1 - 24 or 0 (meaning no RSL keys are assigned to the user) or 99 (meaning 1 through 24 are assigned to the user).YesNoNoYes
CICS_TIMEOUTTime, in hours and minutes, that the operator is allowed to be idle before being signed off. The value for TIMEOUT can be entered in the form m, mm, hmm, or hhmm, where the value for m or mm is 00-59, or 00-60 if h or hh is not specified or is specified as 0 or 00.YesNoNoNo
CICS_TSLKEYSpecifies the transaction security level (TSL) keys assigned to the user. Numbers from 1 - 64 or 0 (meaning no TSL keys are assigned to the user) or 99 (meaning 1 through 64 are assigned to the user).YesNoNoYes
CICS_XRFSOFFIndicates whether the user is signed off by CICS when an XRF takeover occur. Valid values 'FORCE', 'NOFORCE'.YesNoNoNo
DCEUser has DCE segment.YesYesYesNo
DCE_AUTOLOGINIndicates z/OS UNIX DCE is to log this user into z/OS UNIX DCE automatically.YesNoYesNo
DCE_DCENAMEThe DCE principal name defined for this RACF user in the DCE registry. 1 - 1023 characters.YesNoNoNo
DCE_HOMECELLThe DCE cell name defined for this RACF user. 1 - 1023 characters. RACF checks that the HOMECELL name entered has a prefix of either /.../ or /.:/YesNoNoNo
DCE_HOMEUUIDThe DCE universal unique identifier (UUID) for the cell that this user is defined to. The UUID is a 36-character string that consists of numeric and hexadecimal characters. This string must have the delimiter character (-) in positions 9, 14, 19, and 24. The general format for the UUID string is xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, in which x represents a valid numeric or hexadecimal character.YesNoNoNo
DCE_UUIDThe DCE universal unique identifier (UUID) of the DCE principal defined in DCENAME. The UUID is a 36-character string that consists of numeric and hexadecimal characters. This string must have the delimiter character (-) in positions 9, 14, 19, and 24. The general format for the UUID string is xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, in which x represents a valid numeric or hexadecimal character.YesNoNoNo
DFPUser has DFP segment.YesYesYesNo
DFP_DATAAPPLAn 8-character DFP data application identifier.YesNoNoNo
DFP_DATACLASThe default data class. 1-8 characters.YesNoNoNo
DFP_MGMTCLASThe default management class. 1-8 characters.YesNoNoNo
DFP_STORCLASThe default storage class. 1-8 characters.YesNoNoNo
EIMUser has EIM segment.YesYesYesNo
EIM_LDAPPROFName of a profile in the LDAPBIND class. The profile in the LDAPBIND class contains the name of an EIM domain and the bind information required to establish a connection with the EIM domain. 1-246 characters.YesNoNoNo
KERBUser has KERB segment.YesYesYesNo
KERB_ENCRYPTENCRYPT values are used to specify which keys are allowed for use based on the encryption algorithm used to generate them. Default values will be provided for any values not specified. Examples: 'DES','DES3' and 'DESD'.YesNoNoYes
KERB_KERBNAMEUser's local kerberos-principal-name, may contain any characters except '@'. Must not be qualified with a realm name. However, RACF verifies that the local principal name, when fully qualified with the name of the local realm: '/.../local_realm_name/principal_name' does not exceed 240 characters.YesNoNoNo
KERB_KEYVERSIONCurrent Network Authentication Service key version.NoNoNoNo
KERB_MAXTKTLFEThe max-ticket-life in seconds, and is represented by a numeric value between 1 and 2147483647.YesNoNoNo
LANGUAGEUser has LANGUAGE segment.YesYesYesNo
LANGUAGE_PRIMARYUser's primary language. Specified as either an installation-defined name of a currently active language (maximum of 24 characters) or one of the language codes (three characters in length) for a language installed on your system.YesNoNoNo
LANGUAGE_SECONDARYUser's secondary language. Specified as either an installation-defined name of a currently active language (maximum of 24 characters) or one of the language codes (three characters in length) for a language installed on your system.YesNoNoNo
LNOTESUser has LNOTES segment.YesYesYesNo
LNOTES_SNAMELotus Notes for z/OS short-name of the user. 1-64 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters or '&', '-', '.', '_', and a blank.YesNoNoNo
NDSUser has NDS segment.YesYesYesNo
NDS_UNAMENovell Directory Services for OS/390 user-name of the user. 1-246 characters excluding the following characters: '*', '+', '|', '=', ',', '"', '`', '/', ':', ';', '¢', '[', ']'YesNoNoNo
NETVIEWUser has NETVIEW segment.YesYesYesNo
NETVIEW_CONSNAMESpecifies the default master console station (MCS) console name used for this operator. 1 - 8 character name.YesNoNoNo
NETVIEW_CTLIndicates whether a security check is performed for this NetView operator when they try to use a span or try to do a cross-domain logon. Allowed values 'GENERAL','GLOBAL' or 'SPECIFIC'.YesNoNoNo
NETVIEW_DOMAINSSpecifies the identifiers of NetView programs in another NetView domain where this operator can start a cross-domain session. Each identifier is 1-5 characters, with valid characters being 0-9, A-Z, #, $, or @.YesNoNoYes
NETVIEW_ICThe command or command list (up to 255 characters) to be processed by NetView for this operator when this operator logs on to NetView.YesNoNoNo
NETVIEW_MSGRECVRIndicates this operator is to receive unsolicited messages that are not routed to a specific NetView operator.YesNoYesNo
NETVIEW_NGMFADMNIndicates a NetView operator has administrator authority to the NetView Graphic Monitor Facility (NGMF).YesNoYesNo
NETVIEW_OPCLASSNetView scope classes for which the operator has authority. Each class is a number from 1 to 2040.YesNoNoYes
OMVSUser has OMVS segment.YesYesYesNo
OMVS_ASSIZEMAXThe RLIMIT_AS hard limit resource value (maximum address space region size) that processes receive when dubbed a process. Integer value between 10485760 and 2147483647.YesNoNoNo
OMVS_CPUTIMEMAXThe RLIMIT_CPU hard limit (maximum) resource value that user's z/OS UNIX processes receive when they are dubbed a process. Numeric value between 7 and 2147483647, indicates the cpu-time in seconds that a process is allowed to use. YesNoNoNo
OMVS_FILEPROCMAXMaximum number of files this user is allowed to have concurrently active or open. Numeric value between 3 and 524287.YesNoNoNo
OMVS_HOMEUser's z/OS UNIX initial directory pathname, 1-1023 characters.YesNoNoNo
OMVS_MEMLIMITSpecifies the maximum number of bytes of nonshared memory that can be allocated by the user. The nonshared-memory-size you define to RACF is a numeric value between 0 and 16777215, followed by the letter M, G, or T. The M, G, or T letter indicates the multiplier to be used. (M=Megabyte, G Gigabyte, T=Terabyte, P=Petabyte). Maximum value is 16383P.YesNoNoNo
OMVS_MMAPAREAMAXMaximum amount of data space storage, in pages, that can be allocated by the user for memory mappings of HFS files. Numeric value between 1 and 16,777,216.YesNoNoNo
OMVS_PROCUSERMAXMaximum number of processes user is allowed to have active at the same time, regardless of how the process became a z/OS UNIX process. Numeric value between 3 and 32767.YesNoNoNo
OMVS_PROGRAMSpecifies the PROGRAM pathname (z/OS UNIX shell program). The first program started when TSO/E command OMVS is entered or when a batch job is started using the BPXBATCH program, 1-1023 characters.YesNoNoNo
OMVS_SHMEMMAXThe maximum number of bytes of shared memory that can be allocated by user. The shared-memory-size you define to RACF is a numeric value between 1 and 16,777,215, followed by the letter M, G, T, or P. The M, G, T, or P letter indicates the multiplier to be used. (M=Megabyte, G Gigabyte, T=Terabyte, P=Petabyte). Maximum value is 16383P.YesNoNoNo
OMVS_THREADSMAXMaximum number of pthread_create threads, including those running, queued, and exited but not detached, that the user can have concurrently active. Numeric value between 0 and 100000.YesNoNoNo
OMVS_UIDThe UID, numeric value between 0 and 2147483647. 'AUTOUID' value can be used when BPX.NEXT.USER profile is defined in the FACILITY class. SHARED value can be used when the SHARED.IDS profile in the UNIXPRIV class is defined. See z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide for details.YesNoNoYes
OPERPARMUser has OPERPARM segment.YesYesYesNo
OPERPARM_ALTGRPThe console group used in recovery. 1-8 characters, with valid characters being 0-9, A-Z, #, $, or @.YesNoNoNo
OPERPARM_AUTHAuthority this console has to issue operator commands. Valid values, 'MASTER', 'ALL', 'INFO' (these three cannot be combined with other values) and 'CONS', 'IO' and 'SYS'. See AlTER USER in z/OS Security Server RACF Command Language Reference for more detailed description.YesNoNoYes
OPERPARM_AUTOIndicates the extended console can receive messages that have been automated by the Message Processing Facility (MPF) in the sysplex.YesNoYesNo
OPERPARM_CMDSYSIndicates the system to which commands issued from this console are to be sent. 1-8 characters, with valid characters being A-Z, 0-9, @ (X'7C'), # (X'7B'), and $ (X'5B'). If * is specified, commands are processed on the local system where the console is attached.YesNoNoNo
OPERPARM_DOMIndicates whether this console receives delete operator message (DOM) requests. Allowed values 'NORMAL','ALL','NONE'.YesNoNoNo
OPERPARM_HCIndicates this console is to receive hardcopy messages.YesNoYesNo
OPERPARM_INTIDSIndicates this console is to receive messages directed to console ID 0 (the internal console).YesNoYesNo
OPERPARM_KEYA 1-8 byte character name that can be used to display information for all consoles with the specified key by using the MVS command DISPLAY CONSOLES,KEY. Valid characters are A-Z, 0-9, # (X'7B'), $ (X'5B'), or @ (X'7C').YesNoNoNo
OPERPARM_LEVELSpecifies the messages that this console is to receive. Can be a list of R, I, CE, E, IN, NB or ALL. If you specify ALL, you cannot specify R, I, CE, E, or IN. YesNoNoYes
OPERPARM_LOGCMDRESPIndicates if command responses are to be logged. Value of 'SYSTEM' specifies that command responses are logged in the hardcopy log. Value of 'NO' specifies that command responses are not logged.YesNoNoNo
OPERPARM_MFORMSpecifies the format in which messages are displayed at the console. Can be a combination of J, M, S, T, and X.YesNoNoYes
OPERPARM_MIGIDIndicates a 1-byte migration ID is assigned to this console.YesNoYesNo
OPERPARM_MONITORSpecifies which information should be displayed when jobs, TSO sessions, or data set status are being monitored. Allowed values, 'JOBNAMES' OR 'JOBNAMEST' (mutually exclusive), 'SESS' or 'SESST' (mutually exclusive) or 'STATUS'. See ALTUSER in z/OS Security Server RACF Command Language Reference for a more detailed description.YesNoNoYes
OPERPARM_MSCOPESpecifies the systems from which this console can receive messages that are not directed to a specific console. Each system-name can be any combination of A-Z, 0-9, #, $, or @. A name of '*' indicates the system on which the console is currently active.YesNoNoYes
OPERPARM_ROUTCODERouting codes of messages this console is to receive. Valid values are 'ALL' or One or more routing codes or sequences of routing codes. The routing codes can be list of n and n1:n2, where n, n1, and n2 are integers 1-128, and n2 is greater than n1.YesNoNoYes
OPERPARM_STORAGEAmount of storage in the TSO/E user's address space that can be used for message queuing to this console. Valid values are 1 - 2000.YesNoNoNo
OPERPARM_UDIndicates that this console is to receive undelivered messages.YesNoYesNo
OPERPARM_UNKNIDSIndicates this console is to receive messages directed to console ID 0 (the internal console).YesNoYesNo
OVMUser has OVM segment.YesYesYesNo
OVM_FSROOTThe pathname for the file system root. 1 - 1023 characters.YesNoNoNo
OVM_HOMEThe initial directory pathname. 1 - 1023 characters.YesNoNoNo
OVM_PROGRAMSpecifies the PROGRAM pathname. 1 - 1023 characters. First program started when the OPENVM SHELL command is entered.YesNoNoNo
OVM_UIDOpenExtensions VM user identifier, UID. Numeric value between 0 and 2147483647.YesNoNoYes
PROXYUser has PROXY segment.YesYesYesNo
PROXY_BINDDNThe distinguished name (DN) which the z/OS LDAP Server will use when acting as a proxy on behalf of a requester. 1 - 1023 characters.YesNoNoNo
PROXY_BINDPWPassword which the z/OS LDAP Server will use when acting as a proxy on behalf of a requester. 1 - 128 characters.YesNoNoNo
PROXY_LDAPHOSTThe URL of the LDAP server which the z/OS LDAP Server will contact when acting as a proxy on behalf of a requester. The URL should be in a format such as ldap://123.45.6:389 10-1023 characters. A valid URL must start with either ldap:// or ldaps:// and is not case-sensitive.YesNoNoNo
TSOUser has TSO segment.YesYesYesNo
TSO_ACCTNUMUser's default TSO account number when logging on through the TSO/E logon panel (1-39 characters).YesNoNoNo
TSO_COMMANDCommand to be run during TSO/E logon (1 - 80 characters).YesNoNoNo
TSO_DESTDefault destination to which the user can route dynamically allocated SYSOUT data sets. The specified value must be 1-7 alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic or national character.YesNoNoNo
TSO_HOLDCLASSUser's default hold class. The specified value must be 1 alphanumeric character, excluding national characters.YesNoNoNo
TSO_JOBCLASSSpecifies the user's default job class. The specified value must be 1 alphanumeric character, excluding national characters.YesNoNoNo
TSO_MAXSIZEMaximum region size user can request at logon. Number of 1024-byte units of virtual storage that TSO can create for the user's private address space. Integer between 0 and 65535 (inclusive) if database is shared with any MVS systems, or 0 through 2096128 if not shared. YesNoNoNo
TSO_MSGCLASSUser's default message class. The specified value must be 1 alphanumeric character, excluding national characters.YesNoNoNo
TSO_PROCName of the user's default logon procedure when logging on through the TSO/E logon panel. The name must be 1-8 alphanumeric characters and begin with an alphabetic character.YesNoNoNo
TSO_SECLABELUser's security label if the user specifies one on the TSO logon panel.YesNoNoNo
TSO_SIZERegion size - number of 1024-byte units of virtual storage available in user's private address space at logon when user does not request a region size at logon. Integer between 0 and 65535 (inclusive) if database is shared with any MVS systems, or 0 through 2096128 if not shared. YesNoNoNo
TSO_SYSOUTCLASSUser's default SYSOUT class. The specified value must be 1 alphanumeric character, excluding national characters.YesNoNoNo
TSO_UNITDefault name of a device or group of devices that a procedure uses for allocations. The specified value must be 1-8 alphanumeric characters.YesNoNoNo
TSO_USERDATAOptional installation data, 4 characters where valid characters are 0 through 9 and A through F.YesNoNoNo
WORKATTRUser has WORKATTR segment.YesYesYesNo
WORKATTR_WAACCNTAn account number for APPC/MVS processing. 1 to 255 characters.YesNoNoNo
WORKATTR_WAADDR1Address Line 1 that SYSOUT information is to be delivered to. 1 to 60 characters.YesNoNoNo
WORKATTR_WAADDR2Address Line 2 that SYSOUT information is to be delivered to. 1 to 60 characters.YesNoNoNo
WORKATTR_WAADDR3Address Line 3 that SYSOUT information is to be delivered to. 1 to 60 characters.YesNoNoNo
WORKATTR_WAADDR4Address Line 4 that SYSOUT information is to be delivered to. 1 to 60 characters.YesNoNoNo
WORKATTR_WABLDGBuilding that SYSOUT information is to be delivered to. 1 to 60 characters.YesNoNoNo
WORKATTR_WADEPTDepartment that SYSOUT information is to be delivered to. 1 to 60 characters.YesNoNoNo
WORKATTR_WANAMEName of the user that SYSOUT information is to be delivered to. 1 to 60 characters.YesNoNoNo
WORKATTR_WAROOMRoom that SYSOUT information is to be delivered to. 1 to 60 characters.YesNoNoNo

135 attributes total.

Group Attributes
Attribute NameDescriptionModifiableSegmentBoolean AttributeMulti-Value Attribute
BASE_CREATEDThe date this group was defined to RACF.NoNoNoNo
BASE_DATAUp to 255 characters of installation-defined data.YesNoNoNo
BASE_GROUPNAMEName of the group.NoNoNoNo
BASE_MODELName of a data set profile that RACF is to use as a model when new data set profiles are created that have groupname as the high-level qualifier. YesNoNoNo
BASE_OWNERRACF userid or groupname of owner of this group.YesNoNoNo
BASE_SUBGROUPSGroups which have this group as their superior group.NoNoNoYes
BASE_SUPGROUPName of the RACF-defined group which is the superior group for this group.YesNoNoNo
BASE_TERMUACCIndicates during terminal authorization checking, RACF is to allow the use of the universal access authority for a terminal when it checks whether a user in the group is authorized to access a terminal.YesNoYesNo
BASE_UNIVERSALSpecifies that this is a universal group that allows an effectively unlimited number of users to be connected to it for the purpose of resource access.YesNoYesNo
DFPGroup has DFP segment.YesYesYesNo
DFP_DATAAPPLAn 8-character DFP data application identifier.YesNoNoNo
DFP_DATACLASThe default data class. 1-8 characters.YesNoNoNo
DFP_MGMTCLASThe default management class. 1-8 characters.YesNoNoNo
DFP_STORCLASThe default storage class. 1-8 characters.YesNoNoNo
OMVSGroup has OMVS segment.YesYesYesNo
OMVS_GIDThe group id, GID, numeric value between 0 and 2147483647. 'AUTOGID' value can be used when BPX.NEXT.USER profile is defined in the FACILITY class. SHARED value can be used when the SHARED.IDS profile in the UNIXPRIV class is defined. See z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide for details.YesNoNoYes
OVMGroup has OVM segment.YesYesYesNo
OVM_GIDOpenExtensions VM group identifier. The GID is a numeric value between 0 and 2147483647. YesNoNoNo

18 attributes total.

Membership Attributes
Attribute NameDescriptionModifiableSegmentBoolean AttributeMulti-Value Attribute
BASE_ADSPIndicates when user is connected to this group, all permanent tape and DASD data sets created by the user is RACF-protected by discrete profiles.YesNoYesNo
BASE_AUDITORIndicates the user is to have the group-AUDITOR attribute when connected to this group.YesNoYesNo
BASE_AUTHORITYSpecifies the level of authority the user is to have in the group. The valid group authority values are 'USE', 'CREATE', 'CONNECT', and 'JOIN'.Yes, Not DeletableNoNoNo
BASE_CONNECT-DATEDate user was added to group.NoNoNoNo
BASE_CONNECTSNumber of times the user has entered the system with this group as the current connect group.NoNoNoNo
BASE_GRPACCIndicates when the user is connected to this group, any group data sets defined by the user are automatically accessible to other users in the group.YesNoYesNo
BASE_LAST-CONNECTDate user last entered the system using this group as the current connect group.NoNoNoNo
BASE_OPERATIONSIndicates user is to have the group-OPERATIONS attribute when connected to this group. The group-OPERATIONS user has authorization to do maintenance operations on all RACF-protected DASD data sets, tape volumes, and DASD volumes within the scope of the group unless the access list for a resource specifically limits the OPERATIONS user to an access authority that is less than the operation requires. YesNoYesNo
BASE_OWNERRACF-defined user or group to be assigned as the owner of the membership (connect profile). Defaults to the user who added user to group.Yes, Not DeletableNoNoNo
BASE_RESUMEDate when user's membership in the group will be restored or resumed.YesNoNoNo
BASE_REVOKEDate when user's membership in the group will be revoked.YesNoNoNo
BASE_REVOKEDUser's membership to the group is currently revoked.NoNoYesNo
BASE_SPECIALUser is to have the group-SPECIAL attribute when connected to this group.YesNoYesNo
BASE_UACCDefault value for the universal access authority for new resource profiles the user defines while connected to the group. Valid values are: ALTER, CONTROL, UPDATE, READ, and NONE.YesNoNoNo

14 attributes total.