Table of Contents

How to Receive Updates
How to Interpret Levels
Delivery Options
Ordering Options
Installing the Software Info Base

How to Receive Updates

When you receive the Planning and Migration Assistant, a level of the Software Information Base is also included. This enables you to run sample reports that use the IBM ® - supplied product information. However, you should get the most current level of the Software Information Base before beginning your migration planning activities. You can obtain updates for the Software Information Base on this web page or by ordering a PTF. A single PTF and download file is applicable to all systems, OS/390 Release 3 and higher.

Note: Data in the Software Information Base is provided as reference information for the Planning and Migration Assistant reports. The Software Information Base contains data for products that were centrally serviced as of January 1,1996 and were announced prior to the creation date of Software Information Base.

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Using the Software Information Base in PMA Reports

The Software Information Base is updated regularly to reflect the most recently announced products. The top of the product progression can change as new products are announced. The download level of the Software Information Base is updated approximately weekly, and a PTF containing the latest level is generated monthly. The single PTF and download file is applicable to all systems, OS/390 Release 3 and higher.

The date of the Software Information Base is reflected as mm.dd.yyyy (where mm is the month, dd is the day, and yyyy is the year.)

Previously, two other levels of the Software Information Base were available, containing different levels of OS/390 as the most current level. However, these are no longer necessary.

A single Software Information Base (New!) can be used to provide the planning information you need, regardless of which product levels you might be migrating to. For example:

You can use the Top Product Migration Changes report to compare products on your system to products at the top of the product progression.

Or, you can use the Intermediate Product Migration Changes report to compare products on your your system to intermediate levels of products, which are not the most currently available level.

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Delivery Options

The Software Information Base is updated approximately weekly for the latest download level, and a PTF containing the latest level is generated monthly.

Download Option:

The single download file is applicable to all systems, OS/390 Release 3 and higher.

Software Information Base Level Download
(Updated weekly)
Click here

PTF Option:

The single PTF is applicable to all systems, OS/390 Release 3 and higher.

Software Information Base Level PTF
(Updated monthly)


The single PTF is applicable to all systems, OS/390 Release 3 and higher.

  • The Software Information Base is approximately 13.5 meg.
  • The Software Information Base PTF exceeds the size limits supported by IBMLINK. If you are a Service Update Facility (SUF) user, this PTF can be delivered electronically.
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Ordering Options

To order the Software Information Base in a PTF, follow your local procedures for ordering service.

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Installing the Software Information Base

You can install the download file for the Software Information Base either as a PTF/APAR, using SMP/E APPLY. Or, you can invoke the file as a self-executing REXX exec, which does not use SMP/E. Both methods are supported using the single download file. Invocation of the REXX exec prompts you for installation data, using a panel interface. Note that the REXX exec method does not generate SMP/E entries in your CSI.

You can download either directly to the OS/390 host or to a workstation. If you receive the file on a workstation, upload the file to the host. After the file is on the host, you can APPLY it as a PTF or invoke the file as a REXX exec.


  • If you install the Software Information Base using the self-executing REXX exec, you must have installed the Planning and Migration Assistant code PTF(s) first.

  • If you receive the download file on a workstation, it should have an extension of .bin. However, some browsers may download this file with an extension of .exe. If this occurs, rename the file before uploading it to the host.

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