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DUMPWRITE is a utility program to extract the captured SVC DUMP(s) from a Stand Alone Dump (SADUMP).

There are two levels of DUMPWRITE depending upon your level of OS/390 or z/OS:

  • DMPWRITE for systems prior to OS/390 Release 10.
  • DMPWRIT2 for OS/390 Release 10 and z/OS.
There are two steps to required to use the DUMPWRITE utility:
  1. Download file for the appropriate z/OS or OS/390 Release.
  2. Install the utility.


Downloading DUMPWRITE

The two binary files for DUMPWRITE are available via anonymous ftp to in directory s390/mvs/tools/dmpwrite. Click on one of the options below for detailed instructions how to download DUMPWRITE directly to the z/OS or OS/390 host, or via the workstation.


Installing DUMPWRITE
Once you have a RECFM=FB LRECL=80 BLKSIZE=3120 dataset with DMPWRITE or DMPWRIT2, you need to use issue the TSO command RECEIVE INDSN(your.local.dsn) from your TSO session to convert the DUMPWRITE program back into its load module format.
  • If DMPWRITE was retrieved, the following messages will be displayed :
    INMR901I Dataset PTFLCG.F09.MIGLIB0 from NHAN on PLPSC
    INMR902I Members: DMPWRITE
    INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +
    Since the originating dataset PTFLCG.F09.MIGLIB0 was allocated with U,0,27998, you can either receive DMPWRITE into an existing PDS which has identical attributes or place it into a new PDS by itself. To place it into an existing PDS, reply to INMR906A with the PDS name and/or with a member name (i.e. DA(PACKLIB) or DA(PACKLIB(DMPWRITE)). To place it into a new PDS by itself, reply to INMR906A with the PDS name. (i.e. DA(DMPEXTRCT.LOAD))

  • If DMPWRIT2 was retrieved, the following messages will be displayed :
    INMR901I Dataset PTFLCG.G10.MIGLIB from NHAN on PLPSC
    INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +
    Since the originating dataset PTFLCG.G10.MIGLIB was allocated with U,0,27998, you can either receive these two members into an existing PDS which has identical attributes or place them into a new PDS by themselves. To place them in an existing PDS you should reply to INMR906A with the PDS name, i.e. DA(PACKLIB) (because there are two members in this dataset, you cannot specify the member names). To place them into a new PDS by themselves, reply to message INMR906A with the new PDS name (i.e. DA(DMPEXTRCT.LOAD).



Once DUMPWRITE (DMPWRITE or DMPWRIT2) is installed, you need to utilize a steplib, TSOLIB or LNKLSTxx to make this dataset accessible on the system.

Once the DUMPWRITE program is in the normal module serach list, an IPCS user can issue the command VERBX DMPWRITE against the SADUMP to identify whether any captured SVC dumps exist. DMPWRITE will display the dump titles from all of the captured dumps found in the SADUMP.

If one of the captured dumps is needed, the following steps should be used to extract the dump:

  1. Allocate a dataset with RECFM=FB LRECL=4160 BLKSIZE=4160 DSORG=PS with CYL PRI=100 SEC=100 (i.e &SYSUID..DUMPZn).
  2. Associate the DDNAME DUMPDD to the dataset allocated in step 1. (i.e ALLOC FI(DUMPDD) SHR DA('&SYSUID..DUMPZn') ).
  3. Issue VERBX DMPWRITE 'n' where n is the nth dump entry listed in VERBX DMPWRITE output.

If more than one captured dump is needed, repeat the above steps changing the value for 'n'.



These programs contain code made available by IBM Corporation on an "AS-IS" basis. Any one receiving these programs is considered to be licensed under IBM copyrights to use the IBM-provided source code in any way he or she deems fit, including copying it, compiling it, modifying it, and redistributing it, with or without modifications, except that it may be neither sold nor incorporated within a product that is sold. No license under any IBM patents or patent applications is to be implied from this copyright license.

The software is provided "as-is", and IBM disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose.

This page last updated June 2001.

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