README for IBM JZOS Batch Toolkit for z/OS SDKs developerWorks preview Before you Begin: ================= Note that the developerWorks version of JZOS is not covered by IBM support. If you encounter problems with this version, you should use the developerWorks forum to report problems and/or have your questions answered. Installation: ============= Please refer to the document: "JZOS developerWorks Installation.pdf" in the "doc" directory of this distribution for installation instructions. 2.4.4 New Features: =================== - Added support for generating to XML as an intermediary form 2.4.3 New Features: =================== - Contains all of the new features added in the 2.4.2 version of JZOS which ships with the most current product SDKs as of October 2011. - Fixed and Enhanced the COBOL record generation code as follows: o Added the "preInitialize" option to the RecordClassGenerator which will initialize non-array fields to either blanks or zero, depending on the type. o Added the "stringEncoding" option to the RecordClassGenerator which specifies the codepage for String fields (with a default of IBM-1047). o Fixed a bug that was causing Java to treat COBOL numeric item with leading zeros as an octal value o Fixed a bug where a PIC 9(n) with a value greater than a Java int was not handled correctly 2.4.1 New Features: =================== - Added BSAM native code to enable high speed record access from java via the and classes. See the javadoc for more information. - Changed the launcher to set the system property jzos.launcher=true. This property can be queried by a java class to determine if the JVM was started by the JZOS launcher - Changed the launcher to use the current value of _BPX_SHAREAS for adopt environment, if set. If not set, the value of "YES" will be used - Changed the launcher to emit the arguments that are passed to the Java main class if the log level is set to info (+I) or more verbose. - Added new methods to to support the Set_Environment function (atrsenv) - Updated the Javadoc on to refer to the Authorized Assembler Services Reference and included the related ordinals in the ROUTCDE and DESC constants. - Updated the ZFileException class to produce better information messages - Removed all JRIO code dependencies 2.4.0 New Features: =================== - Added class This is an improved replacement for the previous sample, and uses native code to submit a job directly from Java. - The ZLogstream class was enhanced to support IXGBRWSE (read) and IXGDELT (delete). In addition, and InputStream/OutputStream wrappers were added. - Added the method ZFile.readDSCBChain() to support reading all of the DSCBs associated with a dsn / volume. This method also supports extended access volumes (Format-8 and Format-9 DSCBs). In addition, java classes have been introduced to support these DSCB types. - Added the 'camelCaseAccessors' parameter to the class to allow control over how getter and setter methods are generated from the original assembler labels 2.3.2 New Features: =================== - new package added with selected Workload Manager (WLM) apis - jzos_recgen.jar now includes the package, so that it has everything necessary to generate code on other platforms. - the CatalogSearch class has been enhanced, allowing for on the fly selection criteria modification. 2.3.0 New Features: =================== JZOS 2.3.0 2008-05-12 code drop - AccessMethodServices (IDCAMS interface) - Enqueue (interface to ISGENQ) - new ZUtil.substituteSystemSymbols() methods (ASASYMB system symbol service) - new ZFile.getFullyQualififiedDSN(String, boolean) method - new sample class: EnqUpdatePdsMember - new system property: jzos.merge.sysout={true|false}. If set to true when running under the batch launcher, Java's System.out and System.err are redirected to DD:SYSOUT. - Added ZFileRecordReader, ZFileFixedRecordReader, ZFileVariableRecordReader, ZFileVariableSpannedRecordReader for java deblocking of record mode files - Added ZipDatasets sample program, for creating zip archives of MVS datasets 2.2.1 New Features: =================== - Support for automatic generation of record classes from Assembler DSECTs (package See the sample JCL member DSECTGEN and the document "JZOS Assembler Record Generator Users Guide.pdf" in the "doc" directory. - Support for automatic generation of record classes from COBOL copybooks DSECTs (package See the sample JCL member COBGEN and the document "JZOS COBOL Record Generator Users Guide.pdf" in the "doc" directory. 2.1.1 New Features: =================== - Changed PdsDirectory to read PDSE dirs as well as PDS dirs. - Wrappers for CatalogSearch, LOCATE and OBTAIN. - Sample program that illustrates the usage of the above three wrappers: - Field converters for Assembler and COBOL datatypes (package This package also includes Factory classes for COBOL and Assembler. - Class as a field converter sample. - *Preliminary* support for automatic generation of record classes from Assembler DSECTs (package See the sample JCL member DSECTGEN. 2.1.0 New Features: =================== - Batch Launcher jar executables: If the first two arguments supplied to the launcher are "-jar /path/to/jarfile", the manifest of the indicated jar file will examined to determine which main() class to run. - MVS job submission and status with Java/Rexx integration: See the javadoc and sample code for - DFSORT Java interface and sample programs: See the javadoc and sample code for the package - z/OS Logstream interfaces for IXGCONN (connect) and IXGWRITE (write): See the javadoc for for details. - Features added to - System Management Facility (SMF) interface via the __smf_record() C library routine. - CPU time interface via the clock() C-library routine. - Process ID interfaces via the getpid() and getppid() C-library routines. License: ======== For license information, refer to the contents of the "licenses" directory