HOWTO: Configuring iTouch Terminal Server 

  1. connect with serial program (ie. HyperTerm) to initially configure the iTouch connecting to the last port on the terminal server.

  2. login to the terminal server with default password: ACCESS

  3. enter privileged mode with password:  SYSTEM
  4. configure the network on the terminal server
  5. now you should be able to telnet into the terminal server using port 2000 to configure it
  6. in CSM, set the console method to mrv if the node is attached to the iTouch
  7. you can now use rconsole to bring up a console to a node or telnet to it using the IP address you assigned it and port number 2000 + (console port number * 100).
  8. for more info on configuring the iTouch view the Getting Started with the In-Reach Element Manager (local copy) found at