===================================================================== IBM Electronic Service Agent for xSeries™ - Director Extension Version 5.01 README Information ===================================================================== Table of Contents ================= 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Features/Support Added 1.2 Security 1.3 Supported Machines 2.0 Prerequisites 2.1 General Requirements 2.2 Hardware Requirements 2.3 Operating Systems System and Network Requirements 3.0 Installation 3.1 Obtaining Files 3.2 Installing Files on Linux 3.3 Installing Files on Windows 4.0 Release Notes 5.0 Known Issues 5.1 Fixed Defects 6.0 Support 7.0 Trademarks and Notices 8.0 Disclaimer 1.0 Introduction ================ 1.1 Features/Support added 1) Expanded support for xSeries servers 2) Several defects have been fixed 1.2 Security ------------ - Electronic Service Agent communicates with IBM using an IBM Certified Secure Network structure. - No unique customer data is ever accessed. - No inbound calls are allowed. - Access to programs providing control over Electronic Service Agent is restricted to users with administrative rights. 1.3 Supported Machines ---------------------- Machine Type Brand Name 1883 eServer BladeCenter HS20 1886 IBM BladeChassis H 1948 Blade Chassis 4190 IBM System x3250 M2 4191 IBM System x3250 M2 4347 IBM System x3105 4362 eServer xSeries x3200 4363 eServer xSeries x3200 4364 eServer xSeries x3250 4365 eServer xSeries x3250 4367 eServer xSeries x3200 M2 4368 eServer xSeries x3200 M2 7141 eServer xSeries x3950 M2 7161 IBM Blade x3755 7657 eServer xSeries x3250 M2 7658 eServer xSeries x3250 M2 7659 eServer xSeries x3250 M2 7660 eServer xSeries x3250 7661 eServer xSeries x3250 7971 IBM BladeCenter LS21 7972 IBM BladeCenter LS41 7973 IBM System x3400 7974 eServer System x3400 7975 IBM System x3400 7976 eServer xSeries x3400 7977 IBM System x3500 7978 IBM System x3550 7979 IBM System x3650 7980 IBM System x3650 T 7981 eServer BladeCenter HS20 7984 IBM System x3455 7985 IBM System x3655 7995 IBM BladeCenter HS21 XM 7996 7997 7998 BladeServer JS24 8476 Netfinity 3000 8477 Netfinity 1000 8478 eServer xSeries 200 8479 eServer xSeries 200 8480 eServer xSeries 205 8481 eServer xSeries 200VL 8482 eServer xSeries x206 8485 eServer xSeries 206m 8486 eServer xSeries x100 8487 eServer xSeries x206 8488 eServer xSeries x226 8489 eServer xSeries x306 8490 IBM eServer xSeries 206m 8491 eServer xSeries x306m 8644 Netfinity 3500 8645 eServer xSeries 220 8646 eServer xSeries 220 8647 eServer xSeries 225 8648 eServer xSeries 226 8649 eServer xSeries 225 8651 Netfinity 7000 8652 Netfinity 4000R 8653 Netfinity 4000R Refresh 8654 eServer xSeries 330, 130 and 135 8656 Netfinity 4500R 8656 Netfinity 4500R and xSeries 340 8657 Netfinity 3500 M20 8658 Netfinity 5100 8658 eServer xSeries 150 and 230 8659 Netfinity 5000 8659 Netfinity 5000 8660 Netfinity 5500 8661 Netfinity 5500 M10 8662 Netfinity 5500 M20 8662 Netfinity 5500 M20 8664 Netfinity 5600 8664 eServer xSeries 240 8665 Netfiniry 7600 8665 eServer xSeries 250 8666 Netfinity 7100 8668 eServer xSeries 232 8669 eServer xSeries 342 8670 eServer xSeries 345 8671 eServer xSeries 235 8672 Netfinity 4100 R, xSeries 130, xSeries 135, xSeries 300 DC power 8673 eServer xSeries 305 8674 eServer xSeries 330 8675 eServer xSeries 330 8676 eServer xSeries 335 8677 eServer BladeCenter Chassis 8678 eServer BladeCenter HS20 8680 Netfinity 7000 M10 8681 Netfinity 8500R 8681 eServer xSeries 370 8682 Netfinity 6000R 8682 eServer xSeries 350 8683 eServer xSeries 380 8684 eServer xSeries RXE-100 8685 eServer xSeries 255 8686 eServer xSeries 360 8687 eServer xSeries 440 8688 eServer xSeries 450 8740 IBM BladeCenter HT Chassis 8750 IBM BladeCenter HT Chassis 8760 IBM BladeCenter 8761 8832 eServer BladeCenter HS20 8835 eServer xSeries 325 8836 eServer xSeries x306 8837 eServer xSeries 336 8839 eServer BladeCenter HS40 8840 eServer xSeries 346 8841 eServer xSeries 236 8842 eServer BladeCenter JS20 8843 eServer BladeCenter HS20 8844 IBM BladeCenter JS21 8847 eServer xSeries x343 8849 IBM eServer xSeries 306m 8850 eServer BladeCenter LS20 8852 IBM BladeChassis H 8853 IBM BladeCenter HS21 8855 eServer xSeries 445 8860 eServer xSeries 360 8861 eServer xSeries 365 8862 eServer xSeries 365 8863 eServer xSeries x366 8863 IBM System x3850 8864 IBM System x3850 8865 eServer xSeries 260 8865 IBM System x3800 8866 IBM System x3800 8867 eServer xSeries x366 8870 eServer xSeries 445 8872 eServer xSeries x460 8872 IBM System x3950 8873 eServer xSeries x460 8877 IBM System x3755 8878 IBM System x3950 8879 IBM System x3950 E 8886 BladeCenter BladeChassis 2.0 Prerequisites ================= 2.1 General Requirements ----------------------- - Ensure that all monitored servers have correctly configured machine type, model and serial number. - Ensure the person installing Electronic Service Agent has Administrative authority. - Ensure that all monitored servers are under warranty or an IBM Service agreement. - Ensure that IBM Director has completed initializing the physical inventory for the machines to be supported by Electronic Service Agent by checking the physical inventory using the IBM Director console. All supported systems must be initialized prior to Electronic Service Agent enrollment. - Ensure that you have supplied accurate contact information when configuring Electronic Service Agent. - It is particularly important that you configure the location details of your managed systems accurately. If you record location details incorrectly, IBM's service delivery will be delayed. Similarly, if you record your managed systems location details incorrectly, IBM service representatives will not be dispatched to the correct site location after a hardware problem has been reported. 2.2 Hardware Requirements ------------------------- - Microprocessor speed: Pentium (300 MHZ)* - RAM: at least 256 MB (512 recommended)* - Disk Space: 128 MB* * IN ADDITION TO resources necessary for software already installed - Monitor: Super VGA monitor with the screen resolution set to at least 800 x 600, small fonts setting, and 256 colors - WAN via Internet or dial-up modem 2.3 Operating System Requirements --------------------------------- One of the following Operating Systems - Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS and ES, version 3.0, for x86 (Update 5 required) - Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS and ES, version 4.0, for x86 - SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8 for x86 (Service Pack 3 required) - SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for x86 - Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 1 recommended) - Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server, and Datacenter Server (Service Pack 3 required) - Windows 2003 (Standard, Enterprise, and Web Editions) 3.0 Installation ================ 3.1 Obtaining Files ------------------- 1. Access the following web site to see the IBM Electronic Services News Page: http://www.ibm.com/support/electronic 2. In the navigation pane to the left of the window, select Electronic Service Agent (tm). 3. Select xSeries - Director Extension. 4. Download the appropriate files to a temporary directory; - 5639-n89-de501.bin (installation file for Linux) - 5639-n89-de501.exe (installation file for Windows) 3.2 Installing Files on Linux ----------------------------- Note: Installation requires Administrator privileges. To install Electronic Service Agent on your IBM Director Server: 1. Log in as the user root. 2. 'cd' to the directory where you stored the installation program. 3. Execute the following command: ./5639-n89-de501.bin 4. At the Electronic Service Agent Setup panel, click Next to continue with the program setup. 5. If you accept the terms and conditions of the License Agreement, click Yes to continue with the setup program. 6. Click Finish to complete the installation. See "Known Issues" below for possible problems. 3.3 Installing Files on Windows ------------------------------- Note: Installation requires Administrator privileges. To install Electronic Service Agent on your IBM Director Server: 1. Double-click on your 5639_n89_de501.exe file to run the setup program and begin the installation process. 2. At the Language Option screen, select the language option that you want to use, and then click OK. 3. At the Electronic Service Agent Setup screen, click Next to continue with the program setup. 4. If you accept the terms and conditions of the License Agreement, click Yes to continue with the setup program. 5. If you accept the terms and conditions of the Communications Charges Agreement, click Yes to continue with the setup program. 6. At the Question dialog box, click Yes to view the README file, and then click Next. 7. At the Set-up Complete screen, select Yes to restart your system now. 8. Click Finish to complete the installation. 4.0 Release Notes ==================== 1. The Test page is only displayed when the electronic service task is launched in single targeted mode. 2. Physical inventory must be run and available on Director Server in order to enroll systems for eSA support. 3. Data Exception Protection (DEP) should be disabled on all machines running Director Agent on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 SP2. DEP information from Microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/875352 5.0 Known Issues ================ The following problems/issues may be associated with Electronic Service Agent: 1. Periodically during installation of Electronic Service Agent, the install program will hang on a panel after the files have been copied to your system. As part of the installation process, an uninstall program is created, and this step takes longer than the steps that download files to your system. Give the installer an adequate amount of time to complete its actions. If you are sure the installation program is in a 'hang' state, you can go to the window that you launched the product in, and type Ctrl+C. Or close the terminal window. The installation is complete. 2. If you get the following errors: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable. OR Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified The installer is unable to run in graphical mode. Try running the installer with console or silent flag. 3. If Windows 2000 SP4 is installed after the DB2 database has been configured, SP4 will close port 1521. Port 1521 is the listener port for the DB2 database. To reopen this port, DB2 must be reinstalled on the server. 4. If the agents and the Director server have mismatched security settings, the agents will not communicate with Director Server. A symptom of this is requesting a physical inventory, but not receiving the data. Consult the Director 5.10 Configuration Guide and ensure the Director Server is set to “encrypted”. 5. If using the DB2 Database and experience connection problems with the database after updating Windows 2003 to SP2, reinstall the DB2 Listener software. 6. If you have ServRAID on any systems please consult the IBM Director 5.10 Systems Management Guide and the ServRAID Manager Users Guide for setup instructions. 7. In a large environment, the Director Console appears to hang or fails to completely open. One visible symptom is seeing the message "Accessing server" repeatedly on the Director Console. It is recommended that the following default settings be modified before installing eSA. a. Hop count - Director Server default is currently 35 hops. Reduce this number to contain Auto Discovery to search only the subnets with the managed systems. b. Auto Discovery - this function requires a lot of resources when Director is initially installed. It is recommended this function is turned off during eSA installation and resumed when the customer's network has low usage. c. Auto Inventory - The initial execution of this function during installation will put a severe load on Director Server. It is recommended this function is turned off during eSA installation and resumed when the customer's network has low usage. A manual inventory request can be run for systems to be enrolled for eSA support. 8. If you are running the Director Console on the Director Server, ensure the system has the minimum system requirements for both functions. A minimum of 500 mg memory was required when testing with both functions on one system. For questions or information regarding these settings, please refer to the Director 5.10 Configuration Guide and the 5.10.3 Release notes. 9. If the console continues to appear hung, Director 5.10 can be reloaded with the repair option. It is strongly recommended this process be performed instead of re-installing Director. For more information, please refer to the Director 5.10 Configuration manual and 5.10.3 Director server / console release notes. 10. There is a defect on the IBM Director console that may cause the console to crash when deleting managed objects from the "Group Contents" pane while running or after completing a large discovery of objects. This defect is being worked and should be in the next available fixpack. In the meantime, you can avoid this defect by not deleting managed objects from the "Group Contents" pane during or soon after a discovery is complete. If you should encounter this defect, simply restart the console and continue working. 5.1 Fixed Defects ================= - IBM Director Console crash. - Problem with systems not showing up as registered on IBM web site. 6.0 Support =========== If you encounter problems or have technical questions regarding Electronic Service Agent, you should call your nearest IBM support center. You can obtain support center contact details that are appropriate for your country/region from the following web site: http://www.ibm.com/planetwide/ If you are a resident of the United States, contact support at 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378) and select software support for IBM Director. You should have your machine type and serial number ready to give to the IBM support staff. Your machine type is identified by a four-digit number. Web Sites IBM xSeries Support and Information http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/support/xseries/index.html IBM Support Center contact information http://www.ibm.com/planetwide/ Electronic Service Agent installation package http://www.ibm.com/support/electronic 7.0 Trademarks and Notices =========== Please see the "Trademarks and Notices" section in the User's Guide. 8.0 Disclaimer =========== PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2006. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.