Firmware Update 2.2.000 2.2.000_readme.txt Version 1.00 September 25, 2007 ________ CONTENTS ________ 1.0 Overview 2.0 Change History 3.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 4.0 Configuration Information 5.0 Known Issues 6.0 Unattended Mode 7.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 8.0 Trademarks and Notices 9.0 Disclaimer _______________ 1.0 Overview: _______________ This README describes the current firmware version for the IBM Infiniband DDR Host Channel Adapter for IBM BladeCenter and procedure for updating firmware on the HCA. Products supported Inifiniband 4X DDR Expansion Card for IBM BladeCenter (IBM Option P/N 43W4423) Cisco 4x DDR Expansion Card for IBM BladeCenter (IBM Option P/N 43W4421) Voltaire 4X DDR Expansion Card for IBM BladeCenter (IBM Option P/N 43W4420) ____________________ 2.0 Change History ____________________ See change history file _________________________________________ 3.0 Installation and Setup Instructions _________________________________________ 1.) Untar or unzip code package to a Blade Server with OFED drivers installed. 2.) Execute the following command to update the firmware on the installed HCA: mstflint -d /dev/mst/mt23108_pci_cr0 -i fw-25408-2_2_000-43W4441.bin burn _______________________________ 4.0 Configuration Information _______________________________ - The firmware has no configurable settings. _____________________ 5.0 Known Issues _____________________ - IPoIB connected mode is not supported - OpenMPI on JS2x blades not supported. _____________________ 6.0 Unattended Mode _____________________ 6.1 This update package does not support Unattended Mode ________________________________________ 7.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number ________________________________________ 7.1 IBM Support Web Site: 7.2 IBM Marketing Netfinity Web Site: 7.3 If you have any questions about this update, or problems applying the update go to the following Help Center World Telephone Numbers URL: 1-800-772-2227 ____________________________ 8.0 Trademarks and Notices ____________________________ 8.1 The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM BladeCenter eServer Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Intel trademarks or registered trademarks are trademarks of Intel Corporation. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ________________ 9.0 Disclaimer ________________ 9.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 9.2 Note to Government Users Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.