==============================-begin der-============================= DER Apple/IBM/Motorola CHRP Board Confidential ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Creation date: <ccyy/mm/dd> Status: <s> Status attained: <ccyy/mm/dd> Resolution: <r> Resolution: <ccyy/mm/dd> Document changed: <ccyy/mm/dd> Book affected: <Book short name> Version: <n.mm> Sections and pages: p. <i(-j)> Section(s) <section number(s)> |p. <p(-q)> Section(s) <section number(s)>| |Additional book, version and section references... | Summary: <a few lines summarizing the error> Submitter: <Coordinator> Date accepted: <ccyy/mm/dd> Company: <company> |Requester: <original requester>| Assigned to: <Cognizant architect> Keywords: <List of keywords> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <explanation of the error> <specific changes to make in the Books> ===============================-end der-============================== Note: Replace fields delimited by less than and greater than symbols with the requested information. For example, the string "<ccyy/mm/dd>" which denotes a date field should be replaced with an appropriate date, "1997/03/31". Lines delimited with bars "|" are optional. Give the required information without the delimiting bars or remove the line. When the CHRP Board Coordinator submits the DER to the CHRP Board the DER should have all the fields which are the responsibility of the originator completed including the proposed wording changes. However, the DER could have been originated within the company without completely specifying the resolution. The resolution and affected pages would be developed by architects within the company to the point that agreement with this approach is reached within the company. Then the DER is submitted. The CHRP Board Secretary assigns the DER number and replaces the field "<nnnnn>" with this number. If the originator determines this DER is not "Apple/IBM/Motorola CHRP Board Confidential" then the originator should replace the field "<?>" with "No". Otherwise the field "<?>" should be replaced "<?>" with "Yes". The criteria for determining confidentiality is described in Section 2.5.1, "Confidentiality". The originator should replace the phrase "<title>" with the title for the DER. The originator should update the "Creation:" field by replacing "<ccyy/mm/dd>" with the creation date. The Cognizant Architect maintains the "Status:" field by replacing the phrase "<s>" with one of the status codes. The status codes are as follows: N New - the request has been accepted as a DER P Pending - a DER has been approved through the CHRP Board, but the associated changes have not yet been made in the CHRP architecture documents. C Closed - for a DER that is approved, notice of the approval has been sent as DER Correspondence and the associated changes have been distributed in a Change Notice and made in the source for the CHRP architecture documents. Note that these updated documents may not be published at the point of closing the DER. - for a DER that is reclassified as an ACR or withdrawn, notice of the reclassification or withdrawal has been sent as DER Correspondence. The Cognizant Architect maintains the "Status attained:" field by replacing the string "<ccyy/mm/dd>" with the date this status was attained. The Cognizant Architect maintains the "Resolution:" field by replacing the string "<r>" with the resolution code and the string "<ccyy/mm/dd>" with the date that resolution was attained. These resolution codes only apply to DERs with status P or C. The resolution code is one of the following: A: Approved - DER approved by the CHRP Board members as an error R: Reclassified - DER reclassified as a ACR W: Withdrawn - DER withdrawn by the submitting Coordinator. The Cognizant Architect maintains the "Document changed" field by replacing the field "<ccyy/mm/dd>" with the date the changes were published in an updated CHRP architecture document or latest publication date if more than one document is changed. This date is the date of the publication of the document not the preparation of Change Notice information and source file updates. The originator should list the affected book and its version number by replacing the field "<Book short name>" with the name of the affected book and replacing "<n.mm>" with the version of that book. The originator gives the affected page number(s) and section number(s) by replacing the string "<i (-j)>" and "<section number(s)>" with the page number ranges and section number(s) which are to be changed. If more than one line is needed for page numbers and section numbers then the originator should replace the string "<i (-j)>" and "<section number(s)>" on a second or additional line with the page ranges and sections which are to be changed. Remove the bars on this line. If only one line is needed, then delete the optional line. If additional books are affected, the originator would replace the optional line, "Additional book, version and section references" with the book short name, version number, page number(s), and section number(s) using the format for the first book. Otherwise delete this line. The originator summarizes the change request by replacing the field "<a few lines summarizing the requested change>" with a summary of the change. The originator should list the submitter and company by replacing the field "<Coordinator>" with the name of the submitting CHRP Board Coordinator, and the field "<company>" with the company name of the submitter. If the originator wishes to identify the originator of the request, then the originator does so by replacing the field "<original requester>" with the name of the original requester and removing the bars on this line. Otherwise remove this line. The CHRP Board Secretary should record the acceptance date of the DER by replacing the field "<ccyy/mm/dd>" with the date the CHRP Board Chairperson accepted the report. The CHRP Board Secretary should record the Cognizant Architect to whom this DER is assigned by replacing the field "<Cognizant architect>" with the name of the Cognizant Architect. Repeat this line if more than one Cognizant Architect has been assigned. The originator should list a few keywords by replacing the field "<list of keywords>" with a list of keywords separated by commas. The originator should describe the error by replacing the field "<explanation of the error>" with one of more lines of explanation. The originator should describe the specific change language by replacing the field "<specific changes to make in the Books>". This description should clearly define the changes and deletions of existing words as well as the insertion of new words. If these notes are part of the ASCII file, the originator should delete them before submitting the request.