RS/6000 S7x Series
System and Service Processor Firmware Support

Applies to : IBM RS/6000 7013-S70, 7015-S70, 7017-S70 7013-S7A, 7015-S7A, 7017-S7A Description: Specific machine types and models require specific firmware support. This update is for System and Service Processor (SvP) firmware (FW) on RS/6000 7013 S70 and S7A, 7015 S70 and S7A, and 7017 S70 and S7A servers. The levels contained in this update are: o System FW: 19981110 o SvP FW: 19981110 These firmware levels are coordinated and should be used together. Contents: ========= 1.0 Update Descriptions 2.0 Important Notes 3.0 Determining Your Firmware Levels 4.0 Firmware Distribution (Latest Firmware Levels) 5.0 Downloading and Unpacking the Firmware Update Package 5.1 Internet Package 5.1.1 AIX Format File 5.1.2 DOS Format File 6.0 Updating the Firmware on the Target Server 6.1 AIX Command Line Method 6.2 Flash Update Service Aid Method 6.3 Verifying the Update 6.4 Promoting the Update 6.5 Archiving the Update Files =====================================================================


System FW Level Description --------- ----------------------------------------------------- 19981110 1) Updated FDDI microcode to level 12.07 2) Miscellaneous minor fixes 19980825 1) Added support for 1Gbps ethernet 2) Added support for 10 EIA I/O drawer 19980722 1) Added support for RS64-II 250MHz processor. 2) Enhanced data collection and reporting of error events. 19980429 1) Added support for FDDI as boot device. 2) Corrected L2 Cache size problem. 19980220 1) Diagnostic enhancements. 19971215 1) Miscellaneous minor fixes. 19971008 Original (GA) level SvP FW Level Description --------- ----------------------------------------------------- 19981110 1) Protected system processor from accessing reserved address space 2) OP-Panel code enhancement 19980825 1) Added support for 10 EIA I/O drawer 2) Added support to update SPCN in I/O drawer 3) Added SvP menu controls for configuring processors 4) Corrected instruction unit hang problem in RS64-II processor 19980729 1) Added support for RS64-II 250MHz processor. 2) Improved error handling and reporting. 19980429 1) Corrected a clocking condition that allowed a hang at ED00. 19980220 1) Added support for 64-bit memory cards. 2) Updated operator panel control for consistency. 19971106 1) Added support for IBM modems 7852-400 and 7857-017 2) Corrected machine check presentation on op panel 3) Improved speed for downloading SPCN program 19971007 Original (GA) level =====================================================================


There is a dependency in this update that requires installation in two steps. The System firmware MUST be updated first. Please follow the instructions in Section 6. Because of the sequence dependency and certain download/unpacking process changes, the instructions in this document take precedence over any previously published or distributed instructions, including those in the Users Guide and Service Guide for your server. In the instructions that follow are specific AIX and DOS commands. AIX commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and they must be entered as shown, including filenames. DOS commands are not case sensitive, and they may be entered without regard to the cases shown. DOS format files have changed. Instead of EMT files, you will see EXE files. These are self extracting files. DSK4DOS is no longer required. The table below lists the firmware levels for S7x Series servers. The most recent coordinated levels are recommended. Also included in the table below are the file sizes and checksum for each FW file. This information can be used to verify the FW files you received have not been corrupted or altered during transmission. The checksum is computed using the AIX 'sum' command. If you have the files on a DOS based system, then you must transfer it to an AIX system first (which can be the target server to which you are applyin this FW update). To calculate the checksum, just enter: sum {FW filename} Example: Calculate the checksum of the 'S70R4SY.IMG' file. You will enter ------------------> sum S70R4SY.IMG The output will look like this --> 53851 1537 S70R4SY.IMG The checksum is -----------------> 53851 SYSTEM FIRMWARE SERVICE PROCESSOR FIRMWARE FIRMWARE ------------------------------|--------------------------- RELEASE DATE Filename Size Chksum Filename Size Chksum -------------|--------------|-------|-------|------------|-------|------ Nov 1998 S7XR6SY.IMG 1573530 54648 S7XR6SP.IMG 2438920 17312 Sep 1998 S7XR5SY.IMG 1573530 03673 S7XR5SP.IMG 2437872 48607 Aug 1998 S70R4SY.IMG 1573530 53951 S70R4SP.IMG 2421572 23011 May 1998 S70Rel3.img 3105363 50678 Combined with System FW Mar 1998 012H7777.ruhxa 1573530 59833 SP980220.img 1531833 22963 Jan 1998 012H7777.ruhxa 1573530 28335 SP980105.img 1526433 54722 Original (GA) 012H7777.ruhxa 1573530 22001 SP971008.img 1520613 52645 Detailed instructions follow for assessing the need for a firmware update, downloading the appropriate update files and unpacking them, and executing the update on the target server. Don't be alarmed at the length of this document! For any given download/unpacking/update environment, the process is short. This document describes processes for several environments. One should be suitable for your needs. =====================================================================


DO NOT rely on the part number or firmware level marking/label on the EPROM/FLASH module because the content of the module may have been "re-flashed" to a different level. To be safe, always check the firmware level electronically. You may use an AIX command for checking the firmware levels. Enter: lscfg -vp | grep -p ROM This command will produce a system configuration report containing sections similar to the following. System Firmware: ROM Level (alterable).......19970704 (B) 19970531 (A) <= System FW levels Version.....................RS6K System Info Specific.(YL)...P2 SP_CARD_: Part Number.................PART_NUM EC Level....................EC_LEVEL FRU Number..................FRU_NUM_ Manufacture ID..............IBM_ Serial Number...............SERIAL_# ROM Level (alterable).......19970801 (B) 19970530 (A) <= SvP FW levels The ROM Level (alterable) lines list the level numbers of your currently installed System and Service Processor firmware. In these examples (illustrations only), the system was booted from the B level since it is listed first. If the most recent level number (A or B) is less than the update level(s) available for your server, you should consider installing the update(s). For more information about the uses of IPL Types A and B, see Section 6.4, Promoting the Update, or refer to the server's Users Guide. =====================================================================


The latest System and Service Processor firmware levels are available from: o Internet URL System and Service Processor FW are combined into a single download package listed in the System FW section under model 7017 S70 and S7A. =====================================================================


Instructions for downloading and unpacking the firmware update package from the above listed firmware distribution locations follows.

5.1 Internet Package

The System and SvP firmware in AIX and DOS formats are located at the web site Follow the instructions on this page. You must read and agree to the license agreement to obtain the password (case sensitive) for unpacking the firmware packages. In the table for System Firmware (or Microcode), scroll down to the entries for 7013-S7A, 7015-S7A and 7017-S7A. The download choices at that entry are: Description (This document) AIX Format (For downloading to an AIX server or workstation) DOS Format (For downloading to a DOS, OS/2 or Windows workstation) You will want a copy of the description (this document) and one of the other update choices. You may transfer the update images to the target server in one of several ways. 1) By downloading the AIX format file directly to the target server. 2) By downloading the AIX format file to an intermediate AIX system and then using either ftp or diskettes for transferring the update images to the target server. 3) By downloading the DOS format file to a DOS, OS/2 or Windows workstation from which you can use diskettes for transferring the update images to the target server. Detailed download/unpacking instructions follow for each of the downloading preferences.

5.1.1 AIX Format File Downloading the AIX Format File 7017S7XF.BIN is a file that contains the complete update in one package. a) Provide a directory on your AIX system to receive the download. Enter: mkdir /tmp/fwupdate Note: If the directory /tmp/fwupdate already exists, make sure it is empty before proceeding. b) Transfer the AIX format file to the /tmp/fwupdate directory. You'll see that the filename is 7017S7XF.BIN. c) Unpack the FW package by executing the 7017S7XF.BIN file as shown below. Note that you'll be asked for the password from the license agreement. Enter: cd /tmp/fwupdate ./7017S7XF.BIN [Don't overlook the periods(.) in the above command.] These new files will be created in /tmp/fwupdate. S7XR6SY.IMG (System firmware update) S7XR6SP.IMG (Service Processor firmware update) readme.txt (A pointer to this document) promote.img (Update promotion utility) You need the .IMG files for the update. If you used the above procedure to transfer the AIX format files directly to the server you intend to update, proceed to Section 6, Updating the Firmware. Read 6.0 and use the AIX command line method of 6.1.1. Otherwise, from your intermediate AIX workstation, choose one of the following methods for moving the update files to the target server. To transfer these files to the target server via the ftp method, proceed to paragraph, To transfer these files to the target server via the diskettes method, skip to paragraph The FTP Transfer Method This method presumes you have ftp access to the server to be updated. On your office AIX workstation, enter the following commands. ftp {name of target server} {Login with a valid userid and password} bin lcd /tmp/fwupdate mkdir /tmp/fwupdate cd /tmp/fwupdate put S7XR6SY.IMG put S7XR6SP.IMG put promote.img quit Proceed to Section 6, Updating the Firmware. Read 6.0 and use the AIX command line method of 6.1.1. The Diskettes Transfer Method This method can be used for cases in which electronic connections between the image files source and the server to be updated are inconvenient. On your office AIX workstation, you will convert the image files to AIX backup diskettes. These diskettes will be used for the firmware updates. You will need four 2MB (HD) diskettes. With a diskette loaded in the drive, enter the following commands (this process will request another diskette when the first is full). cd /tmp/fwupdate mkdir sp mv S7XR6SP.IMG sp/S7XR6SP.IMG find . -print | backup -i -v -f/dev/rfd0 [Don't overlook the period (.) in the above command.] This will produce two backup diskettes of two image files, S7XR6SY.IMG and promote.img. Label these diskettes, respectively: Volume 1: System FW 19981110 (R6) and Promote Volume 2: System FW 19981110 (R6) and Promote Now with another diskette loaded in the drive, enter the following commands (this process will request another diskette when the first is full). cd sp find . -print | backup -i -v -f/dev/rfd0 [Don't overlook the period (.) in the above command.] This will produce two backup diskettes of the image file S7XR6SP.IMG. Label these diskettes, respectively: Volume 1: Service Processor FW 19981110 (R6) Volume 2: Service Processor FW 19981110 (R6) Proceed to Section 6, Updating the Firmware. Read 6.0, and use the AIX command line method of 6.1.2.

5.1.2 DOS Format File Downloading the DOS Format File a) Prepare a directory for receiving the DOS format file. This directory can be in any partition with 12MB available space. Executing in such a partition, called [path] in these instructions, enter: md [path]\fwupdate Note: If the directory [path]\fwupdate already exists, make sure it is empty before proceeding. b) Transfer the DOS format file to the [path]\fwupdate directory (using "Save as ..."). You'll see the filename is 7017S7XF.EXE. c) Execute this file to create the images of AIX backup diskettes containing the new firmware. Enter: cd [path]\fwupdate ./7017S7XF These new files will be created: S7XR6_D1.EXE S7XR6_D2.EXE S7XR6_D3.EXE S7XR6_D4.EXE The Diskettes Transfer Method Transfer the diskette image files to diskettes for use at the target server. You'll need 2MB (HD) diskettes and the password from the license agreement. a) With a diskette loaded in the a: drive, enter: cd [path]\fwupdate ./S7XR6_D1 Label the resulting diskette, Volume 1: System FW 19981110 (R6) and Promote b) With a diskette loaded in the a: drive, enter: cd [path]\fwupdate ./S7XR6_D2 Label the resulting diskette, Volume 2: System FW 19981110 (R6) and Promote c) With a diskette loaded in the a: drive, enter: cd [path]\fwupdate ./S7XR6_D3 Label the resulting diskette, Volume 1: Service Processor FW 19981110 (R6) d) With a diskette loaded in the a: drive, enter: cd [path]\fwupdate ./S7XR6_D4 Label the resulting diskette, Volume 2: Service Processor FW 19981110 (R6) Proceed to Section 6, Updating the Firmware. Read 6.0 and use the AIX command line method of 6.1.2. =====================================================================


This section describes methods for transferring the new firmware into the target server. WARNING: DO NOT POWER OFF THE TARGET SERVER AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE ******* FLASH PROCESS COMPLETES. BE SURE THE SYSTEM IS QUIESCED AND NOT RUNNING ANY USER APPLICATIONS. Update Procedure Overview: You must have root authority on the target server to update its firmware. If your server is currently running from the IPL Type B location, you should consider promoting that level before continuing. You may use the instructions in section 6.4, Promoting the Update, for reference. Updating the microcode requires rebooting the server. The update is applied during the shutdown sequences following the individual microcode transfers. The following boot uses the updated microcode for its control. As the microcode update takes place (during the shutdown sequences), progress can be monitored from the operator panel. The checkpoints E080 and E081 alternately appear while the update is in progress. At some points in the update process, these checkpoints may not change for one to ten minutes. If this occurs, be patient and allow time for the update process to complete. The new microcode is placed in the IPL Type B location for use while your acceptance tests are under way. When you are satisfied with the performance of the new level, "promote" it to the IPL Type A location. There is no time limit on when promotion must occur. Thorough testing of any changes to your system is recommended before committing to them. Updating microcode in the S7x Series servers MUST be initiated either directly from the AIX command line or from the Update Flash Diagnostic Service Aid. The two methods are equivalent, the difference being that the service aid invisibly constructs the AIX commands using information provided from your responses to the menu selections. For this update, only the AIX command line method will be described in detail, because it is the more simple when no files searching is necessary.

6.1 Updating from the AIX Command Line

AIX commands allow updating either from files already loaded into the target server or from diskettes. If your update files are loaded in the target server, continue to paragraph 6.1.1. If your update files are on diskettes, skip to paragraph 6.1.2. 6.1.1 Updating with files already loaded in the target server If you used the downloading/unpacking instructions given in Section 5, above, your files are located in the /tmp/fwupdate subdirectory. Apply the system firmware update first. Enter: cd /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin ./update_flash -f /tmp/fwupdate/S7XR6SY.IMG You will be asked for confirmation to proceed with the microcode update and the required reboot. If you confirm, the system will apply the new microcode, reboot and return to the AIX prompt. This may take one to ten minutes, depending on the configuration of your target server. At the new AIX prompt, apply the service processor firmware update. Enter: cd /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin ./update_flash -f /tmp/fwupdate/S7XR6SP.IMG You will be asked for confirmation to proceed with the microcode update and the required reboot. If you confirm, the system will apply the new microcode, reboot and return to the AIX prompt. This may take one to ten minutes, depending on the configuration of your target server. Your firmware update is complete. You will want to promote this update after you have tested it to your satisfaction. Promotion is discussed in paragraph 6.4. 6.1.2 Updating from diskettes To conserve resources in your server, restoring the update image from diskettes is a two-pass process. In the first pass, resources required are compared to those available. If this first pass determines more resources are needed, you may be requested to increase the size for the file system /var. Use standard AIX techniques to do this. If the update image does not fit into this file system, the update cannot be successful. The second pass restores the update. If you used the downloading/unpacking instructions given in Section 5, above, you have four diskettes. Apply the system firmware update located on Volume 1: System FW 19981110 (R6) and Promote first. Put the diskette in the drive and enter: cd /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin ./update_flash -D /dev/rfd0 -f ./S7XR6SY.IMG Since this update spans diskettes, you will be instructed when to load the next diskette (Volume 2: System FW 19981110 (R6) and Promote) You will be asked for confirmation to proceed with the microcode update and the required reboot. If you confirm, the system will apply the new microcode, reboot and return to the AIX prompt. This may take one to ten minutes, depending on the configuration of your target server. At the new AIX prompt, apply the service processor firmware update located on Volume 1: Service Processor FW 19981110 (R6). Put the diskette in the drive and enter: cd /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin ./update_flash -D /dev/rfd0 -f ./S7XR6SP.IMG Since this update spans diskettes, you will be instructed when to load the next diskette (Volume 2: Service Processor FW 19981110 (R6)). You will be asked for confirmation to proceed with the microcode update and the required reboot. If you confirm, the system will apply the new microcode, reboot and return to the AIX prompt. This may take one to ten minutes, depending on the configuration of your target server. Your firmware update is complete. You will want to verify this update and then promote it after you have tested it to your satisfaction. Verifying is discussed in paragraph 6.3. Promotion is discussed in paragraph 6.4.

6.2 Updating with the Flash Diagnostic Service Aid

The service aid allows updating either from files already loaded into the target server or from diskettes. If your update files are loaded in the target server, and if you used the downloading/unpacking instructions given in Section 5, your update files are located in the /tmp/fwupdate subdirectory. The filenames are: S7XR6SY.IMG S7XR6SP.IMG promote.img Be sure to update the system firmware first, using file S7XR6SY.IMG. Don't forget to update the service processor firmware, using file S7XR6SP.IMG, after the shutdown/reboot sequence. If your update files are on diskettes, and if you used the downloading/unpacking instructions given in Section 5, the update files are on the four diskettes as follows. S7XR6SY.IMG is on System FW 19981110 (R6) and Promote - Volumes 1 and 2. S7XR6SP.IMG is on Service Processor FW 19981110 (R6) - Volumes 1 and 2. Be sure to update the system firmware first, using file S7XR6SY.IMG. Don't forget to update the service processor firmware, using file S7XR6SP.IMG, after the shutdown/reboot sequence. 6.2.1 Summary of Update Flash Diagnostic Service Aid Method Review "Update System or Service Processor Flash" in the Service Aids section of the RS/6000 Enterprise Server S7x User's Guide for more information about using this utility. a) Invoke the Service Aids from either on-line or standalone diagnostics. b) Choose Update System or Service Processor Flash service aid. c) Follow the on-screen update steps as they are presented. When you are asked for a filename, first list the files and select the appropriate one for your update task. Use the directory, diskette and filename information listed in paragraph 6.2 for reference for your responses. Following a successful update initialization, the server automatically performs the update, reboots, and loads at the new level. Since the update occurs during this shutdown/reboot sequence, it is important to protect the server from interruptions. Don't forget to retrieve and file any firmware update diskette that may still be in the server's diskette drive. A good time to do this is after the reboot has completed. When you have applied the update for both the system firmware and the service processor firmware, your update is complete. You will want to verify this update and then promote it after you have tested it to your satisfaction. Verifying is discussed in paragraph 6.3. Promotion is discussed in paragraph 6.4.

6.3 Verifying the Update

To verify your firmware update was successful, you may use the following AIX command after the automatic reboot. Enter: lscfg -vp | grep -p ROM This command will produce a system configuration report containing sections similar to the following. System Firmware: ROM Level (alterable).......19981110 (B) 19980825 (A) <= System FW levels Version.....................RS6K System Info Specific.(YL)...P2 SP_CARD_: Part Number.................PART_NUM EC Level....................EC_LEVEL FRU Number..................FRU_NUM_ Manufacture ID..............IBM_ Serial Number...............SERIAL_# ROM Level (alterable).......19981110 (B) 19980825 (A) <= SvP FW levels The (B) level numbers should match the levels you just installed, namely, 19981110 and 19981110 respectively.

6.4 Promoting the Update

It is important for the promotion process to succeed. Therefore, it is recommended that you read and understand this section before you begin the promotion process. Your S7x server allows a trial period for testing the update before committing to the new level. When this update has been tested thoroughly, refer to the instructions you used to install the update. Use the same instructions (i.e., either the AIX command line method or the Update Flash Diagnostic Service Aid method) to execute the promotion. This time, use the promote.img (on the diskettes System FW 19981110 (R6) and Promote - Volumes 1 and 2) file rather than the filenames you selected previously. Be aware that the promotion process requires the server to shut down all of its processes to rewrite IPL Type A and reboot from it. Your S7x server maintains two copies of System and Service Processor firmware. These copies reside in locations referred to as IPL Type A and IPL Type B. Your S7x server normally runs IPL Type A. New microcode updates are stored in IPL Type B until they are promoted. Once promotion takes place, the two IPL Types are identical. When a microcode update is processed, the server automatically begins using IPL Type B. When promotion is processed, the server automatically begins using IPL Type A. Between the time of a microcode update and the promotion procedure, the server may be instructed (using operator panel function 02) to use either IPL type for the purpose of microcode testing. When you are ready to promote the new microcode, the server MUST be using IPL Type B. Otherwise the promotion fails. The recovery procedure is: a) Turn off the server power b) Switch the server's operation to IPL Type B c) Turn on the server power to IPL from Type B Operator panel function 01 may be used to determine which IPL type is in use at any given time. See the server's Users Guide for more information about operator panel functions. As promotion occurs, during the processes shutdown sequence, checkpoint E082 appears during the promotion activity. This checkpoint can last several minutes, depending on your server's configuration.

6.5 Archiving the Update Files

In the event it becomes necessary to restore your server to a previous microcode level, it is suggested you identify and archive the materials for each update you install. If the download process produced diskettes, label and store them in a safe place. If the download process produced only update image files, archive and identify the file for convenient retrieval.