IBM Solution Developer Support SSSS DDDD PPPP N N EEEEE W W SSSS S D D P P NN N E W W S SSS D D PPPP N N N EEEE W W W SSS S D D P N NN E W W W S SSSS DDDD P N N EEEEE WW WW SSSS ========================================================================== 1996 Issue 4 31 March 1996 ========================================================================== This Newsletter is a compilation of information from the IBM Support for Solution Developers World Wide Web Home Page and covers general news and events reported since Issue 3 of the SDPnews, February 15, 1996. Also included are selections from the Developer News area available only to members of the IBM Solution Developer Program. For more complete coverage and information about the Solution Developer Program, please visit our World Wide Web site at There is something for everyone on our Home Page, and some things will soon be accessible by registered Solution Developer Program members only. Take advantage of this Program by registering on-line or contact the IBM Solution Developer Program Hotline via: Internet: Fax: 1-770-835-9444 Phone (US and Canada): 1-800-627-8363 Phone (Worldwide): 1-770-835-9902 Previous issues of this newsletter can be found in the OnLine Library of our service, and member announcements can be found in the Products area. A full index of IBM Announcement Letters and Press Releases can be found on our IBMLink WWW Server at ======================================================================== Contents The Table of Contents contains search codes for going directly to items that interest you. Search Codes ------ Member News 0396_01 ----------- General News ------------ Just Add OS/2 Warp Kit 0396_02 March 27, 1996 OS/2 Selected as Overall Readers' Choice 0396_03 Product of the Year by InfoWorld Readers For Fourth Consecutive Year Lotus Announces InterNotes Web Publisher 4.0 0396_04 March 22, 1996 OMG Names OpenDoc Industry Standard; IBM Announces 0396_05 OpenDoc for Windows Delivery Schedules March 14, 1996 Check out the latest from IBM at CeBIT '96 0396_06 IBM Announces New Family of Software Servers. 0396_07 March 7, 1996 TI '96 news update 0396_08 Make international contacts at TI '96 0396_09 March 5, 1996 Make your press announcements at TI '96 0396_10 February 27, 1996 IBM Business Partner strategy goes global 0396_11 February 26, 1996 IBM Announces Availability of OS/2 Warp Server 0396_12 IBM's OS/2 Warp Server to Support 0396_13 Symmetric-Multiprocessing February 22, 1996 IBM to Acquire Object Technology International Inc. 0396_14 February 21, 1996 IBM Announces 1996 Software Tour 0396_15 February 20, 1996 IBM Introduces New Servers, PCs, Software and 0396_16 Services for Network Computing IBM OS/2 Warp Server, Version 4; IBM OS/2 Warp 0396_17 Server Advanced, Version 4; IBM LAN Server for Macintosh, Version 1.01 Offer Complete Server Software Solutions New IBM Large Server Operating System to Ship in 0396_18 March February 15, 1996 Apple's QuickTime Multimedia Technology to Support 0396_19 IBM's OS/2 Warp Solution Developer Program News ------------------------------- March 26, 1996 IBM DataPropagator Relational Version 1.2.1 0396_20 Extends Support to DB2 Version 4 Application Integration Feature of FlowMark 0396_21 for MVS/ESA General Availability IBM Makes Getting Connected Easier: Download 0396_22 Internet Connection Servers for AIX, OS/2 Warp and Windows NT at No Cost March 25, 1996 IBM Introduces Family of Six MPEG-2 0396_23 Encoder and Decoder Chips March 20, 1996 AT&T Outlines Plans To Integrate Upcoming Lotus 0396_24 Notes Server With AT&T Internet Services March 19, 1996 Rockwell Teams with IBM and Dassault Systemes to 0396_25 Enhance X-33 Developmental Processes March 14, 1996 IBM and SAP to Develop System/390 Database Server 0396_26 for R/3 IBM to Extend the Reach of SAP R/3 Environments 0396_27 March 12, 1996 IBM Developer Connection Cross-Platform Developer 0396_28 Kits Help You Improve Client/Server Network Expertise March 5, 1996 IBM MQSeries Updates Support for HP-UX Environment 0396_29 to Include Link for Lotus Notes February 28, 1996 Aegis Product Marketing Forum (TM) Spring '96 Tour 0396_30 February 20, 1996 Availability: IBM OpenEdition DCE Application 0396_31 Support for MVS/ESA Version 1 Release 2 Solaris 2.5.1 Desktop (PowerPC Edition) Operating 0396_32 System Now Available for IBM RISC System/6000 Model 43P and IBM ThinkPad Power Series 820 and 850 Windows NT for IBM RISC System/6000 43P, E20, F30, 0396_33 and ThinkPad Power Series 1996 Calendar of Events 0396_34 ----------------------- ========================================================================== 1996 Issue 4 SDPnews 31 March 1996 ========================================================================== Member News 0396_01 ----------- Below is a list of new announcements from members of the IBM Solution Developer Program. Visit our Home Page to see the full text. March 19, 1996 CSN announces server manager beta for IBM LAN Server ARCO announces low cost IDE adapter for OS/2 Cincom and IBM announce global partnership March 13, 1996 AdeptSoft Releases AdeptXBBS V1.07 for OS/2 OS/2 Language Companion for Japanese OS/2 in testing Tensor - new game available for OS/2 Unify spans major open systems environments with new OS/2, native DB2 support March 1, 1996 SoftWings Enterprises Inc. Introduces CamiNet TM for OS/2 Oberon Software unveils personal contact management program Oberon Software introduces DiskStat PLUS! February 19, 1996 Tower Technology announces plans for SOM and OpenDoc enabled versions of TowerEiffel for OS/2 and AIX Digital Data Resources, Inc. announces enhancements to ACE Enterprise Operator Automation software ====================================================================== General News ------------ 0396_02 Just Add OS/2 Warp Kit! Just because your PC comes with one operating system doesn't mean you're stuck with the problems it causes. See for yourself with the free Just Add OS/2 Warp kit. With the Just Add OS/2 Warp kit, you explore the features and functions of OS/2 Warp with a fun, electronic guide that includes FAQs, Tricks and an interactive OS/2 Warp demo. The kit shows you how OS/2 Warp -- the only time-tested, true 32-bit OS -- expands your PC's capabilities without costly upgrades. You'll see that OS/2 Warp runs a wide array of Windows 3.x and DOS applications plus over one thousand OS/2 Warp programs. Only OS/2's real preemptive multitasking lets you print, download and save all at the same time. And OS/2 shields every application with Crash Protection (TM) so if one goes down, they don't all go down with it. The kit includes an Upgrade Advisor that tells you whether your PC is ready for OS/2 Warp. Plus you get a DualBoot utility that lets you run more than one operating system on the same PC -- either OS/2 and Windows 3.x, or OS/2 and Win95. It even comes with complete instructions on how to uninstall Windows 95. Just Add OS/2 Warp shows you the real differences between operating systems, and it runs on PCs with Windows 95, Windows 3.x and, naturally, OS/2 Warp. So get your free kit now and see the difference between blue skies and real performance. Here You Get Proof Not Promises * Download The Just Add OS/2 Warp Kit Or Request The Kit By Mail ( * Call 1-800-IBM-3333, ext. EE025, For Your Free Just Add OS/2 Warp Kit (North America only) * Get Just Add OS/2 Warp Free on America Online (Keyword: OS2), CompuServe (Go: ADDWARP), GEnie (OS/2 Roundtable), and Prodigy (Jump: OS/2 Club). Are You Ready To Get Warped Now? * Buy OS/2 Warp Today IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks and Crash Protection and Solutions for a small planet are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other company and/or product names are trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective companies. (C)1995 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved. ======================================================================== March 27, 1996 0396_03 OS/2 Selected as Overall Readers' Choice Product of the Year by InfoWorld Readers For Fourth Consecutive Year ZD Net Survey Also Reveals Strong OS/2 Results AUSTIN, Texas, March 26, 1996...InfoWorld yesterday announced that its readers have selected IBM's OS/2* as the Overall Readers' Choice Product of the Year for an unprecedented fourth consecutive year. OS/2 Warp Connect also took the prize for best client product of the year, topping Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT Workstation. "OS/2 is the only product in the history of our Product of the Year Awards to win four consecutive years," said Stephen Moylan, vice president and publisher of InfoWorld, a leading IS newsweekly that focuses on editorial coverage of client/server products used in corporate enterprises. "This is an extremely competitive category and OS/2's continued domination of the top spot year after year is truly amazing." In related news, results from a ZD Net open Windows 95 "report card" survey reveal that about one-third of the respondents expect IBM's OS/2 to be their primary desktop operating system in 12 months. By comparison, only 18 percent believe they will use Microsoft Windows NT while another third think they will stick with Win 95. The results can be found on the World Wide Web at "What this news tells me is that Windows 95 is far less successful than Microsoft led everyone to believe and that OS/2 is doing much better than most folks thought," said William F. Zachmann, president of Canopus Research. "With the recent surge in sales -- nearly five million copies sold in '95 alone -- and new product introductions like OS/2 Warp Server and Merlin, this information is another example of OS/2's real strength in the marketplace." The ZD Net survey also reveals that more than two-thirds of the respondents who are not currently using Windows 95 don't see themselves ever installing and using it. "We are thrilled to receive this award from InfoWorld readers for a fourth consecutive year. The award and survey results are further proof that computer users have had the opportunity to finally compare Windows 95 to OS/2, the 32-bit standard by which other operating systems are measured, and have found that OS/2 is the premier solution," said Wally Casey, director of marketing for IBM Personal Software Products. "Once customers experience the flexibility and reliability of OS/2, they have no reason to look elsewhere." Las Vegas attorney Doug Mitchell is one such customer. His law firm recently installed OS/2 Warp Server with OS/2 Warp Connect running on all of its 20 client machines to perform a variety of tasks, including database management, word processing, scheduling meetings and updating calendars using Lotus Organizer, researching on LEXIS/NEXIS and dialing into the Internet all at the same time. Mitchell's firm also runs a Lotus Notes server on top of OS/2 Warp Server. "We initially considered Windows 95, but we soon realized that OS/2 Warp Connect was the better choice because it is so much better suited to handle all of the things we do day in and day out," said Mitchell. "Plus, OS/2 Warp Server gives us a great platform to maintain and administer our network. We are very impressed with its ease of use, simple installation, remote access features and integration of tools such as system management and backup." Customers are not the only ones realizing the benefits of OS/2 over Windows 95. Solution Developers, even in the home market, are finding that there is a large demand for OS/2 software. Stardock Systems is on the verge of selling its one-millionth OS/2 game. And game developer Neural Override decided to postpone development of a Windows 95 version of its new action game LightRider after receiving more than a thousand requests for an OS/2 version. "The positive response from the large OS/2 community made our development choice very easy," said Scott Moore, Neural Override president. "With OS/2's incredible user loyalty, and large global market base, any developer not seriously considering OS/2 is missing an excellent opportunity." About OS/2 Providing solutions for customers ranging from the connected consumer to the enterprise, IBM's OS/2 is the base for a broad family of products, including OS/2 Warp, OS/2 Warp Connect, OS/2 Warp Server, Directory & Security Server and the set of IBM Software Servers, for which OS/2 is the reference platform. Later this year IBM will release the next version of OS/2 Warp, code-named Merlin, with improved networking and Internet capabilities, an enhanced user interface and new ease-of-use features. About the InfoWorld Product of the Year Awards Earlier this year 100,000 ballots were sent to qualified InfoWorld readers who were asked to vote for their favorite products in Client, Server, Networking, Internet, and Overall Product of the Year categories. The ballot was also available on InfoWorld Electric, the online version of InfoWorld. About the ZD Net Windows 95 Report Card Poll The ZD Net Windows 95 "Report Card" survey results are based on 7, 763 responses from ZD Net users between December 18, 1995 and January 23, 1996. The numbers strictly represent the answers submitted by the set of respondents who participated and should not be projected across any population. All participation was self-selected and wasn't incentivized. Cambridge, Mass.-based ZD Net, which is now part of Ziff-Davis Publishing's new Interactive Media and Development group, is the creator and developer of the award-winning ZD Net brand, a source of computing news, buying information and services on the World Wide Web and all leading commercial on-line services. * OS/2 is a trademark of IBM Corporation. All other product and service names may be trademarks and/or service marks of their respective owners. For Internet users, IBM offers complete information about the company, its products, services and technology on the World Wide Web. The IBM home page is at The fastest, easiest way to find any information about IBM software is to go to the IBM Software home page at The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX and enter "99" at the voice menu. Please Note: Questions about the content or currency of this press release should be directed to your local IBM representative. ======================================================================== March 27, 1996 0396_04 Lotus Announces InterNotes Web Publisher 4.0 Leverages Full Lotus Notes R4 Functionality to Create and Maintain Interactive Web Sites; Extends the Reach of Core Business Processes to the Web New York, NY, March 25, 1996 -- Lotus Development Corp. today announced InterNotes Web Publisher 4.0, which enables businesses to create, manage and administer their internal Intranet and public Web sites using Lotus Notes Release 4. Businesses can use the proven application development facilities in Notes to easily build and host mission-critical applications on the Web. New InterNotes Web Publisher 4.0 features include leveraging Notes R4 for better Web content design and management, support for client and server-based imagemap creation, drag and drop building of Web views, improved search performance to Web clients and platform support for AIX, Sun Solaris and Windows 95 in addition to OS/2 and Windows NT. InterNotes Web Publisher Release 4.0 automatically publishes Notes documents, views and forms to the Web, translating them into HTML. Businesses can take advantage of Notes' collaborative authoring environment and workflow capabilities to automate the process of creating, approving, and consolidating Web content from multiple departments, ensuring a constant flow of up-to-date information to the Web site. In addition, Web content managed in the Notes document database is easy for Web browsers to navigate via Notes Views and is searchable using Notes' full-text search engine. "Notes Release 4 delivers the most complete and cost-effective platform for building Web applications that link together people and information systems," said Mike Zisman, Lotus executive vice president and CEO. "Notes is part and parcel of the Web, and the InterNotes Web Publisher promises to give customers another source for building collaborative applications that link the Web directly to companies' bottom-line objectives." Using InterNotes Web Publisher, any Web browser can participate in any Notes application (e.g., lead generation, order taking, customer service, etc.) by entering information into forms. Once the Web browser submits a form, InterNotes Web Publisher captures the information in a Notes database, enabling it to easily be incorporated into business process applications and core information systems. For example, using InterNotes Web Publisher, businesses can easily create applications that enable Web browsers to request additional product information, or a call from a salesperson. The Web browser simply fills out a form and submits it. The information in the form is captured in a Notes database where it can then be automatically routed for fulfillment purposes, or added to existing information systems for later use. Pricing, availability and system requirements InterNotes Web Publisher 4.0 will be freely available for download March 29 from the InterNotes Web Publisher Site, It will also be included in the Notes Release 4.1 Server Retail and Maintenance Release slated for late April. InterNotes Web Publisher 4.0 requires a Notes Release 4.x Server and any HTTP server with a TCP/IP connection. Platform support includes AIX, Sun Solaris, Windows 95, OS/2 and Windows NT. Additionally, InterNotes Web Publisher 2.1 (for use with Notes 3.x servers) is shipping and available on OS/2 and Windows NT platforms. Lotus Notes is the leading client-server platform for developing and deploying strategic groupware applications that help organizations communicate, collaborate and coordinate strategic business processes within and beyond their organizational boundaries to achieve improved business results. More than 8,000 companies and 4.5 million people use Notes to improve key business processes such as customer service, sales and account management, and product development. Lotus Notes supports all major operating systems including IBM OS/2 Warp, Apple Mac OS, UNIX platforms including IBM AIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, and SCO OpenServer, and Microsoft Windows and Windows NT. Notes is also available as a NetWare loadable module for the Novell environment. Lotus Development Corp., a subsidiary of IBM Corp., offers high quality software products and support services that reflect the company's unique understanding of the new ways in which individuals and businesses must work together to achieve success. Lotus' innovative approach is evident in a new class of applications that allows information to be accessed and communicated in ways never before possible, both within and beyond organizational boundaries. The company also provides numerous support services, both from its consulting division and its award-winning 24-hour support center. All prices and terms are for the U.S. only. Lotus and Lotus Notes are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. Notes and LotusScript are trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. All other company names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. EDITOR'S NOTE: All Lotus news releases are available on the Internet, via the Lotus Development Corp. Home Page at The Lotus Home Page is an easy way to find information about Lotus and its business partners' products and services. A copy of this release and other company information is also available via fax by dialing 1-800-57-LOTUS within the U.S. and Canada or 201-946-2336 outside the U.S. and Canada. Questions concerning the service should be directed to Lotus' corporate communications department at 617-693-5625. Please Note: Questions about the content or currency of this press release should be directed to your local IBM representative. ======================================================================== March 22, 1996 0396_05 OMG Names OpenDoc Industry Standard; IBM Announces OpenDoc for Windows Delivery Schedules Justsystem Corp. Joins Growing Movement to OpenDoc BURLINGAME, CA, March 21, 1996 . . . At a press conference today, the Object Management Group (OMG) announced the adoption of OpenDoc** technology as an industry standard, laying the groundwork for an open, extensible marketplace for component software. IBM, one of the companies that has led the multiplatform development of OpenDoc, detailed delivery plans for OpenDoc for Windows** NT** and Windows 95. IBM also announced that Justsystem Corporation, Japan's leading producer of Japanese-language desktop software, will port its office automation software to OpenDoc for Windows. OpenDoc, OMG's new distributed document component facility (DDCF), is a robust architecture for creating component software that can be shared and customized across heterogeneous environments. OpenDoc's component-based integrated structure allows developers and end-users to build higher quality applications faster, with reduced costs. OpenDoc components can support and interoperate with Microsoft's Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)** objects, while providing full cross-platform and distribution capabilities to component software. "OMG's adoption of OpenDoc as a standard will bring industry uniformity to building distributed software components and give more developers the ability to tap into the power of OpenDoc," said Steve Mills, general manager, IBM Software Solutions Division. "For IBM, it represents a major step toward our vision of genuinely transparent network computing." OpenDoc for Windows Broadens Platform Choices IBM will begin shipping beta versions of OpenDoc for Windows NT** and Windows 95 in June 1996, and general availability will follow in the fourth quarter. The first phase of the OpenDoc for Windows delivery schedule has begun with the distribution of alpha-level developer toolkits to more than 600 developers. In addition to the new Windows versions, IBM has made OpenDoc for OS/2 Warp* Version 3.0 generally available and is shipping beta versions of OpenDoc for AIX*. General availability of OpenDoc for AIX is planned for the third quarter of this year. OpenDoc's highly efficient facility for distributing objects, the System Object Model (SOM)*, is also available on IBM's MVS* enterprise operating system and is in beta on the OS/400* system, providing OpenDoc resources to enterprise customers. OpenDoc for Mac OS** is also generally available from Apple Computer, Inc. Through a demonstration of commerce on the Internet, IBM showed OpenDoc's power and flexibility in building collaborative applications that link customers and suppliers in cross-platform environments. The demonstration illustrated pre-built JAVA** applets obtained from the Internet seamlessly integrated into an OpenDoc application collaborating across OS/2, AIX, and Windows NT operating systems. Justsystem Corp. Joins Growing ISV Momentum Justsystem, Japan's largest software vendor and the developer of Ichitaro**, the world's leading Japanese-language word processor, announced plans to port its office automation software to OpenDoc for Windows. "With OpenDoc, we can deliver office automation functions to our customers with a uniquely 'Just' flavor," said Kazunori Ukigawa, president and chief executive officer, Justsystem Corporation. "OpenDoc will be a key technology in our future products." With worldwide momentum growing, a number of independent software vendors (ISVs) who have adopted OpenDoc in their development efforts were on hand at the OMG event, including: o Bear River Associates o Cirrus Technology o ClearSoft AG o DST Systems, Inc. o MicroRim o Peripheral Vision o Secant Technologies o SSG o SunDial Systems o TruSpectra o Voice Pilot Technology Club OpenDoc, the online resource for code developed by IBM, news, tips and information on OpenDoc, has more than 1800 members enrolled worldwide. OpenDoc code can be obtained free of charge through Club OpenDoc at More About IBM IBM, the world's largest software provider, creates, develops and manufactures the industry's most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics. IBM's Software Solutions Division provides data management, application development and workgroup solutions for mission-critical applications on personal computers, workstations, LANs and host systems. For additional information regarding IBM software, visit the IBM Software home page at * Indicates trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. ** Products or companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holder. Please Note: Questions about the content or currency of this press release should be directed to your local IBM representative. ========================================================================== March 14, 1996 0396_06 IBM Headlines from CeBit '96 At CeBIT '96 in Hannover, Germany, 750,000 visitors and 9,000 journalists will preview the some of the world's best information technology. Network computing and the Olympics are the themes behind the showcase of IBM technology on display in our five exhibition stands at the show. Read the latest news from CeBIT '96, or visit the IBM at CeBIT '96 web site (in English and German) at IBM headlines: o IBM debuts enterprise-wide storage solutions at CeBIT o IBM expands architecture of 3990 Model 6 and RAMAC Array family o IBM adds new-generation technology to optical library family o IBM's disaster recovery manager creates "living blueprint" of enterprise for use in disaster recovery o IBM enhances tape storage product line o IBM and SAP to develop System/390 database server for R/3 o IBM to extend the reach of SAP R/3 environments ======================================================================== March 14, 1996 0396_07 IBM Software Servers IBM Software Servers is an open family of software offerings for client/server systems. The series includes: * Software for servers running the IBM AIX, IBM OS/2 Warp, or Microsoft Windows NT operating systems * Software for clients needing access to the servers IBM Software Servers also includes software developer kits for developing or tailoring applications for each server. For more information about these application development kits, visit the Web site Application Productivity Family. Complementing the software offerings are comprehensive support offerings, including education, skills certification, and fee services for planning, maintenance, and support. This exciting new server and client software helps you to quickly install and make use of modern, high-function, compatible servers. These servers meet a broad range of needs, from an entry-level database server to comprehensive systems management of sophisticated networks. Other technology at your fingertips enables you to get up and running fast with servers that enable you to establish a presence on the Internet, do guaranteed transaction processing, perform messaging and groupware functions with Lotus Notes, and many other capabilities. Current offerings Offerings in the current Software Servers series are: * IBM Communications Server Provides workstation access to other workstations, as well as access to S/390 and AS/400 hosts with a powerful gateway and peer-to-peer networking support over SNA and TCP/IP networks * IBM Database Server Is based on industry-standard structured query language (SQL) relational technology and is scalable--from the LAN database client/server environment to powerful multiprocessor systems for businesses requiring large, highly available databases * IBM Directory and Security Server Is based on Open Software Foundation (OSF) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), Version 1.1, and provides the essential directory, time, security, and remote procedure call (RPC) services needed to support a growing enterprise * IBM Internet Connection Server Allows your business to establish a presence on the Internet by providing the means to publish company and product information on the World Wide Web (WWW) * IBM Systems Management Server Provides the tools necessary to manage small and medium-sized workgroups, as well as growing enterprises * IBM Transaction Server Enables complex, distributed client/server transaction management solutions in a networked workstation environment * Lotus Notes Provides integrated client/server messaging and business process applications to enable communication with colleagues, collaboration in teams, and coordination of strategic business processes ======================================================================== March 7, 1996 0396_08 TAKE IT TO THE EXTREME... ...take it to the IBM Technical Interchange! Exceed the limits of your imagination. Come to the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee on April 22-26, 1996, for the 1996 IBM Technical Interchange. If you're a software designer, commercial or corporate developer, technical coordinator, software integrator, MIS manager, LAN expert, device driver developer, consultant, analyst or just want to see what's hot for AIX, AS/400, OS/2, and S/390, you've got to be in Nashville, Tennessee on April 22-26 for this once-a-year event. *** Recently Added *** The Professional Certification Program from IBM now includes Lotus and AIX certifications. Stand on the brink of discovery and get your hands on today's latest technology. Benefit from one-on-one assistance from industry experts, over 600 elective sessions and countless exhibits. We've extended the early registration deadline. Register before March 29, 1996 and save $200 off of the regular registration fee. Take a look at our Web page which always has up-to-date information about the Technical Interchange. Check back often for the latest information. Questions? Call: 1 800 872 7109 (US and Canada) or 1 617 893 2056 Fax: 1 617 899 2099 E-mail: ======================================================================== March 7, 1996 0396_09 Make International Contacts at TI '96 Austin, TX - The IBM Technical Interchange , April 22-26 in Nashville, Tennessee, offers solution developers the chance to explore global marketing opportunities and establish IBM international contacts. In addition to the Internationalization Track (12 elective sessions), the IBM Solution Developer Program is sponsoring an International Business Opportunities Booth and an International Hospitality Suite. When you get to Nashville, be sure to visit the International Booth - IBM representatives from around the world will be there to discuss software marketing opportunities in their countries. Also check out the schedule of mini-sessions running in the Hospitality Suite. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are interested in meeting with specific business contacts at the IBM Technical Interchange, please send the following information to: If based in Europe, Middle East or Africa: Fax: +44 1256 51136, attention SDO Marketing Email: Elsewhere: Fax: 1 512 823 3365, attention C. Donahue Email: Company Name: Contact/Title: Address: Country: Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: Product Name: Product Description: I am interested in doing business in: __North America __Latin America __Europe/Mid East/Africa __Asia Pacific ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To register for the Technical Interchange , call 1 800 872 7109 (US and Canada) or 1 617 893 2056. ======================================================================== March 5, 1996 0396_10 SDP members - Make your press announcements at TI '96 The IBM Technical Interchange is almost here, April 22 - 26, 1996. IBM wants to help solution developers to make product announcements at the TI. Please contact our Software Group media relations team early enough for them to help out with: * Public relations, * Press releases, * Press conferences, * Media interviews. There will be space available for solution developers to make announcements to the press; however, please schedule as soon as possible and no later than March 15th. Solution developers are also invited to bring their press kits for display. Please limit quantities to less than 100. This offer is also extended to those solution developers unable to attend the TI. For more details regarding press announcements or press kits for display please contact: Stephanie Rasmussen email: FAX (512) 838-9861 ======================================================================== February 27, 1996 0396_11 IBM Business Partner strategy goes global We're tapping worldwide resources to enhance our relationships with IBM Business Partners and to better provide customers with total business solutions. Major initiatives in our Business Partner strategy were recently announced at the IBM Business Partner Executive Conference in San Diego. The ground-breaking Business Partner Charter outlines plans to more fully engage Business Partners in the IBM global sales strategy. The charter provides the blueprint to more effectively integrate the skills, resources and experience of Business Partners with IBM's marketing and sales efforts. It is designed to ensure that customers are provided with the best total solutions available. Also announced was NETeam, a new program aimed at more aggressively selling IBM networking hardware through the channel. The program, which will be offered at no cost, helps members to effectively market IBM's networking hardware products to a wider range of customers. Meanwhile, BESTeam, the IBM Business Enterprise Solutions Team, has seen membership grow more than 300 percent in 1995. IBM BESTeam is an aggressive, worldwide reseller program combining strategic IBM software products, professional certification and training, marketing programs and enhanced technical support. Key elements of the Business Partner worldwide plan include: * An increase in compensation for the IBM sales force for products supplied through Business Partners; * thirty-nine worldwide direct marketing centers, dedicated to working with customers, where Business Partners will benefit from increased demand and lead generation; and, * a more clearly defined plan for working with Business Partners to reach small- and medium-sized customers as well as large customers. This plan includes delivering hardware, software and services to all customers. ======================================================================== February 26, 1996 0396_12 IBM Announces Availability of OS/2 Warp Server So Much Ability Packed Into a Single Package SAN FRANCISCO, February 26, 1996 . . . IBM's OS/2* Warp Server Version 4 was announced as immediately available today at an Olympic-themed launch event that compared the many strengths of an Olympic decathlete with the broad range of features in IBM's new server operating system. OS/2 Warp Server is IBM's one-box server operating system solution for small- and medium-sized businesses to large enterprises. "Nowhere else in today's market will you find a more powerful, reliable and feature-rich PC server operating system," said John W. Thompson, general manager, IBM Personal Software Products. "OS/2 Warp Server will strengthen the OS/2 family of products across the board by expanding our reach into markets where we have the potential for considerable growth." OS/2 Warp Server combines a foundation for application serving with integrated file and print sharing, and offers an easy-to-use graphical user interface for drag-and-drop administration. Features such as systems management, backup and recovery, remote access, enhanced TCP/IP support, advanced print function and LAN Internet access are all integrated into the product, eliminating the time and cost of having to separately install each component. Furthermore, because each of these features can be installed selectively, users are able to configure OS/2 Warp Server to meet the needs of their business. "From the drag-and-drop user interface to the automatic install to its integrated systems management, OS/2 Warp Server has it all," said Bill Howey, senior systems consultant at AVCO Financial Services Corp. "No other competitor can touch what IBM has done with this product -- it will certainly make my job a lot easier." "With OS/2 Warp Server, IBM has created an integrated set of seamless, 'open' network and operating system services, rather than a shopping list of 'suite' services," said Frank Dzubeck, president of Communications Network Architects, Inc., a computer industry consultancy. "IBM's focus on openness and compatibility with existing installed hardware and software should make OS/2 Warp Server a significant competitor in the marketplace." Later this year, IBM will announce its Directory and Security Server (DSS), which customers can add onto OS/2 Warp Server to gain a global directory service, which facilitates management of complex networks, and security services to protect vital user information such as passwords. This combination will further separate OS/2 Warp Server from the competition. "OS/2 Warp Server, which quickly and easily implements enterprise computing, will be of particular benefit to SAS Institute's customers," said Allen Watson, SAS Institute's marketing manager. "As a long-time provider of integrated, portable business analysis software, we believe IBM offers businesses of all sizes an integrated platform for complete business solutions." "HP is excited about the new features and usability of IBM's OS/2 Warp Server," said Scott J. Stallard, general manager of HP's Network Server Division. "HP NetServers deliver unparalleled manageability, availability and performance and, when joined with IBM's new feature-rich server operating system, the combination delivers a powerful computing platform." Broad Network Client Support OS/2 Warp Server supports all prevalent network clients, including OS/2 Warp, OS/2 Warp Connect, DOS, Windows* 3.x, Windows NT Workstation, Windows for Workgroups and Windows 95. Macintosh* clients are supported via IBM's LAN Server for Macintosh add-on product and AIX* clients are supported via IBM's PC Connection product, both available separately. OS/2 Warp Server is backward-compatible with previous IBM LAN Server clients and supports gateway functionality to Novell Netware* and Microsoft NT and LAN Manager servers, allowing OS/2 Warp Server clients to access non-OS/2 Warp Server resources. A Ready-to-Sell Solution for Value-Added Resellers OS/2 Warp Server is an excellent product for resellers and VARs. Because all components are integrated and tested to work together, VARs are saved valuable time and expense and are able to sell a complete server solution in one package. Furthermore, OS/2 Warp Server includes all of the network management functions VARs need to support their customers remotely. "From a reseller's point of view, OS/2 Warp Server is a breath of fresh air. IBM has packed so much into one product, it will be very easy for us to sell," said Richard Spurlock, vice president of Starfire Engineering and Technologies, Inc., a Lawrence, Kan. VAR and a member of IBM's BESTeam** program. "And with features like remote control and on-screen alerts, we'll be able to keep our customers' networks running smoothly without even having to leave our office." Get Certified: The OS/2 Warp Server Advantage Program Gaining the skills needed to install and manage an OS/2 Warp Server network is a true advantage for IT professionals, resellers and VARs. The OS/2 Warp Server Advantage program consists of three exams and ensures that candidates acquire the skills to successfully implement a solution based on IBM's Network-Centric Computing model. For networking professionals already skilled in network operating system technology, the path to OS/2 Warp Server certification is simplified. By passing a single exam, Certified Novell Engineers (CNEs) are able to broaden their networking expertise and become certified on OS/2 Warp Server. IBM LAN Server Engineers (or Experts) certified on LAN Server 3.x or 4.x may upgrade to OS/2 Warp Server certification by passing only one exam. IBM will also offer an exam for LAN administrators. Pricing and Packaging OS/2 Warp Server is available in two versions: OS/2 Warp Server Version 4, which includes all of the features already mentioned and supports approximately 120 users for file and print sharing and 1,000 users for application serving; and OS/2 Warp Server Advanced Version 4, which includes the same features, plus fault tolerance (disk mirroring for two disk drives and disk duplexing for two controllers), enhanced Pentium optimization and user disk limits. The Advanced version includes High Performance File System for higher performance file and print sharing and Lotus Notes usage, and supports up to 1,000 users on a single server. The suggested retail price for OS/2 Warp Server Version 4 is $629, and $1,299 for OS/2 Warp Server Advanced Version 4. Reseller prices may vary. There will be special pricing available for customers upgrading from LAN Server 3.x and 4.x and competitive products. A package geared for retail, the OS/2 Warp Server First Step, includes OS/2 Warp Server plus 10 licensed client connections. The First Step product has a suggested retail price of $829. IBM is also offering a new client licensing model called Use-Based Features, in which individual client connections may be purchased from IBM for $49 each. * OS/2 and AIX are registered trademarks of IBM Corp., Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp., Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., Netware is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. ** IBM's BESTeam is an award-winning reseller program combining IBM software products, professional certification and training, marketing programs and enhanced technical support. BESTeam membership grew 300 percent in 1995. For more information on BESTeam, call 1-800-IBM-1822. For Internet users, IBM offers complete information about the company, its products, services and technology on the World Wide Web. The IBM home page is at The fastest, easiest way to find any information about IBM software is to go to the IBM Software home page at The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX and enter "99" at the voice menu. Please Note: Questions about the content or currency of this press release should be directed to your local IBM representative. ======================================================================== February 26, 1996 0396_13 IBM's OS/2 Warp Server to Support Symmetric-Multiprocessing SAN FRANCISCO, February 26, 1996 . . . IBM today announced that it has begun alpha testing its OS/2* Warp Server Version 4 symmetric-multiprocessing (SMP) feature, and demonstrated it today on a four-way SMP system at the OS/2 Warp Server launch event. An open beta program is planned to begin in the second quarter of 1996, with general availability intended for the third quarter of the year. The OS/2 Warp Server SMP feature will be provided as a free upgrade to OS/2 Warp Server Version 4 customers. "SMP exploitation will add support of the largest PC servers to OS/2 Warp Server, which we believe already delivers the most functionality into a server operating system solution," said Art Olbert, director of product plan management, IBM Personal Software Products. "We expect to significantly enhance the performance of our current OS/2 2.11 SMP offering with the OS/2 Warp Server SMP feature." IBM is currently conducting an OS/2 Warp Server SMP alpha program with about a dozen business partners, including Oracle Corp., Sybase Inc., Btrieve Technologies Inc., Lotus Development Corp., Compaq Computer Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co. and Unisys Corp., all of which have agreed to support IBM in development of the OS/2 Warp Server SMP feature with their respective products. Industry Support for the OS/2 Warp Server SMP Feature "We have had many strong customer successes with Sybase products on OS/2," said Berl Hartman, Sybase vice president of strategic marketing. "OS/2 Warp Server will provide a strong growth path for these loyal customers with applications requiring SMP class solutions." "At Btrieve Technologies, our developers are specifically architecting Btrieve for OS/2 Warp Server to take advantage of the performance benefits to be offered by OS/2 Warp Server's SMP capabilities," said Kristin Burkland, director of business development. "We support and are working with IBM on optimizing the performance of OS/2 Warp Server SMP using Oracle," said Jerry Baker, senior vice president of Oracle's Product and Platform Technologies. "SMP will be a terrific addition to an already great offering from IBM," said Josh Airall, systems analyst at Cincinnati Bell Information Systems. "I've been extremely pleased with OS/2 Warp Server and I'll be happy to get my hands on the SMP-enablement feature." IBM has long been a leader in the development of SMP technology, which greatly enhances computing performance and increases productivity. IBM currently offers SMP support for OS/2 v. 2.11 as well as AIX*, High Availability Management Clustering Program and SPX. OS/2 Warp Server: The Complete Business Solution Now generally available, OS/2 Warp Server is IBM's business server solution for customers ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. It provides a foundation for application serving and file and print sharing, plus a wealth of integrated features including system management, backup and recovery, remote access, enhanced TCP/IP support, advanced print function and LAN Internet access. * OS/2 and AIX are registered trademarks of IBM Corp. Please Note: Questions about the content or currency of this press release should be directed to your local IBM representative. ======================================================================== February 22, 1996 0396_14 IBM to Acquire Object Technology International Inc. TORONTO, ONTARIO, February 22, 1996 . . . IBM today announced that it will acquire Object Technology International Inc. (OTI), a leading developer of object-oriented software technology. OTI, based in Ottawa, Canada, will become a subsidiary of IBM Canada. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed. As in the past, OTI will continue to involve its alliance partners in its ongoing research and development initiatives. The acquisition of OTI will accelerate IBM's ability to develop and deliver open, advanced object-oriented products and technologies to customers around the world. Object-oriented technology makes the development and delivery of software applications easier, faster and more cost-effective. Using OTI's object-oriented Smalltalk technology, IBM's VisualAge* family of products helps customers reduce their development cycle and improve programmer productivity and quality. Smalltalk and object-oriented technologies are also key for companies who are building network-enabled applications and components. "Timely development and delivery of applications are major concerns of our customers, particularly with the emerging role of distributed applications for the Internet and internal networks," said John M. Thompson, IBM senior vice president and software group executive. "The innovative, cross-platform technologies developed by OTI will play a key role in helping customers leverage their application development resources for competitive advantage. "IBM has been a technology partner with OTI for some time. OTI's Smalltalk technology has been a key component in our award-winning VisualAge products," continued Thompson. "We are delighted to have OTI join the IBM development team." David A. Thomas, president and CEO of OTI, commented, "OTI has had a long-standing and successful business relationship with IBM. IBM's investment in OTI strongly reflects its commitment to making Smalltalk a leading object-oriented technology for application development. Together, we have an opportunity to provide our customers with exciting new technology solutions that will increase their productivity and dramatically improve the quality of their products and applications. OTI is very pleased about the prospect of joining the IBM team." Khalil Barsoum, president and CEO of IBM Canada Ltd., said, "OTI is a proven leader in developing object-oriented technology for a range of environments, including PCs, UNIX** systems and mainframes. Our strengths are complementary and will result in opportunities for new object-oriented solutions for our customers worldwide. We look forward to working with OTI as a member of the IBM Canada team." OTI will operate as a subsidiary of IBM Canada Ltd., reporting to John Swainson, vice president of Application Development Solutions for IBM's Software Solutions Division and director of the IBM Canada Ltd. Laboratory. OTI employs 110 people. OTI's portfolio of software components, tools, technologies and processes enables its alliance partners to develop and deploy innovative, leading-edge object-oriented systems and products. OTI's technology portfolio includes Smalltalk language technology, the ENVY**/Developer component development environment, embedded systems environment, and distributed computing. For Internet users, IBM offers complete information about the company, its products, services and technology on the World Wide Web. The IBM home page is accessible via The fastest and easiest way to get information about IBM software is to go to the IBM software home page at Information on OTI can be found at * Indicates trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. ** Indicates trademark or registered trademark of their respective holders. Please Note: Questions about the content or currency of this press release should be directed to your local IBM representative. ======================================================================== February 21, 1996 0396_15 IBM Announces 1996 Software Tour IBM to Bring Free Educational Seminars to More Than 200 Cities Worldwide SOMERS, N.Y., Feb. 21, 1996 . . . IBM announced today a worldwide software tour designed to update customers and channel partners on IBM's software and service offerings, including Internet solutions and collaborative computing. The 1996 IBM Software Tour will give customers, free of charge, a first-hand look at how they can extend their existing systems with network-centric and workgroup computing applications that are available today, including Lotus Notes*. Beginning this month, IBM will bring to 200 cities a one-day course that will include demonstrations of data management, systems management, transaction management, networking, groupware, and application development, on multiple operating system platforms and the Internet. Sessions will be attended by local members of the IBM Business Enterprise Solutions Team (BESTeam)*. IBM's BESTeam is an award-winning reseller program combining IBM software products, professional certification and training, marketing programs and enhanced technical support. BESTeam membership grew 300 percent worldwide in 1995. "Software buying decisions have become critical to staying competitive and operating profitably," said Mark Elliott, general manager, worldwide software sales, IBM Software Group. "When you are battling your competitors, you want the strength of a state-of-the-industry ally to back you up. IBM helps customers understand the latest directions in software, and links them with local IBM channel partners who have the skills, resources and experience to provide the best solutions available." The 1996 IBM Software Tour will travel to North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Rim. The tour, which begins in February and runs throughout 1996, offers participants demonstrations of the latest IBM business software solutions. For reservations, U.S. participants may call 1-800-766-4344; non-U.S. participants should check with their local IBM representative. For Internet users, IBM offers complete information about the company, its products, services, technology and channel programs on the World Wide Web. The fastest, easiest way to get information about IBM software is to go to the IBM Software home page at The IBM home page is at IBM, the world's largest software provider, creates, develops and manufactures the industry's most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics. * Indicates a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Please Note: Questions about the content or currency of this press release should be directed to your local IBM representative. ======================================================================== February 20, 1996 0396_16 IBM Introduces New Servers, PCs, Software and Services for Network Computing SOMERS, N.Y., Feb. 20, 1996 . . . IBM today announced a broad array of hardware, software and services that will help customers harness the power of the Internet by unleashing the data in their existing information technology. These new systems and packaged offerings span the breadth of IBM's server families -- PC Servers, AS/400*, RS/6000* and System/390* -- as well as products and services from the IBM PC Company and the Internet Division. These offerings include software that can manage PC networks through the Internet itself. "Customers of all sizes are getting connected to the Internet and looking for novel ways to use it," said Nicholas M. Donofrio, senior vice president and group executive, IBM server group. "Now it's time to move beyond the exploratory stage to full, practical realization of its benefits: collaboration and teamwork, global reach and electronic commerce -- along with the security, reliability and availability that customers expect and demand from their current systems." Included in the announcements are: o PCs: New members of the PC 700 line of computers for the network-centric environment. In addition, buyers of new PC 700s will be able to create their own home pages with development tools on the IBM Global Network (IGN) and receive three months of IGN host time at no extra charge. o PC Servers: IBM PC SystemView 4.0*, software that lets LAN administrators manage LAN-connected PCs across the Internet from any PC or workstation with a web browser, including Apple MacIntosh** and UNIX** workstations. IBM also announced three new PC server packaged solutions, customized as web servers, for the OS/2*, Windows NT** and SunSoft Solaris** operating systems. o AS/400*: A new AS/400 Advanced 36* business computer that can run both OS/400 and up to three System/36 operating systems, and new processors for two other systems that meet customers' needs for low-cost, powerful network-centric computing. o RISC System/6000*: In the UNIX environment, which provides the vast majority of Internet servers, RS/6000* announced a new PowerPC-based Model F30 server that can be used in networked or stand-alone configurations to support World Wide Web home pages and other applications. Also announced were a new multimedia solution to deliver multiple audio and video data streams to popular desktop clients over local area networks and internal "Intranets," and support for Windows NT and SunSoft Solaris on selected RS/6000 entry workstation and server configurations. o S/390: OS/390*, a network-ready, open, integrated, large server operating system that can run both MVS* and UNIX applications, and a new package that provides easier access to the Internet and use of essential, enterprise-wide business and corporate data. IBM also announced its intention to port Java** to the S/390 environment. o Software Services: The introduction of IBM infoSage*, an online news and information delivery service via the Internet using unique agent technologies to filter thousands of information sources to pinpoint and deliver an individually- tailored selection of up to 30 stories twice each business day. "The hottest content for the Internet is the content our customers already have on their computing systems. To put that content to work, they have to do more than merely 'get connected'; they have to carefully integrate all of their current in-house capabilities, from IBM, Microsoft**, Netscape**, Apple, Sun** and everyone else," said Irving Wladawsky-Berger, general manager, IBM Internet Division. "Today's announcements are designed to help customers do exactly that." New Members Of IBM PC 700 Line For Network Environment IBM strengthened its PC 700 line of computers with the addition of new models optimized for the network-centric environment. Offering greater collaboration and systems management capability, the new PCs provide customers with solutions that help manage businesses more cost-effectively. The new PC 700 models deliver industry-leading Wake-On-LAN technology, developed with system administrators in mind, that allows network managers to "power on" unattended systems from a completely powered off state anywhere on a LAN. This technology allows remote system updates during "off-hours" without affecting productivity or requiring users to leave systems turned on. These models also are equipped with Intel Proshare** software, which can help cut the costs of remote applications and allow co- workers to collaborate simultaneously over a LAN. To meet the needs of individuals and small and home office users looking for an easy and inexpensive way to begin experimenting with the Internet, IBM is supporting the PC 700 announcements with software tools to develop home pages for the World Wide Web, and will host these pages at no extra charge. This offering also enables IBM business partners to demonstrate a complete solution that can be customized to meet a customer's individual needs. The offering, which expires after 90 days of use, is available immediately in the United States. The access and hosting for these tools is provided by the IBM Global Network, one of the world's largest data and voice networks and Internet providers. IBM Ties PC Servers To Global Networks IBM's PC Server unit unveiled a collection of solutions, services and support that will tie PC Servers to global networks, such as the Internet, and help customers to unlock the full potential of their PC Server systems. Leading those offerings is IBM PC SystemView 4.0 (previously known as NetFinity), systems and network management software that allows LAN administrators to manage their LAN-connected PCs over an Internet connection. Not only does this product provide an incredible opportunity to manage remote locations all over the world using an existing infrastructure, it also allows the administrator to perform management tasks, such as asset management or performance monitoring, on their desktop of choice, from an Apple MacIntosh to a UNIX workstation. IBM also introduced, initially in North America, three Internet PC Server solutions -- software included with a PC Server 320 -- that makes it easy for resellers to customize Internet web servers for customers. The solutions combine three of the most popular combinations of Internet secure servers and network operating systems: IBM Internet Connection Secure Server and IBM OS/2 Warp* Server; Netscape Commerce Server and SunSoft Solaris; Netscape Commerce Server and Microsoft Windows NT Server. IBM Expands AS/400 Advanced Series AS/400 Division announced products that add scalability and power to AS/400 Advanced Series*. The enhancements include the new AS/400 Advanced 36 (model 436), and processor options for AS/400 Advanced Server* (model 40S) and AS/400 Advanced Portable* (model PO3). (In Europe, Advanced Portable is known as Advanced Entry*). Advanced 36 is a business computer that provides users of IBM System/36 computers greater capability to develop an integrated network for their businesses, running both OS/400 and up to three System/36 operating systems. This innovation gives customers System/36 investment protection, while providing increased performance and functionality of AS/400 advanced technologies, such as wireless, multimedia and integrated access to the Internet. New processors for AS/400 Advanced Portable and AS/400 Advanced Server also serve customers' needs for low cost, powerful network-centric computing. In addition, AS/400 Division has expanded its relationship with its network of Business Partners to provide Internet products for AS/400, solidifying its position as a prime Internet server. New RS/6000 Products Enhance Network-Centric Capabilities IBM announced additions to its RISC/System 6000 (RS/6000) line that offer new processor options, centralized management of resources and improved coexistence with current customer environments. These hardware and software enhancements are intended to help customers realize the advantages of emerging network-centric computing. Heading the line-up of the RS/6000 offerings is the new RS/6000 Model F30, the latest addition to the RS/6000 workgroup server family that can be used in networked or stand-alone configurations to support World Wide Web home pages, multi-user applications and databases. With the connectivity to participate in most currently installed UNIX* and PC networks, the F30 is designed to allow for system growth in memory, disk and media devices as its users' computing needs grow with time. In addition, the RS/6000 unit introduced IBM Multimedia Server for AIX, an easy-to-use, easy-to-install product to distribute compressed audio and video data from RS/6000 servers to clients supporting standard Network File System** and TCP/IP protocols. It can be used in combination with World Wide Web software to provide multimedia material across internal, LAN- based "Intranets." In delivering on the promise of open systems, the RS/6000 unit also announced a choice of operating systems on selected models and configurations. IBM Ships Large Server Operating System IBM's System/390 Division announced availability dates for Release 1 and 2 of its new, open, integrated, large server operating system, OS/390. This product can simplify customers' day-to-day operations, save valuable time and resources, and reduce the complexity associated with the installation, testing and integration of their large server software. OS/390 provides customers with a single, pre-tested server system that runs both UNIX and MVS* applications. OS/390 Release 1 will contain OS/390 Internet BonusPak, a package that provides S/390 users with simple and easy access to corporate data via the Internet. This new package will ship without extra charge to OS/390 customers. OS/390 replaces MVS/ESA* and more than 30 other related software products and functions, eliminating the need for the typical "piece parts" approach to large server software. OS/390's integrated Communications Server function lends the type of advanced and flexible connectivity that customers in the world of network computing require. These advanced communications functions provide support for the Internet's specialized network requirements and the massive amounts of data and transactions which ensue. Also announced today are several S/390 statements of intention regarding JAVA**, DB2**, CICS, IMS and MQSeries -- all contributing to S/390's expanding role in network computing. IBM Launches Online News Delivery Service IBM's new Internet Division unveiled IBM infoSage*, an online news and information delivery service that filters thousands of sources to pinpoint and provide industry-specific news and information tailored to individual needs. Using leading-edge topic profiling technologies and drawing from a comprehensive array of content providers, infoSage furnishes up to 30 relevant stories twice a day on topics ranging from news and business information to entertainment and sports. Delivery is made via either the user's personalized World Wide Web page or Internet E-mail. In addition, IBM announced that World Wide Web access to the DB2 family, already available for OS/2 and AIX by downloading from the IBM Software home page, will this year be extended to MVS and AS/400, as well as to Windows NT, Sun Solaris and HP- UX**. With DB2 WWW connection, users can now extend the availability of their corporate data -- from hotel reservation information to stock portfolios -- via the Internet in a very secure manner. IBM's Server Families IBM's four server platforms are designed to work with each other and with the systems of other vendors through adherence to industry standards, as described in IBM's Open Blueprint. Each platform also reflects a relentless drive to maximize the use of common technology, subsystems and software across all IBM platforms. At the same time, the four server platforms retain and build on the individual strengths that have made each of them winners in the marketplace. Those strengths address the different "styles" of computing that IBM customers have said they prefer, which can be summarized as: smart PC networking (PC Server), advanced computing made simple (AS/400), scalable UNIX performance (RS/6000) and large scale robustness (S/390). Today's announcements are backed by a full range of existing services to help customers integrate those offerings with their existing computing systems and leverage the Internet and network- centric computing for competitive business advantage. The services include security "firewall" installation and service; network design and planning; security prevention and response services for commercial customers, and analysis services to assess the vulnerability of computer networks. The IBM Global Network also will provide leased line services connecting IBM servers that are supporting Internet applications. As a result, IBM offers what no company in the industry can offer: a team of servers designed to meet every customer need, regardless of where the customers are on the road to network- centric computing. * Indicates trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. ** Indicates trademark or registered trademark of the respective company. Editors' Note: Specific IBM news releases detailing respective portions of this announcement were distributed today by the following IBM organizations: IBM PC Company, PC Servers, AS/400 Division, RISC System/6000 Division, System/390 Division and Internet Division. IBM news releases are available on the Internet via the IBM Home Page located at Server Group information can be found at The IBM Fax Information Services allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Simply dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX and enter "99" at the voice menu. ======================================================================== February 26, 1996 0396_17 IBM OS/2 Warp Server, Version 4; IBM OS/2 Warp Server Advanced, Version 4; IBM LAN Server for Macintosh, Version 1.01 Offer Complete Server Software Solutions In Brief . . . OS/2 Warp Server is a complete server software solution for all sizes of businesses. Benefits of OS/2 Warp Server and OS/2 Warp Server Advanced include: * Enables concurrent access to files, applications, printers, and modems -- from a single LAN server * Saves time and money by providing all the software you need to introduce network technology to your business * Allows choice of services on your server using flexible, integrated installation process * Uses intuitive GUI to make configuration, administration, and network management easy * Ensures compatibility with new servers added to your network and your existing network hardware and software, including Novell NetWare and Microsoft Windows NT * Allows management of your network -- and almost any system connected to it -- either from the LAN or a remote location * Provides full, secure access to your LAN and all the resources on it from any location * Allows multiple server applications to run on a single machine using OS/2 Warp's proven multitasking capabilities * Provides Internet services with enhanced TCP/IP support * Provides all the server/client software needed to install a 10-user network with FirstStep edition ----------------------------------------- For ordering, contact: Your IBM representative, an IBM Authorized Business Partner, or IBM DIRECT at 800-IBM-CALL Reference: YE010 ---------------------------------------- Whether you are adding a new server to an existing network or stepping into the world of client/server computing, IBM has a complete server software solution for virtually any business application. OS/2(R) Warp Server or OS/2 Warp Server Advanced is a complete network operating system with the functions and features you need for an advanced application server platform. It's a perfect fit for small- and medium-sized businesses, departmental workgroups, or large corporations and institutions. OS/2 Warp Server works with just about every server and client on the market. Your investment in existing hardware and software is secure. It will work transparently with other servers, including those running Novell NetWare, Microsoft Windows+ NT, or IBM AIX(R). Native TCP/IP support lets you make it a key part of your Internet solution. OS/2 Warp Server provides a powerful application server foundation with integrated file and print sharing, sophisticated yet easy-to-use systems management, backup and recovery, remote connection, advanced printing, LAN Internet access, and an easy-to-use and infinitely customizable GUI. OS/2 Warp Server helps you increase overall productivity by putting all the resources you need -- files, printers, peripherals, and applications -- right at your fingertips. Its remote connection services give you full, secure access to the LAN from home or the road. Its advanced printing services give you access to virtually any type of printer, including PostScript and non-PostScript printers, as well as high-speed host printers. OS/2 Warp Server Advanced includes additional productivity features: HPFS386, fault tolerance, and enhanced Pentium optimization. Once installed, OS/2 Warp Server provides unparalleled systems-management control. Administrators can get detailed information about any system on the network. They can use OS/2 Warp Server to track the performance of networked systems. And if users are having problems with their systems, OS/2 Warp Server will even allow your administrator to look directly at their users' screens and operate their systems -- all without leaving the help desk. It's the fastest way to get your employees back to work. Also, announced is LAN Server for Macintosh, Version 1.01, a complementary product to OS/2 Warp Server. While maintaining the functionality contained in Version 1, enhancements have been made to installation, configuration, and reliability. Planned Availability Date: February 27, 1996 (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. + Trademark of Microsoft Corporation * One-Time Charge Other trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. ======================================================================== February 20, 1996 0396_18 New IBM Large Server Operating System to Ship in March Network Computing Simplified Fishkill, New York, February 20 . . . IBM today announced availability dates for Release 1 and 2 of OS/390* -- its new, open, integrated, large server operating system. Release 1 will be generally available on March 29; Release 2 will be made available in September of this year. OS/390 is a network-ready, scalable server operating system -- capable of supporting tens of thousands of transactions per minute, by tens of thousands of users linked together, anywhere, anytime. This announcement continues the recent transformation of IBM's System/390 -- from a proprietary, mainframe-centric computing environment to an open, scalable, network-centric business server. OS/390 serves as the foundation for additional System/390 Internet-related announcements planned for 1996. Open, Network Server OS/390 customers benefit from a single, pre-tested, network-ready operating system that runs both UNIX** and MVS* applications. With OS/390, customers now have a single, simplified source for the planning, installation, integration, application development and management of their system software. OS/390 replaces MVS/ESA* and more than 30 other related software products and functions, eliminating the need for the typical "piece parts" approach to large server software. As a result, processes are integrated and simplified; and complexity is reduced. "OS/390 will provide us with a ready-to-run system," said Dennis Dunlap, manager of MVS/Unix system software, Kemper National Insurance. "The integration and pre-testing of products should save a tremendous amount of time getting the operating system into a production environment. With respect to OS/390's core products, IBM has hit it right on the head." OS/390 provides the latest server functions, integrating the industry's most advanced technologies and services. Open industry standards are supported, as well as client/server and distributed functions, systems management, UNIX* and traditional application and execution environments; Parallel Sysplex*, network computing, object-oriented programming and multimedia. Specifically, OS/390's Base Server contains core functions from MVS, which recently achieved XPG4 Base Profile Brand certification; as well as application-enabling SOMobjects*, DCE, LAN Services and the Communications Server's TCP/IP and VTAM* -- all contributing to the Internet and network-centric capabilities of the overall product. Internet Server Because the Internet involves massive interconnections between enterprises, institutions, customers and individual users, OS/390 and S/390 will play an even more vital role in the future of network computing. IBM also announced today its intention to port Java*** to S/390. This port will enable Java's popular run-time environment to span the IBM server enterprise -- from PC's to S/390's. Currently, IBM's Internet Connection Server for MVS/ESA* is able to serve Java applications for downloading to Java-enabled Web browsers. OS/390 Release 1 will also provide customers with a free copy of the OS/390 Internet BonusPak. This package contains the IBM Internet Connection Server for MVS/ESA product, additional homepage templates, tools and manuals -- for easier access to the information superhighway and use of essential, enterprise-wide business and corporate data. The Internet BonusPak affords customers scalable Internet access and extends their potential business reach beyond current system limitations. OS/390's integrated Communications Server function lends the type of advanced and flexible connectivity that customers in the world of network computing require. These advanced communications functions provide support for the Internet's specialized network requirements and the massive amounts of data and transactions which ensue. Growing customer demand for full solutions in the world of network-centric computing are causing large enterprises to focus on evolutionary access to corporate and financial data -- over a secure, scalable and reliable environment. The initial uses of the Internet, i.e., the serving of basic information, advertising and homepages are beginning to make way for the "new wave" of full-fledged business and commerce transactions. OS/390 Release 2 will offer enhanced security and functionality to existing business applications using industry-standard web browsers. This means that customers will be better able to offer secure business services to their customers over public networks -- via enhancements to S/390 CICS*, MQSeries*, DB2*, and IMS*. Specifically, S/390 Internet support for 1996 includes the following: * An integrated web gateway to CICS/ESA* for S/390, as well as a direct web browser interface to CICS. In addition, IBM intends to produce MQSeries Web Gateway for S/390, which will allow web browsers to pass messages via MQSeries' assured message delivery technology. * The extension of DB2 World Wide Web Connection Version 1 to the S/390 platform. This will simplify World Wide Web access to DB2 on S/390. * An integrated IMS gateway solution for the IBM Internet Connection Server for MVS/ESA. * The Internet Connection Server for MVS/ESA, which will support key security protocols, such as Secure Hypertext and Secure Sockets. This will better provide S/390 customers with the opportunity to offer secure business services to their customers. As customers move beyond the current uses of the Internet, and corporate data, sensitive financial and personal information are unleashed over the Web, the "true commerce" phase of network- centric computing will begin. Customers will look to S/390's proven and increasingly-important security, reliability and scalability to accommodate these network-enabled applications. S/390 is already gearing up for this industry-wide challenge. Business Efficiencies By pre-testing and integrating the more than 30 individual OS/390 base elements into one product, IBM has helped reduce the complexity often associated with software installation and implementation. Consequently, customers benefit from the reduction and/or redeployment of resources, resulting in better business advantages for all. This System Integration Testing ensures that OS/390's base elements and optional functions work together in a full, network-centric, production environment -- which involves a variety of distributed systems software, file systems, database managers, as well as vendor-supplied and internally-developed applications. "OS/390 is 'proof positive' that IBM is listening to and acting upon SHARE members' needs," said Anne Caluori, president, SHARE. "OS/390's integration of products into a pre-tested, pre-validated baseline is immensely attractive. OS/390 offers a powerful suite of systems management tools and answers customers' demand for open interfaces and client/server computing." Investment Protection For all S/390 customers, the software acquisition cost of OS/390 will be below the sum of the most current versions of the integrated base elements. Yet, customers will see the value of OS/390 go beyond acquisition costs; it impacts customers' total cost of computing as well. Two customers recently estimated that OS/390 will provide them with an estimated 40 to 60-day reduction in their planning and ordering time. Another customer estimated up to as much as a 60% reduction in their installation time, compared to their current activities. These reductions are critical to customers' day-to-day business operations and contribute to the overall total cost of computing benefits of OS/390. The impact on customers regarding software acquisition costs is dependent upon several factors, including whether customers are "current" on all versions of software; whether they have exploited new technologies; whether they have only minimal product "stacks"; what group pricing levels they are on, etc. Because every customer situation differs, OS/390 acquisition costs -- which are only a small part of customers' total cost of computing -- will vary. OS/390 is attractive to customers for easier, integrated, in-house application development, as well as to software solution developers because it gives them a common baseline from which to develop cost-effective, industry-wide applications for S/390. "We are very excited about OS/390", said R. Clay Stephenson, director of marketing, Healthcare Division, Alltel Information Services, Inc, a S/390 Partner in Development. "We see it as a major step in reducing the complexity of installation -- and positioning S/390 as the enterprise server for open, multi-platform, client/server environments." OS/390 will be Year 2000-compliant. This ensures that OS/390 will protect customers' existing business investments -- and better prepare them for the future. S/390 is part of IBM's Server Group. This group works with other IBM organizations to help customers minimize product integration skills and deliver products that work with other leading vendor offerings. IBM's approach to this open, distributed computing is the Open Blueprint. It consists of industry standards which assure that businesses can build, run and manage applications in a multivendor, network-centric world. * Indicates trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. ** UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. *** Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ======================================================================== February 15, 1996 0396_19 Apple's QuickTime Multimedia Technology to Support IBM's OS/2 Warp Apple Technology Allows Multi-Platform Compatibility CUPERTINO, California--February 15, 1996--As part of its commitment to promoting multi-platform standards in the computer industry, Apple today announced plans to make QuickTime technology available on OS/2 Warp from IBM. QuickTime is a multi-platform standard used by content creators and software tool vendors to store and play synchronized graphics, sound, video, text, and music in multimedia applications. "Today's announcement reinforces Apple's commitment to leverage its leading-edge technologies into compelling and open standards," said Satjiv Chahil, senior vice president and general manager of Apple's entertainment and new media division. "Our agreement with IBM will accelerate the growth and market value of the multimedia authoring and playback industry." This agreement will make it easier for developers to create multimedia applications for OS/2, and will enable developers to create OS/2 Warp versions of multimedia titles that were originally created to run on Macintosh and Windows. Desktop users, multimedia applications developers, multimedia content providers, and OpenDoc multimedia parts developers will all benefit from the expanded availability of QuickTime. " QuickTime is the defacto multimedia standard for delivering digital video, multimedia-based content and CD-ROM titles on personal computers and the Internet," said Kai-Fu Lee, vice president of Apple's interactive media group. "Today's announcement gives multimedia developers access to yet another QuickTime-compatible operating system." "The introduction of QuickTime for OS/2 Warp will expand the number of multimedia titles available for OS/2 Warp customers," said Jim Gant, IBM vice president, Solution Developer Operations. "QuickTime makes it easier for developers to create multimedia applications for OS/2 that leverage its unmatched preemptive multitasking and high-performance multimedia support." Bud Colligan, president and CEO of Macromedia, Inc. added, "We are excited to see QuickTime being provided for OS/2 Warp. We have numerous application developers using Macromedia Director who are excited to see QuickTime support in OS/2 Warp. These developers are eagerly anticipating the cross-platform benefits that will be provided by QuickTime and Macromedia Director Player for OS/2 Warp." "As a multimedia developer, I utilize QuickTime and AVI files in most of the products I produce," said Razzaq A. Lodhia, president and CEO of Videomation Interactive, Inc. "My business will be enhanced by being able to offer projects on OS/2 Warp. I also believe those organizations solely utilizing the OS/2 operating system will profit by being able to successfully access video files." QuickTime for OS/2 enhances the multimedia multi-platform advantages of OpenDoc . OpenDoc QuickTime multimedia parts and documents can be developed for and exchanged between the various OpenDoc environments. What this means is that like OpenDoc, QuickTime will now run on multiple platforms including the Mac OS , OS/2 Warp and Windows. Developers can create the same product, using the same technology (OpenDoc and QuickTime) to develop products that run on Windows, OS/2 and Mac OS. This is a big win for the developer--only two APIs to learn vs many. The end user is also a big winner; same product features/behavior on multiple platforms. QuickTime for OS/2 is expected to be available in early 1997. Pricing and support information will be announced at a later date. About IBM's OS/2 Warp OS/2 Warp is the third generation of IBM's award-winning, 32-bit operating system. It features impressive usability features, slimmed-down system requirements and comes with a BonusPak of more than a dozen exploitive OS/2 applications, including easy access to the Internet and CompuServe. OS/2 Warp Connect, IBM's one-box solution of integrated networking capabilities, began shipping in May of 1995. More than 6 million copies of OS/2 Warp have been sold since it was launched, bringing the overall OS/2 installed base to over 12 million users. About Apple Computer, Inc. Apple Computer, Inc., a recognized innovator in the information industry and leader in multimedia technologies, creates powerful solutions based on easy-to-use personal computers, servers, peripherals, software, online services, and personal digital assistants. Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) develops, manufactures, licenses and markets products, technologies and services for the business, education, consumer, entertainment, scientific & engineering and government customers in over 140 countries. ======================================================================== Solution Developer Program News ------------------------------- March 26, 1996 0396_20 IBM DataPropagator Relational Version 1.2.1 Extends Support to DB2 Version 4 In Brief . . . IBM's Data Replication solution supports data replication across heterogeneous data models and multi-vendor environments. DataPropagator Relational, a component of IBM's Data Replication solution, has been updated to: -Reliably propagate shared data from the DB2 Version 4 shared environment -Defer data capturing to off-peak times with support for retrieval from the DB2 Version 4 archive log -Save disk space and propagate with new support for replicating DB2 Version 4 compressed tables -Allow you control over your target tables with additional options in the enhanced GUI IBM's Data Replication Solution: Besides DataPropagator Relational, these components interoperate to deliver robust, versatile replication among heterogeneous data models and environments: -DataPropagator NonRelational -DataRefresher -DataHub -DataJoiner IBM's Data Replication solution helps businesses reengineer their business processes, improve decision making, and increase system availability by providing robust, versatile replication support across heterogeneous data models and multi-vendor environments. DataPropagator(TM) Relational Version 1 Release 2 Modification 1, a component of IBM's Data Replication solution, provides powerful enhancements built on DB2(R) for MVS/ESA(TM) Version 4 and improves product usability with an enhanced GUI that recognizes user-created target tables. DataPropagator Relational Version 1.2.1 supports the DB2 Version 4 data sharing environment. With data sharing, DB2 logging is split across multiple log data sets residing on different systems. DataPropagator Relational Capture for MVS(R) exploits the new merged log Instrumentation Facility Interface (IFI) to reliably propagate shared data in any S/390(R) Parallel Sysplex environment. DataPropagator Relational Capture for MVS also supports reading data from the DB2 Version 4 archive log, providing you with more scheduling options when capturing data; for example, you can now defer capturing data from a DB2 Version 4 source to off-peak periods. Also, DataPropagator Relational now captures and propagates data from the compressed tables in DB2 Version 4. This allows you to expand your use of the compressed tables to gain additional disk savings. Acting on customer suggestions, IBM has added new GUI functions that give you control over your target tables. These functions give you the option to build your own target tables if you choose not to utilize DataPropagator Relational's automatic table-building function. In addition, you can specify whether or not to drop a target table while cancelling a subscription. DataPropagator Relational Version 1.2.1 continues to fully support DB2/MVS Version 2.3 and DB2/MVS Version 3.1 as did DataPropagator Relational Version 1.2.0. For more information about DataPropagator Relational, DataPropagator NonRelational, DataRefresher(TM), DataHub(R), and DataJoiner(TM), all components of the Data Replication solution, refer to Software Announcements 294-323 (dated 5-24-94), 294-592 (9-27-94), 294-822 (12-20-94), 295-338 (7-5-95), 295-341 (7-5-95), 295-340 (7-5-95), and 295-395 (9-19-95). Planned Availability Date: March 29, 1996 (TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. ======================================================================== March 26, 1996 0396_21 Application Integration Feature of FlowMark for MVS/ESA General Availability In Brief . . . The Application Integration Feature redefines and enhances the role of S/390 in efficiently implementing your business strategies: -Integrates applications across platforms and enterprises -Re-uses existing MVS programs in new business applications spanning multiple platforms -Simplifies use of MVS applications in re-engineered processes -Integrates MVS and Lotus Notes environments -Interoperates with FlowMark for OS/2 and AIX -Supports rapid growth and business transformation -Facilitates low-risk migration to new computing environments -Simplifies message-driven application development using MQSeries for MVS/ESA -Brings the strengths of MVS and the S/390 platform to enterprise-wide workflow -Establishes S/390 as a key participant in network-centric computing The Application Integration Feature (AIF) of IBM FlowMark(TM) for MVS/ESA(TM) redefines and enhances the role of S/390(R) in efficiently implementing your business strategies. With AIF, you can: -Integrate applications across platforms and enterprises -Use existing MVS(R) programs in new business applications that span multiple platforms -Respond quickly to changes in business processes and technologies -Establish S/390 as a key participant in network-centric computing AIF interoperates with MQSeries(TM) link for Lotus Notes to create a bridge for sharing information between Lotus Notes and MVS environments. Lotus Notes users can access MVS data or applications, or use AIF to execute complex requests on MVS. MVS applications can also initiate exchanges with Lotus Notes. AIF linkages with FlowMark for OS/2(R) and FlowMark for AIX(R) extend workflow capabilities to include core business applications running on S/390. With AIF, you can re-use MVS applications and data in FlowMark processes, and initiate FlowMark processing from MVS. AIF's powerful hub and spoke approach to integrating applications reduces complexity, and better positions you to quickly change your business processes and take advantage of new technologies. Acting as the hub, AIF executes business requests on behalf of clients, invoking the necessary back-end applications, and returning results in a single reply. The spokes are the client and server applications linked to AIF. Connecting an application to AIF's hub and spoke network gives you easier access to all the other functions and data previously linked. You can use existing and new programs and technologies in the same business applications. By simply adding or modifying spokes or hub processes, you can evolve your information systems while protecting current and future investments. Building on MQSeries for MVS/ESA, AIF provides an environment and services for developing the message-driven applications it uses to control business request processing. AIF enhances the use of MQSeries by providing facilities that make it easier to send and receive MQ messages, establish recovery in queuing environments, control workload balancing, and develop message-driven applications. IBM provides an integrated solution to help in planning, installation and customization, skills transfer, prototype development, and script and agent development. For complete product information, see Software Announcement 295-245, dated June 12, 1995. Planned Availability Date: March 29, 1996 (TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Other trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. ======================================================================== March 26, 1996 0396_22 IBM Makes Getting Connected Easier: Download Internet Connection Servers for AIX, OS/2 Warp and Windows NT at No Cost New York, March 25, 1996 . . . Continuing to demonstrate its commitment to networked computing, and to help businesses and individuals establish a presence on the Internet, IBM today announced that it will make the IBM Internet Connection* Servers Version 4 for AIX* and OS/2 Warp* available at no cost immediately. IBM also announced a Windows NT** version as the latest addition to its IBM Internet Connection Servers. It will become available at no cost on March 29, 1996. To access the free software, simply visit the IBM Internet Connection Server site at, register, and download the servers. Leveraging IBM's proven expertise in developing Internet solutions, the Internet Connection Servers provide the necessary features to get Web pages on the Internet, including: - tools and templates for building home pages using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML); - CICS* and DB2* Web gateways for AIX and OS/2 Warp; - quick and easy installation and easy-to-use configuration tools; - the ability to handle server requests from a Web browser (client); - application interfaces using a Common Gateway Interface (CGI); and, - provides Proxy support and Proxy caching. The servers are provided 'as is' without support or program services. Users who prefer a complete support and service package may order it for a fee. IBM offers hardware, software, consulting and services to help customers take advantage of the potential of the Internet and the benefits of networked computing. Whether addressing an individual need or creating a total enterprise solution, IBM provides the expertise required to plan, design, implement and operate an Internet solution. * Indicates trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machine Corporation. ** Indicates trademark of the respective company. The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Simply dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX and enter "99" at the voice menu. Please Note: Questions about the content or currency of this press release should be directed to your local IBM representative. ======================================================================== March 25, 1996 0396_23 IBM Introduces Family of Six MPEG-2 Encoder and Decoder Chips FISHKILL, N.Y., March 25, 1996 . . . IBM today announced six chips, including three MPEG-2 encoder chips and three MPEG-2 decoder chips, to deliver sophisticated digital video and audio functions for the broadcasting, consumer electronics and communications industries. The chips also support network-centric computing applications, enabling large amounts of digital video and audio to be transmitted and received via satellite or computer networks. They will appear in products made by manufacturers designing the latest MPEG-2 digital video and audio equipment for professional broadcasters and movie makers, as well as multimedia PCs and workstations, and digital set-top boxes. (MPEG refers to the Moving Pictures Experts Group, the industry group that has devised the primary standards for digital video and audio.) "IBM's three-chip encoder set offers the industry's fewest number of chips to deliver broadcast-quality MPEG-2 encoding at breakthrough prices," said Nick King, general manager of communications, input/output and storage products for IBM Microelectronics. "Fewer chips cut down on the expense for manufacturers in building their products." Some of the customers committed to IBM's MPEG-2 products include: MPR Teltech Ltd. of Burnaby, British Columbia; Tektronix, Inc. of Beaverton, Ore.; The 3DO Company, of Redwood City, Cal.; Sonic Solutions of Novato, Cal.; Vela Research, Inc. of St. Petersburg, Fla.; Wired Incorporated, of Mountain View, Cal.; and the IBM PC Company. Three of the six chips offer full-function MPEG-2 encoding, or compression, to solve requirements for economical storage and transmission of digital video data. The other three are single-chip MPEG-2 decoders, including a video-only decoder, and two audio/video decoders. Encoder Chips The new encoder chip set provides real-time, full-function MPEG-2 encoding, or compression, and operates in several combinations, of one, two or three chips working together. Potential uses include products to help: --Hollywood movie makers to design special effects; --cable companies to insert local advertising in national broadcasts; --professional video producers to create digital video segments for television; --"desktop" publishers in small offices or home offices, (called "SOHO" users) to develop computer-generated digital video material; and, --video conferencing with higher-quality, more life-like digital video images. Decoder Chips At the same time, IBM is also introducing three new single-chip MPEG-2 decoders, including two different chips that each deliver the highest quality of video decompression in a single audio/video chip, and a single-chip, video-only decoder. The MPEG-2 decoder chips can be used in such products as set-top boxes for video on demand, multimedia PCs, or on add-in cards made by manufacturers to upgrade personal computers into more powerful machines. "IBM's ThinkPad 760CD uses the MPEGCD1 video-only MPEG-2 decoder and produces excellent video on its 12-inch display screen," said Frank Zurla, product manager of IBM Microelectronics' MPEG-2 design team. "These three new decoders have the industry's best decompressed digital video quality and are ideal components for such demanding applications as multimedia PCs and set-top boxes." IBM will demonstrate the chips at the National Association of Broadcasters' (NAB) convention in Las Vegas, Nev., from April 14-18, Booth 10338. Pricing and Availability The MPEGSE10, MPEGSE20 and MPEGSE30 encoder chips are available for sampling now, with general availability in June. The price of the three-chip set is $1,500 in quantities of hundreds. The price of the three-chip set in prototype quantities is $2,500. The MPEGCD10 video decoder chip is generally available now and the MPEGCD20 and MPEGCD21 audio/video decoder production level chips will be generally available in October. Audio/video decoder chip samples are currently available. Price per MPEGCD20 decoder chip is approximately $30-$35 in set-top box quantities above 100,000. Complete reference designs that illustrate how IBM's MPEG-2 semiconductors can be used with other industry-standard interface and control components will be made available. IBM Microelectronics is a merchant market supplier that offers an extensive portfolio of products, ranging from semiconductor design and fabrication to complete and fully tested functional assemblies. *IBM Microelectronics is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. All other names or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Readers interested in additional information on IBM Microelectronics' MPEG offerings should call IBM's fax service at 415/855-4121. EDITORS' NOTE: IBM news releases are available on the Internet, via the IBM Home Page at IBM Microelectronics' Home Page is located at and the URL address for MPEG products is Pricing is current as of March 25, 1996 and is subject to change without notice. Please Note: Questions about the content or currency of this press release should be directed to your local IBM representative. ======================================================================== March 20, 1996 0396_24 AT&T Outlines Plans To Integrate Upcoming Lotus Notes Server With AT&T Internet Services BASKING RIDGE, N.J.-- March 20, 1996--AT&T today announced plans to integrate the forthcoming Lotus Notes Release 4.2 Server with ATC Internet-based service offerings. The new Notes Server, to be available in the third quarter of 1996, will be used by AT&T for collaboration services and Web-based applications such as electronic commerce, marketing, and publishing. AT&T, IBM and Lotus will continue joint efforts to optimize Notes-based platforms to meet the unique needs of AT&T and other public network carriers. AT&T also announced that it would accelerate its worldwide deployment of Notes in its internal management system. IBM expects Lotus Notes Release 4.2 Server software will directly and natively support key World Wide Web protocols, such as HTTP, HTML and Java technology, thereby allowing users with either Notes clients or Web browsers to access home pages or electronic commerce applications. This technology will allow all Internet browsers to benefit from the full range of collaborative functionality provided by Lotus Notes. "We recognize there is significant demand for Notes services," said John Petrillo, ATC executive vice president of Strategy and New Service Innovation. "When we announced the discontinuation of the proprietary AT&T Network Notes service last month, we said we would continue to work with Lotus to more tightly integrate Notes with our Internet service offerings. This move is the next step in that plan." This initiative, in conjunction with ATC WorldNet Managed Internet access services, will make it easy for businesses of all sizes to capitalize on the growing popularity of the Internet. "Companies are seeking to leverage the power of the Internet for strategic business applications to gain competitive advantage," said John M. Thompson, IBM senior vice president and Software Group executive. "Notes, with its industry-leading security, messaging, replication, and Internet integration, combined with the services offered by AT&T, will enable corporations to move quickly to deploy strategic Web applications." AT&T, IBM and Lotus also will work together to extend the scalability and performance of Lotus Notes-based platforms to meet the requirements of public networks. First announced at Lotusphere, Lotus Public Networks Release 4 (LNPN R4) provides additional features for public carriers, including clustered and partitioned servers, which allow the carriers to scale and configure their networks to meet the needs of their customers. LNPN R4 also provides data collection enhancements to give carriers access to the data necessary to support billing as well as administer their networks. AT&T, IBM and Lotus also will continue to promote the development of large-scale Notes-based applications through their membership in the Multimedia Services Affiliates Forum, a group in which major telecommunications carriers are developing the standards to allow interoperability of such applications throughout the globe. AT&T WorldNet is a service mark of AT&T. Lotus and Lotus Notes are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. Network Notes is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation, licensed to AT&T. All AT&T press releases are available on ATC home page at Please Note: Questions about the content or currency of this press release should be directed to your local IBM representative. ========================================================================== March 19, 1996 0396_25 Rockwell Teams with IBM and Dassault Systemes to Enhance X-33 Developmental Processes DOWNEY, CA., March 19, 1996 ... Rockwell (NYSE:ROK) today announced it is teamed with IBM Corporation and Dassault Systemes, Suresnes, France, on a strategic initiative to apply a seamless design and manufacturing system to Rockwell's bid on NASA's X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator program. The Process Managed Environment (PME) initiative, currently in development at Rockwell's Space Systems Division in Downey, California, improves the company's existing engineering infrastructure, providing a seamless union between product development and manufacturing. A team of IBM, Dassault Systemes and Rockwell engineers is nearing completion of a major test milestone to validate the expanded capabilities. The companies are cooperatively working to extend the use of IBM/Dassault Systemes' widely regarded computer-aided design and manufacturing tool, CATIA, to complex space systems such as the X-33, a subscale precursor to an operational reusable launch vehicle (RLV). Rockwell X-33 Program Director Thad Sandford says that although CATIA is used extensively in the automotive and other industries, aerospace applications -- particularly those involving space systems -- offer unique challenges. "An RLV is a unique system that is a rocket, satellite, reentry vehicle and airplane all wrapped up in one," he said. "Previously, production of a complex system such as the Rockwell-built Space Shuttle orbiters required hundreds of analysis, design and manufacturing computer programs, each with its own language and unique data base. Translating the outputs of one computer program to allow input to another required extensive effort. Since RLV must be designed in half the time of current launch systems, at a fraction of their development and operations costs, new solutions are required." "The CATIA/CADAM environment allows us to have a seamless system in which all these computer tools can now be linked into one common data base, so that they all speak the same language," Sandford said. Philippe Forestier, Dassault Systemes vice president, Americas Market Development, said CATIA offers many benefits to the X-33 program. "With CATIA, design changes will be implemented quickly, all users notified instantly and impacts to other parts immediately identified," he said. "Also, impacts of design changes on producibility are automatically known. An additional benefit is that Rockwell can now build the vehicle digitally in the computer prior to production, avoiding costly hardware design or manufacturing issues. The end result will be a much more efficient design and manufacturing process." "This project is an example of IBM's continued focus on its customers and providing total solutions that meet their needs," said Ray Blonn, IBM client executive for Rockwell. "The ability to package the right skills, software and hardware in a very short period of time was key in responding to Rockwell's requirements." CATIA/CADAM Solutions Version 4 provides unique solutions for integrated product and process development and teamwork optimization. It includes an evolutionary architecture that enables customer growth and leading-edge applications for task optimization. CATIA and CADAM are developed by Dassault Systemes and marketed and supported worldwide by IBM. The solutions are leaders in the CAD/CAM/CAE marketplace with more than 7,000 customers and over 100,000 seats installed. Many of the world's largest manufacturers, including IBM, as well as smaller companies with as few as one or two seats, are gaining competitive advantage and achieving design excellence with these systems. Rockwell is a diversified, high-technology company holding leadership market positions in automation, avionics, semiconductor systems, aerospace, defense electronics and automotive component systems, with annual worldwide sales of $13 billion. ========================================================================== March 14, 1996 0396_26 IBM and SAP to Develop System/390 Database Server for R/3 HANNOVER FAIR, GERMANY, March 14 . . . IBM and SAP AG announced today the start of a joint product development effort for a System/390* database server for SAP Real-time/3** (R/3). Development teams from IBM and SAP are working toward the implementation of a total business management solution for both R/3 and System/390 customers. Product development began after the successful completion of a joint feasibility study, which ported an SAP R/3 application running on RISC System/6000*, with OS/390* and DB2 for MVS/ESA* as a S/390 database server. The resulting customer solution is intended to deliver competitive application price/performance to enterprise customers worldwide. It will combine the strengths of SAP, one of the world's leading providers of client/server business applications, with S/390's proven ability in handling mission critical operations for large numbers of concurrent users. IBM plans to work with SAP and other vendors to extend the S/390 database server for R/3 to support UNIX and WindowsNT*** as application servers. A worldwide customer council will be established to complement joint development efforts and to address market requirements. IBM/SAP Competency Centers are located in 25 countries around the globe. Initially, marketing and technical support for the S/390 SAP R/3 solution will be handled by the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and Walldorf, Germany, competency centers. IBM and SAP will provide information regarding availability, price, support and other specifics within six months. S/390 is one of IBM's four server platforms, and is the leader in providing large scale commercial computing solutions for customers today and in the evolving collaborative, network computing market of tomorrow. S/390 servers offer customers superior open, client/server capabilities, continuous computing reliability, scalability and the overall lowest total cost of operation. S/390 is joining the other IBM server platforms in support of R/3. On a database level, R/3 will run on IBM's DB2 family. Founded in 1972, SAP in Walldorf, Germany, is a leading global provider of client/server business applications solutions. SAP markets two major products, R/2 applications for the mainframe environment, and R/3 applications for open client/server systems. Today, more than 6,000 companies in over 50 countries have chosen SAP client/server and mainframe business applications to manage comprehensive financial, manufacturing, sales and distribution and human resources functions. * Indicates trademark or registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. ** Indicates trademark or registered trademark of SAP AG. *** Indicates trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft ========================================================================== March 14, 1996 0396_27 IBM to Extend the Reach of SAP R/3 Environments Hannover Fair, Germany, March 14, 1996...IBM announced today that it is working to link its *MQSeries messaging software to **SAP R/3. IBM said that the proposed MQSeries link for SAP R/3 would be one of the first products to support the new R/3 enhanced IDOC interface, which is also being announced today by SAP. IBM and SAP have been working together to develop the link, which will extend the interoperability of SAP R/3 client/server environments. IBM's market-leading MQSeries software provides a robust communications layer that makes it simple for applications to interoperate across a network. Available on 20 computer platforms, MQSeries helps customers move into the network-centric world by hiding the complexity of the underlying network. MQSeries is already being used to link Lotus Notes to transaction-based systems. MQSeries provides a trusted, easy-to-use interface to enable applications to reliably exchange business documents based on SAP's IDOC definitions between SAP R/3 and other applications. The availability of MQSeries on all major platforms will enhance the reach of R/3 in terms of application interoperability. Customers will be invited to participate in a beta program, starting in 2Q96, with the MQSeries link for SAP R/3 product planned for shipment in 2H96. This announcement adds to the long list of IBM systems, services and software that support SAP R/3 customers. For example, the Lotus Connection for SAP R/3 product allows R/3 users to use Lotus' desktop and communications applications, including Notes, to analyze, enhance and distribute SAP report data. SAP R/3 is available on IBM's industry-leading servers, the AS/400 Advanced Series, RS/6000 UNIX system and RS/6000 SP parallel platform. IBM's DB2 for AIX database provides a powerful database platform option for SAP customers. As announced today, IBM and SAP are developing a System/390 database server for R/3. IBM's consulting and services teams are experts in helping customers efficiently implement SAP installations for competitive advantage. For Internet users, IBM offers complete information about the company, its products, services and technology in the World Wide Web. The IBM home page is at The fastest, easiest way to get information about IBM Software is to go to the IBM Software home page at IBM, the world's largest software provider, creates, develops and manufactures the industry's most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics. * Indicates trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. ** Indicates trademark or registered trademark of SAP AG. ========================================================================== March 12, 1996 0396_28 IBM Developer Connection Cross-Platform Developer Kits Help You Improve Client/Server Network Expertise In Brief . . . These low-cost, competitive offerings provide software developers with all the product documentation and toolkit documentation they need to learn about IBM's Software Servers and to program for them. As part of these subscription services, subscribers receive: o API-level toolkits for IBM Software Servers and IBM operating systems o Integrated test environments across OS/2, AIX, and Windows NT o Royalty-free sample source code o Pre-release and fix versions of software tools o Complete online documentation for toolkits, software server products, and development products o Four issues of Developer Connection Newsletter o Products specifically for authoring technical documentation and online help The IBM Developer Connection is an annual subscription program that offers software developers the latest programming tools, product updates, product information, and test environments from IBM. New to the IBM Developer Connection family of products are offerings created especially for developing and testing the IBM Software Servers -- the IBM Developer Connection Cross-Platform Developer Kits. With these low-cost, competitive offerings, developers can quickly and easily move into the enterprise business, gaining expertise in client/server networks. Developers who are already experts can extend the life of their existing OS/2(R), AIX(R), and Windows+ NT applications. Included are API-level toolkits for the following IBM Servers: o Communications Server o Database Server o Directory and Security Server o Internet Connection Server o SystemView(R) Server o Transaction Server o Lotus Notes An integrated cross-platform test environment is available for IBM Software Servers for OS/2 and AIX. Within the subscription year, most IBM Software Servers will run on Windows NT. In addition to getting Cross-Platform Developer Kit releases twice a year, subscribers will receive an automatic subscription to the Developer Connection for OS/2 and AIX, ensuring updates of IBM's software tools. Subscribers to the Lotus Notes Cross-Platform Developer Kit will join the Lotus Business Partners Connection Program. Members of the Lotus Business Partners Connection Program receive the Lotus Notes client, SmartSuite software, and quarterly updates to cross-platform toolkit and information collections. Refer to the Description section for a list of announcements about the IBM Software Servers. Planned Availability Date: April 22, 1996 (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. + Trademark of Microsoft Corporation Other trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. ========================================================================== March 5, 1996 0396_29 IBM MQSeries Updates Support for HP-UX Environment to Include Link for Lotus Notes In Brief . . . MQSeries provides an uncomplicated programming interface for computers and networks from multiple vendors and offers a simple, reliable means of building distributed applications. Features of this announcement include: Direct participation in the collaborative processing of Lotus Notes and the Lotus Extended Transaction Model Support for the HP-UX Version 10 operating system Level 2 functional alignment with MQSeries for AIX(R), Version 2.2.1 MQSeries clients now available on the Internet For ordering, contact: Your IBM representative, an IBM Authorized Business Partner, or IBM DIRECT at 800-IBM-CALL Reference: SE010 MQSeries(TM) support for the HP-UX platform now includes the MQSeries link for Lotus Notes. An MQSeries server running on HP-UX can now participate directly in the truly collaborative processing of Lotus Notes and the Lotus Extended Transaction Model. Also included in the MQSeries for HP-UX, Version 2.2.1 modification is support for the HP-UX Version 10 operating system. For customers using the remote interface functions provided by any MQSeries client software, the required MQSeries client code can now be copied from the IBM Transaction Processing SupportPacs on the Internet for use as needed. Also included are the Software Advantage for Workstation part numbers for 1-pack Use-Base Feature (UBF) (terminal authorization), not previously available for selected MQSeries workstation products. IBM's MQSeries software, part of the Open Blueprint(TM), provides commercial messaging and queuing. It protects end users and application programmers from network operational considerations, enabling business applications to intercommunicate in connectionless and complex multivendor and multiprotocol computing environments. It replaces traditional connections between distributed programs with assured delivery of messages between message queue managers -- a technology that ensures communication even when dependent applications are not immediately available or not running simultaneously. IBM is a worldwide leader in delivering message-oriented middleware. Planned Availability Date: March 29, 1996 (TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Other trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. ========================================================================== February 28, 1996 0396_30 Aegis Product Marketing Forum (TM) Spring '96 Tour The Aegis Product Marketing Forum (TM) is a three-day program based on Collaborative Consulting (TM), an interactive mix of instruction, marketing simulations, case studies, and hands-on experience that enables software publishers to learn to succeed in today's ultra-competitive business environment. The Forum deals exclusively with marketing software. Not high-tech. Not hardware. Software. Developed by Aegis in collaboration with IBM, The Forum deals with the realities of the market, not theory. Participants will study every element of successful software marketing. Modules The Forum is broken into the following modules: Positioning, Pricing, Naming, Distribution (the Channel), Packaging and Collaterals, Public Relations and Product Review Programs, Advertising, Sales Promotions, Direct Marketing, Bundling, Electronic Marketing (including marketing on the Internet), and Trade Shows. Highlights Examine software marketing campaigns and learn what's working, what's not, and why. Work through a series of product launch simulations that allow Forum attendees to get hands-on experience with the decisions that successful software marketers make. Participate in mini-clinics where actual software packages, collaterals, and promotions are examined and critiqued for effectiveness. We'll even examine YOUR materials. All Forum sessions are led by software marketing veterans using real-life examples, case studies, class exercises, and mini-clinics. Space is limited to twenty people per Forum. Product Marketing Handbook In addition to invaluable marketing knowledge, Forum attendees also get their own copy of The Product Marketing Handbook, Software Edition, the definitive guide to successful software marketing. A 49.95 USD retail value, each Handbook is accompanied by a disk that contains detailed action-item checklists to help you manage and control every aspect of your product marketing. Forum attendees also receive their own copy of the Forum workbook, which contains the Forum outline, sample collaterals and marketing pieces, a complimentary three-issue subscription to The Resource, Aegis' newsletter focusing on software product marketing, and a copy of one of the Aegis Marketing Strategies Video Series. Dates and Locations: San Jose CA, 15 - 17 April Boston MA, 29 April - 1 May Chicago IL, 15 - 17 May Fees Early birds! Register and prepay by 31 March, and save 300 USD off the normal Forum price of 1495 USD for each attendee. Save an additional 100 USD per attendee when two or more employees from your company register, for a total savings of 400 USD per attendee! More Information For more information or to register, call 1-203-380-8261, fax 1-203-380-8263. By E-Mail: CompuServe: 71333,3472 Internet: ========================================================================== February 20, 1996 0396_31 Availability: IBM OpenEdition DCE Application Support for MVS/ESA Version 1 Release 2 In Brief . . . The IBM OpenEdition DCE Application Support for MVS/ESA Version 1 Release 2 will be available on March 29, 1996. This release exploits OpenEdition DCE on OS/390 and: Reduces administrative workload Strengthens security Supports additional IMS transaction types IBM is pleased to announce the availability of IBM OpenEdition(R) DCE Application Support for MVS/ESA(TM) Version 1 Release 2. With OpenEdition DCE Application Support for MVS/ESA, you can bring legacy data into the open, distributed world. A key member of the OpenEdition DCE Family for MVS(R), OpenEdition DCE Application Support for MVS/ESA now exploits OpenEdition DCE on OS/390 and is enhanced to: (1) reduce administration workload, (2) strengthen security, and (3) provide support for additional IMS(TM) transaction types. The specific enhancements in IBM OpenEdition DCE Application Support for MVS/ESA Version 1 Release 2, as well as other major improvements to the OpenEdition DCE Family for MVS were previously announced on October 31, 1995. See Programming Announcement 295-463 for details. Also see Programming Announcement 296-018, dated February 20, 1996, Availability of OS/390 Version 1 Release 1. Planned Availability Date: March 29, 1996 (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. (TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. ========================================================================== February 20, 1996 0396_32 Solaris 2.5.1 Desktop (PowerPC Edition) Operating System Now Available for IBM RISC System/6000 Model 43P and IBM ThinkPad Power Series 820 and 850 In Brief . . . Solaris Desktop technologies include: o Distributed windowing environment with integrated, high-performance graphics and imaging o Networked deskset applications o Remote administrator's toolset o Heterogeneous network services for: o Data access o Wide-area print sharing o Distributed administration and security o Network connectivity via Internet protocols o Multiuser, multitasking, virtual memory system o A rich set of file systems and supported devices o An API with more than 1,000 commands, 200 libraries, and 5,000 function calls For ordering, contact: Your IBM representative, an IBM Authorized Business Partner, or IBM DIRECT at 800-IBM-CALL Reference: RE010 The Solaris 2.5.1 Desktop (PowerPC(TM) Edition) operating system is now available on the RISC System/6000(R) Model 43P and the ThinkPad(TM) Power Series 820(TM) and Power Series 850(TM) Solaris 2.5.1 provides a wide range of technologies, with a long list of standard features and application program interfaces (APIs). The Solaris 2.5.1 operating system uses many standards-based interfaces for enhanced application portability. Solaris 2.5.1 combines powerful 32-bit processing, common industry networking, a robust development environment, and a three dimensional, multimedia, desktop metaphor. Solaris 2.5.1 uses multitasking and multithreaded capabilities in addition to multimedia and object management facilities to run a wide range of powerful, client/server applications. Planned Availability Date: March 22, 1996 (TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Other trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. ========================================================================== February 20, 1996 0396_33 Windows NT for IBM RISC System/6000 43P, E20, F30, and ThinkPad Power Series In Brief . . . Windows NT design uses the capabilities of the RISC System/6000 43P, E20, F30, and ThinkPad Power Series(TM) to provide: o 32-bit pre-emptive multitasking; integrated desktop o Support for native PowerPC 32-bit applications, and 16-bit DOS and Windows applications o Reduced training time with the familiar Windows GUI o Elements needed for workgroups and networking; easy connection to existing networks and host systems o Security designed to meet U.S. Government C2 security standards For ordering, contact: Your IBM representative, an IBM Authorized Business Partner, or IBM DIRECT at 800-IBM-CALL Reference: RE010 Microsoft Windows+ NT is a 32-bit operating system with built-in networking. The PowerPC(TM) Editions of Windows NT Workstation and Windows NT Server will run on a RISC System/6000(R) 43P (including the IBM Industrial Computer 7586-43P), E20, F30, and ThinkPad(TM) Power Series 820(TM) and Power Series 850(TM) The familiar Windows GUI provides a user-friendly environment for desktop productivity applications. This results in less effort to integrate business critical applications. Windows NT (PowerPC Edition), Workstation and Server, can support 16-bit DOS and Windows applications and powerful native PowerPC 32-bit applications. Windows NT does not require DOS or any other operating system or network software in order to interface on a LAN. All elements needed are included in the standard package. Windows NT advanced functions include networking and workgroup support and security facilities for multiple users of the same system. With its built-in connectivity and scalability, Windows NT (PowerPC Edition) supports today's complex business applications and is designed to extend support to future requirements in hardware and software. Note: RISC System/6000 E20 Servers shipped before March 31, 1996, may require a chargeable hardware upgrade in order to operate Windows NT. Planned Availability Description Date RISC System/6000 43P April 5, 1996 RISC System/6000 E20 and F30 June 28, 1996 ThinkPad Power Series 820 and 850 April 5, 1996 + Trademark of Microsoft Corporation (TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. (R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Other trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. ========================================================================== Calendar of Events 0396_34 ------------------ April New 19960318 Networld+Interop 96 April 1 - 5, Las Vegas, Nevada Networking Systems Technical Conf April 1 - 5, Cannes, France IBM Software Tour 1996 April 2, Buenos Aires, Argentina IBM Software Tour 1996 April 2, Jakarta, Indonesia IBM Software Tour 1996 April 2, New Deli, India IBM Software Tour 1996 April 4, Manila, Philippines Aegis Product Marketing Forum (TM) Spring '96 Tour April 15 - 17, San Jose, CA DB/Expo 96 April 15 - 19, San Francisco, CA Common Spring '96 Conference April 15 - 19, San Francisco, CA OSF DCE User & Developer Conference April 16 - 18, San Jose, CA SUPER! 96 (RISC System/6000 Scalable POWERparallel systems) April 21 - 24, Ames, Iowa IBM Technical Interchange April 22 - 26, Nashville, TN Aegis Product Marketing Forum (TM) Spring '96 Tour April 29 - May 1, Boston, MA Inaugural MQSeries Technical Conf April 29 - May 1, San Francisco, CA 1996 CICS Technical Conference April 29 - May 3, San Francisco, CA May Object World East May 5 -9, Boston, Massachusetts /AIXtra POWER Technical Conference May 12 - 17, Orlando, Florida Aegis Product Marketing Forum (TM) Spring '96 Tour May 15 - 17, Chicago, Illinois SystemView '96 USA May 21 - 24, Atlanta, Georgia June 1996 International DB2 Users Group (IDUG) North America Conference June 2 - 6, Dallas, Texas VM/ESA and VSE/ESA Technical Conf June 3 - 6, Orlando, Florida AS/400 Technical Conference June 9 - 13, Miami Beach, Florida GUIDE's Spring 1996 Conference June 9 - 13, Washington, D.C. Internet Expo, Web World and EMail World June 12 - 14, Chicago, Illinois IBM International Conference on Object Technology June 18 -21, San Francisco, CA Object World UK June 18 - 21, London, England July August Object World West August 18 - 22, San Jose, CA Object World Australia August 27 - 30, Sydney, Australia September AS/400 Technical Conference September 8 - 12, Anaheim, CA SystemView '96 September 9 - 13, La Hulpe, Belgium Data Centers of the '90s Technical Conference September 16 - 19, Dallas, Texas October AS/400 Technical Conference October 1 - 3, Spain (TBA) Internet Expo, Web World and EMail World October 1 - 3, Toronto, Canada Object World Tokyo October 2 - 4, Tokyo, Japan Object World Frankfurt October 9 - 11, Frankfurt, Germany 1996 ColoradOS/2 Conference October 13 - 18, Keystone, CO Data Warehouse Technical Conference October 14 - 16, Miami, Florida DB2 Technical Conference October 14 - 18, Miami, Florida VM/ESA and VSE/ESA Technical Conf October 14 - 18, La Hulpe, Belgium Internet Expo, Web World and EMail World October 15 - 17, Boston, MA 1996 International DB2 Users Group October 21 - 24, Amsterdam, The (IDUG) European Conference Netherlands MVS Expo and Performance Tech Conf October 21 - 25, Washington, D.C. November Transaction & Messaging Congress November 4 - 7, Berlin, Germany 1996 International DB2 Users Group (IDUG) Asia Pacific Conference November 13 - 15, Melbourne, Australia December IMS Technical Conference December 2 - 6, Phoenix, Arizona