IBM Solution Developer Operations SSSS DDDD PPPP N N EEEEE W W SSSS S D D P P NN N E W W S SSS D D PPPP N N N EEEE W W W SSS S D D P N NN E W W W S SSSS DDDD P N N EEEEE WW WW SSSS Solution Developer Program News ======================================================================== 1996 Issue 3 15 February 1996 ======================================================================== +----------+ | Contents | +----------+ The table of contents contains search codes for going directly to items that interest you. Search Codes ----- o SDPnews Monthly Issues Discontinued; News is Now Posted on 96ctata Solution Developer Program Home Page o The IBM Solution Developer Program sdpovu Technical, business, and marketing support. Cross-platform. Two types of membership. The services you requested. Membership registration. More information. -- A Welcome from the Vice President gantmsg -- Grow Your Market Opportunities with the IBM Solution growmkt Developer Program -- IBM Solution Developer Program Specialty Offerings listpid AIX POWER Team Partners in Development. AS/400 Partners in Development. DB2 Partners in Development. Distributed Computing Partners in Development. Flowmark Partners in Development. ImagePlus Partners in Development. MQSeries Partners in Development and CICS Partners in Development. Object Connection Partners in Development. OS/2 Partners in Development. Retail Solutions Partners in Development. S/390 Partners in Development. SystemView Partners in Development. How to enroll in additional specialty offerings. How to update a member profile. -- IBM Solution Developer Program Technical Services techserv White papers. Frequently asked questions. Hints and tips. Education roadmaps. -- IBM Solution Developer Program Business Services busserv Hertz. -- IBM Solution Developer Program Go-to-Market Services mktserv Solutions directories. User groups. o IBM Sold Record Numbers of OS/2 Warp at End of 1995; OS/2 recwarp Sales Now Top 12 Million Worldwide Sales rise expected after Windows 95. Sticking with OS/2 in a business environment. Successes for OS/2 developers. More in store for 1996. IBM news releases. o IBM PSP Announces 1996 Product Development Plans plan1996 1996 focus on X86 products. A million OS/2 Warp licenses shipped in December. Upcoming: Merlin. Also upcoming: OS/2 Warp Server. Successful 1995 for OS/2 Warp family. o IBM's OS/2 Warp Server to Include Features Benefitting mobserv Mobile Users The server operating system of choice. Keeping in synch. Technical troubles on the road? Just "AskPSP". The complete business server solution. IBM information. o New OS/2 Warp Connect Migration Guide on the World Wide Web connmig Overview. Contents. How to obtain. o Guide to Migrating Applications to OS/2 Available on World migrapps Wide Web (Update of news item from 15 January SDPnews.) Purpose. Overview. Chapters and appendices. Your chance to influence the contents. How to access the guide. o IBM's iNet Porting Center inetport Extension to Solution Partnership Center in San Mateo CA. Exploiting RS/6000 and AIX. Industry-leading software tools. Where to find. More information. o SystemView Performance Monitoring Features Offers V1R1 Beta svbeta Program Common interface for performance data. Three kinds of performance monitoring. More information. o Club OpenDoc clubdoc What's new. What we offer. Cool stuff for members. How to join the club. o Solution Developer Roadshow in Europe, Middle East, and emeashow Africa What is the roadshow? Roadshow objectives. Who is invited to attend? Why attend the roadshow? Roadshow presentations. Schedule and venues. More information. o Free Subscriptions to OS/2 Magazine for U.S. Members of submag OS/2 Partners in Development How to obtain the application form. o IBM's Statement of Direction for Internet Telephone sodphone Evolution of research technologies. Consortium of technology developers. Product directions. o Internet Division's General Manager Meets the Press at New gmcafe York's @Cafe Universal connectivity. Four IBM initiatives. o OS/2 Warp Business Software Solutions CD softsol CD contents. Application categories. The 35 applications. Minimum system configuration. Product ordering instructions. How to obtain the CD. o Updated OS/2 Online Library on CD Now Available libonlin More than 550 books. How to order. More information. o IBM Refines Business Partner Strategy: Announces Business bpstrat Partner Charter, Greater Worldwide Emphasis Business Partner Charter. Key elements. Five strategic areas. NETeam. BESTeam. o IBM Developer Programs Welcome: Wizsoft, Inc. softwiz Taking advantage of strong marketing programs. About WizRule. About WizSoft. o IBM and JBA to Collaborate on High-Level, Object-Oriented jbaoode Development Environment Tailor and create solutions easily. About VisualAge for C++. About JBA and IBM's Solution Developer Organization. More information. o IBM Promotes "Just Add OS/2 Warp" on the Internet addjust More aggressive marketing stance. Common Windows 95 problems. Awareness of choice. The OS/2 product family. More information. o Canadian Software Unit Launches Internet Home Page caninter Detailed information pages. More information. o IBM Software Group Gets Positive Press presplus InformationWeek. Dataquest. Ed Yourdon. Aberdeen Group. Decision Resources. Meta analyst. The Tower Group. Gartner Group. o Lotus Launches Notes Release 4 note4rel Installed base doubles in last six months. Vibrant industry growing around Lotus Notes. Notes UNIX servers ready for prime time. 12,000+ Business Partners. Defining the future. About Lotus Notes. About Lotus Development Corp. More information. o Object Technology University Catalog Features 13 New otucat Courses About OTU. More information. o IBM Geographic Interface for OS/2 Provides Access to IBM gisplat GIS Data on OS/2 Platform In brief... Two editions: Developer and user. Description. Product positioning. Hardware requirements. Software requirements. Ordering information and charges. NOTE: This item is 435 lines long. o Software Tour '96 toursoft Agenda. Venues and dates. How to register. o Application Development Conference and Exposition, 6 - 8 appconf March, New York City Three comprehensive tracks. IBM keynote presentation. More information. o CICS and MQSeries Technical Conferences, Starting 29 April, cimqconf San Francisco Conference highlights. Brochures. Registration. o AS/400 Technical Conferences conf400 Conference highlights. Registration and more information. o 1996 MVS Expo and Performance Technical Conference, 21 - 25 expomvs October, Arlington, Virginia Covering MVS Version 5 and OS/390. Conference themes. More information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o Software Vendor Marketing Partnerships Enhances Programs svmpprog National Software Remarketing. Software Vendor Marketing Programs. Marketing Support services. o The Solution Partnership Centers: Access to IBM spcovu Access people and information. Port and test across platforms. Solve technical questions on site. Recruit vendors and partnerships. Access industry-leading IBM solutions. Solution Partnership Center locations. Inquiry form. o IBM Solution Developer Program Worldwide Contacts wwsdo Asia and Pacific region. Europe, Middle East, and Africa. North America. o The Developer Connection Family dconfam What is The Developer Connection? How to join The Developer Connection. Support. o The Developer Connection for AIX dconaix What's new? Where to find content lists. o The Developer Connection for OS/2 dconos2 What's new on Volume 9? The Developer Connection News. Content of The Developer Connection for OS/2, Volume 9. Electronic support. NOTE: This item is 516 lines long. o The Developer Connection Device-Driver Kit (DDK) for OS/2 dconddk Includes The Developer Connection for OS/2. o IBM Product Compatibility Program compprog Compatibility testing opportunity. Resource for making wise purchasing decisions. Value of tested compatibility. Compatibility Program description. Ready for OS/2 Warp and Ready for OS/2 Warp LAN Server. Tested and Approved for OS/2 Warp LAN Systems. Publicity: Where to find compatible product information. Program Q-and-A via fax. More information. o Professional Certification Program from IBM certprof OS/2 and LAN Server roles. Other certification roles. Testing. More information. o Professional Certification Program from IBM: Questions and certqa Answers General program. Test preparation. New OS/2 and LAN Server tests. OS/2 and LAN Server instructor certification. More information. NOTE: This item is 316 lines long. o Connections to IBM Announcement Letters lettconn Internet. IBM Fax Information Service. IBMLink. More information. o 800 Phone Numbers 800nos o Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, Service Marks tmarks +-----------------------+ | Where to Find SDPnews | +-----------------------+ On the World Wide Web --------------------- SDPnews is available on the Internet World Wide Web through the IBM Solution Developer Support home page. The URL for SDPnews is . On E-Mail and Bulletin Board Systems ------------------------------------ The monthly SDPnews files are ZIPped into the file SDPNym.ZIP, where y = last digit of year, and m = issue number represented as alpha (for example, SDPN6B.ZIP is the 1996 second issue). SDPNym.ZIP contains: -- This announcement file, SDPNym.ANN -- The current month's contents list, SDPNym.SMY -- An annual cumulative list of contents, SDPNy.CUM -- The current month's ASCII newsletter, SDPNym.ASC The ZIPped files are posted on several e-mail and BBS systems: o America Online, in the OS/2 forum, in the Newsletters library o AMK HITLINE AG (Switzerland), in the OS/2 mailbox, in file area 7 o CompuServe, in OS2DF2 forum, *DAP library section 14 and in OS2DF1 forum, OPEN FORUM library section 15 o Fidonet, in the OS2 Information file area, FWOS2INFO o GEnie, in OS/2 Software Library 16 o IBM Canada BBS, in file area 35, OS/2 Programming o IBM OS2BBS (TALKLink), in Software library, Newsletters section o IBM Personal Computer Company BBS, in file area 11, OS/2 Programming o Internet, via anonymous ftp from, in directory /ps/products/os2/info/wnewsltr; or via Gopher from, in the OS/2 Information menu o NIFTY-Serve (Japan), in FOS2APP forum, library section 18 o Norloff's OS/2 Shareware BBS (1-703-385-4325 or telnet://, in the OS/2 Periodicals file area o OS2NET (Europe), on all OS2NET bulletin boards in Europe, usually in the DSNEWS download area o PRODIGY, in the OS/2 Club topic's download library, in IBM Files Note: If you cannot find files named sdpn... or dsn... (in lower case), look for files named SDPN... or DSN... (in upper case). Within IBM ---------- Within IBM, 1996 issues, in ASCII format, are in SDPNEWS6 PACKAGE in both the OS2TOOLS catalog and the SDOINFO catalog. 1995 issues are in DSN5 PACKAGE in those catalogs; 1994 issues are in DSN4 PACKAGE in OS2TOOLS only. To obtain SDPNEWS6 PACKAGE, type: TOOLCAT OS2TOOLS GET SDPNEWS6 PACKAGE or TOOLCAT SDOINFO GET SDPNEWS6 PACKAGE To obtain DSN5 PACKAGE, type: TOOLCAT OS2TOOLS GET DSN5 PACKAGE or TOOLCAT SDOINFO GET DSN5 PACKAGE To obtain DSN4 PACKAGE, type: TOOLCAT OS2TOOLS GET DSN4 PACKAGE You can also request the packages by typing: REQUEST SDPNEWS6 FROM V1ENG AT BCRVM1 or REQUEST DSN5 FROM V1ENG AT BCRVM1 or REQUEST DSN4 FROM V1ENG AT BCRVM1 To subscribe to SDPNEWS6 PACKAGE, type TOOLCAT OS2TOOLS SUB SDPNEWS6 PACKAGE or TOOLCAT SDOINFO SUB SDPNEWS6 PACKAGE +-----------------------------------+ | Notice to Readers Outside the USA | +-----------------------------------+ It is possible that the material in this newsletter may contain references to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such products, programming, or services in your country. +------------------------+ | Send Us Your Feedback! | +------------------------+ Your comments about this newsletter are important to us. Please send your feedback to the editor of IBM SDPnews, Mike Engelberg, at: o Internet: o IBMMAIL: USIB33NP o Fax: 1-407-443-3858 o Mail: SDPnews, Internal Zip 5407, IBM Corporation, 1000 N.W. 51st Street, Boca Raton FL 33431, USA ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------+ | SDPnews Monthly Issues Discontinued; News is Now | 96ctata | Posted on Solution Developer Program Home Page | +--------------------------------------------------+ You are reading the final issue of SDPnews in its current form. The IBM Solution Developer Program will now provide its news via the World Wide Web at URL . Many news items published in SDPnews are made available on a more timely basis on our Web page. The Web also lets readers link to related information, and it offers a way to respond interactively to some news items. Please be sure to access the Solution Developer Program's home page regularly for news and for other items of interest. Members of IBM's Solution Developer Program will soon be able to subscribe to a monthly news summary -- check our Web page for further information. Editor's comment: There have been 44 issues of SDPnews, and its predecessor DSNEWS, since May 1993. Every one of them has been enjoyable to produce, and many readers have responded with notes of appreciation. Thank you for the many kind words. It has been a pleasure serving you. Mike Engelberg ======================================================================== +------------------------------------+ | The IBM Solution Developer Program | sdpovu +------------------------------------+ The IBM Solution Developer Program is a worldwide IBM initiative to help commercial solution developers grow their business on IBM software and hardware platforms and technologies. It is designed to simplify access to a wide range of IBM development support programs by providing a single coordinating point for developers with IBM. The IBM Solution Developer Program combines and improves existing development offerings from the various IBM product divisions into one worldwide program. Technical, Business, and Marketing Support ------------------------------------------ The IBM Solution Developer Program provides solution developers with a consistent and reliable set of offerings and information on technical, business, and marketing support services. It capitalizes on the focus of today's specialty offerings, which are called Partners in Development, such as the OS/2 Partners in Development, AS/400 Partners in Development, and Object Connection Partners in Development. Cross-Platform -------------- The IBM Solution Developer Program covers all IBM operating systems (OS/2, AIX, AS/400, and MVS); software products such as DB2, CICS, and NetView; and specific technology areas such as object technology and systems management. The program will be especially useful to commercial software developers who want to build mission-critical, multi-platform, client-server applications. Two Types of Membership ----------------------- There are two types of membership: o Commercial Developer Member (for companies who develop software for the commercial market) o Individual Member (for people registering as individuals). Some of the program content is clearly designed to help companies expand their market opportunity, and will be available only to Commercial Developer Members. As a member, you will find IBM strategy documents, technical insights, and other information that is critical to you and your business if you are to expand into existing and emerging markets. The Services You Requested -------------------------- The IBM Solution Developer Program can provide the services you have requested: o Easier contact and consistent ways to do business with IBM o A complimentary information tier, with access to specialty offerings designed to help you grow your business through successful development on IBM technologies o A worldwide and standardized set of deliverables o A single, universal membership number and password that identifies you as a member across all IBM development platforms o Easy access to information and Solution Developer Program services through the Worldwide Web Membership Registration ----------------------- You can register as either a Commercial Developer Member or an Individual Member by accessing the registration form on the World Wide Web at . More Information ---------------- You can obtain more information about the IBM Solution Developer Program through any of the following methods: o Internet: o Fax: 1-770-835-9444 o Solution Developer Hotline (Worldwide): 1-770-835-9902 o Solution Developer Hotline (US and Canada): 1-800-627-8363 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-----------------------------------+ | A Welcome from the Vice President | gantmsg +-----------------------------------+ Dear Developer, The IBM Solution Developer Program combines IBM's developer activities into one exciting new program to help commercial developers create and market software solutions with the growing family of IBM products. Teaming with IBM through the IBM Solution Developer Program will provide you with opportunities to reach new customers for your products and expand your business into new markets. Our goal is to help you grow your business through successful development on IBM platforms, and to make it easy and efficient for you to do business with IBM. We have streamlined access to information and services. The IBM Solution Developer Program provides a single worldwide program for your business, technical, and marketing needs. The Solution Developer Program consists of a set of free programs and services and a wide variety of selectable specialty programs that are priced according to their individual content. These specialty programs may include additional software and hardware discounts, marketing services, documentation, and technical support. As a member of our developer family, you will receive technical information, news of special promotions, descriptions of various specialty offerings, "how-to" materials, and timely information about IBM's technology strategy and our vision for the future. If you already belong to one of IBM's developer programs, you are automatically a member of this new worldwide program. To register as a new member (individual or company), simply fill out the registration form on our Internet Worldwide Web site at You may contact us through any of the following methods: o Internet: o Fax: 1-770-835-9444 o Solution Developer Hotline (Worldwide): 1-770-835-9902 o Solution Developer Hotline (US and Canada): 1-800-627-8363 We look forward to working together for our mutual benefit and success. Sincerely, James J. Gant Vice President IBM Solution Developer Operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-------------------------------------+ | Grow Your Market Opportunities with | growmkt | the IBM Solution Developer Program | +-------------------------------------+ Solution developers! Expand your business by working with IBM, a partner who is willing and able to give you the help you need. You can choose IBM as your software development partner and experience the advantages that only we can provide to compliment your products. o As the world's largest software company, IBM shares its leading technologies with other solution developers. Working together, IBM and its solution developer partners can provide comprehensive hardware and software solutions to our mutual customers. o IBM leads the industry in its promotion and support of international standards for open architecture. By working with IBM interfaces built on published standards, software developers can maximize continuity and investment protection as technology evolves. o IBM has charted a course to leadership in the next major arena of computer software: Network-Centric Computing. Work with us now to share in that success and help ensure continued market growth for your products. o Expand your market reach! The Solution Developer Program helps you access all IBM hardware/software platforms, and take advantage of IBM middleware that runs on a variety of IBM and non-IBM platforms. You can choose to migrate your application to run on one of our middleware products and immediately increase your market presence to encompass that wide range of supported platforms. o Extend your market range! IBM supports customers in 155 countries on six continents. IBM wants to work with solution developers like you to extend into new markets around the globe. The IBM Solution Developer Program provides extensive support and services in the areas of marketing, technical, and business to its members. Membership allows commercial software developers to share in the growth potential that investing in IBM's technologies affords. Other attractive features of the program include: o Easy access through the World Wide Web to all program services and information o Extensive and knowledgeable technical staff, available to solution developers worldwide o IBM's commitment to help members of the IBM Solution Developer Program to succeed o Participating "specialty" Partners in Development areas, such as the DB2 Partners in Development, that continually improve their offerings and provide information on operating systems and other software products across IBM's platforms. Take advantage of these benefits now by joining the IBM Solution Developer Program. To register, access our Web site at , and fill in and submit the appropriate registration form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +----------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Solution Developer Program Specialty Offerings | listpid +----------------------------------------------------+ The IBM Solution Developer Program provides a framework for many Specialty Offerings (Partners In Development) which cover IBM's major hardware and software platforms. Designed to provide business, technical, and go-to-market services for specific IBM technologies, these programs enable solution developers to select the program that is appropriate to their current business needs. The following information provides IBM Solution Developer Program members with a brief description of the Partners In Development programs available from IBM. AIX POWER Team Partners In Development -------------------------------------- The AIX POWER Team Partners in Development offering is an exciting program developed just for you! The program is tailored to help you, the developer, gain access to the IBM tools that can help build and grow your product in the AIX marketplace. Membership in the AIX POWER Team allows you to take advantage of a variety of programs, which include: o Technical Support o Development o Equipment o Marketing Learn about the many programs and facilities IBM has to offer. Making it easy for you to work with IBM is an important goal of the program. Become a member of the AIX POWER Team and work with IBM to expand your sales and marketing opportunities, take advantage of the technical support and equipment offerings, and keep on the leading edge of new technologies. AS/400 Partners In Development ------------------------------ AS/400 Partners in Development is your access to IBM AS/400 development resources from the AS/400 Division. All IBM Authorized AS/400 Business Partners and independent AS/400 software developers worldwide may participate. In brief, AS/400 Partners in Development offers partner-to-lab synergy, unique on-line developer support, no-charge software licenses, special developer lease options, early release code prior to General Availability (GA), AS/400 demo rental, licensed internal program interfaces, and lab-to-member newsletter. DB2 Partners In Development --------------------------- Worldwide, over 1,000 independent software vendors support IBM DATABASE 2 (DB2), and participate in DB2 Partners in Development. The program is designed to assist professional developers with the production of software that will exploit DB2 and IBM's Distributed Database Connection Service. IBM will provide: o Use of DB2 code and documentation o Hotline technical support and a worldwide electronic forum o Senior staff advocacy for program feedback, and assistance with product offerings, business relationships, and marketing opportunities o Access to IBM marketing programs, such as exhibitions, conferences, and mailings o Inclusion of vendor products in the DB2 Solutions Directory, which is distributed to the IBM field force, customers, business partners, and trade-show attendees DB2, IBM's premier host relational database product, is now available on AIX/6000, OS/2, Hewlett-Packard's HP 9000, and Sun Solaris platforms. Distributed Computing Partners In Development --------------------------------------------- Distributed Computing Partners in Development provides assistance and support for companies developing client/server applications based on the industry-standard Open Software Foundation (OSF) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) technology. IBM's DCE provides the environment and tools to build industrial-strength client/server applications in a heterogeneous environment. The Distributed Computing Partners in Development offering features at no charge: o Development copies of DCE o Technical Education o Toll-free telephone technical support Flowmark Partners In Development -------------------------------- IBM FlowMark is a workflow manager that gives a company control of its business activities -- whatever the nature of the business. Workflow design, tracking, automation, management, documentation, and improvement are important in the emerging science of Business Process Reengineering, but there is potential to integrate FlowMark into many different types of application software. IBM FlowMark is an object-oriented, distributed application that can run standalone or as client/server. Current implementations provide OS/2 and AIX server function, with support for OS/2, AIX, and Windows clients. Multiple servers may share a single database. FlowMark for MVS, now in limited availability, allows integration of MVS applications, and will ultimately provide MVS server support. The FlowMark Partners in Development offering features, at no charge: o Free use of code, documentation, and tools o Technical support via toll-free phone number o Education support o Solution Directory listing of vendor products o Other marketing opportunities as available ImagePlus Partners In Development --------------------------------- ImagePlus Partners in Development is designed to help solution providers integrate IBM ImagePlus products into their product or service offerings. This offering is open to commercial software developers, consultants, and system integrators. The program provides support for both IBM ImagePlus VisualInfo, and for IBM SAA ImagePlus Workfolder Application Facility/400. Membership in the IBM ImagePlus PID allows you to take advantage of a variety of benefits, which include: o Free use of ImagePlus code, documentation and tools o Technical Support - "committed to satisfy" o No charge for membership o Toll-free 800 support o Internet forums / e-mail o Broad skill base with high customer satisfaction o Possible provision of higher-level support if warranted o Vendor advocacy for support of non-technical questions o Participation in complementary IBM Partnership programs o Participation in event marketing of IBM software products o Inclusion of your solution in IBM's on-line Solution Directory MQSeries Partners in Development and CICS Partners in Development ----------------------------------------------------------------- MQSeries and CICS Partners in Development are offered by IBM's Hursley Laboratories. These offerings are open to professional developers, integrators, and remarketers who sell commercial software solutions and/or services, and are free of charge. The following products are supported: o MQSeries on OS/2 o MQSeries for OS/400 o MQSeries on AIX o MQSeries for MVS/ESA o MQSeries for SUNOS o MQSeries for HP o MQSeries for DEC o MQSeries for SUN Solaris o CICS on OS/2 o CICS on AIX o CICS Clients The contents of the offering include: o Software and documentation for development purposes o 800-number technical support in the US and Canada o Worldwide technical support via toll call o Technical support through the CICS and MQSeries forum on CompuServe and the Internet o Product education (most platforms, some at cost) o Program advocate for information on IBM's business directions and strategies o Developer kits and program samples o Automatic subscription to the CICS / MQSeries newsletters (as applicable) o Opportunity to participate in early-code programs o Listing of your product in the CICS / MQSeries Solutions Directory (as applicable) o Notification of the CICS and MQSeries technical conference and other relevant events o Opportunity to become a member of IBM's BESTeam marketing program Object Connection Partners In Development ----------------------------------------- The Object Connection Partners in Development offering is designed to encourage enterprises to go into the business of building software components, specifically VisualAge-enabled software components for sale on the open market. Emerging software business modes for object technology suggest that component software will be the key method for delivering software function in the future. IBM is investing heavily in this area, and is taking a leadership position in this emerging form of software business. Services included in the offering are: o Loaned development licenses for VisualAge o Product Support; interactively on the Internet, TALKlink, CompuServe, phone, and fax o Merchandising assistance via IBM published catalogue OS/2 Partners In Development ---------------------------- The OS/2 Partners in Development offering is open to all OS/2 software developers. It is designed to provide a broad range of services for the growing and increasingly diverse OS/2 development community. Services include OS/2 information and a variety of technical, business and marketing support services. Your eligibility depends on the type of products you are developing. Extensions and customized services will vary based on specific developer needs. Retail Solutions Partners in Development ---------------------------------------- The Retail Solutions Partners in Development offering is open to all retail software developers. Members receive a 50 percent discount on all Store Systems hardware and software for both Point-of-Sale and In-Store Processing. Technical support services are also available through IBMLink, TALKlink, and SupportLine. Configuration assistance is provided free of charge. Members are encouraged to participate in trade shows and technical conferences. S/390 Partners In Development ----------------------------- The S/390 Partners in Development is an exciting offering that provides many advantages across the S/390 platform for qualified solution developers. This offering enhances communication between customers, association members, and IBM, and provides assistance in obtaining the resources necessary to develop and support diverse customer solutions on IBM's S/390 platforms. The offerings available through the S/390 Partners in Development can help members in lowering the cost of developing and marketing solutions for our customers. SystemView Partners In Development ---------------------------------- The SystemView Partners in Development provides its members with an array of features, services, and support across all SystemView disciplines and all operating environments. For example, a member can use the same set of services to develop and market a problem-management product and a performance-management product, both in multiple SystemView environments -- all under the auspices of the SystemView Partners in Development. Open to all third-party solution providers who develop applications, agents, or services of SystemView, the program: o Enables software providers to integrate their management applications with SystemView o Helps customers select the solutions they need by offering integration testing and publishing the integration status of every member's applications o Enables service providers -- such as system integrators, consultants, educators, and remarketers -- to understand SystemView's capabilities and strategy How to Enroll in Additional Specialty Offerings ----------------------------------------------- As an IBM Solution Developer Program member, you can enroll for a Specialty Offering through the IBM Solution Developer Program home page on the World Wide Web at . The simple steps are: o Go to the Solution Developer Program registration page. o Enter your registration number and password. o Click on the "Update Registration" button. Your current membership information will be displayed. o Indicate which additional Specialty Offering you are interested in. o Click on "Send Registration". You will receive all of the necessary information to complete your enrollment. Requirements for enrollment vary by offering. How to Update a Member Profile ------------------------------ If you, as an existing member of the Solution Developer Program, would like to submit changes to the membership information that you previously submitted: o Go to the Solution Developer Program registration page. o Select "update" to change or add information to your existing registration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +---------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Solution Developer Program Technical Services | techserv +---------------------------------------------------+ As an IBM Solution Developer Program member, you will have access to a broad range of technical support information. This information is designed to provide members with IBM strategy documents, technical insights, and other information that is critical to you and your business if you are to expand into existing and emerging markets. White Papers ------------ IBM provides a wide range of information that discusses the benefits of incorporating IBM technologies in customer solutions. Information on technologies from base operating systems through how to exploit objects is available. This information is designed to provide you with insight into exploiting these technologies in the marketplace. These documents are available in the main library of the IBM Solution Developer Program Home Page. Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------- As a member of the Solution Developer Program, you have access to the a subset of the questions asked of our technical staff. Grouped by technologies, these subsets offer IBM Solution Developer Program members a convenient way to quickly review the "hot" questions of the month. Gathered from the technical support programs of the Partners In Development offerings, these FAQ files can help reduce the Solution Developer's technical support costs while improving time to market. Topics covered in these FAQ files include: o OS/2 o AIX o Middleware - DB2, CICS, MQSeries, Communications, etc. o AS/400 o S/390 FAQ files are available in the main library of the IBM Solution Developer Program Home Page. Hints and Tips -------------- As a member of the IBM Solution Developer Program, you will be given access to technology oriented Hints and Tips (HATs). Gathered from the technical support programs of the Partners In Development offerings, these HAT files are designed to provide you with additional information about development on IBM technologies. HATs will be made available on a regular basis, so Solution Developer Program members can keep current on the latest activities within the technology areas. As these files become available, IBM Solution Developer Program members will be able to access them in the main library of the IBM Solution Developer Home Page. Education Roadmaps ------------------ The IBM Solution Developer Program is in the process of developing a comprehensive set of education roadmaps to assist members in creating a set of core competencies within their organization. These roadmaps are designed to develop expertise on operating systems, cross-platform technologies such as objects, and the wide range of middleware available from IBM. As these roadmaps become available, IBM Solution Developer Program members will be able to access them in the developer education section of the IBM Solution Developer Program home page. ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Solution Developer Program Business Services | busserv +--------------------------------------------------+ The IBM Solution Developer Program makes a number of business services available to its members. These services range from general business discounts and no-charge evaluation software, to substantial savings on the purchase of IBM technologies for use in the development of commercial solutions. Hertz ----- Hertz and IBM have been working closely together in providing a special program for Solution Developer Program members. We are happy to be able to provide this discount program to our members, along with complimentary membership to Hertz Number 1 Club Gold Service -- the best, most efficient, overall car-rental service available today. For information on how to sign up for Hertz discounted rates, contact Ms. Christine Heins, Hertz National Accounts, at 1-203-348-9767. Identify yourself as a member of the IBM Solution Developer Program. Hertz will ensure that the best possible rates and benefits are provided to your business, based on which one of the following conditions is determined: o Whether your business has an existing program with Hertz. o Whether your business has a current program that is already more advantageous than that of the Solution Developer Program. o Whether your business has a current program that is not as advantageous as that of the Solution Developer Program. Where such discounts are permitted by law, up to 10 percent discounts on published "basic time and kilometer" rates will apply at participating locations. These discounts may vary according to geographic region. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Solution Developer Program Go-to-Market Services | mktserv +------------------------------------------------------+ Solutions Directories --------------------- Where can you find software solutions? How can you market your products? IBM makes a broad range of solution directories available to Commercial Solution Developers for listing your products. These Internet directories are conveniently organized around industry and product categories, with a search facility to help customers find specific solutions quickly and easily. These directories are an invaluable source of software solutions, and an excellent way for you to market your products to the right audience. A listing of these directories is available on the World Wide Web at URL . User Groups ----------- Contact information is available for a wide range of user groups that focus on IBM technologies. This network of organizations is a valuable source of business, technical, and marketing information that can help you leverage technologies in your own business. With frequent meetings and discussion groups, these organizations can help members obtain information on changes in the fast-moving information technology industry. User Group information for a particular IBM platform can be found on the Partners in Development World Wide Web page associated with that platform. For a listing of the Partners in Development pages, refer to URL . ======================================================================== +------------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Sold Record Numbers of OS/2 Warp at End of 1995; | recwarp | OS/2 Sales Now Top 12 Million Worldwide | +------------------------------------------------------+ IBM announces record sales figures for OS/2 Warp, with one million licenses sold in December, escalating the total number of OS/2 Warp licenses to six million and overall OS/2 purchases to more than 12 million. Sales Rise Expected After Windows 95 ------------------------------------ "We expected OS/2 Warp sales to rise after customers had a chance to try out Windows 95," said Wally Casey, director of marketing and brand management for IBM Personal Software Products. "December brought us proof of this when our sales reached an all-time high, capping what we believe was a very successful year for the OS/2 Warp family of products." Sticking with OS/2 in a Business Environment -------------------------------------------- "After evaluating Windows 95, I'm not surprised that OS/2 sales are up," said Greg Bell, information systems supervisor at the Kentucky Department of Property Taxation. "OS/2 Warp delivers superior multitasking, is relatively easy to use, and rarely crashes. I certainly wouldn't bet my business on Windows 95. It is only marginally better than Windows 3.11. In a business environment, I'm staying away from Windows 95 and sticking with OS/2." Successes for OS/2 Developers ----------------------------- Success of OS/2-compatible applications rose with sales of the operating system. OS/2 developers like SPG Inc., WitchDesk Inc., PowerQuest, and Computer Data Strategies all experienced strong sales in the fourth quarter of 1995. And Stardock Systems' OS/2-based Galactic Civilizations was voted Best Game of 1995 on the Internet PC Games Charts, a site on the Internet where computer game players vote weekly on their favorite PC games. "We just completed our largest quarter ever," said Brent Bowlby, president of Woodbury, Minnesota-based Computer Data Strategies, Inc., which manufactures BackAgain/2 backup and recovery software. "OS/2 provides an open market for small companies, such as CDS, to begin their path to success. Combining this technically sophisticated operating system with a growing user base and a growing demand for native OS/2 solutions spells success for those developers developing in this market." "We began shipping PartitionMagic in March '95, and within six months we were running a profitable business," said Eric J. Ruff, president of PowerQuest, an Orem, Utah-based company which develops a utility that allows OS/2 users to dynamically create, shrink, expand, and move partitions on the fly without destroying data. "At the start of the fourth quarter, sales were up 20 percent. In November we introduced Version 2.0, and sales tripled. And in December, sales for OS/2 products were again higher than anticipated." More in Store for 1996 ---------------------- IBM will capitalize on a successful 1995 by connecting computer users to each other and the future with a comprehensive offering of OS/2-based products in 1996. The industry-acclaimed OS/2 Warp Server will simplify distributed computing for businesses and workgroups of all sizes when it ships this quarter. And the next generation of OS/2 Warp, code-named Merlin, will launch users further into the network-centric world of computing with market-leading plans for networking and Internet capabilities, an enhanced user interface, and improved OpenDoc support. IBM News Releases ----------------- IBM news releases are available on the Internet, via the IBM home page at . The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX (1-800-426-4329) and enter 99 at the voice menu. ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------+ | IBM PSP Announces 1996 Product Development Plans | plan1996 +--------------------------------------------------+ In remarks to PSP employees on 21 January, John W. Thompson, General Manager, IBM Personal Software Products Division, outlined an extensive product development strategy for enhancing and broadening the OS/2 Warp family of client and server software. He also announced that for the rest of 1996, PSP will focus all of its marketing and development on X86-based products. 1996 Focus on X86 Products -------------------------- With the January delivery of the PowerPC edition of OS/2 Warp, which is available to customers through their IBM sales representatives, PSP will focus resources on X86 products, to maximize sales volumes and leverage OS/2's momentum. There are no plans for additional versions of OS/2 for the PowerPC in 1996. "This year, we will focus on areas where we believe we can achieve success and grow our business," said Thompson. "We are improving our development efficiency with the consolidation of the Boca lab with the Austin lab, and we are going to focus like laser beams on delivering the best solutions for our customers on a single platform." A Million OS/2 Warp Licenses Shipped in December ------------------------------------------------ In December, IBM shipped a record one million licenses of OS/2 Warp, raising the number of copies sold since launch to six million, and increasing the overall installed base of OS/2 to 12.7 million customers. Upcoming: Merlin ---------------- To continue this momentum, IBM will ship in the second half of 1996 the next version of the OS/2 Warp client, code-named Merlin. With improved Internet access and networking capabilities, Merlin is targeted at the connected desktop user, bringing OS/2 into the age of network-centric computing. Merlin will also include OpenDoc support, exciting enhancements to the user interface, improved multimedia and game capabilities, and enhanced plug-and-play features. Also Upcoming: OS/2 Warp Server ------------------------------- On the server side is OS/2 Warp Server, the most complete server solution for customers ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. Currently in the hands of 40,000 beta-testers, and set to ship this quarter, OS/2 Warp Server includes integrated file and print sharing, application serving, systems management, backup and recovery, remote access, and advanced printing capabilities. When combined with IBM's Directory and Security Server (DSS) product, also in beta, Warp Server will offer customers a solution that neither Microsoft nor Novell can match -- Microsoft Windows NT Server does not have a directory product, and Novell's NetWare 4.0 lacks application-serving capabilities. Successful 1995 for OS/2 Warp Family ------------------------------------ "Last year proved to be a very successful one for the OS/2 Warp family, and we capped it off with a record month for OS/2 sales," said Thompson. "We are even more excited by our prospects for 1996, and are anxious to build up on last year's success." ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------+ | IBM's OS/2 Warp Server to Include | mobserv | Features Benefitting Mobile Users | +-----------------------------------+ IBM's OS/2 Warp Server operating system, currently in final testing, will include new features to make life much easier for users who spend a lot of time out of the office: o Mobile File Synchronization, which updates server files with changes made to client files during remote use, and o AskPSP, an on-line technical support tool that OS/2 clients can access remotely. The Server Operating System of Choice ------------------------------------- "More and more people today are picking up their laptops, disconnecting from the server, and working at home or from a hotel room," said Art Olbert, director of product management, IBM Personal Software Products. "Both of these new features, along with OS/2 Warp Server's excellent remote access capabilities, address the needs of this growing set of users, and add to the list of reasons why OS/2 Warp Server will be the server operating system of choice." Keeping in Synch ---------------- The remote access features in OS/2 Warp Server allow users to remotely log onto the network, upload and download data, and print documents to other facilities. Mobile File Synch builds upon these features by synchronizing client and server files when a mobile user reconnects to the server. When a user on an OS/2 client machine is connected to the server and performing normal tasks, the Mobile File Synch program stores all of the accessed files and directories to that client machine. This provides users with access to those same files and directories, even when physically disconnected from the server, and allows them to read, update, or delete the existing files and directories, or even to create new ones. The user can remain disconnected from the server for any length of time and, when reconnected, Mobile File Synch detects any conflict between the client and server files and automatically duplicates to the server any tasks performed at the client. Likewise, the client user is notified of any changes made on the server, and is given the option to have the client files updated to reflect those changes. This ensures that users are always working with the most current data. Technical Troubles on the Road? Just 'AskPSP' --------------------------------------------- AskPSP is an on-line system tool used to address technical issues with OS/2 Warp, Warp Connect, Warp Server, and LAN Server. Now that AskPSP is a part of Warp Server, mobile OS/2 clients can get technical support on the road simply by accessing AskPSP when they remotely log onto the server. This eliminates the task of tracking down a technical support person, and provides users with their own personal help desk, no matter where they are. With AskPSP, the user can choose among several databases, called "casebases," to quickly find solutions to common technical problems. The casebases are created directly from calls coming into IBM technical support centers, so they are always up-to-date. The addition of AskPSP to OS/2 Warp Server will also allow system administrators to quickly and easily obtain answers to questions concerning their OS/2 clients. For example, if an OS/2 client is having trouble printing, the system administrator would simply access the AskPSP program and type in the nature of the problem in plain English. AskPSP picks up the descriptors (key words) in the request, performs a search, and comes up with a set of answers ranked in order of appropriateness. If necessary, the program will also ask a series of questions to further narrow down the list of possible solutions to the problem. The Complete Business Server Solution ------------------------------------- OS/2 Warp Server is IBM's business server solution for customers ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. It provides an integrated platform for the growing application server environment, as well as a complete set of traditional file and print services, by combining the battle-tested OS/2 Warp and LAN Server with a wealth of functional enhancements in systems management, backup, remote access, and advanced print function. OS/2 Warp Server has been distributed to 40,000 beta sites, and is scheduled to ship this quarter. IBM Information --------------- For Internet users, IBM offers complete information about the company, its products, services, and technology on the World Wide Web. The IBM home page is at . The fastest, easiest way to find any information about IBM software is to go to the IBM Software home page at . The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX (1-800-426-4329), and enter 99 at the voice menu. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------+ | New OS/2 Warp Connect Migration | connmig | Guide on the World Wide Web | +---------------------------------+ A new guide to migrating from DOS/Windows 3.x to OS/2 Warp Connect is available on the World Wide Web. Overview -------- The guide, titled "Moving Up in the World, or How to Migrate from DOS/Windows 3.x to OS/2 Warp Connect", outlines a process to safely migrate a DOS/Windows 3.x-based personal computer environment to an OS/2 Warp Connect-based platform. It discusses decisions you need to make, the reasons behind the suggestions made in the guide, and ways to approach the task. The guide also gives you some good information about OS/2 Warp Connect, as well as a glossary that (along with OS/2 Warp Connect's online documentation) assists in making the transition from DOS/Windows 3.x terms to the OS/2 Warp world. Contents -------- Here is a list of the major contents in the guide: Introduction: The OS/2 Warp Connect World Twelve-Step Plan to Migrate to OS/2 Warp Connect OS/2 Warp Connect Hardware Considerations OS/2 Warp Connect Software Considerations OS/2 Warp Connect Software Installation OS/2 Warp Connect Training and Education After OS/2 Warp Connect is Up and Running OS/2 Warp Connect Migration Summary Appendix A: Troubleshooting Tips Appendix B: IBM Technical Services and Support for OS/2 Warp Connect Appendix C: OS/2 Warp Connect Bibliography Appendix D: OS/2 Warp Connect Migration Planning Checklist Appendix E: Client PC Hardware/Software Inventory Checklist Appendix F: OS/2 Warp Connect - DOS/Windows 3.x Glossary How to Obtain ------------- The "Moving Up in the World" migration guide can be found on the World Wide Web at URL . ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------------+ | Guide to Migrating Applications to OS/2 | migrapps | Available on World Wide Web | +-----------------------------------------+ (Note: This guide was formerly named "OS/2 Migration Guide", and has been renamed to be more specific about its contents. The following notice originally appeared in the 15 January SDPnews, and has been updated for this issue.) The Guide to Migrating Applications to OS/2 is now available on the Solution Developer Operations home page on the World Wide Web. (See below for the URL.) Purpose ------- The purpose of the guide is to help solution developers migrate their applications to OS/2 and, later on, to other IBM platforms. The main focus in this issue of the guide is on migrating Windows applications to 32-bit OS/2 using the SMART tool available on The Developer Connection for OS/2 CD. Future issues of the guide will include migrating from Macintosh, AIX, and OS/400 to OS/2. Overview -------- The guide contains high-level information about some of the OS/2-exploitive features that can produce an application that is strong in both functionality and usability. The tools and technologies used in migrating OS/2 applications are explained, and the education, support, and services available to developers are included. Chapters and Appendices ----------------------- The Guide to Migrating Applications to OS/2 contains the following chapters: 1. Finding a Migration Path to OS/2 -- marketing-oriented and technical information about why you should consider migrating to OS/2. 2. Taking the Migration Path to OS/2 -- details of migrating an application to OS/2. 3. Completing the Migration Path to OS/2 -- what to do after you have done the initial migration. 4. Taking the New Application Development Path to OS/2 -- several issues involved in developing an OS/2 application from scratch. 5. Taking the Compatibility Path to OS/2 -- how to get a DOS or Windows application certified to run under OS/2. 6. Summary of Tools, Education, Support, and Services -- the help available from IBM. Appendices in the guide are: A. The SMART User's Guide -- developed by One Up Corp., showing you how to install and use the Source Migration Analysis and Reporting Toolset (SMART, available on The IBM Developer Connection for OS/2) to analyze and migrate your code. B. The SMART Programming Guide -- developed by One Up Corp., providing information about User Defined Migration Databases (UDMDs) and Migration Command Processor Language (MICL) programming. C. Listings for SMART Merge Command Files -- the code for two command files that can be used with the SMART tool. D. Supplement on National Language Support -- additional technical information for applications designed for languages other than English. E. Bibliography -- a list of articles, books, and online information. F. Lists of Acronyms used in the guide. Your Chance to Influence the Contents ------------------------------------- The initial version of the Guide to Migrating Applications to OS/2 on the World Wide Web is not complete. It is being developed and deployed simultaneously and iteratively in order to: o Let you know that the book is under development. o Give you a chance to influence the contents. o Ask what you want us to work on next. A response form is included in the online guide. The guide will be updated on the Web approximately once a month during the first several months of 1996, and less frequently thereafter. How to Access the Guide ----------------------- The Guide to Migrating Applications to OS/2 is available on the IBM Solution Developer Operations home page at . (As of 3 February, this URL becomes .) Once you have accessed the SDO home page: o click on Information for Developers o click on Publications o page down to Reference Materials and then OS/2 o click on the title. ======================================================================== +---------------------------+ | IBM's iNet Porting Center | inetport +---------------------------+ The iNet Porting Center's Web will continually improve its offering of programs and technical services for solution developers who want to provide software solutions on industry-leading IBM platforms and identify the most effective and profitable channels for getting products to market. Demonstrating its commitment to leadership in network-centric computing over the Internet, IBM announces an iNet Porting extension to its Solution Partnership Center (SPC) in San Mateo, California, to assist software developers in creating applications for the Internet. Exploiting RS/6000 and AIX -------------------------- This iNet Porting facility will make it easier for application developers to exploit the power, scalability, and installed base of the IBM RISC System/6000 (RS/6000) and AIX, IBM's advanced UNIX operating system, by providing developers access to systems, support, and tools, either over the Internet or in person at the San Mateo SPC. The iNet Porting facility will provide the following resources: o A new iNet Porting World Wide Web (WWW) home page at to provide developers with information on both the Center itself and how to take advantage of its resources. o Internet access to a number of RISC System/6000 (RS/6000) systems running AIX, IBM's advanced UNIX operating system, allowing developers to test-drive the platform and witness for themselves its extensive Internet server capabilities . "We intend to make the RS/6000 the Internet server of choice," said Tom Fornoff, director of workstation marketing, IBM RISC System/6000 Division. "We're working with some of the leading tool vendors as co-sponsors of this iNet Porting Center to foster the explosive growth in Internet applications development. We're confident that developers using this facility will realize the advantages in performance and flexibility that the RS/6000 offers." Industry-Leading Software Tools ------------------------------- A wide variety of industry-leading software tools are being made available at the Center by IBM and a number of co-sponsoring companies to create a comprehensive development environment. Many of these companies worked through the SPC to bring their own products to the RS/6000 platform. "We have had an excellent experience working with IBM," said Philip Gust, vice president of engineering, RAD Technologies, Inc. "IBM worked closely with us to port RAD PowerMedia to the RS/6000 platform. They are committed to excellence on the Internet and we will continue to work with them in the future." Additional resources that the iNet Porting facility will provide are: o Scheduled, secure Internet access to a range of RS/6000 servers, software development tools, and technical support for porting or creating Internet applications for the RS/6000 platform. While software developers will be encouraged to bring their application binaries to San Mateo for in-person support and assistance, the same resources will also be available over the Internet using IBM's state-of-the-art security products. The systems available for these scheduled development sessions will include the latest RS/6000 uniprocessor, symmetric multiprocessor, and Scalable POWERparallel (SP) models. o The tools available during these scheduled development sessions will include products in the IBM Internet Connection Family and from IBM Global Network, as well as a variety of third-party software, including products from Bluestone Inc., Illustra Information Technologies, Lotus Development Corporation, Netscape Communications Corporation, Prodigy Services Company, Progressive Networks, RAD Technologies Inc., SpyGlass Inc., VDOnet Corporation, Verity Inc., Worlds Inc., Xing Technology Corporation and others. These vendors will also provide technical support and training for the use of their products. o Marketing support for developers' Internet applications ported to, or created for, the RS/6000 platform. This support will include: - A listing in a newly created "Hot Internet Applications" Web page directory on the SPC's home page - Marketing linkages with IBM channels, product divisions, and Industry Solution Units (ISUs) Best of all, the above resources are being offered at no charge to developers, on an as-available basis. The iNet Porting WWW home page, test-drive systems, and on-site porting facilities are available immediately, with secure, remote scheduled, development sessions available starting in 1Q96. Where to Find ------------- The SPC home page can be found at . The iNet Porting home page can be found at . More Information ---------------- For more information, call 1-800-678-4249 or send email to . IBM offers Internet access services on the IBM Global Network at , and a full line of internetworking products -- clients, servers, firewalls, and search tools -- at ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------+ | SystemView Performance Monitoring | svbeta | Features Offers V1R1 Beta Program | +-----------------------------------+ IBM's Installation Support Centre (ISC) in Hursley, U.K., announces a beta program for the SystemView Performance Monitoring Features. Common Interface for Performance Data ------------------------------------- SystemView Performance Monitoring features are the first object-oriented features of SystemView for AIX. They provide a common interface to collecting, viewing, and logging performance data in a multiprotocol, multiplatform distributed environment. They also provide an AIX-based GUI that lets the user access, manipulate and view performance and configuration data, organize logical views of systems and networks, and manage system objects. They will provide significant capabilities to customers who want to manage heterogeneous systems and networks from one GUI. Three Kinds of Performance Monitoring ------------------------------------- Three SystemView Performance Monitoring features provide the following functions: o SystemView Performance Monitoring of SNA Networks o SystemView Performance Monitoring of Applications o SystemView Performance Monitoring of Applications Agents SystemView Performance Monitoring of SNA Networks interacts with NetView Performance Monitor to give the user information about their NPM environment through an AIX GUI. SystemView Performance Monitoring of Applications consists of the management application and the various Agents (including Agents for NetWare, Windows, AIX and OS/2). The application to be monitored must be modified to work with the Performance Monitor by imbedding standard calls in the application. Once this has been done, performance information about the application and its embedded transactions can be made available to the user. The beta program is open to any customer who has the necessary hardware and software prerequisites. More Information ---------------- For more information about SystemView Performance Monitoring Features V1R1, see the World Wide Web URL . To enroll in the beta program via e-mail, go to URL . ======================================================================== +--------------+ | Club OpenDoc | clubdoc +--------------+ Club OpenDoc is an online community where you'll find the latest OpenDoc information, parts, code, books, education, and more. Our goal is to foster the adoption of OpenDoc in the computer industry. We want to give you all the tools and information you need to develop the most incredible software this industry has seen! What's New ---------- o Club Member Ticker: 1194 members (as of 9 February 1996) o Interested in writing about your OpenDoc experiences? (9 February) o OpenDoc wins InfoWorld's 'Best of 95' Nicholas Petreley Landmark Technology Award (29 January) o Oberon Compiler Supports SOM and COM, Byte Magazine, February 1996 o New Recipes! (3 February) o QuickTime movies of OpenDoc HI Demos now available on the Apple site (3 February) o Recent OpenDoc NewsBytes (29 January) o All the news since the Club opened! o Other OpenDoc news and information sites: -- IBM's Solution Developer Program news -- Apple's OpenDoc in the news -- CI Labs news site Just around the corner is the GA version of the OS/2 toolkit - you'll see it first on Club OpenDoc's web page! What We Offer ------------- o OpenDoc Overview - A general introduction of its features and benefits. For those of you looking for more in-depth technical information, we also offer ... o Technical Support - Find out where to ask those nagging questions. Get real help in the form of sample recipes and advice on building OpenDoc software. o OpenDoc's on the Web - A comprehensive listing of OpenDoc-related documents on the Internet, including links to many other sites with parts and information. o Club OpenDoc Benefits - The serious side to what we are offering our members. When you join the Club, you join the most visionary, creative, and talented people in our industry. o OpenDoc Planetarium - Be a star! This is where you'll find our members' OpenDoc and SOM components, products, and services, including those available now and those still under development. Let us know if you're developing a part, or other product or service, and be a star! You can register just about anything related to OpenDoc that may be of interest to our members, including but not limited to: -- beta software -- demo parts -- books -- want ads -- consulting services o The OpenDoor - Let us know what you think! Give us input on Club services, OpenDoc features (and bugs), what you need to develop better OpenDoc software ... if you want to tell us, we want to know! Cool Stuff for Members ---------------------- For members only: o The Club OpenDoc Parts Contest - Our contest for the best part will award that lucky developer with an IBM ThinkPad! o Objects Joke of the Month. Check out the latest humor or submit your own for a chance to win fantastic prizes! A new car (get serious!), a world cruise (yeah, sure), or a t-shirt (much more likely). o Hidden contests are also scattered throughout our pages. You can still win the same fantastic prizes, but we won't be announcing these ... you'll have to find them! o Check out all our other member benefits! If you haven't registered, you can't play ... so register today! How to Join the Club -------------------- Club OpenDoc's web page is at URL , and the registration form can be found there. Fill it in, submit it, and join Club OpenDoc! ======================================================================== +---------------------------------+ | Solution Developer Roadshow in | emeashow | Europe, Middle East, and Africa | +---------------------------------+ IBM Solution Developer Operations in Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) is pleased to announce the dates of further Solution Developer Roadshow events in February and March 1996. This is the second part of the roadshow, following up on the highly successful set of events that took place during November and December 1995. What is the Roadshow? --------------------- The IBM Solution Developer Roadshow is a series of one-day, no-charge events specifically for commercial software developers and other members of the EMEA software community. These events lay out the products, platforms, and strategy of IBM's software business -- the largest software business in the world -- and the advantages that solution developers can gain through working with IBM. Roadshow Objectives ------------------- The objectives of the event are to show you that IBM's software technology, and the business opportunities attached to working with IBM, are second to none, and to convince you to take the first step to form a working partnership with IBM, or to expand that partnership if you are already working with IBM. Who is Invited to Attend? ------------------------- Any member of any organization that is in the business arena of software development for commercial purposes. This includes software developers, current IBM Business Partners, consultants, Software and Services organizations, systems integrators, IBM OEM customers, IBM commentators, and the press. We expect that 40 to 50 percent of attendees at these Roadshow events will not have had any previous contact or relationship with IBM -- we particularly welcome people in this category. Why Attend the Roadshow? ------------------------ The benefits of attending the roadshow are: o Get the latest news about IBM's software technology, components, and platforms. o Learn how IBM software technology can give your applications and solutions the competitive edge. o Understand the significant business opportunities that become available when you work with IBM. o Sign up, without obligation or charge, to IBM's Solution Developer Programs, and receive advantages like: -- Direct contact with IBM technical specialists through the Internet via forums exclusively for software developers. -- Participation in the testing and refinement of IBM beta code. -- Entries in IBM Solution Developer catalogues. -- Invitations to participate in joint marketing and promotional events. o Receive free information and promotional items. o Walk away from this event having begun your relationship with IBM. Roadshow Presentations ---------------------- A broad range of IBM's platforms and products from most areas of the IBM software business will be presented. At these events, we will not only have software strategy presentations from senior IBM executives in the software business, but also technical presentations from speakers who are in direct contact with the various IBM development sites around the world. Schedule and Venues ------------------- Here is the list of the dates, locations, and contacts for the continuation of the Europe, Middle East, and Africa Solution Developer Roadshow: o 13 February, Brussels, Belgium Contact: Pol Huyzentruyt on (+32) 2-225-2441 o 5 March, Johannesburg, South Africa Contact: Bevan Lock on (+27) 11-320-9111 o 7 March, Capetown, South Africa Contact: Bevan Lock on (+27) 11-320-9111 o 11 March, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Contact: John Major on (+971) 4-818800 o 13 March, Cairo, Egypt Contact: Sherif El Rafei on (+20) 202-349-2533 o 14 through 20 March, Hannover, Germany (ongoing during CEbit) Contact: Petra Grzimek on (+49) 711-785-7151 o 18 March, Tel Aviv, Israel Contact: Jacob (Koby) Levy on (+972) 3-697-8111 o 22 March, Madrid, Spain Contact: Claudia Galvan Brambilla on (+34) 1-397-6000 o 26 March, Paris, France Contact: Emmanuelle Badarani on (+33) 1-49-85-7395 More Information ---------------- For more information about these events, or to attend, please contact either: o the indicated person in your country o Jonathan Young on mobile (+44) 802-780397 o Ron Douglas on (+44) 1926-464936, fax (+44) 1926-311345, Internet userid . ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------------+ | Free Subscriptions to OS/2 Magazine for | submag | U.S. Members of OS/2 Partners in Development | +----------------------------------------------+ OS/2 Developer magazine was recently merged with OS/2 Magazine; now, OS/2 application programmers can receive technical articles and information on a monthly basis. U.S. members of IBM's OS/2 Partners in Development can receive complimentary subscriptions to OS/2 Magazine by completing a free subscription application. How to Obtain the Application Form ---------------------------------- The application form can be found in some copies of OS/2 Magazine (following page 16 in the February 1996 issue sent to former OS/2 Developer subscribers). The form is also available from OS/2 Magazine by calling 1-800-WANT-OS2 (1-800-926-8672) or Mark Johnson in Miller Freeman's Circulation Department at 1-415-905-2262, e-mail . When completing the free subscription application, OS/2 Partners in Development members should answer "yes" to question 12 and provide their company's Solution Developer Program membership number. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Statement of Direction for Internet Telephone | sodphone +---------------------------------------------------+ IBM announces its intent to enter into the Internet multimedia communication market by bringing software telephony applications to the world of the Internet as well as private TCP/IP networks. Anyone using the Internet will enjoy being able to hold voice communications with friends, relatives, and business associates using their existing Internet access connection. Evolution of Research Technologies ---------------------------------- This software is an evolution of IBM technologies already developed in its research labs that provides Simultaneous Voice and Data (SVD) capabilities. It will enable people to talk with each other with voice quality comparable to a good cellular system. IBM customers have expressed this need to combine voice communications and the transmission of data on a single telephone line via the Internet. The graphical user interface will make it easy to use, even for the Internet beginner. IBM employees worldwide are trying it now, and it will go on the market in a few months. Consortium of Technology Developers ----------------------------------- Since today's Internet telephone products and technologies do not interoperate among one other, IBM is announcing, effective immediately, the intention to establish a consortium of technology developers and suppliers to address interoperability among the various industry offerings. Parties interested in joining this consortium should contact Dave Van Voorhis at 1-407-982-2859, Internet userid . Product Directions ------------------ This software will come preloaded on IBM multimedia PCs. The technology will be included in IBM's OS/2 Warp operating system, as well as other IBM software and hardware products. Future product directions include integration with other IBM leading technologies such as security encryption, conference calling, and connection from the Internet to any telephone worldwide, opening up a wide range of opportunities for Internet users. IBM will demonstrate this Internet telephone technology at CeBIT in Germany and Computer Telephony Expo '96 in Los Angeles in March 1996. ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------+ | Internet Division's General Manager | gmcafe | Meets the Press at New York's @Cafe | +-------------------------------------+ Irving Wladawsky-Berger, general manager, Internet Division, shared IBM's vision of bringing IBM and customers into the Internet future at an informal meeting with about 50 members of the press on 7 February at the @Cafe, a cybercafe in the East Village in New York City. He was joined by John Patrick, vice president, Internet technology; Karl Salnoske, general manager, networked applications; Patricia Sueltz, vice president, development, all from the Internet Division, and by Inder Gopal, director of Internet research, Research Division. The event included demos of several advanced Internet-related products and services. Universal Connectivity ---------------------- Dr. Wladawsky-Berger talked about the major forces propelling the world toward universal connectivity: an agreed-upon set of standards that are enabling more and more people to connect, increasing availability of the necessary bandwidth, content growing in volume and variety, and more sophisticated ways of interacting with content. Four IBM Initiatives -------------------- Focusing on IBM's four initiatives for helping customers leverage the Internet to its fullest, he said IBM would: o Help customers connect their existing commercial content to the Internet by: -- providing the consultants and professional services personnel to assist in all aspects of the customer's migration to the network -- bringing the best technology available to customers, including scalable servers and software and systems management, all with IBM reliability and the highest degree of security. o Foster development of Internet applications that support collaborative servers, publishing servers, merchant servers, customer care and commerce servers, by: -- encouraging independent software vendors to write applications for native Internet servers from IBM and others -- using Lotus Notes as IBM's centerpiece in creating new applications for the Internet space. o Devise its own solutions and make them available on a subscription basis for a variety of industries. o Work with the finest minds across IBM, the broader research community, and among leading-edge customers to move Internet solutions from the research labs to the marketplace as fast as possible. ======================================================================== +------------------------------------------+ | OS/2 Warp Business Software Solutions CD | softsol +------------------------------------------+ IBM Solution Developer Operations announces U.S. availability of the Preview '96 edition of the OS/2 Warp Business Software Solutions CD. CD Contents ----------- The Business Software Solutions CD is an interactive CD containing 32-bit native OS/2 applications from 35 vendors, demonstrating to small businesses that OS/2 applications comprise viable solutions to business problems. The CD contains information such as: o Product features, functions, and benefits o Screen shots o Storyboard demonstrations o Limited trial versions of product code In addition, the CD contains demonstrations of OS/2 Warp and OS/2 Warp Connect, and descriptions of Lotus SmartSuite and Lotus Notes. Application Categories ---------------------- Application categories represented in the Preview '96 edition are: o Accounting and finance o Image processing o Business automation o Online services o Communications o Operating systems o Contact management o Personal time management o Decision support o Presentations o Diversions o Reference o Document management o Spreadsheet o Graphics o Utilities o Groupware o Word processing The 35 Applications ------------------- The 35 applications included in the Preview '96 edition are: Solution Developer Application Athena Design Mesa 2 BocaSoft WipeOut Chip-Chat Cawthon Software Chip-Chat Wireless Communicator Cirrus Technology Unite Lite Cirrus Technology United CD-Maker CompuServe CompuServe Information Manager Computer Interface Corp. Check+ Computer Interface Corp. Contact Connection Development Technologies DeskMan/2 Productivity Pack Dux Software American Heritage Dictionary Dux Software Columbia Classic Encyclopedia Dux Software DUX Bookshelf Dux Software SimCity Classic Frenster Associates Matrix Cognition Hilgraeve HyperACCESS Hilgraeve KopyKat Lotus Development Corp. cc:Mail Desktop for OS/2 Lotus Development Corp. Freelance Graphics for OS/2 Lotus Development Corp. Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2 Lotus Development Corp. Lotus Notes Lotus Development Corp. Lotus SmartSuite IBM OS/2 Warp IBM OS/2 Warp Connect Malibu Software Group VORAMS Malibu Software Group VORAMS Basic Recognita America Recognita Plus SPG Colorworks Lotus Development Corp. WordPro96 for OS/2 Solution Technology Inc. Applause Solution Technology Inc. ReView Spitfire Software InCharge STAC Electronics Stacker Sublime Software Xtra! Xtra! Sundial Systems Corp. Relish Trafalgar Business Systems CopyShop/2 Minimum System Configuration ---------------------------- The Business Software Solutions CD runs under either OS/2 or DOS. It requires: o A personal computer with a 386 16 MHz processor or higher o 4 MB of hard-disk space o 640 KB of RAM o Mouse o OS/2 2.1 or higher, or DOS 5.0 or higher (Windows is not required). OS/2 is not required for screen shots and DOS-based demos, but is recommended to run limited versions of actual code. o Single-speed CD-ROM drive o 256-color VGA graphics o An optional sound card Product Ordering Instructions ----------------------------- Instructions are included in the Business Software Solutions CD for ordering any of the demonstrated products from an 800 number. How to Obtain the CD -------------------- To obtain the Business Software Solutions CD (available in the U.S. only): By phone: Call 1-800-627-8363, and ask for the OS/2 Warp operator. You will be asked to provide your name, company, address, and phone number. By e-mail: Send a note to requesting the Business Software Solutions for OS/2 Warp CD, and include your name, company, address, and phone number. The CD will also be distributed at selected business and trade shows, user group meetings and events, through Team OS/2, and by retail stores selling OS/2 Warp. ======================================================================== +-----------------------------+ | Updated OS/2 Online Library | libonlin | on CD Now Available | +-----------------------------+ The updated OS/2 Online Library Collection is now available. This convenient, cost-effective CD-ROM collection can help maximize valuable resources -- time, space, and information. More than 550 Books ------------------- The January 1996 edition of the online library collection is now available under order number SK2T-2176-05. It spans two disks and contains over 550 unlicensed online books for more than 150 OS/2 products. It includes books for OS/2 Warp Version 3 as well as "red books" (ITSO technical bulletins) dealing with OS/2 LAN systems, OS/2 object technology, and the OS/2 2.0 technical compendium. Online Library collections include books formatted for display using BookManager BUILD. They can be viewed with the BookManager READ/2, READ for Windows, READ/DOS, READ/MVS, READ/VM, and READ/6000 licensed programs, and with the BookManager Library Reader/2, Library Reader for Windows, and Library Reader/DOS. How to Order ------------ In the U.S., to order a single update or an ongoing SLSS subscription of online library collections through normal publication ordering channels, use the order number of the collection (for example, SK2T-2176 for the OS/2 collection). Call the IBM toll-free number, 1-800-879-2755, use IBMLink, or contact an IBM representative. To order a one-year subscription of these collections as a feature of the IBM Library Offering product, 5636-PUB, contact an IBM representative or the IBM toll-free number. When ordering, specify the program number 5636-PUB and both the billing feature code and associated medium specify code for the collection wanted (for example, for OS/2, specify billing feature code 2013 and associated code 5013). The program number and feature codes for all online library collections are listed in a file named CKITLIST.TXT that is included on all CD-ROMs containing IBM online books. In other countries, to order online library collections, use the ordering systems normally used to order IBM hardcopy publications or software feature codes (specify the appropriate order number or feature codes listed above). If unsure of how to order publications in a specific country, send a note to the IBM BOOKSHOP service at one of the following: o Internet - o IBM Mail Exchange - DKIBMSH at IBMMAIL More Information ---------------- For specific questions or customer feedback on the IBM Online Library or for more information about the collections, contact: o Internet - o IBM Mail Exchange: USIB6TC9 at IBMMAIL o Fax: 1-914-432-9405 ======================================================================== +------------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Refines Business Partner Strategy: Announces | bpstrat | Business Partner Charter, Greater Worldwide Emphasis | +------------------------------------------------------+ IBM is unveiling a number of major new initiatives to further enhance its relationships with IBM Business Partners, and to better provide customers with total business solutions. The progressive new plans, designed to amplify the success of its Business Partner program, were announced in San Diego at the largest IBM Business Partner Executive Conference to date -- attended by over 3,500 worldwide partners. Business Partner Charter ------------------------ The cornerstone of the program is the ground-breaking Business Partner Charter, which outlines plans to engage Business Partners more fully in the IBM global sales strategy. The charter, which was developed with input from worldwide Business Partners, provides the blueprint to integrate more effectively the skills, resources, and experience of Business Partners with IBM's marketing and sales efforts. It is designed to ensure that customers are provided with the best total solutions available, whether they come directly from IBM or from an IBM Business Partner. Key Elements ------------ Key elements of the worldwide plan include: o An increase in compensation for the IBM sales force for products supplied through Business Partners o Thirty-nine worldwide direct marketing centers, dedicated to working with customers, where Business Partners will benefit from increased demand and lead generation o A more clearly defined plan for working with Business Partners to reach small- and medium-sized customers as well as large customers. This plan includes delivering hardware, software, and services, with financial offerings, to all customers. The Business Partner Charter initiative complements the many successful Business Partner programs currently in existence, including training, support, lead generation, and joint planning. "As we look at the growth potential in the global market, we expect to explode our opportunities through Business Partners, who have always been a very important part of our sales strategy," said Ned C. Lautenbach, senior vice president and group executive, worldwide sales and services. "Now, more than ever, the worldwide reach and industry-specific skills that our customers need can only be provided jointly with our Business Partners. These initiatives are designed to ensure that their relationships with IBM are simple, profitable, and long-term." Five Strategic Areas -------------------- The charter revolves around five strategic areas: o Small- and Medium-sized Customers - The IBM Business Partners will be the primary way to deliver solutions to these customers. IBM will provide demand generation, marketing support, and telecoverage to help Business Partners reach these customers. IBM will also provide increased incentives to its sales force to work with Business Partners. o Large Customers - Business Partners will help IBM efficiently fulfill the I/T needs of large customers. IBM will team with Business Partners to create and deliver solutions to these customers where Business Partners can more effectively provide offerings that meet customer needs. o Services Marketing Relationships - IBM will team with Business Partners to develop, sell and deliver services. As recently announced, Business Partners are the preferred providers for PC fulfillment and installation services. IBM's goal is to offer the customer the best services available -- whether they are provided by IBM or a Business Partner. o Software Remarketing Relationships - Business Partners are the preferred providers of PC, workstation, and midrange software. IBM will work with Business Partners to distribute efficiently IBM's portfolio of software products for both IBM and non-IBM clients and servers. Support offerings for software will be available from IBM, as well as lead generation and market support. o Solution Developer Relationships - IBM is simplifying its relationships with developers to help reduce their costs to develop solutions on IBM platforms. IBM will also offer marketing programs to assist developers launch their product. IBM is also establishing relationship management and technical support for developers worldwide. NETeam ------ Also announced at the conference was NETeam, a new program aimed at more aggressively selling IBM networking hardware through the channel. The program, which will be offered at no cost, helps members effectively market IBM's networking hardware products to a wider range of customers. Members will have unprecedented access to IBM networking hardware product information and support, tools, and services to help build networking knowledge and expertise. BESTeam ------- The IBM Business Enterprise Solutions Team (BESTeam), an award-winning software channel program, announced that its membership grew in excess of 300 percent in 1995, with more than 4,500 worldwide members to date. BESTeam is an aggressive, worldwide reseller program combining strategic IBM software products, professional certification and training, marketing programs, and enhanced technical support. IBM Business Partners market, support, and enhance IBM platforms, software, and services, ranging from simple text processing to complex computational and engineering graphics programs. IBM works with more than 25,000 independent companies around the world as members of the IBM Business Partner programs. ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------------------+ | IBM Developer Programs Welcome: WizSoft, Inc. | softwiz +-----------------------------------------------+ WizSoft, Inc., manufacturer of WizRule for Windows, a database auditing and database mining tool, has signed developer agreements with IBM. WizSoft has enrolled in IBM's Worldwide Developer Solutions Program, which includes Developer Assistance Programs and Solutions Guides for the OS/2 Warp and AIX platforms and for the DB2 database to which WizSoft is porting and interfacing its products. In addition to this relationship, WizSoft's WizRule for Windows has been tested and approved to carry the "Ready for OS/2 Warp - NSTL Tested" seal. Taking Advantage of Strong Marketing Programs --------------------------------------------- According to H.R. Satishchandra, WizSoft's vice president of Operations, this relationship with IBM provides even greater exposure in the open client/server database market. "We are pleased to announce our participation in IBM's developer programs, because it offers our database tools to a much larger market, and enables us to take advantage of IBM's strong developer marketing programs." About WizRule ------------- WizRule is based on a patent-pending mathematical algorithm that uses rule induction to identify rules and rule exceptions in databases. Using ODBC drivers, WizRule operates on all popular databases. The value of rule induction algorithms is not simply in auditing the contents of databases. The algorithm also enables users to conduct data mining and find unique relationships among data fields that yield important decision-support information. About WizSoft ------------- WizSoft, Inc., is the North American marketing, sales, and sales support division of WizSoft Ltd., an Israeli software manufacturer and distributor. WizRule for Windows is the first of a line of database tools developed for the growing database mining and warehousing markets. ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------------+ | IBM and JBA to Collaborate on High-Level, | jbaoode | Object-Oriented Development Environment | +-------------------------------------------+ IBM and JBA International, an IBM Business Partner, announce an agreement to license elements of each other's object-oriented application development technologies. Through this collaboration, IBM's VisualAge C++ application development tool will be extended with JBA technology to create a new, high-level, object-oriented application development environment designed specifically for ease-of-use and flexibility. Tailor and Create Solutions Easily ---------------------------------- The development environment resulting from this collaboration will enable application developers to build cross-platform business applications based on object-oriented technology, without their necessarily having an object-oriented programming background. Application programmers will be able to easily tailor and create solutions for a broad range of industries using the development environment that will result from the IBM and JBA relationship. "We're excited about this collaboration, as it brings the strengths of IBM's award-winning VisualAge product family together with the ease-of-use and user-oriented application development technology from JBA," said John Swainson, vice president, Application Development Solutions, IBM Software Solutions Division. "JBA's understanding of applications and object-oriented design will lead to an even stronger VisualAge for C++ product." "IBM's in-depth knowledge of object oriented systems software and operating systems is probably the most advanced in the industry today," stated Alan Vickery, chairman and CEO of JBA. "Together, IBM's and our own tools provide the optimum combination of rapid development and advanced techniques for commercial application developers who want to move into the object age on a stable and low-risk development platform." About VisualAge for C++ ----------------------- VisualAge for C++ is a member of IBM's award-winning VisualAge family. It includes a comprehensive integrated development environment for C++ (i.e., compiler, editor, debugger, and browser), a powerful visual builder supporting rapid application development and a cross-platform set of reusable objects in the IBM Open Class Library. This enhanced support within VisualAge will make it easier for developers to create business objects that support System Object Model (SOM), IBM's implementation of Object Management Group's CORBA standard. About JBA and IBM's Solution Developer Organization --------------------------------------------------- JBA International is a leading supplier of integrated business solutions and application development tools supporting over 3,500 customers in 43 countries. IBM is encouraging Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to create application development tools and applications through its Solution Developer Organization (SDO). More Information ---------------- This release and other information from IBM is available electronically on NEWSdesk, the online IT news network. If you are not currently accessing the service, it can be reached on the Internet at, or dial-up software can be obtained by calling +44 (0)115 9 405300. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Promotes "Just Add OS/2 Warp" on the Internet | addjust +---------------------------------------------------+ IBM is now using the Internet to promote Just Add OS/2 Warp, a free package of software utilities that describes the benefits of OS/2 Warp, and helps users install OS/2 Warp by itself or alongside Windows 95. An online advertising campaign that allows users to obtain a copy of Just Add OS/2 Warp is appearing on 15 high-traffic Internet sites in eight different languages. More Aggressive Marketing Stance -------------------------------- "Just Add OS/2 Warp is an example of the more aggressive marketing stance IBM is taking today," said Wally Casey, director of marketing, IBM Personal Software Products. "We believe this is a cutting-edge ad campaign that will further the success of OS/2 Warp, because it takes advantage of the hottest and fastest growing medium today -- the Internet. Most importantly, this campaign will further spread the word that computer users do in fact have a choice of 32-bit operating systems." Common Windows 95 Problems -------------------------- Banners appearing on such popular web sites as the ESPN home page and on web search services such as Yahoo will present common Windows 95 problems. Clicking on the banner will present the solution: Just Add OS/2 Warp. The campaign offers three ways to get the utility: o It can be downloaded directly from the Internet. o An e-mail request may be sent and a copy of the software mailed direct anywhere in the world. o The software can be mailed direct anywhere in the United States by calling 1-800-IBM-3333 (1-800-426-3333), extension EE020, or in Canada by calling 1-800-465-1234. Awareness of Choice ------------------- Just Add OS/2 Warp, introduced in late October, makes computer users aware of the choices they have when upgrading to a 32-bit operating system, and explains how OS/2 Warp and Windows 95 can coexist. The utility also includes the Upgrade Advisor, which quickly analyzes a computer user's hardware to ensure that it is ready to be upgraded to OS/2 Warp. "I have Windows 95 installed on one of my machines at home, but after looking at the demo included in Just Add OS/2 Warp, I've decided I am definitely going to get OS/2 Warp to run my law practice from home, at my office, and on the road with my laptop," said David Basker, of D. Mitchel Basker, J.D. Law Office in Maryland. Just Add OS/2 Warp also comes with a set of instructions for users who want to safely deinstall Windows 95, answers to frequently asked questions about OS/2 Warp and Warp Connect, tips on using OS/2 Warp provided by OS/2 users, and an index to Internet web sites and bulletin board systems that feature OS/2 Warp discussion. A short demo of OS/2 Warp and Warp Connect can also be found in Just Add OS/2 Warp. The OS/2 Product Family ----------------------- Providing solutions for customers ranging from the connected consumer to the enterprise, the OS/2 family of products includes: OS/2 Warp, Warp Connect, LAN Server and the upcoming Warp Server, Directory and Security Services, and the set of integrated servers code-named Project Eagle, of which OS/2 is a key platform. More Information ---------------- For Internet users, IBM offers complete information about the company, its products, services and technology on the World Wide Web. The IBM home page is at . The fastest, easiest way to find any information about IBM software is to go to the IBM Software home page at . The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX (1-800-426-4329) and enter 99 at the voice menu. ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------------------+ | Canadian Software Unit Launches Internet Home Page | caninter +----------------------------------------------------+ The IBM Software Business Unit in Canada announces the launch of its Internet home page for customers and business partners at . Detailed Information Pages -------------------------- The following major headings provide links to more detailed information pages: - Software seminars and events: Schedule of coming events - IBM Software Advantage: Volume software licensing offering - IBM Business Partners: Support for software resellers, consultants, and system integrators - Software download library: Download IBM and Lotus software - How to reach us: Contacts, support, services, etc. - Where do I find?: Keyword search for IBM information - Software index: To find information on specific IBM software products - IBM's global news and product information: software, client/server, networking, Lotus - Guide to other Internet resources concerned with IBM software More Information ---------------- Questions or suggestions for improvement should be directed to Rakesh Mistry at 1-905-316-1485 or Internet userid . ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------+ | IBM Software Group Gets Positive Press | presplus +----------------------------------------+ The IBM Software Group received many positive quotes from industry consultants during January. Following are additional remarks about IBM Software Group products: InformationWeek --------------- In the 8 January issue of InformationWeek, Herb Edelstein published the article, "Mining Data Warehouses," where he let readers know "IBM has also been very active in data mining and has published a considerable amount of research done at its labs ... much of which is coming to market as a data-mining tool kit that addresses four of the five common data-mining application types - classification, clustering, sequencing, and associations." Dataquest --------- Dataquest says: "Mr. (John W.) Thompson is the first IBMer in a long while to give a clear statement of direction for OS/2. These are all steps in the right direction. The question is whether IBM can now move as fast as it needs to, both with OS/2 and its software from Lotus. Lotus Notes and the SmartSuite will be strategic to bringing OS/2 to more desktops and servers." Ed Yourdon ---------- "Object-Oriented COBOL only adds about 12 new verbs to the syntax, so everything you already knew about COBOL is still there, but it extends the language to provide the new facilities. It makes a lot of sense, given the legacy of existing code and data base, to learn Object-Oriented COBOL," said Ed Yourdon, during The Great COBOL Debate at DBExpo. Aberdeen Group -------------- In the 8 January Network World article, "IBM to Put on a Taligent Show," Hugh Bishop, director of emerging technology research at the Aberdeen Group, says, "IBM's plan is pragmatic. They're providing a common frame of reference for customers. They're going in and saying, 'You've already got VisualAge or OpenClass, and here's something that makes it better.'" Decision Resources ------------------ Decision Resources, a Boston-based market research firm, reviews the C/S development tools market and key solutions in an upcoming report "Technology Pioneers - IBM." According to the report, "When leading-edge technology is mentioned these days, IBM is not often one of the first companies mentioned. VisualAge, IBM's object-oriented client/server development tool, is a departure from that traditional image." Meta Analyst ------------ Mark Raphael, new analyst to Meta, calls for help in guiding Meta's customer, the Israeli army, on CSP to VisualGen decision. A teleconference with IBM tools team leads to a customer's close evaluation of VisualGen and Team Connection, not to mention an educated and impressed analyst. The Tower Group --------------- Bill Bradway of The Tower Group, in a report on data warehousing in banking, writes, "Oracle, Sybase, Informix, plus IBM's DB2, will dominate new data warehouses in this industry for the next three to five years." Gartner Group ------------- From the Gartner Group's "Is the Mainframe Open for Integration?": "Important mainframe products have been ported to other platforms (e.g., CICS by IBM, Integris, Micro Focus, DB/2 by IBM, and IMS/TM by Micro Focus) and provide seamless integration with their mainframe counterparts." And: "Mainframe-based CICS applications can now be built with fully functional, state-of-the-art user interfaces. Another distinction between a server and a mainframe is removed, but the trend to non-mainframe computing is unaffected," says the Gartner Group in "IBM Delivers a Native Windows Interface for Mainframe CICS." ======================================================================== +--------------------------------+ | Lotus Launches Notes Release 4 | note4rel +--------------------------------+ Lotus Development Corp. has launched Lotus Notes Release 4, the new version of the world's best-selling messaging and groupware software. Installed Base Doubles in Last Six Months ----------------------------------------- Lotus also announced that it has begun manufacturing Lotus Notes Release 4 for IBM AIX, Sun Solaris on SPARCsystems, and HP-UX. The installed base for Notes has doubled in the past six months, and now totals 4.5 million seats. The combined installed base for Notes and Lotus' cc:Mail LAN-based e-mail product exceeds 13.5 million seats, nearly double its size one year ago. Vibrant Industry Growing Around Lotus Notes ------------------------------------------- "The record gathering of independent software vendors, systems integrators, application developers and consultants at Lotusphere '96 is testimony to the vibrant industry that continues to grow around Lotus Notes, and is further proof that Notes is far ahead of any other groupware or messaging product -- or any client/server product in the market today," said Jeff Papows, Lotus' executive vice president and chief operating officer. "With Notes Release 4, Lotus has delivered the open, secure, reliable, and scalable infrastructure that businesses need to build for the future. Equally important, we believe this new version makes Notes truly the central access point where users in organizations of all sizes will want to go every day to find and share all information they need -- whether it's located in e-mail, relational databases, host-based systems, a favorite desktop application, or on the World Wide Web," Papows said. Notes UNIX Servers Ready for Prime Time --------------------------------------- Lotus has begun manufacturing Lotus Notes Release 4 servers for IBM AIX, Sun Solaris on SPARCsystems, and HP-UX -- all critical components to the company's multiplatform Notes strategy. Notes servers for UNIX systems include support for symmetric multiprocessor UNIX systems, as well as Lotus' InterNotes Web Navigator, providing direct access to the World Wide Web from within Notes. Later this quarter, Lotus will deliver UNIX-based versions of its InterNotes Web Publisher 2.0, offering UNIX customers the ability to publish Notes-based information to users of generic Web browsers. Notes clients for UNIX will ship in Q2 1996. Notes Release 4 supports 16 platforms and 20 languages. 12,000+ Business Partners ------------------------- With more than 12,000 members worldwide, the industry of Lotus Business Partners has grown by more than 50 percent in the past year, providing customers with a wealth of off-the-shelf Notes applications, and assistance with designing, customizing, and implementing Notes-based groupware and messaging solutions, as well as new Notes-based Internet applications. Among the 170 Notes products and services being announced are those designed to enhance Notes in areas such as administration, development tools, horizontal and vertical solutions, information services, Internet integration, and migration. Defining the Future ------------------- Lotus also is previewing a number of leading-edge technologies and strategic initiatives that will appear with future enhancements to Lotus products. These include: o Integration with World Wide Web technologies -- Building on new Lotus InterNotes Web Publisher and InterNotes Web Navigator products, Lotus is previewing support for Sun Microsystems' Java programming language. Notes users surfing the Web will be able to click on an object and download any of the small Internet-based programs or Java applets that exist on the Web, then integrate them with Notes applications, rather than being restricted to programs resident on their PCs. o Lotus Components -- New small, task-focused modules that extend the application possibilities for Notes Release 4. For end-users, Lotus Components make it easier and faster to complete everyday business tasks -- such as creating a chart, performing a data query, or using a spreadsheet -- while remaining in the familiar Notes environment. For Notes application developers, Lotus Components provide a set of reusable, customizable, and programmable software modules to allow them to create and deliver a wider variety of Notes business solutions while reducing development cycles and costs. o Notes eApps -- A set of Lotus Notes-based "electronic application frameworks" enabling customers to rapidly deploy Web-enabled applications. eApps will provide a set of building blocks and tools specifically designed to extend a corporation's publishing, marketing, customer service or electronic commerce applications to the Internet. o Calendaring and Scheduling (C&S) -- An upcoming release of Notes will include the integration of enterprise-wide calendaring and scheduling capabilities in all Notes clients, and full interoperability with Lotus Organizer clients. Notes and Organizer users will be able to schedule meetings with each other via Notes, cc:Mail, or IBM OfficeVision, providing built-in Notes calendaring and scheduling across the enterprise. o Notes NIC, the Notes Network Information Center Site -- A new Lotus Web site (http:/// will enable users to access Notes Release 4 technical support information, maintenance, and early adopters' releases, offering a first look at future functionality. About Lotus Notes ----------------- Lotus Notes is the leading client-server platform for developing and deploying strategic groupware applications that help organizations communicate, collaborate, and coordinate strategic business processes within and beyond their organizational boundaries to achieve improved business results. More than 8,000 companies and 4.5 million people use Notes to improve key business processes such as customer service, sales and account management, and product development. Lotus Notes supports all major operating systems: IBM OS/2 Warp, Apple Mac OS, UNIX platforms including IBM AIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, and SCO OpenServer, and Microsoft Windows and Windows NT. Notes is also available as a NetWare loadable module for the Novell environment. About Lotus Development Corp. ----------------------------- Lotus Development Corp., a subsidiary of IBM Corp., offers high-quality software products and support services that reflect the company's unique understanding of the new ways in which individuals and businesses must work together to achieve success. Lotus' innovative approach is evident in a new class of applications that allows information to be accessed and communicated in ways never before possible, both within and beyond organizational boundaries. The company also provides numerous support services, both from its consulting division and its award-winning 24-hour support center. More Information ---------------- All Lotus news releases are available on the Internet, via the Lotus Development Corp. Home Page at . The Lotus Home Page is an easy way to find information about Lotus and its business partners' products and services. A copy of this release and other company information is also available via fax by dialing 1-800-57-LOTUS (1-800-575-6887) within the U.S. and Canada, or 1-201-946-2336 from elsewhere. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------+ | Object Technology University | otucat | Catalog Features 13 New Courses | +---------------------------------+ The on-line course catalog for the IBM Object Technology University (OTU) Continuing Education Program has been updated with 13 new courses, including: o Object - The Competitive Edge for Executives (N1939) o Object Technology on MVS/ESA (H3994) o Basic OO Analysis and Design (N1944) o Practicing OO Analysis and Design (N1942) o Developing OO Applications: The Full Life Cycle (N1936) and, Languages: C++, OO COBOL, Smalltalk. Also included is the latest information about the IBM International Conference on Object Technology (E5528). About OTU --------- OTU is an international education program designed to enable companies to support their business strategies through the successful implementation of object technology (OT). OTU offers three programs -- Residency, Continuing Education, and Special Events -- that address multiple audiences: o Residency Program -- multi-week sessions for developers and others who need immersion in OT. This intensive training develops skills through classroom instruction, case studies, hands-on programming labs, individual and team projects, discussions, testing, and reading assignments. School One and School Two courses are part of this program. o Continuing Education Program -- Over 30 courses for those who need shorter periods of in-depth instruction. Many include hands-on labs. Focus areas include: OT concepts; Analysis, Design, and Application Development enablement; Languages (IBM Smalltalk, C++, OO COBOL); and Advanced Technologies (OpenDoc; SOM/DSOM). o Special Events Program -- seminars and conferences offering updates on OT issues and technologies for various audiences. One key event is the IBM International Conference on OT, scheduled for San Francisco in June 1996. More Information ---------------- OTU courses and schedules are listed in IBMLink. The on-line OTU Continuing Education Catalog can be accessed by sending a note to MKTGHELP at DALVM1. Further questions may be directed to Susan VonBampus at 1-312-245-3981, Internet userid . ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------+ | IBM Geographic Interface for OS/2 Provides | gisplat | Access to IBM GIS Data on OS/2 Platform | +--------------------------------------------+ In Brief ... ------------ geoInterface offers new object-oriented GIS data visualization and update capabilities for personal OS/2 systems: o VisualAge for Smalltalk parts can be used in a Rapid Application Development (RAD) mode to integrate GIS and standard application functionality. o C-language API for use with C and C++ facilitates application integration. o Sample GUI application provides map and menu windows to load, view, analyze, and update GIS data. o New client/server architecture allows client applications to easily access data from a geoManager/6000 database. o Compatibility with existing GFIS architecture and data model protects investment in existing applications. o GIS functionality in "detached-mode" on mobile machines provides portable GIS capabilities "in the field." IBM Geographic Interface for OS/2 (geoInterface) provides a user-friendly desktop geographic information system (GIS) interface that can be integrated with customer enterprise applications. It offers the ability to visualize, analyze, and update IBM Geographic Facilities Information System (GFIS) data using low cost personal OS/2 systems. Taking advantage of IBM's VisualAge (TM) object-oriented programming environment, geoInterface delivers GIS functions in client/server and detached modes. geoInterface enables a full range of GIS applications for the analysis, tracking, and management of geographically located facilities, assets, or events. Market and network analysis and automated mapping and facilities management (AM/FM) are well suited in any industry to geoInterface capabilities. geoInterface is not simply picture-based; it is based on a network topological model that provides a superior architecture for many applications, including: o Electric and gas distribution systems o Retail market or public sector demographic analysis o Railroad and highway planning and management o Water, wastewater, or other municipal sector systems o Cable TV, telephone, and computer networks. Two Editions: Developer and User -------------------------------- geoInterface is available in two editions: o The DEVELOPER EDITION contains all of the parts and functions required to develop, customize, maintain, and execute new and existing applications. o The USER EDITION can execute copies of all geoInterface applications developed or customized using the Developer Edition on the same or any other PC. geoInterface is designed to exchange data with IBM's geoManager and geoManager/6000 DB2 database products. Data stored in either database can then be accessed and used with all of IBM's GIS products or other applications. DESCRIPTION PRICE Developer Edition (72H6542) 1,560 USD User Edition (72H6541) 865 Planned Availability Date: 8 March 1996 Description ----------- Developer Edition / User Edition o The DEVELOPER EDITION contains all of the parts and functions required to develop, customize, maintain, and execute new and existing applications: - Its VisualAge for SmallTalk parts can be integrated with a customer-developed VisualAge application. VisualAge is IBM's premier object-oriented environment for rapid application development. geoInterface Developer Edition parts can be selected from a palette along with standard GUI parts, and connected using a visual builder paradigm. - Its C language API can be integrated with customer-developed C or C++ applications. These C-language functions can be linked into customer applications to load, view, and analyze GIS data. A geoManager/6000 client interface, identical to that provided on the IBM RISC System/6000, is also included. o The USER EDITION can execute copies of all geoInterface applications developed or customized using the Developer Edition on the same or any other PC. The economical User Edition also contains a pre-packaged sample application providing functionality similar to IBM's host-based geoManager Graphic Analysis. This includes a user interface to load, view, and analyze data from locally stored IBM Interface Format File (IFF) data files. geoInterface can be used to exchange data with IBM's geoManager and geoManager/6000 database offerings -- geoManager/6000 via direct client/server interface or via an IFF data file; host geoManager via IFF data file only. Data stored in either database can then be accessed and used with all of IBM's GIS products, including GPG, geoGPG/6000 Version 1, geoGPG for AIX, Version 2, and the Translator Toolkit. OBJECT-ORIENTED GIS PARTS: Application development productivity can be improved dramatically through the incorporation of pre-defined GIS parts in an IBM VisualAge for SmallTalk application development environment. You can focus your effort on the business logic and visually connect GIS functionality where needed. You no longer have to switch back-and-forth from geoInterface and other non-GIS applications. The cost of application development is reduced by the ability to re-use common GIS visual parts. A coding sample is provided as a template to incorporate the geoInterface functions into existing or new applications. These application development parts are available ONLY in the full Developer Edition of geoInterface. C-LANGUAGE APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFACE: C and C++ application developers will find it convenient to develop business applications that integrate GIS data visualization and analysis. Application developers can quickly develop GIS capabilities, or add them to existing applications, by using the library of callable GIS functions. Consequently, application quality is increased, and development expense and error rates are reduced. A coding sample is provided as a template to incorporate the geoInterface functions into existing or new applications. This API and sample code are available ONLY in the full Developer Edition of geoInterface. SAMPLE VIEW AND ANALYSIS APPLICATION: The new sample application provided with geoInterface provides and demonstrates the modern, ready-to-use interface that can be easily customized for any number of user applications. The presence of standard GUI window aids, such as tool bars, function icons, and scrollable windows, makes geoInterface applications easier to learn and use. Uniformity of applications with a common look-and-feel increases your productivity and flexibility. DESKTOP CLIENT/SERVER ARCHITECTURE: The new client/server implementation of geoInterface for network-centric computing enables end-user applications to share and easily exploit common GIS data. Previously, applications had to be run on high-performance RISC workstations that are not available to most end users. COMPATIBILITY WITH EXISTING IBM GFIS PRODUCTS: geoInterface can be used to exchange data with IBM's geoManager and geoManager/6000 database offerings -- geoManager/6000 via direct client interface or via an IFF data file; host geoManager via IFF data file only. Data stored in either database can then be retrieved and used with all of IBM's GIS products, including GPG, geoGPG/6000 Version 1, geoGPG for AIX, Version 2, and the Translator Toolkit. geoInterface uses standard GFIS facility and symbol definition files. PORTABLE FIELD GIS FUNCTIONALITY: Most of the geoInterface functions can be used in the field in mobile mode. Data can be viewed, networks can be traced, and attribute data can be updated right at the job site. Attribute updates can later be uploaded to the central GIS workstation database. The economical User Edition of geoInterface on a portable computer is an ideal solution in these situations. OPEN BLUEPRINT: geoInterface uses standard TCP/IP interfaces. Product Positioning ------------------- geoInterface is for customers who manage network facilities such as electric and gas, water and wastewater, telephone and cable television, or highways and railroads. The network-based topology and explicit connectivity make geoInterface a good fit for collection and/or distribution systems. Since the geoInterface data structure creates a real world model of the network, it is easy to design and test new facilities and to assess the impact on the rest of the system. geoInterface can be an attractive desktop GIS offering for both small utility and public works departments, or an enterprise GIS offering for large utility, telephone companies, public works departments, railroads, or highway departments (DOT). geoInterface is particularly valuable as a set of parts that can be incorporated into end-user applications which need to integrate GIS and non-GIS data. The ability to use geoInterface in both "detached" (mobile) mode and in client mode with an IBM AIX-based GIS database provides an excellent vehicle for a wide range of GIS situations. This includes entry-level or first-time GIS users, or those who want to expand, yet preserve, their existing enterprise and GIS capabilities. Hardware Requirements --------------------- o 33 MHz Intel 80486 IBM or IBM-compatible personal computer system o For the User Edition, 16 MB of installed RAM o For the Developer Edition, 24 MB of installed RAM o 16 MB of hard-disk space o 3.5-inch, high-density diskette reader (required for installation) o VGA graphics monitor, an XGA or SVGA 256-color display system with a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels is recommended For the Developer Edition of geoInterface, application development using VisualAge for SmallTalk or C/C++ requires additional storage as specified by those products. Hardware requirements and performance vary greatly depending on the type of work being performed and the volume of data. Software Requirements --------------------- o OS/2 Warp Version 3 Optional Software Requirements: o TCP/IP for OS/2, Version 2.0, if the geoManager/6000 client functions is used One of the following only for the Developer Edition: o IBM VisualAge for SmallTalk, Professional for OS/2, Version 3.0, if development is done using the geoInterface VisualAge parts o IBM C++ Tools Version 2 or later, if development is done using the C API COMPATIBILITY: geoInterface can exchange data with IBM's geoManager (5685-105) and geoManager/6000 (5799-QEP) database offerings -- geoManager/6000 via direct client interface or via an IFF data file; host geoManager via IFF data file only. Data stored in either database can then be retrieved and used with all of IBM's GIS products, including: o GPG (5688-050) o geoGPG/6000 Version 1 (5765-026) o geoGPG for AIX, Version 2 (5765-040) o IBM Translator Toolkit (5799-EPK) geoInterface uses standard GFIS facility and symbol definition files. LIMITATIONS: o The maximum number of facilities in a single map file is proportional to the amount of machine storage available, but is always limited to 16 million. o The maximum number of maps that may be loaded simultaneously is limited to 256. o The Interface Format File (IFF) produced by geoInterface is not usable by the IBM Translator Toolkit or IBM's geoGPG products. However, geoInterface data stored into either of IBM's GIS database systems (geoManager or geoManager/6000) can be extracted from those database systems as IFF for use in any IBM GIS product. This includes the IBM Translator Toolkit which provides a number of non-IBM data formats, including AUTOCAD DXF, Intergraph SIF, ETAK Mapbase, and ESRI ARC/INFO. PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Response time depends upon a variety of processor, communication, and data load factors such as processor and line speeds, the number, type, and organization of terminals, the number and type of network and geoInterface functions used, and the size of the data being processed. Response time in multiple-system and cross-network environments depends upon these factors and various network-load factors, including the number of nodes traversed and the system load. Ordering Information and Charges -------------------------------- Orders for new licenses will be accepted now. Shipments will begin on 8 March 1996. To order these programs for order type, specify the order type number, feature number, part number, program name, media, and quantity. Program Package: -- program diskette with documentation. FEATURE PART ONE-TIME PROGRAM NAME NUMBER NUMBER CHARGE Order Type: 5801-AAR geoInterface -- User Edition 0919 72H6541 865 USD geoInterface -- Developer Edition 0920 72H6542 1,560 USD ADDITIONAL LICENSE COPIES: Authorizes the customer who has a program package to make a single copy of the program media and printed documentation. The authorization is given by providing the customer a Proof of Entitlement for Additional License -- with Certificate which has its own part number and feature number. ADDITIONAL LICENSES CHARGE: Customers who pay an OTC for additional licenses may copy machine-readable program materials and printed documentation previously acquired from IBM in a program package. One copy may be made for each additional license ordered. Order Type: 5802-AAR FEATURE PART ONE-TIME PROGRAM NAME NUMBER NUMBER CHARGE geoInterface for OS/2 User Edition Proof of Entitlement for Quantity of 1 Additional License with Certificate 0983 72H6543 779 USD geoInterface for OS/2 User Edition Proof of Entitlement for Quantity of 5 Additional Licenses with Certificate 0984 72H6544 3,698 USD geoInterface for OS/2 User Edition Proof of Entitlement for Quantity of 10 Additional Licenses with Certificate 0985 72H6545 7,007 USD geoInterface for OS/2 User Edition Proof of Entitlement for Quantity of 50 Additional Licenses with Certificate 0986 72H6546 32,697 USD geoInterface for OS/2 Developer Edition Proof of Entitlement for Quantity of 1 Additional License with Certificate 0988 72H6548 1,405 USD geoInterface for OS/2 Developer Edition Proof of Entitlement for Quantity of 5 Additional Licenses with Certificate 0989 72H6549 6,670 USD geoInterface for OS/2 Developer Edition Proof of Entitlement for Quantity of 10 Additional Licenses with Certificate 0990 72H6550 12,640 USD geoInterface for OS/2 Developer Edition Proof of Entitlement for Quantity of 50 Additional Licenses with Certificate 0991 72H6551 58,985 USD ADDITIONAL LICENSE COPIES -- SOFTWARE ADVANTAGE EXHIBIT: Authorization to make additional license copies begins on the start date specified in the Software Advantage Agreement. Proof of Entitlement will be provided monthly. Order Type: 5802-AAR PART ONE-TIME PROGRAM NAME NUMBER CHARGE geoInterface for OS/2 -- User Edition Proof of Entitlement for Quantity of 1 for Additional License without Certificate 72H6547 735 USD geoInterface for OS/2 -- Developer Edition Proof of Entitlement for Quantity of 1 for Additional License without Certificate 72H6552 1,326 USD UPGRADE PROTECTION (NEW PRODUCT): The following Upgrade Protection Products are only available under the Software Advantage for Workstations offering: Order Type: 5809-AAR PART ONE-TIME PROGRAM NAME NUMBER CHARGE Upgrade Protection for geoInterface for OS/2 User Edition -- One-Time Charge 72H6553 234 USD Upgrade Protection for geoInterface for OS/2 User Edition -- Quarterly Charge 72H6554 29.25 USD Upgrade Protection for geoInterface for OS/2 Developer Edition -- One-Time Charge 72H6555 422 USD Upgrade Protection for geoInterface for OS/2 Developer Edition -- Quarterly Charge 72H6556 52.75 USD Customers who acquire Upgrade Protection through an OTC or quarterly payment charges (when meeting minimum revenue criteria) will be entitled at no charge to future versions and releases when announced within their Software Advantage agreement period. Following availability of the new program, IBM will provide a program package (including media and documentation) and a Proof of Entitlement authorizing right to copy, distribute, and install equal to the number of programs protected. ======================================================================== +-------------------+ | Software Tour '96 | toursoft +-------------------+ Come to a free seminar demonstrating IBM and Lotus software for a network-centric solution. This isn't about technology or computers, it's about working together. Join us for a presentation about the future of computing with products designed to work the way people do -- together. Applications that provide end users with compelling benefits, regardless of hardware or software platforms, or even the location of the users. A solid introduction to IBM and Lotus products for end users. Agenda ------ Presentations begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 3:30 p.m. During the morning session, you will see the advantages and benefits associated with: o Lotus SmartSuite 96: WordPro, 1-2-3, and Approach o CICS o DB2 o MQSeries o VisualAge o Eagle: OS/2 Warp Server and SystemView o IBM Global Network Lunch with IBM's local BESTeam members. The afternoon session includes: o Overview of Eagle Servers o Introduction of Eagle Notes Server o What is "Groupware?" Venues and Dates ---------------- Venues and dates for the Software Tour '96 include: o San Antonio 22 February 1996 o San Francisco 27 February o Raleigh 29 February o Richmond 5 March o Phoenix 7 March o Los Angeles 12 March Other cities in the second half of March include Baltimore, Seattle, Houston, Calgary, and New York. Approximately 20 events will be scheduled during each quarter of 1996. How to Register --------------- To attend an IBM Software Tour '96 seminar, call 1-800-766-4344. ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------+ | Application Development Conference and | appconf | Exposition, 6 - 8 March, New York City | +----------------------------------------+ The Application Development Conference and Exposition will be held at the New York Hilton in New York City, 6 through 8 March. The conference runs 6-8 March and the exposition 7 and 8 March. It's a must-see event for information systems executives and managers who make strategic and tactical decisions concerning the deployment and enhancement of mission-critical business applications. Three Comprehensive Tracks -------------------------- The conference focuses on technology, architecture, and infrastructure. Three comprehensive tracks are featured for attendees: o Strategic Distributed Systems Development o Middleware and Execution and Architectures o Object-Technology and Component-Based Development Attendees can learn how to build an information systems architecture that will provide a competitive edge for the next millennium. IBM Keynote Presentation ------------------------ IBM is cosponsoring the event, which features Tim Negris, vice president, Software Solutions sales and marketing, in a keynote titled Network-Centric Computing: A New Vision for Client/Server. His presentation, on 7 March at 4:30 p.m., addresses the challenges of building the next generation of client/server applications, and how object-oriented technology is key to making it all happen. More Information ---------------- For more information or to register, call 1-508-366-3344, ext. 244, or send e-mail to . ======================================================================== +------------------------------------------+ | CICS and MQSeries Technical Conferences, | cimqconf | Starting 29 April, San Francisco | +------------------------------------------+ Join us in San Francisco this spring as we celebrate two exciting IBM conferences: 1996 CICS Technical Conference -- Tenth Anniversary Conference 29 April through 3 May San Francisco Hilton Inaugural MQSeries Technical Conference 29 April through 1 May San Francisco Hilton The CICS Technical Conference celebrates its tenth anniversary and, at the same time and place, the MQSeries Technical Conference makes its debut. Register for the CICS Technical Conference, and you can also attend any of the elective sessions offered at the MQSeries Technical Conference ... truly a two-for-one deal! Conference Highlights --------------------- Highlights of the conferences include: CICS Technical Conference: 4.5 days o 2 Sunday afternoon pre-conference tutorials: CICS/ESA Overview, and Welcome to MQSeries o 2 General sessions - Keynote: IBM Hursley management team discusses the CICS and MQSeries family and what to expect in the future - General session: CICS and MQSeries working at the 1996 Olympics! o 2 Business Partner sessions The latest and greatest products on display from business partners o Over 85 electives to choose from o Customer registration fee: 1,495 USD MQSeries Technical Conference: 2.5 days o Sunday afternoon pre-conference tutorial: Welcome to MQSeries o 2 General sessions - Keynote: IBM Hursley management team discusses the CICS and MQSeries family and what to expect in the future - General session: CICS and MQSeries working at the 1996 Olympics! o 1 Business Partner session (second session available Wednesday afternoon) The latest and greatest products on display from business partners o 16 electives to choose from o Customer registration fee: 795 USD Brochures --------- Brochures for the 1996 CICS Technical Conference and the MQSeries Technical Conference are hot off the press. To receive a copy via your fax machine, call 1-800-IBM-4FAX (1-800-426-4329), and request: o document 2484 for the 15-page CICS Conference brochure o document 2481 for the 9-page MQSeries Conference brochure Registration ------------ U.S. and Canadian customers and IBMers: o Call and ask for "Conferences": 1-800-IBM-TEACh (1-800-426-8322) 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time Monday through Friday o Fax: 1-800-426-9006, 24 hours, 7 days o Internet: Customers and IBMers outside the U.S.: o Call and ask for "Conferences": 1-520-574-4500 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time (GMT-5) Monday through Friday o Fax: 1-520-574-4501, 24 hours, 7 days o Internet: If you are disabled and require reasonable accommodation, please advise us in advance of your needs. This notice is provided for your planning convenience, and is not intended to represent a guarantee of schedules or prices. Since changes can occur, please verify schedules and prices by calling 1-800-IBM-TEACh (1-800-426-8322). ======================================================================== +------------------------------+ | AS/400 Technical Conferences | conf400 +------------------------------+ This year, the AS/400 Technical Conferences are back with even more system solutions for your dynamic future. Here is your unparalleled opportunity to grasp the latest advances that maximize your competitive responsiveness. AS/400 Technical Conferences 9-11 June 1996 8-12 September 1996 Fontainebleau Hilton Anaheim Marriott Miami Beach, FL Anaheim, CA Conference Highlights --------------------- Mark your calendar for our spring and/or fall conferences. Prepare for 4.5 days of skill-enhancing sessions devoted to what's hot in AS/400, what's new, and what's needed to immediately implement technological breakthroughs that serve your long and short-term needs. At this year's conferences: o Discover integrated solutions that boost system flexibility and performance to help you master current and emerging business challenges. o Explore AS/400 client/server solutions that give you access to the information you need from any point at any time, so you're free to make better and faster decisions. o Learn first-hand from product developers and industry leaders, plus gain invaluable hands-on experience with the latest AS/400 products and enhancements. Add exceptional networking opportunities, an exciting Exhibitor Center, and practical information that can be immediately applied for an instant return on your educational investment. Your registration fee of $1,295 covers 4-1/2 days of education, a welcome reception, breakfasts and lunches, all materials, and entrance to the Exhibitor Center. Registration and More Information --------------------------------- Don't miss out -- last year's conferences were completely sold out! Register today for the conference that can take you and your AS/400 system into the next millennium. To register or to request a detailed conference brochure: U.S. and Canadian Customers: - Call and ask for "Conferences" 1-800-IBM-TEACh 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. (1-800-426-8322) Eastern time (GMT-5) Monday through Friday - Fax: 1-800-426-9006 24 hours/7 days - Internet: Customers Outside the U.S. and Canada: - Call and ask for "Conferences" 1-520-574-4500 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Eastern time (GMT-5) Monday through Friday - Fax: 1-520-574-4501 24 hours/7 days - Internet: If you are disabled and require reasonable accommodation, please advise us in advance of your needs. Note: This notice is provided for your planning convenience and is not intended to represent a guarantee of schedules or prices. Since changes can occur, please verify schedules and prices by calling 1-800-IBM-TEACh (1-800-426-8322) or 1-520-574-4500. ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------------------------+ | 1996 MVS Expo and Performance Technical Conference, | expomvs | 21 - 25 October, Arlington, Virginia | +-----------------------------------------------------+ The 1996 MVS Expo and Performance Technical Conference is scheduled for 21 through 25 October at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia (adjacent to Washington DC). Covering MVS Version 5 and OS/390 --------------------------------- The MVS Expo and Performance Conference provides a unique opportunity to choose from more than 100 sessions covering all aspects of MVS Version 5 and the next generation of S/390 server operating systems, OS/390. Speakers are developers from the S/390 and Storage System Division laboratories, industry consultants, and specialists from IBM National Technical Support and IBM Education and Training. Customer experiences will be featured as well. Conference Themes ----------------- Themes for this year's conference include: o OS/390 and MVS V5.2 planning and implementation o Parallel Sysplex configuration, installation and operation o MVS and OS/390 as an enterprise server platform o MVS and OS/390 UNIX Services and DCE o Object Technology on MVS and OS/390 o S/390 performance management, including the Workload Manager o Subsystem performance: CICS, IMS, DB2, JES, TSO More Information ---------------- More information about the conference will be available in coming months. To add your name to the 1996 MVS Expo and Performance Technical Conference mailing list, call 1-800-IBM-TEACh (1-800-426-8322), and ask for "Conferences." If you are calling from outside the USA, please call our international number, 1-520-574-4500. ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Software Vendor Marketing Partnerships Enhances Programs | svmpprog +----------------------------------------------------------+ The following is a synopsis of the program offerings through IBM's Software Vendor Marketing Partnerships. National Software Remarketing ----------------------------- National Software Remarketing offers application software vendors the opportunity to acquire sales and marketing resources for their products utilizing IBM NA distribution capabilities. Products remarketed by IBM retain the vendors' logos, licenses, and warranties. In a typical transaction, IBM assumes responsibility for sales and marketing, billing, and accounts receivable. Manufacturing, distribution, implementation, training, support, and services may be assumed by IBM as appropriate and negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Through National Software Remarketing, independent software vendors grant IBM the right to resell their products either on an exclusive or non-exclusive basis. Both the vendor and IBM gain from the relationship -- the vendor through acquisition of a channel, and IBM through additional offerings for its application software portfolio. Vendor products remarketed by IBM may be sold through traditional IBM channels, depending on the specific product needs of the various IBM marketing and sales organizations. Alternately, they may be sold through dedicated software sales units managed by the IBM North America (NA) Software organization. In either case, the most cost-effective means of distribution is selected for each type of product. This may include selling methods, either individually or in combinations, ranging from field sales representatives to direct response marketing, telesales, and electronic marketing and/or delivery. Each National Software Remarketing relationship is formalized in a remarketing agreement based on extensive consultation with the vendor. Responsibilities are delineated in the remarketing agreement, with emphasis on the activities each party will perform to market the product successfully. National Software Remarketing relationships are assigned to sponsors, which may be IBM NA sales and marketing organizations or IBM NA Software. The role of the sponsors includes development, financing, and execution of the go-to-market strategies and marketing programs designed to support their vendors' products. Sponsors commit to target volumes and financial performance objectives for each relationship. The National Software Remarketing Program offers a unique opportunity for independent software vendors to leverage IBM NA distribution capabilities. This may involve launching new products, expanding sales of existing products, bringing products into North America that are already successful in other parts of the world, or other arrangements that provide a win/win situation for both the vendor and IBM. For more information about SVMP's National Software Remarketing program, call 1-800-627-8363 from the USA and Canada, or 1-770-835-9902 from elsewhere. Software Vendor Marketing Programs ---------------------------------- IBM's Software Vendor Marketing Programs (fee-based programs) consist of agreements between IBM and vendors who are providing non-IBM application software, hardware, and services to help satisfy the requirements of IBM's customers. The relationships that are part of these offerings are non-exclusive and national in scope. IBM's marketing reps are compensated for the sale of these products. Marketing Support Services -------------------------- The newest of the SVMP offerings is Marketing Support Services. The Marketing Support Services program offers fee-based marketing support services to IBM business partners and other suppliers of non-IBM software, hardware and services. IBM provides, or obtains through external sources, a wide range of marketing support activities, i.e., direct mail, telemarketing, advertising, creation and development of promotional media, marketing event coordination, and prospect sourcing. For a complete list of activities or more information about Marketing Support Services, call 1-800-627-8363 (USA and Canada) or 1-770-835-9902. ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------------------+ | The Solution Partnership Centers: Access to IBM | spcovu +-------------------------------------------------+ Attention, solution developers! Want to test an application in the works? Looking for information about emerging technologies and trends? Need to migrate to additional platforms? The Solution Partnership Center has everything developers need to develop software solutions on industry-leading IBM platforms. From business seminars and 24-hour porting labs to direct technical support and vendor recruiting, the center helps you streamline the time-to-market process and expand market opportunities for your strategic applications. All at no cost to you! Access People and Information ----------------------------- Keeping on top of emerging industry trends and IBM technologies requires a tremendous amount of time and resources. Look no further than the Solution Partnership Center's ongoing schedule of business seminars. Relevant and informative, they cover critical industry issues that shape the development and marketing of your solution offerings. More first-hand information is also yours through consultant briefings, special-interest sessions, and detailed product briefings on IBM's full range of platforms. Walk in the lobby on any day, and you'll find product demonstrations and a wealth of product brochures, evaluations, technical white papers, and industry magazines for your reference. Have a look at our SPC West and SPC East calendars for details of upcoming events. Port and Test Across Platforms ------------------------------ Today's increasingly competitive global marketplace demands networked client/server distributed solutions across the enterprise. The center's 24-hour porting labs assist you with this goal as you port, validate, performance-test, and fine-tune code across the entire spectrum of IBM systems and configurations. This also includes access to advanced object technologies such as Taligent, System Object Model (SOM), and OpenDoc. The private, secure, and interruption-free environment allows you to work at your own pace, with porting and prototyping assistance at your disposal, in addition to an expansive networking lab for product testing. Lab time is scheduled in advance to ensure that your product-specific environment is set up and ready to go when you arrive. Solve Technical Questions On-Site --------------------------------- Even the most experienced solution developers need technical support now and then. When you do, the center's team of experienced technical consultants is ready. These on-site IBM experts provide leading-edge information that can accelerate your software development project or prepare you for the next wave of computing technology. Maybe you want assistance in migrating a 16-bit Windows-based application to a 32-bit OS/2 Warp industrial-strength environment. Or maybe you simply need an answer regarding the use of shared libraries in AIX. If you have a technical question, the center has just the people to see -- supported by product developers at IBM labs in Austin, Texas (AIX, RISC, SMP); Poughkeepsie, New York (SP1 and SP2); Boca Raton, Florida (OS/2 Warp); Toronto, Canada (DB2); and other locations worldwide. Recruit Vendors and Partnerships -------------------------------- You've developed your software vision. Now it's time to make marketing decisions. Tap into the center's business resources to pinpoint the most effective channels for getting your product to customers. Participate in vendor recruiting seminars to establish all-important business partnerships. The center offers many options. Better still, take advantage of the profit-building business services and marketing programs available through IBM's Business Partner Program. Qualifying business partners also benefit from trade show opportunities, listings in IBM Solutions catalogs, entry into IBM's National Solution Center database, and much more. Access Industry-Leading IBM Solutions ------------------------------------- Hardware platforms: o PC o RISC System/6000 Family: -- SMP -- AIX -- POWERparallel -- SP2 -- Power Personal (PowerPC) o AS/400 Software platforms: o OS/2 Warp o AIX o OS/400 o DB2 Family o CICS o DCE o TCP/IP o SNA o NetView o DSMIT o KARAT o ADSM Advanced technologies: o Client/Server o Distributed Data o Data Mining o Objects o OpenDoc o SOM/DSOM o Human Centered o Network Centric o Information Warehouse o Decision Support Solution Partnership Center Locations ------------------------------------- IBM Solution Partnership Center -- West 2929 Campus Drive, Suite 275 San Mateo CA 94403 1-800-678-4249 or 1-415-312-0240 fax 1-415-312-0254 IBM Solution Partnership Center -- East 404 Wyman St. Waltham MA 02154 1-800-678-4249 or 1-617-895-2610 fax 1-617-895-2886 Go to Market ------------ The people. The technology. The resources. You'll find it all at IBM's Solution Partnership Center. Add conveniences such as conference rooms, classrooms, LAN room and library, and it's easy to see why solution developers take full advantage of everything the center has to offer. More Information ---------------- For more information about how the Solution Partnership Center can assist you in deploying and marketing your IBM-driven applications, call 1-800-678-4249 or complete the form at URL . ======================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Solution Developer Program Worldwide Contacts | wwsdo +---------------------------------------------------+ The IBM Solution Developer Program has contacts around the world who can assist solution developers who want to know more about the programs and services available to them. The list below provides information about how to get in touch with the Solution Developer Program contact for your country or geographic region. Asia and Pacific Region ----------------------- Solution Developer Operations Executive: Sally Rogers E-mail: Phone: +61 2-354-4976 Fax: +61 2-354-4981 Marketing Programs: Davender Chhabra E-mail: Developer Assistance Program Fulfillment: Jennifer Dulhunty E-mail: Phone: +61 2-354-7684 Fax: +61 2-354-7766 Australia: Hillel Benedykt E-mail: Phone: +61 3-9626-6554 Fax: +61 3-9626-6612 China: W Yan E-mail: India and Sri Lanka: Sally Rogers E-mail: Phone: +61 2-354-4976 Fax: +61 2-354-4981 Japan: K Yonemitsu E-mail: Korea: Nool Park E-mail: New Zealand: Hillel Benedykt E-mail: Phone: +61 3-9626-6554 Fax: +61 3-9626-6612 Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam: J Srikant E-mail: Taiwan: P H Chen E-mail: Europe, Middle East, and Africa ------------------------------- Central Europe and Russia: Renate Janda E-mail: Phone: +43 1 21145 3405 Fax: +43 1 21145 5714 Austria: Ingrid Sponer E-mail: Phone: +43 1 21145 2537 Fax: +43 1 2160886 Denmark Torjus Gylstorff E-mail: Phone: +45 93 45 45 ext. 3084 Fax: +45 88 95 69 Egypt Sherif El-Rafei E-mail: Phone: +20 2-349-2533 Fax: +20 2-360-1227 France: Brigitte Poggi E-mail: Phone: +33 1 49 05 78 28 Fax: +33 1 47 88 64 76 Finland: Ari Voutilainen E-mail: Phone: +358 0 4594082 Fax: +358 0 4596901 OS/2 and DAP BBS: +358 0 4595900 Germany: Susanne Horlemann E-mail: Phone: +49 (0)711 785 7355 Fax: +49 (0)711-785-7090 Greece: Labros Kisouras E-mail: Phone: +30 1 3281637 Fax: +30 1 3237278 Ireland: Catherine Tallon E-mail: Phone: +353 1 6603744 Fax: +353 1 6602046 Israel: Jacob Levy E-mail: Phone: +97 23 6978921 Fax: +97 23 6978907 Italy: Lorenzo Cassinelli E-mail: Phone: +39 02 59625468 Fax: +39 02 59629587 The Netherlands: Ton Koopmans E-mail: Phone: +31 20 513 3257 Fax: +31 20 615 1489 Norway: Frode Aarheim E-mail: Phone: +47 66 99 80 00 Fax: +47 66 99 93 33 Spain: Maricruz Serrano E-mail: Phone: +341 - 397 91 20 Fax: +341 - 519 39 87 Sweden: Anders Landstrom E-mail: Phone: +46 8 7931728 Fax: +46-8-7932472 Switzerland: Mohammed El Saghe E-mail: Phone: +41 1 207-2602 Fax: +41 1 207-2410 Turkey: Ebru Aran E-mail: Phone: +90 212 2800900 Fax: +90 212 2780437 United Kingdom: Software Developers Enquiry Line E-mail: Phone: 0345 522622 (UK LoCall) Fax: +44 (0)1705 492222 North America ------------- United States and Canada: IBM Software Vendor Hotline Phone: 1-800-627-8363 Fax: 1-770-835-9444 ======================================================================== +---------------------------------+ | The Developer Connection Family | dconfam +---------------------------------+ The Developer Connection is a family of Worldwide twelve-month subscription programs that streamline developer access to cutting-edge IBM development information and technology. Anyone can enroll in these programs at competitive prices, and qualified developers are eligible for special discount rates. The Developer Connection delivers a collection of development kits, tools, demos, sample code, pre-release products or proposed products, development information, and documentation via CD on a regular basis. Subscribers also receive newsletters that contain the most up-to-date information about IBM operating systems and development products. What is The Developer Connection? --------------------------------- The Developer Connection is a twelve-month subscription offering. The subscription offers, up to four times during a twelve month period, packages consisting of: o pre-release products o toolkits o development tools o development information in the form of online papers and books o sample code o demonstration programs o magazines and newsletters Some issues may include generally-available and supported versions of products in addition to evaluation or demonstration versions. How to Join The Developer Connection ------------------------------------ In the United States, you can obtain The Developer Connection by calling 1-800-6-DEVCON (1-800-633-8266) or fax 1-303-330-7655. Other geographies may have different distribution/pricing policies, so the local number shown below should be called for ordering information: Canada 1-800-561-5293 Germany 0130-812177 Asia/Pacific 61-2-354-7684 (61 is the country code for Australia) fax 61-2-354-7766 Argentina 313-0014 Bolivia 35-1840 Brazil 0800-111205 fax (011) 886-3222 Chile 633-4400 Colombia 257-0111 Costa Rica 223-6222 Dominican Republic 566-5161 Ecuador 56-5100 El Salvador 98-5011 Guatemala 31-5859 Honduras 32-2319 Mexico 627-2444 (in Mexico City) 91-800-00639 (elsewhere in Mexico) Panama 639-977 Paraguay 444-094 Peru 36-6345 Uruguay 923-617 Venezuela 908-8901 The Developer Connection can also be ordered directly from IBM SPC in Denmark if you are outside one of the above geographical areas. After dialing the international access code, you should call the appropriate number to reach an operator speaking one of the following languages: Danish 45 48101300 German 45 48101000 Dutch 45 48101400 Italian 45 48101600 English 45 48101500 Norwegian 45 48101250 Finnish 45 48101650 Spanish 45 48101100 French 45 48101200 Swedish 45 48101150 fax 45 48142207 Note that 45 is the country code for Denmark. Support ------- Support for The Developer Connection is provided via Internet, CompuServe, and OS/2 BBS. Please see the specific offering (IBM Developer Connection for AIX, The Developer Connection for OS/2, ...) for details. ======================================================================== +----------------------------------+ | The Developer Connection for AIX | dconaix +----------------------------------+ The IBM Developer Connection for AIX is the AIX-platform-specific member of the Developer Connection family of offerings. If you want to develop a product or program that is intended to run on AIX, this is the right "Connection" for you. The executable products delivered on CDs distributed in issues of The Developer Connection for AIX are intended to execute specifically on AIX Version 4 and subsequent operating systems. Detailed technical information is specific to AIX or to products that execute in AIX environments (except where necessary to deal with issues of connectivity and interoperability with specific other platforms). The books, magazines, white papers, and newsletters deal primarily with products, subjects, and issues specific to AIX, although they may also deal with subjects of more general or cross-system interest. What's New? ----------- The previous cumbersome ordering and licensing procedures have been replaced with much simpler ones that result in literally weeks of time eliminated between placing a new order and beginning constructive use of the product. The customer now simply places the order, and the package is on its way in a matter of days. The CD has a built-in electronic licensing procedure that can be completed in minutes. Where separate licenses are necessary for particular programs, the licensing is handled in the same way. Where to Find Content Lists --------------------------- The contents of The Developer Connection for AIX CD can be found at URL . The contents of The Developer Connection for AIX Hypertext Information Base Libraries CD can be found at URL . Be sure to use upper and lower case as indicated. ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------+ | The Developer Connection for OS/2 | dconos2 +-----------------------------------+ The Developer Connection for OS/2 is an annual membership in which subscribers receive CDs and a newsletter four times a year. The CDs contain generally available and prerelease development products from IBM, including several toolkits (such as The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp, the OpenDoc toolkit, and the Pen for OS/2 Developer's Toolkit), the SMART migration tool from One Up Corporation, the OS/2 for PowerPC SDK, employee-written software, and third-party products. The CDs also contain the complete set of documentation from both the OS/2 2.1 Technical Library and the Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp, plus excerpts from selected books and magazines. All previous versions of The Developer Connection News are also on the CDs. The newsletter contains 24 pages of technical articles about current OS/2 topics, as well as articles about products and future strategies. Your subscription to The Developer Connection for OS/2 will also include The Developer Connection for LAN Systems CD, a cross-platform CD providing tools, toolkits, beta, and evaluation copies of products, and documentation for LAN Systems products. What's New on Volume 9? ----------------------- We've grown again! The Developer Connection for OS/2 Volume 9 is now on four CDs, plus the two CDs for the Developer Connection for LAN Systems, or a total of 6 CDs. We hope you like all of the new tools we are providing, especially when you consider the price is still 199 USD per year, the same as our original Volume 1 price, which was a single CD! Our most exciting news is the addition of a compiler category! Volume 9 now offers IBM VisualAge C++ and SpeedSoft SpeedPascal compilers. Other great new products include: o PartitionMagic from PowerQuest, which lets you manipulate your hard disk partitions. No more reformatting to change partition size! o Updated OpenDoc Framework for C Set ++ o UniMaint from SofTouch Systems, which helps to uninstall products and perform maintenance o Kernel debuggers for many of the ServicePak levels available o OS/2 Warp FixPaks translated into several languages o GpfREXX o TCP/IP for OS/2 XWindows System Client Kit The Developer Connection News ----------------------------- With each issue, you also receive our informative, technical newsletter, The Developer Connection News, filled with the latest OS/2 development information, tips and techniques, and future strategy columns. These articles are written by IBM developers, as well as developers from other leading providers of OS/2 applications and technology. The newsletter also contains a valuable Q-and-A column, where you can receive complete answers to your OS/2 questions, as well as a series of tips and techniques with help on some of the subtler points of OS/2 usage and programming. Volume 9 of The Developer Connection News contains the following articles: o Developers Enjoy the ALPs (Assembly Language Processor) o VisualAge C++ Visual Application Builder o NewShow: A C++ DIVE Class Sample o BRender: The Real-Time 3D Renderer o What's New on Volume 9? o SMART Update o Operating System Evolution: The Rest of the Story o So You Want Your Application to Be Multilingual? o Writing Workplace Shell Objects Using the IBM Open Class User Interface Library o Software Installer: Your Tool for Installation o Open MPEG Committee o PMCX - What's zat? o Write Once, Read Many... with Hyperwise o CID Installation of SVGA Display Support o OS/2 Warp's New Infrared Support Content of The Developer Connection for OS/2, Volume 9 ------------------------------------------------------ The Developer Connection for OS/2, Volume 9, contains 17 categories and 240 products. It includes limited licenses to the following: Key: Demo Lic = For Demonstration Purposes Only (refer to license agreement) Eval Lic = For Evaluation Purposes Only (refer to license agreement) (E) = Excerpts (I) = IBM Internally Developed Software (P) = Pre-Release Software (R) = Reduced Function (T) = Time-Out Code Bitmaps (Disc 1) ------- BITMAP32: 32-bit bitmap viewer (I) Bitmap Samples: Developer Connection Bitmap Samples (I) GBM: Generalized Bitmap Module (I) JView (Crunch Products) (P) NEW MakeLogo: OS/2 Boot Logo Utility (I) Communication Tools (Disc 2) ------------------- AdeptXBBS (AdeptSoft) UPDATED APPC Showcase: Games and Utilities (I) AUTODI: Graphical Display of APPN Resources (I) COMi (OS/tools Inc) (R,Demo Lic) COMi (OS/tools Inc): Diskette (R,Demo Lic) Communications Server Access Feature (IBM) (P) UPDATED COMspool (OS/tools Inc) (R,Demo Lic) COMspool (OS/tools Inc): Diskette (R,Demo Lic) Golden CommPass (Creative Systems Programming Corp.) (T,Demo Lic) UPDATED GOPHER: OS/2 PM client for Internet Gopher protocol (I) GOSERV: Gopher Server for OS/2 2.x (I) UPDATED LAN Adapter Protocol Support for TCP/IP (IBM) (P) OS/2 C-Kermit 5A(191) (Columbia University) Personal Communications AS/400 and 3270 V4.0 for OS/2 (IBM): Diskettes Personal Communications AS/400 V4.0 for OS/2 (IBM): Diskettes Personal Communications/3270 V4.0 for OS/2 (IBM): Diskettes RXAPPC: REXX Communications APIs (I) Softerm Plus for OS/2 (Softronics, Inc.) SYBASE Open Client Developer's Kit (Sybase Inc.) TCP/IP for OS/2 (IBM) Compilers (Disc 4) --------- High C/C++ (MetaWare Inc.) (Demo Lic) Speed-Pascal/2 for OS/2 Warp (SpeedSoft USA) (Demo Lic) NEW VisPro/C (HockWare, Inc.) (R,Eval Lic) VisPro/C++ (HockWare, Inc.) (R,Eval Lic) VisualAge C++ for OS/2, Version 3.0 (IBM) (T,Eval Lic) NEW Databases (Disc 2) --------- DATABASE 2 for OS/2 -- Version 2.1 Single-User (IBM) (T) DATABASE 2 Software Developer's Kit for OS/2 -- V2.1 (IBM) (T) DataGuide for Lotus Notes (IBM) DataGuide for OS/2 Administrator (IBM) DataGuide for OS/2 User (IBM) DBMRPW: DBM password utility (I) DDCS for OS/2 -- Version 2.3 Single-User (IBM) (T) Visigenic ODBC SDK for OS/2 (Visigenic Software, Inc.) (P) NEW Developer Toolkits (Discs 2 and 3) ------------------ Communications Server for OS/2 WARP (TOOLKIT) (IBM) (P) UPDATED Entertainment Tools in the Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp (IBM) (P, Eval Lic) Internationalization Toolkit based on XPG/4 (IBM) (P) UPDATED Kernel Debugger for OS/2 2.x and Warp (IBM): CD Install Kernel Debugger for OS/2 for SMP v2.11 (IBM): Diskettes Kernel Debugger for OS/2 for SMP v2.11 (IBM): CD Install Kernel Debugger for OS/2 Japan 2.1 CSD BJC006 (IBM): CD Install Kernel Debugger for OS/2 Japan 2.11 (IBM): CD Install Kernel Debugger for OS/2 ServicePak XR06300 v2.1 (IBM): CD Install Kernel Debugger for OS/2 v2.11 (IBM): Diskettes Kernel Debugger for OS/2 Warp with WIN-OS2 (IBM): Diskettes Kernel Debugger for OS/2 Warp, Version 3 (IBM): Diskettes LEADTOOLS Imagehandler for OS/2 (LEAD Technologies, Inc.) (Demo Lic) NEW MMPM2 v1.1 Toolkit (IBM): CD Install Object REXX Toolkit (IBM) (P) OpenDoc Developer's Kit 2 for OS/2 (IBM) (P,Eval Lic) OpenDoc Multimedia for OS/2 (IBM) (P,Eval Lic) OS/2 2.11 Kernel Debugger for FixPak 96 (IBM): Diskettes NEW OS/2 2.11 Kernel Debugger for FixPak 97 (IBM): Diskettes NEW OS/2 2.11 Kernel Debugger for FixPak 98 (IBM): Diskettes NEW OS/2 2.11 Kernel Debugger for FixPak 99 (IBM): Diskettes NEW OS/2 Warp 3.1 Kernel Debugger for FixPak 7 (IBM): Diskettes NEW OS/2 Warp 3.1 Kernel Debugger for FixPak 8 (IBM): Diskettes NEW OS/2 Warp 3.1 Kernel Debugger for FixPak 9 (IBM): Diskettes NEW OS/2 Warp 3.1 Kernel Debugger for FixPak 10 (IBM): Diskettes NEW Pen for OS/2 Warp Toolkit (IBM): Diskettes Pen for OS/2 Warp Toolkit (IBM): CD Install PL/I for OS/2 - Toolkit (IBM) SearchManager/2 Toolkit (IBM) TCP/IP Version 2.0 for OS/2: X Window System Client Kit (IBM) NEW The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 1.3 (IBM): Diskettes The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 2.1 (Japanese) (IBM): CD Install The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 2.1 (IBM): Diskettes The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 2.1 (IBM): CD Install The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 2.1 (IBM): Folder Creation The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 for SMP v2.11 (IBM): Diskettes The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 for SMP v2.11 (IBM): CD Install The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp (Japanese) (IBM): Diskettes UPDATED The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp (Japanese) (IBM): CD Install UPDATED The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp, Version 3 (IBM): Diskettes UPDATED The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp, Version 3 (IBM): CD Install UPDATED Developer Tools for OS/2 for the PowerPC (Disc 4) ---------------------------------------- MetaWare High C/C++ Cross Compiler (MetaWare Inc.) (P) UPDATED Software Installer for OS/2 Warp Connect [PowerPC Edition! (IBM) (P) NEW The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp Connect [PowerPC Edition! (IBM) (P) UPDATED Codepage and keyboard utilities--OS/2 Warp Connect (PowerPC Edition) (IBM) (P) NEW Development Tools (Disc 1) ----------------- AIXLIKE: OS/2 version of popular UNIX utilities (I) UPDATED ALPHAL: Code analysis and browse programme (I) UPDATED APL2 for OS/2 (IBM) (Demo Lic) ASDT32: 32-bit debug utility (I) Chk4DLLs: shows and verifies DLLs needed to load a module (I) NEW COMscope (OS/tools Inc) (R,Demo Lic) COMscope (OS/tools Inc): Diskette (R,Demo Lic) CPOST: Typesets C Programs in PostScript (I) CTFORMAT: Code and text formatter (I) DataFlex (Data Access) (Demo Lic) DEBUGO: Terminal program for the debug kernel (I) UPDATED DRDIALOG: Visual REXX programming environment (I) EDITINI: OS/2 text editor for .INI files (I) Gpf (Apical Software, Inc.) (Demo Lic) NEW GpfRexx (Apical Software, Inc.) (Demo Lic) NEW GpfTools (Apical Software, Inc.) (Demo Lic) NEW HEXDUMP: Hex display and conversion utility (I) IBROW: Image browser utility (I) ImageStream Graphics Filters for OS/2 (ImageMark Software Labs, Inc.) (Demo Lic) IPF Editor (Perez Computing Services) (Demo Lic) IPFCPP: Preprocessor for IPF Compiler (I) LP3820: Print AFP files on a personal laser printer (I) UPDATED LP382F: Raster fonts for use with LP3820 (I) LXOPT (Functional Software Limited) (Demo Lic) UPDATED Neural Network Utility Entry for OS/2 (IBM) OpenGL on OS/2 (IBM) (P) UPDATED OS2TRACE: OS/2 API Tracer (I) NEW Pen for OS/2 Warp (IBM): Diskettes Pen for OS/2 Warp (IBM): CD Install PL/I for OS/2 - Professional Edition (IBM) PM Designer (VacNat Software) (P,Demo Lic) NEW PMPRTF: Extends PRINTF to PM applications (I) PMSPY32: OS/2 PM message spying program (I) Problem Determination Package (IBM) PROGRF:A Utility to Generate Program Reference Objects from exe's (I) NEW ReDiscovery/2 (IBM) (Demo Lic) RePack: Compression tool for LX, EXE and DLL (I) REXXLIB (Quercus Systems) (Demo Lic) RXD: PM source level debugger for REXX (I) RXMATH: C-language math functions for REXX (I) RXNETB: REXX APIs for OS/2 NetBIOS (I) SD386: Source level debugger for C (I) SMART-Version 2.1B (One Up Corp) (P) UPDATED Sniff16: Utility to search 16 bit apps (P,I) Softbridge Basic Language (Mystic River Software Inc.) (Demo Lic) Software Installer for OS/2 (IBM) The SOM Class Administrator (Synaptec, Inc.) (Demo Lic) THK2ASM: Thunk Compiler for OS/2 Warp Thunk Interpreter (I) TVFS: Toronto Virtual File System (I) UCMENUS: Graphical toolbar control for PM applications (I) Validator for OS/2 (IBM) (P) VisPro/REXX GOLD (HockWare, Inc.) (Demo Lic) REXX2: Visual REXX functions providing a PM interface (I) VX-REXX Client/Server Edition (Watcom) (Demo Lic) ZFAMILY: Z Family Reusable Libraries/2 (P,I) Editors (Disc 1) ------- Boxer Text Editor (Boxer Software) (Demo Lic) CSTEPM: Customized version of Enhanced Editor (I) UPDATED Compuware PREDITOR/2 (Compuware Corporation) (T,Demo Lic) ENVED: Environment Editor (I) EPM (IBM) UPDATED EPMBETA (IBM) (P) UPDATED FileWorks (Lorill Technologies, Inc.) (R,Demo Lic) Hyperwise Version 2.0 (IBM) (R) UPDATED IPF Binder (Kalisoft Corp) (R,Demo Lic) IPF Review (Kalisoft Corp) (R,Demo Lic) RimStar Programmer's Editor (RimStar Technology, Inc.): Disk (Demo Lic) TINYED: Tiny OS/2 and DOS editor (I) Visual SlickEdit (MicroEdge, Inc.) (R,Demo Lic) X2: VIO Programmer's Editor (I) UPDATED IBM OS/2 (Discs 1 and 4) -------- BonusPak (IBM) (Demo Lic) Developer API Extensions for OS/2 Beta (IBM) (P) NEW OS/2 Warp Version 3 CD-ROM (IBM): Installation Diskettes (Demo Lic) Multimedia Tools (Disc 2) ---------------- BOCASoft System Sounds (BOCASoft) (Demo Lic) BOCASoft WipeOut (BOCASoft): Diskette (Demo Lic) CDEXPL: Compact Disc audio explorer (I) Digital Music Player (Aria) (Demo Lic) MMPM2 v1.1.3 Base (IBM) (Demo Lic) MMPM2 v1.1.3 Base (IBM): Diskettes (Demo Lic) OS/2 Open MPEG (OM-1) Beta (IBM) (P) NEW VPOKER: MMPM video poker game for OS/2 (I) WARPMIX: Warp Mixer (P) NEW Product Overviews/Demo (Disc 2) ---------------------- OnCmd xBase for OS/2 (On-line Data) Translation Manager/2 (IBM): Diskette Productivity Tools (Disc 2) ------------------ APPLAUSE (Solution Technology, Inc.) (Demo Lic) ATS for OS/2 (MHR Software and Consulting) (Demo Lic) UPDATED BOOT2X: OS/2 bootable diskette creation utility (I) CLPSRV: TCP/IP clipboard server for OS/2 2.x (I) CLOKGS: Digital/analog clock for your desktop (I) COLORPT: Reports color under the mouse pointer (I) COMPRESS: Automatic compressed backup (I) UPDATED CursorPower (North Shore Systems, Inc.) (T,Demo Lic) Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (IBM) UPDATED DINFO: Swapper file monitor (I) EXCAL: WPS-enabled calendar (I) FMOS2: Fullscreen/Window FILEMANager (I) UPDATED FORBROWS: Forum browser (I) FV2: FileView for OS/2 (I) UPDATED GFOLDER: Helps organize your workplace (I) GSEE: File search utility and batch file builder (I) IBM Library Reader/2 (IBM) (R) IMGTK16: The Image Toolkit (I) LOADDF: Diskette image Save and Load utilities (I) MAGNIFY: OS/2 desktop magnifier (I) MCLIP: Multiple clipboard utility (I) UPDATED MEGADS: Virtual desktop expander (I) MRFILEPM: Simple, configurable OS/2 File Manager (I) 20MEMU: OS/2 memory utilization utility (I) OS2GFC: Graphical File Comparison (I) NEW PageTurner (Magus) PartitionMagic for OS/2 and Dos Version 2.0 (PowerQuest Corporation) (Demo Lic) NEW PMCAM2: Captures PM screens as bitmaps/PostScript files (I) PMDRAW: PM Presentation Graphics (I) PMGB32: Display of planet Earth as a globe (I) PMTIMER: OS/2 program timer (I) PMTREE: Graphical display of PM windows (I) PTNSHOT: Point 'n' Shoot (I) QCONFG: System configuration utility (I) SCRAP: Screen capture utility (I) SearchManager/2 (IBM) (Demo Lic) SHFTRN: Runs OS/2 programs before IPL is completed (I) SMARTsort (IBM): Diskettes (P) SpaceMap for OS/2 (Capstone Software) (Demo Lic) SPLIT: Split and Combine big files (I) STPOS2: Subdirectory Tree manager Plus for OS/2 (I) UPDATED The Graham Utilities for OS/2 (WarpSpeed Computers) (Demo Lic) TXT2PS: Text-to-postscript conversion utility (I) UniMaint for OS/2 (SofTouch Systems, Inc.) (Demo Lic) NEW UTIL2: AIX-like utilities for OS/2 (I) ViewAll: Displays all OS/2 books on the bookshelf (I) Service (Discs 1 and 2) ------- C Set ++ for OS/2 Class Library (v2.1) CSD CTM0010 (IBM) C Set ++ for OS/2 Class Library (v2.1) CSD CTM0010 (IBM): Diskettes C Set ++ for OS/2 Compiler (v2.0 and v2.1) CSD CTC0011 (IBM) C Set ++ for OS/2 Compiler (v2.0 and v2.1) CSD CTC0011 (IBM): Diskettes C Set ++ for OS/2 Utilities (v2.0 and v2.1) CSD CTU0003 (IBM) C Set ++ for OS/2 Utilities (v2.0 and v2.1) CSD CTU0003 (IBM): Diskettes C/C++ FirstStep Tools Patches (IBM) Corrective Service for VisualAge C++ 3.0 Compiler CSD CTC301 (IBM) NEW Corrective Service for VisualAge C++ 3.0 Documentation CSD CTD301 (IBM) NEW Corrective Service for VisualAge C++ 3.0 Utilities CSD CTU301 (IBM) NEW Corrective Service for VisualAge C++ Visual Builders including DAPIE for OS/2, Version 3.0 CSD CTV301 (IBM) NEW Corrective Service for VisualAge C++ 3.0 Workframe/2 CSD CTW301 (IBM) NEW Corrective Service for VisualAge C++ 3.0 Open Class Libraries CSD CT0302 (IBM) NEW OS/2 2.11 FixPak XR_B098 (IBM): Diskettes OS/2 2.11 ServicePak: CD-ROM and diskette installation (IBM): Diskettes OS/2 2.11 ServicePak: CD-ROM and diskette installation (IBM): 5.25-inch Diskettes OS/2 v1.3 Toolkit CSD Level XR05053 (IBM): Diskettes OS/2 v1.3 Toolkit CSD Level XR05053 (IBM): 5.25-inch Diskettes OS/2 Warp NLV FixPak (IBM): Diskettes NEW TCP/IP 2.0 for OS/2 CSD UN64092 (IBM): Disks OS/2 Warp, Version 3 for Windows FixPak XR_W010 (IBM): Diskettes UPDATED WorkFrame/2 2.1 CSD3 (IBM): Diskette WorkFrame/2 2.1 CSD3 (IBM): CD Install Source Code (Disc 1) ----------- A collection of Workplace Shell samples (IBM) (P) AIXLIKE SOURCE: OS/2 versions of popular Unix utilities (I) UPDATED BitMap32: BitMap32 Source Code (I) cPostsrc: Source Code for cPost (I) EXCEPT: OS/2 2.* trap debugging aid exception handler source sample (I) GBMSRC: Generalized Bitmap Module Source Code (I) NLS32J: NLSSAMPLE 32BIT Version (Japanese) (I) PMSAMPLE: programming samples and utilities for OS/2 and PM (I) PMSPY32S: OS/2 PM Spying Source Code (I) RIFFSAMP: Multimedia RIFF Source Code (IBM) (P) TOOLBAR: An Icon Bar Sample (I) UTIL2SRC: AIX-like utilities source code (I) Source Code from The Developer Connection News (Disc 1) ---------------------------------------------- Samples from previous articles in Volume I - VIII Volume IX: NewShow: C++ Dive class sample (I) NEW Volume IX: PMCX-What's Zat? (I) NEW Volume IX: Writing Workplace Shell Objects using IBM Open Class Libraries (I) NEW Test Tools (Disc 1) ---------- APMTST: PM Automation Tool (I) NEW OS/2 Applications Benchmark (IBM) (P) TESTCOUN: TestCounsellor (I) PMATE: Automated test environment with user input captured (I) Documentation ------------- Books in various formats are included on the CDs. For a complete listing see the Booklist.ASC file or the on-line list in The Developer Connection Roadmap folder. Topics include: o AnyNet o Communications Manager/2 o Databases o Developer's Toolkit references o Device drivers o Information Presentation Facility o Hardware compatibility list o Multimedia o Object REXX o Object-oriented o OpenDoc o OS/2 Technical Library o Presentation Manager o Popular OS/2 book excerpts o Redbooks o REXX o SOM o TCP/IP o The Developer Connection News articles o Workplace Shell The complete list shown above is available at World Wide Web URL . (Please be sure to use uppercase where shown.) Electronic Support ------------------ Electronic support is provided through CompuServe, OS/2 BBS, and the Internet. Obtain technical support or use the forum to exchange messages, ideas, comments, or concerns with The Developer Connection for OS/2 team or other members. The dedicated Developer Connection section on CompuServe is located in the IBM OS/2 Developer Forum 2. To obtain access to this section, send a note with your subscription number to the Developer Connection Administrator at CompuServe userid 73423,2767. You will receive notification or access to the Developer Connection section within two business days. To access the forum, type GO OS2DF2 at the ! prompt; then, select the Developer Connection section. For CompuServe membership information, call one of the following numbers depending on where you are located: Germany 0130 37 32 United Kingdom 0800 289 378 Other countries in Europe (+44) (+272) 255 111 U.S.A. 1-800-524-3388 elsewhere 1-614-457-0802 Ask for Representative 239. You will receive a special introductory membership for IBM customers. The DEVCON CFORUM is on the OS/2 BBS under TALKlink, which is a feature under the IBMLink Commercial Services. In the U.S., you can call 1-800-547-1283; outside of the U.S., you should contact your local IBM marketing representative. Internet users may address their questions or comments to . ======================================================================== +----------------------------------+ | The Developer Connection | dconddk | Device-Driver Kit (DDK) for OS/2 | +----------------------------------+ The Developer Connection Device-Driver Kit (DDK) for OS/2 is an annual membership program for device-driver developers. The DDK delivers all the necessary tools for development of new device drivers for your 32-bit OS/2 operating platform. This CD-based offering enables rapid development of device drivers for your personal computer hardware by providing many complete device-driver sources, test aids, and information from IBM's award-winning OS/2 and related operating systems. If you are an Independent Hardware Vendor (IHV), software firm, or OS/2 developer providing support for personal computer hardware manufacturers, the Developer Connection DDK will help you to significantly reduce your device-driver development effort and time-to-market. Includes The Developer Connection for OS/2 ------------------------------------------ With your license to The Developer Connection DDK, you will also receive The Developer Connection for OS/2, which is delivered four times a year. If you are already a subscriber to The Developer Connection for OS/2, you may upgrade to the Developer Connection DDK. Each issue of The Developer Connection News features topics on device-driver development. ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------+ | IBM Product Compatibility Program | compprog +-----------------------------------+ The IBM Product Compatibility Program provides an opportunity for developers to gain increased visibility, marketability, and credibility for their products. Compatibility Testing Opportunity --------------------------------- This program gives ISVs a testing opportunity to establish and communicate the compatibility of their products with OS/2 Warp standalone, clients, servers, and LAN systems. Resource for Making Wise Purchasing Decisions --------------------------------------------- This program is a resource that customers and their advisors can use to make product purchase decisions with the confidence that a product has been tested for compatibility with OS/2 Warp and LAN Server systems. Consultants, resellers, integrators, OEMs, and other product decision makers can confidently use the list of compatible products in selecting products that meet their customers' needs. Recommending compatible products can help expedite buying decisions and protect a customer's investment. Value of Tested Compatibility ----------------------------- There are literally thousands of software products on the market today to help solve customers' problems. The challenge is finding which products are compatible and can be integrated into a customer's environment. Selecting tested compatible products gives buyers confidence in product decisions and/or recommendations. Such confidence can speed up product decisions and potentially lessen installation and support time. Compatibility Program Description --------------------------------- There are two options of product compatibility. The "Ready for..." option shows compatibility of a software product with either OS/2 Warp or IBM LAN Server with OS/2 Warp. The "Tested and Approved..." option addresses a more sophisticated LAN systems environment to show compatibility, interoperability, and coexistence with many LAN products. Ready for OS/2 Warp and Ready for OS/2 Warp LAN Server ------------------------------------------------------ The "Ready for OS/2 Warp" and "Ready for OS/2 Warp LAN Server" programs offer software developers a set of IBM guidelines to self-test their products for compatibility with a particular version of either OS/2 Warp or IBM LAN Server with OS/2 Warp. This program, with some variations, also exists in some geographies outside the USA and Canada. Developers outside of North America are encouraged to contact their local IBM country representative for their specific program benefits. Call 1-800-IBM-4FAX (U.S.) to request documents 3241 and 3242 for a list of compatible products under the Ready self-test program. In Canada, call 1-800-HELP-FAX. From elsewhere, use a fax telephone to call 1-415-855-4329. Additional information can be obtained by calling 1-800-992-4777 within the U.S. and Canada. Tested and Approved for OS/2 Warp LAN Systems --------------------------------------------- The "Tested and Approved for OS/2 Warp LAN Systems" program offers hardware and software developers the opportunity to have IBM test their product with many IBM and non-IBM products in a LAN systems real-world-like environment. IBM publishes the results of these tests to help customers understand the test environment plus any workarounds discovered during the testing. Customer knowledge of test results helps customers make more informed purchases and experience smoother installations. Call 1-800-IBM-4FAX (U.S.) to request document 3605 for a list of compatible products tested by IBM in the Tested and Approved category, with their respective test document numbers. From Canada, call 1-800-HELP-FAX. From elsewhere, use a fax telephone to call 1-415-855-4329. Additional information can be obtained by calling 1-800-992-4777 within the U.S. and Canada. Publicity: Where to Find Compatible Product Information ------------------------------------------------------- Upon successful completion of testing, developers are given the use of a compatibility mark to use with their products' advertising, brochures, and other marketing materials. Customers are encouraged to look at products displaying the mark with confidence that the products have been tested in an appropriate environment. Customers can receive names and/or reports of compatible products through the following sources: - CompuServe IBMDESK forum - Internet WWW: - IBM's TALKLink OS/2 bulletin board, 1-800-547-1283 - MAX (CD-ROM from Computer Reseller News) - Support on Site for Networks CD, 1-800-827-7889 - Sources and Solutions catalog (1-203-452-7704 or fax 1-203-268-1075) - National Solution Center's database - 1-800-IBM-4FAX (U.S.), 1-800-HELP-FAX (Canada), or from elsewhere, call 1-415-855-4329 from a fax phone, and request documents 3241, 3242, 3605 - IBM Developer Connection CD, 1-800-633-8266 - IBM booths at major related trade shows Compatible products also qualify for reduced advertising rates in major magazines. Program Q-and-A via Fax ----------------------- A set of questions and answers about the Product Compatibility Program can be found on the Internet or by requesting document 3657 from 1-800-IBM-4FAX (U.S.), 1-800-HELP-FAX in Canada, or (from elsewhere, using a fax phone) 1-415-855-4329. More Information ---------------- Additional information can be obtained by calling 1-800-992-4777 (U.S. and Canada) or via fax: 1-512-838-2473. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------------------+ | Professional Certification Program from IBM | certprof +---------------------------------------------+ The Professional Certification Program from IBM is an international program that provides recognition to technical professionals who demonstrate proficiency in IBM software and related products. To become certified, individuals must demonstrate their proficiency in supporting selected IBM products by passing a series of exams. OS/2 and LAN Server Roles ------------------------- Individuals, rather than organizations, can receive certification in the following roles: o Certified OS/2 Engineer Provides the skills to support OS/2 installations and develop expertise in fine-tuning and customizing OS/2 platform systems. o Certified OS/2 Instructor Validates the skills required to teach OS/2 education courses, and provides technical instructor credentials. o Certified LAN Server Administrator Develops the skills necessary to support day-to-day network operations, such as backing up the server, maintaining security, and loading applications. o Certified LAN Server Engineer Provides service and support skills for LAN Server networks, including network design, performance tuning, and installation. o Certified LAN Server Instructor Enables participants to teach LAN Server education courses and provides technical instructor credentials. Other Certification Roles ------------------------- The Professional Certification Program from IBM also offers roles for AIX, CallPath DirectTalk/2, and Client/Server. For information about these certification options, contact Drake Prometric at 1-800-959-3926. Testing ------- Certification testing is administered by Drake Prometric, a worldwide provider of certification testing in the computer industry. Classroom education is offered through IBM Education and Training. CERT95.ZIP, in the IBM/PSP Marketing Library on CompuServe (lib 8 of the OS2USER forum), contains sample tests, test objectives, and program descriptions for the current programs. More Information ---------------- For more information about the PSP Professional Certification Program from IBM, contact Drake Prometric: United States and Canada 1-800-959-3926 Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, +49 (0) 2159 92330 Belgium, Netherlands, Eastern Europe toll-free: Germany 0130 839708 Austria 0660 8582 Switzerland 1556 966 Italy 1678 78441 Belgium 0800 17414 Netherlands 0602-27584 United Kingdom, Ireland, Scandinavia, +44 (0) 71 437 6900 The Middle East, South Africa France, Spain, Portugal, North Africa +33 (0) 1 4289 8749 Japan +81 3 3269 9620 Australia +61 2 414 3666 Latin America - fax request to US: 1-612-896-7020 (include the name Melissa Loh and phone number 1-612-896-7458) or visit our web site, . ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------------+ | Professional Certification Program from IBM: | certqa | Questions and Answers | +----------------------------------------------+ General Program --------------- Q1. What is the Professional Certification Program from IBM? A1. The Professional Certification from IBM is a formal program that provides a method for individuals to demonstrate their knowledge, professional skills, and proficiency on selected IBM products. Certification is based on identified roles pertaining to different IBM products or product lines. Individuals, rather than organizations, are certified for a specific role by passing a series of fee tests that are designed to measure their knowledge of the tasks of that role. Q2. How do I enroll in the program? A2. To enroll in the Professional Certification Program from IBM, an individual should contact Drake Prometric at 1-800-959-EXAM. Drake can supply you with information about the overall program requirements by sending you the IBM Professional Certification Program catalog. Drake can also tell you when and where tests are offered. Q3. What is the cost of a test? A3. Each test costs 100 USD, contains over 75 questions, and takes between one and two hours to complete. Test Preparation ---------------- Q4. Am I required to take an IBM Education course to prepare for certification tests? A4. No. As long as you possess sufficient knowledge, you need only pass each test that has been designated in the test roadmap for the certified role in which you are interested. Q5. What methods are available to me to help me ensure that I am prepared for the tests? A5. You have several alternatives to help you prepare for the tests. Once you determine the role for which you would like to certify, you should then study the roadmap for that role. The test roadmap will help you to map out your course for certification. The Professional Certification Program from IBM provides test objectives and sample tests free of charge to aid you in preparing for certification. Roadmaps, test objectives, and sample tests are available by calling 1-800-959-EXAM (1-800-959-3926). IBM Education and Training offers courses and, in some cases, sells the course material separately as an aid in self-study. Information about courses and course material is available by calling 1-800-IBM-TEACH (1-800-426-8322). The OS/2 Certification Handbook and the OS/2 LAN Server Certification Handbook are designed to be an inexpensive and convenient means of test preparation. These self-study books can be purchased by calling 1-800-959-EXAM (1-800-959-3926). Q6. Now that course information is not included in your roadmaps, how can I tell which course I need to take for any given test? A6. A list of courses is available with the new Professional Certification Program catalog. Courses are listed by topic, so you can readily see which courses are available to meet your needs. Courses no longer have a one-to-one correspondence with tests, but you will be able to pick and choose the course you need. For example, while the tests cover both old and new releases, the courses do not. Therefore, if you are already familiar with the old release, you need only take the course to prepare you for the part of the test that covers the new release. Q7. Do IBM courses and the self-study books cover everything I will need to know to pass the required certification exams? A7. IBM courses and the self-study books were designed with certification testing in mind, and are quite comprehensive. However, successful study through books and courses does not assure your success in passing certification exams. The recommendation for pursuing certification roles is that the individual has at least three months of hands-on knowledge with the product. The certification program is designed to test individuals' skills with the product -- not their study abilities. New OS/2 and LAN Server Tests ----------------------------- Q8. Why do the new OS/2 and LAN Server tests cover both the old and new product releases? A8. Because the prior product releases are still used by many customers and supported by IBM, the Professional Certification Program from IBM will continue to support certification on these prior releases. To make it easier for new candidates to certify their skills on both releases of the product, the new test roadmaps were designed to require only one series of tests. Had the new tests only covered the new releases, an individual would have to take twice the number of tests to be certified on both product levels. A Certified OS/2 or LAN Server Engineer will be more creditable by being technically competent on both levels of products which are available and supported in our customers' environments. Q9. How can I get certified only on the new product release? A9. If you already certified on a previous release, you need only take the one Update test for your role to certify on the new release. If you have never been certified, the new test process will certify you on both the old and new releases. At this time, there is no process which allows you to certify only on the new product release. Q10. I am already certified on a previous product release. Since the new tests cover both old and new product releases, does this mean I will have to be retested on the old release while certifying on the new release? A10. No. Update tests are available for each role, which allow you to update your certification to include the new product release by taking only one test. This Update test includes material relevant only to the new product release. Q11. I am a Certified LAN Server Engineer and a Certified LAN Server Administrator on release 3.0. Do I need to take both update test number 120, LAN Server 4.0 Administration Update, and update test number 121, LAN Server 4.0 Engineer Update, to update my two certifications to release 4.0? A11. No. You need only take test 121, which encompasses material from test 120, and you will update both of your certifications by passing one exam. Q12. I am a Certified LAN Server Administrator on release 3.0. Can I take test 121, LAN Server 4.0 Engineer Update, instead of test 120, LAN Server 4.0 Administration Update? A12. No. Test 121 is only for individuals who are Certified LAN Server Engineers. You will need to take test 120. Q13. I am partially through the test process toward certification. How do I complete my certification, given these program changes? A13. To complete your certification to include the latest product release, you will need to finish your certification process with the new tests, and then pass the Update test for your role. Q14. Am I required to take this additional test to complete my certification? A14. If you wish to complete your certification which began with the old tests but will finish with the new tests, you will need the Update test to complete your certification. You may choose to start the process over with all the new tests, in which case you will not need to take the Update test. Q15. Why am I required to take this additional Update test to complete my certification to include the new product releases? A15. To ensure the integrity of our program and to ensure the highest caliber of certified professionals, the Professional Certification Program from IBM has the responsibility to ensure thorough testing of all candidates. To allow individuals to certify on the new product release without adequately testing their knowledge on specific areas of that release, would not result in a quality certification process. The Update test is the easiest way -- with one test -- to ensure that individuals are tested on aspects of the new release which may have been missed when taking a combination of old and new tests. Q16. I have only taken one core test toward my certification. Do I still need to take the Update test after finishing all remaining tests on the new release? A16. If you have only taken one test, you may prefer to retake that one test in the new test scheme rather than the Update test. No matter how many tests you've completed, either the test(s) can be retaken or the Update test must be completed. Q17. I have only taken test 009, Installing and Supporting OS/2, toward my LAN Server engineer certification. Do I still need to take the Update test after finishing all remaining tests on the new release? A17. No. This is the only exception to requiring that all core tests be covered on the new release. To become a Certified LAN Server Engineer, your one test requirement on OS/2 can be filled with the old test until the time that the old test is no longer available. Q18. I have only taken an elective toward my engineer certification. Do I still need to take the Update test after finishing all remaining (core) tests on the new release? A18. No. Most electives will still be available and unchanged by this announcement. Therefore, any elective already taken will apply to certification. Q19. Why is test 013, OS/2 Performance and Tuning, being withdrawn as an elective toward a Certified OS/2 Engineer? A19. Performance and tuning information was determined to be knowledge that is key to support of OS/2. Therefore, the content of this test was moved into two of the new core tests (test 109, Installing OS/2, and test 112, Supporting OS/2). Q20. Why are some of the new tests two hours instead of one hour (like they have been in the past)? A20. Some new tests had to grow in size to adequately cover the added functions of the new product releases, as well as to include material on both product releases. In those cases, you are allowed two hours, but you may actually finish in less time. Q21. Are the questions on the new tests equally divided between the old and new releases? A21. The new tests cover questions specific to the old release, questions specific to the new release, and questions that pertain to both releases. The number of questions for any of these three types varies by tests, but was determined to be adequate coverage of that topic for both releases. Q22. Do I still have only one year to pass all required tests after taking the first test to become certified? A22. No. In order to encourage you to complete your certification at your own pace, this requirement has been removed. Q23. If I certify on the new product release, what will I have to distinguish my credentials in the marketplace from someone who is certified only on the previous product release? A23. Effective with this announcement, new certificates and photo IDs will reflect the release on which a person is certified. In addition, you will receive camera-ready copy for a new logo for use on your business cards, etc. This new logo, also included in the new lapel pins, will clearly differentiate you from those certified through the old process. OS/2 and LAN Server Instructor Certification -------------------------------------------- Q24. I have obtained my instructor certification prior to this announcement of a change in the program. Am I still entitled to the benefits of the previous program? A24. No. The previous instructor certification program -- with its accompanying benefits -- has been discontinued, and replaced by the newly described program. Q25. I have obtained my instructor certification prior to this announcement of a change in the program. Do I have an easy way to recertify and qualify for the new instructor program benefits? A25. Yes. If you are already a Certified OS/2 Engineer or a Certified LAN Server Engineer, your instructor certification will automatically transfer to the new program. Acquiring certification as either an OS/2 or LAN Server engineer, coupled with your previous certification as an instructor, will qualify you as a certified instructor in the new program. You will not need to complete the remaining steps. Q26. Under the new instructor certification program, am I still required to be affiliated with an IBM Licensed Education Center and teach only from IBM course curriculum? A26. No. The Professional Certification Program from IBM encourages you to use the curriculum you feel best teaches our products at the location and facilities most convenient to you. Q27. Must I take instructional skills course through IBM to illustrate my instructional education? A27. No. Any in-company or external instructional education will be accepted. More Information ---------------- Q28. How can I get more information about the Professional Certification Program from IBM? A28. Call 1-800-959-EXAM (1-800-959-3926) and ask for our latest catalog, which includes a list of all roles currently available through the program. Also, you may refer to our web site at . Q29. How can I purchase a self-study book? A29. Call 1-800-959-EXAM (1-800-959-3926) to order a book. Q30. How can I get more information on IBM Education and Training classes and course material for sale? A30. Call 1-800-IBM-TEACH (1-800-426-8322). Q31. How can I get a free copy of test objectives and sample tests for my role? A31. Call 1-800-959-EXAM (1-800-959-3926). Q32. Where else can I get information about the program? A32. Call 1-800-IBM-4FAX (1-800-426-4329) for program information, test objectives, and an instructor certification application. ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------------+ | Connections to IBM U.S. Announcement Letters | lettconn +----------------------------------------------+ IBM U.S. Announcement Letters can be accessed in several ways. Internet -------- The Internet is a world-wide collection of networks that provides a wide range of services including electronic mail, bulletin boards and file transfer. You may access the Internet through Advantis (e.g., via TCPGATE), other commercial Internet service providers, or via a direct connection. You can access IBM U.S. Announcement Letters on the Internet using the Internet client/server code "Mosaic" and/or "Gopher". WORLD-WIDE WEB (MOSAIC OR OS/2 WEBEXPLORER) Mosaic/WebExplorer is a versatile, easy, point-and-click hypermedia interface to the World Wide Web. Hypermedia documents contain links, not only to other pieces of text, but also to other forms of media such as sounds, images, and movies. The World Wide Web server is a system that helps organize Internet information by linking documents together via a technology called hypertext. It allows selected words to "expand" to provide more information about the subject. The IBM home page, the primary entry point to IBM material, is located on a World Wide Web server. To access the IBM home page: o Enter the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) To access IBM U.S. Announcement Letters: 1. Click on "What we offer" icon o Click on "Offering Information" o Click on "IBMLink" under United States o Click on "Public information and services" o Click on "INFOLink" or "Announcements" o Save the fastpath in your "QuickList" (or "HotList") o For follow-on access through your Web browser, click on "QuickList" (or "HotList") and directly access the announcements. 2. Click on "Newsfeed" icon o Click on "Raw data" o Click on "US announcement letters" WebExplorer is available with OS/2 Warp. GOPHER Gopher is a menu-based, textual interface to the Gopher servers on the Internet. There are thousands of Gopher servers containing data on almost any subject. The IBMLink Gopher server is located at . To access the Gopher server: 1. Log on to Advantis, giving account code, userid, and password o Select "TCPGATE" o Select "Establish a Gopher connection" o Select "IBMLink Information System" o Announcements are listed for viewing and printing 2. From your web browser, enter the URL: gopher:// o Click on "IBM US Announcement Information" o Click on "IBM US Announcement Letters" LISTSERVER The Listserver allows an Internet e-mail user to automatically receive U.S. Announcement Letter titles and, optionally, the letter itself from selected categories. This will occur when announcements are made public. For more information about the Listserver: o Send an e-mail to o Enter the keyword "subscribe" in the body of the e-mail (leave the subject line blank) You will receive a list of categories and detailed instructions. Select the categories that interest you, and resend this information via e-mail to IBM Fax Information Service --------------------------- The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to access up-to-date information, including announcement letters, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You may request up to five documents per call. You may also request other product information. Outside the United States, dial 1-415-855-4329 from a fax machine. From a touch-tone phone: o Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX (1-800-426-4329) o Option 1 - Press 1 to have instructions faxed to you - Press 2 to listen to instructions o Option 2 - Enter document number: 1000 for current week's announcement listing 1001 for past three months' announcement listing 1002 for past twelve months' announcement listing 6-digit announcement letter number (e.g., 195-042) 3195 for "Connections to U.S. Announcement Letters" 1025 for U.S. Announcement Listserver category form and details IBMLink ------- IBMLink is a comprehensive information retrieval system that provides easy electronic access to support tools and product information. IBMLink services are at the discretion of the IBM marketing field location. Contact your IBM representative for additional information. To access IBM announcement letters via IBMLink: o Log on to Advantis, giving account code, userid, and password o Select IBMLink option o On the IBMLink Main Menu: - Select "INFOLink" - Select "IBMAnnounces" - Select "announcement" - Choose selection criteria (date, search words, and so on) - Announcements are listed for viewing and printing o Fastpath option from IBMLink Main Menu: - Type "an" at the command line, and press Enter - Choose selection criteria (date, search words, and so on) - Announcements are listed for viewing and printing More Information ---------------- If you have any questions about these electronic delivery vehicles, or feedback on our announcement letter product, please call 1-914-642-6030, fax 1-914-642-4063, or send an Internet message to . ======================================================================== +-------------------+ | 800 Phone Numbers | 800nos +-------------------+ The 800 phone numbers below come from two sources: (1) This issue and preceding issues of SDO Developer Support News (2) Information posted on IBM internal forums AIX POWER Team Information Line 1-800-222-2363 Common Desktop Environment Developers Conference 1-800-225-4698 AIX Support Family Marketing Center 1-800-225-5249 OS/2 Multimedia Tools 1-800-228-8584 OS/2 Dealer Locator Service 1-800-237-4824 IBM National Service/IBM Support Center (software) * 1-800-237-5511 IBM Multimedia Help Center 1-800-241-1620 IBM PSP Developer Support Marketing Center * 1-800-285-2936 OS/2 Sales 1-800-342-6672 (in Canada, 1-800-465-7999) Lotus Notes * 1-800-346-1305 AS/400 Partners In Development 1-800-365-4426 OS/2 Warp Server Beta 2 1-800-393-8922 (in Canada, 1-800-426-2255, ext. 1292) IBM International Marketing Information 1-800-426-1774 IBM National Telesales Marketing (IBMCALL) 1-800-426-2255 IBM Cary (North Carolina) Customer Center 1-800-426-2279 Boca Raton Technical Services Software System Test 1-800-426-2622 IBM Direct 1-800-426-2968 (in Canada, 1-800-465-7999) IBM general information 1-800-426-3333 (in Canada, 1-800-465-1234) IBM Business Partner Locator (PS/2 Dealers) 1-800-426-3377 IBM FAX Information Service 1-800-426-4329 (in Canada, HELPFAX, 1-800-465-3299) IBM Worldwide Industry Hardware Support * 1-800-426-4579 IBM Translation Manager Support Center 1-800-426-4862 IBM product and services information (IBM-4-YOU) 1-800-426-4968 Networking Services Marketing Center 1-800-426-5148 PS/2, PS/1, PC publications 1-800-426-7282 IBM hardware maintenance support 1-800-426-7378 IBM Special Contracts Center 1-800-426-7456 IBM Education and Training 1-800-426-8322 (in Canada, 1-800-661-2131) IBM Partnerline 1-800-426-9990 S/390 Developers Association 1-800-446-2568 IBM Global Network 1-800-455-5056 IBM Power Series information 1-800-472-4693 Integrated Systems Solutions Corporation 1-800-472-4772 1995 Data Warehouse Conference 1-800-477-7514 Personal Software Products Advertising Program 1-800-491-5740 OS/2 2.1 and OS/2 2.1 for Windows ServicePaks 1-800-494-3044 CompuServe Membership * 1-800-524-3388 ATT Business Translations (Solution Developer Program 1-800-544-5721 member phone number) Personal Systems Competency Center + TALKLink (OS2BBS) 1-800-547-1283 (in Canada: IBMLink, 1-800-268-3100; Customer Assistance group, 1-800-465-1234) IBM AntiVirus Direct 1-800-551-3579 Software Vendor Systems Center 1-800-553-1623 Lotus Development Corp. company information * 1-800-575-6887 Software Vendor Hotline * 1-800-627-8363 IBM Developer Connection for OS/2 1-800-633-8266 (in Canada, 1-800-561-5293) IBM Direct Response Marketing 1-800-633-8266 ColoradOS/2 Conference * 1-800-648-5717 IBM Custom Application Porting Workshops 1-800-678-31UP IBM Solution Partnership Center 1-800-678-4249 Personal Systems Technical Solutions magazine 1-800-678-8014 Delphi 1-800-695-4005 IBM AntiVirus Services Marketing 1-800-742-2493 IBM Support Family Marketing Center 1-800-742-9235 IBM Midwestern Customer Service Center 1-800-756-4426 The Visual Revolution 1-800-759-8599 Software Tour '96 1-800-766-4344 IBM TechCon Client/Server Conference and Exposition 1-800-767-2336 Personal Systems HelpCenter 1-800-772-2227 (in Canada, 1-800-237-5511) PRODIGY 1-800-776-0845 and 1-800-776-3449 Indelible Blue, Inc. 1-800-776-8284 (in Canada, 1-800-672-4255) SunSoft Catalyst Early Access Program 1-800-786-7638 Personal Systems Support Family Marketing Center 1-800-799-7765 IBM Microkernel Business Development Hotline 1-800-816-7493 Speech Products Support Center 1-800-825-5263 America Online 1-800-827-6364 IBM Technical Directory 1-800-832-4347 CompuServe * 1-800-848-8199 IBM Rebate and Redemption Center 1-800-853-4777 1996 IBM Technical Interchange * 1-800-872-7109 IBM Publications (Software Manufacturing Solutions) 1-800-879-2755 Store Systems Support Family Marketing Center 1-800-882-3469 Lotusphere '96 satellite broadcast on 22 January 1996 * 1-800-887-4640 IBM Ultimedia Tools Series 1-800-887-7771 PenDOS Software Developer Kit 1-800-888-8242 IBM Software Manufacturing Company 1-800-926-0364 OS/2 Developer magazine 1-800-926-8672 Drake Prometric (for Professional Certification * 1-800-959-3926 Program from IBM) IBM Customer Support Center 1-800-967-7882 IBM Software Solution Services/Personal Systems Support * 1-800-992-4777 Family * indicates the number works in Canada also ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------+ | Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, Service Marks | tmarks +--------------------------------------------------+ (R) AIX, AIX/6000, AIX SystemView NetView/6000, APL2, APL2/6000, Application System/400, AS/400, AT, Audio Visual Connection, BESTeam, BookManager, Communications Manager/2, C Set/2, DisplayWrite, HelpCenter, HelpWare, IBM, ImagePlus, LAN NetView, LAN NetView Fix, LAN NetView Manage, LAN NetView Monitor, LAN NetView Scan, LAN NetView Monitor, LAN Server, Micro Channel, MVS/ESA, NETeam, NetView, NetView/6000, Operating System/2, Operating System/400, OS/2, OS/400, Pen for OS/2, Personal Computer AT, Personal System/2, Presentation Manager, PS/1, PS/2, RISC System/6000, RS/6000, S/390, SQL/400, SynchroStream, Systems Application Architecture, TALKLink, ThinkPad, Ultimedia, VM/ESA, VSE/ESA, and XGA are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. (R) Apple, Bento, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Corp. (R) ATI is a registered trademark of ATI Technologies, Inc. (R) BIX is a registered trademark of General Videotex Corp. (R) Cirrus Logic is a registered trademark of Cirrus Technology, Inc. (R) COMDEX is a registered trademark of The Interface Group, Inc. (R) CompuServe and CompuServe Information Manager are registered trademarks of CompuServe, Inc. (R) Computer Associates is a registered trademark of Computer Associates International, Inc. (R) dBASE is a registered trademark of Borland International. (R) Disneyland and Walt Disney World are registered trademarks of Walt Disney Productions. (R) Epson is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corp. (R) GEnie is a registered service mark of General Electric Information Services Co. (R) Headland is a registered trademark of Headland, Inc. (R) Hitachi is a registered trademark of Hitachi Corp. 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IBM AIX 3.2.5 and IBM AIX 4.1 for the IBM RS/6000 family of systems are branded X/Open UNIX 93. (R) Western Digital is a registered trademark of Western Digital Corp. (R) WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corp. (R) Xerox is a registered trademark of Xerox Corp. (R) X/Open is a registered trademark, and the "X" device is a trademark of X/Open Co., Ltd. (TM) AIX/6000, APPN, BookManager, BonusPak, CD Showcase, Certified LAN Server Engineer, Certified OS/2 Engineer, CICS, CICS/ESA, CICS MVS, CICS OS/2, CICS VSE, Club OpenDoc, Common User Access, C Set ++, CUA, Current, DATABASE 2, DataGuide, DataHub, DataPropagator, DB2, DB2/2, DB2/6000, DDCS/2, The Developer Connection for OS/2, DISTRIBUTED DATABASE CONNECTION SERVICES/2, Distributed Relational Database Architecture, DRDA, Extended Services for OS/2, FlowMark, Human-Centered, IBMLink, IMS Client Server/2, InfoExplorer, Information Warehouse, LANStreamer, Library Reader, LinkWay, Matinee, Midware, Multimedia Presentation Manager/2, Natural Computing, NAVIGATOR, NetSp, NetView, NetView DM, Object Connection, Open Blueprint, Open Class, OpenEdition, PCjr, PenAssist, Person to Person, Personal Information Manager, PlayAtWill, PowerPC, PowerOpen, Power Series, RETAIN, Right at Home, SAA, Select-a-System, SOM, SOMobjects, Sources and Solutions, SQL/DS, Storyboard, SuperStor/DS, Support-on-Site, SYSINFO, Team Connection, TRANSFORMATION 2000, Ultimedia Video IN, Ultimotion, VSE/ESA, WIN-OS2, VisualAge, VisualGen, VoiceType, Workplace Shell, and XT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. (TM) ActionMedia, DVI, Indeo, and Intel386 are trademarks of Intel Corp. (TM) Adobe, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Premiere are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. (TM) AST is a trademark of AST Research, Inc. (TM) Borland, Paradox, and Quattro Pro are trademarks of Borland International. (TM) Bull is a trademark of Groupe Bull. (TM) CasePoint is a trademark of Inference Corp. (TM) Central Point Backup is a trademark of Central Point Software, Inc. (TM) cpConstructor and cpProfessionals are trademarks of Taligent, Inc. (TM) ColoradOS/2 is a trademark of Kovsky Conference Productions, Inc. (TM) DEC is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corp. (TM) Dialcom 400 is a trademark of BT Tymnet. (TM) DirecPC and DIRECTV are trademarks of Hughes Network Systems, Inc. (TM) Drake Training and Technologies is a trademark of Drake Training and Technologies. (TM) EasyLink and ATandT Mail are trademarks of ATandT. (TM) Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corp. (TM) Excel is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. (TM) FaxWorks is a trademark of SofNet, Inc. (TM) GEIS Quick Comm is a trademark of General Electric Information Services Co. (TM) Guidelines is a trademark of JBA International. (TM) HP is a trademark of Hewlett Packard Co. (TM) HyperACCESS and HyperACCESS Lite are trademarks of Hilgraeve, Inc. (TM) IconAuthor and CBT Express are trademarks of AimTech Corp. (TM) Java, JavaScript, and Solaris are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. (TM) LAN Workplace and "Yes NetWare Tested and Approved" are trademarks of Novell, Inc. (TM) InterNotes, InterNotes Web Publisher, InterNotes Web Navigator, Lotus Notes:Newsstand, LotusScript, Notes, and Notes NIC are trademarks of Lotus Development Corp., a subsidiary of IBM. (TM) Macintosh and MacOS are trademarks of Apple Computer Corp. (TM) MCI Mail is a trademark of MCI. (TM) Mesa and MOLI are trademarks of Athena Design, Inc. (TM) Micro Focus is a trademark of Micro Focus Ltd. (TM) Open Software Foundation, OSF, OSF/1, and Motif are trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. (TM) Oracle7, Oracle Power Objects, Oracle Server, Oracle7 Workgroup Server, Personal Oracle7, Personal Oracle7 Enterprise Edition, and Workgroup/2000 are trademarks of Oracle Corp. (TM) OS-9 is a trademark of Microware. (TM) PACBASE and PACBASE/CS are trademarks of CGI Informatique, an IBM company. (TM) PC Direct is a trademark of Ziff Communications Company and is used by IBM Corporation under license. (TM) PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. (TM) PC/TCP is a trademark of FTP Software Inc. (TM) Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corp. (TM) PhoenixCARD Manager Plus is a trademark of Phoenix Technologies, Inc. (TM) Photo CD is a trademark of the Eastman Kodak Co. (TM) PostScript and Adobe Type Manager are trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. (TM) PSN and Private Satellite Network are trademarks of Private Satellite Network, Inc. (TM) RAMBoost is a trademark of Central Point Software, Inc. (TM) SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (TM) SmallTalk and Smalltalk V/PM are trademarks of Digitalk Corp. (TM) SoundBlaster is a trademark of Creative Labs, Inc. (TM) Source Migration and Analysis Tool and SMART are trademarks of One Up Corp. (TM) SPARCstation is a trademark of SPARC International, Inc. (TM) SUN is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. (TM) Support on Site is a trademark of Ziff-Davis. (TM) Tandem, Himalaya, and ServerNet are trademarks of Tandem Computers, Inc. (TM) TCP with Demand Protocol Architecture is a trademark of 3COM Corp. (TM) TelePad is a trademark of TelePad Corp. (TM) TPC-C is a trademark of the Transaction Processing Performance Council. (TM) Tusk is a trademark of Tusk, Inc. (TM) UNISYS is a trademark of Unisys Corp. (TM) Univel is a trademark of Univel. (TM) Versit is a trademark of IBM Corp. Apple Computer Corp., American Telephone and Telegraph Co., and Siemens Corp. (TM) VX*REXX and WATCOM are trademarks of WATCOM International Corp. (TM) VisualBasic, Windows, Win32, Windows NT, and Windows for Workgroups are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. (TM) WizRule for Windows is a trademark of WizSoft, Inc. (SM) Advantis is a service mark of Advantis. (SM) America Online is a service mark of America Online, Inc. (SM) SprintMail is a service mark of US Sprint. ======================================================================== This concludes 1996 Issue 3 of IBM SDPnews. Please let us know how we can improve it -- send your feedback to . Thank you!