IBM (R) Solution Developer Operations DDDD EEEEE V V EEEEE L OOO PPPP EEEEE RRRR D D E V V E L O O P P E R R D D EEEE V V EEEE L O O PPPP EEEE RRRR D D E V V E L O O P E R R DDDD EEEEE V EEEEE LLLLL OOO P EEEEE R R SSSS U U PPPP PPPP OOO RRRR TTTTT N N EEEEE W W SSSS S U U P P P P O O R R T NN N E W W S SSS U U PPPP PPPP O O RRRR T N N N EEEE W W W SSS S U U P P O O R R T N NN E W W W S SSSS UUU P P OOO R R T N N EEEEE WW WW SSSS ======================================================================== 1995 Issue 6 26 May 1995 ======================================================================== NOTICE: This issue is being published earlier than usual because it contains several timely news items. +----------+ | Contents | +----------+ The table of contents contains search codes for going directly to items that interest you. Search Codes ----- o The IBM Solution Developer Program progsdo Welcome from Jim Gant. Matrix of offerings. Technical services. Business services. Marketing services. Developer Assistance Programs and environments. More information. NOTE: This item is 484 lines long. o DSNEWS Now Available on the World Wide Web webdsn URL information. ASCII version released first. o Record Developer Crowd Gathers at IBM Developer Conference tirept ISVs contribute to OS/2 value. Several news announcements. ISVs enthusiastic about the TI. Record attendance. OS/2 Warp sales up more than 300 percent. ISV support for OS/2 Warp grows. o 1996 IBM Technical Interchange Dates and Venue Announced ti96 22 through 26 April at the Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee. More details forthcoming. o IBM Announces New Windows API Extensions for OS/2 Warp winapix For bringing multiple-platform applications to market. Developer API Extensions. VisualAge C++ and Open Class Library. OpenDoc support in VisualAge C++. SMART. Hyperwise. o Terms and Conditions Changes Announced for the IBM Power toolppd Personal Developer's ToolBox Program Elimination of upfront qualification process. Simpler qualification. o IBM Delivers Networking Power with OS/2 Warp Connect connpr Make your connections. Everything you need to connect. Single-box business network solution for small businesses. Peer networks made easy. A perfect fit in existing networks. A solid network citizen. Enterprise features coming soon. Network access for employees on the road or at home. OS/2 Warp Connect integrated installation. Prices and availability. (Also see next item.) o IBM OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 and IBM OS/2 Warp Connect connann with WIN-OS2 Version 3 Complete the Connectivity Option From the formal announcement. In brief... Overview. Installation. LAN client solution. OS/2 LAN Server requester -- connectivity to OS/2 LAN Server 4.0. LAN adapters. TCP/IP for OS/2 Version 3.0 replaces IBM TCP/IP Version 2.0 base kit. NetWare client for OS/2 -- connectivity to a NetWare server. LAN Distance Remote -- extends "office LAN" to remote users. IBM Peer for OS/2. Network SignON Coordinator (NSC). AskPSP. BonusPak. Lotus Notes Express Client, release 3.3. Hardware requirements. Software requirements. Compatibility. Limitations. Packaging. Planned availability dates. Part numbers and charges. Limited warranty. Getting-started period. 30-day, money-back guarantee. NOTE: This item is 582 lines long. o OS/2 Warp Connect TCP/IP Enhances Internet, LAN/WAN Links tcpfact TCP/IP application kit. Internet functions, FTP, telnet. Gopher client. IBM WebExplorer. Ultimail Lite, NewsReader/2. Many advanced connectivity features. o PRODIGY Lets Members Create Own Home Pages on the prodhome Internet's World Wide Web Home Page Creator. Four templates. Usage fees. o IBM Offers First PC Server Solution Supporting Both PC and 390serv Mainframe Applications Write and test mainframe applications on PCs. Great application development platform. Intensive processing power in one server. Cost-effective migration tool. Making connections. Service and support. o PC Server 500 System/390 Lease Offering for Members of lease500 S/390 Developers Association Many components. How to order. How to join the S/390 Developers Association. o OS/2 Warp Finds Popular Support Among Family and Home Users survwarp Survey finds 49 percent of customers use OS/2 Warp primarily for home and family computing. 65,000+ purchasers of OS/2 Warp sampled. Impressive home systems. Features for the home market. Using the full power of PCs. Sales of OS/2 Warp up more than 300 percent. o IBM OS/2 LAN Server Runs Speedway Enterprise; DB2 for OS/2 lanindy is the Engine for the Indianapolis 500 Mission-critical use at the Indy 500. One of the larges data-processing enterprises in sports. Sharing data across the enterprise. The Integrated Race Information System. Vital to running the enterprise. o The Developer Connection Now Available Through IBM Software dconsms Manufacturing Solutions The Developer Connection for OS/2. The Developer Connection DDK. Publication numbers. More information. o IBM Workgroup: Object-Oriented Technology in a wgootcss Client/Server Solution The new face of teamwork. Client/server software and design. Key differentiators. o Taligent CommonPoint Application System talcompt Overview of CommonPoint. Taligent's evolution. Taligent's product lines. CommonPoint overview. Market focus for CommonPoint. CommonPoint advantages. CommonPoint development tools coverage. CommonPoint's competition. CommonPoint positioning within IBM's OO family. Summary. NOTE: This item is 359 lines long. o The Road to Objectville: An Object Technology University objroad Seminar A seminar in one compact day. You can get there from here. Who should attend? Win an IBM ThinkPad and licensed copies of IBM OT products! Educational materials "to go". Top speakers, session leaders, and seminar participants. Give yourself educational credit. Educational agenda. Seminar details. NOTE: This item is 390 lines long. o Object-Oriented Technology Council Announces New Documents webootc and a Home Page OOTC's mission. Two new documents for development and testing. OOTC home page. o Versit Issues Specifications verspecs Personal Data Interchange (PDI). Device connectivity and computer-telephony integration. o IBM Independent Vendor League Contacts ivlfolks Contacts for membership, authors, publishers, training, courseware, IVL News Service, press releases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o How to Join the IBM Developer Assistance Program joinhow Worldwide Services. Commercial Services. Premier Services. Developer Assistance Program contacts worldwide. o The IBM OS/2 Developer Assistance Program in Europe, emeadap Middle East, and Africa Open to anyone in EMEA actively developing for OS/2. Access to Internet and BBS services. Mailing program. Internet WWW service. Bulletin board service. Marketing programs. More information. o IBM Device Driver Support Center ddsc Worldwide device-driver developer support. The DUDE, a dedicated BBS. Specialized device-driver development workshops. Contacting the DDSC team. o The Developer Connection for OS/2: The Power of the Future powerdev Delivered to Your Door Developer Connection overview. Put The Developer Connection for OS/2 to work for you ... now. Features and benefits. Prices. Ordering information. o Q and A About The Developer Connection for OS/2 devconqa What it is. Prices. DAP discounts. Contents. CompuServe forum. Additional licenses. Future growth. License expirations. Availability outside USA. How to subscribe. CompuServe introductory membership. Access to OS2DF2 forum on CompuServe. DEVCON FORUM on TALKlink. o Subscription Information for The Developer Connection for subdcon OS/2 and The Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (DDK) Worldwide phone and fax numbers for ordering. Electronic support. Additional Developer Connection DDK electronic support (DUDE). o DB2 Developer Assistance Program dapdb2 Encompassing all versions of DB2. Free of charge. Program benefits. Enrollment. o CICS OS/2 Developers os2cics CICS OS/2 program code available for 90 days, and longer for developers who commit to exploit CICS OS/2. o TCP/IP Application Partners Program os2tcp For products that interoperate with TCP/IP for OS/2 V2.0. o AIX POWER Team poweraix For products exploiting POWER architecture and RS/6000. Technical support. Development. Equipment. Marketing. Education. Technical, business, marketing information. Who is eligible? More information. o AS/400 Partners in Development part400 Technical support. Toll-free phone access. Marketing and delivery programs. Electronic access. Portable Sales Automation System. o Object Connection for VisualAge connobj Who can join? Object Connection services. More information. o PenAssist Program helppen A variety of PenAssist programs. Who is eligible? More information. o IBM Product Compatibility Program compprog Compatibility testing opportunity. Resource for making wise purchasing decisions. Value of tested compatibility. Compatibility Program description. Ready for OS/2 Warp and Ready for OS/2 Warp LAN Server. Tested and Approved for OS/2 Warp LAN Systems. Publicity: Where to find compatible product information. Program Q-and-A via fax. More information. o Professional Certification Program from IBM for OS/2 and certprof LAN Server Four certified roles. Testing. More information. o IBM Independent/International Vendor League ivlibm Overview. IVL News Service. Enrollment. o 800 Phone Numbers 800nos o Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, Service Marks tmarks +----------------------+ | Where to Find DSNEWS | +----------------------+ DSNEWS is now available on the Internet World Wide Web through the IBM Solution Developer Support home page. The URL for DSNEWS is . The monthly DSNEWS files are ZIPped into the file DSNymA.ZIP, where y = last digit of year, and m = issue number represented as alpha (for example, DSN5BA.ZIP is the 1995 second issue). DSNymA.ZIP contains: -- This announcement file, DSNyA1.ANN -- The current month's contents list, DSNym.SMY -- An annual cumulative list of contents, DSNy.CUM -- The current month's ASCII newsletter, DSNymA.ASC The ZIPped files are posted on several e-mail and BBS systems: o America Online, in the OS/2 forum, in the Newsletters library o CompuServe, in OS2DF2 forum, *DAP library section 14 and in OS2DF1 forum, OPEN FORUM library section 15 o Fidonet, in the OS2 Information file area, FWOS2INFO o GEnie, in OS/2 Software Library 16 o Hitline mailbox (Switzerland), in file area 8 o IBM Canada BBS, in file area 35, OS/2 Programming o IBM Europe/Middle East/Africa (E/ME/A) DAP BBS, in file area GENERAL.DOCS o IBM France OS/2 Developer Assistance Program BBS, in area PUBS01 o IBM OS2BBS (TALKLink), in OS/2 Software Library, in Documents and Info o IBM Personal Computer Company BBS, in file area 11, OS/2 Programming o Internet, via anonymous ftp from, in directory /pub/os2/info; or via Gopher from, in the OS/2 Information menu o NIFTY-Serve (Japan), in FOS2 forum, library section 4 o OS2NET (Europe), on all OS2NET bulletin boards in Europe, usually in the DSNEWS download area o PRODIGY, in the OS/2 Club topic's download library, in IBM Files Note: If you cannot find files named dsn... (in lower case), look for files named DSN... (in upper case). Within IBM: 1995 issues, in ASCII format, are in DSN5 PACKAGE in the OS2TOOLS catalog, and 1994 issues are in DSN4 PACKAGE. To obtain DSN4 PACKAGE, type: TOOLCAT OS2TOOLS GET DSN4 PACKAGE To obtain DSN5 PACKAGE, type: TOOLCAT OS2TOOLS GET DSN5 PACKAGE You can also request the packages by typing: REQUEST DSN4 FROM V1ENG AT BCRVM1 and REQUEST DSN5 FROM V1ENG AT BCRVM1 To subscribe to DSN5 PACKAGE, type TOOLCAT OS2TOOLS SUB DSN5 PACKAGE +-----------------------------------+ | Notice to Readers Outside the USA | +-----------------------------------+ It is possible that the material in this newsletter may contain references to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such products, programming, or services in your country. +------------------------+ | Send Us Your Feedback! | +------------------------+ Your comments about this newsletter are important to us. Please send your feedback to the editor of IBM SDO Developer Support News, Mike Engelberg, at: o Internet: o IBMMAIL: USIB33NP o Fax: 1-407-443-5214 o Mail: DSNEWS, Internal Zip 5407, IBM Corporation, 1000 N.W. 51st Street, Boca Raton FL 33431, USA ======================================================================== +------------------------------------+ | The IBM Solution Developer Program | progsdo +------------------------------------+ (The following are the contents of a new brochure detailing the IBM Solution Developer Program.) Welcome from Jim Gant --------------------- Welcome to the IBM Solution Developer Program. This "new" program pulls together the best aspects of existing offerings across IBM into a single support structure. This work will continue to evolve and is being designed to help you develop the highest quality and most successful solutions in the information technology world. Whether you develop products for large systems or personal computers, IBM is dedicated to giving you the breadth and depth of a convenient, single point of contact for the technical, business, and marketing support that you need. The organization within IBM that has the lead responsibility for this work is Solution Developer Operations. Our complete focus is one that recognizes our partnership in developing critical solutions for our mutual customers and prospects. If you are a member of one of IBM's developer programs, you're already a member of the new IBM Solution Developer Program. You'll maintain the mutually beneficial relationship you've enjoyed over the years, and add the benefit of also having the same level of access to programs for all of IBM's other platforms as you venture into new markets for your products and services. If you're a new member, welcome aboard! The enclosed information will provide an overview of the breadth of this program, which is the premier offering in the industry. Once you complete your application, you'll receive additional information from IBM targeted to your interest. I also urge you to visit the Solution Developer Operations Home Page on the World Wide Web (URL= which will provide the latest news on enhancements to our developer programs. It's one of a number of ways for you to easily communicate with IBM. Your feedback is crucial in our continuing efforts to provide you with the support you want. We look forward to working with each of you in the future and sharing in the growth and success that our partnership can achieve. James J. Gant Vice President, Solution Developer Operations Matrix of Offerings ------------------- Communications/ Tools/Database/ OS/2 AIX OS/400 System/390 Enablers AS/400 APPC, CICS-MQ, OS/2, AIX Partners S/390 CM/2, NetView, Pen, POWER in Developers TCP/IP, DB2, Speech Team Developmt Association Information Warehouse, Application Development, WorkGroup, Object Connection TECHNICAL SERVICES Q and A (voice Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes and electronic support) Education Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Early Code Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Consulting Yes Yes Yes Yes Software Tools Yes Yes Yes Yes Porting Assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Centers Testing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Environments BUSINESS SERVICES Hardware Hardware Discounts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Hardware Lease Yes Yes Yes Software Software Discounts Yes Yes Yes Yes Relationships and Others Association Yes Yes Yes Discounts Relationship Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Management Representatives Newsletters Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MARKETING SERVICES Interest/Awareness National Solution Yes Yes Yes Yes Center Registration Advertising Yes Yes Directories Solutions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Directories Magazines Yes Yes Advertising Yes Yes Bulletin Board/ Yes Yes Yes Yes Internet Support Trade Shows and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Conferences User Groups Yes Yes Yes Yes Press Yes Yes Announcements Media (test Yes Yes Yes results, articles) Demand Generation Direct Mail Yes Yes Yes Product Yes Yes Compatibility Marks Customer Seminars, Yes Yes Yes Roadshows, and Education WORLDWIDE AVAILABILITY (*) Asia, Pacific Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Europe, Middle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes East, Africa Latin America Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes North America Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes * = Not all of the above programs are available in all countries at this time. Call 1-800-627-8363 for additional information. Outside US and Canada, call 1-404-835-9902. Technical Services ------------------ Q and A (Voice and Electronic Support) IBM Solution Developer Operations provides a number of ways for you to get answers to your technical questions. Voice service puts you in contact with our technical experts. A toll free number is available in the US. Electronic Question and Answer forums are maintained on CompuServe, TALKLink, and the IBM Internet complex. The forums have both public and private sections. Although any user can view the public sections, only members of IBM Solution Developer Program can participate in the more detailed private forums. There, you can read questions posed by other ISVs and the answers given by the SDO Technical Support staff. Education A variety of IBM technical education offerings are made available to members. Call to ask about current course offerings. Early Code A variety of IBM early code offerings (Beta tests, remote access, focus programs, and test drives) are available to members. Call for detailed, up-to-the-minute information about these offerings. Consulting We can arrange for customized consulting services to get you access to an array of IBM technical experts, and information about third party organizations. Services include everything from design reviews to performance analysis and technology exploitation. Delivery methods include on-site and teleconference options. Software Tools Stay on top of emerging technologies by being among the first to use pre-release versions of software from IBM and other developers. Also, a variety of software application development tools are available for ISVs developing on IBM operating system platforms. Tools and other informative developer-oriented updates are distributed online as well as on diskette, tape, and CD-ROM. Porting Assistance Centers Solution developers now have a place to go for access to the complete range of IBM platforms, from RISC hardware and software to OS/2 Warp and beyond. Porting assistance is available for OS/2, OS/2 for the PowerPC, and DB2. Current locations include San Mateo, California and Dallas, Texas. Before the end of 1995, sites are slated to open in Boston, Massachusetts; Boca Raton, Florida; Europe; and Asia. Testing Environments Get expert assistance in software testing with Cross-Platform Connectivity, Standalone Systems, Remote Access, and Early Test environments. Business Services ----------------- HARDWARE Hardware Discounts To help you purchase the hardware you need for development, and to run your day-to-day business, SDO offers discounts not only on IBM hardware, but on Lexmark printers as well. Hardware Lease You can run your business on off-the-shelf computers. But when it comes to developing leading-edge software solutions, the name of the game is having your software available the day the new machines hit the shelves. To pull off such a miracle, you need to get equipment early in the development cycle. The earlier the better. Our lease programs help you get the hardware you need for development and product support activities at extremely attractive rates. Call for details. SOFTWARE Software Discounts Significant discounts are available on IBM software to fill your development needs. Products such as OS/2 Warp, AIX, DB2, VisualAge, and Smalltalk are available. Call for a detailed list. RELATIONSHIPS AND OTHERS Association Discounts Save on memberships in professional associations related to the development of software and the operation of your development business. Relationship Management Representatives Your contact person within IBM is dedicated to helping you maintain communications by providing one point of entry into IBM for access to technical, business, and marketing services. Newsletters IBM publishes a number of newsletters targeted to you, the developer. Keep up on the latest news about the platforms and tools that matter most to you. The newsletter can also provide a vehicle for you to publish your articles and product announcements. Your Representative can put you in touch with our editors. Marketing Services ------------------ INTEREST/AWARENESS National Solution Center Registration Take your place in this online database used by IBM Sales Representatives, Business Partners, and selected large accounts. The database, which lists solutions sorted by categories, is accessed over 40,000 times a month by IBM Marketing Teams around the world. Advertising Directories Reach the largest and most qualified groups of buyers for your products and services through such advertising directories as Sources and Solutions. Published every six months with planned distribution of 700,000 copies, the advertising section is open to developers from any geography who wish to participate. Call for advertising rates and schedules. Solutions Directories IBM publishes a vast array of directories on an ongoing basis. For example, the AS/400 Directory lists approximately 25,000 products! AIX and DB2 products are also listed in their own directories. A compendium of OS/2 products can be found alongside many of the most popular software books in computer stores and bookstores. Efforts are currently underway to make product directories available on World Wide Web and other commercial online services. As a member, this valuable publicity is yours free of charge. When IBM customers go shopping for software, you can be sure they will get the chance to read about your products. Magazines Many developer assistance program members qualify for free subscriptions to magazines and other periodicals dedicated to their field of development expertise. Among the magazine choices available are the award-winning OS/2 Developer Magazine and AIXpert. Advertising Receive discounted magazine placement rates in a group of high-impact magazines targeted to your product audience when you place ads through your IBM Solution Developer Program. Bulletin Board / Internet Support A wide range of online support services are offered to members. See for yourself by visiting the IBM Solution Developer Operations Home Page on the World Wide Web ( Trade Shows and Conferences Demonstrate the effectiveness of your products right alongside IBM's own hardware and software. Surely you (and most of your customers) have visited IBM's booths at any number of trade shows. Through your membership, we can help you find the most suitable forum for your product, and help you make all the arrangements to get there. User Groups Nearly one thousand user groups regularly look for speakers and information on new products. IBM fosters relationships with many user groups around the world, and can get information about you and your products into the right hands. During a recent six-month period, more than 50 companies used this membership benefit to spread the word to OS/2 user groups around the world. Press Announcements As a member, you may qualify for special rates and discounts for Business Wire and PR Newswire. Business Wire is an international media relations wire service that electronically delivers news releases and photos around the world, 24 hours a day. Business Wire reaches more than 500 computer and electronic trade publications, key high-tech writers, newsletter editors, and industry analysts. PR Newswire has 40 years of experience in the timely dissemination of information to the worldwide media. PR Newswire reaches industry editors the way they want to be reached -- by wire, fax, and e-mail. Media (Test Results, Articles) We are always promoting good-news stories to the trade and general business press. Stories and articles that appear in the press are collected and distributed electronically throughout IBM for field use as IBM sales and marketing aids. Your Representative will make sure your story is told. DEMAND GENERATION Direct Mail Create, coordinate, plan, and implement top-quality direct mail campaigns with the help of our marketing specialists. Our mailing center can provide up-to-date lists of registered users, developers, and conference attendees. Assistance with design, printing, and list selection is also available. Mailing lists are rotated on a unique schedule to avoid saturation and exhaustion. Product Compatibility Marks IBM's product compatibility programs give you a way to increase product visibility. IBM compatibility marks on your packaging, flyers, advertising, and other promotional materials adds value by assuring customers that your product is compatible with designated products and systems. Selling cycle time is reduced when your customers can make a better-informed decision about the compatibility of your product. IBM provides complete guidelines and assistance to help you with your compatibility testing. Once your testing is complete, IBM provides seals and artwork so your can prominently display the compatibility mark. IBM promotes your efforts by periodically publishing materials that feature compatibility-tested products. Customer Seminars, Roadshows, and Education IBM Solution Developer Operations takes the industry's hottest technology on the road to a wide range of customers. We travel to customer locations, trade shows, IBM locations, and colleges and universities, providing demonstrations that focus attention on product highlights and competitive comparisons. Developer Assistance Programs and Environments ---------------------------------------------- IBM Solution Developer Operations currently has Developer Assistance Programs for these IBM development environments: OS/2 OS/2 Warp is the 32-bit multitasking, multimedia, crash-protected, Internet-accessed, totally cool new way to run your personal computer. Winner of numerous industry awards, OS/2 Warp is poised to handle personal computing needs as they grow during the next several years. Currently available on Intel-based PCs, OS/2 Warp will soon appear on PowerPC-based systems, and because of the common application programming interface, migrating your applications between hardware platforms will be fast, simple, and effective. AIX; RISC System/6000 The IBM RISC System/6000, with its industrial-strength, UNIX based operating system, AIX, is the price/performance leader for demanding client/server environments. RS/6000's industry leading open architectures enable the development of advanced software. OS/400; AS/400 The IBM As/400 family of midrange system products offers comprehensive solutions for commercial data processing, office, and communications environments while providing simple, consistent programmer and end-user interfaces. The broad range of compatible processors within the AS/400 system family use the same operating system, Operating System/400 (OS/400), at all levels. AS/400 provides a wide spectrum of connectivity options, enhancing application support and development by enabling the use of many well-established applications and tools. AS/400 delivers the best of client/server computing, standard open interfaces, state-of-the-art database, comprehensive connectivity, transaction processing, systems management, support for multiple file systems, and advanced application development. System 390 System 390 has been transformed from the mainframe of yesterday to the enterprise server of today. Object technology is transforming the way programmers work, and S/390 operating systems are transforming to interoperate with UNIX systems. S/390 integrates well into global, multi-vendor, distributed environments. Features like the UNIX function in MVS OpenEdition increases application platform choices for clients and servers. Open Blueprint forms the basis for future S/390 investment and the roadmap for building the open, enterprise-wide, client/server infrastructures that businesses need for fast and flexible deployment of new applications. The S/390 is renowned for its classic strength -- the experience needed to protect and preserve business assets. Communications; Tools; Database; Enablers Tying together the major platforms are cross-platform technologies and applications in areas such as networking, communications, development tools, databases, and application enablers. These leading-edge components utilize the advanced capabilities of IBM's platforms, and provide the future direction for personal, midrange, and enterprise computing. More Information ---------------- For additional information about any of the Developer Assistance Programs mentioned in this brochure, or to apply for membership, call: 1-800-627-8363 in the US or Canada. Outside the US or Canada, call 1-404-835-9902 for information about the IBM Solution Developer Program worldwide. Detailed information is also available on the IBM Solution Developer Operations Home Page on the World Wide Web (url= Membership requirements vary among the developer assistance programs listed. IBM reserves the right to refuse membership to any company for any reason. Program content, terms and conditions, and pricing may vary by individual developer assistance programs, and by county. ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------+ | DSNEWS Now Available on the World Wide Web | webdsn +--------------------------------------------+ IBM SDO Developer Support News is now available on the Internet World Wide Web in the IBM Solution Developer Support home page. The URL for DSNEWS is . NOTE: DSNEWS is released first in ASCII format. The HTML format will be posted on the World Wide Web several days later. ======================================================================== +--------------------------------+ | Record Developer Crowd Gathers | tirept | at IBM's Developer Conference | +--------------------------------+ New Orleans, 25 May 1995 ... At a gathering of commercial and corporate software developers, IBM brought all IBM operating platforms together for the first time at the 1995 IBM Technical Interchange here this week. Developer response to new support programs and IBM developer tools strategy for OS/2 Warp, System/390 software, AIX, and AS/400 was enthusiastic. ISVs Contribute to OS/2 Value ----------------------------- "I've liked being able to come here as a competitor, in a sense, of one of IBM's OS/2 Warp applications, and yet I'm being treated as a contributor to OS/2's overall value," said Cindy Whiston-Ecker, product marketing manager for Attachmate, a Bellevue, Washington supplier of enterprise connectivity software solutions. "We came here wanting to meet an audience that appreciates OS/2, and we've been highly successful in doing that." Several News Announcements -------------------------- The range of technologies spanned IBM's largest systems to its award-winning, 32-bit operating system for personal computers. News announcements included: o PC Server 500 S/390, the first IBM PC server that can run both PC and mainframe-based applications, which will enable application developers to write and test mainframe applications right on their PC o High Performance Routing, the industry's first delivery of dynamic new software for Wide Area Networks, is expanding later this year to support key networking hardware; o Indelible Blue of Raleigh, North Carolina, named Blue Orchard Software, a new independent marketing and distribution company, to pursue shelf space for OS/2 applications in the retail channel with a program called Warp Ware. o IBM introduced The National Software Testing Lab (NSTL) seal of approval during the Technical Interchange. The validation program is designed so that the placing of the NSTL seal on developers' software packages means that the applications inside have been tested by NSTL for compatibility with OS/2 Warp. The NSTL approval program allows solution developers, including Windows developers, to certify that their applications are OS/2 Warp-ready. o As part of its ongoing effort to reduce software developers' costs and give them opportunities to capitalize on the rapidly growing OS/2 market, IBM announced its new Developer API Extensions at the conference. The Developer API Extensions help solution developers deliver their applications across PC operating systems, including OS/2 Warp, Windows 3.1, Windows NT, and Windows 95. The company also showcased a range of technologies and tools that will allow solution developers to bring multiple-platform applications to market quickly and easily, and announced its intent to deliver tools and services for developers who are investing in OLE and MFC. ISVs Enthusastic about the TI ----------------------------- "This Technical Interchange has been the best forum for reaching the OS market," said conference exhibitor Randell Flint, president of Sundial Systems, Seal Beach, California. "No other show brings together the ISVs and corporate software developers and buyers better than this one does." "IBM's clients are telling us that they're very happy with how things are going with OS/2," said Steven Tower, president of AdeptSoft, Boca Raton, Florida. "I think that has something to do with IBM's excellent job of being open and straightforward in describing why its timelines are what they are, and why IBM is making the moves that it's making." Added Sharon Manuel, vice president of retail products for Footprint Software, Toronto, Canada, "The technical sessions are jammed with ISVs, and we're getting both the marketing and technical information that we need about the operating systems and IBM's tools and services." Record Attendance ----------------- Turnout of developers and customers for the 1995 IBM Technical Interchange was the largest ever for such an IBM conference. Nearly 4,000 people attended the event, including 75 exhibitors. "There are a lot of corporate customers here who are in a buying mood, and we're selling a ton of OS/2 Warp Connect," said Bonnie Bohac, fulfillment manager for Indelible Blue. OS/2 Warp Sales Up More than 300 Percent ---------------------------------------- A recent study by Computer Intelligence InfoCorp (CII) reports that sales of OS/2 Warp increased more than 300 percent during the first five months that it was offered. OS/2 Warp Connect, IBM's one-box solution for integrated networking capabilities and easy access to the Internet and other online services, shipped on 17 May. ISV Support for OS/2 Warp Grows ------------------------------- Solution developer support of OS/2 is growing. In the first five months of 1995, 30 major software developers have announced development plans for more than 70 native Warp applications on both Intel and PowerPC platforms. IBM has sold 2.1 million copies of OS/2 Warp worldwide since November. The OS/2 installed base is now more than nine million. OS/2 Warp comes preloaded on systems from the IBM PC Company, Toshiba, Vobis, Escom, Legend and Osborne. Dell and CompuAdd offer OS/2 Warp as a preload option to customers when they order PCs. IBM news releases are available on the Internet, via the IBM Home Page at The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX and enter 99 at the voice menu. ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------------------------+ | 1996 IBM Technical Interchange Dates and Venue Announced | ti96 +----------------------------------------------------------+ At the 1995 IBM Technical Interchange, it was announced that the 1996 IBM Technical Interchange will take place from 22 through 26 April 1996 at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. Further details will be forthcoming. ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Announces New Windows API Extensions for OS/2 Warp | winapix +--------------------------------------------------------+ New Orleans, 22 May 1995 -- As part of its ongoing campaign to reduce software developers' costs and give them opportunities to capitalize on the rapidly growing OS/2 market, IBM announced its new Developer API Extensions at The 1995 IBM Technical Interchange conference here today. The company also showcased a range of technologies and tools that will allow ISVs to bring multiple-platform applications to market quickly and easily. "Application developers are forced to make tough choices," said John W. Thompson, general manager, IBM Marketing and Solution Developer Programs in his keynote address to 4,000 software vendors and corporate developers. "If they bet their business on one operating system platform, they may limit their market opportunity. But supporting multiple platforms means maintaining separate code bases at significant expense. Today we're showing IBM's unequivocal commitment to help software developers increase their market opportunities while decreasing risk, by giving them ways to develop and manage common source code across multiple platforms." IBM's growing set of developer tools and technologies includes its new IBM Developer API Extensions, SMART, Hyperwise, VisualAge C++, the IBM Open Class Library, and OpenDoc. Developer API Extensions ------------------------ The IBM Developer API Extensions announced today enhance the portability of 32-bit Windows applications to OS/2 Warp, helping software developers deliver their applications across PC operating systems including Warp, Windows 3.1, Windows NT, and Windows 95. The Developer API Extensions are extensions to the OS/2 Warp interfaces, designed to make existing investments in Win32 APIs portable to OS/2 Warp. The Developer API Extensions are comprised of a subset of over 700 APIs and 300 messages that are consistent with Win32 APIs and messages. The subset includes the most frequently used Win32 APIs, and was chosen based on the analysis of more than nine million lines of source code from a variety of popular Windows applications. Windows applications that use the APIs defined in the Developer API Extensions can be recompiled to produce functionally equivalent OS/2 Warp applications. Selected software vendors will begin limited alpha testing of the Developer API Extensions next week. The extensions will be available for broad beta-testing this summer, and IBM expects them to be generally available by the end of the year. The Developer API Extensions will eventually be shipped as part of the base OS/2 Warp operating system. "With our Developer API Extensions as the solution for migrating existing Windows applications, IBM's object-oriented VisualAge family of application development tools represents our long-term commitment to helping developers succeed, by enabling them to reach multiple, growing market segments from a single development environment," said John Swainson, IBM vice president of application development solutions. "The future application software market leaders will be companies that leverage their migration investments into competitive advantage by exploiting object technology in the form of portable and interoperable class libraries and frameworks." VisualAge C++ and IBM Open Class Library ---------------------------------------- IBM's award-winning VisualAge C++ and object-oriented IBM Open Class Library, currently in beta-testing on OS/2, will be made available on Windows later this year. VisualAge C++ is a powerful development environment that allows developers to visually build parts and then combine these parts to construct programs. VisualAge C++ and IBM Open Class Library are part of a broad set of IBM tools that already gives developers a high degree of portability between many platforms, including AIX, OS/400, MVS, and SUN Solaris. Support for PowerMac and HP-UX is also planned to round out the tools set that customers and independent software vendors have requested. Starting with VisualAge C++ for OS/2, which will be generally available in June, developers will be able to realize the highest degree of portability available with C++. OpenDoc Support in VisualAge C++ -------------------------------- OpenDoc is a compound document architecture that enables the development of object-oriented, cross-platform application components called OpenDoc parts. OpenDoc will be supported across OS/2 Warp, Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX (AIX). For developers who have already invested in the proprietary OLE or Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) technologies, IBM intends to provide utilities, tools, and services to assist with conversion and source-code creation for the more open, cross-platform OpenDoc and IBM Open Class. "Software developers are investing heavily in migration from 16-bit to 32-bit operating systems," said Jed Harris, president of Component Integration Laboratories (CI Labs). "With everyone focused on exploiting 32-bit APIs and basic GUI capabilities, these will soon be insufficient to make their applications competitive. To increase application differentiation, leading vendors are moving toward software components. IBM's open software strategy, with its focus on object technology and component reuse and integration, represents a compelling source of differentiation for software developers." SMART ----- The Source Migration Analysis Reporting Toolset (SMART), a product of One Up Corporation, is a set of tools that help programmers readily convert their Windows applications to OS/2. SMART analyzes existing Windows code (16-bit or 32-bit) and OS/2 code (16-bit), sizes the conversion effort, and automatically converts the majority of the code to 32-bit OS/2 Warp. When used with the Developer API Extensions, SMART will indicate which parts of a Win32 application use the API Extensions and can be recompiled for OS/2 Warp. It will also analyze the rest of the application and make recommendations for the remainder of the development effort. IBM licenses SMART and makes it available to developers via the IBM Developer Connection CD-ROM. Hyperwise --------- IBM's Hyperwise is a productivity tool that allows developers to use OS/2 Warp as their help development platform, regardless of the platform on which their applications will run. It is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor (WYSIWYG) for creating the help portion of applications and assists in moving Windows help to OS/2 Warp. Hyperwise includes a drag-and-drop capability to link text, audio, video, and graphics, and allows users to author text once and read it on OS/2 Warp, the Internet and Windows 3.1. IBM news releases are available on the Internet, via the IBM Home Page at The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX and enter 99 at the voice menu. ======================================================================== +------------------------------------------------+ | Terms and Conditions Changes Announced for the | toolppd | IBM Power Personal Developer's ToolBox Program | +------------------------------------------------+ IBM is eliminating the up-front qualification process and simplifying the terms and conditions of the IBM Power Personal Developer's ToolBox Program. The original program, announced in November 1994, was designed to encourage developers to port products to, or develop products for, Power Personal systems. Participating developers are given significantly reduced prices on eligible hardware and software products. Simpler Qualification --------------------- The changes now in effect are designed to make it simpler to qualify for the program. Interested developers can call 1-800-627-8363 or fax a request to 1-404-835-9444 and receive a program information and enrollment kit. The kit contains the revised enrollment form reflecting these changes and the associated terms and conditions. A mailing has been sent to existing program participants advising them of the changes to the program. ======================================================================== +------------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Delivers Networking Power With OS/2 Warp Connect | connpr +------------------------------------------------------+ With the theme "Make Your Connections," IBM used New York's Grand Central Terminal as a backdrop to announce the availability of OS/2 Warp Connect, which gives small businesses and workgroups easy, open connections to worlds of information -- whether they are on an office PC, the Internet, or a local-area network -- all in a powerful, refined, stable operating system. OS/2 Warp Connect follows the commercially successful, technically acclaimed OS/2 Warp, which began shipping in November 1994. OS/2 Warp Connect combines OS/2 Warp and its BonusPak of productivity applications with a full set of integrated networking capabilities and software that provides peer and remote connections along with TCP/IP for dial-up and LAN access to the Internet, access to the most popular online services, and Lotus Notes Express. OS/2 Warp Connect includes built-in requesters for IBM LAN Server and Novell NetWare, and can coexist with IBM LAN Server, Novell NetWare, Windows NT and Windows for Workgroups, Banyan Vines, and LANtastic from Artisoft. It features easy and advanced installation options, and Configuration, Installation and Distribution (CID) for efficient installation across a networked enterprise. "OS/2 Warp Connect has everything you need to connect to the world, to connect to your existing network, or to create a peer network," said Lee Reiswig, general manager of IBM's Personal Software Products division. "It is the easiest networking solution to use and simplest to install for the foreseeable future. With OS/2 Warp's multitasking prowess, users can really optimize network resources by sharing files, modems, and printers -- simultaneously." Single-Box Business Network Solution for Small Businesses --------------------------------------------------------- OS/2 Warp Connect is a complete software solution for anyone who is starting or running a small business. The operating system, with its built-in, peer-to-peer networking, combined with the BonusPak of productivity software and Lotus Notes Express, gives a small business what it needs to get a staff connected and productive, in a single box. Notes Express will include seven productivity templates. Five of them consist of those that Lotus ships in the retail version: discussion databases, client/server mail, phone book, reference databases, and news databases; plus two of Lotus' other most popular templates. Peer Networks Made Easy ----------------------- OS/2 Warp Connect comes with everything needed to set up a peer network right out of the box. The built-in peer capability gives connected users an inexpensive, easy-to-use way to share resources such as files, printers and modems. In addition, users can share resources around the office or on the road with OS/2 Warp Connect's remote access capabilities. Customers can use IBM Peer for OS/2 in a wide range of network environments. The peer software interoperates with OS/2 LAN Server version 3.0 or later editions, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft LAN Manager 2.x, PC LAN Program 1.3, and Artisoft LANtastic 6.0. A Perfect Fit in Existing Networks ---------------------------------- For customers in large enterprises, OS/2 Warp Connect seamlessly links desktop machines to each other and to all major network operating systems, including IBM OS/2 LAN Server, Lotus Notes, Microsoft NT Server, Novell NetWare, and a variety of Internet servers. The OS/2 Workplace Shell offers a graphical view of LAN resources by server and a hierarchical view of resources within domains. OS/2 Warp Connect demonstrates IBM's commitment to Open Blueprint by supporting communication via NetBIOS, TCP/IP, or IPX on Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI networks, eliminating the need to purchase network transports or client code when attaching to the industry's leading servers. OS/2 Warp Connect will ship with TCP/IP for OS/2 Version 3. This version lets users simultaneously connect to local/wide area networks and to the Internet with a complete set of applications for browsing the World Wide Web, mail, and file transfer. Because of its multiprotocol support, OS/2 Warp Connect provides a client/server platform so that customers can install DB2 for OS/2, Lotus Notes and Oracle server, for example, without any additional software. A Solid Network Citizen ----------------------- "By including connectivity to industry-leading network operating systems, full support for TCP/IP and the Internet, and remote access, IBM has made OS/2 Warp a solid network citizen," said Jamie Lewis, president of the Burton Group, a consulting firm in Salt Lake City, Utah. "Because OS/2 Warp Connect will be network-enabled right out of the box, managers will no longer have to scramble to get the network software they need. With OS/2 Warp Connect's streamlined install, customers can get connected quickly in a variety of environments." Enterprise Features Coming Soon ------------------------------- IBM is planning a release this summer of an additional CD for enterprise customers that will contain advanced networking support, including mobile file synchronization that enables users to disconnect from LAN Server, perform network operations, and resynchronize their work after a session is re-established. The enterprise features include IBM System Performance Monitor/2, which allows system resources to be monitored on a single workstation; Personal Communications/3270 for OS/2 - IEEE 802.2 Entry Level, which provides 3270 mainframe emulation capability for up to two sessions; Communications Manager/2 SNA Application Environment, which allows users to run Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) applications; NetView Distribution Manager/2 (NVDM/2) StartUp, which provides for connection to a NVDM/2 server for easy download of the full NVDM/2 client (licensed separately); and the OS/2 Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) client, which allows an OS/2 system to participate in client/server applications based on the Open Software Foundation (OSF) remote procedure call. Network Access for Employees on the Road or at Home --------------------------------------------------- OS/2 Warp Connect provides remote features that allow users to remotely connect to their LANs from anywhere by phone, providing real-time access to network resources. The remote features are based on LAN Distance, IBM's comprehensive remote LAN access software solution. With the peer software included with OS/2 Warp Connect and LAN Distance, users can set up a simple peer network over a telephone line. "Secure remote access to office networks is becoming a necessity for almost all business users," said Frank Dzubeck, president of Communications Network Architects, Inc., a consulting firm in Washington, D.C. "Whether it be for telecommuting from home or conducting business from your car or hotel room, OS/2 Warp Connect's rich remote access features will unequivocally help to create a true virtual office." OS/2 Warp Connect Integrated Installation ----------------------------------------- Installation is made easy through the integrated installation options with OS/2 Warp Connect. Users can select between easy or advanced installation options, depending upon the amount of customization they want to achieve. Network administrators can use CID to install OS/2 Warp Connect across the enterprise. Prices and Availability ----------------------- OS/2 Warp Connect is initially shipping in a blue-spine version that includes IBM WIN-OS/2, also known as "fullpack", for a list price of 299 USD, and available through IBM Direct for 215 USD. For a limited time, registered users of OS/2 2.1 will qualify for a 25 USD rebate when they purchase OS/2 Warp Connect. Registered users of OS/2 Warp with WIN-OS/2 will qualify for a 50 USD rebate when they purchase OS/2 Warp Connect. Volume discounts are available. OS/2 Warp Connect with IBM WIN-OS/2 is available in the United States and Canada through IBM dealers, superstores, and a variety of general retail outlets. A version of OS/2 Warp Connect that uses customers' existing Windows will be available this summer. OS/2 Warp Connect with IBM WIN-OS/2 and OS/2 Warp Connect will be available in 20 additional languages. ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------------+ | IBM OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 and | connann | IBM OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 | | Complete the Connectivity Equation | +----------------------------------------------+ In Brief ... ------------ IBM OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 and IBM OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 enable you to: o Access the resources you need, from peer-to-peer to worldwide enterprise networks o Share files and printers, locally and remotely o Link to colleagues and information resources in your organization, in the office or on the road o Access industry-leading file, print, and information servers simultaneously: - Internet - IBM OS/2 LAN Server - Microsoft NT Server - Novell NetWare Server o Reduce configuration and support time for client and server workstations o Access online personal help desk Overview -------- OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 is available in two editions: OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 and OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3. These mid-range members of the OS/2 Warp family provide small business users, workgroup customers, and corporate networked clients with a complete connectivity solution. OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 and OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 feature OS/2 Warp enhanced usability and easy installation plus the BonusPak of top-quality, ready-to-use software. OS/2 Warp continues the OS/2 tradition of providing full 32-bit OS/2, DOS, and Windows software support. You can take full advantage of the power of your personal computer and preserve your investment in application programs. In addition to OS/2 Warp, OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 provides a set of LAN products, offering peer-to-peer networking, local and remote LAN access, network communications, and system administration with a streamlined installation. OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 also includes IBM Peer for OS/2 Version 1.0, OS/2 LAN Server 4.0 Requester, IBM LAN Distance Remote Version 1.1, IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 Version 3.0, NetWare Client for OS/2 Version 2.11, Network SignON Coordinator, AskPSP, BonusPak, and online publications. OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 allows for single component installation of connectivity products from an attached CD-ROM and provides diskette images, enabling you to install products via diskettes on non-CD-ROM-equipped workstations. You can install OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 over Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (3.11). The program integrates with the Windows code, enabling the system to run Windows applications simultaneously and seamlessly with OS/2 and DOS programs. OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 contains all the support necessary to run OS/2, DOS, and Windows programs without Windows previously installed. As a limited-time promotional offering, Lotus Notes Express Client Release 3.3 is included with OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3. This subset of Lotus Notes includes client/server mail plus a collection of communications and collaboration applications useful to your organization. Installation ------------ IBM's new integrated installation program makes it easier than ever to install one or all of the products packaged with the OS/2 Warp Connect products. This enhanced installation program checks for appropriate hardware. In addition, the program provides two options for installing the product on your workstation. Easy installation lets you quickly install OS/2 Warp with Internet access, IBM Peer for OS/2, and NetWare Client for OS/2. You can also select the Advanced installation path to install selected products directly from the CD-ROM, or across the LAN from a CD-ROM-equipped workstation. The products on OS/2 Warp Connect may also be installed separately via CD-ROM or the 3.5-inch diskette images provided. LAN Client Solution ------------------- OS/2 Warp Connect and OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 provide a set of LAN products that offer local and remote network access in one complete package, saving time and money. The products contained on the CD-ROM are: OS/2 LAN Server Requester -- Connectivity to OS/2 LAN Server 4.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- LAN Requester features included are: o Memory management for MPTS (Multi-Protocol Transport Services) o OS/2 RFC 1001/2 NetBIOS over TCP/IP using the MPTS transport o MAC drivers for additional communications adapters o NDIS extensions for PCMCIA adapters including NetBIOS support LAN Adapters ------------ Refer to Software Announcement 294-564, dated 12 September 1994, for a list of supported adapters. The following adapters are supported in addition to those documented in the referenced announcement letter: o Allied Telesis AT1500 Plus ISA o Allied Telesis AT1700 Plus ISA o Allied Telesis AT1720 Plus MCA o Digital EtherWorks Turbo 435 PCI o IBM Ethernet Quad-BT and Quad-B2 PeerMaster Server Adapters o IBM Token-Ring 16/4 Credit Card Adapter o IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter o IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring MC Adapter o IBM Auto LANStreamer (TM) PCI Adapter o IBM Wireless ISA/MCA LAN Adapter o IBM Wireless PCMCIA LAN Adapter o IBM FDDI Copper Base ISA Adapter o IBM FDDI Copper Base MCA Adapter o IBM FDDI Copper Extender ISA Adapter o IBM FDDI Copper Extender MCA Adapter o IBM FDDI Fiber Base ISA Adapter o IBM FDDI Fiber Base MCA Adapter o IBM FDDI Fiber Extender ISA Adapter o IBM FDDI Fiber Extender MCA Adapter o IBM Infrared Wireless LAN Adapter for ISA Systems o IBM Infrared Wireless LAN Adapter for Micro Channel (R) Systems o IBM Infrared Wireless LAN Adapter for PCMCIA Systems o IBM Parallel Port Driver o Intel EtherExpress PRO with Flash o Kingston TokenRx MC 16/4 Token-Ring Adapter o Kingston TokenRx ISA 16/4 Token-Ring Adapter o Madge Smart 100 EISA Ringnode o Madge Smart 100 16/4 AT (R) Ringnode o NCR StarLAN Token-Ring ISA o NCR StarLAN Token-Ring MCA o Racal InterLan AT-TP (163-3118) o SMC TokenCard Elite (8115T) TCP/IP for OS/2 Version 3.0 Replaces IBM TCP/IP Version 2.0 Base Kit -------------------------------------------------------------------- TCP/IP for OS/2 Version 3.0 combines all of the industrial-strength TCP/IP functionality of the popular Version 2.0 product with the ease-of-use features of the Internet Connection for OS/2 found in the OS/2 Warp BonusPak. Users of TCP/IP for OS/2 Version 3.0 can now enjoy simultaneous LAN-based TCP/IP connectivity as well as Internet connectivity in one integrated package. TCP/IP Version 3.0 for OS/2 is not sold separately. It is included in the OS/2 Warp Connect and OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 products to provide even greater value. IBM WebExplorer is a World Wide Web (WWW) browser for OS/2. This program supplies a graphically rich, interactive interface to the fascinating world of the Internet. Users of the WebExplorer can jump from one Internet location to another by simply selecting highlighted text or images in the main window. Ultimedia Mail/2 Lite provides an easy-to-use interface for creating, sending and receiving, and storing electronic mail. Ultimedia Mail/2 Lite supports MIME protocol, which enables multimedia mail and replaces LaMail available in TCP/IP for OS/2 Version 2.0. Gopher Client provides a graphical, user-friendly interface to information from the Internet or the user's LAN. NewsReader/2 provides a graphical interface to LAN- or Internet-connected news servers. TelnetPM allows you to log in to other computers on the Internet or the user's LAN. TelnetPM provides terminal access to programs and information on other computers. TelnetPM supports VT100 and VT220 emulation. A telnet server is also provided to allow terminal access to an OS/2 computer from authorized users on other computers. PMANT allows access to information and programs located on Internet- or LAN-connected hosts that support 3270 sessions, such as VM or MVS, using TN3270 emulation. PMANT is an OS/2 Presentation Manager application. TN5250 is available for terminal access to AS/400 computers. FTPPM allows you to transfer files easily between your computer and other computers on the Internet or LAN. If you are authorized access to a given computer, you can manipulate files on that computer as if it were your own. FTPPM is an OS/2 Presentation Manager application. An FTP server is also provided so that authorized users on other computers on the network can access files on OS/2 computers. LPR/LPD enables users to print files on TCP/IP print servers on the network, which may be AIX (R), UNIX, OS/2, or other types of computers. The LPD server allows any OS/2 machine to function as a TCP/IP print server. SNMP allows network management by elements such as gateways, routers, and hosts. This function provides a means of communication between network elements regarding network resources. TCP/IP Version 3.0 provides SNMP agent and manager functions, and the agent is extensible -- new subagents can be created to manage additional computer functions, using the DPI 2.0 interface. PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) support provides users with improved network accessibility. SLIP dial support is enhanced. NetWare Client for OS/2 -- Connectivity to a NetWare Server ----------------------------------------------------------- Features of the NetWare Client include: o Full support of OS/2 Warp Version 3 o Remote-boot support, allowing customers to simplify administration and reduce support costs by booting OS/2 workstations from a NetWare server o DOS and Windows support, including enhanced mode applications o A client installation program that automatically configures a system to run both IBM LAN Requester and Novell's NetWare Client for OS/2 simultaneously o Named pipes environment o Electronic documentation in native OS/2 format LAN Distance Remote -- Extends "Office LAN" to Remote Users ----------------------------------------------------------- LAN Distance Remote allows you to transparently dial in and execute office applications as if you were physically connected to the LAN. LAN Distance features included are: o Remote access to LAN resources for PCs running OS/2 o Host-like security to protect network resources o Transparent support for most LAN applications o A PC software solution that does not require a dedicated server o Capability for a remote workstation to dial into the LAN or to another remote workstation o Extends remote client support to PCs using Windows Version 3.1 enhanced mode o Provides capability for LAN-attached workstations to dial off the LAN -- LAN-to-LAN connectivity or LAN-to-remote connectivity o Double-byte character set enablement o Enhanced automated performance tuning (automatic filters) o Enhanced user interface to simplify installation and tailoring o Additional LAN/WAN connectivity options -- Asynchronous, Synchronous, Switched 56, ISDN (Basic and Primary Rate), X.25 (direct and via pad) o Transport protocol independence Refer to Software Announcement 294-267, dated 27 April 1994, for a complete list of supported adapters. IBM Peer for OS/2 ----------------- IBM Peer for OS/2 provides access to other computer devices on the LAN, such as hard disks, CD-ROMs, printers, or modems. These devices can be located on a server or another peer workstation. IBM Peer for OS/2 provides the ability to share local computer devices with other users (multiple concurrent users). A simple graphical user interface is provided to locally manage this accessing and sharing of resources. Peer for OS/2 interoperates with any SMB-compliant peer or server on a LAN. Additionally, IBM Peer for OS/2 provides network messaging, network DDE and clipboard, replication services, logon and logoff support, interprocess communications, and an application program interface. IBM Peer for OS/2 does not provide administration of a server or another peer workstation across the LAN. IBM Peer for OS/2 supports the same adapters as OS/2 LAN Server Requester. Network SignON Coordinator (NSC) -------------------------------- NSC provides a productivity aid for end users whose environment requires multiple user sign-ons to different access control functions. OS/2 User Profile Management (UPM), IBM LAN Server, and Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) are examples of access-control functions. NSC refers to these access control functions as "locations". Each location requires you to sign on with an ID and a password before allowing access to its resources. NSC allows you to sign on, change passwords, and sign off at one or more locations with a single operation. AskPSP ------ AskPSP provides answers to problems and questions concerning OS/2 Warp, LAN Requester, LAN Distance, and NetWare Client. It is a personal help desk to assist in discovering solutions to problems. Once installed, an AskPSP folder exists on the desktop that contains icons for products in OS/2 Warp Connect. Each product icon runs a search tool called CasePoint and then opens a database of common problems and questions relating to the product selected. Diskette images are provided for separate installation along with online publications for viewing and printing. BonusPak -------- OS/2 Warp Connect and OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 are shipped with an accompanying BonusPak of productivity applications and online connection software. The BonusPak, a value-packed suite of application programs, includes: o IBM Works with spreadsheet, word processing, database, report writing, charting, PIM, and fax o HyperACCESS Lite for OS/2 o OS/2-based CompuServe access software o IBM Person to Person for OS/2 o IBM Video IN for OS/2 o Multimedia Viewer for video and sound playing of Internet files installed on your personal computer to simplify system configuration o BonusPak Installation Utility Lotus Notes Express Client, Release 3.3 --------------------------------------- A promotional offering of Lotus Notes Express Client Release 3.3 is included in the OS/2 Warp Connect package for a limited time. Lotus Notes Express Client is a client/server mail application, plus a collection of communication and collaboration applications that are easy to use and understand. It also allows the user to take advantage of Notes services like security, cross-platform distributed object storage, and replication. When purchased separately, Lotus Notes Express offers five basic applications -- E-Mail, discussion databases, news and reference databases, and a shared phone book. The Lotus Notes Express package included in OS/2 Warp Connect gives you a bonus of two additional applications: customer tracking and service request tracking. While Express users cannot develop new templates, and they cannot use any templates beyond the seven included, they can make unlimited copies, and therefore have numerous applications based on the seven in-box templates. If users need to access additional applications, they can easily trade up to the Lotus Notes Desktop Client package. Users who want the full capabilities of Lotus Notes (including the ability to develop custom applications) can trade-up to the full Lotus Notes Client. Hardware Requirements --------------------- The minimum hardware configuration for OS/2 Warp Connect and OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 is: o IBM ThinkPad computer o IBM PS/2 computers with a 386-SX, or more advanced, processor o IBM Industrial computer o IBM PS/1 o IBM PS/ValuePoint o IBM PS/55 o Selected non-IBM personal computers with a 386-SX or more advanced processor o VGA display o OS/2-compatible CD-ROM device (for the workstation used for code distribution) o Mouse or compatible pointing device o Supported network adapter (required by all LAN clients) The following represents the memory and hard-disk requirements for the components of OS/2 Warp Connect and OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2: Minimum Hard-Disk Component Memory (MB) Space (MB) OS/2 Warp Version 3.0 4 MB 48 MB OS/2 Warp Version 3.0 with WIN-OS2 4 56 IBM Peer for OS/2 Version 1.0 3 15 IBM OS/2 LAN Server 4.0 Requester 2 20 IBM LAN Distance Remote Version 1.1 6 13 IBM TCP/IP Version 3.0 for OS/2 4 29 NetWare Client for OS/2 Version 2.11 2 3 Network SignON Coordinator 2 1 AskPSP 3 3 Notes: o 30 MB additional hard-disk space may be required for the BonusPak applications, based on user installation selections o 32 MB additional hard-disk space required for Lotus Notes Express Software Requirements --------------------- Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 must be installed on the system for Windows applications to run under OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3. OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 includes WIN-OS2. Lotus Notes Express Client requires any Notes 3.x server. (Notes server 3.2 is recommended.) Compatibility ------------- The TCP/IP support in OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 remains compatible with the existing TCP/IP Version 2.0 for OS/2 Kits: Network File System, Domain Name Server, Extended Networking, Programmer's Toolkit, X Window System Server, X Window System Client, and OSF/Motif kits. The Network File System, the Extended Networking, and the X Window System Server Kits found in the TCP/IP Version 2.0 for OS/2 Total kit are also supported in OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3. The TCP/IP Version 2.0 for OS/2 DOS/Windows Access Kit has been included as part of the TCP/IP support in OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3. The function found in the TCP/IP Version 2.0 for OS/2 NetBIOS Kit is not supported in OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3. It has been replaced by the RFC NetBIOS over TCP/IP function found in LAN Server 4.0 and in the LAN Requester feature found in OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3. The TCP/IP Version 2.0 for OS/2 Application and Ultimedia Mail/2 Kits are not supported on OS/2 Warp Connect. The function found in the application kit is included in OS/2 Warp Connect. The Ultimedia Mail/2 kit has been replaced by the IBM Workgroup product. Limitations ----------- The OS/2 Warp Connect applications in this product are supported in OS/2 Warp Version 3 and are not supported in previous versions of OS/2. For the remote installation, OS/2 Warp Version 3 must exist on the server. Packaging --------- The OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 programs are distributed in one package containing: o OS/2 Warp Connect IBM Program License Agreement o Proof of License o Installation CD-ROM o BonusPak - BonusPak CD-ROM - BonusPak Manual - BonusPak License Agreement o Two OS/2 Install diskettes o Adobe Flyer o Technical Connection Flyer o Notice/Internet Services o Connect Q and A Flyer o Global Network Flyer o Five Magazine Flyers o Aptiva Flyer o Lotus Notes Express Client - Lotus Notes Express CD-ROM - Lotus Notes Express Publication The package contains the following documentation: o Registration Card o Service and Support Card o Easy Start Book o Up and Running Book o License Information Book o Sources and Solutions Catalog o OS/2 Warp Version 3 User's Guide The online information includes the Command Reference and the REXX Command Reference. The separate Documentation Package includes the following: o Registration Card o Easy Start Book o Sources and Solutions Catalog o OS/2 Warp Version 3 User's Guide o Up and Running Book o BonusPak Manual Planned Availability Dates -------------------------- OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 21 July 1995 OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 Now Part Numbers and Charges ------------------------ Program Package: CD-ROM with documentation. Part One-Time Number Charge OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 10H9800 229 USD OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 10H9810 299 Additional License: Authorizes the customer who has a program package to make a single copy of the programs contained on the CD-ROM and printed documentation. OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 Additional License with Certificate 10H9804 219 OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 Additional License without Certificate 10H9805 219 OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 Additional License with Certificate 10H9813 289 OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 Additional License without Certificate 10H9814 289 Program Upgrade: The program package upgrade option allows currently licensed users of OS/2 Version 2.1X, OS/2 Warp Version 3, or OS/2 Warp Version 3 with WIN-OS2 to obtain the new function for a program upgrade charge. The program upgrade to OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 will be available on 21 July 1995, and the program upgrade to OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 is available now. These upgrades will be available through IBM authorized personal computer dealers and industry remarketers -- personal computers certified to market IBM authorized advanced products. The remarketer will require a Proof of License for each upgrade ordered. The original Proof of License is the colored front cover page (inside the hard binder) or the separate Proof of License page in the program package as identified by IBM to the remarketer. Customers may also order upgrades through the local IBM office using the IBM Personal Computer/System Program IBM US Upgrade and Certification Order Form. Part One-Time Upgrade To Upgrade From Number Charge OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 OS/2 Version 2.1X x x Version 3 OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 OS/2 Version 2.1X x x OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 OS/2 Warp Version 3 x x Version 3 OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 OS/2 Warp Version 3 x x OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 OS/2 Warp Version 3 x x Version 3 with WIN-OS2 OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 OS/2 Warp Version 3 x x with WIN-OS2 Additional License Upgrade: Authorizes the customer who has a program package upgrade to make a single copy of the programs contained on the CD-ROM and printed documentation. Upgrade Upgrade Additional Additional Part One-Time License To License From Number Charge OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 OS/2 Version Version 3 with Certificate 2.1X 10H9818 189 USD OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 OS/2 Version Version 3 without Certificate 2.1X 10H9819 189 OS/2 Warp Connect OS/2 Warp Version 3 with Certificate Version 3 25H7889 139 OS/2 Warp Connect OS/2 Warp Version 3 without Certificate Version 3 25H7890 139 OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 OS/2 Warp Version 3 with Certificate Version 3 with WIN-OS2 25H7892 139 OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 OS/2 Warp Version 3 without Certificate Version 3 with WIN-OS2 25H7893 139 Documentation: Separate documentation with no CD-ROM. Part One-Time Description Number Charge OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3 10H9840 24 USD OS/2 Warp Connect with WIN-OS2 Version 3 10H9844 24 Limited Warranty ---------------- o Program: Yes. Media: Three months. o Additional Licenses: Yes. Media: Not applicable. Getting-Started Period ---------------------- A 60-day getting started period is provided by the Personal Systems Support Line for the first license in an enterprise location, site, or centralized help desk. 30-Day, Money-Back Guarantee ---------------------------- The IBM 30-day, money-back guarantee applies. ======================================================================== +----------------------------------+ | OS/2 Warp Connect TCP/IP | tcpfact | Enhances Internet, LAN/WAN Links | +----------------------------------+ (This material was included in the press kit for the launch of OS/2 Warp Connect.) TCP/IP Application Kit ---------------------- OS/2 Warp Connect, the newest addition to IBM's PC operating system family, will ship with a TCP/IP application kit that lets users simultaneously connect to local/wide area networks and to the Internet with features that enhance web browsing, mail, and file transfer. The improved features come as part of TCP/IP for OS/2 Version 3. Warp Connect users can load the TCP/IP feature by selecting the Internet Connection or TCP/IP option when they install OS/2 Warp Connect. The feature allows users to configure their Internet capabilities with utilities such as an IP address, name server, and router address, among others, during installation or later. Internet Functions, FTP, Telnet ------------------------------- Once installed, the TCP/IP feature enables users to log on to any Internet provider and to use most popular Internet functions, such as e-mail, file transfer, and web browsing. It provides File Transfer Protocol, which enables users to access FTP sites on the Internet and to transfer files from Internet servers to their PCs. This service also allows users to communicate with any other TCP/IP machine on the network, either via Telnet or through transfers between machines on the net. Gopher Client ------------- A key component of the TCP/IP application kit is the Gopher client, which displays the contents of the Internet's Gopher server as an index of resources such as documents, bitmaps, and executable files, and provides users with lists of services and documents available on the Internet. The Internet Gopher server allows users to browse for Internet resources using menus. IBM WebExplorer --------------- Another key component of the TCP/IP kit is the IBM WebExplorer -- a graphical, point-and-click hypertext browser of resources on the Internet. Hypertext makes the web appear like a single document, and users can click on different areas of the document to take them directly to other servers on the web. Ultimail Lite, NewsReader/2 --------------------------- The kit's Ultimail Lite client provides peer mail capability, acts as a mail client to an Ultimail Lite post office, and supports multimedia mail. Ultimail Lite is IBM's new standards-based OS/2 multimedia electronic mail product for TCP/IP networks, including the Internet. The NewsReader/2 service offers a list of Internet forums where users can read, store, browse, save, respond, and print information. Many Advanced Connectivity Features ----------------------------------- The TCP/IP application, which ships as an integrated part of OS/2 Warp Connect, is only one of the many advanced connectivity features offered with Warp Connect, the operating system for any customer who works in an environment where communication is important. OS/2 Warp Connect with Win-OS/2 will be available in base and upgrade versions in the United States and Canada through IBM dealers, superstores and a variety of general retail outlets by the end of May. A version for DOS and Windows users will be available by summer. ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------+ | PRODIGY Lets Members Create Own Home Pages | prodhome | on the Internet's World Wide Web | +--------------------------------------------+ PRODIGY has again taken the lead among the "big 3" online services by announcing that, starting later this month, it will let members do the coolest, most fun thing on the World Wide Web -- create their own multimedia home pages. At no extra charge. Home Page Creator ----------------- PRODIGY's new Home Page Creator, developed jointly with IBM, was demoed last week at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles. No other major online service offers this exciting Internet feature. Having a personal home page is something of a status symbol in a nation obsessed with the Information Highway. However, up until now, publishing a home page was limited to students and internet-savvy types who could work in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). No more. Now anyone can do it. PRODIGY's Windows-based Home Page Creator requires no computer programming knowledge or special skills. Members choose from a variety of fill-in-the-blanks templates and type in the information. Within a few weeks of launch, PRODIGY will add the capability for members to include their own photos, graphics, and personal sound clips. Anyone connected to the Internet using a graphical browser can search the home page directory by state, name, or letter of the alphabet, and view the pages. "It's a kick to publish something that can be seen by an audience of 20 million people or more," said Prodigy President Ed Bennett. "Imagine telling friends that you have a home page on the Web. PRODIGY's Home Page Creator doesn't just give people access to the Web, it makes them part of it." Four Templates -------------- PRODIGY will launch its Home Page Creator with four different templates: -- Basic: Using this template, members talk about themselves, including their interests, favorite Web home pages (which are all done with hyperlinks, so viewers can immediately go to them with the click of a mouse,) and E-mail address. -- Business Card: This template lets members list their company, title, business description, address, phone number, fax number, E-mail, and URL address (also a hyperlink) if their company has a home page on the Web. -- Out On The Town: Here, members can offer a guided tour of their hometown, or any other favorite place, listing all the best restaurants and fun things to see and do. -- Top 10 List: Either by subject category, or in a cyberspace potpourri, members list their top 10 Web sites. Here too, the sites are all published as hyperlinks, so they can be accessed at the click of a mouse. Once they've created their home page, members can revise or delete them at any time. Additional templates will be added in the future. A Macintosh home page creator will be available when PRODIGY releases its Mac Web Browser later this year. Usage Fees ---------- PRODIGY and its Internet connection costs 9.95 USD a month for five hours' use. Additional hours are 2.95 USD each. PRODIGY also offers a 30/30 plan, which includes 30 hours of PRODIGY and the Internet for 30 USD, or 1 USD an hour. There is no additional charge to use the Home Page Creator, or view home pages. Prodigy Services Company is the world's largest dial-up access provider to the Web. Prodigy Services Company is a partnership of IBM and Sears. ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------------------+ | IBM Offers First PC Server Solution | 390serv | Supporting Both PC and Mainframe Applications | +-----------------------------------------------+ New Orleans, 22 May 1995 ... IBM today announced at the IBM Technical Interchange conference the first IBM PC server that can run both PC and mainframe-based applications. The new server, called the IBM PC Server 500 S/390, will enable application developers to write and test mainframe applications right on their PC, either in a standalone or LAN-based environment. That will save customers money by allowing developers to create new mainframe applications without sharing time on the mainframe. It can also reduce costs in such areas as network management and systems training. The new product, called the PC Server S/390 for short, is an innovative and technologically-advanced server, that combines the reliability and high performance of the PC Server 500, running IBM's OS/2 Warp in a LAN environment, with System/390 architecture capable of running mainframe applications, including VM/ESA, MVS/ESA, and VSE/ESA. "The PC Server S/390 signifies the coming together of the mainframe application strengths of the System/390 with the scalable networking capabilities of the IBM PC Server 500," said Angelica Horaitis, director of worldwide marketing, IBM PC Servers. "The LAN-based PC Server S/390 offers traditional file, print-sharing and application server capabilities as well as support of VM, VSE, and MVS mainframe applications. Because of its distributed processing capabilities, the PC Server S/390 also provides an ideal platform for remote, unattended system operation." Great Application Development Platform -------------------------------------- Application developers and systems programmers also can improve and streamline their development methods by using the PC Server S/390. More importantly, these developers and programmers can leverage their existing S/390 skills and improve productivity by using tools in the OS/2 environment, including graphical user interfaces and multitasking capabilities. "This platform is ideally suited for application development software providers and customers who develop and test their own applications in-house," said Charles Lickel, vice president, S/390 business plans and system architecture, IBM System/390 Division. "With this system, users can enhance the rate and pace of change for their businesses by providing new and enhanced applications that build on their existing base and programming skills," Lickel continued. "Software providers who are members of the S/390 Developers' Association are eligible for special leasing and purchase options. This also opens up new and exciting markets for S/390 applications and further extends the scalability of the S/390 which already scales higher than any other production system used. It now reaches right down into the department LAN." Intensive Processing Power in One Server ---------------------------------------- The PC Server S/390 is a powerful PC LAN-based solution equipped with a S/390 CMOS processor and a 90 MHz Pentium complex. The System/390 Microprocessor complex includes 32 MB Error Checking and Correction (ECC) memory with expansion memory capacity of up to 128 MB, and supports VM/ESA, VSE/ESA, or MVS/ESA operating systems and software. The PC Server S/390 comes with 32MB ECC memory standard, expandable to 256 MB ECC memory for use by OS/2 and Pentium processors. This PC Server can be configured with up to 38 GB of internal disk storage with SCSI-2 Fast and Wide "hot-pluggable" disk. It is available in both array (RAID) and non-array models. Standard features include a 4mm digital audio tape (DAT) drive, a CD-ROM drive, and a 2.88 MB diskette drive. It also includes OS/2 Warp Fullpack and Communications Manager/2, and supports OS/2, DOS, and Windows applications. Cost-Effective Migration Tool ----------------------------- With the PC Server S/390 solution, customers can migrate existing S/370 applications from the mainframe to the PC Server S/390 platform and continue to run these applications, with little or no modification. Total computing costs are reduced in many areas, including maintenance, power, cooling, and floor space. By supporting these applications in a PC LAN environment, the customer can locate applications at multiple locations, including the centralized host, a distributed site, and/or departmental LAN. "The introduction of the PC Server S/390 gives application developers new opportunities to combine the power of the System/390 and the flexibility of our workstation environment," said Timothy Negris, vice president of sales and solution marketing, IBM Software Solutions Division. "Using IBM's Visual family of application development products, including VisualAge C++, COBOL and PL/I VisualSet, and VisualGen, programmers can develop and test their enterprise applications in a single-platform environment." "The introduction of the PC Server S/390 is a bold and exciting move by IBM," said Michael J. King, president and CEO of Software AG of North America. "Organizations will now be able to develop and deploy applications at the most cost-effective location, while providing universal access to data in a client/server, distributed environment." Making Connections ------------------ The PC Server S/390 also offers multiple connectivity capabilities. This server solution can have peer-to-peer connections with the IBM S/370 and S/390 mainframes, as well as with other PC Server S/390s, through a variety of methods. Using the ACF/VTAM (host mainframe communications protocol) or TCP/IP (networking protocol), the LAN adapter can provide communications to LAN-based workstations or peer-to-peer communication to other S/390 LAN-based systems. Remote user logon is supported using Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) or asynchronous dial-in capabilities. Service and Support ------------------- The PC Server S/390, a joint development and marketing effort by the IBM PC Server Business Unit and System/390 Division, comes with a three-year limited warranty with 24-hour/seven-day a week support. Base configurations of the PC Server S/390 will range from 50,000 USD to 90,000 USD, depending on operating systems and software selected. The new server solution will be available in July. It will be sold through IBM Direct (1-800-IBM-CALL), PC remarketers, and certified PC dealers. Customers can find additional product information via IBM's World Wide Web server at PC Server 500 System/390 at a Glance ------------------------------------ General description Integrated system unit containing S/390 microprocessor and PC Server subsystems System 390 Processor IBM S/390 microprocessor complex Memory 32 MB ECC (standard); 128 MB ECC (max) Software VM/ESA, VSE/ESA, or MVS/ESA operating systems and software PC Server Processor 90 MHz Pentium processor with 16 KB Level 1 cache and 256 KB Level 2 write-back cache Memory 32 MB ECC 70ns (standard); 256 MB ECC 70ns (max) Software OS/2 Warp (supports DOS and Windows applications); Communications Manager/2 (CM/2) Internal disk drive Up to 38 GB with 17 bays capacity RAID technology supported RAID levels 0, 1, 5 (optional) in array models Memory bus SynchroStream Expansion bus Micro Channel, 40 MB/second streaming data Disk I/O SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Other I/O Digital Audio Tape (DAT) Drive; 2.88 MB Diskette Drive; Integrated CD-ROM Drive Physical Characteristics Size 622 mm (24.5 inches) high x 353 mm (13.9 inches) wide x 755 mm (29.7 inches) deep Weight 31.29 kg (69 pounds) Hardware Warranty Three-year limited warranty IBM news releases are available on the Internet, via the IBM Home Page at The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX and enter 99 at the voice menu. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------------------+ | PC Server 500 System/390 Lease Offering | lease500 | for Members of S/390 Developers Association | +---------------------------------------------+ Announcing a special worldwide offering for the PC Server 500 System/390 for members of the S/390 Developers Association! Many Components --------------- This offering includes: o A purchase price with up to a 50 percent discount on the server and a discount on selected peripherals o Special trial licenses for S/390 software for developing applications when leasing or purchasing a PC Server 500 S/390 o A special developers lease price for the server and selected peripherals o CD-ROMs with extensive pre-built software suites for MVS/ESA, VM/ESA, and VSE/ESA to help get started quickly o Some OS/2 and S/390 development tools free of charge to help reduce development cycles o Free electronic technical support via the Internet This offering is worldwide, but may vary slightly between countries. General availability is planned for 21 July 1995. Look for specific terms and conditions in IBM brochures or announcement materials as they become available. How to Order ------------ If you are a member of the S/390 Developers Association, you can order the PC Server 500 System/390 by calling IBM Direct at 1-800-IBM-CALL (1-800-426-2255) in the United States or Canada, or by fax at 1-800-IBM-4FAX (1-800-426-4329). In Europe, call +49-7031-16-2809 (where 49 is the country code for Germany). In Latin America or Asia/Pacific, contact your S/390 Specialist. If you have access to the Internet, you can find additional information via IBM's World Wide Web server at How to Join the S/390 Developers Association -------------------------------------------- There are no membership fees to join. And when you do, you can take advantage of the many benefits this exceptional program offers S/390 developers. To receive additional information and a membership application, call the Software Vendor Information Line at 1-800-627-8363 in the US or Canada. In Europe, call +49-7031-16-2809. In all other countries, call +1-404-835-9900. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------+ | OS/2 Warp Finds Popular Support | survwarp | Among Family and Home Users | +---------------------------------+ IBM announces that in an analysis of OS/2 Warp buyers, 49 percent of new customers report that home and family computing is the primary way that they use OS/2 Warp. Fifty-five percent cite OS/2 Warp's features as the top reason for buying the operating system, according to the OS/2 Warp User Profile results. 65,000+ Purchasers of OS/2 Warp Sampled --------------------------------------- The profile was developed from a sampling of more than 65,000 early purchasers of OS/2 Warp. Upgrade of America, a leading software registration expert, compiled the information from customer registration data. Impressive Home Systems ----------------------- Early feedback from the findings indicates that 76 percent of buyers use 486-based computer systems, 78 percent have disk drives larger than 300 MB, 44 percent have systems with about 8 MB of memory, and 41 percent have 16 MB or more. Seventy-one percent of purchasers have CD-ROM capability, supporting IBM's efforts to provide products on that medium. Ninety-two percent of buyers use modems and so can utilize OS/2 Warp's easy access to the Internet and a variety of online services. Only 23 percent of the users are LAN-connected, as that segment has been deferring purchase for delivery of OS/2 Warp Connect. Features for the Home Market ---------------------------- "We've been successful in developing a feature set that meets the needs of the home market," said Wally Casey, director of marketing, IBM Personal Software Products. "With the shipment of OS/2 Warp Connect last week, we anticipate strong demand by users who want to be LAN-connected." Brett Coryell, a computer science graduate student attending the University of Virginia, bought OS/2 Warp for work at home. He uses it to write reports, dragging and dropping charts from one application into another, grabbing data off the Internet, and logging on to his school's host system. "Instead of working on systems at different locations, I get it all done at home, at the same time, on one computer," said Coryell. "OS/2 Warp's multitasking gives me the productivity I want." Using the Full Power of PCs --------------------------- Seventy-six percent of buyers report that they put the full power of their PCs to good use by teaming 486 systems with OS/2 Warp's superior speed. OS/2 Warp exploits all of the memory management and other advanced features of the 386, 486, and Pentium processors. OS/2 Warp also can run effectively on as little as 4 MB of memory. "It's the best tool I've found," said Philip Clyde, assistant editor of Dell Magazines in New York City. From his home, he uses OS/2 to construct crossword puzzles for the magazine and simultaneously run many of his applications, such as a dictionary or Internet connection for checking the validity of words. "Applications load a lot faster and, with the small amount of memory I have on my machine, OS/2 Warp lets me run more apps than I could before." Sales of OS/2 Warp Up More than 300 Percent ------------------------------------------- A recent study by Computer Intelligence InfoCorp (CII) reports that sales of OS/2 Warp increased more than 300 percent during the first five months that it was offered. IBM has sold more than two million copies of OS/2 Warp worldwide since November. The product is the third generation of IBM's award-winning 32-bit operating system. It features impressive usability features, slimmed-down system requirements, and comes with a BonusPak of more than a dozen exploitive OS/2 applications. OS/2 Warp comes preloaded on systems from the IBM PC Company, Toshiba, Vobis, Escom, Legend, and Osborne. Dell and CompuAdd offer OS/2 Warp as a preload option to customers when they order PCs. OS/2 Warp Connect, IBM's one-box solution for integrated networking capabilities and easy access to the Internet and other online services, shipped on May 17. IBM news releases are available on the Internet, via the IBM Home Page at The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX and enter 99 at the voice menu. ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------------------+ | IBM OS/2 LAN Server Runs Speedway Enterprise; | lanindy | DB2 for OS/2 is the Engine for Indianapolis 500 | +-------------------------------------------------+ (This item describes the mission-critical use of OS/2 Warp, OS/2 LAN Server, and DB2 for OS/2 at the Indianapolis 500 auto race.) Indianapolis, 20 May 1995 ... By the time the fastest drivers in the world start their engines at the 79th running of the Indy 500 next week, data gathered from nearly 30,000 laps, more than 75,000 miles, over 120,000 corner speeds, and volumes of other racing calculations will have been processed and distributed with the help of IBM. One of the Largest Data-Processing Enterprises in Sports -------------------------------------------------------- Supported by a sophisticated enterprise-wide network consisting of IBM OS/2 Warp, OS/2 LAN Server, and DB2 for OS/2, the amount of data generated by practice, time-trial qualifications, and the race make the Indianapolis 500 one of the largest data-processing enterprises in sports. The United States Auto Club (USAC), the sanctioning body for the Indianapolis 500, uses the OS/2-based solution for effective distributed processing, network database management, and communications throughout the Speedway. "We depend on the industrial-strength networking capacity of OS/2 LAN Server," said Art Graham, USAC vice president of development and director of timing and scoring. "It lets us send split-second racing statistics to the PCs on the LAN and distribute current standings to systems around the 2.5-mile race course." Sharing Data Across the Enterprise ---------------------------------- Before they began using OS/2 LAN Server, USAC officials from three departments -- Registration, Technical Inspection, and Timing and Scoring -- all worked with the same information about drivers, car numbers, sponsors' names, chassis and engine combinations, and car times and speeds, but they entered the data into their computers separately. This duplication of effort, they said, increased the probability of error. Now, the three departments are able to share data across the enterprise. When Registration enters a car number, driver name, sponsor, and other records, the information is automatically made available to the other departments on the network. After inspecting the car for safety, Technical Inspection pulls up the car by number and inputs its inspection status. Whenever the car turns a lap on the track, Timing and Scoring records the car's time and speed, which is stored in the system with all other cars' times and speeds, and printed in performance reports for the race teams at the end of the practice or qualification session. In addition, everyone on the LAN, from officials in the timing tower to the crews in the pits, benefits from OS/2 LAN Server's file- and print-sharing capabilities. "All printers are shared across the LAN so we can print from any location to any location," Graham said. "For example, daily reports that go to the racing teams are created on PCs in the tower, stored on a file server and printed in the garage area -- a distance of over 100 yards." The Integrated Race Information System -------------------------------------- Together with custom-written application programs, IBM OS/2 Warp, LAN Server, and DB2 for OS/2 form USAC's enterprise platform, called the Integrated Race Information System (IRIS). IRIS is a collection of proprietary USAC Timing and Scoring programs used only at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. IRIS is comprised of a performance database and an administrative database. At the heart of the system is DB2 for OS/2. The performance database collects and stores high-volume timing and scoring events, while the administrative database stores information about cars, drivers, sponsors, and engine and chassis configurations. The system processes the data and distributes it to USAC officials and race teams. "DB2 for OS/2 is the engine that drives the distribution of data across the enterprise," Graham said. In addition, data is sent from an OS/2-based timing system to more than 50 terminals in the press room, sponsors' suites, and TV commentator booths, to laptops in the pits, and to electronic scoreboards around the track. The television network receives the information from the timing system and overlays current standings on the TV screen. A newspager service also takes the data, builds its own database, and transmits that information via satellite to hand-held newspagers, allowing the drivers to study their speeds without getting out of their cars. Vital to Running the Enterprise ------------------------------- "Everybody uses this information," said Graham. "The observer crews use it to report infractions of the rules. The tech committee uses it to inspect and approve cars for qualification. The chief steward uses it to make split-second decisions that affect fair competition and safety. TV and radio announcers use it for race commentary. The fans see it on the scoreboards. OS/2 Warp, OS/2 LAN Server, and DB2 for OS/2 are vital to our mission of running this enterprise." OS/2 Warp is the third generation of IBM's award-winning, 32-bit operating system. It features impressive new usability features and slimmed-down system requirements, and comes with a BonusPak of more than a dozen exploitive OS/2 applications, including easy access to the Internet and CompuServe. OS/2 Warp comes preloaded on systems from the IBM PC Company, Toshiba, Vobis, Escom, and Osborne. Dell and CompuAdd offer OS/2 Warp as a preload option to customers when they order PCs. IBM news releases are available on the Internet via the IBM Home Page at The IBM Fax Information Service allows you to receive facsimiles of prior IBM product press releases. Dial 1-800-IBM-4FAX and enter 99 at the voice menu. ======================================================================== +------------------------------------------------+ | The Developer Connection Now Available Through | dconsms | IBM Software Manufacturing Solutions | +------------------------------------------------+ Due to popular demand, The Developer Connection for OS/2 and The Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (DDK) are now available through IBM Software Manufacturing Solutions. The Developer Connection for OS/2 --------------------------------- The Developer Connection for OS/2 is a CD-based collection of OS/2 development tools, including OS/2 Warp operating systems (betas and GA), productivity tools, emerging technologies (OpenDoc, PowerPC, SOM), and online information. With the Developer Connection for OS/2, you also receive The Developer Connection for LAN Systems, which provides tools necessary to create robust client/server applications. These CDs are updated quarterly to ensure that you always have the latest OS/2 development tools at your fingertips. The Developer Connection DDK ---------------------------- The Developer Connection Device Driver Kit is intended for device-driver developers and hardware manufacturers. It includes samples of many device drivers which can be modified to create new device drivers. The Developer Connection DDK has as a prerequisite The Developer Connection for OS/2, so order both today! Publication Numbers ------------------- The publication numbers are: Z121-0200 -- The Developer Connection for OS/2 Z121-0201 -- The Developer Connection DDK More Information ---------------- For more information, call IBM Software Manufacturing Solutions at 1-800-879-2755 in the USA. ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------------+ | IBM Workgroup: Object-Oriented Technology | wgootcss | in a Client/Server Solution | +-------------------------------------------+ IBM WorkGroup -- IBM's premiere groupware suite -- is now generally available in the marketplace. The first five functions of IBM WorkGroup are fax, mail, scheduling and calendaring, agent and enterprise, and personal directories. The New Face of Teamwork ------------------------ As the boundaries fall and the lines blur between departments and the individuals working in them, teams will need all the help they can get to work faster and more efficiently. By providing the integrated, customizable, and scalable tools needed to put people in touch with the people with the information, IBM WorkGroup supports the new face of teamwork and helps companies cope in the face of a rapidly changing workplace. Client/Server Software and Design --------------------------------- IBM WorkGroup is an integrated, standards-based, client/server solution with roots in client/server software and design. At the foundation of IBM WorkGroup is object-oriented technology. This type of technology makes the product modular and flexible, and allows it to be customized to reflect the way individual users actually work. The functionality of IBM WorkGroup goes beyond even current groupware offerings to address such issues as information management and work management. Key Differentiators ------------------- IBM's key differentiators in this groupware arena includes IBM WorkGroup's scalable, true client/server architecture, robust relational data store using DB2, assured delivery of mail and messages with the incorporation of IBM MQ-Series.... and, the advanced technologies such as the agent and object-oriented technologies. Users experience a common look and feel across the portfolio, including a single logon, common toolbar, and data interchange, via simple direct manipulation and clipboard facilities. Systems administrators will appreciate the fact that they need to enroll users only once, regardless of how many IBM and other products comprise the solution. The first five functions available today are priced at 95 USD retail. ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------------+ | Taligent's CommonPoint Application System | talcompt +-------------------------------------------+ This is an overview of Taligent's CommonPoint application system and IBM's plans to deliver products based on it. This overview assumes that the reader is somewhat familiar with the concepts of object-oriented programming. It covers: o Taligent's evolution o Taligent's product lines o CommonPoint overview o IBM's product plans o Market focus for CommonPoint o CommonPoint advantages o CommonPoint development tools coverage o CommonPoint's competition o CommonPoint positioning within IBM's OO family Taligent's Evolution -------------------- Taligent, Inc., an independent software company owned by Apple, Hewlett Packard, and IBM, was formed in March 1992 by IBM and Apple with a mission of developing a complete object-oriented operating system for delivery in the mid 1990s. Feedback from potential customers and industry influencers led Taligent to pursue a more evolutionary path, focusing on a set of high-function frameworks that could be hosted on any modern 32-bit operating system. Prototyping was initiated that demonstrated the feasibility of this approach. In addition, several modern 32-bit operating systems were introduced or announced during this period. Thus, it became clear that the direction should be to complete the CommonPoint application system prior to delivering a fully object-oriented operating system. Taligent's Product Lines ------------------------ Taligent is currently working on three product lines: o CommonPoint application system: A portable, integrated set of object-oriented frameworks that provide the functionality to develop next-generation applications. CommonPoint frameworks are collections of object classes that have defined interactions. CommonPoint's frameworks allow reuse during both design and implementation. CommonPoint was previously referred to as the Taligent Application Environment or TalAE. Taligent is developing the CommonPoint application system technology as a reference release using IBM's AIX on the RS/6000. The Taligent reference release is currently in beta-test. Taligent and its investors will develop compatible products based on the reference release that introduces the CommonPoint technology on a variety of modern 32-bit operating systems. o Taligent Developer Series: A suite of products to support application development on the CommonPoint application system. The first of these products, cpConstructor, a user interface (UI) builder, is also in beta-test. Taligent plans to enter beta-test with a second product, code-named Taligent Development Environment or TalDE, later this year. TalDE will support incremental compile and linking capabilities and the ability to define customized views for browsing. o Taligent Object Services: System software frameworks offering the benefits of an object-oriented system environment tuned to run the CommonPoint application system directly on a microkernel. This product is on a later schedule. CommonPoint Overview -------------------- An application system is an operating-system-independent software execution environment that supports applications and the way they interact with users, other applications, and distributed systems. The CommonPoint application system is a portable set of integrated object-oriented frameworks that enable the creation of a new generation of distributed computing applications spanning from collaborative workgroups to enterprise-wide solutions. These solutions will be developed much more quickly, with much less code, than today's applications, because CommonPoint supplies so much of the function. They will be much easier for end users to learn and use, because of CommonPoint's focus on task-centered computing. CommonPoint is a: o Common foundation for innovative applications o Common platform for heterogeneous distributed computing o Common environment for people to work together Many applications can be built by extending the high-level CommonPoint frameworks with logic unique to the application, while using the function and flow of control provided by the frameworks for such things as presenting a rich graphical user interface to the user. Other applications will require a unique flow of control, but will still take advantage of the rich functionality provided by frameworks, such as text and graphical editors and data access. CommonPoint frameworks provide developers with a high-level API for programming applications that can be extended at lower levels without disturbing the high-level API. The CommonPoint architecture gives developers rich functionality that they can extend, without compromising the reusability of the underlying framework. The CommonPoint frameworks are classified into two categories: application frameworks and system frameworks. Application frameworks give the user visible function (e.g., compound documents, presentation, editing, graphics, text, and multimedia). System frameworks provide core system functionality (e.g., distributed computing, data management, portability, collaboration). IBM's Product Plans ------------------- IBM plans to take Taligent's CommonPoint reference release and ship products for OS/2 and AIX. In addition, IBM plans to ship CommonPoint extensions to Client Access/400 to provide access to data and services on the AS/400. IBM's plan is to provide CommonPoint for AIX as quickly as possible after the completion of Taligent's reference release. This will provide developers with the earliest product-level implementation, using low-end workstation systems, to support their application development. IBM plans to adapt CommonPoint to OS/2 and PC hardware and add integration with the WorkPlace Shell, and the ability to produce OpenDoc parts. Thus, the availability of the initial release of CommonPoint for OS/2 will lag the availability of CommonPoint for AIX. Pre-beta versions of the CommonPoint system have already been shipped to participants in IBM's Early Experience Program and Taligent's PEEK (Partnership Early Experience Kit) Program. Market Focus for CommonPoint ---------------------------- CommonPoint will enable a new class of applications, extending their focus from empowering individuals to empowering enterprises. New applications executing on currently shipping microprocessors will be able to advance the ability to access and use information. These include applications involving workgroup collaboration, workflow automation, information management, data access, and visualization. Likely application segments that can leverage the CommonPoint frameworks are horizontal and vertical business functional applications, providing document management, groupware, workflow, information services, advanced productivity and client/server tools, and professional programming tools. CommonPoint Release 1 is the first release of an exciting new technology. Thus, the likely audience for this release is early adopters of OO technology who have extensive object-oriented application development experience with C++. Such experience and classroom education on the CommonPoint application system are prerequisites to successfully designing and developing applications using the CommonPoint frameworks. Future releases of the CommonPoint frameworks and the application development tools that support it will incorporate both new function and feedback from early users. This, along with the availability of third-party tools, will expand the market focus to developers and end users less skilled in OO development and C++. CommonPoint Advantages ---------------------- CommonPoint will enable the creation of a new generation of portable distributed computing applications focused on collaborative workgroup solutions. These solutions will be developed much more quickly with much less code than today's applications, and will be much easier for end users to learn and use. Specific advantages include: o Application developer productivity o Portable applications o Intuitive user interface o Standards-based development environment and tools Application Developer Productivity CommonPoint takes the idea of code reuse to new levels. Developers can reuse hundreds of thousands of lines of code provided in open and extensible frameworks. Not only can developers reuse large amounts of software, they are also able to customize CommonPoint frameworks to meet their specific requirements. State-of-the-art functionality is provided at all levels, including support for rich compound documents, extensible text and graphics models, internationalized text, 2-D and 3-D graphics, multimedia, real-time collaboration, and distributed object and database access. Portable Applications CommonPoint will be deployed across modern 32-bit operating systems. IBM, Apple, and HP have announced support for CommonPoint on OS/2, AIX, a future release of Mac OS, and HP-UX. Taligent plans to make CommonPoint available on other high-volume, 32-bit operating systems, including Windows NT and Windows 95. The CommonPoint system will provide developers with a consistent API across all of these environments, ensuring application portability and distributability. Intuitive User Interface The Taligent end-user environment is a logical evolution of the object-oriented user interface established by IBM with the OS/2 Workplace Shell. It features task-centered computing to make using the computer more intuitive. Users complete their work task using the natural integration that comes from the CommonPoint application system, rather than having to use a set of independent applications. Standards-Based Development Environment and Tools CommonPoint's frameworks are built from extensible class libraries developed using programming techniques that follow ANSI-standard conventions for the C++ language. Taligent chose C++ because of its increasing popularity as a mainstream development platform for both application and system software providers. CommonPoint Development Tools Coverage -------------------------------------- IBM C Set ++ for AIX and IBM VisualAge C++ for OS/2 will be the initial development environments to support CommonPoint. A spectrum of development tools spanning C++ development, visual programming, and end-user customization utilities will evolve over time to exploit CommonPoint frameworks and make it easier to develop CommonPoint applications. cpConstructor, a user interface (UI) builder, is the first of these tools. The Taligent Development Environment will support incremental compile and linking capabilities and the ability to define customized views for browsing. cpConstructor and Taligent Development Environment both provide a dynamic environment for developers, supporting rapid iterations of changes and additions to the initial application implementation. Taligent and its investors are also working with ISVs to create additional tools to assist developers in understanding and exploiting CommonPoint frameworks. CommonPoint's Competition ------------------------- CommonPoint has many actual and perceived competitors. Products from Microsoft and NeXT are probably the most widely known. Microsoft Nothing in Microsoft's current or publicly disclosed future product line is directly comparable to CommonPoint. Microsoft's strategy for exploiting object-oriented technology centers around Object Linking and Embedding (OLE2), Cairo, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), and Visual Development Tools (Visual Basic and Visual C++). Microsoft is the only major player in the industry that does not support or plan to support "inheritance". Thus they deny the user one of the most powerful benefits of object technology. Microsoft focuses on proprietary technology, with an emphasis on making those technologies work together rather than integrating them into heterogeneous environments. OLE2 is designed to encapsulate large pieces of present-day applications into components. It does not provide any prebuilt function that can be incorporated into applications, and does not address issues such as reuse, ease of development, programmer productivity, and reduction in development complexity. Cairo is expected to consist of an object file system and a distributed file structure layered over a Windows NT kernel. No plans have been announced for supplying this function to Windows 95 users. Again, nothing in Cairo is directly comparable to CommonPoint. MFC is a library of Windows C++ classes that give developers prebuilt functionality and the Windows look-and-feel for their applications. MFC offers limited API coverage and, for example, does not include support for text and graphics editing, 3-D graphics, or international text. MFC provides a much lower level of function to the developer than CommonPoint. Visual Basic is being used to simplify OLE 2.0 programming, but it is weak in creating client/server applications due to limited database and networking capabilities. Visual C++ is an integrated development environment tailored to create Windows applications. It is tied to Windows procedural APIs, and is not portable to other operating systems. NeXT NeXT's original direction was to produce a complete hardware/software solution. They abandoned their hardware business and shifted to support PCs and high-volume RISC workstations. They also refocused on producing a layer on top of existing operating systems, OpenStep, in addition to the original NEXTSTEP, which included the operating system. NeXT's goal is to make OpenStep a high-volume, industry-standard, object-oriented API. NeXT has signed up partners to port OpenStep to their UNIX operating systems, and is planning to make NEXTSTEP compatible with OpenStep APIs by the end of 1995. NeXT recently announced that they will deliver OpenStep on Windows 95 and Windows NT. OpenStep is a specification of an object-oriented application programming model based on a subset of NEXTSTEP. OpenStep consists of the Application Kit, Display PostScript, and foundation classes. The NEXTSTEP development environment includes development tools, object libraries, and compilers for three programming languages: Objective C, C++, and ANSI C. NEXTSTEP and OpenStep are a mix of procedural and object-based technologies. They do not provide a broad API base, and require host OS models for services like graphics. This will severely limit portability of OpenStep applications across different operating-system implementations. NEXTSTEP and OpenStep do not provide a compound document model or interoperability with OpenDoc or OLE. CommonPoint will provide a complete object architecture written in standard C++, improving portability and time-to-market for application and component developers. Interfaces to operating-system services are encapsulated in well-defined object frameworks. CommonPoint technology will be deployed on major 32-bit OSs. CommonPoint's leading-edge, object-oriented code lets programmers take advantage of increased productivity and reusability of next-generation components and applications. Taligent and IBM are actively pursuing conformance to such standards as OMG's CORBA and appropriate system services, and ANSI C++. CommonPoint's comprehensive, portable API for application developers, coupled with implementation supporting appropriate industry standards, facilitates deployment and interoperability across a wide range of hardware and operating environments. CommonPoint Positioning within IBM's OO Product Family ------------------------------------------------------ CommonPoint joins the IBM family of object-oriented enablers, class libraries, and tools. IBM C Set ++ for AIX and IBM VisualAge C++ for OS/2 will be the initial development environments to support CommonPoint. In addition, IBM plans to extend the IBM Open Class library, delivered as part of the C Set ++ product, with framework technology based on Taligent's CommonPoint technology. These frameworks will provide a subset of the CommonPoint application system function with compatible APIs. The IBM System Object Model (SOM) makes it possible to share objects across platforms, operating systems, and programming environments. SOM is compliant with the industry-standard CORBA architecture. IBM's CommonPoint products for AIX and OS/2 will support SOM over time. OpenDoc is a standard component software architecture for creating reusable software parts that can be customized and assembled into applications and documents. OpenDoc supports many operating systems and environments, including OS/2, Windows, Macintosh System 7, and several versions of UNIX, including AIX. CommonPoint can generate OpenDoc parts. Summary ------- CommonPoint represents an exciting new technology, with promise of advances in development productivity, cycle-time reductions, and higher-function applications. Release 1 is now in beta-test. More information about CommonPoint and IBM's product plans will be available over time. ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------------+ | The Road to Objectville -- | objroad | An Object Technology University Seminar | +-----------------------------------------+ You're standing at a critical crossroads. The signs up ahead point to Objectville as the road for the future, but you may not be convinced of the direction yet. Before taking definitive steps, you may also want to know more about what's in store for you and your organization once you get to Objectville. If where you are isn't quite there yet, this seminar on object technology is precisely where you want to be. It is a first exploratory step on a journey that will take you from existing systems into the OT world. It is a one-of-a-kind opportunity, introducing you to OT features, functions, benefits, limitations, terminology, and the potential rewards it offers for your enterprise and your own career. Sponsored by Object Management Group, Datamation, and IBM, this is an educational event designed for skills enhancement. In one compact day, it is your chance to begin an expertly guided tour of this technology, being applauded for its value in enabling business change. You Can Get There from Here --------------------------- Embraced by many of today's leading businesses as the technology of tomorrow, object-oriented technology has been heralded for: o Shortened application development cycle o Improved programmer productivity o Reuse capabilities and cost-saving advantages o Faster time to market o Ability to produce higher-quality software o Rapid prototyping of business processes With the help of the industry's best in the OO arena, examine and analyze how the promise of OT can work in practice. Count on a broad and thorough exposure to critical subject matter through: o First-hand, shared experiences of enablers of the technology o Hands-on lab time with a chance to develop an application with VisualAge Smalltalk o Code-for-the-road and other helpful ways to continue your OT education o Keynote addresses by industry leaders from OMG and Datamation o Three topical tracks with multiple sessions within each track o Opportunity to dialogue with peers and OO experts Chart a course for your future beginning today! Who Should Attend? ------------------ Application developers, programmers, designers, and all those who want to advance to a higher technology ground. Register for the Road to Objectville seminar today, and step directly into your future! Raleigh - 20 June ... North Raleigh Hilton Phoenix - 27 June ... Sheraton Mesa Future seminar locations: Chicago - 12 September Kansas City - 14 September Austin - 19 September Dallas - 21 September Washington DC - 26 September New York - 28 September San Francisco - 3 October Los Angeles - 5 October Detroit - 10 October Atlanta - 12 October Win an IBM ThinkPad and Licensed Copies of IBM OT Products! ----------------------------------------------------------- All those who register can participate in a drawing to win some of IBM's best and brightest products. You might walk away with one of these valuable products: o IBM ThinkPad - your launching pad for increased productivity and performance. Combines advanced technology and mobile computing with leading-edge features that make it IBM. o IBM VisualAge - the application-building power tool that can revolutionize how you create line-of-business applications. o IBM Smalltalk - a pure object language for those ready to develop object technology applications directly. o IBM C Set ++ - an innovative software development language and tool currently shaping the development process. o IBM VisualAge C Set ++ - a powerful application construction from parts paradigm that takes C++ application development to new levels of productivity. IBM employees and federal, state, or local government customers are not eligible to participate in this offer. Educational Materials "To Go" ----------------------------- Gain extra value for your attendance dollar with a wealth of educational materials that will be handed out at the seminar. Take them "to go", to get you going on OT more readily once you're back at the shop. o A 60-day trial copy of IBM's award-winning VisualAge Smalltalk on CD-ROM, so you can continue your hands-on journey back at home. o Sample code for use during the afternoon hands-on session and continued use at the office along with your VisualAge CD. o A glossary of OT terms so you sound like an expert and remember what SOM, encapsulation, wrappering, and other terms mean. o A comprehensive set of seminar handouts on a variety of OT subjects, including: copies of seminar presentations, training roadmaps, standards documents, and white papers - all neatly tucked into a binder you can easily take home for future reference. Top Speakers, Session Leaders, and Seminar Participants ------------------------------------------------------- This seminar features the chance to listen and learn from experts and others leading the object technology charge into the future. Plan on hearing from, exchanging ideas, and participating with: object technology experts and specialists, technologists and practitioners, product developers, consultants, authors, and lecturers. For additional information about the speakers who will be presenting at your location, please call 1-800-IBM-4FAX (1-800-426-4329) and request document number 3654. You will be guided through a series of prompts that will allow us to send you additional information via your fax machine. Give Yourself Educational Credit -------------------------------- You can literally gain educational credit by attending this seminar. This program has been approved for the awarding of contact hours by the Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals (ICCP), and can be credited to your recertification records. The credits apply to persons who hold one or more of the ICCP Certificates, recently converted to the single designation of Certified Computing Professional (CCP). Educational Agenda ------------------ 7:30 - 8:45 "Get the Juices Flowing" Pre-Seminar Get-Together Grab some orange juice, java, a tasty pastry, and this energizing opportunity to kick off the day by meeting and mingling with speakers and other seminar attendees. 8:45 - 10:15 Welcome and Keynote Address: "OT Today and Tomorrow" Your journey begins with this comprehensive address analyzing OT's role in meeting today's critical business and programming needs. It explains the evolution and direction of industry tools and standards and provides an informative glimpse into OT's future. The presentation presents objective evidence that object technology is the direction for tomorrow, requiring definitive steps toward mastering the technology today. Benefits: Learn where object technology is right now: Is it ready for prime time at your organization? Is your organization ready for OT? Know what is possible and probable in OT's future. Understand why a knowledge of OT is demanded, and what career skills are required if you pursue OT. 10:15 - 10:45 Morning Break, plus an Exciting OT Video Here's a chance to stretch your legs and your mind. During our first break, you'll have a chance to enjoy a fascinating video that takes you behind the scenes at IBM Research. Gain an investigative view of the world's leading computer scientists at work on object-oriented programming and distributed computing. A profile of six key projects is included, with a video view of objects actually interacting. Benefits: See how the future of OO is being shaped by development architects. Fully understand the role that IBM Research is playing in helping to create a powerful and productive future for object technology. 10:45 - 12:00 OT Concepts - How to Get There from Here The road to Objectville can be bumpy. Let this session be your guide and language translator so you can avoid the OT pitfalls that others have experienced. Benefits: Step by step, you'll be led to a comprehension of the concepts and terminology needed to appreciate and get the most out of the afternoon breakout tracks. Gain an introduction to the essentials of OT standards and technologies. Learn enough to know where to go from here to continue your educational journey. 12:00- 1:00 Brown-Bag Power Lunch Sit down with your peers and OT practitioners at tables organized by discussion topics. Pick the topic of your interest and plan on digesting more on OT through a lively question-and-answer format. Benefits: In a more relaxed atmosphere, enjoy this opportunity for one-on-one personal contact with an OT practitioner, plus the chance to network with peers having similar interests. Ask probing questions and get answers to your concerns or challenges. 1:00 - 5:05 Afternoon Breakout Tracks As the following agenda states, there are three tracks and multiple sessions to select from within each track. You may want to track one subject area in-depth, though you don't have to follow one track alone. With session flexibility and scheduling, gain a broad overview and select sessions of interest from different tracks. Track 1: Experiences There is no better teacher than personal experience. In the Experiences track, those who have earned their OT stripes on the front lines will share what they've learned with you. This ensures your first-hand understanding of benefits, challenges, and the most direct route to object technology success. 1:00 - 1:50 Rapid Application Development Experience Report Participate in a case-study walkthrough of the benefits and limitations of rapid application development tools used in creating an OT production application. Benefits: Understand what's involved in migrating existing applications to OT. Know what to look for and how to avoid problems of transitioning. 2:00 - 2:50 Migrating to OT Experience Report Enablers of OT relate their personal experiences replacing an existing production system with object technology. See how evolution and coexistence can be the best means of ensuring successful OT integration. Benefits: Through experience and education, learn how to preserve your current investment in existing systems and cushion the impact of transitioning to OT. Know what to anticipate when enhancing existing production systems with OT. 3:15 - 4:00 Procedural Coding Versus OT Here's your chance to see an informative comparison that matches procedural coding with object technology coding in a winner-take-all test that includes making simple changes to an existing application. Benefits: Prove to yourself that OT is faster on its feet, far simpler, and more flexible than procedural programming in allowing and incorporating application changes. Experience first-hand the obvious value OT can have in boosting programmer productivity. 4:15 - 5:05 Experiencing the Transition to OT Participate in a first-person account of the journey to OT as you gain a detailed roadmap to an effective transition. Learn from a participant who's "been there, done that" and is dedicated to helping you do it effectively and even better. Benefits: Discover what worked and what didn't, so your transition is smoother and easier. Gain project management guidelines that help you each step of the way. Examine skill-transfer considerations to determine what you can take along and/or what is needed for your journey. Track 2: Technology Take a walk on the more technical side to gain a comfortable and conversant understanding of the technology of OT. Examine the tools of the technology and the tricks of the object-building trade, including construction from object parts and technology requirements for client/server environments. Gain tips that will ease implementation and integration with existing systems. 1:00 - 1:50 Architecture and Construction of Object Parts Object technology has been compared to building with Lego blocks. In this session, you'll understand object parts and how they fit together in the big picture to create a building breakthrough for application development. The knowledge you'll gain here is literally "reusable!" Benefits: Grasp the basics of building with object parts. Learn where to shop for object parts and how to become an intelligent shopper. Understand special considerations that save time and money when buying and using generic object parts. 2:00 - 2:50 How to Leverage Existing Code Through Object "Wrappering" There's no need to begin from scratch. You can preserve your current investment in existing code. See how object "wrappering," can now be used to create an object that encapsulates existing code. Benefits: See how OT and existing systems can compatibly co-exist. 3:15 - 4:00 OT in a Client/Server Environment Object technology is making its own journey as part of the distributed environment. With effective use of database and GUI technology, many companies have created departmental client/server applications. Now, see what's involved in moving beyond and using OT technology to build large-scale client/server, mission critical systems. Benefits: Discover what happens when objects leave home. See how OT can be the key to true portability. Gain the background you need to determine if your enterprise is ready to undertake OT programming of a large-scale, client/server, mission-critical system. 4:15 - 5:05 Standards/Tools and IBM's OT Strategy Your morning was more of a high-level introduction to object technology. It's time to delve deeper in a session that analyzes emerging OT standards and existing tools that support them. Appreciate the powerful implications and helpful functions of SOM, DSOM, OpenDoc, and Taligent. You'll also understand IBM's OT strategy and what you can anticipate from this industry leader in terms of standards support. Benefits: Understand important technology/tool selection criteria to ensure effective interoperability in the future. Discover the difference between various standards, including OLE, Taligent, and OpenDoc. Track 3: Hands-On In repeated afternoon sessions, talk takes a back seat to actual, hands-on experience with OT tools. Dozens of systems will be set up, loaded with VisualAge, ready for you to sit down and personally use an OT product. Don't worry. For this part of the road trip, you'll have another expert guide, stepping you through building an application with VisualAge. Equally important, you'll be given a 60-day trial copy of VisualAge with pre-coded sample applications, so you can continue your education process once you've returned to your office. Benefits: Gain hands-on experience working with OT tools to increase learning and feel more comfortable with this new technology. Prepare yourself for more intensive OT training available to you through Object Technology University. Seminar Details --------------- Tuition: 300 USD per attendee. This fee includes admittance to the seminar, a binder with extensive handout materials, sample code for use in the hands-on sessions, glossary of OT terms, a free 60-day trial copy of VisualAge Smalltalk, entry in the free giveaway drawings, refreshments, and lunch. You may use any major credit card to charge your tuition, or have us bill you after the seminar. Special group rate: Register four people from the same organization, and a fifth can attend free of charge. Registration of the five individuals must be made at the same time. IBM employees and federal, state, or local government customers are not eligible to participate in this offer. Special ACM member discount: ACM members receive a special 15 percent discount when they register - pay only 255 USD. Confirmation: You will receive a confirmation letter after you have registered. The letter will include location information and directions to the site of the seminar. Cancellations and substitutions: Cancellations will be accepted up to the close of business (4:30 p.m., EDT) on the last business day preceding the class start date. No-shows will be billed for full seminar tuition. You may send a substitute in your place. Please let us know if you plan to do this. Money-back guarantee: If you are not satisfied with this seminar, notify us within 30 days and we will refund the full tuition price to you. Registration: Call 1-800-IBM-TEACh (1-800-426-8322), ext. 630. ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------------+ | Object-Oriented Technology Council | webootc | Announces New Documents and a Home Page | +-----------------------------------------+ The Object-Oriented Technology Center (OOTC) recently announced the availability of two new documents, as well as an OOTC Home Page on the World Wide Web. OOTC's Mission -------------- The OOTC's mission is to facilitate, encourage, and drive the effective use of object technology in IBM's software product development organizations. The group provides mentoring, documents, and various forms of short-term assistance in the support of software developers utilizing object technology in the development of IBM products. Two New Documents for Development and Testing --------------------------------------------- The recently announced items are: o The OOTC Workbook Driven Approach to OO Software Development: A Reference Guide. This document presents information on the approach to OO development that the OOTC uses and recommends in its internal mentoring engagements. o The OOTC Handbook for OO Testing. This document presents information related to the testing of object-oriented software. OOTC Home Page -------------- These two documents and all other OOTC documents are now viewable on the new OOTC Home Page on the World Wide Web. To access the OOTC Home Page, use the following URL: ======================================================================== +------------------------------+ | Versit Issues Specifications | verspecs +------------------------------+ Versit, a global initiative formed in November by Apple, ATandT, IBM, and Siemens, has announced the open availability of its first specifications intended to promote interoperability among existing and emerging communications and information products. Now available are: o The Versit Personal Data Interchange Specification, a common format for exchanging information such as electronic business cards via wired or wireless connections; and o The Versit GeoPort Universal Network Port, a high-speed wired connection and communications architecture for computers, mobile devices and telephones. These specifications are the first of several to be issued by Versit in the areas of personal data interchange, computer-telephony integration, and collaboration. They are openly available without license or royalty fees to help equipment manufacturers and software developers build computers, telephones and other communications and information devices, services, and applications that make it easy for users to collaborate and exchange voice, data, images, and video across a diversity of platforms. Through these specifications, software developers and equipment manufacturers can gain access to larger markets at reduced development cost. Personal Data Interchange (PDI) ------------------------------- The Versit PDI specification provides a cross-platform solution for the exchange of personal information, and defines an electronic business card called a Versitcard. With Versitcards, users will be able to electronically exchange such information as name, address, phone number, and electronic mail IDs, or even URLs, the Universal Resource Locators that help people find specific areas on the Internet World Wide Web easily. Using products and applications that incorporate Versitcard, users could, for example, exchange electronic business cards at a meeting and store these Versitcards in their computer or PDA's address book without having to re-key the data. In an integrated computer-telephony environment, users might exchange their Versitcards on the electronic "table" at the start of a desktop video and data conference. Versitcards will be carried in universal electronic "containers" called Bentograms, based on Bento, an object-oriented technology that is the OpenDoc Standard Interchange Format for storage and exchange of data. Devices with more limited processing power such as organizers, pagers, and home answering machines could receive such information via containers called Simplegrams; developers could use them and Bentograms to create other types of applications as well, such as cards holding calendar information that could be exchanged electronically. Device Connectivity and Computer-Telephony Integration ------------------------------------------------------ Also available now is the hardware specification for the Versit GeoPort computer-telephone connection, which provides up to 200 times the bandwidth of traditional serial ports. As a foundation technology for the integration of personal computers with telephone systems, it allows users access to the full digital capabilities of their PBX systems through their personal computer, and provides a superior, dedicated, cross-platform solution for combining voice and real-time multimedia. The Versit GeoPort architecture, based on Apple's GeoPort technology, will allow users to dial phone calls, receive voice mail, access the Internet, transfer files, or conduct voice/video/data conferences, using their desktop or mobile computers. GeoPort currently ships on Apple's Power Macintosh systems. All four Versit founders; AOX Inc.; Crystal Semiconductor Corp.; Cypress Research Corp.; Motorola Inc.; SAT Groupe SAGEM; and Zilog Inc. have announced support for GeoPort. The hardware volume of the specification is available now, and the software volume will be available this summer. ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------+ | IBM Independent Vendor League Contacts | ivlfolks +----------------------------------------+ Here is an updated list of contacts at IBM's Independent Vendor League. The IVL supports individuals and companies who develop and market books, newsletters, magazines, training videos, courseware, and consulting services for OS/2 and other IBM personal software products. Membership, Lucy Darbisi Sources and Solutions copies RSV Consulting Suite 147, 500B Monroe Tpk Monroe CT 06468 1-203-452-7704 Fax 1-203-268-1075 Membership, Authors, Publishers, Gail Ostrow Training, Courseware Write Type Associates 78 Bartram Avenue Bridgeport CT 06605 1-203-384-9996 Fax 1-203-368-6379 IVL News Service, press releases Dick Conklin 3408 Sherwood Blvd. Delray Beach FL 33445 Voice/fax: 1-407-495-4421 This news release is from the IBM IVL News Service and may be freely copied and distributed. For information about the IVL, call 1-203-452-7704, fax 1-203-268-1075 or e-mail Send news and distribution changes to ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------+ | How to Join the IBM Developer Assistance Program | joinhow +--------------------------------------------------+ The IBM Worldwide Developer Assistance Program (DAP) is open to all developers of IBM Personal Software-based products. These products include applications and tools for PC-DOS, Pen, OS/2, Multimedia, and LAN Systems. In addition, the DAP is now open to developers interested in producing applications and tools that exploit OS/2 for PowerPC. The DAP is designed to provide a broad range of services for this growing and increasingly diverse development community. The Worldwide DAP has a number of extensions that offer customized services for specific developer needs. Your eligibility for a specific service depends on the type of products you are developing. Some services vary by country. Worldwide Services ------------------ Worldwide DAP services are available to all developers of Personal Software-based products. These developers include corporate programmers producing in-house applications, MIS professionals, consultants, educators, industry analysts, government agencies, and others with an interest in PC DOS, Pen, OS/2, Multimedia, LAN Systems, and now OS/2 for PowerPC application development. DAP services include a variety of technical, business, and marketing support activities, such as: o Technical support through IBM OS/2 forums on CompuServe o The opportunity to participate in early-code programs o Access to DAPTOOLS via CompuServe and the Internet o Access to OS/2 Custom Application Porting Workshops and LAN Systems Workshops o Technical conferences o Product announcements Worldwide Developer Assistance Program membership is open to individuals, with no company or product prerequisites. Enrollment is done electronically through either the CompuServe information service or Internet. On CompuServe, enter GO OS2DAP and complete the online application form. On Internet, visit the Solution Developer Home Page (URL = In addition to Worldwide Services, you may be eligible for extensions such as Commercial Services and Premier Services. To see if you qualify for these other programs, refer to the following descriptions and enrollment instructions. Commercial Services ------------------- Commercial Services are available only to software vendors in the U.S. and Canada who are developing or marketing IBM Personal Software-based products for commercial release. In addition to the Worldwide DAP services, Commercial Services members receive additional services in support of their product development and marketing activities: o Online technical support at no charge o Defect support for all warranted products that are supported by IBM support centers o Complimentary access to the online database of Personal Software-based development tools o Complimentary subscriptions to OS/2 Developer magazine o Discounts on IBM Personal Software products Offerings available to assist Commercial Services members in their marketing activities include: o IBM OS/2 and LAN Systems Application Directory o IBM OS/2 and LAN Systems Development Tools Guide o Sources and Solutions catalog o "READY! for OS/2" Certification Mark o "READY! for LAN Systems" Certification Mark o IBM Direct Marketing Center To enroll in the Commercial Services extension, call 1-407-982-6408 or fax to 1-407-998-7610, and ask for the Commercial/Premier Services DAP Application form. You or your company must be currently marketing a Personal Software-based product. If not, you should submit (with your application) a non-confidential business plan showing development and marketing activities and schedules for your planned product. Premier Services ---------------- Premier Services are available only in the U.S. and Canada. They are for software developers who are marketing or have committed to develop software products that provide native (32-bit API) support for OS/2, LAN Systems products, or OS/2 for PowerPC. Products that exploit object technologies like SOM and OpenDoc are also eligible. In addition to the Worldwide Services and Commercial Services extensions, Premier Services members have voice access to an advocate in IBM who can assist them with various development and marketing activities that are offered exclusively to Premier Services members. To enroll in the Premier Services extension, call 1-407-982-6408 or fax to 1-407-998-7610, and ask for the Commercial/Premier Services DAP Application form. You or your company must be currently marketing a Personal Software-based product. If not, you should submit (with your application) a non-confidential business plan showing development and marketing activities and schedules for your planned product. Developer Assistance Program Contacts Worldwide ----------------------------------------------- IBM Developer Assistance Programs exist in several geographic areas around the world. For information about the DAP in your area, consult the following list of contacts. Geographic Area Voice Phone Fax Phone --------------- ----------- --------- Asia/Pacific +65-320-1482 +65-225-2617 Australia +61-2-354-7684 +61-2-354-7766 Europe, Middle East, and Africa +49-7034-153967 +44(0)1256-50096 DAP BBS +44(0)1256-336991 +44(0)1256-336778 Internet Japan +81-3-3279-8231 Internet Mexico +525-627-1846 +525-580-4267 Internet Taiwan +886-2-776-7965 United States 1-407-982-6408 1-407-998-7610 ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------------+ | The IBM Developer Assistance Program in | emeadap | Europe, Middle East, and Africa | +-----------------------------------------+ The IBM OS/2 Developer Assistance Program (DAP) in Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) provides a broad range of developer support and marketing programmes to help with the design, development, and publicity of OS/2 applications. Membership of the EMEA OS/2 DAP is open to any developer in EMEA who is actively developing a product or service for OS/2, be it a device driver, a commercial product, a line-of-business application or a set of OS/2 objects. Access to Internet and BBS Services ----------------------------------- As a member of the OS/2 DAP, you get access to our Internet and BBS services, from which you can browse through the vast repositories of information about OS/2 and related products, such as C Set ++, OpenDoc, LAN Server, DB2/2, Multimedia products, and much more. If you cannot find what you are looking for, then simply ask your questions in the most relevant forum, and receive replies from IBM experts or from other members of the OS/2 DAP. Mailing Program --------------- In addition, the OS/2 DAP runs a Mailing Program, which offers a great opportunity for DAP members to promote their OS/2 products and services to fellow OS/2 DAP members across EMEA. With over 4,000 members from over 30 countries, the OS/2 DAP membership represents a very important segment of the OS/2 community in EMEA. Internet WWW Service -------------------- The EMEA OS/2 DAP now has a home page on the Internet World Wide Web which aims to provide extensive information relating to developing for OS/2, much as the BBS does today. At the moment, this is only a partial service and does not offer question-and-answer facilities, but the intention is that the DAP service will soon be fully migrated from the BBS to the Internet. If you need to ask questions now, you should use the BBS. The addresses (URLs) for our Home Page are: The EMEA DAP Home Page: or via, the PSM EMEA Home Page: Bulletin Board Service ---------------------- Until our Internet service is fully operational, our BBS is the primary vehicle for communication between you and us, and the technical experts in the IBM development labs. The BBS contains a wealth of information, and allows you to download the latest tools, utilities, and fixes, and to exchange messages with fellow OS/2 developers. You can ask your questions and benefit from the experience of others with their answers, comments, tips, and, in some cases, sample code to help you solve your programming problems. You can even share your knowledge with others if you wish. To get the most from the OS/2 DAP, please log on to the OS/2 DAP BBS regularly. The BBS is updated daily with all sorts of information about OS/2, together with the latest news and offerings. Marketing Programs ------------------ When and if you have an application which is ready to ship, our marketing programs will help you gain publicity and distinction for your product. More Information ---------------- More information about the EMEA OS/2 DAP can be obtained through: HelpFax: If you have a touch-tone telephone, by calling our IBM HelpFax automated response system in the UK on +44 (0)1256 50096 and requesting document number 30600 for a DAP brochure or document number 33001 for a DAP application form. Fax: +44 (0)1256 336778 Internet: Post: IBM EMEA OS/2 Developer Assistance Program ND1W Normandy House, Alencon Link Basingstoke, Hants. RG21 7EJ England ======================================================================== +----------------------------------+ | IBM Device Driver Support Center | ddsc +----------------------------------+ If you are developing a device driver for OS/2, you need to know about the IBM Device Driver Support Center, your one-stop shopping for: o Worldwide device-driver developer support o The DUDE, a dedicated BBS providing up-to-the minute information solely for device-driver developers, as well as problem assistance. The BBS phone number is 1-407-982-3217, with settings 8, N, 1, and transmission rate 9600 bps. Contact the DUDE for more information about: -- Logo program -- Test program -- Driver distribution program -- DUDE-ads o Specialized device-driver development workshops The DDSC team is in place to support your questions and education needs. The team's voice-mail phone number, available at all times, is 1-407-982-4239. ======================================================================== +------------------------------------------------+ | The Developer Connection for OS/2: | powerdev | The Power of the Future Delivered to Your Door | +------------------------------------------------+ The Developer Connection for OS/2 -- continuing proof of IBM's commitment to OS/2 developers -- can greatly increase your productivity by providing you with the latest tools, pre-release software, product demos, and information you need on today's most convenient medium -- a CD. And, because we live in changing times, an annual subscription to The Developer Connection for OS/2 keeps your tools and information from becoming obsolete. Each year you'll receive 4 volumes including CDs and The Developer Connection News, each packed with the tools and information you need for your OS/2 development efforts. When accessed from your CD drive, The Developer Connection for OS/2 becomes a part of your Workplace Shell environment. Click on the Developer Connection icon, and all the wealth of The Developer Connection for OS/2 is instantly attainable. Use the powerful Developer Connection browser to locate any piece of information. And because the intuitive graphical user interface is a part of the Workplace Shell environment, each task is familiar and simple. Try the products, install them, or simply retrieve product information. There is also an available option for creating diskettes for many of the products on the CD. And, because these are the products you need to develop the best OS/2 applications today, as well as tomorrow, we have designed The Developer Connection for O/2 to be your link to current and future IBM strategies. Each CD will contain product-level versions of the Developer's Toolkit for OS/2, OS/2 Warp Version 3, OS/2 for SMP, Pen for OS/2, LAN Systems, and Multimedia Presentation Manager. The Developer Connection program will continue to grow to support emerging technologies. Subscribers also receive The Developer Connection for LAN Systems, a cross-platform offering that supports the installation of products and information to OS/2, Windows, DOS, and AIX workstations. It provides a programming environment for client/server and distributed computing application development. Device-driver developers can now subscribe to The IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2 (Developer Connection DDK). The Developer Connection DDK is an annual membership program that enables rapid development of device drivers for your personal computer hardware using the 32-bit OS/2 operating platform. Members receive the updated information, test tools, utilities, and many complete device-driver sources. Put The Developer Connection for OS/2 to Work for You ... Now ------------------------------------------------------------- o Receive product-level versions of OS/2 developer toolkits (for OS/2 2.1, OS/2 Warp Version 3, OS/2 SMP, Pen for OS/2, Multimedia Presentation Manager, LAN Systems) o Receive new versions of operating system technologies as soon as they are developed o Try new OS/2 products before you buy them o Use the sample source code to start on the path of more productive programming o Access pre-release versions of IBM's 32-bit tools to prepare for tomorrow's technology o Receive updates to SMART, One Up Corporation's powerful tool that helps migrate your 16-bit and 32-bit Windows code and 16-bit OS/2 code to 32-bit OS/2 code o Read The Developer Connection News for timely OS/2 information o Access electronic support through the Internet, OS/2 BBS, and CompuServe Features and Benefits --------------------- Annual subscription Subscribe and have the tools and information you need delivered to you for a whole year. What could be easier? Powerful browser This easy-to-use front end presents the contents of the CD by category. You can expand and collapse categories or install products with the click of a mouse. Developer's Toolkits Provides the tools, sample programs, and for OS/2 2.1 and OS/2 documentation that enables you to develop your Warp OS/2 applications quickly and easily. Presentation Manager The fully documented sample programs illustrate Multimedia Toolkit/2 the use of the comprehensive multimedia device- and data-handling capabilities of MMPM/2. Pen for OS/2 Provides the tools, sample programs, and Developer's Toolkit documentation to enable you to create new pen-aware OS/2 applications, pen-enable existing applications, and create new pen-centric OS/2 applications. Pre-release software Helps you keep on top of the emerging technologies by allowing you to be one of the first to use pre-release versions of OS/2 and other exciting products from IBM and independent software vendors. Tools Use some of the internal tools that were developed by IBM programmers to help get their jobs done faster and easier. Extensive technical Have the complete OS/2 Technical Library at your documentation fingertips with the click of a mouse. Complete online documentation provides a quick, effective reference to all system APIs, messages, and features, including code examples and helpful notes. Also, view the best chapters from popular OS/2 books by well-known authors. Source code Help to jump-start your OS/2 application development with our collection of sample source code. System requirements System must support OS/2 2.0 or higher. Memory requirements 6 MB minimum; 10 MB recommended; actual memory required varies depending on which programs you choose to run. The performance of the catalog and browser can be enhanced with the addition of more memory. Disk-space Actual disk space required varies depending on requirements the requirements of the programs you choose to install. CD-ROM drive A CD-ROM drive supported by OS/2. Support Available through OS/2 BBS, Internet, and CompuServe for the duration of the subscription. If you are not currently a CompuServe member, call 1-800-524-3388, and ask for Representative 239. You will receive a special introductory membership which entitles you to a brochure with an ID and password, one month of basic services for free, 15 USD worth of free extended services, and a free subscription to CompuServe magazine. Prices ------ In the USA, an annual (four-issue) subscription to The Developer Connection for OS/2 is priced at 199 USD, and 75 USD for an additional license. The price for Commercial and Premier members of the IBM US Developer Assistance Program is 119 USD. These prices do not include shipping and handling. For prices in other countries, contact the phone numbers listed below. Ordering Information -------------------- To order The Developer Connection for OS/2 or additional licenses, call the appropriate number: United States 1-800-6-DEVCON (1-800-633-8266), fax 1-303-330-7655 Canada 1-800-561-5293, fax 1-905-821-1187 Brazil 0800-111205, fax (011)886-3222 Mexico (525)627-1111 within Mexico City 91-800-00316 elsewhere in Mexico The following require your country's international access code prior to the listed number: Asia/Pacific +61-2-354-7684, fax +61-2-354-7766 (61 is the country code for Australia) Europe, Middle East, and Africa -- call IBM ISMS Direct Services in Denmark (country code 45). Operators speaking the following languages are available: Danish +45-48101300 Italian +45-48101600 Dutch +45-48101400 Norwegian +45-48101250 English +45-48101500 Scandinavian +45-48101300 Finnish +45-48101650 Spanish +45-48101100 French +45-48101200 Swedish +45-48101150 German +45-48101000 ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------------------+ | Q and A About The Developer Connection for OS/2 | devconqa +-------------------------------------------------+ Q1. What is The Developer Connection for OS/2? A1. The Developer Connection for OS/2 is an annual subscription program for application developers. Its purpose is to deliver: licenses to developers for toolkits, productivity tools, development tools, and sample code; licenses to the latest pre-release code, so developers can prepare for and simulate future environments; and the most up-to-date versions of technical documentation about OS/2. The Developer Connection for OS/2 consists of four issues (CDs and a newsletter) delivered over the course of one year, plus access to The Developer Connection section of the OS2DF2 forum on CompuServe until the subscription expires. For those subscribers who are not members of CompuServe, IBM has established the DEVCON CFORUM on the OS/2 BBS under TALKLink (TALKLink is a feature under the IBMLink Commercial Services), and Internet support by addressing your questions and comments to Q2. What does The Developer Connection cost? A2. An annual subscription entitles the subscriber to four issues of the CD(s) and newsletter, plus access to a private section of the CompuServe OS2DF2 forum. Customers may also purchase additional licenses, which allow for making one additional copy of the contents of the four issues of the CD(s) and newsletters and one additional license to use the code delivered on the CDs. In the USA, prices are: Annual Additional Subscription License Regular 199 USD 75 USD Price DAP Commercial/ 119 USD 45 USD Premier Price Student/Faculty 119 USD not available Price In Canada, prices are: Annual Subscription 225.00 CDN (same price for DAP members) Additional License no charge In Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, prices are: Annual DAP Discount Currency Subscription Price Austrian Schilling 2.669,00 1.599,00 Belgian Franc 7.951,00 4.763,00 British Pounds 150,00 90,00 Danish Kroner 1.497,00 897,00 Dutch Gylden 339,00 257,00 Finnish Finmarks 1.337,00 801,00 French Francs 1.309,00 784,00 German Marks 380,00 228,00 Greek Drachmas 55.305,00 33.132,00 Irish Pounds 159,00 95,00 Italian Lire 335.229,00 212.810,00 Norwegian Kroner 1.651,00 989,00 Portuguese Escudos 38.578,00 23.111,00 Spanish Pesetas 30.592,00 8.327,00 Swedish Kroner 1.803,00 1.080,00 Swiss Francs 337,00 202,00 Israel (currency USD) 217.00 USD 130.00 USD and Turkey Q3. If I belong to the DAP, do I get a discount? A3. Members of Commercial Services or Premier Services within the US Developer Assistance Program may purchase The Developer Connection at a reduced price, 119 USD for an annual subscription and 45 USD for each additional license. US members of the Worldwide DAP, however, purchase The Developer Connection at the regular 199 USD price. European DAP members may purchase The Developer Connection at a reduced rate. When members call to order, the operators will give the reduced price in the appropriate currency. Q4. What does The Developer Connection CD contain? A4. The CD(s) contains pre-release versions of many IBM OS/2 and LAN products, internal development and productivity tools, bitmaps, and demos of products from IBM and others. Each CD also includes the latest release level of The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2, the Multimedia Presentation Manager Toolkit/2, and the Pen for OS/2 Developer's Toolkit. In addition to these programs, the CD contains sample source code that can be used to develop your own applications. The CD also contains thousands of pages of documentation, with a search facility. Q5. What advantages do I get from the CompuServe forum for DevCon that I didn't have before? A5. Subscribing to The Developer Connection entitles you to access the private Developer Connection section of the OS2DF2 forum on CompuServe. IBM developers will be answering questions and carrying on dialogs with subscribers on a full-time basis and will respond to your comments/issues/questions on a timely basis. Q6. How many copies of DevCon do I have to subscribe to for my company? I have many programmers, do I have to buy one for each? A6. After your company has purchased its initial subscription to The Developer Connection, you may buy as many additional licenses as you want. For each additional license you order, 4 times over the year you will receive the current newsletter and a Proof of Additional License certificate, which entitles you to make one additional copy of the contents of the current CD volume. Additional licenses work best for Local Area Network development environments. (Example; If you have 10 developers on a LAN, you could buy one regular license and 9 additional licenses.) Q7. I've heard that the DevCon program will grow in the future. What will I see over the next year? A7. The Developer Connection for Image Plus Visualinfo was just recently announced. Future direction for The Developer Connection has not been announced; however, we are considering CDs for specific areas of interest to developers such as: Device Driver Source, AIX, Object Oriented, etc. Q8. Does my license to use the release-level toolkits contained on The Developer Connection CD end if I do not renew my subscription at the end of my annual membership? A8. In general, the license to use the code on each Developer Connection CD is shipped with the CD and expires 120 days after receipt of that issue or upon receipt of the next CD issue, whichever comes first. However, your licenses to the following toolkits continue beyond expiration of your subscription: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2, Multimedia Presentation Manager Toolkit/2, and Pen for OS/2 Developer's Toolkit. As long as you adhere to the terms and conditions of the agreement, your license to the abovementioned toolkits does not terminate. Q9. Is the Developer Connection program available outside North America? A9. The DevCon program has been announced in the US, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Mexico, Brazil, and the Asia / Pacific countries. It is currently available in all of these geographies. Q10.How do I subscribe to The Developer Connection for OS/2? A10.In the US, you can subscribe to The Developer Connection for OS/2 by calling 1-800-6-DEVCON (1-800-633-8266), 1-303-330-7655 (fax). In Canada, call 1-800-561-5293. In Brazil, call 0800-111205 (voice), (011)886-3222 (fax) In Mexico, call 627-2444 (within Mexico City) 91-800-00639 (other locations in Mexico) To order in Europe, call IBM ISMC in Denmark. Please ensure that you dial the international access code applicable to your country BEFORE dialing the appropriate phone number. Operators speaking the following languages are available. Note that 45 is the country code for Denmark. Internat. Language Dial code Number -------- ---------- ------ Dutch: Denmark=45 +48101400 English: Denmark=45 +48101500 French: Denmark=45 +48101200 German: Denmark=45 +48101000 Italian: Denmark=45 +48101600 Spanish: Denmark=45 +48101100 Scandinavian: Denmark=45 +48101300 TeleFax: Denmark=45 +48142207 In Asia/Pacific, call 61-2-354-7684 (voice), 61-2-354-7766 (fax). Note that 61 is the country code for Australia. Q11.The back of the newsletter says "For CompuServe membership information, call........ You will receive a special introductory membership for IBM customers". What does the special intro offer include? A11.The special introductory offer includes: - A brochure with an ID and password - One month of basic services for free - 15 USD of free extended services - Free subscription to CompuServe magazine To obtain a CompuServe ID, or just to inquire about membership, call one of the following numbers, and ask for Representative 239: From the United Kingdom, call 0800 289 378 From Germany, call 0130 37 32 From other countries in Europe, call (+44) (+272) 255 111 From the USA, call 1-800-524-3388 From elsewhere, call 1-614-457-0802 Q12.If I have a CompuServe id, how do I gain access to the private Developer Connection section of the OS2DF2 forum? A12.The Developer Connection section on the OS2DF2 forum is the way to obtain technical support and also to exchange messages, ideas, comments and concerns with The Developer Connection for OS/2 team and forum members. To obtain access to this private section, send an E-mail note containing your Developer Connection subscription number to the Developer Connection Administrator at CompuServe user id 73423,2767. You will receive notification of access to the Developer Connection section within 2 business days. To access the forum, type GO OS2DF2 at the prompt, then select the Developer Connection section. Q13.Is there any other electronic support for The Developer Connection for OS/2? A13.Yes, IBM has established the DEVCON CFORUM on the OS/2 BBS under TALKlink (TALKlink is a feature under the IBMLink Commercial Services). For more information, customers in the USA may call 1-800-547-1283, and customers outside of the USA should contact their local IBM Marketing Representative. Support is also available thru the Internet by addressing your questions and comments to ======================================================================== subdcon +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Subscription Information for The Developer Connection for OS/2 | | and The Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (DDK) | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ The following list of phone and fax numbers was published in Volume 7 of The Developer Connection News. The list applies to two products: o The Developer Connection for OS/2 o The Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (DDK) The phone numbers shown are for ordering both products unless otherwise specified. To order within the USA: Call 1-800-6DEVCON (1-800-633-8266), or fax to 1-303-330-7655. NOTE: Commercial and Premier Services DAP members in the USA are eligible for a discounted price for The Developer Connection for OS/2. When ordering, be sure to specify that you are a Commercial and Premier Services DAP member, and give your membership number. Additional numbers for ordering the IBM Device Driver Source Kit for OS/2: Call 1-407-982-4239, or use the DUDE BBS, 1-407-982-3217. To order within Canada: Call 1-800-561-5293. To order within Brazil: For The Developer Connection for OS/2, call 0800-111205, or fax to (011) 886-3222. For The Developer Connection Device Driver Kit (DDK), call 02-1-800-6120. (02 is the country code for Brazil.) To order within Mexico: Call 627-2444 within Mexico City, or 91-800-00639 elsewhere in Mexico. To order within Asia/Pacific countries: Be sure to dial your country's international access code before dialing the listed phone number. 61 is the country code for Australia. Call +61-2-354-7684, or fax to +61-2-354-7766. To order within Europe: If you live outside the USA, Canada, Asia/Pacific countries, Brazil, or Mexico, you can order directly from the IBM Software Manufacturing Center in Copenhagen, Denmark. Be sure to dial your country's international access code before dialing the appropriate phone number or fax number listed below. 45 is the country code for Denmark. Operators speaking the following languages are available. Language Phone Number Language Phone Number -------- ------------ -------- ------------ Danish +45-4-810-1300 German +45-4-810-1000 Dutch +45-4-810-1400 Italian +45-4-810-1600 English +45-4-810-1500 Norwegian +45-4-810-1250 Finnish +45-4-810-1650 Spanish +45-4-810-1100 French +45-4-810-1200 Swedish +45-4-810-1150 Fax +45-4-814-2207 Electronic Support ------------------ Electronic support is provided through CompuServe, OS/2 BBS, and the Internet. Obtain technical support or use the forums to exchange messages, ideas, comments, or concerns with The Developer Connection for OS/2 team or other members. The dedicated Developer Connection section on CompuServe is located in hte IBM OS/2 Developer Forum 2. To obtain access to this section, please send a note with your subscription number to The Developer Connection administrator at CompuServe userid 73423,2767. You will receive notification or access to The Developer Connection section within two business days. To access the forum, type GO OS2DF2 at the ! prompt; then, select The Developer Connection section. For CompuServe membership information, call one of the following numbers depending on where you are located: Germany 0130 37 32 United Kingdom 0800 289 378 Other European Countries (+44)(+117)(9760681) United States 1-800-524-3388 from elsewhere 1-614-457-0802 Ask for representative 239. You will receive a sepcial introductory membership for IBM customers. The DEVCON CFORUM is on the OS/2 BBS under TALKlink, which is a feature under the IBMLink Commercial Services. Customers in the U.S. can call 1-800-547-1283; customers outside of the U.S. should contact their local IBM marketing representative. The Internet users may address their questions or comments to . Letters to the editor may be addressed to . Additional Developer Connection DDK Electronic Support (DUDE) ------------------------------------------------------------- In addition, Developer Connection DDK subscribers can obtain support through the DUDE BBS at 1-407-982-3217. After completing a self-registration, you will have limited access to the system; then, within one business day, you will be notified that your access level has been upgraded to NORMAL. Send your questions using your PC and modem. If you have problems connecting to the DUDE BBS, you can leave a voice message on 1-407-982-4239. A member of the DDSC team will return your call before the end of the next business day. ======================================================================== +----------------------------------+ | DB2 Developer Assistance Program | dapdb2 +----------------------------------+ The IBM DB2 Developer Assistance Program assists ISVs porting or developing applications and tools for DB2. The program encompasses DB2 for OS/2, DB2 for AIX, DB2 for HP/UX, and DB2 for SUN Solaris. This program is free of charge and is open to professional developers who are selling their software solutions commercially. Program Benefits ---------------- Participants in the DB2 Developer Assistance Program are provided with: o The opportunity to acquire IBM DB2 and associated software, including full documentation, at special terms and conditions o Access to telephone technical support and electronic support through the DB2 ISV program forums o Participation in testing of early code and other joint programs o A vendor advocate who will address your questions and concerns o Access to IBM marketing programs such as exhibitions, conferences, advertisements, direct mailings, etc. o A free listing of your product in the DB2 Solutions Directory, which is distributed worldwide to customers and the IBM marketing force Enrollment ---------- To enroll in the DB2 Developer Assistance Program, send a message, including your name, company name, full address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address, to . In the USA and Canada, you can also call 1-800-627-8363. From other countries, fax your request to 1-203-262-2141. ======================================================================== +----------------------+ | CICS OS/2 Developers | os2cics +----------------------+ ISVs who want to evaluate how their product or service could exploit the capabilities of CICS OS/2 Version 2 can obtain CICS OS/2 V2 code, documentation, educational video, and technical support. The code has a 90-day life, and is for development, test, and demonstration purposes only. Unlimited-life code is available to ISVs who are willing to commit to produce a product or service that exploits CICS OS/2. For more information, contact Fred Holland at 1-301-240-8143, fax 1-301-240-8836. ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------+ | TCP/IP Application Partners Program | os2tcp +-------------------------------------+ ISVs who have products that interoperate with the IBM TCP/IP V2.0 for OS/2 product, or who wish to enable their products to do so, should join the TCP/IP Application Partners Program (TAPP). ISVs who join TAPP get a copy of TCP/IP for OS/2 for enablement (development and testing) purposes only. To join the TAPP, call 1-919-254-2679. ======================================================================== +----------------+ | AIX POWER Team | poweraix +----------------+ The POWER Team is an exciting program developed just for you, the developer. It is tailored to help you gain access to the IBM tools that can help build and grow your product in the AIX marketplace, using IBM's POWER architecture and the RISC System/6000. Membership in the POWER Team program allows you to take advantage of a variety of programs, which include: Technical Support ----------------- Choose from our menu of special fee-based technical support programs. You may select the type of technical support that is best for your development situation: o Porting assistance o Ongoing technical support o Consulting services - Design reviews - Performance tuning - On-site consulting o Benchmarking o Remote access to an RS/6000 Development ----------- Receive information and tools to assist you in your ongoing development activities: o Electronic technical/marketing bulletin board o Question-and-answer database o Early product information o Access to AIX public-domain software o Porting information / white papers Equipment --------- Enjoy the availability of equipment without straining your budget: o RS/6000 Developer's Discount Program o RS/6000 Leasing Program o RS/6000 Rentals Marketing --------- Expand your marketing opportunities through our programs: o AIX POWER Solutions Catalog - 50-word product description in magazine format - Up to 5 pages of marketing / product information via fax - Advertising discounts available for POWER team members - Call 1-415-855-3333 and request a document or catalog o IBM's online databases for AIX solutions Education --------- Keep your leading edge with information about the latest products, new technologies, and trends: o POWER conferences - Technical conferences for independent software and hardware developers. o AIXpert magazine subscription - Quarterly technical publication with a distribution of 25,000 - Advertising discounts available for POWER team members o Seminars / classes Technical, Business, Marketing Information ------------------------------------------ Learn about the many programs and facilities that IBM has to offer. Making it easier for you to work with IBM is an important goal of this program. POWER Team members receive technical, business, and marketing information on a regular basis. Who is Eligible? ---------------- The POWER Team is intended for developers working on products for commercial release. You are eligible to participate in the program if: o You are currently developing products for AIX and the RISC System/6000 o You are currently marketing AIX or UNIX products. More Information ---------------- For more information, call the POWER Team information line at 1-800-222-2363 within the USA, and request additional information and a membership application. Become a member of the POWER Team, and work with IBM to expand your sales and marketing opportunities, take advantage of the technical support and equipment offerings, and keep on the leading edge of new technologies. ======================================================================== +--------------------------------+ | AS/400 Partners in Development | part400 +--------------------------------+ Partners in Development builds on the ASsociation/400 business partner support program. Through Partners in Development, IBM will provide extensive technical support from the AS/400 Software Partner Lab in Rochester, Minnesota, and at application support centers around the world. Because ASsociation/400 is the primary communication vehicle for the new Partners in Development organization, the entry membership fee for ASsociation/400 for 1994 has been reduced to 250 USD per year. Technical Support ----------------- Technical support will include hands-on courses on product strategies, early development for unannounced products, and post-announce product issues. It will include courses for developers seeking to exploit emerging technologies, including: o Client/server implementation o Object-oriented programming o Multimedia o Imaging o Fax and mobile network access o Integrated Language Environment (ILE) assistance o OS/400 assistance Toll-Free Phone Access ---------------------- Customized courses also will be offered at vendor sites. In addition, Partners in Development has a toll-free phone number, 1-800-365-4426, extension 400, through which independent software vendors can get immediate help finding the appropriate person to assist with any AS/400 matter. Marketing and Delivery Programs ------------------------------- Partners in Development also will assist in vendors' marketing and delivery programs. For example, vendors will be able to work with the Rochester lab's fulfillment center on their system configuration proposals for customers, and to get their offerings included in IBM configuration proposals. In addition, they will be able to have their offerings pre-loaded in systems shipped directly from IBM. Assistance is also available to business partners using the IBM AS/400 Portable One, a full-function, portable model. Electronic Access ----------------- AS/400 Partners in Development also includes electronic access to IBM developers through ASsociation/400 On-Line. The interactive service provides all schedules, new offerings, and changes via a regular newsletter and special mailings. It also includes developers' forums, question-and-answer access to IBM technical support staff, bulletin boards, and computer industry trade articles. Portable Sales Automation System -------------------------------- On-line support also will be available to vendors seeking to enhance their marketing efforts with IBM's new Portable Sales Automation System (PSAS). PSAS is a portable configurator and a suite of automated selling tools with leading-edge graphics that runs on PC laptop or notebook computers. Membership in ASsociation/400 continues to provide its members with benefits including developer support and two free software licenses per year for IBM software development tools and products such as ImagePlus and Ultimedia. ASsociation/400 members also receive education discounts and developer leases. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------+ | Object Connection for VisualAge | connobj +---------------------------------+ The Object Connection is a program for fostering an "objects" aftermarket for IBM's new VisualAge development system. It is designed to help you develop and sell VisualAge objects, or parts, for the open market. These parts must be written to the interface specifications provided in the IBM manual titled "Construction from Parts Architecture: Building Parts for Fun and Profit". Who Can Join? ------------- Enterprises interested in assessing the prospect of building VisualAge objects (or parts) from the open market are eligible for membership in the Object Connection. Object Connection Services -------------------------- Members are entitled to: o A development license for VisualAge at very favorable terms o Marketing assistance o Technical support - access via an 800 phone number to VisualAge Technical Consultants on a call-back basis - technical documentation updates - interactive technical support on CompuServe More Information ---------------- To join, call VisualAge's Object Connection Program at 1-800-IBM-CARY (1-800-426-2279) within the USA, and request a program information package and membership application. Fill out the application form and return it to the Object Connection Program. The program manager will call you for a telephone interview. ======================================================================== +-------------------+ | PenAssist Program | helppen +-------------------+ The IBM Pen Developer Assistance Program (PenAssist) is designed especially for the developer of pen software. The program is tailored to help you develop applications in the emerging technology. A Variety of PenAssist Programs ------------------------------- Membership in the PenAssist program allows you to take advantage of a variety of programs: o Access to IBM test centers - Located in Palo Alto CA and Atlanta GA - Equipped with an IBM PS/2 and digitizing pads. The PS/2 has PenDOS SDK and Pen for OS/2 installed. o Electronic mail. Enrolled developers can send to and receive messages directly from the software developers' support organization. o IBM pen software CompuServe forum, a forum for pen and mobile systems. IBM monitors this forum and provides responses to inquiries. o Special software discounts: - PenDOS SDK - Pen for OS/2 SDK - Pen development tools o Special hardware discounts: - Special prices on pen hardware from IBM and other manufacturers. - Eligibility to receive a 50 percent discount on selected IBM printers and features. - Notification of special promotional offerings. o IBM Fax Information Service - Provides immediate information about IBM's pen and mobile software systems and other IBM products and services. - Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, free of charge. o Marketing - Pen application catalog - Personal Computer Company BBS - applications will be listed in this database at no additional charge. - Business-show support - A single point of contact will be provided to assist with reviewing development and marketing relationships. Who is Eligible? ---------------- o Developers of pen applications o Developers of commercially available applications o Corporations developing pen applications for their own use. More Information ---------------- For more information about PenAssist, call 1-800-627-8363 within the USA, or fax to 1-404-835-9444. ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------+ | IBM Product Compatibility Program | compprog +-----------------------------------+ The IBM Product Compatibility Program provides an opportunity for developers to gain increased visibility, marketability, and credibility for their products. Compatibility Testing Opportunity --------------------------------- This program gives ISVs a testing opportunity to establish and communicate the compatibility of their products with OS/2 Warp standalone, clients, servers, and LAN systems. Resource for Making Wise Purchasing Decisions --------------------------------------------- This program is a resource that customers and their advisors can use to make product purchase decisions with the confidence that a product has been tested for compatibility with OS/2 Warp and LAN Server systems. Consultants, resellers, integrators, OEMs, and other product decision makers can confidently use the list of compatible products in selecting products that meet their customers' needs. Recommending compatible products can help expedite buying decisions and protect a customer's investment. Value of Tested Compatibility ----------------------------- There are literally thousands of software products on the market today to help solve customers' problems. The challenge is finding which products are compatible and can be integrated into a customer's environment. Selecting tested compatible products gives buyers confidence in product decisions and/or recommendations. Such confidence can speed up product decisions and potentially lessen installation and support time. Compatibility Program Description --------------------------------- There are two options of product compatibility. The "Ready for..." option shows compatibility of a software product with either OS/2 Warp or IBM LAN Server with OS/2 Warp. The "Tested and Approved..." option addresses a more sophisticated LAN systems environment to show compatibility, interoperability, and coexistence with many LAN products. Ready for OS/2 Warp and Ready for OS/2 Warp LAN Server ------------------------------------------------------ The "Ready for OS/2 Warp" and "Ready for OS/2 Warp LAN Server" programs offer software developers a set of IBM guidelines to self-test their products for compatibility with a particular version of either OS/2 Warp or IBM LAN Server with OS/2 Warp. This program, with some variations, also exists in some geographies outside the USA and Canada. Developers outside of North America are encouraged to contact their local IBM country representative for their specific program benefits. Call 1-800-IBM-4FAX (U.S.) to request documents 3241 and 3242 for a list of compatible products under the Ready self-test program. In Canada, call 1-800-HELP-FAX. From elsewhere, use a fax telephone to call 1-415-855-4329. Additional information can be obtained by calling 1-800-992-4777 within the U.S. and Canada. Tested and Approved for OS/2 Warp LAN Systems --------------------------------------------- The "Tested and Approved for OS/2 Warp LAN Systems" program offers hardware and software developers the opportunity to have IBM test their product with many IBM and non-IBM products in a LAN systems real-world-like environment. IBM publishes the results of these tests to help customers understand the test environment plus any workarounds discovered during the testing. Customer knowledge of test results helps customers make more informed purchases and experience smoother installations. Call 1-800-IBM-4FAX (U.S.) to request document 3605 for a list of compatible products tested by IBM in the Tested and Approved category, with their respective test document numbers. From Canada, call 1-800-HELP-FAX. From elsewhere, use a fax telephone to call 1-415-855-4329. Additional information can be obtained by calling 1-800-992-4777 within the U.S. and Canada. Publicity: Where to Find Compatible Product Information ------------------------------------------------------- Upon successful completion of testing, developers are given the use of a compatibility mark to use with their products' advertising, brochures, and other marketing materials. Customers are encouraged to look at products displaying the mark with confidence that the products have been tested in an appropriate environment. Customers can receive names and/or reports of compatible products through the following sources: - CompuServe IBMDESK forum - Internet WWW: - IBM's TALKLink OS/2 bulletin board, 1-800-547-1283 - MAX (CD-ROM from Computer Reseller News) - Support on Site for Networks CD, 1-800-827-7889 - Sources and Solutions catalog (1-203-452-7704 or fax 1-203-268-1075) - National Solution Center's database - 1-800-IBM-4FAX (U.S.), 1-800-HELP-FAX (Canada), or from elsewhere, call 1-415-855-4329 from a fax phone, and request documents 3241, 3242, 3605 - IBM Developer Connection CD, 1-800-633-8266 - IBM booths at major related trade shows Compatible products also qualify for reduced advertising rates in major magazines. Program Q-and-A Via Fax ----------------------- A set of questions and answers about the Product Compatibility Program can be found on the Internet or by requesting document 3657 from 1-800-IBM-4FAX (U.S.), 1-800-HELP-FAX in Canada, or (from elsewhere, using a fax phone) 1-415-855-4329. More Information ---------------- Additional information can be obtained by calling 1-800-992-4777 (U.S. and Canada) or via fax: 1-512-838-2473. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------------------+ | Professional Certification Program from IBM | certprof | for OS/2 and LAN Server | +---------------------------------------------+ IBM's Personal Software Products division sponsors a Professional Certification Program from IBM for its OS/2 and LAN Server products. To gain certification, individuals demonstrate their proficiency in supporting selected products from IBM's PSP by passing a series of tests. Four Certified Roles -------------------- Individuals, rather than organizations, can receive certification in the following roles: o Certified OS/2 Engineer Provides the skills to support OS/2 installations and develop expertise in fine-tuning and customizing OS/2 platform systems. o Certified OS/2 Instructor Helps candidates teach certified OS/2 engineers through extensive training and testing. o Certified LAN Server Administrator Develops the skills necessary to support day-to-day network operations, such as backing up the server, maintaining security, and loading applications. o Certified LAN Server Engineer Provides service and support skills for LAN Server networks, including network design, performance tuning, and installation. o Certified LAN Server Instructor Enables participants to teach certified LAN Server engineers and LAN Server administrators through extensive training and testing. Testing ------- Certification testing is administered by Drake Training and Technologies, a worldwide provider of certification testing in the computer industry. Classroom education is offered through the extensive network of IBM Education and Training division and IBM Licensed Education Center locations (in the United States only). More Information ---------------- CERT94.ZIP, in the IBM/PSP Marketing Library (lib 8 of the OS2USER forum), contains sample tests, test objectives, and program descriptions for the current programs. For more information about the PSP Professional Certification Program from IBM, contact Drake Training and Technologies: United States and Canada 1-800-959-3926 Germany, Austria, Switzerland, +49 (0) 211 500 9950 Italy, Eastern Europe United Kingdom, Ireland, Scandinavia, +44 (0) 71 437 6900 The Middle East, South Africa France, Spain, Portugal, North Africa +33 (0) 1 4289 8749 Japan +81 3 3269 9620 Australia +61 2 414 3666 Latin America -fax request to US: 1-612-896-7020 (include the name Melissa Loh and phone number 1-612-896-7458) ======================================================================== +---------------------------------------------+ | IBM Independent/International Vendor League | ivlibm +---------------------------------------------+ The IBM Independent/International Vendor League (IVL) supports developers of non-software products (books, magazines, training videos, and courses) and providers of consulting services for the same IBM software products (OS/2, etc.). The IVL also helps vendors with technical and marketing support such as their product accreditation program and listings in the IBM Sources and Solutions directory. The IVL offers the IVL News Service, which delivers vendor product announcements and other newsworthy items electronically to the media. To join the IVL, call 1-203-452-7704, fax 1-203-268-1075, or e-mail IVL members can contact the IVL News Service at IVLInfo@VNet.IBM.Com, or voice/fax 1-407-495-4421. ======================================================================== +-------------------+ | 800 Phone Numbers | 800nos +-------------------+ The 800 phone numbers below come from two sources: (1) This issue and preceding issues of SDO Developer Support News (2) Information posted on IBM internal forums. POWER Team Information Line 1-800-222-2363 Common Desktop Environment Developers Conference 1-800-225-4698 AIX Support Family Marketing Center 1-800-225-5249 OS/2 Multimedia Tools 1-800-228-8584 OS/2 Dealer Locator Service 1-800-237-4824 IBM National Service/IBM Support Center * 1-800-237-5511 IBM Multimedia Help Center 1-800-241-1620 OS/2 Performance Beta II CD-ROM 1-800-251-2177 IBM PSP Developer Support Marketing Center * 1-800-285-2936 Housing Management for OS/2 Technical Update '94 1-800-338-6638 IBM LAN Server 4.0 Beta 1-800-339-8922 (in Canada, 1-800-561-5293) OS/2 Sales 1-800-342-6672 (in Canada, 1-800-465-7999) AS/400 Partners in Development 1-800-365-4426 PC DOS Beta-Test Hotline * 1-800-368-8365 IBM International Marketing Information 1-800-426-1774 IBM National Telesales Marketing (IBMCALL) 1-800-426-2255 IBM Cary (North Carolina) Customer Center 1-800-426-2279 Boca Raton Technical Services Software System Test 1-800-426-2622 IBM Direct 1-800-426-2968 (in Canada, 1-800-465-7999) DCE Client for Windows Beta Program and 1-800-426-3040 LAN NetView Extended Beta Test (in Canada, 1-800-561-5293) IBM general information 1-800-426-3333 (in Canada, 1-800-465-1234) IBM Business Partner Locator (PS/2 Dealers) 1-800-426-3377 IBM FAX Information Service 1-800-426-4329 (in Canada, HELPFAX, 1-800-465-3299) IBM Worldwide Industry Hardware Support * 1-800-426-4579 IBM Translation Manager Support Center 1-800-426-4862 Networking Services Marketing Center 1-800-426-5148 PS/2, PS/1, PC publications 1-800-426-7282 IBM Education and Training 1-800-426-8322 (in Canada, 1-800-661-2131) Integrated Systems Solutions Corporation 1-800-472-4772 Personal Software Products Advertising Program 1-800-491-5740 OS/2 2.1 and OS/2 2.1 for Windows ServicePaks 1-800-494-3044 CompuServe Membership * 1-800-524-3388 International Conference Resorts of America Travel 1-800-544-2432 Services (for ColoradOS/2 conference) ATT Business Translations (DAP member phone number) 1-800-544-5721 Personal Systems Competency Center + TALKLink (OS2BBS) 1-800-547-1283 (in Canada: IBMLink, 1-800-268-3100; Customer Assistance group, 1-800-465-1234) IBM AntiVirus Direct 1-800-551-3579 Software Vendor Systems Center 1-800-553-1623 Software Vendor Hotline * 1-800-627-8363 Berlitz Translation Services 1-800-628-4808 (in Canada, 1-800-387-5500) IBM Developer Connection for OS/2 1-800-633-8266 (in Canada, 1-800-561-5293) IBM Direct Response Marketing 1-800-633-8266 OS/2 Technical Update '95 Registration 1-800-636-6634 GEnie 1-800-638-8369 ColoradOS/2 Conference * 1-800-648-5717 Carlson Travel Network (for OS/2 Technical Update '94) 1-800-666-8889 IBM Custom Application Porting Workshops 1-800-678-31UP Personal Systems Technical Solutions magazine 1-800-678-8014 Delphi 1-800-695-4005 CGI Systems 1-800-722-1866 IBM AntiVirus Services Marketing 1-800-742-2493 IBM Support Family Marketing Center 1-800-742-9235 IBM Midwestern Customer Service Center 1-800-756-4426 Personal Systems HelpCenter 1-800-772-2227 (in Canada, 1-800-237-5511) PRODIGY 1-800-776-0845 and 1-800-776-3449 Indelible Blue, Inc. 1-800-776-8284 (in Canada, 1-800-672-4255) Personal Systems Support Family Marketing Center 1-800-799-7765 Speech Products Support Center 1-800-825-5263 America Online 1-800-827-6364 IBM Technical Directory 1-800-832-4347 Business Depot, Inc. 1-800-844-8448 CompuServe * 1-800-848-8199 IBM Publications (Software Manufacturing Solutions) 1-800-879-2755 Store Systems Support Family Marketing Center 1-800-882-3469 IBM Ultimedia Tools Series 1-800-887-7771 PenDOS Software Developer Kit 1-800-888-8242 IBM Software Manufacturing Company 1-800-926-0364 OS/2 Developer magazine 1-800-926-8672 OS/2 Free Seminar Enrollment 1-800-937-3737 DB2 Technical Conference 1-800-955-1238 Drake Training and Technologies (for Professional * 1-800-959-3926 Certification Program from IBM) IBM Customer Support Center 1-800-967-7882 IBM Software Solution Services/Personal Systems Support * 1-800-992-4777 Family * indicates the number works in Canada also ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------+ | Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, Service Marks | tmarks +--------------------------------------------------+ (R) AIX, AIX SystemView NetView/6000, APL2, APL2/6000, Application System/400, AS/400, AT, Audio Visual Connection, BookManager, Communications Manager/2, C Set/2, DisplayWrite, HelpCenter, HelpWare, IBM, ImagePlus, LAN NetView, LAN NetView Fix, LAN NetView Manage, LAN NetView Monitor, LAN NetView Scan, LAN NetView Monitor, LAN Server, Micro Channel, MVS/ESA, NetView, NetView/6000, Operating System/2, Operating System/400, OS/2, OS/400, Pen for OS/2, Personal Computer AT, Personal System/2, Presentation Manager, PS/1, PS/2, RISC System/6000, RS/6000, S/390, SQL/400, SynchroStream, Systems Application Architecture, TALKLink, ThinkPad, Ultimedia, VM/ESA, VSE/ESA, and XGA are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. (R) Apple, Bento, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Corp. (R) ATI is a registered trademark of ATI Technologies, Inc. (R) BIX is a registered trademark of General Videotex Corp. (R) Cirrus Logic is a registered trademark of Cirrus Technology, Inc. (R) COMDEX is a registered trademark of The Interface Group, Inc. (R) CompuServe and CompuServe Information Manager are registered trademarks of CompuServe, Inc. (R) Computer Associates is a registered trademark of Computer Associates International, Inc. (R) dBASE is a registered trademark of Borland International. (R) Epson is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corp. (R) GEnie is a registered service mark of General Electric Information Services Co. (R) Headland is a registered trademark of Headland, Inc. (R) Hitachi is a registered trademark of Hitachi Corp. (R) HP, LaserJet, DeskJet, OpenView, and PaintJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Co. (R) IEEE is a registered trademark of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. (R) Indianapolis 500, Indy 500, Indy, and Gasoline Alley are registered trademarks of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation, USA. (R) Intel and Indeo are registered trademarks of Intel Corp. (R) Internet is a registered trademark of Internet, Inc. (R) ISO is a registered trademark of the International Organization for Standardization. (R) Lotus, Lotus Notes, Notes Express, and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corp. (R) MicroGate is a registered trademark of Gateway Microsystems, Inc. (R) Microsoft, Microsoft C, and NT Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. (R) NEC is a registered trademark of NEC Corp. (R) NetWare, NetWare Server, and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. (R) Object Management Group and OMG are registered trademarks of Object Management Group, Inc. (R) OpenDoc is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Corp. (R) OPEN LOOK is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. (R) Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corp. (R) PenDOS is a registered trademark of Communication Intelligence Corp. (R) PRODIGY is a registered trademark of PRODIGY Services Corp. (R) SMART is a registered trademark of One Up Corp. (R) Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Corp. (R) Sybase is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc. (R) Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc. (R) ToolTalk and SunSoft are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. (R) Toshiba is a registered trademark of Toshiba Corp. (R) True Type is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. (R) TUXEDO is a registered trademark of Novell. (R) UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. (R) Walt Disney World is a registered trademark of Walt Disney Productions. (R) Western Digital is a registered trademark of Western Digital Corp. (R) WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corp. (R) Xerox is a registered trademark of Xerox Corp. (R) X/Open is a registered trademark, and the "X" device is a trademark of X/Open Co., Ltd. (TM) AIX/6000, APPN, BonusPak, CD Showcase, Certified LAN Server Engineer, Certified OS/2 Engineer, CICS, CICS/ESA, CICS MVS, CICS OS/2, CICS VSE, Common User Access, C Set ++, CUA, Current, DATABASE 2, DataHub, DB2, DB2/2, DB2/6000, DDCS/2, The Developer Connection for OS/2, DISTRIBUTED DATABASE CONNECTION SERVICES/2, Distributed Relational Database Architecture, DRDA, Extended Services for OS/2, IBMLink, IMS Client Server/2, Information Warehouse, LANStreamer, Library Reader, LinkWay, Matinee, Midware, Multimedia Presentation Manager/2, Natural Computing, NAVIGATOR, NetSp, NetView DM, OpenEdition, PCjr, PenAssist, Person to Person, Personal Information Manager, PlayAtWill, PowerPC, PowerPC 601, PowerOpen, RETAIN, Right at Home, SAA, Select-a-System, SOM, SOMobjects, Sources and Solutions, SQL/DS, Storyboard, SuperStor/DS, Support-on-Site, SYSINFO, Ultimedia Video IN, Ultimotion, VSE/ESA, WIN-OS2, VisualAge, VisualGen, VoiceType, Workplace Shell, and XT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. (TM) ActionMedia, DVI, Indeo, and Intel386 are trademarks of Intel Corp. (TM) Adobe, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Premiere are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. (TM) AST is a trademark of AST Research, Inc. (TM) Borland, Paradox, and Quattro Pro are trademarks of Borland International. (TM) CasePoint is a trademark of Inference Corp. (TM) Central Point Backup is a trademark of Central Point Software, Inc. (TM) ColoradOS/2 is a trademark of Kovsky Conference Productions, Inc. (TM) Dialcom 400 is a trademark of BT Tymnet. (TM) DirecPC and DIRECTV are trademarks of Hughes Network Systems, Inc. (TM) Drake Training and Technologies is a trademark of Drake Training and Technologies. (TM) EasyLink and ATandT Mail are trademarks of ATandT. (TM) Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corp. (TM) Excel is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. (TM) FaxWorks is a trademark of SofNet, Inc. (TM) GEIS Quick Comm is a trademark of General Electric Information Services Co. (TM) HyperACCESS and HyperACCESS Lite are trademarks of Hilgraeve, Inc. (TM) LAN Workplace and "Yes NetWare Tested and Approved" are trademarks of Novell, Inc. (TM) Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer Corp. (TM) MCI Mail is a trademark of MCI. (TM) Mesa and MOLI are trademarks of Athena Design, Inc. (TM) Micro Focus is a trademark of Micro Focus Ltd. (TM) Open Software Foundation, OSF, OSF/1, and Motif are trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. (TM) ORACLE Server and ORACLE7 are trademarks of Oracle Corp. (TM) PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. (TM) PC/TCP is a trademark of FTP Software Inc. (TM) Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corp. (TM) PhoenixCARD Manager Plus is a trademark of Phoenix Technologies, Inc. (TM) Photo CD is a trademark of the Eastman Kodak Co. (TM) PostScript and Adobe Type Manager are trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. (TM) PSN and Private Satellite Network are trademarks of Private Satellite Network, Inc. (TM) RAMBoost is a trademark of Central Point Software, Inc. (TM) SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (TM) SmallTalk and Smalltalk V/PM are trademarks of Digitalk Corp. (TM) Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems Inc. (TM) SoundBlaster is a trademark of Creative Labs, Inc. (TM) Source Migration and Analysis Tool (SMART) is a trademark of One Up Corp. (TM) SPARCstation is a trademark of SPARC International, Inc. (TM) Support on Site is a trademark of Ziff-Davis. (TM) TCP with Demand Protocol Architecture is a trademark of 3COM Corp. (TM) TelePad is a trademark of TelePad Corp. (TM) TPC-C is a trademark of the Transaction Processing Performance Council. (TM) Tusk is a trademark of Tusk, Inc. (TM) Univel is a trademark of Univel. (TM) Versit is a trademark of IBM Corp. Apple Computer Corp., American Telephone and Telegraph Co., and Siemens Corp. (TM) VX*REXX and WATCOM are trademarks of WATCOM International Corp. (TM) Windows, Win32, Windows NT, and Windows for Workgroups are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. (SM) Advantis is a service mark of Advantis. (SM) America Online is a service mark of America Online, Inc. (SM) SprintMail is a service mark of US Sprint. ======================================================================== This concludes 1995 Issue 6 of IBM SDO Developer Support News. Please let us know how we can improve it -- send your feedback to Thank you!