IBM (R) Solution Developer Operations DDDD EEEEE V V EEEEE L OOO PPPP EEEEE RRRR D D E V V E L O O P P E R R D D EEEE V V EEEE L O O PPPP EEEE RRRR D D E V V E L O O P E R R DDDD EEEEE V EEEEE LLLLL OOO P EEEEE R R SSSS U U PPPP PPPP OOO RRRR TTTTT N N EEEEE W W SSSS S U U P P P P O O R R T NN N E W W S SSS U U PPPP PPPP O O RRRR T N N N EEEE W W W SSS S U U P P O O R R T N NN E W W W S SSSS UUU P P OOO R R T N N EEEEE WW WW SSSS ======================================================================== 1995 Issue 1 16 January 1995 ======================================================================== +----------+ | Contents | +----------+ The table of contents contains search codes for going directly to items that interest you. Search Codes ----- o Isn't It Time Your Devices Got Warped? warpdev IBM's Warp device-driver support. IBM's technical support. Business reasons for developing device drivers. Enrollment for device-driver support. DUDE-Ads. General information about device-driver workshops. 1995 workshop schedule. o Pilot Workshop - Warp System Debug Tools: Basic Skills for lldebug Low-Level Program Diagnosis FREE two-day workshop, 25 and 26 January, Austin TX. About the course. Audience. Objectives. Topics. Benefits. Prerequisites. Enrollment. More information. o IBM OS/2 Seminar Series, 28-30 March, Las Vegas semlas Bet on a sure thing! A winning strategy. Eight educational tracks. Professional certification testing. OS/2 Warp City. The lucky crowd. Seminar Series sure bets. Double your money. Registration fees. More information. o 1995 IBM Technical Interchange, 21-25 May, New Orleans, LA intmsy Who should attend. Outrageous premiums. Spicy mix of ingredients. Get Warped! Hottest technology. Something for every taste. AIX. AS/400. MVS. OS/2. Device-driver development. Cross-platform. See ya in "Nawlins"! Fees. Hotels. Registration. NOTE: This item is 539 lines long. o Person to Person File Transfer Program for Warp Users p2pft Available at no charge. How to obtain. More information. o Software Marketing Seminar Launched mktgsem Three-day product marketing forum. Ten fundamental elements. The Product Marketing Handbook. Fee. Optional FREE focus session. Scheduling a forum. IBM Independent Vendor League. o OS/2 Sales Soar in Europe eursoar 120 percent gain over last 12 months. OS/2 Warp preloads. Robust sales. Thousands of retail outlets. o The IBM International Seminar, 3 - 4 April, Santa Clara CA intlsem For developing software for international markets. Guidelines for internationalizing software. Schedule and fee. Hands-on lab. More information. o 1995 APPC/APPN Technical Conferences appcconf Conferences in Chicago, London, and Sydney. Exciting new track and sessions. Computer workshop - free software and CD-ROM. Other highlights. Registration and fee. More information. o Opportunity: Asia/Pacific pacasia OS/2-related market opportunity information. IBM Developer Assistance Programs (DAP). Japan OS/2 Consortium. Channel distribution. Japan Solution Bank database of applications. IBM DBCS for OS/2. Developer Connection for OS/2. OS/2 application technical assistance and support. Porting assistance. Translation discounts and assistance. NLS education and translation instruction. o Corrections to OS/2 Warp Book List Published Last Month bookfix Corrected titles and authors for some Wiley-QED books due in 1995. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o How to Join the IBM Developer Assistance Program joinhow Worldwide Services. US Commercial Services. US Premier Services. Developer Assistance Program contacts worldwide. o IBM Canada OS/2 Developer Assistance Programs cdndap Worldwide DAP. Canadian OS/2 DAP. The Developer Connection for OS/2. Certification Programs. Phone numbers in Canada. o The IBM Developer Assistance Program in Europe, Middle emeadap East, and Africa Overview. Open to anyone actively developing for OS/2. Bulletin boards and CD-ROMs. Discounts. Technical seminars. HelpFax. Application marketing. CompuServe support. Programming tools and information. More information. o Q and A About The Developer Connection for OS/2 devconqa What it is. Prices. DAP discounts. Contents. CompuServe forum. Additional licenses. Future growth. License expirations. Availability outside USA. How to subscribe. CompuServe introductory membership. Access to OS2DF2 forum on CompuServe. DEVCON FORUM on TalkLink. o Subscription Information for The Developer Connection for subdcos2 OS/2 and the IBM Device Driver Source Kit (DDK) for OS/2 Worldwide phone and fax numbers for ordering. o Professional Certification Program from IBM for OS/2 and certprof LAN Server Four certified roles. Testing. More information. o IBM Independent/International Vendor League ivlibm Overview. IVL News Service. Enrollment. o 800 Phone Numbers 800nos o Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, Service Marks tmarks +----------------------+ | Where to Find DSNEWS | +----------------------+ The monthly DSNEWS files are ZIPped into the file DSNymA.ZIP, where y = last digit of year, and m = issue number represented as alpha (for example, DSN5BA.ZIP is the 1995 second issue). DSNymA.ZIP contains: -- This announcement file, DSNyA1.ANN -- The current month's contents list, DSNym.SMY -- An annual cumulative list of contents, DSNy.CUM -- The current month's ASCII newsletter, DSNymA.ASC The ZIPped files are posted on several e-mail and BBS systems: o America Online, in the OS/2 forum, in the Newsletters library o CompuServe, in OS2DF2 forum, *DAP library section 14 and in OS2DF1 forum, OPEN FORUM library section 15 o Fidonet, in the OS2 Information file area, FWOS2INFO o GEnie, in OS/2 Software Library 16 o Hitline mailbox (Switzerland), in file area 8 o IBM Canada BBS, in file area 35, OS/2 Programming o IBM Europe/Middle East/Africa (E/ME/A) DAP BBS, in file area GENERAL.DOCS o IBM France OS/2 Developer Assistance Program BBS, in area PUBS01 o IBM OS2BBS (TALKLink), in OS/2 Software Library, in Documents and Info o IBM Personal Computer Company BBS, in file area 11, OS/2 Programming o Internet, via anonymous ftp from, in directory /pub/os2/info; or via Gopher from, in the OS/2 Information menu o NIFTY-Serve (Japan), in FIBMFEEL forum, library section 4 o OS2NET (Europe), on all OS2NET bulletin boards in Europe, usually in the DSNEWS download area o PRODIGY, in the OS/2 Club topic's download library, in IBM Files Note: If you cannot find files named dsn... (in lower case), look for files named DSN... (in upper case). Within IBM: 1995 issues, in ASCII format, are in DSN5 PACKAGE in the OS2TOOLS catalog, and 1994 issues are in DSN4 PACKAGE. To obtain DSNy PACKAGE (where y = 4 or 5), type TOOLCAT OS2TOOLS GET DSNy PACKAGE You can also request DSNy PACKAGE by typing REQUEST DSNy FROM V1ENG AT BCRVM1 To subscribe to DSN5 PACKAGE, type TOOLCAT OS2TOOLS SUB DSN5 PACKAGE 1993 issues are in DSNEWS PACKAGE in OS2TOOLS. +-----------------------------------+ | Notice to Readers Outside the USA | +-----------------------------------+ It is possible that the material in this newsletter may contain references to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such products, programming, or services in your country. +------------------------+ | Send Us Your Feedback! | +------------------------+ Your comments about this newsletter are important to us. Please send your feedback to the editor of IBM SDO Developer Support News, Mike Engelberg, at: o Internet: o IBMMAIL: USIB33NP o Fax: 1-407-443-5214 o Mail: Newsletter, Internal Zip 5407, IBM Corporation, 1000 N.W. 51st Street, Boca Raton FL 33431, USA ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------+ | Isn't It Time Your Devices Got Warped? | warpdev +----------------------------------------+ Isn't it time your devices got Warped? After all, it's going to be a Warped world in 1995, and you'll want to stay ahead of your competition. The time is NOW for you to reap the benefits of the exploding acceptance of OS/2 as the 32-bit operating system for personal computers! The opportunity is here and increasing daily. Join the ranks of your colleagues in the industry who already have device support for OS/2, and are exploiting this market explosion. The list of OS/2-compatible graphics accelerator, DASD, SCSI, and multimedia products that exist today is constantly expanding. Is YOUR device on that list? If not, then NOW is the time to make a change and get your share of the market. And here's how to do it. Technical Support ----------------- The DUDE team, in the IBM Driver Development Support Center, stands ready to provide you with training and support to help you expedite your OS/2 driver development efforts. Take a look at how the DUDE Team provides one-stop shopping for worldwide device-driver development support: o The DUDE Team - Support for your questions and training needs - Voice mail - 24 hours - phone 1-407-982-4239 o The DUDE, a dedicated BBS - Latest information focused on driver developer needs - Development problem assistance - Timely news of interest and Technical Conference bulletins - Phone 1-407-982-3217 - N,8,1 @ 14.4K BPS o Education - Specialized driver developer workshops - Expertise of highly experienced instructors - Intensive, hands-on technical sessions - Access to IBM Boca Programming Center technical personnel Business Reasons ---------------- Now that you know how extensive the ongoing technical support is, look at the sound business reasons why you need to begin your OS/2 driver development efforts, right away! o Ride the crest of rapidly increasing OS/2 market acceptance o Save significantly on programmer development time and cost o Gain access to the latest levels of code o Give yourself a quick start for bringing your driver to market o Open your opportunities to new, explosive OS/2 market segments o Your competition is doing it! Now, you need to take the first step toward acquiring your market share! Enrollment ---------- First, connect to the DUDE at 1-407-982-3217, and complete the registration form. Download the file DDSC_DES.TXT to guide you through the array of services available on the DUDE. Within one business day, your access level will be upgraded, and you may sign up for any of the Device Driver Developer Workshops, held at the IBM Boca Raton facility. To register for any of the workshops, download the registration file REGISTER.TXT, fill in the blanks, then upload the completed file to the DUDE. You will receive a D-MAIL (DUDE-MAIL) confirming your registration in the DDSC Workshop. It's that easy!! If you don't have immediate access to the DUDE, call our voice-mail number (1-407-982-4239) and leave a message requesting help. Your call will be returned within two business hours. Your registration on the DUDE will ensure that the DUDE Team can continue to provide you with the ongoing support that you may need during your driver development efforts. DUDE-Ads -------- Additionally, if you're looking for someone to write device drivers, then look at this bonus offered by the DUDE -- you can use DUDE-Ads to help increase your chances of finding the right developer for the job. Now that you know how to get started, put your plan together, enroll now, and prepare to Warp into the future with OS/2, the award-winning 32-bit operating system of choice! OS/2 Device-Driver Workshops IBM 1000 NW 51st Street Boca Raton FL 33431 DUDE (BBS) 1-407-982-3217 Voice Mail 1-407-982-4239 Team Lead = Rudy Pietro Bob Peterson Gary Gerke Jim Bennett Charles Devries Richard Golasky Peggy Pecora Cathy Riggins Carlo Ligotti We expedite OS/2 support of your product! General Information About Device-Driver Workshops ------------------------------------------------- o Utilize our DDSC Laboratory o Public courses scheduled for 1995 o Onsite courses available o Designed for C or MASM programmers o Morning lecture covers topics listed in course outlines o Afternoon lab sessions concentrate on developing your customer o device drivers All workshop schedules are subject to change, based on customer demand and technology availability. 1995 Workshop Schedule ---------------------- Date Course Topic 16 Jan OS2DD303 Adapter Device Drivers (ADD) 13 Feb OS2DD101 Physical Device Drivers (PDD) 13 Mar OS2DD201 Virtual Device Drivers (VDD) 10 Apr OS2DD302 Graphics Accelerator Device Drivers 8 May OS2DD309 Multimedia Device Drivers 5 Jun OS2DD101 Physical Device Drivers (PDD) 10 Jul OS2DD305 Device Managers (DMD) 7 Aug OS2DD402 SMP Device Drivers 11 Sep OS2DD201 Virtual Device Drivers (VDD) 2 Oct OS2DD101 Physical Device Drivers (PDD) 6 Nov OS2DD308 LAN Device Drivers (NDIS-MAC) 4 Dec OS2DD309 Multimedia Device Drivers Protect your investment in OS/2 by providing device-driver support! ======================================================================== +----------------------------------------------+ | Pilot Workshop - Warp System Debug Tools: | lldebug | Basic Skills for Low-Level Program Diagnosis | +----------------------------------------------+ A two-day pilot workshop, "Warp System Debug Tools: Basic Skills for Low-Level Program Diagnosis", will be held at the IBM site in Austin, Texas on 25 and 26 January. Attendance for this pilot is free. About the Course ---------------- In this two-day workshop, students become familiar with the way Warp uses the x86 hardware to implement virtual storage. Students are taught how descriptors work, what descriptor tables exist, how page tables are used, and the resulting virtual storage environment in Warp. The lecture is oriented to understanding exactly why a trap occurs. Students also learn to read assembler instructions, and how the registers are typically used. Additionally, students are taught how a stack operates. This workshop is a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on lab work. The student will spend a significant portion of the workshop using a debugger to display descriptors, page tables, registers and storage, and watching the execution of individual instructions. Audience -------- Programmers and support personnel who want to learn how to debug software by using Warp system debug tools, those who want to learn how Warp implements the virtual storage environment, and those who want to build the basic skills needed to attend the next workshop in this series, Diagnosing Traps in Application Programs. Objectives ---------- o Learn how the hardware is exploited to create the virtual storage environment of WARP. o Learn to read assembler instructions. o Learn to display the various components that go into resolving a virtual address, as well as how to display storage a number of ways. o Learn what the information on a trap screen means. o Learn what documentation can be made available for diagnostic purposes, and how to collect it successfully. Topics ------ o What x86 protection mechanisms exist, and how they work o Descriptors, descriptor tables, and how to find them o Paging, page tables, and how to find them o Selector, general, and system registers o Reading assembler instructions, and watching them run o What a stack is, and how to mine the data it contains o Directed lab exercises Benefits -------- The workshop will provide a broad base of understanding how the hardware works, and how WARP uses it to create the execution environment for 16- and 32-bit programs. Prerequisites ------------- Prerequisites include some programming skills; a good understanding of arrays, structures, pointers, and linked lists; ability to do hex-to-binary conversions; ability to use OS/2. Enrollment ---------- To enroll, customers in the USA should call 1-800-IBM-TEACh (1-800-426-8322). From outside the USA, call 1-602-629-2731, and ask for education enrollment. More Information ---------------- For more information, please contact Barbara Batton at 1-512-823-1815 or Alice Killebrew at 1-512-823-1501. ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------------------+ | IBM OS/2 Seminar Series, 28-30 March, Las Vegas | semlas +-------------------------------------------------+ (This information supersedes the article in last month's DSNEWS titled "IBM OS/2 Technical Update '95".) Bet on a Sure Thing! -------------------- Take no chances when you roll the dice at the IBM OS/2 Seminar Series, to be held from 28 through 30 March 1995 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, in conjunction with NetWorld+Interop 95 (being held from 27 through 30 March). IBM will share its two hottest lucky numbers with you -- a sure bet for your own future rewards! The exhibits and seminars will feature OS/2 Warp, OS/2 LAN Server 4.0, and a full house of other IBM software products designed with computing and networking solutions in mind. A Winning Strategy ------------------ The IBM OS/2 Seminar Series is designed to share technology, strategy, and tools with all attendees. IBM's best developers and leading industry experts will be there to share their winning secrets with you in numerous interactive sessions and hands-on workshops. Eight Educational Tracks ------------------------ The IBM OS/2 Seminar Series is a high-tech revue designed for a worldwide audience! Eight winning educational tracks will expand your knowledge about today's leading technologies and industry futures: o Application Development o Client/Server Solutions o Communications Management o Distributed Systems Management o LAN Systems Solutions o OS/2 o OS/2 for the PowerPC o Technical Support Professional Certification Testing ---------------------------------- In today's increasingly competitive business world, it has become essential to map out your own destination. This is even more true in the computer industry, because advancements occur so rapidly. If you are a network administrator, consultant, value-added remarketer, technical coordinator, sales support representative, or trainer who works with OS/2 or OS/2 LAN Server, you can start charting your course today through the IBM Professional Certification Program. Becoming certified through the Professional Certification Program can help provide you with the knowledge to achieve recognition as a computer support professional. And you can pull ahead of the others as you keep up with the changing technologies and products. The avenues of certification for OS/2 and OS/2 LAN Server are: o Certified OS/2 Engineer If you support OS/2 installations, you can benefit from this certification program. Certification can help demonstrate your expertise in fine-tuning and customizing OS/2 systems. o Certified LAN Server Administrator If you're responsible for supporting day-to-day network operations, this certification helps underscore your proficiency at managing OS/2 LAN Server resources, backing up the server, maintaining security, and loading applications. o Certified LAN Server Engineer If you're responsible for providing services and support for OS/2 LAN Server networks, you can benefit. As a certified LAN Server Engineer, you can help provide expertise in network design, performance tuning, and installation. "OS/2 Warp City" ---------------- You asked for it, and we've built it just for you! Visit "OS/2 Warp City", the all-new OS/2 application pavilion at NetWorld+Interop 95, to see the latest exciting OS/2 32-bit applications from IBM and other software vendor providers. The Lucky Crowd --------------- These are the dice-rollers who are sure to win big when they join us in Las Vegas: o Independent and corporate developers o Technical Coordinators o Network professionals o System integrators o Resellers o Support professionals o Corporate MIS managers o Consultants o Analysts o And all those who want to know more about the new OS/2 Warp! Seminar Series Sure Bets ------------------------ Even if you don't take home millions of dollars from your stay in Las Vegas, we guarantee you'll be a winner with what your Seminar Series registration will get you: o Admission to all IBM OS/2 Seminar Series sessions o Admission to NetWorld+Interop 95 conference, featuring the all-new "OS/2 Warp City" application pavilion o Admission to professional certification testing o And more! Double Your Money ----------------- If you're attending NetWorld+Interop 95, you can double your informational and educational value by linking up with the IBM OS/2 Seminar Series. As a NetWorld+Interop 95 attendee, you have full access to the NetWorld+Interop conference, and to all IBM OS/2 Seminar Series sessions, at no additional charge. Make the most of your week in Las Vegas! Registration Fees ----------------- On or Before After 17 February 17 February NetWorld+Interop 95 Conference 800 USD 895 USD (Monday 27 March through Thursday 30 March) Any one day of the conference 375 USD 400 USD Special dual pricing: IBM OS/2 Seminar Series and NetWorld+Interop Conference 800 USD 895 USD More Information ---------------- For more information or to register for the IBM OS/2 Seminar Series in Las Vegas, call 1-800-636-6634 within the USA, or 1-415-578-6900 from elsewhere. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------+ | 1995 IBM Technical Interchange, | intmsy | 21-25 May, New Orleans, LA | +---------------------------------+ Next to Mardi Gras and the cool sounds of the Jazz Festival, what's the hottest event happening in New Orleans? It's the 1995 IBM Technical Interchange! If you joined us for the POWER Conference for AIX, PSP Technical Interchange for OS/2 and LAN, or any of the AS/400 Technical Conferences, you'll love what IBM is doing in '95. Over the years, IBM has brought you the industry's finest developer conferences, and this tradition of excellence continues with the 1995 IBM Technical Interchange. If you go to only one technical conference all year, this is the one you should attend! The 1995 IBM Technical Interchange will be held from 21 through 25 May at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana. Who Should Attend ----------------- Are you interested in learning about the latest offerings from OS/2, AIX, AS/400, and MVS? Do you want to know more about object-oriented technology, and how it is defining the next generation of operating systems and applications? Are you interested in building your technical knowledge and skills? If you answered Yes to any of these questions, you can't afford to miss the IBM Technical Interchange. Come network with software designers, independent and corporate developers, technical coordinators, software integrators, MIS managers, LAN experts, device-driver developers, consultants, value-added resellers, dealers, and training executives. Outrageous Premiums ------------------- Not only will you receive the latest and greatest technical information, you'll also receive an official IBM Technical Interchange conference bag chock-full of exciting software, including your choice of The Developer Connection for OS/2 or AIX Software Development Solutions on CD-ROM, and the Developer's Bookshelf for AS/400 and many other exciting premiums. The first 3,000 attendees to visit the Borland booth in the Exhibit Hall will receive a complimentary copy of C++. And ... don't miss the opportunity to win an IBM ThinkPad at the Closing Session! Spicy Mix of Ingredients ------------------------ The IBM Technical Interchange is proud to present the very latest from OS/2, AIX, AS/400, and MVS -- all under one roof! Within these four operating systems, we're offering over 300 sessions, including tracks on Object-Oriented Technology, Application Development, Client/Server Open Systems, LAN Systems, Networking, Database, Device-Driver Development, Multimedia, C++, PowerPC, and OpenDoc. Get Warped! ----------- OS/2 Warp... it's the hottest operating system on the market! Check out the new 32-bit, multitasking, multimedia, Internet-accessed, crash-protected, Windows-friendly, totally cool way to run your computer. Hottest Technology ------------------ The IBM Technical Interchange brings you the hottest technology -- the latest and greatest in hardware and software. Visit our extensive exhibit hall, featuring over 100 software and hardware vendors showing off their innovative tools and applications. Then, check into the IBM Computer Lab and speak to IBM developers who offer one-on-one technical assistance. Hitch a ride on the Information Superhighway, and don't miss the Test-Drive Center, where we put you in the driver's seat, behind the wheel of IBM's latest technologies. Something for Every Taste ------------------------- With over 300 sessions, the 1995 Technical Interchange gives you more variety than a big bowl of gumbo. AIX --- Application Development and Tools: iFOR/LS - The Key to Software Licensing Overview of C Set++ for AIX Threads Programming in AIX Bottleneck Determination and Isolation for AIX/6000 AIX Tools and Development Environment Client/Server and Open Systems: Systems and Network Management for the Open Heterogeneous Environment with NetView SNA Multi-Protocol Networking Products for AIX Rightsizing Mainframe Apps with SNA App Access for AIX Networking with X.25 Networking with ATM: Technical Overview and Product Update AIX Distributed System Management Overview An Introduction to CICS for AIX RISC System/6000 Communications Overview Database: Getting Started with DB2/6000 Programming with DB2/6000 High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing Directions Device-Driver Development: Migrating AIX Device Drivers to Version 4 Introduction to Writing an AIX Device Driver Writing Device Drivers for the PowerPC Internationalization: AIX National Language Support and Internationalization Multimedia: Media as Objects: The IBM Multimedia Services Programming Interface Operating System: Demystifying Printing, Spooling and Printer Customization in AIX Multi-Processing System Strategy Symmetric Multi-Process: A Programmer's Perspective - Part I Symmetric Multi-Process: A Programmer's Perspective - Part II AS/400 ------ Application Development and Tools: AS/400 App Development Advantage Launching the New World of AS/400 Development Porting Apps to AS/400 International Language Support on AS/400 Client/Server and Open Systems: Directions in AS/400 Client/Server Computing AS/400 Application Environment Strategy AS/400 Client Access Overview AS/400 Advanced Server LAN Server/400 Overview (FSIOP) AS/400 Wireless LAN AS/400 Mobile Computing Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Macintosh Connectivity to AS/400 Database: AS/400 Database - DB/2/400 1994 and Beyond Multimedia: AS/400 Intelligent Multimedia AS/400 Business Conferencing Object Technology: Object-Oriented Primer AS/400 Object-Oriented Technology Directions Selecting OO Tools AS/400 App Frameworks AS/400 Workplace Technologies - Introduction AS/400 Workplace Technologies - Intermediate AS/400 OO Experiences AS/400 and Taligent Workshop Why Invest in OO Preparing for PowerPC Architecture Operating System: AS/400 File System Overview AS/400 Advanced Technologies Facsimile Support/400 AS/400 Performance Plans and Directions Services and Support: Modernization Strategies App Development Program AS/400 Partners in Development Portable Sales Automation System MVS --- Object Technology: Object Technology and the CICS Family SOMobjects on MVS IBM Smalltalk for MVS Objects on MVS C Set++ - The Cross-Platform Solution for C and C++ Development Objects in IMS are Closer than They Appear Migration of Existing Transactions to OO Persistent Objects in C++ and DB2 ACLS: An MVS Application Class Library Services and Support: S/390 Developers' Association OS/2 ---- Application Development and Tools: Designing High-Powered OS/2 Applications Designing the Killer OS/2 Application Interprocess Communication Using Queues Memory Management in the 32-bit Model Multi-Threading OS/2 Applications Implementing OS/2 Semaphores Developing Workplace Shell Applications Lotus Notes as a Development Tool (with a Little Help from REXX) Introduction to SOM and Workplace Shell Programming Object-Oriented Application Development with OS/2 Application Migration to OS/2 Using SMART 32-Bit Native Porting Tools and Techniques Using OS/2 Tools to Develop Quality Software CMVC: Configuration Management in the OS/2 World C Set++ Overview Visual Builder for C Set++ C Set++ and SOM Bugs to Blazing - Debugging and Performance Tuning with C Set++ C Set++ Class Library Adding Help to Your OS/2 Applications Hyperwise, A WYSIWYG Editor for Multimedia Help and Books on OS/2 and Windows Developing Accessible OS/2 Apps for People with Disabilities Client/Server and Open Systems: LAN Server 4.0 Overview LAN Server Directions LAN Server User Tips and Techniques LAN Server Hands-on Workshop: Connecting to Resources LAN Server Hands-on Workshop: Administration IBM OS/2 LAN Server Interoperability LAN Server Security LAN Server Administrative Tips and Techniques OS/2 Warp as a LAN Client Client/Server Programming with LAN Server IBM Server for Workgroups IBM OS/2 LAN Server, NetWare, SNA, and TCP/IP Coexistence NetView for OS/2 LAN NetView Management Utilities OS/2 Systems Management Toolbox Remote Systems Management - Distributed Console Access Facility IBM Personal Systems Services and Support LAN Automated Distribution/2 System Performance Monitor/2 Integrating NetWare Into the OS/2 Environment Migrating from NetWare to LAN Server: Why and How OS/2 in the NetWare Environment - The Basics OS/2 in the NetWare Environment - Advanced Topics Introducing IBM's New OS/2 Emulators A Close-Up View of IBM's New OS/2 Emulators Communications Manager/2: Overview and Directions Communications Manager/2: Advanced Configuration CM/2: Avoiding Common Problems and Problem Determination CM/2: Building SNA Applications Sockets Programming with IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 - Part 1 Sockets Programming with IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 - Part 2 LAN Distance: Your Node on the Road! LAN Distance Tips and Techniques Product Certification and Testing:Your Place or Mine Why CID? An Introduction Creating CID-Enabled Installation Using Software Installer Database: DB2/2 Performance and Tuning DB2/2 Technical Introduction Building Successful DB2/2 Applications using C Advanced Database Recovery with DB2/2 DB2/2 Database Administration Multimedia: OS/2 Multimedia for Developers The OS/2 Multimedia Experience Developing Entertainment Software for OS/2 Object Technology: Object REXX for OS/2 Coding Client/Server Solutions in Object REXX The Workplace Shell: A Bridge to Other Technologies Exploiting OS/2 to Gain the Competitive Edge Operating System: A Proffitic Look at OS/2's Directions The OS/2 Problem Solver OS/2 Warp, Journey into the Unknown Running DOS and Windows under OS/2 How to Get the Most out of OS/2 Overview of OS/2 for SMP HPFS Internals OS/2 Disk Recovery Procedures Using OS/2 to Make Presentations Services and Support: Technical Coordinator Program IBM Services and Support: What are My Options? IBM's Resources on the Internet Warping the Internet Overview of The Developer Connection for OS/2 OS/2 for the PowerPC: The IBM Workplace Family of Technologies Inside Look at OS/2 for the PowerPC OS/2 Application Development for PowerPC Developing OS/2 for the PowerPC Shared Services Networking Support in OS/2 for the PowerPC Natural Computing on OS/2 for the PowerPC The Registry and the Global Namespace Device-Driver Development ------------------------- General: Introduction to OS/2 Device Drivers - Part 1 Introduction to OS/2 Device Drivers - Part 2 Tools and Support PDD and VDD Organization SMP Device Driver Support OS/2 Resource Manager OS/2 Plug and Play Today OS/2 Plug and Play Tomorrow PCMCIA: PCMCIA Architecture Overview OS/2 Warp PCMCIA Installation and Hardware Support Input/Output: Pen Computers and Tablets Image Capture for ImagePlus Image Capture via TWAIN Image Capture via ImageAwl Infra-Red Device Support Keyboards and Pointing Devices Display: OS/2 Display and Video Trends and Directions GRADD Overview Central Video Services Overview Display Configuration Utility Video Playback and Capture Under OS/2 Display Driver Installation Design and Debug IBM Display Driver Testing MIS Support Professionals - OS/2 Display Driver Issues Q&A Session Multimedia: Multimedia Device Driver Overview and Future Directions Multimedia Audio Device Drivers Multimedia Video Capture Device Drivers MPEG Playback Device Drivers OS/2 Multimedia User Tips and Techniques Multimedia Device Driver Installation and Test Printer: Printer Driver Overview and Future Directions Printer Driver Architecture and Structure Printer Driver Installation Considerations OMNI Printer Driver Architecture - Part 1 Printer Device Specification Exploitation Bidirectional Printing Support Storage: Introduction to Storage Architecture 32-Bit ADD Architecture for OS/2 - Part 1 32-Bit ADD Architecture for OS/2 - Part 2 ASPI/VASPI OS/2 Tape Services Installation Tips and Techniques Installable File Systems Multimedia: OS/2 Multimedia for Developers The OS/2 Multimedia Experience Developing Entertainment Software for OS/2 Object Technology: Object REXX for OS/2 Coding Client/Server Solutions in Object REXX The Workplace Shell: A Bridge to Other Technologies Exploiting OS/2 to Gain the Competitive Edge Operating System: OS/2 Warp, Journey into the Unknown Running DOS and Windows under OS/2 OS/2 V3.0, Tuning for Warp Speed Overview of OS/2 for SMP A Look at OS/2's Directions Interprocess Communication Using Queues Memory Management in the 32-Bit Model Multi-Threading OS/2 Apps Implementing OS/2 Semaphores HPFS Internals OS/2 Disk Recovery Procedures The OS/2 Problem Solver Using OS/2 to Make Presentations Services and Support: Technical Coordinator Program IBM Services and Support: What are My Options? IBM's Resources on the Internet Warping the Internet Overview of The Developer Connection for OS/2 OS/2 for the PowerPC: Developing OS/2 for the PowerPC Shared Services Networking Support in OS/2 for PowerPC OS/2 App Development for PowerPC Inside Look at OS/2 for PowerPC Natural Computing on OS/2 for PowerPC The IBM Workplace Family of Technologies The Registry and the Global Namespace Cross-Platform -------------- App Development: Parts, Assemblers, Builders, and Composers: Tools For Enterprise App Development Advanced Graphics for the AIX, OS/2, and NT Environments Client/Server: Any App, Any Network, AnyNet! Using the APPC App Suite and Discovery Basic Client/Server Programming with CPI-C Introduction to APPC and APPN APPN and TCP/IP: A Comparison of Protocols Distributed On-line Transaction Processing MQSeries Technical Overview IBM's MQSeries - It's a Kind of Magic Introduction to Distributed Computing Environment Introduction to DCE Programming Introduction to DCE Administration Choosing DCE As Your Client/Server Programming Environment Overview of ADSTAR Distribute Storage Mgr DCE Directions: Where is it Going? DCE Performance LAN Server: Multiplatform LAN Solution LAN Systems API Roadmap Database: DB2 Family: DB2 Technology at Work DB2 Family: Version 2 of DB2/2 and DB2/6000 International: National Language Support - How to Write an Internationally Enabled App Software Localization and Translation Double-Byte-Enabling your Product International Market Opportunities - Where Are They? The Asia/Pacific Software Opportunity Europe - An Opportunity for Software Developers International Marketing and Distribution Considerations for Conducting International Business Object Technology: IBM Object Technology Strategy and Plans Introduction to Object Technology New Business Opportunities: Components and Frameworks Roadmap to Creating Object-Oriented Solutions Object Technology in the Communications Environment Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodologies A Comparison of Architectures: OLE, OpenDoc, NeXTstep, and Taligent Client/Server with Distributed Objects Designing and Writing Efficient C++ Apps Storing Objects in DB2 Introduction to the SOMobjects Toolkit Distributed Object Computing SOM Programming with Direct-to-SOM C++ Case Studies in SOM OpenDoc: An Architectural Overview OpenDoc Scripting, Linking, and Apple Events Building an OpenDoc Part Case Study in OpenDoc Taligent Overview Introduction to CommonPoint Programming - Part 1 Introduction to CommonPoint Programming - Part 2 Taligent's CommonPoint Architecture Case Study in Taligent Design Methodologies for Taligent's CommonPoint COBOL Goes Object-Oriented! C Set++ Class Libraries Building an OpenDoc Part Multimedia: VoiceType Dictation PowerPC: IBM Power Series Product Development Strategy Power Personal Systems Mission and Strategy PowerPC - The Ideal Human-Centered Platform Marketing Strategy and Opportunity The New PC Industry-Standard Hardware Reference Platform Product Marketing: Positioning, Pricing, Sales, and Promotion Channel Distribution in the US Packaging Collaterals Public Relations and Product Reviews Meet the Editors Direct Marketing Bundling Services and Support: IBM on the Information Superhighway See Ya in "Nawlins"! -------------------- A big time in the Big Easy -- learning, exploring, networking, and having fun. What more could you ask for? From the Ragin' Cajun Conference Kickoff to the Mardi Gras Celebration -- we'll provide plenty of excitement from start to finish, all while providing you opportunities to network and enhance your technical knowledge and skills. It's all happening at the 1995 Technical Interchange in New Orleans. Don't delay -- register early and save 200 USD off the regular conference registration fee! Fees ---- Early Conference Registration Fee.......... 895 USD on or before 7 April Regular Conference Registration Fee........1095 USD after 7 April 3 or More Attendees from the Same Company.. 795 USD each, on or before (Registrations must be submitted at the 7 April same time and include full payment) .. 995 USD each, after 7 April The registration fee includes: o Attendance at all conference sessions o Premiums o Conference Proceedings o Continental breakfast and lunch daily o Welcome Reception o Reception o Exhibit Hall Reception o Special Event o Opportunities to win additional prizes including an IBM ThinkPad. Hotels ------ Special rates for conference attendees are available at these hotels: New Orleans Hilton Riverside (1-504-584-3999)......135 USD single/double Sheraton New Orleans (1-800-253-6156)..............135 USD single/double New Orleans Marriott (1-504-581-1000)..............140 USD single/double The Doubletree Hotel New Orleans (1-504-581-1300)..119 USD single, 129 USD double Registration ------------ To register for the 1995 IBM Technical Interchange, or to receive more information about it, call 1-800-872-7109 within the USA, 1-800-661-2131 within Canada, 1-508-443-4990 from elsewhere, or fax 1-508-443-4715. ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------------------+ | Person to Person File Transfer for Warp Users | p2pft +-----------------------------------------------+ IBM Warp customers will be delighted to know that an additional utility is now available at no charge to enhance the Person to Person software contained in the OS/2 Warp BonusPak. The File Transfer utility (already included in the retail version of P2P for OS/2) allows exchange of computer data between any parties who are able to make P2P calls to each other. How to Obtain ------------- The File Transfer utility can be obtained from the following sources: CompuServe: GO IBMP2P File is P2P-FT.ZIP in library 2 Internet: Via anonymous ftp: //FTP.HURSLEY.IBM.COM/PUB/P2P/P2P-FT.ZIP The package contains installation instructions. More Information ---------------- Field marketing support for P2P is available through your Personal Software Marketing (PSM) or Workgroup Specialist. Questions related to marketing strategy should be directed to P2P at RALVM6 or ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------+ | Software Marketing Seminar Launched | mktgsem +-------------------------------------+ Aegis Resources, a software consulting and marketing company, is taking their recently-piloted Product Marketing Forum on the road. The three-day course is designed to teach the basics of successful software marketing to software product, marketing / communication, and brand managers, and anyone new to software publishing. Ten Fundamental Elements ------------------------ Classes are taught by software marketing experts using real-life examples, case studies, class exercises and mini-clinics. Ten fundamental elements of a product marketing program are covered: o Positioning, Pricing, and Naming o Channel Distribution o Collaterals and Packaging o Public Relations and Product Review Programs o Advertising o Sales Promotions o Direct Marketing o Bundling o Electronic Marketing o Trade Shows The forum was recently piloted for several IBM marketing organizations, software vendors at trade shows, and in a special on-site seminar at the WordPerfect Corporation. The Product Marketing Handbook ------------------------------ All attendees receive a copy of The Product Marketing Handbook, a comprehensive workbook that demonstrates and reinforces the principles taught in the forum. It contains extensive checklists that detail the product marketing tasks used by successful marketers. Forum Fee --------- Each session costs 1,495 USD per attendee, and can be taught in on-site or off-site classrooms. Optional FREE Focus Session --------------------------- Following each three-day forum, a fourth day of custom consulting is offered to attendees at no extra cost. At this optional session, students can focus in greater detail on their specific marketing problems and challenges, using what they learned in class, reinforced with individual consulting by the instructors. Scheduling a Forum ------------------ To schedule a forum session for your company or marketing group, contact Aegis Resources at 1-203-380-8261, Fax 1-203-380-8263, CompuServe 71333,3472 or Internet IBM Independent Vendor League ----------------------------- Aegis Resources is a member of IBM's Independent Vendor League (IVL). The IVL supports individuals and companies who develop and market books, newsletters, magazines, training videos, courseware, and consulting services for OS/2 and other IBM personal software products. This news release is from the IBM Independent Vendor League (IVL) News Service, and may be freely copied and distributed. For information about the IVL, call 1-203-452-7704, fax 1-203-268-1075, or e-mail ======================================================================== +---------------------------+ | OS/2 Sales Soar in Europe | eursoar +---------------------------+ IBM announces that sales of OS/2 in Europe have increased by 120 percent over the past twelve months. Over two million copies were sold in Europe between January and November 1994, and over 800,000 copies of OS/2 Warp have been sold worldwide since the product's launch in October 1994. OS/2 Warp Preloads ------------------ The rapid acceleration in sales will be strengthened by OS/2 Warp's strong performance in the preload market. For example, in Germany, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) -- Vobis, Escom, Comtech, and Peacock -- have recently signed pan-European deals to preload Warp. These deals account for 40 percent of the German preload market. IBM expects to announce further significant European preload agreements in the first quarter of 1995. Robust Sales ------------ Sales have been particularly robust in France, Germany, Italy, the Nordic countries, and the UK. Dealers and distributors across Europe are reporting strong demand and sales. Thousands of Retail Outlets --------------------------- IBM now has 5,000 retail outlets throughout Europe selling OS/2 Warp, and expects to double this figure early in 1995. Retail chains include Carrefour and FNAC in France, Dixons in the UK, Funtronics in the Netherlands, and Magic 32SR in Italy. ======================================================================== +--------------------------------+ | The IBM International Seminar, | intlsem | 3 - 4 April, Santa Clara CA | +--------------------------------+ The next IBM International Seminar is scheduled for 3 and 4 April 1995 at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, California. The target audience includes software engineers and technical managers who design and develop software for international markets. Both NLS (national language support) and DBCS (double-byte character set) considerations are covered. The program is offered to independent software vendors and customers. Guidelines for Internationalizing Software ------------------------------------------ A team of technical experts from major IBM laboratories and consultant firms provide detailed programming design guidelines for internationalizing software. Topics range from a description of worldwide writing systems and national-language-dependent functions to translation and NLS specifications. Platform-specific information about AIX, AS/400, DOS/V, OS/2, and System/390 is presented in individual breakout sessions. There is a focus on current topics such as POSIX, XPG and Unicode / UCS-2. Schedule and Fee ---------------- The meeting takes two full days, including evening discussion groups. Ample time is allowed for individual dialogue with the instructors. The fee is 500 USD, including meals. Hands-On Lab ------------ A separate program is offered on Wednesday 5 April in San Mateo, CA. This will be a lab environment where AIX developers can gain hands-on experience in internationalization. There is an additional fee for the lab. More Information ---------------- To receive a detailed invitation package, send a fax with your mailing information to 1-203-262-2141, attention: Lynn Kelderhouse. (Please include an Internet address if available.) ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------+ | 1995 APPC/APPN Technical Conferences | appcconf +--------------------------------------+ Chicago, USA 22-25 May London, UK 4- 7 September Sydney, Australia 16-19 October Be an APPC/APPN whiz... hit the AATC'95 World Tour! This year's APPC/APPN Technical Conference is sure to be the APPC/APPN event of the year! Whether you are a novice programmer or expert networking specialist, you don't want to miss the one place where you can learn APPC and APPN in less than a week. Exciting New Track and Sessions ------------------------------- You asked for it, you got it -- more details and more technical information. We've beefed up the existing sessions, plus added an all-new track focused on specific platform configuration. o APPC Unleashed If programming with APPC is your job, then this comprehensive track is for you. o APPN: The Nitty Gritty An all-new track designed to answer your specific configuration questions. o Networking Technology Packed full of sessions on migrating, designing, and managing your APPN networks. Computer Workshop - Free Software and CD-ROM -------------------------------------------- Come visit the new, expanded, hands-on computer workshop, where you can talk directly with the APPC/APPN experts. Highlights include: o NEW! Bring your laptop and install (free!) the latest release of Networking Services for Windows, and Communications Manager/2 (CM/2). You install it, and we'll configure it for you. o NEW! Take advantage of the one-hour, hands-on instructional lab sessions specifically designed for the programmer, administrator, or user. o Receive the latest 'Best of APPC, APPN, and CPI-C' CD-ROM. o Test-drive the brand-new APPC and APPN demos, and play the APPC 'Quizmo for a Gizmo' game and receive a free prize! Visit the various corners with specialized demos: - The Programmer's Corner: Experiment with the new 32-bit CPI-C 2.0, and run a demonstration of the latest application builder tools. - The Administrator's Corner: Get your laptop configured after you've installed NS for Windows and CM/2, plus get your specific configuration questions answered here! - The User's Corner: Check out the APPC Application Suite in action, and see how AnyNet brings popular applications to your APPC/APPN network. Other Highlights ---------------- o Keynote address: Gary Weis, President and Chief Operating Officer of Advantis, discusses how to take advantage of existing SNA, APPC, and APPN networks while integrating emerging technologies like ATM. o Come out for the ever-popular exhibition/cocktail reception evening. Meet with vendors in a casual setting, and check out the latest products in action. o Attend the 'Birds of a Feather' sessions, where you get to pick the topic for open discussion. Registration and Fee -------------------- o You get all this for 1,095 USD! o Register by 21 April and receive: - The exclusive APPC/APPN Windbreaker! A 50 USD value ... perfect for Chicago in May! - Your choice of one: -- "CPI-C Programming in C" by Peter Schwaller and Dr. John Q. Walker II or -- "APPN Networks" by Jesper Nilausen To register or to receive more information, contact: Technology Transfer Institute 741 10th Street Santa Monica CA 90402 Phone: 1-310-394-8305 Fax: 1-310-451-2104 E-mail: More Information ---------------- For specific questions concerning conference content, e-mail: ======================================================================== +---------------------------+ | Opportunity: Asia/Pacific | pacasia +---------------------------+ Here is a comprehensive list of OS/2-related market opportunity information for the Asia/Pacific region. IBM Developer Assistance Programs (DAP) --------------------------------------- Worldwide DAP on CompuServe GO OS2DAP Worldwide DAP on Internet DAP.SVO.COM( Japan DAP +81-3-5200-5875 Asia/Pacific South DAP +65-320-1482 Taiwan DAP +886-02-776-7979 Korea DAP +822-781-6546 Australia DAP +61-2-354-7702 USA DAP +1-407-982-6408 Canada DAP HelpFax +1-800-465-3299 Europe, Middle East, and Africa DAP Helpfax +44(0)256-50096 Japan OS/2 Consortium --------------------- For all of the following offerings, contact Catherine Donahue, IBM Boca Raton, Florida, +1-407-443-6878. DBCS "As-Is" Software Testing Progam Software featured in OS/2 Consortium newsletter Presentation of ISV software at OS/2 consortium meetings ISV assistance finding Japanese business partner ISV assistance getting into Japanese distribution channels Trade show participation (limited) 1995 CD Showcase Channel Distribution -------------------- Encyclosoft Ralph Rizzuto +1-914-332-3577 Japan Solution Bank database of applications +1-415-638-2160 -------------------------------------------- IBM DBCS for OS/2 ----------------- Asian keyboards Microburst +1-301-330-2995 DBCS versions of OS/2 DBCS technical support DBCS documentation Developer Connection for OS/2 ----------------------------- DevCon 3 contains OS/2 2.1 (Japanese) Asia/Pacific +61-2-354-7766 and Japanese toolkit (fax) DevCon 4 and 5 contain OS/2 H2.1 Japan +81-3-5200-5875 (Korean), OS/2 T2.1 (Traditional Europe +45-481-01500 Chinese Taiwan), and Japanese Latin America +45-481-42207 toolkit Canada +1-800-561-5293 DevCon 6 will contain OS/2 P2.1 USA +1-800-633-8266 (Simplified Chinese PRC), OS/2 H2.1, OS/2 T2.1, and Japanese toolkit OS/2 Application Technical Assistance and Support ------------------------------------------------- DBCS Asian support section on CompuServe OS/2 DF2 Section 2 OS/2 Forum on Nifty Serve (in Japan) IBM People Net Open "Wonder OS/2", Hideo Kohri +81-3-0120-860-864 an IBM NEC OS/2 subparty DBCS technical support Microburst +1-301-330-2995 Japan DAP +81-3-5200-5875 Institute for Information Industry P. H. Chen +882-2-776-7965 (III) (in Taiwan) SingaLab (in Singapore) +65-777-6788 (fax) Porting Assistance ------------------ SMART Tool Developer Connection (see above) SMART Partner Program One Up Corp. +1-214-620-1123 IBM Custom Application Porting Laura Rose +1-407-443-1640 Workshops Japan Porting Center IBM +81-3-5563-4005 Institute for Information Industry P. H. Chen +882-2-776-7965 (III) (in Taiwan) Translation Discounts and Assistance ------------------------------------ IBM Software Manufacturing - Deborah Webb +1-303-924-6635 software translation services AT&T Translation Services +1-800-544-5721 Berlitz International Lyle Beasley +1-212-598-2598 NLS Education and Translation Instruction ----------------------------------------- IBM International Seminar for Dory Miller +1-203-262-4034 national language support AT&T in-house translation and +1-800-544-5721 localization training OS/2 DCBS internationalization Microburst +1-301-330-2995 seminar ======================================================================== +---------------------------------------------------------+ | Corrections to OS/2 Warp Book List Published Last Month | bookfix +---------------------------------------------------------+ The following are corrected titles and authors for some Wiley-QED books about OS/2 Warp to be released in 1995: OS/2 Warp Workplace Shell API, Pollack and Stock OS/2 Warp Presentation Manager API, Stock and Barnum OS/2 Warp Control Program API, Stock ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------+ | How to Join the IBM Developer Assistance Program | joinhow +--------------------------------------------------+ The IBM Worldwide Developer Assistance Program (DAP) is open to all developers of IBM Personal Software-based products. These products include applications and tools for PC-DOS, Pen, OS/2, Multimedia, and LAN Systems. In addition, the DAP is now open to developers interested in producing applications and tools that exploit OS/2 for PowerPC. THe DAP is designed to provide a broad range of services for this growing and increasingly diverse development community. The Worldwide DAP has a number of extensions that offer customized services for specific developer needs. Your eligibility for a specific service depends on the type of products you are developing. Some services vary by country. Worldwide Services ------------------ Worldwide DAP services are available to all developers of Personal Software-based products. These developers include corporate programmers producing in-house applications, MIS professionals, consultants, educators, industry analysts, government agencies, and others with an interest in PC-DOS, Pen, OS/2, Multimedia, LAN Systems, and now OS/2 for PowerPC application development. DAP services include a variety of technical, business, and marketing support activities, such as: o Technical support through IBM OS/2 forums on CompuServe o The opportunity to participate in early-code programs o Access to OS/2 Custom Application Porting Workshops and LAN Systems Workshops o Technical conferences o Product announcements Worldwide Developer Assistance Program membership is open to individuals, with no company or product prerequisites. Enrollment is done electronically through either the CompuServe information service or Internet. On CompuServe, enter GO OS2DAP and complete the online application form. On Internet, FTP to DAP.SVO.COM ( Log on using a guest account (GUEST1, ..., GUEST10) and password of DAP4ME, and complete the online application, WWDAP.TXT. In addition to Worldwide Services, you may be eligible for extensions such as Commercial Services and Premier Services. To see if you qualify for these other programs, refer to the following descriptions and enrollment instructions. Commercial Services ------------------- Commercial Services are available only to software vendors in the U.S. who are developing or marketing IBM Personal Software-based products for commercial release. In addition to the Worldwide DAP services, Commercial Services members receive additional services in support of their product development and marketing activities: o Online technical support at no charge o Defect support for all warranted products that are supported by IBM support centers o Complimentary access to the online database of Personal Software-based development tools o Complimentary subscriptions to OS/2 Developer magazine o Discounts on IBM Personal Software products Offerings available to assist Commercial Services members in their marketing activities include: o IBM OS/2 and LAN Systems Application Directory o IBM OS/2 and LAN Systems Development Tools Guide o Sources and Solutions catalog o "READY! for OS/2" Certification Mark o "READY! for LAN Systems" Certification Mark o IBM Direct Marketing Center To enroll in the Commercial Services extension, call 1-407-982-6408 or fax to 1-407-998-7610, and ask for the Commercial/Premier Services DAP Application form. You or your company must be currently marketing a Personal Software-based product. If not, you should submit (with your application) a non-confidential business plan showing development and marketing activities and schedules for your planned product. Premier Services ---------------- Premier Services are available only in the U.S. They are for software developers who are marketing or have committed to develop software products that provide native (32-bit API) support for OS/2, LAN Systems products, or OS/2 for PowerPC. Products that exploit object technologies like SOM and OpenDoc are also eligible. In addition to the Worldwide Services and Commercial Services extensions, Premier Services members have voice access to an advocate in IBM who can assist them with various development and marketing activities that are offered exclusively to Premier Services members. To enroll in the Premier Services extension, call 1-407-982-6408 or fax to 1-407-998-7610, and ask for the Commercial/Premier Services DAP Application form. You or your company must be currently marketing a Personal Software-based product. If not, you should submit (with your application) a non-confidential business plan showing development and marketing activities and schedules for your planned product. Developer Assistance Program Contacts Worldwide ----------------------------------------------- IBM Developer Assistance Programs exist in several geographic areas around the world. For information about the DAP in your area, consult the following list of contacts. Geographic Area Voice Phone --------------- ----------- Asia/Pacific countries (except Japan) 65-225-2617 Brazil 55-192-65-8057 Canada and the Caribbean 1-905-316-2996 (Fax: ask for document 75112) 1-800-465-3299 Europe, Middle East, and Africa 44-256-51136 Japan 81-3-3279-8231 Latin America and South America 525-580-4267 ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------------------+ | IBM Canada OS/2 Developer Assistance Programs | cdndap +-----------------------------------------------+ Three program offerings are available to Canadians who are interested in developing applications for OS/2 2.x. Worldwide DAP ------------- The Worldwide Developer Assistance Program (DAP) provides technical support to OS/2 developers via CompuServe forums. The support, provided by IBM in Boca Raton, Florida, includes DOS, OS/2, and LAN Systems. Anyone can sign up for the Worldwide DAP. On CompuServe, type GO OS2DAP and fill in the online application form. To obtain a CompuServe userid, call 1-800-524-3388 (from Canada and the USA), and ask for representative 239 for a free introductory membership. The Worldwide DAP also offers exclusive access to DAPTOOLS, a private tools repository. The tools include various utilities, debugging tools, small applications with source examples, and programming documentation. The tools were originally developed for IBM internal use, and have been re-licensed for the exclusive use of DAP members. Worldwide DAP questions can also be addressed on Internet through the userid Canadian OS/2 DAP ----------------- This program, managed by IBM Canada in Markham, Ontario by Ms. France Loubier, includes: o Informational mailings, sent every six to eight weeks, to keep you informed about OS/2 and LAN Systems development tools. o Eligibility to purchase beta-code offerings when available. o Selected promotions that provide discounts on development-related products by IBM and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). o An education discount from IBM Education Services. The discount is 10 percent for a maximum of 5 people per company. o Information about workshops, seminars, and conferences. o Marketing programs to assist you once your product is ready to market. Certification programs exist for OS/2, DOS, or Windows applications that run under OS/2 2.1 or LAN Server 3.0. Once certified, you will receive camera-ready artwork of the appropriate certification marks. o Registration for a key contact who must be developing an OS/2 application with a business plan for its release, either in-house or into the marketplace. To enroll in the Canadian OS/2 DAP, send a fax to (Ms.) France Loubier, 1-905-316-2535, or send a note to The Developer Connection for OS/2 --------------------------------- Volume 4 is now available for 75 CDN for a single issue. A four-issue subscription (covering one year) costs 225 CDN. The Developer Connection for OS/2 is a program that delivers the most current information, tools, and pre-release code available from IBM and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to developers in support of their continuing application development on the OS/2 platform. The cornerstone of The Developer Connection for OS/2 is two CD-ROMs plus The Developer Connection News. The CD-ROMs and newspaper are updated and released four times per year. The Developer Connection CD-ROMs contain pre-release programs that are licensed for 120 days or until the next Developer Connection CD-ROM is available, whichever comes first. Canadian DAP members will be notified of the next release via the regular mailing, and there are postings on CompuServe. To use the CD-ROM, you must have a CD-ROM drive attached to your computer system, with the necessary drivers that work under OS/2 2.x. The Developer Connection News lists the OS/2-supported CD-ROM drives; additional device drivers are available from third-party vendors. The Developer Connection also operates a forum on CompuServe that provides fast, responsive answers to your questions and problems. To order The Developer Connection for OS/2 in Canada, call 1-800-561-5293. Certification Programs ---------------------- Canadian DAP members can certify their applications as compatible with OS/2 or LAN Server. The process entails self-certification. For each product that you want to certify, the certification package sells for 30 CDN plus applicable taxes. After receiving the package, you do the self-certification test, and then send it to IBM for verification, along with a not-for-sale copy of the product you are certifying. To start the process of certifying your applications, call 1-800-992-4777 and request the appropriate package: To certify ... Ask for ... OS/2 applications OS/2 certification package DOS applications DOS certification package Windows applications Windows certification package LAN Server 3.0 applications LAN Server 3.0 certification package Phone Numbers in Canada ----------------------- IBM Certification Program 1-800-992-4777 IBM Developer Connection for OS/2 1-800-561-5293 IBM Customer Assistance Group 1-800-465-1234 IBM DB/2 Developer Assistance Program 1-800-627-8363 IBM Direct 1-800-465-7999 IBM Education Services 1-800-661-2131 IBM HelpFax 1-800-465-3299 IBM Publications 1-905-316-7000 CompuServe 1-800-848-8199 IBM Canada OS/2 BBS: Montreal 1-514-938-3022 Toronto 1-905-316-4255 Vancouver 1-604-664-6464 ======================================================================== +-----------------------------------------+ | The IBM Developer Assistance Program in | emeadap | Europe, Middle East, and Africa | +-----------------------------------------+ As the computer industry shifts to new forms of development to meet the demands of client/server computing, the abilities of the software developer also need to evolve and expand. Fully exploiting the power and potential of the latest advanced operating systems, together with related products and technologies, places heavy demands on developers. For software developers using IBM's OS/2 and OS/2-based products, the IBM Developer Assistance Program in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA DAP) meets these demands, and provides much more besides. The EMEA DAP is open to any developer in EMEA who is actively developing for OS/2, be it a device driver, a commercial product, a line-of-business application, or a set of SOM objects. Join the EMEA DAP and move into the fast lane of OS/2 development! Bulletin-Board Service and CD-ROMs ---------------------------------- As a DAP member, you can access our dedicated EMEA DAP Bulletin Board Service (BBS) and benefit from the wealth of tools, information, and advice that we make available. The BBS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It enables fellow OS/2 developers around the world to exchange ideas and information, getting rapid responses from the experts. Support is provided by our own OS/2 Certified Engineers, developers in the IBM programming labs, and even other DAP members. Our electronic repositories provide a comprehensive collection of many IBM-developed OS/2 tools, documentation, fixes, sample code, electronic newsletters, news items, and marketing material to support your development efforts. We periodically mail out the latest offers to EMEA DAP members, as well as DAP Library CD-ROMs, which conveniently package together much of the information available on the bulletin board, making this information readily accessible. In order to make the BBS connection affordable for the developer, we have installed local systems in many countries throughout EMEA, which shadow the central BBS machine in Basingstoke UK. Members of the DAP in those countries now no longer need to make an international telephone call to connect to the DAP BBS. Local access to the DAP BBS will be provided in more countries in the near future. And what's more, it is all currently free of charge! Discounts --------- Selected promotions and discounts may be available when purchasing IBM PC hardware, OS/2 software, and OS/2-related publications. These discount programs vary by country, and your local IBM DAP contact will be pleased to tell you if such a program is available in your country. Technical Seminars ------------------ Technical seminars are held several times per year in different countries, and the DAP program provides early information to members about the dates and venues. These seminars are an excellent way to learn about the latest developments in OS/2, and talk directly with the IBM developers themselves. HelpFax ------- IBM HelpFax is an automated document-delivery system available on demand from your telephone, 24 hours a day. HelpFax offers a wide variety of information about IBM products and services, including "What's New", "Operating Systems", "Networking", "Database and Client/Server", through to "Marketing Brochures and Announcements". Your chosen documents will be sent directly to your specified fax machine. Application Marketing --------------------- IBM support does not end once you have developed your product ... We have a variety of marketing programs to help you market your OS/2 product to the OS/2 community around the world. Most are free, but others are available at a nominal charge to help cover costs. Details about the current programs will be posted on the BBS or mailed out. CompuServe Support ------------------ The IBM Worldwide Developer Assistance Program provides a complimentary service which is open to individuals without company or product prerequisites. Worldwide DAP services include a variety of technical, business, and marketing support services, provided through CompuServe. Enrollment is done electronically through either the CompuServe information service or by requesting an enrollment form from Internet. Programming Tools and Information --------------------------------- The EMEA DAP, through the BBS and DAP Library CD-ROMs, provides developers with the latest OS/2 programming tools and information that are generally (freely) available. An essential complement to our services is The Developer Connection for OS/2, which provides additional professional tools, utilities, product demos, information, and sample code from IBM and others. For a low-cost subscription to The Developer Connection for OS/2, you will receive four quarterly updates in the form of a CD-ROM and a newsletter. Support is provided through The Developer Connection for OS/2 forum on CompuServe, as well as the CF.DEVCON customer forum on the EMEA DAP BBS. Subscriptions to The Developer Connection for OS/2 are available from IBM Direct Services in Copenhagen, Denmark. More Information ---------------- To obtain more information about the EMEA DAP, IBM Direct Services, or any other service we offer, please use one of the following means: HelpFax: If you have a touch-tone telephone, call our IBM HelpFax automated response system in the UK at +44 (0)256 50096. Request document number 33001 for an EMEA DAP application form, or 1000 for the index of documents. TeleFax: +44 (0)256 336778 Internet: Post: IBM Developer Assistance Program Normandy House, PO Box 32 Alencon Link, Basingstoke Hants. RG21 1EJ, England ======================================================================== +----------------------------------+ | IBM Device Driver Support Center | ddsc +----------------------------------+ If you are developing a device driver for OS/2, you need to know about the IBM Device Driver Support Center, your one-stop shopping for: o Worldwide device-driver developer support o The DUDE, a dedicated BBS providing up-to-the minute information solely for device-driver developers, as well as problem assistance. The BBS phone number is 1-407-982-3217, with settings 8, N, 1, and transmission rate 9600 bps. Contact the DUDE for more information about: -- Logo program -- Test program -- Driver distribution program -- DUDE-ads o Specialized device-driver development workshops The DDSC team is in place to support your questions and education needs. The team's voice-mail phone number, available at all times, is 1-407-982-4239. ======================================================================== +------------------------------------------------+ | DB2 Client/Server Developer Assistance Program | db2cs +------------------------------------------------+ ISVs who want to enable their products for DB2/2 should also join the DB2 Client/Server Developer Assistance Program (DB2 C/S DAP). ISVs who join this program get a free copy of DB2/2 for enablement (development and testing) purposes only. In addition, the receive free DB2/2 technical support while they enable their products for DB2/2. To join the DB2/2 C/S DAP, call 1-800-627-8363 within the USA. ======================================================================== +----------------------+ | CICS OS/2 Developers | os2cics +----------------------+ ISVs who want to evaluate how their product or service could exploit the capabilities of CICS OS/2 Version 2 can obtain CICS OS/2 V2 code, documentation, educational video, and technical support. The code has a 90-day life, and is for development, test, and demonstration purposes only. Unlimited-life code is available to ISVs who are willing to commit to produce a product or service that exploits CICS OS/2. For more information, contact Fred Holland at 1-301-240-8143, fax 1-301-240-8836. ======================================================================== +----------------------------+ | TCP/IP for OS/2 Developers | os2tcp +----------------------------+ ISVs who have products that interoperate with the IBM TCP/IP V2.0 for OS/2 product, or who wish to enable their products to do so, should join the TCP/IP Application Partners Program (TAPP). ISVs who join TAPP get a copy of TCP/IP for OS/2 for enablement (development and testing) purposes only. To join the TAPP, call 1-919-254-2679. ======================================================================== +----------------+ | AIX POWER Team | poweraix +----------------+ The POWER Team is an exciting program developed just for you, the developer. It is tailored to help you gain access to the IBM tools that can help build and grow your product in the AIX marketplace, using IBM's POWER architecture and the RISC System/6000. Membership in the POWER Team program allows you to take advantage of a variety of programs, which include: Technical Support ----------------- Choose from our menu of special fee-based technical support programs. You may select the type of technical support that is best for your development situation: o Porting assistance o Ongoing technical support o Consulting services - Design reviews - Performance tuning - On-site consulting o Benchmarking o Remote access to an RS/6000 Development ----------- Receive information and tools to assist you in your ongoing development activities: o Electronic technical/marketing bulletin board o Question-and-answer database o Early product information o Access to AIX public-domain software o Porting information / white papers Equipment --------- Enjoy the availability of equipment without straining your budget: o RS/6000 Developer's Discount Program o RS/6000 Leasing Program o RS/6000 Rentals Marketing --------- Expand your marketing opportunities through our programs: o AIX Power Solutions Catalog - 50-word product description in magazine format - Up to 5 pages of marketing / product information via fax - Advertising discounts available for POWER team members - Call 1-415-855-3333 and request a document or catalog o IBM's online databases for AIX solutions Education --------- Keep your leading edge with information about the latest products, new technologies, and trends: o POWER conferences - Technical conferences for independent software and hardware developers. o AIXpert magazine subscription - Quarterly technical publication with a distribution of 25,000 - Advertising discounts available for POWER team members o Seminars / classes Information ----------- Learn about the many programs and facilities that IBM has to offer. Making it easier for you to work with IBM is an important goal of this program. POWER Team members receive technical, business, and marketing information on a regular basis. Who is Eligible? ---------------- The POWER Team is intended for developers working on products for commercial release. You are eligible to participate in the program if: o You are currently developing products for AIX and the RISC System/6000 o You are currently marketing AIX or UNIX products. More Information ---------------- For more information, call the POWER Team information line at 1-800-222-2363 within the USA, and request additional information and a membership application. Become a member of the POWER Team, and work with IBM to expand your sales and marketing opportunities, take advantage of the technical support and equipment offerings, and keep on the leading edge of new technologies. ======================================================================== +--------------------------------+ | AS/400 Partners in Development | part400 +--------------------------------+ Partners in Development builds on the ASsociation/400 business partner support program. Through Partners in Development, IBM will provide extensive technical support from the AS/400 Software Partner Lab in Rochester, Minnesota, and at application support centers around the world. Because ASsociation/400 is the primary communication vehicle for the new Partners in Development organization, the entry membership fee for ASsociation/400 for 1994 has been reduced to 250 USD per year. Technical support will include hands-on courses on product strategies, early development for unannounced products, and post-announce product issues. It will include courses for developers seeking to exploit emerging technologies, including: o Client/server implementation o Object-oriented programming o Multimedia o Imaging o Fax and mobile network access o Integrated Language Environment (ILE) assistance o OS/400 assistance Customized courses also will be offered at vendor sites. In addition, Partners in Development has a toll-free phone number, 1-800-365-4426, extension 400, through which independent software vendors can get immediate help finding the appropriate person to assist with any AS/400 matter. Partners in Development also will assist in vendors' marketing and delivery programs. For example, vendors will be able to work with the Rochester lab's fulfillment center on their system configuration proposals for customers, and to get their offerings included in IBM configuration proposals. In addition, they will be able to have their offerings pre-loaded in systems shipped directly from IBM. Assistance is also available to business partners using the IBM AS/400 Portable One, a full-function, portable model. AS/400 Partners in Development also includes electronic access to IBM developers through ASsociation/400 On-Line. The interactive service provides all schedules, new offerings, and changes via a regular newsletter and special mailings. It also includes developers' forums, question-and-answer access to IBM technical support staff, bulletin boards, and computer industry trade articles. On-line support also will be available to vendors seeking to enhance their marketing efforts with IBM's new Portable Sales Automation System (PSAS). PSAS is a portable configurator and a suite of automated selling tools with leading-edge graphics that runs on PC laptop or notebook computers. Membership in ASsociation/400 continues to provide its members with benefits including developer support and two free software licenses per year for IBM software development tools and products such as ImagePlus and Ultimedia. ASsociation/400 members also receive education discounts and developer leases. ======================================================================== +---------------------------------+ | Object Connection for VisualAge | connobj +---------------------------------+ The Object Connection is a program for fostering an "objects" aftermarket for IBM's new VisualAge development system. It is designed to help you develop and sell VisualAge objects, or parts, for the open market. These parts must be written to the interface specifications provided in the IBM manual titled "Construction from Parts Architecture: Building Parts for Fun and Profit". Who Can Join? ------------- Enterprises interested in assessing the prospect of building VisualAge objects (or parts) from the open market are eligible for membership in the Object Connection. Object Connection Services -------------------------- Members are entitled to: o A development license for VisualAge at very favorable terms o Marketing assistance o Technical support - access via an 800 phone number to VisualAge Technical Consultants on a call-back basis - technical documentation updates - interactive technical support on CompuServe More Information ---------------- To join, call VisualAge's Object Connection Program at 1-800-IBM-CARY (1-800-426-2279) within the USA, and request a program information package and membership application. Fill out the application form and return it to the Object Connection Program. The program manager will call you for a telephone interview. ======================================================================== +-------------------+ | PenAssist Program | helppen +-------------------+ The IBM Pen Developer Assistance Program (PenAssist) is designed especially for the developer of pen software. The program is tailored to help you develop applications in the emerging technology. PenAssist Programs ------------------ Membership in the PenAssist program allows you to take advantage of a variety of programs: o Access to IBM test centers - Located in Palo Alto CA and Atlanta GA - Equipped with an IBM PS/2 and digitizing pads. The PS/2 has PenDOS SDK and Pen for OS/2 installed. o Electronic mail. Enrolled developers can send to and receive messages directly from the software developers' support organization. o IBM pen software CompuServe forum, a forum for pen and mobile systems. IBM monitors this forum and provides responses to inquiries. o Special software discounts: - PenDOS SDK - Pen for OS/2 SDK - Pen development tools o Special hardware discounts: - Special prices on pen hardware from IBM and other manufacturers. - Eligibility to receive a 50 percent discount on selected IBM printers and features. - Notification of special promotional offerings. o IBM Fax Information Service - Provides immediate information about IBM's pen and mobile software systems and other IBM products and services. - Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, free of charge. o Marketing - Pen application catalog - Personal Computer Company BBS - applications will be listed in this database at no additional charge. - Business-show support - A single point of contact will be provided to assist with reviewing development and marketing relationships. Who is Eligible? ---------------- o Developers of pen applications o Developers of commercially available applications o Corporations developing pen applications for their own use. More Information ---------------- For more information about PenAssist, call 1-800-627-8363 within the USA, or fax to 1-404-835-9444. ======================================================================== +-------------------------------------------------+ | Q and A About The Developer Connection for OS/2 | devconqa +-------------------------------------------------+ Q1. What is The Developer Connection for OS/2? A1. The Developer Connection for OS/2 is an annual subscription program for application developers. Its purpose is to deliver: licenses to developers for toolkits, productivity tools, development tools, and sample code; licenses to the latest pre-release code, so developers can prepare for and simulate future environments; and the most up-to-date versions of technical documentation about OS/2. The Developer Connection for OS/2 consists of four issues (CDs and a newsletter) delivered over the course of one year, plus access to The Developer Connection section of the OS2DF2 forum on CompuServe until the subscription expires. For those subscribers who are not members of CompuServe, IBM has established the DEVCON CFORUM on the OS/2 BBS under TalkLink (TalkLink is a feature under the IBMLink Commercial Services), and Internet support by addressing your questions and comments to Q2. What does The Developer Connection cost? A2. An annual subscription entitles the subscriber to four issues of the CD(s) and newsletter, plus access to a private section of the CompuServe OS2DF2 forum. Customers may also purchase additional licenses, which allow for making one additional copy of the contents of the four issues of the CD(s) and newsletters and one additional license to use the code delivered on the CDs. In the USA, prices are: Annual Additional Subscription License Regular 199 USD 75 USD Price DAP Commercial/ 119 USD 45 USD Premier Price Student/Faculty 119 USD not available Price In Canada, prices are: Annual Subscription 225.00 CDN (same price for DAP members) Additional License no charge In Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, prices are: Annual DAP Discount Currency Subscription Price Austrian Schilling 2.669,00 1.599,00 Belgian Franc 7.951,00 4.763,00 British Pounds 150,00 90,00 Danish Kroner 1.497,00 897,00 Dutch Gylden 339,00 257,00 Finnish Finmarks 1.337,00 801,00 French Francs 1.309,00 784,00 German Marks 380,00 228,00 Greek Drachmas 55.305,00 33.132,00 Irish Pounds 159,00 95,00 Italian Lire 335.229,00 212.810,00 Norwegian Kroner 1.651,00 989,00 Portuguese Escudos 38.578,00 23.111,00 Spanish Pesetas 30.592,00 8.327,00 Swedish Kroner 1.803,00 1.080,00 Swiss Francs 337,00 202,00 Israel (currency USD) 217.00 USD 130.00 USD and Turkey Q3. If I belong to the DAP, do I get a discount? A3. Members of US Commercial Services or US Premier Services within the US Developer Assistance Program may purchase The Developer Connection at a reduced price, 119 USD for an annual subscription and 45 USD for each additional license. US members of the Worldwide DAP, however, purchase The Developer Connection at the regular 199 USD price. European DAP members may purchase The Developer Connection at a reduced rate. When members call to order, the operators will give the reduced price in the appropriate currency. Q4. What does The Developer Connection CD contain? A4. The CD(s) contains pre-release versions of many IBM OS/2 and LAN products, internal development and productivity tools, bitmaps, and demos of products from IBM and others. Each CD also includes the latest release level of The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2, the Multimedia Presentation Manager Toolkit/2, and the Pen for OS/2 Developer's Toolkit. In addition to these programs, the CD contains sample source code that can be used to develop your own applications. The CD also contains thousands of pages of documentation, with a search facility. Q5. What advantages do I get from the CompuServe forum for DevCon that I didn't have before? A5. Subscribing to The Developer Connection entitles you to access the private Developer Connection section of the OS2DF2 forum on CompuServe. IBM developers will be answering questions and carrying on dialogs with subscribers on a full-time basis and will respond to your comments/issues/questions on a timely basis. Q6. How many copies of DevCon do I have to subscribe to for my company? I have many programmers, do I have to buy one for each? A6. After your company has purchased its initial subscription to The Developer Connection, you may buy as many additional licenses as you want. For each additional license you order, 4 times over the year you will receive the current newsletter and a Proof of Additional License certificate, which entitles you to make one additional copy of the contents of the current CD volume. Additional licenses work best for Local Area Network development environments. (Example; If you have 10 developers on a LAN, you could buy one regular license and 9 additional licenses.) Q7. I've heard that the DevCon program will grow in the future. What will I see over the next year? A7. The Developer Connection for Image Plus Visualinfo was just recently announced. Future direction for The Developer Connection has not been announced; however, we are considering CDs for specific areas of interest to developers such as: Device Driver Source, AIX, Object Oriented, etc. Q8. Does my license to use the release-level toolkits contained on The Developer Connection CD end if I do not renew my subscription at the end of my annual membership? A8. In general, the license to use the code on each Developer Connection CD is shipped with the CD and expires 120 days after receipt of that issue or upon receipt of the next CD issue, whichever comes first. However, your licenses to the following toolkits continue beyond expiration of your subscription: The Developer's Toolkit for OS/2, Multimedia Presentation Manager Toolkit/2, and Pen for OS/2 Developer's Toolkit. As long as you adhere to the terms and conditions of the agreement, your license to the abovementioned toolkits does not terminate. Q9. Is the Developer Connection program available outside North America? A9. The DevCon program has been announced in the US, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Mexico, Brazil, and the Asia / Pacific countries. It is currently available in all of these geographies. Q10.How do I subscribe to The Developer Connection for OS/2? A10.In the US, you can subscribe to The Developer Connection for OS/2 by calling 1-800-6-DEVCON (1-800-633-8266), 1-303-330-7655(fax). In Canada, call 1-800-561-5293. In Brazil, call 0800-111205 (voice), (011)886-3222 (fax) In Mexico, call 627-2444 (within Mexico City) 91-800 00639 (other locations in Mexico) To order in Europe, call IBM ISMC in Denmark. Please ensure that you dial the international access code applicable to your country BEFORE dialing the appropriate phone number. Operators speaking the following languages are available. Note that 45 is the country code for Denmark. Internat. Language Dial code Number -------- ---------- ------ Dutch: Denmark=45 +48101400 English: Denmark=45 +48101500 French: Denmark=45 +48101200 German: Denmark=45 +48101000 Italian: Denmark=45 +48101600 Spanish: Denmark=45 +48101100 TeleFax: Denmark=45 +48142207 In Asia/Pacific, call 61-2-354-7684 (voice), 61-2-354-7766 (fax). Note that 61 is the country code for Australia. Q11.The back of the newsletter says "For CompuServe membership information, call........ You will receive a special introductory membership for IBM customers". What does the special intro offer include? A11.The special introductory offer includes: - A brochure with an ID and password - One month of basic services for free - 15 USD of free extended services - Free subscription to CompuServe magazine To obtain a CompuServe ID, or just to inquire about membership, call one of the following numbers, and ask for Representative 239: From the United Kingdom, call 0800 289 378 From Germany, call 0130 37 32 From other countries in Europe, call (+44) (+272) 255 111 From the USA, call 1-800-524-3388 From elsewhere, call 1-614-457-0802 Q12.If I have a CompuServe id, how do I gain access to the private Developer Connection section of the OS2DF2 forum? A12.The Developer Connection section on the OS2DF2 forum is the way to obtain technical support and also to exchange messages, ideas, comments and concerns with The Developer Connection for OS/2 team and forum members. To obtain access to this private section, send an E-mail note containing your Developer Connection subscription number to the Developer Connection Administrator at CompuServe user id 73423,2767. You will receive notification of access to the Developer Connection section within 2 business days. To access the forum, type GO OS2DF2 at the prompt, then select the Developer Connection section. Q13.Is there any other electronic support for The Developer Connection for OS/2? A13.Yes, IBM has established the DEVCON CFORUM on the OS/2 BBS under TalkLink (TalkLink is a feature under the IBMLink Commercial Services). For more information, customers in the USA may call 1-800-547-1283, and customers outside of the USA should contact their local IBM Marketing Representative. Support is also available thru the Internet by addressing your questions and comments to ======================================================================== subdcos2 +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Subscription Information for The Developer Connection for OS/2 | | and the IBM Device Driver Source Kit (DDK) for OS/2 | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ The following list of phone and fax numbers was published in Volume 3 of The Developer Connection News. The list applies to two products: o The Developer Connection for OS/2 o IBM Device Driver Source Kit (DDK) for OS/2 The phone numbers shown are for ordering both products unless otherwise specified. To order within the USA: Call 1-800-633-8266, or fax to 1-303-330-7655. NOTE: Commercial and Premier Services DAP members in the USA are eligible for a discounted price for The Developer Connection for OS/2. When ordering, be sure to specify that you are a Commercial and Premier Services DAP member, and give your membership number. Additional numbers for ordering the IBM Device Driver Source Kit for OS/2: Call 1-407-982-4239, or use the DUDE BBS, 1-407-982-3217. To order within Canada: For The Developer Connection for OS/2 and the IBM Device Driver Source Kit for OS/2, call 1-800-561-5293. To order within Brazil: For The Developer Connection for OS/2, call 0800-111205, or fax to (011) 886-3222. For the IBM Device Driver Source Kit for OS/2, call 02-1-800-6120, or fax to 02-1-800-6936. (02 is the country code for Brazil.) To order within Mexico: For the Developer Connection for OS/2, call 627-2444 within Mexico City, or +91-800-00639 elsewhere in Mexico. To order within Asia/Pacific Countries: Be sure to dial your country's international access code before dialing the listed phone number. 61 is the country code for Australia. Call +61-2-354-7684, or fax to +61-2-354-7766. To order within Europe: If you live outside the USA, Canada, Asia/Pacific countries, Brazil, or Mexico, you can order directly from the IBM Software Manufacturing Center in Copenhagen, Denmark. Be sure to dial your country's international access code before dialing the appropriate phone number or fax number listed below. 45 is the country code for Denmark. Operators speaking the following languages are available. Language Phone Number -------- ------------ Dutch 45-4-810-1400 English 45-4-810-1500 French 45-4-810-1200 German 45-4-810-1000 Italian 45-4-810-1600 Spanish 45-4-810-1100 Fax 45-4-814-2207 ======================================================================== +---------------------------------------------+ | Professional Certification Program from IBM | certprof | for OS/2 and LAN Server | +---------------------------------------------+ IBM's Personal Software Products division sponsors a Professional Certification Program from IBM for its OS/2 and LAN Server products. To gain certification, individuals demonstrate their proficiency in supporting selected products from IBM's PSP by passing a series of tests. Four Certified Roles -------------------- Individuals, rather than organizations, can receive certification in the following roles: o Certified OS/2 Engineer Provides the skills to support OS/2 installations and develop expertise in fine-tuning and customizing OS/2 platform systems. o Certified OS/2 Instructor Helps candidates teach certified OS/2 engineers through extensive training and testing. o Certified LAN Server Administrator Develops the skills necessary to support day-to-day network operations, such as backing up the server, maintaining security, and loading applications. o Certified LAN Server Engineer Provides service and support skills for LAN Server networks, including network design, performance tuning, and installation. o Certified LAN Server Instructor Enables participants to teach certified LAN Server engineers and LAN Server administrators through extensive training and testing. Testing ------- Certification testing is administered by Drake Training and Technologies, a worldwide provider of certification testing in the computer industry. Classroom education is offered through the extensive network of IBM Education and Training division and IBM Licensed Education Center locations (in the United States only). More Information ---------------- CERT94.ZIP, in the IBM/PSP Marketing Library (lib 8 of the OS2USER forum), contains sample tests, test objectives, and program descriptions for the current programs. For more information about the PSP Professional Certification Program from IBM, contact Drake Training and Technologies: United States and Canada 1-800-959-3926 Germany, Austria, Switzerland, +49 (0) 211 500 9950 Italy, Eastern Europe United Kingdom, Ireland, Scandinavia, +44 (0) 71 437 6900 The Middle East, South Africa France, Spain, Portugal, North Africa +33 (0) 1 4289 8749 Japan +81 3 3269 9620 Australia +61 2 414 3666 Latin America -fax request to US: 1-612-896-7020 (include the name Melissa Loh and phone number 1-612-896-7458) ======================================================================== +---------------------------------------------+ | IBM Independent/International Vendor League | ivlibm +---------------------------------------------+ The IBM Independent/International Vendor League (IVL) supports developers of non-software products (books, magazines, training videos, and courses) and providers of consulting services for the same IBM software products (OS/2, etc.). The IVL also helps vendors with technical and marketing support such as their product accreditation program and listings in the IBM Sources & Solutions directory. The IVL offers the IVL News Service, which delivers vendor product announcements and other newsworthy items electronically to the media. To join the IVL, call 1-203-452-7704, fax 1-203-268-1075, or e-mail GailO@VNet.IBM.Com. IVL members can contact the IVL News Service at IVLInfo@VNet.IBM.Com, or voice/fax 1-407-495-4421. ======================================================================== +-------------------+ | 800 Phone Numbers | 800nos +-------------------+ The 800 phone numbers below come from two sources: (1) This issue and preceding issues of PSP Developer Support News (2) Information posted on IBM internal forums. POWER Team Information Line 1-800-222-2363 Common Desktop Environment Developers Conference 1-800-225-4698 OS/2 Multimedia Tools 1-800-228-8584 OS/2 Dealer Locator Service 1-800-237-4824 IBM National Service/IBM Support Center * 1-800-237-5511 IBM Multimedia Help Center 1-800-241-1620 OS/2 Performance Beta II CD-ROM 1-800-251-2177 IBM PSP Developer Support Marketing Center * 1-800-285-2936 Housing Management for OS/2 Technical Update '94 1-800-338-6638 IBM LAN Server 4.0 Beta 1-800-339-8922 (in Canada, 1-800-561-5293) OS/2 Sales 1-800-342-6672 (in Canada, 1-800-465-7999) AS/400 Partners in Development 1-800-365-4426 PC DOS Beta-Test Hotline * 1-800-368-8365 IBM International Marketing Information 1-800-426-1774 IBM National Telesales Marketing (IBMCALL) 1-800-426-2255 IBM Cary (North Carolina) Customer Center 1-800-426-2279 Boca Raton Technical Services Software System Test 1-800-426-2622 IBM Direct 1-800-426-2968 (in Canada, 1-800-465-7999) DCE Client for Windows Beta Program and 1-800-426-3040 LAN NetView Extended Beta Test (in Canada, 1-800-561-5293) IBM general information 1-800-426-3333 (in Canada, 1-800-465-1234) IBM Business Partner Locator (PS/2 Dealers) 1-800-426-3377 IBM FAX Information Service 1-800-426-4329 (in Canada, HELPFAX, 1-800-465-3299) IBM Worldwide Industry Hardware Support 1-800-426-4579 IBM Translation Manager Support Center 1-800-426-4862 PS/2, PS/1, PC publications 1-800-426-7282 IBM Education and Training 1-800-426-8322 (in Canada, 1-800-661-2131) The Corner Store 1-800-428-9672 Programmer's Paradise 1-800-445-7899 Integrated Systems Solutions Corporation 1-800-472-4772 Personal Software Products Advertising Program 1-800-491-5740 OS/2 2.1 and OS/2 2.1 for Windows ServicePaks 1-800-494-3044 CompuServe Membership * 1-800-524-3388 International Conference Resorts of America Travel 1-800-544-2432 Services (for ColoradOS/2 conference) AT&T Business Translations (DAP member phone number) 1-800-544-5721 Personal Systems Competency Center + TALKLink (OS2BBS) 1-800-547-1283 (in Canada: IBMLink, 1-800-268-3100; Customer Assistance group, 1-800-465-1234) IBM AntiVirus Direct 1-800-551-3579 Software Vendor Systems Center 1-800-553-1623 several Developer Assistance Programs * 1-800-627-8363 Berlitz Translation Services 1-800-628-4808 (in Canada, 1-800-387-5500) IBM Developer Connection for OS/2 1-800-633-8266 (in Canada, 1-800-561-5293) IBM Direct Response Marketing 1-800-633-8266 OS/2 Technical Update '95 Registration 1-800-636-6634 GEnie 1-800-638-8369 ColoradOS/2 Conference * 1-800-648-5717 Carlson Travel Network (for OS/2 Technical Update '94) 1-800-666-8889 IBM Custom Application Porting Workshops 1-800-678-31UP Personal Systems Technical Solutions magazine 1-800-678-8014 Delphi 1-800-695-4005 CGI Systems 1-800-722-1866 IBM AntiVirus Services Marketing 1-800-742-2493 IBM Support Family Information Center 1-800-742-9235 IBM Midwestern Customer Service Center 1-800-756-4426 Personal Systems HelpCenter 1-800-772-2227 (in Canada, 1-800-237-5511) PRODIGY 1-800-776-0845 and 1-800-776-3449 Indelible Blue, Inc. 1-800-776-8284 (in Canada, 1-800-672-4255) Personal Systems Support Family 1-800-799-7765 America Online 1-800-827-6364 IBM Technical Directory 1-800-832-4347 Business Depot, Inc. 1-800-844-8448 CompuServe * 1-800-848-8199 IBM PSP Technical Interchange Registration * 1-800-872-7109 IBM Publications (Software Manufacturing Solutions) 1-800-879-2755 IBM Ultimedia Tools Series 1-800-887-7771 PenDOS Software Developer Kit 1-800-888-8242 IBM Software Manufacturing Company 1-800-926-0364 OS/2 Developer magazine 1-800-926-8672 OS/2 Free Seminar Enrollment 1-800-937-3737 DB2 Technical Conference 1-800-955-1238 Drake Training and Technologies (for Professional * 1-800-959-3926 Certification Program from IBM) IBM Customer Support Center 1-800-967-7882 IBM Software Solution Services/Personal Systems Support * 1-800-992-4777 Family * indicates the number works in Canada also ======================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------+ | Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, Service Marks | tmarks +--------------------------------------------------+ (R) AIX, AIX SystemView NetView/6000, APL2, APL2/6000, Application System/400, AS/400, AT, Audio Visual Connection, BookManager, Communications Manager/2, C Set/2, DB2, DisplayWrite, HelpCenter, HelpWare, IBM, ImagePlus, LAN NetView, LAN NetView Fix, LAN NetView Manage, LAN NetView Monitor, LAN NetView Scan, LAN NetView Monitor, LAN Server, Micro Channel, NetView, NetView/6000, Operating System/2, Operating System/400, OS/2, OS/400, Pen for OS/2, Personal Computer AT, Personal System/2, Presentation Manager, PS/1, PS/2, RISC System/6000, RISC/6000, S/390, SQL/400, Systems Application Architecture, TALKLink, ThinkPad, Ultimedia, and XGA are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. (R) Apple, Bento, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Corp. (R) ATI is a registered trademark of ATI Technologies, Inc. (R) BIX is a registered trademark of General Videotex Corp. (R) Cirrus Logic is a registered trademark of Cirrus Technology, Inc. (R) COMDEX is a registered trademark of The Interface Group, Inc. (R) CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe, Inc. (R) Computer Associates is a registered trademark of Computer Associates International, Inc. (R) dBASE is a registered trademark of Borland International. (R) Epson is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corp. (R) GEnie is a registered service mark of General Electric Information Services Co. (R) Headland is a registered trademark of Headland, Inc. (R) Hitachi is a registered trademark of Hitachi Corp. (R) HP, LaserJet, DeskJet, OpenView, and PaintJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Co. (R) IEEE is a registered trademark of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. (R) Intel and Indeo are registered trademarks of Intel Corp. (R) Internet is a registered trademark of Internet, Inc. (R) ISO is a registered trademark of the International Organization for Standardization. (R) Lotus, Lotus Notes, and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corp. (R) MicroGate is a registered trademark of Gateway Microsystems, Inc. (R) Microsoft and Microsoft C are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. (R) NEC is a registered trademark of NEC Corp. (R) NetWare, NetWare Server, and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. (R) Object Management Group and OMG are registered trademarks of Object Management Group, Inc. (R) OPEN LOOK and UNIX are registered trademarks of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. (R) Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corp. (R) PenDOS is a registered trademark of Communication Intelligence Corp. (R) PRODIGY is a registered trademark of PRODIGY Services Corp. (R) Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Corp. (R) Sybase is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc. (R) Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc. (R) ToolTalk and SunSoft are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. (R) Toshiba is a registered trademark of Toshiba Corp. (R) True Type is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. (R) UNIX is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. (R) Walt Disney World is a registered trademark of Walt Disney Productions. (R) Western Digital is a registered trademark of Western Digital Corp. (R) WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corp. (R) Xerox is a registered trademark of Xerox Corp. (TM) AIX/6000, APPN, BonusPak, Certified LAN Server Engineer, Certified OS/2 Engineer, CICS, CICS/ESA, CICS MVS, CICS OS/2, CICS VSE, Common User Access, C Set ++, CUA, Current, DATABASE 2, DataHub, DB2, DB2/2, DB2/6000, DDCS/2, The Developer Connection for OS/2, DISTRIBUTED DATABASE CONNECTION SERVICES/2, Distributed Relational Database Architecture, DRDA, Extended Services for OS/2, IBMLink, IMS Client Server/2, Information Warehouse, LANStreamer, Library Reader, LinkWay, Matinee, Midware, Multimedia Presentation Manager/2, Natural Computing, NAVIGATOR, NetSp, NetView DM, PCjr, PenAssist, Person to Person, Personal Information Manager, PlayAtWill, PowerPC, PowerPC 601, PowerOpen, RETAIN, SAA, SOM, SOMobjects, SQL/DS, Storyboard, SuperStor/DS, SYSINFO, Ultimotion, VSE/ESA, WIN-OS/2, VisualAge, VisualGen, Workplace Shell, and XT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. (TM) ActionMedia, DVI, Indeo, and Intel386 are trademarks of Intel Corp. (TM) Adobe, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Premiere are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. (TM) AST is a trademark of AST Research, Inc. (TM) Borland, Paradox, and Quattro Pro are trademarks of Borland International. (TM) CasePoint is a trademark of Inference Corp. (TM) Central Point Backup is a trademark of Central Point Software, Inc. (TM) ColoradOS/2 is a trademark of Kovsky Conference Productions, Inc. (TM) Dialcom 400 is a trademark of BT Tymnet. (TM) DirecPC and DIRECTV are trademarks of Hughes Network Systems, Inc. (TM) Drake Training and Technologies is a trademark of Drake Training and Technologies. (TM) EasyLink and AT&T Mail are trademarks of AT&T. (TM) Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corp. (TM) Excel is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. (TM) FaxWorks is a trademark of SofNet, Inc. (TM) GEIS Quick Comm is a trademark of General Electric Information Services Co. (TM) HyperACCESS and HyperACCESS Lite are trademarks of Hilgraeve, Inc. (TM) LAN Workplace is a trademark of Novell, Inc. (TM) Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer Corp. (TM) MCI Mail is a trademark of MCI. (TM) Mesa and MOLI are trademarks of Athena Design, Inc. (TM) Micro Focus is a trademark of Micro Focus Ltd. (TM) Open Software Foundation, OSF, OSF/1, and Motif are trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. (TM) OpenDoc is a trademark of Apple Computer Corp. (TM) ORACLE Server and ORACLE7 are trademarks of Oracle Corp. (TM) PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. (TM) PC/TCP is a trademark of FTP Software Inc. (TM) Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corp. (TM) PhoenixCARD Manager Plus is a trademark of Phoenix Technologies, Inc. (TM) PostScript and Adobe Type Manager are trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. (TM) PSN and Private Satellite Network are trademarks of Private Satellite Network, Inc. (TM) RAMBoost is a trademark of Central Point Software, Inc. (TM) SCO is a trademark of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (TM) SmallTalk and Smalltalk V/PM are trademarks of Digitalk Corp. (TM) Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems Inc. (TM) SoundBlaster is a trademark of Creative Labs, Inc. (TM) Source Migration and Analysis Tool (SMART) is a trademark of One Up Corp. (TM) SPARCstation is a trademark of SPARC International, Inc. (TM) Support on Site is a trademark of Ziff-Davis. (TM) TCP with Demand Protocol Architecture is a trademark of 3COM Corp. (TM) TelePad is a trademark of TelePad Corp. (TM) Tusk is a trademark of Tusk, Inc. (TM) Univel is a trademark of Univel. (TM) VX*REXX and WATCOM are trademarks of WATCOM International Corp. (TM) X/Open is a trademark of the X/Open Co., Ltd. (TM) Windows, Win32, Windows NT, and Windows for Workgroups are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. (SM) America Online is a service mark of America Online, Inc. (SM) SprintMail is a service mark of US Sprint. ======================================================================== This concludes 1995 Issue 1 of IBM SDO Developer Support News. Please let us know how we can improve it -- send your feedback to DSNEWS@VNET.IBM.COM. Thank you!