INTRODUCTION ------------ This directory contains PRELIMINARY information on the Long Trail reference design. This reference design is provided by IBM to enable PowerPC OEM customers to easily build Common Hardware Reference Platform (CHRP) compatible desktop uniprocessor PowerPC systems. This ftp site is intended for Alpha customers, IBM field representatives, IBM technical marketing and key development partners. The information is not classified and may be distributed, but please use caution. DISCLAMER --------- Files may be in rough form and are generally written, or provided, for engineers and programmers to develop a Long Trail system or clone. The documents may, and often do, change frequently. It is the user's responsibility to obtain the latest version. FILE FORMAT ----------- Non-Cadence design files are generally in postscript or text format. The file names are obviously geared toward a Unix workstation. For a PC user, the files must be renamed during transfer. Several files in the pass2 subdirectory are Cadence design files. Files with a .tar suffix are compound files that have been "zipped". Files with a .Z suffix have been compressed. INDEX ----- FILE NAME BRIEF DESCRIPTION ============================================================================ /pass1 subdirectory cpu_card_BOM.txt CPU card Bill Of Materials CPU card schematics xx/xx/96 version CPU card specification ltbom_x.x_pass1.txt Bill Of Materials pass1 version x.x Board schematics for pass1 xx/xx/96 version Pass1 ECs #1-xx for boards w/Winbond Pass1 ECs #1-xx for boards w/Tollgate Pass1 Engineering Changes appendix Board specification for pass1 xx/xx/96 version Board logical block diagram for pass1 VLSI MacROM Adapter card schematics macrom_3.3v_spec.txt 3.3V MacROM specification 3.3V MacROM schematics macrom_gerber.tar.Z Gerber files for MacROM build macrom_BOM.txt 3.3V MacROM Bill Of Materials BUD_USER.PS Bring Up Drivers user guide /pass2 subdirectory ltBOM_x-xx_pass2.txt Bill Of Marerials x-xx date lt2bom.exe Board BOM in self-extracting ZIP file Board BOM in compressed postscript format lt_bom.pdf BOM in pdf format lt_tour.pdf Intro presentation in pdf format Board schematics for pass2 xx/xx/96 version Board specification for pass2 xx/xx/96 version ltspec.pdf Board specification for pass2 in pdf format WIREGUIDE2.TXT Board wiring guidelines for pass2 Pass1 to pass2 board differences summary Board logical block diagram for pass2 Board pass2 top placement plot Board Engineering Verification Test plan bud.exe Self-extracting ZIP file - Bring Up Drivers image /pass2.1 subdirectory LT21F_brd0306.Z Board design file LT21Fbom.txt0306 Board Bill Of Materials - text format LT21Fschem.ps0306 pass 2.1 schematics - post script format LT21Fschem_logic_bn_tar.Z Cadance logic design files pass2.1_EC.txt APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING SUPPORT / SITE MAINTENANCE ---------------------------------------------------- Please contact me with any technical questions concerning the Long Trail reference design or suggestions and/or problems with the ftp site. I can be reached @: Rob Marshall Phone: (512) 838-7278 e-mail: