Last updated: January 18, 2005 Interim WAF APARs: Description of APARs that follow PTF SH15297: ----------------------------------------------------- SC37312 -- Level check on file EKDNLSPRF from program EKDNLS03. Format level identifier problem. SC37313 -- MCH4431 when trying to use the TCP/IP version of EKDTIR01. Program signature violation. SC37352 -- IMPORT API fails with an EKD-8948 when importing data type 02 and EKD-8918 when importing data type 01. SC37368 -- DEFFOLD API fails with return code 8207, reason code 39. SC37382 -- No storage class written to the optical store file when WAF's INDEXOBJ API is executed. SC37402 - Option 1 and 2 for "Scanning and case indexing activity" reports on the EKD370 menu fail. SC37404 - Only DOCTYPEs of Security Class 000 are listed during WAF scanning. SC37447 - Auto Import program fails with EKD-9268 if the DOCTYPE's Security Class is not 000. I950 - Internal APAR to address 8 character userid definition in pgms EKD0031, EKD0070, EKD30A4, and CRTFORMOBJ. Directions to download the APAR Fixes: -------------------------------------- 1. Download the appropriate SCNNNNN.SAV file to your PC's hard drive (I use path C:\DOWNLOAD in my example). 2. Create a save file on the AS/400 in library QGPL with the name SCNNNNN. 3. FTP the SCNNNNN.SAV file into the waiting save file in library QGPL. You can do this by going to an MS-DOS prompt and typing: FTP (replace this with the address of your AS/400) BIN PUT C:\DOWNLOAD\SCNNNNN.SAV QGPL/SCNNNNN.SAVF QUIT 4. RSTLIB SAVLIB(@SCNNNNN) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QGPL/SCNNNNN). 5. Grant object authority to this new @SCNNNNN library to the WAF users in xxxGROUP. 6. Add the @SCNNNNN library to the top of the users' library list, or combine these individual @SCnnnnn fixes into a library you create named WAF530LIB. Then add WAF530LIB to the top of the WAF users' jobd. END