Important Info Last Updated: May 13, 2005 To all CM/400 V5R3 customers: ----------------------------- We have found a problem with Content Manager for iSeries (CM/400) Version 5 Release 3 and documents that are reindexed using the CM Client or possibly custom code. This issue does NOT apply to WAF and does NOT apply to CM/400 V5R1. We anticipate that this will only apply to a small percentage of customers, but we wanted to make you aware of the following important issue. Please check your EKD0080 file for the existence of the following VICS-6700 error: VICS670020050511175259CS050 QVIADMIN EKDCS050 6700 EKD0310 OPEN If you find this error in your EKD0080 file, then please read the information below. If your documents initially go into an index class that does not store the documents to optical and then these documents are reindexed into an index class that does store them to optical, the optical store requests will NOT be generated. This can cause a problem if the delete processor is started because the documents MAY be deleted from DASD without having been stored to optical. This ONLY affects customers that have the initial index class set up so that the "Store on optical" flag is set to NO. Also, if you bring a document into one index class and then reindex it and the new index class either increases the days on dasd or changes the storage class, then neither of these events will occur. The "Days on DASD" will not be increased, and the document will stay in the initial storage class where it already resides. If you do have the initial index class (like NOINDEX) defined to use a collection that has "Store on optical" set to N and the document is reindexed later into an index class that is set to "Store to optical = Y", then we suggest that you run a query against the EKD0310 file to find out which documents have a DASD path but NO optical path. If they should have an optical path, then check the EKD0371 and see if there are optical store requests for these documents. If there are no EKD0371 records, then do NOT run the delete processor until new optical store requests can be created for each of these documents. After the documents store to optical, you can run the delete processor. Please open a PMR to discuss an action plan. There is a PTF to fix this problem for future documents, and the PTF number is SI18219 for 5722-VI1. Please download and apply this PTF as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the issue above, please open a PMR at the 1-800-IBM-SERV number. We look forward to discussing this with you. Thanks! Thank you for being an IBM Content Manager for iSeries customer. Have a good day. Your IBM Content Manager for iSeries Support team