PTF SH15232 MIGRATION/INSTALLATION TIPS VisualInfo for AS/400 V5R1 with the WAF feature File date: September 14, 2001 Last modified: November 4, 2002 _________________________________________________ CONTENTS: Section 1: Preparation Steps Section 2: Installation and Migration Instructions Section 3: Post-Migration Instructions Section 4: Multiple WAF Environments Section 5: Getting Help Section 6: WAF Customers that use NON-US English manus and panels _____________________________________________________________________ Section 1: Preparation Steps _____________________________________________________________________ The following steps can be done at any time prior to the WAF PTF installation: 1. GO LICPGM to install VI/400 V5R1 (using the product documentation and VI/400 V5R1 Planning and Installation Guide, SC27-1133). 2. Install the VI/400 V5R1 PTF's (for a list of the current and required PTFs, please see info APAR II12727 at the following web site: Note: You may download these PTFs via ECS, but due to their size, you may want to call SupportLine. We will be glad to order all of them for you on CD-ROM or tape; they will arrive in a day or two. 3. Order WAF PTF SH15232 via ECS or SupportLine (1-800-237-5511). If you use ECS, be sure to specify DELIVERY(*ANY) so that it will arrive on CD-ROM. Note: The save files are also available on the web site: for your convenience. The weekend you plan to migrate, you would need to: 4. Run EKDPOST to migrate VI/400 data from V4R3 to V5R1. 5. Install WAF PTF SH15232 using these directions in addition to the sh15232.txt directions from the web site: _____________________________________________________________________ Section 2: Installation and Migration Instructions _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Sign on as QSECOFR. Change sysval QALWOBJRST to *ALL. Load the IBM Content Manager for iSeries CD-ROM (5722-VI1) into the AS/400's CD-ROM drive. Then type "GO LICPGM". Take option 11, Install Licensed Programs. 2. The system reads the loaded CM/400 CD-ROM. From the list of programs to install, type a "1" next to 5722VI1. Choose "IBM Content Manager for AS/400" and "IBM Content Manager for AS/400 Option 1" from the LPP list. 3. You should receive the message "Work with licensed programs function has completed." 4. Run DSPPTF on 5722VI1 to make sure all the PTFs listed in informational APAR II12727 are listed. You can get to II12727 at the following web site: Run LODPTF and APYPTF to get the appropriate PTFs installed before you run the EKDPOST procedure -- this is crucial! 5. Sign on as QSECOFR and add QVI to your libl. Type EKDPOST and press F4. Post Install CM/400 R510 (EKDPOST) Type choices, press Enter. Type of Install . . . . . . . . > 2 1=New, 2=Existing Environment . . . . . . . . . . > 2 1=Single, 2=Multiple (just one VI/400 env?) CM/400 file Library . . . . . . > EKDLIBFIL QUSRVI, Name (if you want to keep the same name as your exis- ting file library) File library . . . . . . . . . . EKDLIBFIL EKDLIBFIL, Name (your existing libfil library) Additional Parameters Remote Location Name . . . . . . Name Remote File Library . . . . . . Name 3-letter prefix . . . . . . . . QVI 3-letter prefix (cannot be the one you are already using for WAF) 6. After you receive the "Installation completed successfully" message, you are ready to work on the WAF PTF installation. Make sure the CD-ROM of PTF SH15232 is available. This CD-ROM can be ordered via ECS or by calling 1-800-237-5511. Alternatively, you may download to your PC's hard drive the 6 PTF* save files from the web site: 7. Load the WAF feature PTF media. Sign on as QSECOFR. Note: If you use NON US English menus and panels, please read Section 6 below BEFORE you do the following steps!! A) If you receive the save files on CD, run the WRKOPTVOL command to ascertain the Volume name. The example below uses 011105174150. Replace 011105174150 with your Volume label. CPY OBJ('/QOPT/011105174150/PTFFILSF.SAV') + TOOBJ('/QSYS.LIB/QGPL.LIB/PTFFILSF.FILE') REPLACE(*YES) + FROMCCSID(*PCASCII) TOCCSID(*CALC) You can use F9 to retrieve the command and change the OBJ parameter until each of the save files are successfully restored (PTFAPISF.SAV, PTFEXTSF.SAV, PTFFILSF.SAV, PTFINSTSF.SAV, PTFLIBSF.SAV, and PTFTXTSF.SAV). B) If you download the save files from the web site, then create save files PTFFILSF, PTFTXTSF, PTFEXTSF, PTFAPISF, PTFLIBSF and PTFINSTSF in the QGPL library and FTP the files from your PC's hard drive into these waiting save files in QGPL. Don't forget to specify a binary file transfer! 8. Issue the following command from the server command line once the save files have been uploaded. This restores the installation library: RSTLIB SAVLIB(PTFINST) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QGPL/PTFINSTSF). 9. Still signed on as QSECOFR, add PTFINST and the RSTLIB from step 8 (QGPL) to your libl. Then issue EKDPTF and press F4. PTF Install WAF/400 R510 (EKDPTF) Type choices, press Enter. File library . . . . . . . . . . EKDLIBFIL EKDLIBFIL, Name (matches CM/400 file library in step 5) Panel library . . . . . . . . . EKDLIBTXT EKDLIBTXT, Name Exit library . . . . . . . . . . EKDEXIT EKDEXIT, Name API library . . . . . . . . . . EKDAPI EKDAPI, Name Program library . . . . . . . . EKDLIB EKDLIB, Name It will not ask you about EKDGPL. 10. You should get message "EKD-8369 System was successfully installed." The system will have changed your JOBD in your xxxGPL library, and it will have created an xxxSBSJOBD in your new file library, which specifies jobq QSYSNOMAX in QSYS for xxxADMIN (where xxx is the 3-character prefix you specified in step 5). 11. The PTF SH15232 Readme says to make sure your libl is QTEMP, EKDLIBFIL (or whatever you named your "CM/400 file library" in step 5), EKDLIBTXT, EKDEXIT, EKDGPL, EKDAPI, EKDLIB and QGPL. Please note that this libl is for IWPM users. VI Client users should have QTEMP, EKDLIBFIL, QVI and QGPL in their libl. 12. GRTOBJAUT *ALL to all objects in the libraries listed in step 11 and the libraries themselves, to the desired group profiles. 13. Install the WAF fixes for V5R1. These are contained in the WAF510A.BIN file on web site: Once you have downloaded the file in binary format to your PC, you would create a save in QGPL named WAF510A. After FTP'ing the WAF510A.BIN file to the WAF510A save file in QGPL, you would use the RSTLIB command to restore the WAF510A library from the save file. This library should be added as the top library in your WAF users' library list. See the NEWFUNCTN member of the README file in WAF510A library for more installation directions. Do not forget to GRTOBJAUT *ALL to all the objects in WAF510A and the library itself to the desired group profiles. _____________________________________________________________________ Section 3: Post-Migration Instructions _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Make sure that the WAF430LIB (or WAF430A) library name is removed from all V5R1 users' job descriptions' library lists. 2. If you are using the OS/2 Work Management Builder, and you assign a new name for your xxxLIBFIL library during migration to V5R1, you will need to make a change to a message ID in the EKDMSG2 message file. This file is in your newly migrated xxxLIBFIL library. Please change the value of the USR0022 message ID in this file so that it contains the name of your new xxxLIBFIL library. This operation may be accomplished using PDM (Programming Development Manager). If this change is not made, journalling cannot be started (and error message CPF9801 on program EKDJRNSTRB will result). Without journalling started, the user will be unable to run the OS/2 WMB product. 3. If, when trying to run the "Delete work management profiles" option off the EKD300 menu, you receive the message "EKD-6749 Delete profiles were completed unsuccessfully" and the joblog shows that objects EKD0740L3, L4 and L5 were not found and there is a level check on file EKD0740L3, please do the following: Copy the source members EKD0740L3, L4, and L5 from file QDDSSRC in library QVI into file QDDSSRC in library xxxLIBFIL. Please call VisualInfo/400 SupportLine if you need assistance with this task. Copying the source members EKD0740L3, EKD0740L4, and EKD0740L5 into library xxxLIBFIL is all that is needed to fix this error. 4. If, when try to run the IMPORT API in WAF to create a document from a spool file, you receive a "Function check. MCH3601 unmonitored by IMPORT at statement 2581, instruction X'0B6E'", copy the objects IMPTFIL1 and QDDSSRC from library EKD51PTF to your file library (default library name EKDLIBFIL), after making an appropriate backup. _____________________________________________________________________ Section 4: Multiple WAF Environments _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Special care needs to be taken if multiple WAF environments exist which share libraries (ex: EKDLIB). If you have multiple environ- ments and do not plan to migrate them simultaneously, you will need to have at least 2 copies of all the non-file libraries, one which would stay at V4R3 code level and one which would be migrated to the V5R1 level. Then the related job description/library list for each environment would need to be updated accordingly. 2. If you share the libraries other than the file library (in other words, EKDLIBTXT, EKDLIB, EKDGPL, EKDAPI and EKDEXIT are shared) among multiple WAF environments, then once you migrate one by running EKDPTF, there is no need to run EKDPTF for the other WAF environments. There is always the need to run EKDPOST for each environment migrating, however. _____________________________________________________________________ Section 5: Getting Help ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Call IBM support to report defects and for service and technical support. Telephone in the USA and Canada: 1-800-237-5511 2. Online publications for Content Manager/400 and WAF can be viewed or printed by accessing the Content Manager for iSeries Library web page at the following site: These books are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Especially helpful might be the publication named ekds5mst, IBM ImagePlus Workfolder Application Facility for AS/400, V4.1 System Administration Guide (SC34-4625-00). This covers how to set up, use, and maintain the WAF for AS/400 product. It includes information about menus and panels. This publication applies to WAF V5R1 as well. _____________________________________________________________________ Section 6: WAF Customers that use NON-US English manus and panels ______________________________________________________________________ 1. The WAF "feature" code will NOT be translated after CM/400 V4R1. If you want the WAF Menus and Panels in your language (NON- US English), you must SAVE the EKDLIBTXT library BEFORE you install the WAF PTF (SH15232). Then restore the EKDLIBTXT library AFTER you run the WAF PTF. This will enable the menu and panels to be in your existing language. NOTE: Your TXT file may be called something other then EKDLIBTXT. _____________________________________________________________________ Trademarks _____________________________________________________________________ The following are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: - AntiVirus - Application Systems/400, AS/400 - Client Access - IBM - ImagePlus - Operating System/400, OS/400 - Personal Communications The following are trademarks of other companies: - Adobe, Acrobat, Acrobat Reader (Adobe Systems, Inc) - ISIS (Pixel Translations) - Rumba (Walldata) - Windows and Windows NT (Microsoft Corporation) 11/04/02